首页 授导型教案及课堂电子讲稿



授导型教案及课堂电子讲稿授导型教案及课堂电子讲稿 教学设计表 大悟县三里中学 八年级物理 张俊敏 计划 2课时 章节名称 《质量》 学时 本节包括三部分内容,即质量的初步概念,质量的单位和如何用天平测量质量。 质量的概念:物体所含物质的多少,是本节的难点,学生理解起来比较困难,所以通学习内容过多举例子,让学生区分物体和物质,使学生建立起质量的概念。对于质量的单位, 通过列举一些物体的质量并进行单位换算,使学生对物体质量的尺度有大致的了解。分 析 对于质量有大体的概念后,通过估计物体的质量并进行测量,学习用天平的测量质量。 在进行...

授导型 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 及课堂电子讲稿 教学设计表 大悟县三里中学 八年级物理 张俊敏 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 2课时 章节名称 《质量》 学时 本节包括三部分内容,即质量的初步概念,质量的单位和如何用天平测量质量。 质量的概念:物体所含物质的多少,是本节的难点,学生理解起来比较困难,所以通学习内容过多举例子,让学生区分物体和物质,使学生建立起质量的概念。对于质量的单位, 通过列举一些物体的质量并进行单位换算,使学生对物体质量的尺度有大致的了解。分 析 对于质量有大体的概念后,通过估计物体的质量并进行测量,学习用天平的测量质量。 在进行测量的过程中,要求学生一边进行实验一边思考,掌握正确的操作。 学习者分质量的概念学生理解起来比较困难,掌握用天平测量物体的质量是学生较困难的但又 必须掌握的。 析 课程标准:了解质量的概念及单位,掌握天平的使用。 知识与技能: ?知道质量的初步概念以及单位。 ?通过实际操作,掌握天平的使用方法。 教学目标 ?学会测量固体和液体的质量。 过程与方法: ?通过观察、实验,认识质量是不随物体的形状、状态、地理位置而变化的物理量。 情感、态度与价值观: ?通过天平使用的技能训练,培养学生严谨的科学态度与协作精神。 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 重 点:质量的单位和如何用天平测量质量。 教学重点 解决措施:对于质量的单位,通过列举一些物体的质量并进行单位换算,使学生对物及解决措体质量的尺度有大致的了解。对于质量有大体的概念后,通过估计物体的质量并进行 测量,学习用天平的测量质量。在进行测量的过程中,要求学生一边进行实验一边思施 考,掌握正确的操作。 教学难点 难 点:质量的概念 及解决措 解决措施:通过多举例子,让学生区分物体和物质,使学生建立起质量的概念。 施 教 学 设 计 思 路 依据的理 联系生活实际~循序渐进 论 信息技术应用分析 知识点 学习水平 媒体内容与形式 使用方式 使用效果 引起学生兴趣~质量的知道质量的初促进学生积极 使用投影仪显参与课堂活动~概念 步概念 计算机、投影仪 示出演示文稿引导学生在情 的内容 景中学物理,在质量的知道质量的 生活中感知物单位 单位 理。 ions between cadres and the masses.relat pulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, closeious organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out com, varint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvementreporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to jo Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely 2depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.-villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inand of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streetsthe existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find outArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within 通过实际操 作,掌握天平天平 的使用方法。的使学会测量固 用 体和液体的 质量 教学过程 教学环教学内所用教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 节 容 时间 创 请同学们观看这样一组图 片。 设 提问:你从中可以发现什情 么信息, 学生观看,并 思考。 学生回答:蔬景 日常生活中的教师进一步引导:500g、菜的价格、水现象,学生比较600g还指蔬菜和水果的什 果的价格„„ 熟悉,激发学生么, 的学习兴趣,同复习及导 生答:质量。 5分钟 时提出问题,引 入新课 入课题。 引 学生抢答:单 提问:对于质量你都知道位等。 些什么, 生答:想。 你们想知道有关质量的一入 些知识吗, 我们这节课就一起来学习 质量的有关知识。 新 从而引入新课。 板 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf :一、质量及其测量 课 and the masses. e old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadreslp thitutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to heto true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and inst linkedhuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package e regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never sFunctions of th the c em of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation andity, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibil3he quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.depth, meticulous work, t-nity would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inity, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the commu 通过一个小的(质量 活动,激发学生 提问:同学们玩过橡皮泥吗, 的激情。调动学生答:玩过。 生好胜的天性, 你能用橡皮泥捏成什么, 为下面的教学实 打下基础。 每小组用橡皮泥捏成一大一小两学生回答很多。 个物体,看哪个小组捏得又快又好~ 巡视,指导个别小组。 验 请学生展示本小组的作品。(实物 学生纷纷动手捏。 投影几组) 探 教师在此处的 学生进行评比。 讲解:同学们捏好的有形状的成品作用只是引导, 称物体;把组成这种物体的材料叫让学生多说多 物质。 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 。 究 由橡皮泥组成的。 提问:你手中的物体是有什么物质 组成的, 提问:你们手中一大一小两个物体新授:质量生答:大的用的橡在用料上有什么区别, 30 皮泥多;小的用的及其测量 橡皮泥少。 投影:大的含有的橡皮泥多 解 小的含有的橡皮泥少 出示一把铁锤和一个铁钉。 决 生答:都是由铁组 提问:这两个物体有什么相同点, 成的。 用铁的多少相同吗, 问 学生回答:不同。 铁锤的多,铁钉的 投影:铁锤含有的铁多 充分发动学生, 少。 教师在此不要 铁钉含有的铁少 发表意见,解决题 学生回答。 不了的问题,教 请学生找出以上四个例子中的物师要想法引导 体和物质。 好。 生在老师的引导下 以上四个例子说明什么,(引导学 回答:不同物体含生回答) 有物质的多少同。 师总结:这也就反映了物体本身的 ions between cadres and the masses.relat pulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, closeious organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out com, varint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvementreporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to jo Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely 4depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.-villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inand of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streetsthe existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find outArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within 一种性质,物理学中引入质量这个培养学生自学 物理量来区分物体的这种性质。 的能力。 学生根据教师的引 提问:同学们能根据大屏幕上的分 导回答。 析说出质量的定义吗,(教师引导) 板书:一、质量 学生根据质量的英 1(定义:物体含有物质的多少 语单词说出质量的 把所学知识用表示符号。 2(请学生打开课本阅读,找出与于生活,学以致 质量有关的一些知识。 用。 学生阅读。寻找需 要的知识。 巡视。 学生把从中获得的 学生阅读完后,请学生把从中获得 质量的定义、单位的知识与同学分享。 及单位换算与同学 分享。 生边说师边板书。 板书: 学生根据生活经 3(单位:国际制:千克 ? 验,填写单位并进从实验中发现行单位换算。 常 用:克 g 毫克 mg 问题,激发学生 的求知欲。 学生踊跃地进行3 吨 t 1t=10 估计。 -3-6 1g=10 1mg=10 老师出示一组图片,只有数字没有学生进行交流,发单位,请学生帮忙填上单位并进行 现同一个物体估计单位换算。 的质量都不同。 请学生举出生活中与质量有关的 信息。 请学生用手掂掂实验桌上的物品, 估计他们的质量。 请学生把自己的估计质量跟同学 们交流。 教师提出:想知道谁的估计本领最 and the masses. e old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadreslp thitutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to heto true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and inst linkedhuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package e regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never sFunctions of th 5he quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.depth, meticulous work, t-nity would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inity, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the commuthe c em of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation andity, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibil 高吗,你有什么办法, 请学生想一下,日常生活中都有那学生踊跃回答:用 些测量质量的工具, 天平、秤等工具进 行测量。 老师展示各种测量质量的工具。 学生回答,但不全 提问:实验室通常用什么来测量质面。 量, 生答:天平。 天平的使用中 板书: 要充分调动学 学生回答不全,请 二、测量 生的积极性,发其他同学补充。 挥学生的主动 1(测量工具:天平 性。 让学生认识天平,出示天平,请学学生发现铭牌。说 生说出天平的构造。 出铭牌的含义。不 完整的,请其他同 结构观察完后,请学生继续观察,学补充。 目的使他们能发现铭牌。并请学生 说明铭牌的含义。 总结:称量: 学生通过讨论回答 天平的调节。学生 感量:分度值 回答不全的,请其 他同学给予补充。 请学生观察天平标尺上的分度值。 认识天平后,请学生说一下在使用 前如何调节天平。并提问每步调节。 学生讨论回答。不 全其他同学补充。 教师总结学生的结论。 板书: 学生回答。 2(天平的使用: 使用前:调平衡 学生回答。其他学 天平调节平衡后,如何正确使用天生补充完整。 平进行测量, 师总结学生的结论。 多选几组进行 ions between cadres and the masses.relat pulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, closeious organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out com, varint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvementreporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to jo Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely 6depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.-villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inand of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streetsthe existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find outArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within 板书: 学生进行实验。 交流,使结论更 具有代表性。 使用时:(四步) 提问:游码在标尺上的读数时应该学生实验完,展示 怎样读,(此处说明不用估读) 自己组的实验据。 再请学生说一下,使用天平还应注 意什么问题, 请学生进行实验一、二,橡皮泥变 学生讨论得结论: 形前后的质量是否变化。 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 好实 物体形状变了,质验数据。 量不变。 教师巡视,指导。 提问:根据你们组的数据,你能得 学生得出结论:物出什么结论, 体的状态变了,质 进行实验三、四冰化成水测其质量量不变。 看其质量是否发生变化。记录实验 数据。 学生交流得出结 出示“嫦娥一号”宇宙飞船位置变 论:物体的位置变了质量是否发生变化, 了质量不变。 引导学生得出结论。 板书: 三、质量是物体本身的一种属性。 课 创设情境 质量的概念 天平的认识堂 引入新课 质量的单位 和使用 ? ? 教 学 天平的操作及对流 课后总结与 特殊物体的称量 反思 ? ? 程 图 and the masses. e old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadreslp thitutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to heto true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and inst linkedhuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package e regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely reporting, never sFunctions of th nity would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inity, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streets and villages, the commuthe c em of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of remediation andity, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibil7he quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.depth, meticulous work, t- 本节重点:质量定义的得出,以及通过测量得出质量是物质本身的一种属性。 天平的使用方法。 一、质量 1(定义 :物体含有物质的多少 2(单位:国际制:千克kg m 教 3-3-6 常 用:克g、毫克mg、吨t 1t=10kg 1g=10kg 1mg=10kg 学 二、质量的测量 反 思 1(工具:天平 2(天平的使用: 使用前:调平衡 使用时:四步 三、质量是物体本身的一种属性 作 业教材上本节后的“动手动脑学物理”2、3两题。 布 置 ions between cadres and the masses.relat pulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, closeious organs and institutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out com, varint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvementreporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to jo Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timely 8depth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks.-villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an inand of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number. The township, streetsthe existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find outArea should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within
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