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安全风险评估报告安全风险评估报告 附件2: 叙利亚修井项目安全风险评估报告 1 项目基本情况 1.1项目甲乙方、相关方情况 项目甲方中石化国际勘探开发公司叙利亚公司。 项目乙方为河南油田分公司井下作业处。 1.2项目来源及主要施工区域 该项目是中石化国际勘探开发公司承包的叙利亚Oudeh和Tishrine油田~两油田相距约120km ~Oudeh油田位于叙北部农业区~地势平坦~自然环境较好~距土耳其边境2km。海拔350-400m~夏季较热~冬季最低可到-5?。工区道路交通情况良好~国家高速公路从油田穿过~Tish...

安全风险评估 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 附件2: 叙利亚修井项目安全风险评估报告 1 项目基本情况 1.1项目甲乙方、相关方情况 项目甲方中石化国际勘探开发公司叙利亚公司。 项目乙方为河南油田分公司井下作业处。 1.2项目来源及主要施工区域 该项目是中石化国际勘探开发公司承包的叙利亚Oudeh和Tishrine油田~两油田相距约120km ~Oudeh油田位于叙北部农业区~地势平坦~自然环境较好~距土耳其边境2km。海拔350-400m~夏季较热~冬季最低可到-5?。工区道路交通情况良好~国家高速公路从油田穿过~Tishrine油田位于伊拉克沙漠延伸的过渡带上~距伊拉克边界30km~地势稍有起伏~植被很少~工区道路交通情况良好。 1.3施工队伍基本情况 中方人员24人~其中项目组4人~现场中方雇员20人~当地雇员46人~分白班和夜班~2个小修作业队。 需投入设备主要有60吨修井机二台~120吨修井机一台~500泥浆泵二台~发电机五台~吊车一台~叉车一台~自吊车一台~资产原值约 3100万元。 2 项目总体安全形势 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 2.1 项目所在国安全风险分析 2.1.1阿拉伯叙利亚面积,,.,万平方公里,含戈兰高地,。位于亚洲大陆西部~地中海东岸。北与土耳其接壤~东同伊拉克交界~南与约旦毗连~西南与黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦为邻~西与塞浦路斯隔地中海相望~人口1839.2万~阿拉伯人占80,poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 以上~其他还有库尔德人、亚美尼亚人、土库曼人和彻尔克斯人等。阿拉伯语为国语,通用英语和法语。 2.1.2叙利亚地处中东热点地区~紧邻伊拉克、黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦~并与以色列长期处于敌对状态~安全形势较为严峻~但叙政府掌控治安能力较强~社会治安状况较好。 2.1.3叙利亚存在的主要风险:政治风险:虽然叙利亚国内局势稳定~但其地处中东地区~因该地区局势不断变化~与以色列长期处于敌对状态~东部与伊拉克接壤~又是美国制裁的国家之一~地区安全局势严峻~不排除战争风险。 同时由于此次是从西方某国家能源公司收购~能源争夺日益激烈~导致某些国家利益受损~所以他们会采取各种方式阻挠~并有可能会雇佣当地一些社会成员进行宣传~甚至煽动个别极端分子进行破坏活动。医疗卫生风险:据国际SOS组织分析~叙利亚医生国家风险等级为中等~虽然叙当地夏季干燥炎热~冬季雨量较少~蚊虫较少~没有特别突出的地方病~但国际SOS组织提醒去叙旅游、施工人员要预防疟疾~肝炎等疾病。在叙利亚~公立医院医疗条件一般~但私立医院医疗条件较好~所以没有大的医疗卫生风险。自然灾害:地处沙漠边缘主要有沙尘暴~印度洋飓风偶有光顾~但威力大减~应及时取得当地天气预报信息。 2.2 施工区域安全形势 该项目施工区域Oudeh油田位于叙北部农业区~ Tishrine油田位于伊拉克沙漠延伸的过渡带上~距伊拉克边界30km~两地区政治形势都较稳定~叙居民持枪属非法行为~当地很少发生偷盗、抢劫事件~晚上可以自由外出~目前~叙社会治安状况良好~ the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary very, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solvef delit subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope ont poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direcstude harge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms oferty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of ccommerce platform to escape poverty. In pov-credit support, helping them to use e-rt help for poor families, the provision of microementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online suppoaccelerate the implcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-ects, poor. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projroads 2 - 犯罪率较低~当地人对中国人非常友好。在叙利亚没有见到住家、办公场所安装护栏的~别墅很少有门卫和保镖~大街小巷停满高档轿车~目标油田区域治安也良好。 3 社会安全,或称公共安全,分析 3.1政治环境 叙利亚地处亚、欧、非洲边缘~有着欧洲、非洲、和阿拉伯的传统文化~阿拉伯人占叙利亚总人口80%以上~有14%的居民信奉基督教和犹太教徒。这种地缘文化决定了叙利亚人民包容、友善、纯朴~对中国人热情友好~刑事犯罪案件很少。因此叙利亚少有民族冲突。宪法规定伊斯兰教法是立法的主要根据~是典型的政教合一的国家~政治环境较好。 3.2 宗教情况 居民中,,,信奉伊斯兰教~,,,信奉基督教。其中~伊斯兰教逊尼派占,,,,约占全国人口的,,,,~什叶派占,,,~在什叶派中阿拉维派占,,,,约占全国人口的11.5,,。 3.3 民族情况 叙利亚总人口1839.2万~其中阿拉伯人占,,,以上~还有库尔德人、亚美尼亚人、土库曼人和彻尔克斯人等。 3.4非政府武装组织 由于叙利亚是政教合一的国家~阿拉伯人占,,,以上~居民中,,,信奉伊斯兰教~非政府武装没有生存环境~因此没有形成有较大影响的地方武装组织~但叙国内存在反对派~非法武装活动较为频繁~恐怖袭击事件偶有发生~政府部门和主要机构大多有持枪警察昼夜护卫。 3.5社会治安 3.5.1恐怖活动及趋势分析 2006.9月4名恐怖分子驾车硬闯美国驻叙使馆~企图制造爆 lopment of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to suppodeve rise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages,financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterp rms ofnal college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In tet, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocatioing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employmencommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-on of microrovisie "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the pp "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerccommerce business park, active docking Alibaba grou-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-rt conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 3 - 炸~他们虽然全被击毙~没有造成一名美国人死伤~但这一行动充分显示了国际恐怖势力与美国为敌到底的决心~因此极具震撼力。 搜索几年来新闻~叙利亚还没有针对外资企业的恐怖袭击活动的报道。 但应考虑恐怖分子或伊斯兰极端组织人员通过伊拉克边境越境袭击中资企业和中方人员以及其他形式的偶然袭击行为。 3.5.2 施工区域分析 根据我油田派往叙利亚考察团考察资料显示~我们将施工的两个油田区域内社会治安状况都比较好~刑事犯罪案件很少。 3.6社区关系 自,,,,年,月,日正式建立外交关系以来~中国与叙利亚一直在国际政治舞台上相互理解~相互支持。阿拉伯人占叙利亚总人口80%以上~有14%的居民信奉基督教和犹太教徒。这种地缘文化决定了叙利亚人民包容、友善、纯朴~对中国人热情友好~社区关系良好。 4 自然灾害 叙利亚西南部紧靠黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦地区为高山~谢赫山海拔2814米~东北部2/3地区地势平坦。冬季湿润~夏季干燥炎热。首都大马士革地区每年170毫米降雨量~东南部沙漠地区年平均降雨量为100毫米~自然灾害如风沙、暴雨、泥石流等危害较小。 5 公共卫生 叙利亚属欠发达农业国家~工业基础比较落后~公共卫生体系不健全~尤其公立医院医疗设施不齐全~标准较低~公共卫生条件中等~但地理位臵和气候决定了叙利亚国没有明显的、大的流行病和传染病。 6 项目安全风险评估 6.1基地 roadsthe bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary very, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solvef delit subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope ont poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direcstude harge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms oferty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of ccommerce platform to escape poverty. In pov-credit support, helping them to use e-rt help for poor families, the provision of microementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online suppoaccelerate the implcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-ects, poor. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction proj 4 - 项目部人员集中在国工营地~保安24小时值守~安保 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 齐全~通讯联络方便。主要风险为食物中毒~肝炎~蚊虫叮咬。 6.2 现场及营地 6.2.1 道路交通 油区道路交通较为方便~四通八达~周围是戈壁滩~视野开阔~没有遮挡物~主要风险就是高速行车引发的交通事故。 6.2.2基础设施 营地是敞开式营房~现场是轮式野营房~晚上探照灯照明~配有当地移动电话。主要风险有井喷、HS 中毒、火灾、触电等石2 油行业固有风险。 6.2.3安全保卫 营地安全保卫工作雇佣当地保安~24小时值守~当地人进入营地应严格控制并及时通报~征得中方相关人员同意后方可进入。 7 评估结论 7.1国际SOS组织2009年4月对叙利亚的安全风险等级评定为低级, 7.2叙利亚政局稳定~没有突出的民族矛盾~没有战争迹象, 7.3社会治安状况较好~刑事犯罪案件很少~创造了良好的施工环境, 7.4社区关系良好~当地人对中国人热情友好。 8 对该项目的建议 8.1但由于文化背景、地域差异~有可能引起小的冲突~甚至 个别人员有排外情绪和行为~这都是不可避免的~另外语言交流沟通能力不够~劳资纠纷等等均是矛盾突出点~要加强学习~避免矛盾激化, 8.2项目部要坚持“预防为主”的原则~建立健全社会安全共防机制~努力拓宽信息渠道~广泛收集社会安全及公共卫生等方 -rt conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorlopment of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to suppodeve rise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages,financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterp rms ofnal college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In tet, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocatioing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employmencommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-on of microrovisie "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the pp "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerccommerce business park, active docking Alibaba grou-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e 5 - 面的情报信息~及时做好防控工作, 8.3按照勘探局外出施工队伍HSE管理规定~项目配备专职安全监督~各施工队伍配备专职安全管理人员~全面负责该项目的社会安全及生产安全的协调与管理, 8.4实行员工本地化战略~项目上只配备必要的管理人员和技术人员~施工作业人员尽量在当地雇佣~在中方人员数量上减少安全风险, 8.5该项目启动后~根据施工区域的实际情况进行现场勘查~制定并不断完善各类突发事件应急处臵程序~详细设计好紧急撤离及紧急救护 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~确保紧急情况下的正确有效应对, 8.6应加强石油行业固有的工业安全风险管理, 8.7必须做好项目安全保卫工作 8.7.1加强人员素质教育~冲突时在确保自身安全的情况下尽量不与当地雇员发生摩擦~严格执行外出施工人员的安全管理规定, 8.7.2生产和生活物资的供应由当地服务公司办理~减少中方人员外出, 8.7.3该项目启动后~项目部要与甲方一起对现场环境进行踏勘、确认~共同协商、建立安全保卫方案~包括安全保卫力量的调动、协调及执行力等保卫工作承诺, 8.7.4处理好与当地政府、社区和当地雇员的关系~我们的工作离不开他们的帮助和支持~尤其是需要得到所有雇员和当地居民的理解、关心和支持, 8.7.5定期组织对该项目进行现状安全评估~完善应急措施~加强应急演练~提高应急反应能力。 very, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solvef delit subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope ont poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direcstude harge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms oferty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of ccommerce platform to escape poverty. In pov-credit support, helping them to use e-rt help for poor families, the provision of microementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online suppoaccelerate the implcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-ects, poor. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projroadsthe bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary 6 -
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