首页 2011-安徽芜湖中考数学



2011-安徽芜湖中考数学2011-安徽芜湖中考数学 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from t...

2011-安徽芜湖中考 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 二、填空 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.)将正确的答案填在题中的横线上( ,,11((2011安徽芜湖,11,5分)一个角的补角是,这个角是 ( 3635 ,,【答案】 14325 32212((2011安徽芜湖,12,5分)因式分解 = ( xxyxy,,2 2【答案】 xxy(), 237,xy,,,13((2011安徽芜湖,13,5分)方程组的解是 ( ,xy,,38., x,5,,【答案】 ,y,,1., bab,,2814((2011安徽芜湖,14,5分)已知、为两个连续的整数,且,则a ab,, ( 【答案】11 15. (2011安徽芜湖,15,5分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中有一正方形AOBC,反比例函数 ky,经过正方形AOBC对角线的交点,半径为(422,)的圆内切于?ABC则k的值,x 为 ( 【答案】4 16. (2011安徽芜湖,16,5分)如图,在正方形ABCD内有一折线段,其中AE?EF,EF?FC,并且AE=6,EF=8,FC=10,则正方形与其外接圆之间形成的阴影部分的面积为___________. 80160,,【答案】 三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共80分.)解答应写明文字说明和运算步骤. 17((本题共两小题,每小题6分,满分12分) digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 15201130,,,(1) (2011安徽芜湖,17?,6分)计算: ,,,,,,(1)()(cos68)338sin60,2 3解: 原式 ,,,83,,,,,,,1813382 351,x,,?,(2) (2011安徽芜湖,17?,6分)求满足不等式组的整数解. ,51812.x,,?, x,2x,6解: 由?得, 由?得. 所以满足不等式组x的整数解为3、4、5、6. 18. (本小题满分8分) (2011安徽芜湖,18,8分)如图,某校数学兴趣小组的同学欲测量一座垂直于地面的古 45:BA塔BD的高度,他们先在A处测得古塔顶端点D的仰角为,再沿着的方向后退20mC30:31.732,至处,测得古塔顶端点D的仰角为.求该古塔BD的高度(,结果保留一位小数). AC,20m.解:根据题意可知: ,,:,,:BADBCD45,30. Rt?ABDABBD,在中,由得. ,,,,:BADBDA45, BDBDRt?BDCtan,,BCDBCBD,,3.在中,由.得 BCtan30: 20BCABAC,,320BDBD,,又?,?.?(m). BD,,27.3 31, 答:该古塔的高度约为27.3m. 19. (本小题满分8分) (2011安徽芜湖,19,8分)某中学开展“唱红歌”比赛活动,九年级(1)、(2)班根据初赛成绩,各选出5名选手参加复赛,两个班各选出的5名选手的复赛成绩(满分为100分)如图所示. digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and (1)根据图示填写下表; 班级 平均数(分) 中位数(分) 众数(分) 九(1) 85 85 九(2) 80 (2)结合两班复赛成绩的平均数和中位数,分析哪个班级的复赛成绩较好; (3)计算两班复赛成绩的方差. 12222(方差公式:) sxxxxxx,,,,,,,?[()()()]n12n 解:(1)填表: 班级 平均数(分) 中位数(分) 众数(分) 九(1) 85 九(2) 85 100 (2)九(1)班成绩好些.因为两个班级的平均数都相同,九(1)班的中位数高,所以在平均数相同的情况下中位数高的九(1)班成绩好些. 22222(7585)(8085)(8585)(8585)(10085),,,,,,,,,2(3), s,,7015 22222(7085)(10085)(10085)(7585)(8085),,,,,,,,,2. s,,16025 20. (本小题满分8分) (2011安徽芜湖,20,8分)如图,用两段等长的铁丝恰好可以分别围成一个正五边形和一 22x,17xx,2个正六边形,其中正五边形的边长为()cm,正六边形的边长为()cm.求这两段铁丝的总长. (0)其中x, 22x,17xx,2解:由已知得,正五边形周长为5()cm,正六边形周长为6()cm. 22()517=2xxx,,6()因为正五边形和正六边形的周长相等,所以.整理得22xx,,,12850()x+6=121xx=5=,-17, 配方得,解得(舍去).故正五边形的周长为12 25517=,,()210(cm).又因为两段铁丝等长,所以这两段铁丝的总长为420cm. 答:这两段铁丝的总长为420cm. 21. (本小题满分8分) digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and (2011安徽芜湖,21,8分)如图,在梯形ABCD中,DC‖AB,AD=BC, BD平分 ,CFBD,,,,ABCA,60.过点D作,过点C作,垂足分别为E、F,连接EF,DEAB, 求证:为等边三角形. ?DEF ,证明: 因为DC‖AB,, ADBCA,,,,60 ,所以. ,,,,ABCA60 ,ABC又因为BD平分,所以 1, ,,,,,,ABDCBDABC30.2 ,CBCD,.因为DC‖AB,所以,,,,BDCABD30,所以 所以 ,,,CBDCDB, CFBD,DFBFEF,,.DEAB,因为,所以F为BD中点,又因为,所以 ,,?DEF,,ABD30,,BDE60 由,得,所以为等边三角形. 22.(本小题满分10分) (2011安徽芜湖,22,10分)在复习《反比例函数》一课时,同桌的小明和小芳有一个问题 ,6六个整数中任取一个数,第一个数作为点观点不一致.小明认为如果两次分别从1 12y,Pmn,Pmn,Pmn,的横坐标,第二个数作为点的纵坐标,则点在反比例函数,,,,,,x 6y,的图象上的概率一定大于在反比例函数的图象上的概率,而小芳却认为两者的概率相x 同.你赞成谁的观点, Pmn,(1)试用列表或画树状图的方法列举出所有点的情形; ,, Pmn,(2)分别求出点在两个反比例函数的图象上的概率,并说明谁的观点正确. ,, )列表如下: 解:(1 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 第二个数 1 2 3 4 5 6 第一个数 (1,1 ) (1,2 ) (1,3 ) (1,4 ) (1,5 ) (1,6) 1 (2,1 ) (2,2 ) (2,3 ) (2,4 ) (2,5 ) (2,6) 2 (3,1 ) (3,2 ) (3,3 ) (3,4 ) (3,5 ) (3,6) 3 (4,1 ) (4,2 ) (4,3 ) (4,4 ) (4,5 ) (4,6) 4 (5,1) (5,2) (5,3 ) (5,4 ) (5,5 ) (5,6) 5 (6,1 ) (6,2) (6,3 ) (6,4 ) (6,5 ) (6,6) 6 画树状图如下: (2)由树状图或表格可知,点共有36种可能的结果,且每种结果出现的可能性相Pmn,,, 12同,点(3y,,4),(4,3),(2,6),(6,2)在反比例函数的图象上,点 (2,3),(3,2),x 6126y,y,y,Pmn,(1,6),(6,1)在反比例函数的图象上, 故点在反比例函数和,,xxx 41,.的图象上的概率相同,都是所以小芳的观点正确. 369 23. (本小题满分12分) PA(2011安徽芜湖,23,12分)如图,已知直线交?O于A、B两点,AE是?O的直 CDPA,径,点C为?O上一点,且AC平分?PAE,过C作,垂足为D. (1) 求证:CD为?O的切线; (2) 若DC+DA=6,?O的直径为10,求AB的长度. ,,,OCAOAC.解:(1)证明:连接OC,因为点C在?O上,OA=OC,所以 ,,CDPA,,,CDA90,,,,CADDCA90因为,所以,有.因为AC平分 ,,,DACCAO.?PAE,所以所以 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DCODCAACODCACAODCADAC90. 又因为点C在?O上,OC为?O的半径,所以CD为?O的切线. ,OFAB,,,,,,,OCDCDAOFD90(2)解:过O作,垂足为F,所以, digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 所以四边形OCDF为矩形,所以 OCFDOFCD,,,. ADx,OFCDx,,,6.因为DC+DA=6,设,则 DFOC,,5AFx,,5因为?O的直径为10,所以,所以. 222Rt?AOF在中,由勾股定理知 AFOFOA,,. 2225625.,,,,xx即化简得, xx,,,11180,,,, x,205,,xx,2解得或x=9.由,知,故. ADDF, AF,,,523.从而AD=2, OFAB,ABAF,,26.因为,由垂径定理知F为AB的中点,所以 24((本小题满分14分) ABOC(2011安徽芜湖,24,14分)平面直角坐标系中,如图放置,点A、C的坐标 ,,,90: ABOC分别为、,将此平行四边形绕点O顺时针旋转,得到. (0,3)(1,0), ,(1)若抛物线过点,求此抛物线的解析式; CAA,, ,,,, ABOC ABOC?OCD(2)求和重叠部分的周长; ,AMA(3)点M是第一象限内抛物线上的一动点,问:点M在何处时?的面积最大, M最大面积是多少,并求出此时点的坐标. ,,, ABOC ABOC解: (1)?(0,3)由旋转得到,且点A的坐标为, ,,A(3,0)CAA(1,0),(0,3),(3,0),?点的坐标为. 所以抛物线过点. digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and abc,,,0a,,1,, ,,2c,3b,2设抛物线的解析式为,可得 解得 yaxbxca,,,,(0),, ,,930abc,,,c,3,, 2,? 过点的抛物线的解析式为. CAA,,yxx,,,,23 ABCO?,,,,:OABAOC90(2)因为,所以. 2222,OB,,,,,,OCDOCAB所以.又, OAAB,,,,1310 ,,,,,,CODBOACODBOAOCOC,,1, ????. 又. ,,?的周长CODOC1ABO?. 又?的周长为410,, ,,?的周长BOAOB10 4+10210,COD所以?的周长为. =1+510 OM(3),解法1,连接,设M点的坐标为mn,, ,, 2因为点M在抛物线上,所以nmm,,,,23,所以 111'' SSSS,,,,,,,,,OAmOAnOAOA'???AMAAMOAOA''?OMA222 239333327,,2,,,,,,mnmn3 ,,,,,,,,,,,mmm3.,,,,2222228,, 31527,0<<3mn,AMA.m,因为,所以当时,. ?的面积有最大值 482 31527,AMA.(,)所以当点M的坐标为时,?的面积有最大值,且最大值为 824 ,,AAykxl,,AA,(0,3),(3,0) [解法2]设直线的解析式为,?点的坐标分别为,? digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and l,3,k,,1,,, 解得 ?. yx,,,3,,l,3.30.kl,,,, ,将直线向右平移,当直线与抛物线只有一个交点M时与y轴交于点P,此时最AAS,AMA? 2,yxx,,,,23,大,设平移后的直线的解析式为:,则有: 得yxh,,,,yxh,,,., 2, xxh,,,,3(3+)0 21令,得. h,,,,,,,94(3)0h4 3,2x,,,yxx,,,,23,,31521,,2?.解得 ?点M坐标为,点P的坐标为(0,). (,),,2115424yx,,,.,,y,.,4,,4 ,,,因为MP?AAMAAPAA,所以?与?同底等高,它们面积相等. 121127SSSS,,,,,,,,,,故. 333,,,,????AMAPAAPOAAOA2428 31527,AMA.所以当点M的坐标为时,?的面积有最大值,且最大值为 (,)824 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by
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