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墙缝里的小草墙缝里的小草 《读者?原创版》2013年1期 卷首语 朋友开了一家摄影工作室,生意清淡,好在地处闹市,临窗又是无敌河景,还有免费的WiFi和茶水,不利用一下着实可惜。于是,这里成为我们歇脚小聚的绝佳去处。最初,这栋大楼里只有咖啡馆、书吧、培训班、平面设计作坊,去的次数多了,我就留意到,楼中店越开越多,种类也在不断丰富。有次聚会,室内阳光甚好,我懒病发作,不愿下楼吃饭,说楼里要是有家送外卖的就好了。不到半个月,这里还真就开了家餐馆。上周,我去朋友店里,他递过一张优惠券,说是楼上新开了家理发店,请他帮忙做宣传,如果...

墙缝里的小草 《读者?原创版》2013年1期 卷首语 朋友开了一家摄影工作室,生意清淡,好在地处闹市,临窗又是无敌河景,还有免费的WiFi和茶水,不利用一下着实可惜。于是,这里成为我们歇脚小聚的绝佳去处。最初,这栋大楼里只有咖啡馆、 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 吧、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班、平面设计作坊,去的次数多了,我就留意到,楼中店越开越多,种类也在不断丰富。有次聚会,室内阳光甚好,我懒病发作,不愿下楼吃饭,说楼里要是有家送外卖的就好了。不到半个月,这里还真就开了家餐馆。上周,我去朋友店里,他递过一张优惠券,说是楼上新开了家理发店,请他帮忙做宣传,如果理完发再去隔壁做皮肤护理,还能享受更优惠的折扣。 掐指一算,截至本月中旬,这栋大楼里除了旅馆,你能想到的买卖应有尽有。愿意上20层楼消费的客人可不多,但楼中店胜在价格,1000多块钱就能拍一套拿得出手的婚纱照,花20块钱就可以在咖啡馆坐一整天—低价的诱惑,“草根”无法抵挡。楼中店房租便宜,很多店家没有营业执照,更不用提交税,于是降低了成本。我不是鼓励温饱险中求,我只想说,如果创业的成本能够承受,也不会有那么多人去考公务员了。 尽管社会一再鼓励年轻人自己创业,但如果鼓励只是象征性的,恐怕也无济于事。堂弟开了一家蔬菜冷库,摆平各路人马耗费了他大量精力,至于经济投入,我只能说,幸亏他是“富二代”。总之,创业路上的障碍很难荡平。但一些资本和雄心不成正比的年轻人还是拼尽全力,就像生长在墙缝里的小草,不放过任何阳光、雨露,抓住机会,在狭小的缝隙里生长。 因为朋友的关系,我也和一些楼中店的小老板熟悉起来,进而有了深入接触的机会。其中一些人有体面的工作,嘴上说开店不过图个乐子,但还是掩饰不了做一番事业的理想;另一些人是单纯为生活打拼。大家的生意普遍很一般,于是经常聚会,在聚会时又会忍不住谈谈自己的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。我列席过几次这样的“商业论坛”,听他们分享赚钱的门道。有人甚至倡议,大家一起合作做一本宣传册,把各家的信息都登上去,每家楼中店都放几本,互相宣传,理由是,喜欢在楼中店消费的顾客会愿意知道更多的楼中店„„ 每次听到这些人高谈阔论,我都很兴奋,因为这样的对话是积极的、明朗的。我生平忍受不了两种人,一种喜欢吹牛,还有一种年纪轻轻就暮气沉沉,貌似参透社会,开口就是托关系、走门路,而这两样我都没有,所以只会深深地绝望。 若干年前,也是一个灰蒙蒙的冬天,眼看就要毕业,我还捧着简历四处兜售自己,心情灰暗可想而知。有一天泡图书馆,我翻到一本《光荣与梦想》,里面有个细节令我印象深刻:20世纪30年代,美国经济大萧条,在如此不利的局面下,一个刚毕业的学生仍旧信心十足地奔波在求职路上,口袋里的几个铜板撞得叮当乱响。年轻人的心态决定着一个国家的活力。今年我遇到了很多这样的青年,无论是做一份微不足道的工作,还是为创业打拼,都很努力地去做,遇到困难没有退缩,而是想尽一切办法去解决。理想主义的信念加上务实的做派,让旁人看了都精神振奋,况且他们并非一无所有,比如时间,比如梦想。 那一年冬天刚结束,我就找到一份工作,虽然在外地,但还是兴高采烈买了站票奔向远方。眼下这个冬天,寒冷的只是天气,年轻人的心依然滚烫,而新的一年,已经悄然开始。 翻译提示: 1. 关于“摆平各路人马”的英译,英文有个比喻说法,to grease / oil the wheels; 2. 富二代,英译为the second rich generation / the second generation of the rich,后者似更佳; 3. 《光荣与梦想》 The Glory and the Dream; 4. (几个铜板)撞得叮当乱响:(a few coins) clinking and clanking against each / one another; 5. 理想主义的信念加上务实的做派:idealistic convictions and practical style; 6. 站票:ticket for standing room Little Grass in a Crannied Wall Tr. by HSP Although the society has encouraged the young to start their own business, the encouragement is probably of little actual help if remaining nominal. My cousin opens a freezer for green stuff. He expended much energy / much time and effort in greasing / oiling the wheels. When it comes to investment and expenses, I have to say how lucky he is as a second rich generation. Anyway, it’s really difficult to smooth away hindrances on the pioneering way. Yet some young people who have less capital than their aspirations are still going to great lengths as the little grass does in the crannied wall, seizing every opportunity, rain or sunshine, to grow in the narrow opening. Through my friends I have made acquaintances and even closer contact with the minor owners of the shops in the building. Some who already have a decent salary can hardly conceal their desires of starting a career even though they claim that they intend simply to have a fun in opening a shop. And others are struggling only for bread and butter. As their businesses are usually not busy, they often gather together and at every gathering they are not restrained from talking about their ambitions. Every time I hear them eloquently talk, I get excited because their talk is bright and aspiring. I can never tolerate two sorts of people – one is good at talking horse, and the other acts as an elder at a young age as though having thoroughly understood the society, and talks about nothing but relationships and backdoors which leave me in desperate hopelessness as I have neither. On a gloomy winter day years ago, being about to graduate though, I was still trying around with my resume to sell myself. Just imagine how gloomy I was as well. Another day when I lingered in the library I happened to skim a book entitled The Glory and the Dream and I was deeply impressed by the following story in the book: while the Great Depression in 1930s was unfavorable to everyone, a graduate was still full of confidence on his job-hunting way even though he had on him only a few coins clinking and clanking against each other. The state of mind of the young generation is decisive to a nation’s growth. This year I have met many young people of the type. They are either devoted to their insignificant job or exerting themselves to start their own businesses. In stead of giving in to whatever problems, they try every means to work out a solution. They are remarkably inspiring to others with their idealistic convictions and practical style. Moreover, they do have something else: they have enough time, and they have their dream!
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