首页 几种速效减肥瑜伽



几种速效减肥瑜伽几种速效减肥瑜伽 一、 简易拜日式 站立,双手于胸前合掌,先吐一口气,一边吸气,一边将手臂向后上方伸直,将手臂靠近耳朵的两旁,上半身尽量向后仰,慢慢吐气,同时身体向前伸展,尽量将手靠近地面,将身体向双腿靠近,吸气,将右腿向后退出一步,将臀部下沉,慢慢地抬头,向上看,低头时将左腿向后退出,双腿并拢,脚尖抵地,屏住呼吸,吐气时屈膝,将膝盖、胸部慢慢靠近地面,吸气时将身体向前伸展,将臀部向前推,慢慢扩胸,向后仰头,吐气时手脚不动,慢慢将臀部向上提,使背部和手臂成一条直线,整个身体与地面构成三角形,吸一口气,收回右脚...

几种速效减肥瑜伽 一、 简易拜日式 站立,双手于胸前合掌,先吐一口气,一边吸气,一边将手臂向后上方伸直,将手臂靠近耳朵的两旁,上半身尽量向后仰,慢慢吐气,同时身体向前伸展,尽量将手靠近地面,将身体向双腿靠近,吸气,将右腿向后退出一步,将臀部下沉,慢慢地抬头,向上看,低头时将左腿向后退出,双腿并拢,脚尖抵地,屏住呼吸,吐气时屈膝,将膝盖、胸部慢慢靠近地面,吸气时将身体向前伸展,将臀部向前推,慢慢扩胸,向后仰头,吐气时手脚不动,慢慢将臀部向上提,使背部和手臂成一条直线,整个身体与地面构成三角形,吸一口气,收回右脚放于双手中间,臀部下沉,慢慢抬头向上看,吐气,将左脚往回收,双腿并拢,膝盖伸直,脸向双腿靠近,慢慢吸气,收起头部,身体慢慢向后伸展,吐气时身体还原,保持均匀呼吸。 二、手枕式 身体侧躺,保持身体成一条直线,右手托住头部,左手撑在胸前地面上,重心稳住,吸气时双脚离地,向上方举高,膝盖并拢,吐气,停留一会,慢慢还原,换方向。 三、英雄式 双腿向两旁尽量打开,屈左腿,吸气,向两侧提起双臂,吐气时向左侧扭转,眼睛看左手,吸气时收回手臂,向右侧转动,手臂向上伸展合掌,直臂,向后仰头,慢慢吐气,双臂打开下垂,挺胸抬头,向后仰,保持呼吸,慢慢收回,换方向。 四、抬臀式 躺于地面,将双臂向后伸直,双腿弯曲,脚心并拢,拉近会阴位置,吸气时抬高臀部、腰部至极限,停留一会,保持均匀呼吸,渐渐吐气,身体还原,双腿收回,伸直。 五、后抬腿式 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer 俯卧地面,面部着地,双手自然置于身体两侧,抬起双手掌心向下,指尖相对,置于下巴下,抬高右腿,左腿屈膝撑住右腿膝盖,保持均匀呼吸,还原,换左腿。 六、下蹲式 站立,双脚尽量打开,双手交叉,掌手向上,自然下垂,屈膝下蹲至大腿与地面平行,保持均匀呼吸,慢慢还原,多做几次。 七、舞王式 站立,右手握右脚踝,脚跟贴近臀部,左臂向上伸展靠近左耳,身体前倾,右手向上拉高右脚,双臂与地面平行,保持呼吸,停留一会,慢慢还原,换方向。 八、侧提腿式 金刚坐姿,双手手掌在前撑住地面,大腿与地面垂直,吸气时展开右膝,吐气时,右腿向侧面打开伸直,与地面平行,保持呼吸,停留一会,慢慢吐气还原,换方向。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer 九、剪刀式 平躺地面,双手抱头,双腿并拢,吸气时双腿举高,与地面45度角,吐气时停留一会,吸气时双腿向两旁打开,吐气时收回,意念集中在腹部,吸气打开,吐气并拢,慢慢还原。 十、踩单车式 平躺地面,双脚离地,吸气时臀部离开地面,双手撑腰,慢慢伸直双腿,保持均匀呼吸,双脚踩单车,慢慢收回双腿,恢复坐姿,按压阳陵泉穴、血海穴、膝关穴,每个几秒钟。 十一、平衡式 站立,先将左脚向前一步,吸气时双手向上伸直合十,吐气时手臂和上身前倾,背部、右腿平行于地面,保持呼吸,停留一会,吸气时还原,换方向。 十二、跪姿举腿式 跪坐地面,身体向前,手心向下,大腿、上臂与地面垂直,右腿伸直,脚尖点地,吐气,抬高右腿,意念集中在臀部,吐气将腿放下,吸气时抬起,吐气时放下,做几次后换左腿。 文章来源:瑜伽教练考证 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer
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