首页 电子体温计使用说明



电子体温计使用说明电子体温计使用说明 韵先知淘宝店祝您好孕 这款是英文的基础体温计,小数点后是两位数,精度很高,是通过早晨的基础体温来确定女性排卵期的最好帮手。 1、大屏幕,大字体液晶读数,非常方便(完全没有了JM们用传统的水银体温计读数难和读数不准确的问题); 2、防水型,每天测量后可用清水冲洗金属头,亦可使用酒精消毒棉消毒; 3、蜂鸣提示,在温度上升缓慢的时候会有蜂鸣警告提示;(请注意,尤其腋下测量的时候要注意,腋窝温度随着测量也在上升过程中,温度稳定要3分钟以上,这时提示声并不是体温测量完毕,这个时候不要将体温计取出,...

电子体温计使用说明 韵先知淘宝店祝您好孕 这款是英文的基础体温计,小数点后是两位数,精度很高,是通过早晨的基础体温来确定女性排卵期的最好帮手。 1、大屏幕,大字体液晶读数,非常方便(完全没有了JM们用传统的水银体温计读数难和读数不准确的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ); 2、防水型,每天测量后可用清水冲洗金属头,亦可使用酒精消毒棉消毒; 3、蜂鸣提示,在温度上升缓慢的时候会有蜂鸣警告提示;(请注意,尤其腋下测量的时候要注意,腋窝温度随着测量也在上升过程中,温度稳定要3分钟以上,这时提示声并不是体温测量完毕,这个时候不要将体温计取出,这个提示是 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明体温变化慢了.测量还要再坚持三分钟,如果不确定是否听到蜂鸣声,每个体温计测四分钟即可) 在口腔测量也可在蜂鸣提示后,继续测量3分钟,这样能使体温更接近躯干体温。 4、高精度,最小刻度读数可达到0.01?;(数字体温计相比水银温度变化会灵敏很多很多,水银的温度变化不大的时候,是显示不出来的,而数字的不同,微小的变化数字都会不同。情绪激动跟情绪平稳时候的体温都会测出不同的结果,这正体现出电子体温计的灵敏性。) 5、读数方便、测量精确、无汞害等优点,并具备蜂鸣提示及记忆功能 6、可用于测量、计算妇女排卵周期,也可用于在家庭、医院等场合测量、观察人体基础体温。 注意事项:勿摔打、弯曲;勿使用高温消毒;勿接触化学溶剂或稀释剂;勿拆卸。情绪激动时不要用来测量体温,体温计会随着情绪不稳定时的体温变化而变化,请一定注意。 基础型电子体温计中文使用说明 技术特性: 1) 测量范围: 32.00~42.00?(当温度超出此范围时,显示LO或HI) 2) 测量误差: ?0.1?(32.50?~42.00?) 3) 分辨率: 0.01? 4) 测量时间(开机,看到LO,测量3分钟) 5) 蜂鸣提示功能 6) 自动关机功能 电池型号: 1.5V, 钮扣电池 (LR/SR-41) 产品包装:英文说明包装(外彩盒包装,里塑料收藏盒) is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 什么是基础体温 基础体温(Basal Body Temperature, BBT)又称静息体温,是指妇女经过6—8小时的睡眠以后,比如在早晨从熟睡中醒来,尚未进行任何活动之前所测量到的体温称之为基础体温。基础体温通常是人体一昼夜中的最低体温。 基础体温的原理:正常育龄妇女的基础体温与月经周期一样,呈周期性变化,这种体温变化与排卵有关。 女性月经周期以月经见红第一天为周期的开始,周期的长短因人而异,约为21-35天不等,平均约为28天,其中又以排卵日为分隔,分为排卵前的滤泡期,与排卵后的黄体期。滤泡期长短不一定,但黄体期固定约为14天上下两天。排卵后次日,因卵巢形成黄体,分泌黄体素会使体温上升摄氏0。6度左右,而使体温呈现高低两相变化。高温期约持续12-16天(平均14天)。 1、若无怀孕,黄体萎缩停止分泌黄体素,体温下降,回到基本线,月经来潮。 2、若是已经怀孕,因黄体受到胚胎分泌荷尔蒙支持,继续分泌黄体素,体温持续高温。 3、若卵巢功能不良,没有排卵也没有黄体形成,体温将持续低温。 确定排卵日的根据 为什么能够根据基础体温确定排卵日呢?卵巢中的卵子,在卵泡素的作用下成熟后,冲破卵泡。从卵巢中进入输卵管,这就是排卵。排卵后的卵巢生成类似于海胆酱样的黄体物质,而黄体物质分泌的黄体素具有升高体温的作用 哪天是排卵日 从这次月经到下次月经之间,每天早晨测量基础体温,可形成一种前半段时间体温较低、后半段时间体温较高的曲线。体温之所以变高,是因为排卵结束后卵巢中生成的黄体分泌黄体素所致。也就是说,月经结束后到下次排卵日开始的这段时间体温降低,排卵后到下次月经来临的这段时间体温升高。因此,在两次月经之间分为低温期和高温期两个时期,而且低温期的最后一天即为排卵日。 建议使用专门的基础体温计,基础体温计与一般体温计不同,它的刻度较密. 将基础体温计于睡前放在枕边可随手拿到之处,次日睡醒,尚未起床活动时,放在舌下测量五分钟,并 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 在基础体温表上。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 请注意,要在一睁眼未活动的时候进行测量,固定测量一个身体位置的温度,连续测量时不要更换位置。(位置指舌下,左腋下,右腋下。另外早晨的体温过一会儿就会上升的,请在一睁眼时进行测量)。测量时请把金属头紧贴皮肤。 如果早晨量记体温有困难者,可在每天某一固定时间量,切记事前半小时不可激烈运动,情绪紧张或饮用冷热食品,冬季若天冷,使用前请恢复室温再进行测量。 测量基础体温的方法虽然简单,但要求严格,还需要长期坚持。一般需要连续测量3个以上月经周期才能说明问题。 在月经期,如遇有感冒、发热、腹泻、失眠、饮酒、使用电热毯等情况,往往容易影响基础体温,在测量时要注意,同时注意要特别标记说明。 1、判断是否排卵指导避孕 一般卵泡期基础体温为36.5?,黄体期上升0.5?以上,因而出现双相表现,表示有排卵,若单相型无后期升高的体温曲线,提示无排卵,其准确率为70%~80%。 如果在24小时之内,体温增高了0.3,0.6?,甚至更高,那么则表示处于排卵的状态。 另外,基础体温也大略可以看出排出卵子的质量优劣程度。如果基础体温高温期较长,可以持续13,14天,那么就表示卵子的质量不错。 2、诊断早孕和判断孕早期安危 如果持续两周以上较高的基础体温,就要考虑去医院检查一下,因为你有可能是怀孕了。若?20日可确定为早孕。在孕早期BBT曲线渐渐下降,表示黄体功能不足或胎盘功能不良,有流产倾向。 3、观察黄体功能 排卵后BBT应立即上升,且持续在高水平?11日。若BBT呈阶梯形上升,曲线需3日后才达高水平或BBT稳定上升<11日,可诊断为黄体功能不足(1uteal phase defeot,LPD)。 4、提示其他病变 经期BBT不降低,可能有子宫内膜异位症或早期亚临床流产,子宫内膜异位症的病灶出血后会产生吸收热。原发闭经患者BBT呈双相型时,应考虑子宫性闭经,如先天性无子宫或生殖道结核使子宫内膜破坏等。 5、推算适宜的内膜活检时间 周期不规则的患者,要了解子宫内膜有无分泌反应和黄体的功能,应在BBT上升后估计下次月经来潮前2,3日作内膜活检。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 1 排卵 当女性月经来临时,基础体温为低温;排卵之后,基础体温则会转为高温。一般来说,女性在排卵24小时之后,受精的比率会变得比较低;但是,男性的精子大约可以在女性的子宫里存活72小时。所以,在女性基础体温处于低温、接近排卵期时就应该行房,可以每隔两天行房一次,这样可以增加受精几率;若等到基础体温达到高温时再行房,那怀孕的几率就已经降低了。 2 多囊卵巢 此类病患以“胖”为表征,往往容易发胖、长青春痘、毛发浓密、月经经常性不准。表现在基础体温上则是:高温期较短,严重的还可能是经常性低温。有这种情况的女性,通常有家族性遗传糖尿病,如怀孕生子,则属于妊娠糖尿病的高危险群。 3 卵巢功能不好 卵巢功能不好的人,通常基础体温的循环周期会缩短,原本的28天,可能慢慢会变为24天或22天,高温期也相应缩短。 4 泌乳素过高 泌乳素高,基础体温的高温期就会缩短,其卵子的质量也较差,所以不容易怀孕或容易流产。 5 危险期(易受孕期) 基础体温为高温期属于安全期(不易怀孕期),低温期则属于危险期,但低温期也会有个别差异。比如对年轻女孩而言,她们的卵巢功能好,分泌物多,危险期就相应的长一些,精子在子宫内存活的几率也会相对比较高。所以,很可能在排卵前5天开始,就必须看作是危险期。 如果夫妻经常选择在危险期行房,却一直不见怀孕迹象,那么就必须去医院检查找出原因,到底是男性的精子数量不够,还是女性的输卵管不通,或是有其他方面的原因。 下面列举了几种体温曲线图,大家可以参考一下。请大家注意哦,月经周期每个人都是不同的,下面的都是举例子,具体的还要看亲是多少天的月经周期,另外体温也是举例说明的,体温因人而异,有的高于36度,有的低于36度。亲主要观察的是体温的升降。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 记录方法: 将测量到的基础体温正确地记录在体温记录单上,能反映出卵巢的功能情况。如记录不正确,就失去其意义。下面是正常育龄女性在一个月经周期中的一张基础体温曲线图。由图所见,前半部分体温较低,后半部分体温升高,呈典型的双相型体温曲线。这种体温曲线表示卵巢有排卵功能,高、低体温曲线交界处为卵巢的排卵日期。图中的纵轴坐标表示体温的度数,每一小格为0.1?。横轴坐标表示日期和月经周期日,每一小格为1天。从月经来潮的第1天开始,将每天所测量到的体温度数用小点画在相应的体温记录单的格子中,一直到下次月经来潮的前1天为止,最后将各个小点用直线按顺序连接起来,就成为1个月经周期的基础体温曲线。如上图的曲线示意连接图 有正常排卵的曲线图 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 上图表示正常月经周期28天,基础体温曲线呈现 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的高低温两相变化。从月经开始-排卵 日,低温期14天;排卵后持续高温14天,其中第14天为排卵日。 准备怀孕的未准妈妈们,在第14天的排卵日同房是比较好的受孕时机。 每个未准妈妈的月经周期不一定是28天,所以观察到的基础体温曲线图和图示会有差异, 关键是在清楚自己的低温期、高温期,找准排卵日,合理安排自己的同房日期,成功怀孕~ ................................................ 已经怀孕的基础体温曲线图 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 怀孕图例(持续高温) 图示为已经怀孕的基础体温曲线图,高温从第15天持续到第34天,已经持续20天。一般来说高温持续超过16天就是怀孕的征兆。 想要宝宝的JM们恭喜哦,终于心想事成,怀孕罗~赶快到医院进一步确认这个好消息,做好准备工作哦~ 暂时没有怀孕 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的JM需要早做考虑 ..................................................... 疑似早期流产的基础体温曲线图 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 图示为疑似早期流产的基础体温曲线图,高温从15号到24号持续了20 天之后降温。一般是早期流产的征兆,女性如发现有这样的基础体温, 应及早到医院就诊,查明原因。 ............................................................. ... 没有排卵的基础体温曲线图 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 图示为没有排卵的基础体温曲线图,持续低温,没有高温期,没有形成 高低温的曲线变化,如果是测量发现有如图示的姐妹需要到医院,咨询 妇科医生。 黄体功能不良导致体温缓慢下降的基础体温曲线图 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 图示为黄体功能不良导致体温缓慢下降的基础体温曲线图,一般而言, 当没有受孕的状态下,黄体素的浓度会因子宫内膜即将脱落而急速下 降。如果体温下降速度缓慢,表示说黄体功能不良,也不利于怀孕。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 黄体素浓度不够导致排卵期体温上升缓慢的基础体温 曲线图 图示为黄体素浓度不够导致排卵期体温上升缓慢的基础体温曲线图,可 以观察到在14号排卵之后,15号开始体温缓慢上升。这种情形代表着 体内分泌的黄体素浓度不够快,因而导致体温上升缓慢。通常也代表着 排卵状况不良,受孕机率下降。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination
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