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四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do part b教案 陕旅版


四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do part b教案 陕旅版Unit 8 What can you do? Part B Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims (1) To enable the students to understand and speak six phrases and two sentence patterns: sing a Chinese song,sing an English song,buy some balloons,draw a picture,take photos,play the music....

四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do part b教案 陕旅版
Unit 8 What can you do? Part B Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims (1) To enable the students to understand and speak six phrases and two sentence patterns: sing a Chinese song,sing an English song,buy some balloons,draw a picture,take photos,play the music.What can you do for our party? I can … (2) To be able to understand the discussion about the preparation of a party by key sentence patterns. (3) To enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary and word formation. 2. Ability aims (1) To develop the Ss’ speaking strategy. (2) To develop the Ss’ vocabulary strategy. (3) To encourage the Ss’ cooperation amongst in their studies. 3. Moral aims To arouse the Ss’ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in language communication. Stimulate the Ss’ creativity. Teaching keys and difficulties According to the teaching aims, the focus of this lesson is review the expressions and to help the Ss to communicate with each other. The difficulty is to understand the discussion about the preparation of a party. Teaching procedure Step 1: Warm-up/Revision 1.Free talk 师生日常问候 2.Let’s chant 播放录音,师生边唱边做动作 Step 2: New presentation 1.Leading-in (1) T: We’re going to have a party. What can you do for our party? 引入take photos 图片(图片被遮挡一部分) T:Let’s guess! What can he do for our party? 学生通过观察图片,补充句子: He can ___________.(take photos) (2) 引入play the music T让一名学生S1上台,悄悄让他播放音乐(按播放按钮) T:Let’s guess! What can he/she do for our party? Ss 通过S1的动作,说句子:He/She can ___________.(play the music) (3)引入sing a Chinese /an English song T: Look at them ,what can they do for our party? Ss通过观察 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 图片1回答: She can sing a song. T指导回答:She can sing a Chinese song. Ss通过观察ppt图片2回答: He can sing an English song. 解析a与an 的区别 (4) 复习短语 T通过与学生的交流,图片的引导,复习有关聚会准备活动的其他短语draw a picture/buy some balloons. 2. 上楼梯比赛 每组派六名学生上台,在15秒内,读短语或句子,每名学生读对一组,即上楼梯一级,上的楼层越高得分越高。 3. Let’s learn more (1) 听录音回答问题,并粘贴头像 Q1:What can Kevin do? Q2: What can Liu Zhaoyang do? Q3: What can Su Nan do? (2) 学生齐读对话 (3) Let’s act对话 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演 Step 3: Practice 1. Do a survey 2. 绕口令 Step 4: Homework 根据调查表自编一组对话。
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