首页 2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书unit8adventure.doc



2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书unit8adventure.doc2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书unit8adventure.doc Unit 8 Adventure 【美文阅读】 你体验过瞬间刺激的冒险运动吗,蹦极就是一个不错的选择,尝试之前先来品味一番下 文作者蹦极时心惊肉跳的感受吧~ I never thought that it absolutely needed lots of courage to decide,“Should I jump,or should I wait until someone pushes me or ev...

2013-2014学年 高中英语 高中英语pdf课本高中英语知识点整理高中英语选修六单词表高中英语组教学计划高中英语必修4课件 北师大版必修三教师用书unit8adventure.doc Unit 8 Adventure 【美文阅读】 你体验过瞬间刺激的冒险运动吗,蹦极就是一个不错的选择,尝试之前先来品味一番下 文作者蹦极时心惊肉跳的感受吧~ I never thought that it absolutely needed lots of courage to decide,“Should I jump,or should I wait until someone pushes me or even to tell me NO REFUND AT ALL~” At the same time,a couple of Americans shouted at me“Hurry up~”Perhaps they didn't want to wait and take turns.All I could hear was the voice from the safety crew standing next to me saying,“Relax.Breathe deeply.Look at those beautiful mountains in the distance...Five.Four.Three.Two.One.Jump~” Ironically(讽刺地),his final countdown didn't work because we were all still standing right there,right on the small platform located on the top of the hill above Queenstown,South Island of New Zealand. People know Queenstown is famous for this thrilling activity,even though there are other things worth seeing and fun to do there.But only bungee jumping appeals to me.Once I arrived there,I dragged my best friend to join the list of crazy guys who love bungee jumping.Well,as soon as I stepped on the tiny walkway leading to the platform,all my heroic bravery was gone and seemed to be left at the registry(登记) counter of the shop on the ground when I paid the money. Looking downwards along my heavy path,I realized,“Gee,it's amazingly high from the ground,maybe I should simply waste the money in order to save my life~”But,at last,I closed my eyes and then jumped. I started to scream louder and louder in my heart but concealed this feeling by making no sounds at all outside.I had already been very embarrassed to linger(逗留)there at the edge the moment before,and thus I had to be a bit cool through the whole process of jumping to save face. Being up side down,hanging in the sky was not fun at all.The most memorable second was the time before and right after I jumped.That's my best conclusion from the bittersweet experience of bungee jumping. 【诱思导学】 1(Why did the Americans shout at the author? 2(Hearing the final countdown,what did the author do? 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 3(Why did the author finally jump? 【答案】 1.Because they were waiting for their turns. 2(He didn't obey the order to jump down at once. (Because he didn't want to lose face before others. 3 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Period ?Previewing (教师用书独具) ?教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给内容的学习,了解下一课时即将出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,将对下一节课内容的全面理解起到了铺垫作用。 ?教学地位 此部分内容是是对下一课时的感悟和预习,合理利用本学案,能大大提升下一课时的课堂效率,有效促进学生对新 单元 初级会计实务单元训练题天津单元检测卷六年级下册数学单元教学设计框架单元教学设计的基本步骤主题单元教学设计 学习的热情,提升课堂的积极活跃程度,并能在课上能与老师形成较为默契的配合。 (教师用书独具) ?新课导入建议 让学生讨论个人的生活冒险经历及感受,直接导入新课。在设计这堂课时,要从激发学生探索未知世界的角度出发,介绍有关的词汇和表达,给学生布置具有一定挑战性的任务,让学生以生活冒险探索未知为题进行讨论或口笔头描述。 ?教学流程设计 导入新课。? 学生阅读“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第27页)。?学生就“美文阅读”进行讨论,统一答案。 ? 学生再次仔细阅读课文,(课本第22页)进行深夜理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第28—29页)。?师生共同讨论并统一答案。?让学生快速阅读课文(见课本第22页)并完成“篇 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 章结构”(见学案第28页)。 ? 学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。?学生再次阅读课文(课本第22页)并完成“语篇理解”(见学案第28页)。?老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。 ? 让学生根据所给出的表格进行“自我评估”(见学案第29页)。?学生讨论,并让学生代表发表他们讨论得出的答案,老师予以更正。?让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第29页)。 ? 老师布置作业:让学生完成课文第22—23页第3、8课预习学案Period ?(见学案第29,36页)。 ?.篇章结构 根据P的Reading部分,在表格中填入恰当的单词或短语,每空不超过3个单词 22 Adventure in the Himalayas ?Walking along a mountain path,you feel 1. . Your ?The amazing Mount Qomolangma looks great. feeling ?While you are having a hot cup of tea,you relax and watch the sun go down. 2. who know all the best routes and best places to camp. Organisation All teams have cooks and of hikes 3. ,who help prepare delicious meals Information and 4. your luggage. about Adventure From London to Beijing,from Beijing to 5. Flights 2,000 arrangements and bus travel in Tibet. Comfortable hotels in Beijing and Lhasa, Accommodatihostels on the hiking trip,and one—or on two-person 6. for camping. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com If you like history,there is a trip to Western China.If you prefer to spend some time on the Information Extra offers coast,we can organise your travel and 7. about Adventure too. 2,000 Difficulty of Class A hike—you have to be 8. . hikes Class B and C hikes are easier. Costs:,2,500 9. all flights and Prices and accommodation. Costs and time dates 10. is 15 people.Hikes are between October and May. 【答案】 1.tired 2.Experienced guides 3.porters 4(carry 5.Lhasa 6.tents 7.accommodation 8.fit 9(including 10.Maximum group size ?.语篇理解 阅读P的Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案 22 1(Adventure 2000 is the name of . an organisation A( B(an extreme sport C(an international match 2(Unlike a lot of other hiking holidays,Adventure 2000 . A(never sounds interesting B(has experienced guides C(offers special services 3(If you join in Adventure 2000, . A(you must be fit B(you may live in the Tibetan local people's home C(you have to book tickets yourself 4(What information is NOT included in the passage? A(How much you will cost. B(When you can start your trip. C(What you should take with you. 5(The passage is most likely . A(a science report B(an advertisement 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com C(a piece of news 【答案】 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B ?.课文缩写 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语,完成下列短文 best places;luggage;go straight;fit;maximum;altitude;optional choices;in comfortable hotels;cooks and porters uncomfortable Hiking trips can be 1. and even dangerous.However,at Adventure 2000 the people there understand the needs of hikers.All the guides have much experience and they know all the best routes and 2. to camp.As well as the group guide,all teams have 3. ,who carry your 4. which means that you can simply enjoy the experience. The people there also think good arrangements are important.In Beijing and Lhasa,they have accommodation 5. .If you don't want to 6. home after the hiking,you have 7. .There is a trip to Western China or you can spend some time on the coast. There is a Class A hike—you have to be 8. .There are walks of six to eight hours, with a maximum 9. of over 5,000 metres.Hikes are between October and May and 10. group size is 15 people. 【答案】 1.uncomfortable 2.best places 3.cooks and porters 4.luggage 5.in comfortable hotels 6.go straight 7(optional choices 8.fit 9.altitude 10.maximum ?.词义搭配 1(major A. a way that you follow from one place to another 2(uncomfortable B(like better;value more highly 3(route C(feeling mental or physical discomfort 4(luggage D(very large or important 5(prefer E(cases used to carry belongings when traveling 6(maximum F(to be different from sb./sth. 7(differ G(the largest possible quantity or the greatest possible degree 【答案】 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B 6.G 7.F ?.短语填空 go down;as well as;right now;feel anxious;take off;on the horizon;look for;think about 1(When do you guess the airplane will , 2(They're on vacation in Hawaii . 3(It's too early to college. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 4(He shared in my sorrows in my joys. 5(We sat and watched the sun . 【答案】 1.take off 2.right now 3.think about 4.as well as 5.go down ?.句型背诵 1(And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience. 并且我们的搬运工为你搬运行李,这意味着你能尽情享受旅行。 2(There are walks of 6,8 hours most days,with a maximum altitude of 5,545 metres. 大多数时候,每天要在海拔高达5,545米的高原上步行6至8小时。 3(While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals. 在长途徒步中,厨师会准备好美味食品。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Period ?Warm-up & Adventure Holidays (教师用书独具) ?教学目标 1(熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。 2(通过对学案中重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和 短语,并能够运用这些词语造句。 3(通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次地理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理 解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。 4(通过对动作动词与状态动词的教学,让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识。 ?教学地位 词汇学习和记忆是英语学习的一个重要环节,在课堂教学中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和记忆英语单词和短语是本部分教学的重点所在。本课时的语法是动作动词与状态动词,应根据学生的实际基础状况做耐心细致的讲解。 (教师用书独具) ?新课导入建议 可以尝试用学生日常生活的话题互动式引入本课: T: I think most of us like going on a holiday in your daily life. Some activities in your holiday are very adventurous, do you think so? S: T:We know about all kinds of adventurous travel, exploration and extreme sports. What are your favorite adventurous stories in your holidays? Tell the class. Use some key words to help you. (Show some slides about adventurous activities) 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com S: T: Why do you like these activities? S: ?教学流程设计 老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。?导入新课。?让学生就“要点讲练”(见学案第29,34页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。 ? 让学生讨论完成“语法精析”部分(见学案第33,35页)并让各个讨论组发表各自见解。?老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的练习。?让学生针对各自不同的意见展开讨论,然后老师给出详细正确答案。 ? 老师对语法部分给以点拨,让学生掌握本单元语法知识。?让学生完成“当堂双基达标”(见学案第35,36页)。?师生共同讨论“当堂双基达标”,给出答案,并对难以理解的或有争议的地方给出详解。 ? 布置作业:让学生完成课本第66,67页第2、3、5题;完成“课时作业”并预习Period ?(见学案第36,42页)。?学生进行“自我评估”(见学案第36页)。 1(take off起飞 I've been on planes lots of times and it always feels great,especially when you take off~(教材P) 21 我曾经坐过许多次飞机,那种感觉好极了,特别是在起飞的时候。 Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane is taking off. 女士们,先生们,请系好安全带。飞机就要起飞了。 take off还有下列意思: 脱下(衣服),摘掉,休假,休息,迅速走红,开始成名 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com take after长得像,性格像 take down取下,记下 take in理解,领会,明白 take on从事(某项工作),呈现 take up占据,从事某项活动,发展某种爱好 take over接收,接管 The boy takes after his father. 这个男孩像他的父亲。 I will tell you how to get to the place;you'd better take it down. 我要告诉你怎么到那个地方,你最好记下来。 We could hardly take in what he was saying. 我们几乎不能理解他正在说的话。 【对接高考】 (2013?辽宁高考)Briggs will as general manager when Mitchell retires. A(get away B(take over C(set off D(run out 【解析】 get away意为“走开,逃脱惩罚”,take over意为“接管,接任”,set off 意为“出发,动身”,run out意为“用完,耗尽”。根据retires(退休)可得知答案。句意: 当Mitchell退休时~Briggs将会接任总经理的职务。 【答案】 B 用take短语完成下列句子 ?The policeman every detail of the accident. ?The lesson was too difficult for the class to . ?The plane despite the fog. ?When he left school he journalism. 【答案】 ?took down ?take in ?took off ?took up 2(major adj.较重要的;较严重的(教材P) 21 We have encountered major problems. 我们遇上了大问题。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com There is a major problem with parking in London. 在伦敦,停车是个很大的问题。 major vi.主修,专攻n.主修课程,专业学生 major in...主修,专政„„ major on...专门研究 My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。 完成句子 ?他在大学专修数学。 He in maths in college. ?她是历史专业的学生。 She is a . 【答案】 ?majored ?history major 3(tiring adj.令人疲劳的 Yes,but I think that travelling around for weeks would be quite tiring.(教材P) 21是的,但我想四处旅行数个星期会很疲乏。 A long row is very tiring. 长时间的划船是很累人的。 tired adj.累的 be tired from/with由于„„而累 be tired of厌倦 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com I am not really tired of being a teacher,but I am actually tired from it. 我不厌烦当老师,但是当老师确实使我很累。 Sooner or later he will be tired of politics. 迟早他会厌倦政治的。 tired/tiring/tiresome 意为“累了的”,表示人的一种感受,主语常为表示人的名词或代词;也可作定tired 语等。 “令人感到劳累的,(工作等)令人疲倦的,辛苦的,无聊的”,主语常为表示事tiring 物的名词或代词;tiring也可作定语或补语。 相当于annoying(令人烦恼的),tiring或uninteresting,用法与一般形容词相同。 tiresome We found his long speech very tiresome. 我们觉得他的长篇演说真叫人讨厌。 【教师备课资源】 tire v(使疲劳/累 tire sb.out使某人十分疲劳 tiredness n(疲劳 tire of(doing)sth.厌烦(做)某事 用tired,tiring,tiresome填空 ?I am of watching TV;let's go for a walk. ?Such a long climb is to all of us. ?I found this so-called joke quite . ?Tom is really of his work. 【答案】 ?tired ?tiring ?tiresome ?tired;tiring 4(go down(船)下沉;(价格)下跌;(温度等)下降;(洪水等)下落 The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea,you relax and watch the sun go down.(教材P) 22 烤在火上的食物散发着诱人的香味,你喝着一杯热茶,轻松地欣赏着日落。 The moon has gone down.月亮已落下去了。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com go against 违反~对„„不利 go away离开~走开 go back 回去 go by过去~(时间)逝去 go in for从事~喜好 Don't do anything that should go against his will. 不要做违背他心意的事。 I don't go in for loud popular music. 我不喜欢喧闹的流行音乐。 【教师备课资源】 go off离去,去世,爆炸 go out出去,熄灭 go through通过,经历,仔细看 go up上升,上涨 go with与„„协调、搭配 go without没有„„也行 go over检查,复习 猜测下列句中go down的意思 ?Prices on the stock exchange have begun to go down. ?Her temperature has gone down. ?The floods are going down. ?The ship went down and at last went out of sight. 【答案】 ?下跌 ?下降 ?消退 ?下沉 5(uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不自在的 Hiking trips can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.(教材P)徒步旅行可能很不舒适,22 甚至很危险。 I feel uncomfortable in this chair. 我坐这张椅子觉得不舒服。 He began to feel uncomfortable at the man's hard stare.在那人逼视下他开始感到不自在。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com comfort n(舒服 give comfort to安慰(某人) in comfort放松地,舒服地 be a comfort to对„„是安慰品/安慰者 comfort vt.使舒服 comfort sb.for sth.因某事安慰某人 comfortable adj.舒服的 uncomfortable不舒服的 discomfort n(不安~不适 I enjoy having my friends at home sometimes—it makes the place feel comfortable and warm. 我有时喜欢叫朋友来家里——这使家更加舒适和温暖。 用comfort的适当形式填空 ?His large income enabled him to live in . ?He feels with strangers. ?My house is not big,but it is . ?The hot weather caused me much . 【答案】 ?comfort ?uncomfortable ?comfortable ?discomfort 6(route n(路线;路程 They know all the best routes and best places to camp.(教材P) 22 他们熟知所有最佳长途徒步路线及最好的宿营地。 We weren't sure about which route we should take/follow.我们不知道该走哪条路。 We traced out our route on the map. 我们在地图上画出了我们的路线。 route/road/way/street route 意为“路线”,通常是迂回的,可以包括数条道路或街道,有时甚至包括小路、小 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 巷,使用范围较广。 road 意为“路、道路”,指供车辆或行人通过的大道,两侧一般没有房子。 意为“道路”,指任何可以通行的路,含义较抽象。口语中问路时常用way。wayway 还可指“路程;距离”。 street 意为“街道”,指城镇、乡村任何两旁有房子的路。 用route,road,way,street填空 ?That postman is in charge of this . ?The car is running along the . ?I asked the to the station. ?There are many shops in the . 【答案】 ?route ?road ?way ?street 7(as well as不但„„而且„„;和„„一样,又,也 As well as the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters.(教材P) 22 所有登山队都配有厨师、搬运工和向导。 Jack does as well as Tom in the navy. 杰克在海军中的表现和汤姆一样好。 ?not only...but(also)(..“不仅„„而且„„”~重在强调but also之后的人或事物。 ?as well as重在强调其前的人或事物。as well as引导的短语在主语之后说明主语或作插入语时~谓语动词应与前面的主语保持一致。 ?主语后面接说明主语的修饰语或插入语with~along with~together with~in addition to 等时~谓语动词的数不受修饰成分的影响~仍保持与主语一致的原则。 He gave me not only advice but also some books. 他不仅给我提了些建议,而且还给了我一些书。 The teacher,as well as the students,has seen the film. 老师,还有学生都看过这部电影。 【对接高考】 (2013?福建高考)The famous musician,as well as his students, to perform at the 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo. A(were invited B(was invited C(have been invited D(has been invited 【解析】 句意:这位著名的音乐家和他的学生被邀请为2012年台北花卉展的开幕式表演。“被邀请”是一个发生在过去的动作~而且不表示对现在造成了影响~也不表示动作持续到现在~所以不能选用完成时。根据主谓一致的语法规则~A as well as B作主语时~遵循“就前原则”~也就是说谓语动词要和A保持一致。也可以理解为本句的主语是A而不是B~所以本题谓语动词的数要和the famous musician保持一致~用was invited。 【答案】 B 完成句子 ?不仅你,还有杰克去过杭州。 Not only you but also Jack . ?不仅他父母经常来看他,而且他哥哥也经常来。 His brother as well as his parents often . 【答案】 ?has been to Hangzhou ?comes to see him 8(While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals.(教材P) 22 在长途徒步中,厨师会准备好美味食品。 While on a hiking trip为状语从句的省略。 在when~while~unless~if等引导的状语从句中~如果从句主语与主句主语一致~且谓语动词含有be动词~或从句中含有it is~可省略从句的主语及be动词。 常见的结构: 现在分词 ,过去分词 ,介词短语?连词, ,主句 ,名词 代词, ,形容词 ?在if it is possible~when it is necessary等类似结构中~it is 常可省略。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com If (the problem is) not dealt with properly,more accidents will happen. 如果问题处理得不恰当,还会发生更多的事故。 I'll turn to you for help when (it is) necessary. 必要时我会找你帮忙的。 【对接高考】 (2012?新课标全国卷)Film has a much shorter history,especially when such art forms as music and painting. A(having compared to B(comparing to C(compare to D(compared to 【解析】 句子的主语是film~它和compare之间是被动关系~要用被动形式~因此只能选择D项。“when compared to...”相当于when引导的状语从句的省略~补全后为:when it is compared to...。句意:电影的历史短得多~尤其是它与诸如音乐、绘画等艺术形式相比较时。 【答案】 D 用上述结构完成句子 ?Be careful (当横穿街道时)( ? (如果可能),come here earlier. 【答案】 ?while crossing the street ?If(it is)possible 9(prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) For people who prefer to spend some time on the coast,we can organise your travel and accommodation too.(教材P)对于那些喜欢在沙滩度过的游客来说,我们同样可以帮助你们22 组织旅行并提供食宿。 Mr.Brown preferred spending his spare time doing some reading. 布朗先生比较喜欢把业余时间用来读点书。 prefer doing/to do sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer(doing)A to(doing)B 比起(做)B更喜欢(做)A prefer to do A rather than(to)do B 宁愿做A也不做B(rather than位于句首时~其后的to必须去掉) prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com prefer that...宁愿„„(从句谓语用“should,动词原形”~should可省去) Most people prefer trains to buses. 大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐公共汽车。 I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination.我宁愿写一篇学期论文也不愿参加考试。 He prefers to rent one rather than(to)buy a car of his own.(,Rather than buy a car of his own,he prefers to rent one.)他宁愿租一辆车,也不愿买一辆属于自己的。 【提示】 英语表达中还有很多固定的结构表示“喜欢”、“宁愿„„也不„„”~如would like to do...~feel like(doing)sth.~would do...rather than do...(,would rather do...than do...) 等。 完成句子 我喜欢唱歌胜过演戏。 ? I singing acting. ?他宁愿待在家也不愿去电影院看电影。 He prefers to stay at home go to the movies. ?怀特夫妇周末喜欢去购物。 Mr.and Mrs.White prefer at weekends. ?我们倒希望他们用一种不同的方法去做。 We prefer that they it in a different way. 【答案】 ?prefer;to ?rather than ?to go shopping/going shopping ?(should)do 10(maximum adj.最大的;最多的 There are walks of 6,8 hours most days, with a maximum altitude of 5,545 metres.(教材P) 22 大多数时候,每天要在海拔高达5545米的高原上步行6至8小时。 What's your maximum distance ever walked? 你最多走过多远, ?maximum用作名词~表示“最大量,最大限度”。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?反义词:minimum最低的,最小的,最小值,最少量,最低限度 The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.这项工作将要求你最大限度地发挥你的技能。 The minimum number of students we need to run the course is fifteen.开这门课我们最少需要15个学生。 用maximum,minimum填空 ?Tourists can stay up to a of 90 days. ?We must reduce the use of all pesticides(杀虫剂)to the absolute . ?The age to buy cigarettes is 18. 【答案】 ?maximum ?minimum ?minimum 11(including 包括„„在内 The hike costs , 2,500 including all flights and accommodation.(教材P)旅行费用为222500英镑,包括所有机票费和食宿费。 We three including Tom,went to see that film last night.包括汤姆在内,昨晚我们三个去看了那部电影。 including/included 介词,通常放在被包括对象的前面 including included 过去分词,通常放在被包括对象的后面 There are forty people present now,including two children/two children included. 目前有40个人在场,其中包括两个孩子。 用include的适当形式填空 ?They have many pets, three cats. ?What swimming events are in the Olympic? ?The bill came to $467,tax . 【答案】 ?including ?included ?included 12(right now就在此刻 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com SRight now,I work for a group of Austrian hikers who have all been here before.(教材P)23目前我在为一群奥地利徒步旅行者工作,他们以前都来过这里。 We need to deal with this problem right now. 我们必须马上处理这个问题。 ?right now表示“立刻~立即~马上”。 ?right用作副词~表示“立即,正好~恰好”等~常用作状语~用于修饰另一个表示时间或地点的状语。 ?表示“现在~立刻~马上”的词(组)通常还有: at once~right away~straight away~immediately~without a moment's thought~in no time~right off~in a second~without delay~before the ink is dry The match is on live right after the six o'clock news. 比赛就在六点新闻后现场直播。 She was standing right in the center of the room. 她就站在房间的正中间。 完成句子 ?设想一下你的房子开始震动了,你必须立刻离开。 Imagine your house begins to shake and you must . ?他现在不在办公室。 He's not in the office . 【答案】 ?leave it right now ?right now 13(differ vi.不同;相异 How do the tourists differ from local people,(教材P)旅行的人和当地的人有什么不23 同, That's where we differ. 那就是我们(意见)分歧的地方。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com , in 在„„方面不同,,?differ between...两者之间不同,, differ from sb.about/on sth.关于某事不同意某人 ?difference n(不同之处 Our tastes differ from each other.我们的嗜好不同。 【教师备课资源】 differ from...in在„„方面与„„不同 different adj.不同的,有区别的 be different from sb./sth.in sth. 在某方面不同于某人或某物 make a/little/no/any difference有/很少有/没有/有任何影响;要紧/不太要紧/不要紧 用适当的介词填空 ?Old English differs the English we speak now. ?Human facial expressions differ those of animals the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose. ?The symptoms(症状) did not differ the two groups. 【答案】 ?from ?from;in ?between 14(anxious adj.不安的;渴望的(非正式);使人焦虑或担心的 From that moment they started to feel anxious and they slept badly that night.(教材P)从那23 时起,他们开始感到担心,并且那天晚上他们睡得很不好。 He was anxious for the safety of his money. 他担心他的钱是否安全。 be anxious about/for sb./sth. 担心、担忧某人/某物 be anxious for sth./(for sb.)to do sth. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 渴望某事物,急切想要某事物 be anxious that clause 渴望„„(从句中谓语用should,动词原形) She was anxious that she should have all she wanted. 她非常希望她能拥有她想要的一切。 anxious/eager “焦急的,发愁的”,含有未知结果如何,有些为之担心的意味,也可接for(about) anxious 和to do。 “渴望的;热切的”,着重指渴望某事或做某事的热切及迫切的心情,含有积极eager 的意义,后面可接for和to do。 【教师备课资源】 anxiety n(忧虑;渴望 with anxiety,anxiously焦虑地 anxiously adv.焦急地;担忧地 用anxious,eager填空 ?He is to know the result of the exam. ?The doctor is about/for his health. ?They are for success. 【答案】 ?eager ?anxious ?eager 观察下列从Reading中选取的句子,体会动作动词与状态动词的用法。 ?You are thinking about how far there is to go. ?It looks great. ?A few minutes later,you arrive at the camp. ?They know all the best routes and best places to camp. ?We also think that good travel arrangements are important. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals. [自我总结] 以上六句话中?句中的think用于进行时态,为 动词;?句中的think表达心理和情感的变化,为 动词。?句中的look表示感官感觉的动作,为 动词。?句中的arrive,?句中的prepare表示动作活动,为 动词。 【答案】 动作;状态;状态;动作 动作动词与状态动词 英语动词按其是否可以用于进行时态的语义特征,分为动作动词和状态动词。大量的动词是表示动作的,可以用于进行时态。有一些动词是表示状态的,不能用于进行时态。还有不少动词,兼有动作与状态两种特性,而其含义是不同的。 一、动作动词 1(活动动词 这类动词表示各种活动,可用于各种时态,如do,play,ask,drink,rain等。 2(过程动词 这类动词表示情况的改变,可用于进行时态,如turn,become,grow,change等。 的动注意:?有些动作动词表示的是短暂性的动作,没有持续性,即“一发生就结束”作。这类动词一般称为“非延续性动词”或“终止性动词”,不能同表示一段时间的状语连用。常见的这类动词有:go,come,leave,arrive,lose,land,catch,join,kill,find,occur,happen,take part in等。 He has joined the club for a long time.(误) He has been a member of the club for a long time.(正) 他成为这个俱乐部的一员很长时间了。 ?但是,有几个表示去向的非延续性动词,如go,come,start,leave等,可以同表示时段的时间状语for短语连用。但要注意,这种用法的for短语表示的不是句中谓语动词延续的时间,而是该动词动作完成后再做某事所需要的时间。 She has come here for three days. (,She has come here,intending to stay for three days.)她来到这儿三天了。 ?在不同的语言环境中,有些动词可以作延续性动词或非延续性动词,如sit,walk,move,run,feel等。 He sat in the grass,watching the sun rising.(延续性) 他坐在草地上,看着太阳升起。 He sat in the grass and began to read.(非延续性) 他坐在草地上,开始读书。 二、状态动词 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 状态动词表示非活动性的静止状态,不用于进行时态。但有些状态动词如果转义成为动作动词,又可以用于进行时态。状态动词还可分为: 1(感官、感觉动词 这类动词表示的是不自觉的、无意的活动,如see,feel,hear,taste,smell等。 I see a picture on the wall.我看到墙上有一幅画。 但“They are seeing sights in the Eastern Suburb.”中see是有意的,可以用进行时。 2(心理、情感动词 这类动词很多,如believe,consider,desire,dislike,doubt,forget,fear,hope,imagine,know,like,love,mind,object,prefer,remember,suppose,think,want,wish,expect,regret,feel(,think)等。 I think he is both honest and diligent.(正) I am thinking he is both honest and diligent.(误) 我认为他既诚实又勤奋。 但:I am thinking about his plan.(正) 我正在考虑他的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 注意:状态动词know等不可与long ago连用。比较: ,I knew her long ago.,误,,, I got to know her long ago.,正,,, 我很久之前认识她的。 3(拥有、关系动词 这类动词或动词词组有:belong to,consist of,contain,cost,include,involve,lack,matter,need,owe,own,possess,apply to,differ from,equal,weigh,stand for,measure,have,exist,depend on,benefit from等。 ,The book is belonging to her.,误,,, ,The book belongs to her.,正,, 这本书是属于她的。 注意:有些动词只能表示状态或持续的动作,不可用来表示非延续性动作(瞬间完成的动作),反之亦然。 ,She didn't sleep until four o'clock in the morning.,误,,, ,She didn't fall asleep until four o'clock in the morning.,正,, 直到早上4点钟她才睡着。 【疑难辨析】 动作动词与状态动词的区别 1(动作动词可用于进行时态,而状态动词却不可。这是这两种动词最根本的区别。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com John is writing to his father.约翰正在给他的父亲写信。 John resembles his father.约翰长得像他的父亲。 【提示】 有些动词可兼作两类动词~但意思不同~如动词hold的句子主语是人~作“握住、举行”讲~是个动作动词,句子主语是处所~则作“容纳”讲~是个状态动词。 The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly atmosphere. 这两个国家的最高领导人正在友好的氛围中进行会谈。 The concert hall can hold 2,000 people. 这个音乐厅可容纳2,000人。 2(有些状态动词可以充当动作动词,用于进行时态,表示委婉的口气。 I'm wondering if you can tell me the password. 我不知你可否告诉我密码是什么。 3(在现代英语中,有越来越多地使用进行时态的趋势,包括状态动词用于进行时态,表示“惊讶、责备、抱怨、批评”等感情色彩。 Why are you always complaining,你怎么总是抱怨, 4(动作动词大多可用于祈使句,状态动词则不可。 Keep the house clean and tidy~保持房子整齐清洁~ ?.单项填空 1((2012?天津高考)Parents and children should communicate more to the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A(open B(narrow C(widen D(leave 【解析】 本题四个选项都为常见动词。A项open意为“开(放)”,B项narrow意为“使变狭窄~缩小”,C项widen意为“使变宽~拓宽”,D项leave意为“离开”。句意:父母和孩子应该多沟通交流~缩小彼此之间的代沟~以便能够更好地彼此理解。从关键信息词communicate more~the gap~understand...better等可推断出其前后逻辑关系应该是强调逐步变好~只有narrow能强调此意。故可知答案为B。 【答案】 B 2((2012?江西高考)We were all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family. A(make B(turn C(take D(have 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 【解析】 make成为~变成~此处作连系动词~后接作表语的名词~要加相应的冠词,turn作连系动词时后接作表语的名词~省略冠词~如果turn后加into则须在名词前加相应的冠词。句意:我们一致同意那间村舍将会成为这个家庭的一个完美的假日之家。 【答案】 A 3((2012?课标全国卷)If she doesn't want to go,nothing you can say will her. A(persuade B(promise C(invite D(support 【解析】 句意:如果她不想去~你说什么也 不了她。persuade说服~劝服,promise允诺~答应,invite邀请,support支持~支撑~养活。所以A项意义正确。 【答案】 A 4((2012?浙江高考)According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. A(differ B(shrink C(fail D(decline 【解析】 句意:据科学家称~在22岁达到最高水平后~从27岁开始我们的脑力开始 不同~有区别”,B选项表示“收缩~萎缩”,C选项表示“失败~没衰退。A选项表示“ 做成”,D选项表示“下降~减少~变弱”。 【答案】 D 5((2013?新课标全国卷?)The watch was very good,and he 20 percent down for it. A(paid B(cost C(bought D(spent 【解析】 本题四个选项都为常见动词~都可以表示“花费”。本题题意为“这块手表很好~他先付了20%的订金”。pay...down(或pay down)付押金~付订金~符合题意。要注意以下表示“花费”的句式:sb.pay(s) money for sth.某人花钱买某物~主语为“人”~符合题意~故选A。sth.cost(s) sb.money某物花费某人多少钱~主语为“物”,sb.buy(s) sth.for money某人买某物花多少钱~for后面接money,sb.spend(s) money on sth.某人花钱买某物~主语为“人”~与介词on搭配。解答这道题目需要抓住句中的关键信息词down和for。 【答案】 A 6((2013?福建高考)When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to it with important points. A(conclude B(lead C(avoid D(hold 【解析】 句意:小组讨论接近尾声时~一定要用几条要点作为结束。conclude(使)结 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 束~conclude...with以„„结束~符合题意。lead领导~引领,avoid避免~回避,hold容纳~举行。其中nearing its end为重要信息提示。 【答案】 A 7((2011?辽宁高考)You are old enough to your own living. A(win B(gain C(take D(earn 【解析】 句意:你的年龄已经足够大了~可以自己谋生了。earn one's living为固定短语~意为:谋生。 【答案】 D 8((2011?湖北高考)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also our thinking. A(direct B(limit C(change D(improve 【解析】 句意:假如我们要获得成功~知识与学问对我们很重要~但这些也会限制我们的思维。四个选项的主要含义:A“指导~监督”~B“限制~局限”~C“改变”~D“改进~改善”。从句中的转折连词but判断~本空选B表示“限制~局限”。 【答案】 B ((2011?天津高考)I a bank account after I made $1,000 by doing a part-time job 9 during the summer vacation. A(borrowed B(opened C(entered D(ordered 【解析】 句意:我在暑假做兼职挣了1,000美元之后开了一个银行账户。根据空格后的a bank account(银行账户)可知~此处用open。borrow借来,enter进入,order订购。 【答案】 B 10((2011?安徽高考)As the story ,the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered. A(begins B(happens C(ends D(develops 【解析】 句意:随着故事情节的展开~这个奇怪人物的真实情况也慢慢被人们发现。begin开始,happen发生,end结束,develop发展。根据句意不难看出答案为D项。 【答案】 D ?.用所给动词的正确形式填空 1(I (suppose)it will rain,for there are a lot of clouds in the sky. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 2(The sights of the city never fail to (impress)foreign tourists. 3(The album (contain)many memorable songs. 4(She (resemble)her sister in looks. 5(I (suspect)they are very disappointed. 6(They (possess)property all over the world. 7(He (understand)how hard things have been for you. 8(They (discuss)how to collect money in the next room now. 9(I (leave)for Shanghai tomorrow morning. 10(He (sleep)on the sofa now,for his parents have come for the weekend. 【答案】 1.suppose 2.impress 3.contains 4.resembles 5.suspect 6.possess 7.understands 8.are discussing 9(am leaving/will leave 10.is sleeping Period ?Extreme Sports & Marco Polo (教师用书独具) ?教学目标 1(熟记学案中所列出的词汇及用法。 2(通过学案中所给出的重点词汇和句式的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些词汇和句式,并能够运用这些句式造句。 3(通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识,能够熟练的掌握限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的语法功能。 4. 听懂课文中所给出的听力材料。 ?教学地位 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的语法内容让学生感觉比较杂乱,语法规则较多,易混易错的地方层出不穷。让学生正确理解和掌握语法知识是本课时学习的关键。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com (教师用书独具) ?新课导入建议 Answer these questions to prepare yourself. Use the key words below to help you. explore(a forest, a desert, another planet),go (sailing, skiing, diving,parachuting),go on (a wildlife tour, a hiking trip, a round-the-world trip) 3(Which activity mentioned above is your familiar one? 4(Can you imagine or describe the feeling when you take part in this activity? Show some words to help students : boring; brave; cheap; cheerful; comfortable; dangerous; dirty; exciting; expensive; safe; serous; tired; tiring; well,organized; wonderful ?教学流程设计 老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况 。?导入新课。?让学生就“要点讲练”(见学案第36,40页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。 ? 让学生讨论完成“语法精析”部分(见学案第40,41页)并让各个讨论组发表各自见解。?老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充学案中所遗漏的重点词汇,补充一些必要的练习。?让学生针对各自不同的意见展开讨论,然后老师给出详细正确答案。 ? 老师对语法部分给以点拨让学生掌握本单元语法知识。?让学生完成“当堂双基达标”(见学案第42页)。?师生共同讨论“当堂双基达标”并给出答案,并对难以理解的或有争议的地方给出详解。 ? 布置作业:让学生完成课本第69页第4题,第70页第2、3题,第71页5、6题;“课时作业”并预习Period ?(见学案第43,48页)。?让学生进行“自我评估”(见学案第42页)。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 1(similarity n(相似性;类似性 Snowboarding has similarities with surfing.(教材P)单板滑雪和冲浪运动有相似性。 24 There are many similarities between the two TV series.那两部电视剧有许多相似之处。 ?similar adj.相似的,类似的 similarly adv.相似地,类似地 ?A be similar to B A与B相似 A be the same as B A与B相同 A be different from B A与B不同 ?similarity between...„„之间的相似处 similarity in在某方面相似之处 The two boys look very similar. 这两个男孩看上去很相似。 My problems are very similar to yours. 我的问题和你的差不多。 The husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妇俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。 用适当的介词填空 ?There is some similarity the way they sing. ?Our teacher's teaching style is not similar that of most other teachers. ?For generations,scientists and science-fiction writers talked about the similarity of Mars the Earth. 【答案】 ?in ?to ?to 2(upside down颠倒地;倒置地 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com And,if that's not enough,you then try to walk upside down on the ice~(教材P) 24并且,如果那还不够的话,你可以试试在冰上倒着走~ The painting was hung upside down.那幅画挂倒了。 She turned the discussion upside down by asking a foolish question.她问了个愚蠢的问题把 讨论搞乱了。 ?turn sth.upside down 把„„翻得乱七八糟~使„„凌乱不堪 ?turn sb.'s life/world upside down 给某人的生活造成大的变化/混乱 ?up and down上上下下,来回 The house was turned upside down by the thief. 屋子里被贼弄得乱七八糟。 完成句子 ?有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。 A butterfly is flying among the flowers. ?她丈夫的突然去世使她的生活完全乱套了。 Her husband's sudden death . 【答案】 ?up and down ?turned her world/life upside down 3(risk vt.冒„„的危险 What makes people risk their lives to do them,(教材P)是什么让人们冒着生命危险去从24 事这些活动呢, He risked his life to save his dog. 他冒着生命危险去救他的狗。 He was prepared to risk everything in order to achieve his ambition.为实现他的雄心壮志他 甘愿冒任何危险。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com risk doing sth.冒险做某事 take/run a risk(risks)(to do sth.)冒险(做某事) at risk处境危险,遭受危险 at the risk of doing sth.冒着做某事的危险 risk one's life冒生命危险 I simply can't risk being seen there. 我可不能冒险在那儿被人看见。 You have to take/run a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business. 如果想在生意上取得成功,就得冒许多风险。 【教师备课资源】 歌诀巧记后接动名词而不接不定式作宾语的动词(词组): 喜欢考虑逃避免(enjoy,consider,escape,avoid) 停止放弃太冒险(stop,give up,risk) imagine,delay,put off) 介意想象莫推延(mind, 要求完成是期盼(require,finish,look forward to) 建议继续勤练习(suggest,go on,practise) 不禁原谅要坚持(can't help,excuse,insist on) 继续介意成功来(keep on,mind,succeed in) 完成句子 ?No one of us (冒险外出)on our own. ?Workers who broke the strike (冒着被攻击的危险)when they left the factory. ?He's prepared (冒任何风险来避免)this war. 【答案】 ?risked going out ?risked being attacked ?to risk everything to avoid 4(various adj.各种各样的 You can find all these in the various extreme sports...(教材P)你可以在各种各样的极限运24 动中找到所有这些(速度、刺激和危险的感觉)„„ Their hobbies are many and various. 他们的业余爱好五花八门。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com The shop sells various kinds of fruit. 这家商店出售各种水果。 ?a variety of/varieties of多种多样的 variety n(种种,种类,多样化,品种,综艺表演 ?vary v(变化,不同 vary from...to...在„„到„„之间变动 vary with随„„而变化 She didn't like the work because it lacked variety. 她不喜欢这工作,因为它单调乏味。 The weather varied from very cold to quite mild. 天气变化很大,会由很冷变得相当暖和。 various/different various 指同一范畴或范围内的不同种类或类别数量,强调多样性,意为“各种各样的”。 指事物的完全不同或本质上存在的显著或明显的差异或区别,强调各方面均不different 同。 用various,different填空 ?People have to face difficulties in their whole life. ?Different methods should be adopted under conditions. 【答案】 ?various ?different 5(turn up出现;到场;开大;调高音量 When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.(教材P) 25 我第一次站在跳台上紧张得真想退缩下来,但是朋友们说服了我要坚持下来。 She turned up at the last moment. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 她在最后的时刻到来了。 Turn up the radio a little.It's too low. 把收音机音量调高一点,声音太小了。 turn out结果是,生产,出席(某项活动)~在场 turn around转身~翻转 turn away不准(某人)进入 turn against变得敌对 turn in上交~提交 turn on打开(电视、收音机等) turn off关掉 turn down调低,拒绝 turn back原路返回 turn to求助于 turn over翻转,仔细考虑 It's turned out nice and sunny again. 结果天气又变晴朗了。 Turn that radio down at once! 立刻把收音机的音量调低~ 用适当的介词或副词填空 ?When you walk into the room,the lights turn by themselves. ?She turned every offer of help. ?He turned as he heard a noise behind him. ?She didn't know whom to turn for advice. 【答案】 ?on ?down ?around ?to 6(get across (使)理解(某事) It's difficult to get across how exciting it is~(教材P) 25 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 很难理解这会有多刺激~ He taught me how to get my idea across. 他教我怎么把我的想法表达得让人能够理解。 We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous.我们必须弄清这个简单的事 实:毒品是危险品。 get sth.across(to sb.)使(某事)被某人明白, 向某人传达某事 get about,get around,get round各处旅行(走动),(消息、谣言等)传开 get along/on(with)进展(行),相处 get over恢复过来,克服,战胜 get away(from)逃脱,逃离,离开,摆脱,离题,跑题 get through熬过(困境),接通电话, 达到( 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ),通过(测试) The news of their secret wedding soon got about/around/round.他们秘密结婚的消息很快就 传开了。 Do you get along well with your aunt? 你和姑母相处得好吗, 完成句子 ?这是你要克服的一个困难。 Here is a difficulty for you to . ?他把自己的意思给听众讲清楚了。 He has to the audience. 【答案】 ?get over ?got his meaning across 7(Marco,in turn,was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.(教材P) 26马可同时也被中国的美丽和强大所震撼。 (1)in turn 轮流,依次,逐个地;反过来 The girls called out their names in turn. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 那些女孩逐一报出她们的名字。 Interest rates were cut,and in turn,share prices rose. 利率降了,而股票价格涨了。 take turns to do sth./(at)doing sth.轮流做某事 It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 wait one's turn to do sth.等候轮到某人做某事 take one's turn依次~轮到某人 by turns轮流~依次 You can't all do it together;you'll have to take turns. 你们不能全体一齐上,你们得轮流做。 I felt cold and hot by turns.我感觉冷一阵热一阵的。 完成句子 ?轮到我照顾婴儿了。 I to look after the baby. ?现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。 to set me up to a nice dinner. 【答案】 ?took my turn ?It is now his turn (2)amaze vt.使惊愕(惊奇) I am amazed by what you have told me. 我对你告诉我的那些感到惊愕。 Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married. 戴夫突然间结婚,令朋友们非常吃惊。 ?amazing adj.令人惊异的 ?amazed adj.感到惊奇的 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?amazement n(惊奇,惊诧 to one's amazement令某人惊奇的是 in amazement,with amazement惊讶地 To my amazement,they seemed amazed at the amazing news,and looked at me in amazement. 让我吃惊的是,他们听到这个令人惊讶的消息时似乎大吃一惊,并惊讶地看着我。 用amaze的适当形式填空 ?Dave his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. ?I was to hear the story. ?The little girl was filled with when she first saw the bright lights. 【答案】 ?amazed ?amazed;amazing ?amazement (confuse vt.使困惑 8 He was also confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel.(教材P) 26 他也不明白为什么人们用黑色的石头作燃料。 I understand the text but the diagrams in it are confusing me. 我明白那篇课文的意思,但其中的图表让我感到困惑。 ?confuse A with B把A与B混淆 ?confusing adj.莫名其妙的~难以理解的 ?confused adj.糊涂的~迷乱的~混杂的 be confused about对„„感到困惑/迷惑 ?confusion n(困惑~混乱 I'm always confusing John with Paul. 我总是分不清约翰和保罗。 The instructions were very confusing and I couldn't understand them. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 这些指示莫明其妙,我没有办法理解。 The little girl was very confused by all the noise and activity.那小女孩被这一片吵闹和忙乱给弄糊涂了。 用confuse的适当形式填空 ?I hope the meeting will clear up people's . ?Don't show him the other way of doing it,it'll only him. ?If you try to learn too many things at a time,you may get . ?I think German is more than English because of its difficult grammar rules. 【答案】 ?confusion ?confuse ?confused ?confusing 9(break out (坏事)突然发生;爆发 Not long after his return,a local war broke out near his town.(教材P)他回到家乡后不久,26 一场区域性的战争在他家乡附近爆发了。 My grandfather was still living in London when the World War ? broke out. 第二次世界大战爆发的时候,我祖父还住在伦敦。 Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? 大家都知道火灾发生时该做什么吗, break in强行闯入,打断 break up破碎,解散,分手 break away from逃离,脱离 break down出故障~垮掉 break through突破,冲破 break off断开,中断,突然终止 break into强行闯入,突然开始 When the fire broke out,I broke into the house and broke through the thick smoke to find my son;finally we successfully escaped from the burning building. 火灾发生时,我闯进房子,冲破浓浓的烟雾去找儿子,最后我们成功地逃离了烧着的大楼。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 用适当的介词或副词填空 ?The sun broke after days of rain. ?Let's break work for a few minutes. ?The crowd started to break when the night fell. ?May I break to say that everything is ready? 【答案】 ?through ?off ?up ?in 10(too...to...太„„而不能„„ Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.(教材P) 26 尽管有许多人喜欢读他的书,可是他们中很多人认为马可的关于中国的故事太离奇了, 不可信。 He is too young to go to school. 他太小了,还不能去上学。 The box is too heavy for me to carry. 箱子太沉,我搬不动。 ?can't/can never...too...意为“再„„也不过分”。 ?too...to...结构常可转换为“so,adj./adv.,that-clause”结构。 ?在too...to...结构中~若用ready~anxious~eager~glad~willing等形容词~则该结构 不表否定意义。 You can't be too careful to cross the street. 过马路时你一定要非常小心。 He is too old to do that work. ,He is so old that he can't do that work. 他年龄太大了,做不了那项工作。 I'm too glad to see you again. 再次见到你我很高兴。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 翻译句子 ?活到老,学到老。 ?这位老人很容易相处。 ?天太热了,我们不能干活。 【答案】 ?It's never too late to learn. ?The old man is too easy to get along with. ?It was too hot a day for us to work. 11(quantity n(数量;量 He went to a city where iron was produced in huge quantities.(教材P) 27 他来到一个大量生产钢铁的城市。 There is only a small quantity of wine left. 只剩下很少一点酒了。 quantity and quality数量和质量 /少量的 a large/small quantity of大 quantities of大量~许多的 in quantity/quantities大量地~很多 It was a bad year for new films,in terms of both quantity and quality. 今年的新电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。 A large/vast quantity of beer was sold. 售出了大量的啤酒。 Quantities of food were spread out on the table. 许多食品被摊放在桌子上。 n.”构成的短语作主语时~其谓语动词要与of后面的名词【提示】 “a quantity of, 在数上保持一致。而(large) quantities of修饰的无论是可数(单数或复数)还是不可数名词构成 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 的短语作主语~谓语动词一律用复数。 【教师备课资源】 英语中有些表示“许多,大量”的短语,后接可数名词与不可数名词情况不同,归纳如 下: a good/great many,,,,?a large/great/good number of, ,, ,,,,many 可数名词复数 (作主语时,谓 语动词用复数) a great/good deal of,,,,?a great/large amount of, ,, ,,,,much 不可数名词(作 主语时,谓语 动词用单数) a lot of,lots of,,?plenty of, , ,,a large/great quantity of可数名词复数或不可数 名词(作主语时,谓语 动词单复数由名词确定) quantities of/amounts of,n.作主语时,谓语动词一律用复数。 ? ?many a,单数可数名词,谓语动词(单数)。 用be的适当形式填空 ?There a large quantity of water. ?A large quantity of blouses on sale. ?Quantities of food on the table. 【答案】 ?was/is ?were/are ?were/are 观察下列从Reading中选取的句子,体会定语从句的用法。 ?He travelled across Europe and Asia with his father,who wanted to do trade with the 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Chinese. ?There were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time. ?Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. ?The prisoner then wrote the stories in a book called The Description of the World,which became one of the best-selling books in Europe. [自我总结] 以上四句均含有定语从句,引导词分别为 。其中??句的引导词前有逗号将主句和从句隔开,这种定语从句称为 。??句的主句和从句无逗号隔开,这种定语从句称为 【答案】 who;which;who;which 非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 一、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句概述 1(限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的一部分,若去掉,主句的内容就不完整,意义也会发生改变。从句和先行词的关系十分密切,从句紧跟先行词,两者之间不可用逗号隔开。 She has found the necklace(that)she lost two weeks ago.她找到了那条两周前丢失的项链。 2(非限制性定语从句是先行词的一个补充说明。没有它,主句也能独立存在;非限制性定语从句和先行词的关系不是很密切,两者之间用逗号隔开。 He has two sisters,who are working in the city. 他有两个姐姐,她们在城里工作。 二、限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别: 1(标点的运用有所不同 限制性定语从句一般紧跟在先行词后,其后不可用逗号分开;而非限制性定语从句也常放在先行词后,但必须用逗号与主句分开。 Who is the girl that is standing under the tree? 站在树下的那个女孩是谁, He is a teacher of much knowledge,from whom much can be learned.他是一个学识渊博的老师,从他那儿可以学到许多东西。 2(从句的作用不同 限制性定语从句对先行词起到修饰限制作用,是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,一旦省略,主句的意思就不完整。而非限制性定语从句则是对一个概念清楚的先行词进行附加说明,若将其去掉,主句的意思仍然完整。 In the dark street,there wasn't a single person to whom she could turn for help. 在这条黑暗的街道上,没有一个她可以向其求助的人。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Alice received a letter from her former classmate,which came as a surprise.艾丽斯收到了她的以前同学的一封信,这真是件令人惊奇的事情。 3(关系词的选用不同 限制性定语从句可以用关系代词who,whom,whose,that,which,关系副词when,where,why等引导,而非限制性定语从句不可用that或why来引导(上述引导词除了这两者以外均可用来引导非限制性定语从句)。 Yesterday he bought a new car,which was made in Japan. (which不可换用that)昨天他买了一辆新车,是日本生产的。 He didn't give the reason,which explained his absence from the meeting held last week.(which不可换用why,因为which在定语从句中作主语,而why只能在定语从句中作状语)此句也可以这样表达,He didn't give the reason,for which he was absent from the meeting held last week. 4(从句所修饰的先行词有所不同 限制性定语从句的先行词通常是名词、代词或词组;而非限制性定语从句的先行词除了名词、代词外,还可以是句子。 This is the best book that I have ever read. 这是我曾经读过的书中的最好的一本。 He won the first prize in the contest,which was more than we expected. 他在比赛中得了一等奖,这一点真出乎我们预料。 5(关系词的省略不同 在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在定语从句中作宾语或表语时,在口语中可以省略,关系副词有时也可省略。而非限制性定语从句中的关系代词或关系副词不可省略。 I still remember the days we spent together in college.我仍然记得我们在大学时一起度过的日子。(we前省略了that/which) She is not the one(that) she used to be. 她已不再是昔日的她了。(that在定语从句中作表语) 6(英译汉时有所不同,译成汉语时,往往把限制性定语从句的内容置于先行词之前;而非限制性定语从句和主句往往翻译成两个分句。 Which is the machine that we used last Sunday? 上星期天我们用的那台机器是哪一台, The concert,which was held last week,was a great success.那场音乐会是上周举行的,获得了巨大的成功。 He may be late,in which case we ought to wait for him. 他可能迟到,要是那样的话我们就等等他。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 三、as和which引导非限制性定语从句的区别 1(as引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词一般为整个主句;而which引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词既可以是整个主句,又可以是主句的一部分。 2(as引导的从句位置比较灵活,可位于先行词之前、之中和之后,而which引导的从句只能位于先行词之后。 3(as引导非限制性定语从句时常译为“正如”,而which常译为“这,那”。 She is always working hard,as everyone can see. 正如大家所看到的,她工作一直都很努力。 She is working hard,which everyone can see. 她工作一直都很努力,这是大家有目共睹的。 As we all know,smoking is harmful to one's health. 众所周知,吸烟有害健康。 The book,which I bought yesterday,is very instructive.我昨天买的那本书很有教育意义。 ?.单项填空 1((2012?陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the air-conditioning system . A(broke in B(broke up C(broke out D(broke down 【解析】 break in闯入,break up打破~打碎~解散~结束,break out(战争、火灾等)发生,break down(机器)发生故障~(计划、谈判等)失败。由主句中pause from time to time to wipe the sweat可知此处是指空调出故障~故选D项。本题句意为:他不得不时常停下来擦擦额头上的汗~因为空调系统出故障了。 【答案】 D 2((2013?浙江高考)The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built. A(what B(where C(when D(why 【解析】 句意:博物馆将在春季开放~届时将有一个展览~还有一个观光平台~在这里参观者可以看到许多在建的大玻璃暖房。 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 句子结构可知~ visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built为定语从句~a viewing platform为定语从句的先行词~从句缺少地点状语~要用where引导~所以正确答案为B项。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 【答案】 B 3((2013?重庆高考)John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of are family members. A(them B(that C(which D(whom 【解析】 句意:约翰邀请了大约40个人参加他的婚礼~大部分人是家庭成员。由前后两个句子之间没有连接词可首先把A项排除。B、C、D三项都可引导定语从句~但that不能放在介词of之后~故排除。which引导定语从句时~表示物~不符合题意~也排除。most of whom引导非限制性定语从句~whom指代about 40 people。most of whom在定语从句中作主语~所以答案为D。 【答案】 D 4((2013?安徽高考)Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, made one of the Chinese people's longheld dreams come true. A(it B(that C(what D(which 【解析】 句意:莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖~这件事使中国人民长久以来的一个梦想得以实现。此处为非限制性定语从句~修饰前面整个句子。it和what不能引导定语从句~可排除,that不能用于引导非限制性定语从句。故选D项。 【答案】 D 5((2012?安徽高考)A lot of language learning, has been discovered,is happening in the first year of life,so parents should talk much to their children during that period. A(as B(it C(which D(this 【解析】 句意:正如被发现的那样~大量的语言学习是在人生的第一年发生的~所以父母应当在那个时期和孩子多说话。该题解题的关键是理顺句子结构。空白处所在句为非限制性定语从句~B和D可排除。空格处的关系词指代a lot of language learning is happening in the first year of life这个句子。指代某个句子时~as引导的非限制性定语从句可后指或前指~而which引导的从句只能前指。此处为后指~因此A项正确。 【答案】 A 6((2012?江苏高考)After the flooding,people were suffering in that area, urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive. A(which B(who C(where D(what 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 【解析】 根据定语从句的“urgently needed clean water~medicine and shelter to survive”可知~需要干净的水、药品和避难所的是人(people)~而不是that area或flooding~所以先行词为人~A项也可排除~故选B。 【答案】 B 7((2012?江西高考)By 16:30, was almost closing time,nearly all the paintings had been sold. A(which B(when C(what D(that 【解析】 句意:到了16:30~差不多是关门的时间了~几乎所有的画都卖完了。定语从句缺少主语~使用关系代词which引导。when是关系副词,what不能引导定语从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。 【答案】 A 8((2012?全国卷?)That evening, I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late. A(that B(which C(what D(when 【解析】 句意:那天晚上我一直工作到很晚~我过后会告诉你关于那晚更详细的情况。本题中两个逗号之间的部分是一个非限制性定语从句~关系代词which代替先行词that evening。A项that不能引导非限制性定语从句,C项what不能引导定语从句,D项when在从句中作状语~不能作宾语。 【答案】 B 9((2012?陕西高考)It is the third time that she has won the race, has surprised us all. A(that B(where C(which D(what 【解析】 句意:这是她第三次赢得比赛~这使得我们都很吃惊。由逗号可知~所填词引导非限制性定语从句~故排除A、D两项~因为that不能引导非限制性定语从句~what不引导定语从句,另外~该从句缺少主语~故排除B项,只有关系代词which符合题目要求~which指代前面整个句子。 【答案】 C 10((2013?浙江高考)The children, had played the whole day long,were worn out. A(all of what B(all of which C(all of them D(all of whom 【解析】 句意:孩子们玩了一整天~都累坏了。分析句子结构可知~ had played 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com the whole day long是非限制性定语从句~先行词children指人~故排除A、B、C三项。所 以正确答案为D项。 【答案】 D ?.单句改错 1(This is the factory where we visited last week. 2(This is the watch for which Tom is looking. 3(The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two. 4(The house in that we live is very small. 5(The sun gives off light and warmth,that makes it possible for plants to grow. 6(I've read all the books which I borrowed from the library. 7(This is the best film which I have ever seen. 8(My father and Mr.Smith talked about things and persons who they remembered in the country. 9(Everything which we saw was of great interest. 10(His dog,that was now very old,became ill and died. 【答案】 1.where?that/which或去掉where 2(把for放在looking之后 3(who?whom 4(that?which 5(that?which 6(which?that或去掉which 7(which?that或去掉which 8(who?that 9(which?that或去掉which 10(that?which 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Period ?Journey to the Antarctic & Communication Workshop (教师用书独具) ?教学目标 1(通过学案中所给出的重点词汇的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些词汇。 2(通过对这些知识点的理解能够更深层次地理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。 3(借助本学案写作提升的讲解,培养学生用英语写宣传小册子的能力,逐步养成用英语书写应用文体的习惯。 ?教学地位 本单课时讲解的知识点是以教材重点词汇和句式出现的先后顺序依次呈现的。通过一篇相关话题的写作训练,思路点拨?词汇热身?句式温习?连句成篇。一步一步教会学生如何写出一篇宣传材料。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com (教师用书独具) ?新课导入建议 每一位学生都有各自独特的冒险经历和体验,结合本课时即将讲述的极地探险的故事,让同学们各自表达自己在特定环境和情形下的冒险故事,共同分享彼此的快乐和忧伤。 ?教学流程设计 检查上堂布置的作业。? 导入新课。?学生快速阅读课文(见课本第28页)并根据学案 所设置的“语篇理解”问题作出选择。 ? 学生共同讨论,师生统一答案。?让学生再次仔细阅读课文,并完成学案中“经典句子”部分(见学案第43页)。?学生就学案中的问题相互交换意见,老师指导学生统一答案。 ? 要点讲练”部分(见学案第43,47页)。?学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各学生完成“ 自见解,最后统一答案。?学生完成“写作提升”部分(见学案第47,48页)。 ? 老师布置作业:让学生完成课本第72页第3题,第73页阅读理解。让学生自学学案?的内容,然后做“单元归纳提升”部分(见学案第50,52页)。?让学生做“课时作业”。?让学生进行“自我评估”(见学案第48页)。 ?.语篇理解 1(Why did Amundsen succeed while Scott failed? A(Because Amundsen reached the Pole first. B(Because Scott's sledges broke down and his horses disagreed with the snow and the cold there. C(Because it was too cold in Antarctic. 2(What did Scott's team achieve? 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com A(They became rich for the trip. B(They got nothing but pity. C(They collected 20 kilos of rocks. 3(Which of the following statements is not true? A(On their return journey,Scott and his men were tired and their food was run out. B(The Antarctic used to be covered by plants at one time in the distant past. C(In the end,only two people on Scott's team managed to come back. 【答案】 1.B 2.C 3.C ?.经典句子 1( the total darkness of the polar winter. 接着漆黑的极地冬夜开始了。 2(He had teams of dogs the sledges and all his men were on skis. 他让一队狗拉雪橇,所有人都配有滑雪板。 3( our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower. 早上穿鞋的动作也越来越慢。 4(The next was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty . 接下来离开的是欧茨上校,他行走艰难。 5(Captain Scott and his team members reached the Pole,but . 斯科特上校和他的队友们登上了南极,但却没有什么可庆祝的。 【答案】 1.Then came 2.pulling 3.Putting on 4.to go;walking 5.with little to celebrate 1(on one's way在途中 On his way,he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen...(教材 P) 28 在途中,他收到一条来自挪威探险家罗尔德?阿蒙森的信息„„ She did her shopping on her way home. 她在回家的路上买了些东西。 I met her on my way to school. 我在上学的路上遇到了她。 A hurricane is on its way.飓风就要来了。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com by the way顺便说一下 by way of通过„„方式,经由„„ in no way决不(放在句首时~句子要用部分倒装) in the/sb.'s way妨碍~挡道 in a/one way在某种程度上 They are traveling to France by way of London. 他们经伦敦去法国。 Her social life gets in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。 【对接高考】 (2013?福建高考)Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always whenever she tries to. A(in the way B(on watch C(in sight D(on the line 【解析】 首先了解四个选项的汉语意思。in the way表示“挡道~妨碍”,on watch表示“值班,监视”,in sight表示“看得见”,on the line表示“处于危险中”。由题干中的关键信息hard可知此处填in the way“挡道~妨碍”。本题的意思是:“史密斯太太发现她很难收拾这一片狼藉~因为每当她试图收拾时~她的孩子们总是妨碍她。” 【答案】 A 完成句子 ?他的身体在一定程度上已经恢复很多了,但还没有完全康复。 his health is much improved,but he is not really well. ?我们决不允许这种情况再继续下去。 We can allow this to continue. ?顺便问一下,你的工作进展如何, ,how is your work going? 【答案】 ?In a /one way ?in no way ?By the way 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 2(preparation n(准备,预备;配制品 ...both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year.(教材 P)„„两队人都建立了食物基地,为他们下一年的旅程做准备。 28 Preparations are being made for the President's visit. 总统出访的工作正在准备中。 ?in preparation 在准备中 in preparation for 为„„准备 make preparations for 为„„做准备 ?prepare sth.准备某事/物 prepare for 为„„做准备 be prepared for 为„„准备好 be prepared to do sth.愿意做某事 The advertising campaign is still in preparation. 广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。 They've sold their house and car in preparation for leaving the country.他们卖掉了房子和汽 车准备出国。 【教师备课资源】 prepare for an exam准备考试 prepare for an attack准备应付攻击 prepare one's lessons准备功课 be(well)prepared for(to do)sth. 对(做)某事有充分的准备 用preparation短语完成句子 ?他每天训练,为夺取滑冰冠军作准备。 He is practising every day, the ice-skating championship. ?兴建新学校的计划正在准备中。 Plans for the new school are now . 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?我们为搬到新办公室作准备。 We to move to the new offices. 【答案】 ?in preparation for ?in preparation ?make preparations 3(Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.(P)接着,漆黑的极地冬天开始了。 28 这是一个倒装句,主语是the total darkness of the polar winter,谓语动词为came。倒装的原因是句子的主语太长,为了保持句子平衡而把谓语动词came直接置于主语之前,这种倒装称为完全倒装。 There goes the monitor.班长去那儿了。 Here comes the bus.公交车来了。 使用完全倒装句的几种情况: ?在以here~there~then~now~out~in~up~down~away~ahead等副词开头的句子中~常使用完全倒装。但是如果句子的主语是代词~则句子不倒装。 ?表示地点、时间的介词短语放在句首~主语较长又无宾语时~一般要倒装。 ?为了平衡句子的结构~特别是当主语带有较长的修饰语~谓语部分较短时~更需要倒装。 ?such置于句首时~such 多被认为是表语。 Under that tree sits a beautiful girl. 那棵树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。 Present at the conference were experts from all over the world.出席会议的是来自世界各地的专家。 Such are the facts,no one can deny them. 这就是事实,没有人能否定它们。 完成句子 ?在这些人中有一个叫布朗的人。 was a man named Brown. ?这儿是几则有关汽车的广告。 some advertisements about cars. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?这些就是我们时代的最有力的声音~ the most powerful voices of our times! 【答案】 ?Among the people ?Here are ?Such are 4(shock vt.震惊;惊骇n.震惊 They were shocked when they saw the Norwegian flag.(教材P)当他们看到挪威国旗时,28 感到非常震惊。 The news shocked the public,leading to great concern about students' safety at school.这则 新闻令公众震惊,使人们更加关注在校学生的安全。 ?shock sb.使某人震惊 be shocked by/at被„„震惊 It shocks sb.to do sth.做某事使某人震惊 ?shocked adj.惊愕的~(感到)震惊的 ?shocking adj.可怕的~令人震惊的~令人气愤的~非常糟糕的 I was shocked at the news of her death. 我听到她去世的消息十分震惊。 It shocks you when something like that happens. 发生那样的事,使人觉得震惊。 His attitude was shocking to her. 他的态度令她感到震惊。 用shock的适当形式填空 ?I was so at the performance that I didn't know how to describe it. ?The house was left in a state. ?Grandmother thought it for girls to wear jeans. 【答案】 ?shocked ?shocking ?shocking 5(run out of 用完;耗尽 The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food.(教材P) 28 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 队员们很快就筋疲力尽了,而且食物也快吃完了。 The car ran out of gas three miles from town. 在离城镇三英里远的地方汽车的汽油用完了。 He ran out of the money that he inherited within one year.他一年之内就挥霍光了他继承的 财产。 run into碰撞,遇上,偶然遇到 run over(车辆)碾压,匆匆看一遍,浏览 run after追逐,追求 run across无意间碰到 run away逃跑 We went too fast round the corner and ran into a lamppost.我们拐弯的时候太快了,撞到了 路灯柱上。 He was run over and killed by a bus. 他被公共汽车轧死了。 run out/run out of/use up 三个词组意思都是“用完了”。 run out 为不及物动词短语,主语为物,不能用于被动语态。 为及物动词短语,主语为人。 run out of 为及物动词短语,主语为人。 use up 一句多译 他们的食物很快吃光了。 They soon their food. They soon their food. They soon their food . 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Their food was soon . Their food was soon . Their food soon . 【答案】 ran out of;used up;used,up;run out of;used up;ran out 6(Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases.(教材P)斯科特和两名队友继续前行,到达距离食品储存处不足11英里的地方。 28 (1)carry on 继续做某事 They will carry on their negotiations next week. 他们将于下周继续进行谈判。 After his death,his children will certainly carry on his career.他去世之后,他的孩子一定会 继承他的事业。 carry on a conversation进行对话 carry on reading继续读书 carry out实行,执行,完成,实现 carry through进行到底,完成,实现 Our planes carried out a bombing raid on enemy targets.我们的飞机执行了一项轰炸敌方目 标的任务。 Despite powerful opposition,they managed to carry their reforms through. 尽管遇到了强大的阻力,他们还是设法进行了改革。 【教师备课资源】 carry off赢得,获得 carry back将„„送回;使回想起 carry away搬走;使兴奋,使激动 用适当的介词或副词填空 ?He was found out before he could carry his plan. ?He carried all his homework in ten minutes. ?If one engine fails,the other can carry . 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 【答案】 ?out ?through ?on (2)within prep.在„„里面;在„„内部 Children must remain within the school grounds during the lunch break. 孩子们在午休期间必须留在学校范围内。 Within a five-mile radius of the station there are many pubs and restaurants. 在距离车站五英里的范围内有许多酒吧和餐馆。 within one's reach触手可及 within sight在视线范围内 within one's power力所能及 within the limit of在„„范围内 Do what's within your power~尽力而为~ Keep the dictionary within your reach. 把字典放在你够得着的地方。 【提示】 within和in都可用来表时间~within指期限之内~而in既可指期限之内又可指期限之外。 用within,in填空 ?I will come back an hour. ?You should receive a reply seven days. ?It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot easy reach. ?He promised to come back three days,and three days later,he is really before us. 【答案】 ?in/within ?within ?within ?in/within 7(observe vt.观察;观测 Air conditioned vehicles for observing animals.(教材P)带有空调装置、用于观察动物的30 车。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com Did you observe anything strange in the room? 你观察到这个房间有什么奇怪的东西吗, He seemed not to observe her coming. 他似乎没注意到她的到来。 ?observe sb./sth.看到/注意到„„ observe sb./sth.do sth.看到„„做„„ be observed to do sth.被看到做„„ observe sb./sth.doing sth.看到„„正在做„„ observe that...看到/注意到 observe vt.还意为遵守(规则、法律等)~沿袭/奉行(风俗),庆祝/庆贺/欢度(节日、生日? 等) Have you observed any changes lately? 最近你注意到什么变化没有, The policeman observed the man enter the bank./The man was observed to enter the bank by the policeman. 那名警察注意到那个人进了银行。 The one who doesn't observe the law will be punished sooner or later.不遵守法律者迟早会受到处罚的。 【提示】 observe后接不定式作宾补时~必须省略动词不定式to~但在被动语态中则须用to。 look/see/observe/watch/notice 及物动词,“打量”;不及物动词,“看,注视”,是常用词,有意识地注意看,look 只是强调动作,不管结果如何,与at搭配,构成及物动词短语,后接宾语。 及物动词,“看见”。通过视觉看见物体,强调结果,表示“看到”,不管有意see 或无意看到,不用于进行时。 意思是“观察”,指从不同角度长时间地观看并且研究,带有很强的目的性,如observe 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 为了得出结论、看法等。 及物动词或不及物动词,“观看;注视”,指全神贯注地观看、观察或注视某事watch 物的活动、变化和发展。 notice 及物动词,“注意到;看到;听到;察觉到”。 【教师备课资源】 observation n([C,U]观察,监视 under observation受到监视 observance n(遵守,奉行 observant adj.善于观察的,观察力敏锐的 observer n(观察者,目击者,观测者;旁听者;观察家,观察员 用see,look,notice,observe,watch的适当形式填空 ?Have you been the election campaign? ?Did you how pale he looks? ?We 120 women interacting with their babies and compared them with 120 men. ?I him leave the house. ?The shop assistant at him up and down when he entered the shop. 【答案】 ?watching ?notice ?observed ?saw ?looked 8(advantage n(有利条件,优势;利益 Advantages of trip to Turkey...(教材P) 30 去土耳其旅游的好处„„ She had the advantage of a good education. 她具有受过良好教育的有利条件。 For certain types of work,wood has advantages over plastic.对于某些类型的制品来讲,木头要优于塑料。 Don't lend them the car—they're taking advantage of you.不要把汽车借给他们——他们在利用你。 【提示】 advantage作“优点~有利条件”讲时为可数名词~但作“利益~好处”讲时为不可数名词。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?be of advantage to 对„„有利 gain/have/win an advantage over 优于„„~胜过„„ take advantage of 利用„„~占„„的便宜 to advantage 使优点突出~出色地 ?disadvantage n(不利条件~劣势 用适当的介词或副词填空 ?What is the advantage using nuclear power? ?A man who can think will always win an advantage others. ?Computer methods may then be used advantage. 【答案】 ?of ?over ?to 如何写宣传材料——小册子 小册子(a brochure)是用来介绍或宣传某事物的一种说明文体。可用来介绍一种产品,说明其样式、作用、用途、用法等,例如说明书或产品的简介材料。也可宣传某个旅游景点、游览胜地或营地,向游客介绍其风格、特色,从而使游客能够全面了解其服务与风貌,起到介绍或宣传的作用,并最终达到吸引游客前往光顾的目的。 写小册子时应注意: (1)应把所介绍的特色介绍给对象或客户,从而能吸引、打动对方。 (2)经过思考后,拟好段落。先写什么,后写什么,应周密计划,语言简明易懂,直截了当。 (3)经检查、修改无误后,编成小册子。 一家宾馆新开业,为吸引外国宾客,希望在互联网上进行宣传,请你用英语为其写一篇文字介绍。主要内容包括: 1(地点:距白山入口处500米。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 2(房间及价格:单人间(共20间),100元/天;双人间(共15间),150元/天;都有热水 淋浴。 3(餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡等)。 4(游泳池:全天免费开放。 5(欢迎预订。 注意:1.词数:100词左右,题目已写好。 2(可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel [思路点拨] 本次写作任务是写一篇宣传新开业宾馆的应用文。写作时注意内容的完整性和条理性。 整篇文章的时态应以一般现在时为主,用第一人称表达更显宣传的亲切和诚意。 [词汇热身] 1(开放营业 (单/双人间 2 3(预订 4(提前,预先 5(免费 6(供你选择 7(整日开放 【答案】 1.open for business 2.single/double room 3(book 4.in advance 5.free of charge 6.for you to choose from 7.open all day [句式温习] 1(该宾馆设有20个单人间和15个双人间,都有热水淋浴。 It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, . 2(该宾馆提供一日三餐,中、西餐任你挑选。 The hotel serves and there are Chinese food and Western food for you . 3(晚上你可以在咖啡厅喝茶或者品尝咖啡。 You can also enjoy yourself at the caf in the evening. 【答案】 1.all with hot showers 2.three meals a day;to choose from 3.drinking tea or coffee [连句成篇] 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 【参考范文】 Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain.It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms,all with hot showers.A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night.You are advised to book in advance.The hotel serves three meals a day and there are Chinese food and Western food for you to choose from.You can also enjoy yourself at the cafe drinking tea or coffee in the evening.We also have a swimming pool,which is open all day and free of charge. All are welcome! Culture Corner & Bulletin Board Period ? 1(...today one area in particular is associated most closely with the name of the Silk Road.(教 材P) 32 但是在今天,有一个特别的地区与丝绸之路这个名字联系尤为密切。 (1)in particular 尤其,特别;特殊的,具体的 The whole meal was good and the wine in particular was excellent. 整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。 Are you looking for anything in particular today? 今天你想要点什么特殊的(饭菜)吗, ?particular adj.特别的 be particular about 对„„讲究/挑剔 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com ?particularly adv.特别地 There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。 She's very particular about what she wears. 她对衣着很讲究。 完成句子 ?你为何特别选了那一天, Why did you choose that day , ?那个经理对他的衣着非常讲究。 The manager is very his clothes. 【答案】 ?in particular ?particular about (2)be associated with 与„„有关;与„„有瓜葛 These are problems associated with cancer treatment. 这些是与癌症治疗有关的问题。 associate sb./sth.with...,,把某人/某事与„„联系起来 ,associate with sb.与某人交往,合伙, ,,in association with...与„„有联系/有关 They prefer to associate with young people. 他们更喜欢与年轻人交往。 I am working in association with another person. 我和另一个人合伙工作。 【教师备课资源】 “与„„有联系”表达法: be connected with... be related with/to... 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com be associated with... have something to do with... 完成句子 ?他总是将一件事与另一件事联系在一起。 He is always . ?中国与长城总是被联系在一起。 China the Great Wall. 【答案】 ?associating one thing with another ?is always associated with 2(identify sb./sth.as...认出„„是„„;表明„„是„„ The Silk Road got its name in the 19th century when a German geographer identified it as the route through which the Romans got their silk from China.(教材P) 32 丝绸之路是19世纪得其名的,当时德国的一位地理学家认为,罗马人是通过这条路从 中国得到丝绸的。 The aircrafts were identified as American. 那些飞机被认出是美国的。 His accent identified him as a Frenchman. 他的口音表明他是个法国人。 identify vt.识别~鉴定 identify with sb.与某人在感情上认同~与某人有同感 be identified with与(政治派别等)关系密切 identify sth.with sth.认为某物等同于另一事物 Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能在这些伞中认出你自己的伞吗, We can identify with this father. 我们能够认同这位父亲的感受。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 完成句子 ?幸福和财富不能混为一谈。 One can not happiness wealth. ?她同情并理解下岗工人。 She laid-off workers. ?他不想与改革派有任何关联。 He does not wish to the reform party. 【答案】 ?identify;with ?identified with ?be identified with 3(be attached to 附属于„„;依恋于„„;系在/贴在„„上 My legs were attached to a single rubber band...(教材P)我的腿被绑在一根胶带上„„ 33 We've grown very attached to this village and wouldn't want to move.我们渐渐喜欢上了这 个村庄,不想离开了。 I am very attached to old customs. 我非常留恋旧风俗。 attach to sb.与某人相关联~归于某人 attach sth.to sth. 将某物与某物相联系~将某物归于某物 attach sb.to sb./sth. 使某人隶属于某人/某物 attach importance/value/weight etc.to sth. 认为某物有重要性/价值/分量等,重视某物 He attached a cheque to the order form. 他在订货单上附了一张支票。 I do not attach much weight to the theory. 我不十分重视这学说。 What we should know is that children's education is what we should attach importance to.我 们应该意识到,孩子们的教育问题才是我们真正应该重视的东西。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 完成句子 ?她把邮票贴在信封上然后寄了出去。 She a stamp the envelope and mailed it. ?你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。 You'll this apartment until the end of the year. 【答案】 ?attached;to ?be attached to 4(Hi,why don't we make a footprint map showing the places we've visited or want to visit,(教材P)你好,为什么我们不绘制一张足迹图,它可以显示我们已经参观过或要去参观的33 地方。 此句中showing the places we've visited or want to visit是v. ing形式作定语修饰a footprint map,相当于which shows the places we've visited or want to visit。 Do you know the girl sitting beside our maths teacher? 你认识坐在数学老师旁边的那个女孩吗, 【对接高考】 (2013?辽宁高考)Laura was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mail for her. A(waited B(to wait C(waiting D(was waiting 【解析】 句意:劳拉去了巴黎一个多星期。当她到家时~有一堆邮件正等着她。分析句子结构可知~空格处用作后臵定语修饰mail~因为mail与wait之间为主动关系~且wait的动作不是发生在将来~故不用不定式而用现在分词结构。D项若改为which/that was waiting也正确~这样可构成定语从句修饰mail~但是作为从句主语的关系代词不可省去。 【答案】 C 完成句子 There are a few boys (在河里游泳)( ? ?The boy (坐在我后面)is my brother. ?People (等公共汽车)often sit in my doorway. 【答案】 ?swimming in the river ?sitting behind me ?waiting for the bus ?.单项填空 1(There is nothing in in today's newspaper. 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com A(particular B(partial C(peculiar D(specific 【解析】 句意:今天的报纸上没什么特别的。in particular特别的。partial部分的~局部的,peculiar与众不同的~独特的~强调与同类其他物品相异的特性,specific具体的~特定的。 【答案】 A 2(Even the smallest baby can its mother by her voice. A(recognise B(identify C(understand D(know 【解析】 句意:甚至最小的婴儿也能靠声音辨认出其母亲。identify和recognise都可表示“辨认出”~但是identify指通过某些内在的东西辨认出某人或某物~而recognise指认出曾经见过或原来认识的人或物~强调通过外表辨认出,understand理解,know认识(表状态)。 【答案】 B 3(Many years ago,there was an old man in the cave. A(lived B(living C(live D(was living 【解析】 所填词在句中作定语~所以排除C、D两项,man与live之间是主谓关系~故用现在分词作定语。 【答案】 B 4(Spiders their webs branches or leaves by thread. A(attach;with B(are attached;with C(attach;to D(are attached;to 【解析】 句意:蜘蛛用丝把网粘在树枝或树叶上。attach...to...把„„附着(粘)在„„上。 【答案】 C 5(She always the smell of fresh bread with her grandmother,who loved baking. A(associated B(joined C(connected D(combined 【解析】 句意:她总是把新鲜面包的气味与祖母联系起来~(因为)祖母非常喜欢烘烤。associate“与„„联系起来”~指通过联想而“联系”,join连接~联合,connect连接~联系,combine联合~化合。 【答案】 A ?.选词并用所给词的正确形式填空 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com trade,attach,exchange,associate,in particular,identify,influence,remain 1(Mother warned the boy not to be with that project. 2(He loves science fiction . 3(The reporters one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist. 4(One pen for your box is a fair . 5(I great importance to what he said. 6(Winning the first prize in the contest has great on him. 7(Nowadays,some officials power for personal interest which is illegal. 8(The natural beauty of the country unchanged. 【答案】 1.associated 2.in particular 3.identified 4.exchange 5.attached 6.influence 7.trade 8.remains ?.立体式复习单词 A(基础单词 1( n(奇遇,冒险的经历 2( adj.较重要的;较严重的 3( n(团体,组织,机构 4( adj.不舒服的,不自在的 5( n(住所,住处 6( adj.最大的,最多的 7( adj.极度的,极端的 8( n(相似性,类似性 9( n(较喜欢的东西,偏爱 10( vt.使惊愕 11( vt.使困惑 12( n(量,数量 13( n(准备,预备 14( n(志向,抱负 15( vi.运转;发挥作用 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com B(词汇拓展 16( vi.不同于,有区别? adj.不同的? n(不同,差异 17( adj.忧虑的,担心的? n(焦虑,担忧 18( vt.使困惑? adj.令人困惑的? adj.困惑的? n(困惑 19( adj.富有的,富裕的? n(财富 20( n(耐心,忍耐力? adj. & n(有耐心的;病人? adj.没有耐心的 21( n(国籍? n(国家,民族? adj.国家的 【答案】 1.adventure 2.major 3.organisation 4.uncomfortable 5.accommodation 6.maximum 7.extreme 8.similarity 9.preference 10.amaze 11.confuse 12.quantity 13.preparation 14.ambition 15(function 16.differ;different;difference 17.anxious;anxiety 18.confuse;confusing;confused;confusion 19.wealthy;wealth 20.patience;patient;impatient 21.nationality;nation;national ?.递进式回顾短语 A(短语互译 1( 起飞 2( 颠倒地,倒置地 3( 出现,到场 4( 决定不履行 5( 使理解 6( in turn 7( break out 8( put...into prison 9( on one's way 10( run out of B(用上面词组的适当形式完成下列句子 11(Everything in the room was turned . 12(It appears as if a war will . 13(I've my tooth paste this morning. 14(I couldn't to her how much I loved her. 15(Once you've given your word,don't try to . 【答案】 1.take off 2.upside down 3.turn up 4.back out 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 5(get across 6.轮流 7.突然发生,爆发 8.把„„关进监狱 9.在途中 10.用完,耗尽 11.upside down 12.break out 13.run out of 14.get across 15.back out ?.仿写式活用句型 1(Then came the total darkness of the polar winter. 【句式仿写】 ?铃响了。 the bell. ?然后主席来了。 the chairman. 2(When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it. 【句式仿写】 ?箱子太重了,我提不起来。 It is I can't lift it. ?屋子里人太多了,我进不去。 There are I can't enter it. 3(While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals. 【句式仿写】 必要时我会找你帮忙的。 I'll turn to you for help . 4(Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower. 【句式仿写】 住在大城市里使他有了很多的工作机会。 him a lot of job chances. 5(However,silk wasn't the only thing that passed along the Silk Road;anything that had buyers was traded along the road. 【句式仿写】 ?这是我们现在唯一能做的事情。 This is the only thing . ?你有什么东西要在城里买吗, Is there anything ? 【答案】 1.?There goes ?Then came 2(?so heavy a box that ?so many people in the room that 3(when (it is)necessary 4(Living in the big city brings 5(?that we can do now ?that you want to buy in town 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 完形填空解题技法(九) 研读首尾抓主题法 大多数夹叙夹议类完形填空的尾段是文章的结论段落,是对前面所讲述故事的评价,这 样与首段往往形成呼应的效果,所以,考生做此类文章时,要仔细分析首段与尾段的这种对 应关系。 一般来说,议论文会按照“总—分—总”的思路来写。首先提出主题,接着对主题进行 分析、叙述,最后进行归纳、总结,得出结论或提出建议。因此,一般根据文章的首句及尾 句就能抓住文章的主题。故这种抓主题解题方法就是研读首尾抓主题法。 【实例透析】 (2012?北京高考) Inspiration “Mama,when I grow up,I'm going to be one of those~”I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three.It was the first time that my 36 took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training... ... ...I see a 55 that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow—and inspires people every day to follow their dreams. 36(A.hobby B(plan C(dream D(word 55(A.victory B(trend C(tradition D(desire 【解析】 36.C,55.C。作者三岁时看了首都舞蹈团表演后就决心长大后当一名舞蹈演 员~那是她的梦想首次生动地、清晰地呈现出来~并且对她开始训练起了重要的作用。结尾 语:我在这个舞蹈团中看到了一种传统~这种传统激励了一代又一代的小女孩和一支辉煌的 团队不断发展壮大~鼓励人们每天追逐他们的梦想。由结尾段中的“follow their dreams”可知 36空应该用dream一词~这样形成前后呼应。 【技巧点拨】 值得注意的是,主题句不总是在文章的开头,有时在文中,有时在文尾,因此,考生在 做题时一方面要快速通读全文,另一方面应注意连接词,如but, however, yet, though, therefore, 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com otherwise等,它们的前面一句或后面一句就有可能是主题句。 考生抓住了主题,就等于掌握了整篇文章,就可根据主题顺藤摸瓜选出正确答案。 (2011?天津高考) ... I cannot thank you enough for19(what)you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were buried20(under)piles of law books. I was21(puzzled). Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for22(tests),When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn't know Moms23(could)be lawyers too. You smiled and said, “In life, you can do anything you want to do. ” ... Encouraged by your33(statement), I have forged ahead(毅然前行)with my life's journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and 34 meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I'm 35 it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live. 34. A(secretly B(curiously C(carelessly D(eagerly 35. A(doing B(considering C(correcting D(reading 【解析】 本篇文章的主题句就是“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”母亲的这 句话一直激励着他不断前行~勇敢地去迎接生活中的一个又一个的挑战~从而取得了一个又 一个的成功。 34. D。根据前面的“不怕犯错误”可知~这里指的是“渴望”迎接每一个挑战~故选 D项。A项“秘密地”~B项“好奇地”~C项“粗心地”~均不符合语境。 35. A。此处意为“你是那样做了~我现在正在做”。故选A项。 完形填空解题技法(十) 思前想后觅逻辑法 逻辑是作者的行文方式,主要包括并列、转折、条件、因果、递进、让步等。它们之间 有的通过连接词来表达,关系非常明显;有的隐含在句与句之中,关系比较隐晦。考生应该 根据前后信息进行思考,拨开迷雾,准确理解上下文间的逻辑关系。 【实例透析】 1((2012?江苏高考)(..Today we can talk,text,e-mail,chat and blog(写博客),not only 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com from our 42 ,but from our mobile phones as well. ... 42(A.media B(computers C(databases D(monitors 【解析】 B。这句话用了并列连词not only...but(also)(..~意为“不仅„„而且„„”~根据but后面的“our mobile phones”可知~not only后面也要填一个与其属于同一范畴但非同一物的名词~故选computers。 2((2012?广东高考)(..For example,they may believe that people should always tell the truth,and that lying is 6 acceptable... 6(A.seldom B(rarely C(merely D(never 【解析】 D。句中的并列连词and表示前后两个分句是逻辑上的并列关系。前一分句的意思是“他们认为人们永远要说实话”~后一分句与前一分句意义一致~故此处要用never~表示“从不”。 【技巧点拨】 应用此法做完形填空题时,需要理清上下文之间的逻辑关系,找出它们内在的联系及含义。例如注意一些连词,像and, but, or, if, because, so, though等在句中所起的作用,进而理清上下文之间的逻辑关系作出正确的判断。 When Teresa, a widow with four young children, saw a notice from her church for all members to gather to deliver presents and food to a 1 family, she took $ 10 out of her savings jar and bought some ingredients to make three dozen2(cookies). She got to the church parking lot just in time to join the convoy going to the home that was to 3 the people's help. The route was 4 , and she was astonished when the cars pulled up in front of her house. When the pastor saw her, he said, “We 5 expected you to join us, Teresa. We know it's been a great 6 since your husband died, and we all wanted to 7 you. ” 1(A.wealthy B(big C(noble D(needy 3(A.offer B(receive C(expect D(refuse 4(A.pleasant B(lengthy C(familiar D(rough 5(A.never B(just C(even D(seldom 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com 6(A.failure B(comfort C(success D(struggle 7. A(satisfy B(support C(invite D(remember 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。特里萨是一个很贫穷的母亲~她一个人带着4个孩子度日。当她看见教堂帮助人的活动通知时~她拿出了10美元买了一些原料~做了一些甜饼~准备送人~并且在那里等着和他人一起给那些需要的人送去。当车队来到自己的家门口的时候~筹办人发现了特里萨~原来她也参与了帮助人的活动。特里萨虽然感到有点不自在~但是她却奉献出自己的甜饼和他人来分享。 1. D。考查语境逻辑。根据前面的语境及下文中的“going to the home that was to 3 the people's help”可知是给予需要帮助的家庭~所以应该是贫穷的家庭~故选D。needy意为“贫困的”。wealthy“富有的”,big“大的”,noble“高贵的”~均不符合语境。 3. B。考查语境逻辑。根据前面的语境:她看到一个教堂的通知~要人们准备东西送给那些贫穷的家庭~再根据空格后面的“the people's help”可知此处表示接受人们的帮助~所以选B。offer“提供”,expect“期待”,refuse“拒绝”~均不符合语境。 4. C。考查语境逻辑。从后面的“she was astonished when the cars pulled up in front of her house”可知车队来到了她家~因此路线是她熟悉的~所以选C。pleasant“令人愉快的”,lengthy“漫长的”,rough“艰难的”~均不符合语境。 5. A。考查语境逻辑。从后面的“We know it's been a great 6 since your husband died”可知她的丈夫死了~她生活得也很艰难~所以他们从来没有想到她还会去帮助其他人。just“刚才”,even“甚至”,seldom“很少”~均不符合语境。 6. D。考查语境逻辑。从空格后面的“since your husband died”可知她的丈夫死了~因此生活对她来说是很艰难的~所以选D。failure“失败”,comfort“安慰”,success“成功”~均不符合语境。 7. B。考查语境逻辑。前面提到她的丈夫死后~她的生活很艰难~所以人们都想帮助她~故选B。satisfy“满足”,invite“邀请”,remember“记得”~均不符合语境。 版权所有:中华资源库 www.ziyuanku.com
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