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龙腾世纪起源(队友任务)中英文攻略 队友任务 Followers 弗莱弥丝的魔法书 Flemeth's grimoire 任务来自:莫莉甘(Morrigan)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Morrigan [Campsite] 先要找到一本黑魔法书(black grimoire)。要拿到它,需要进入欧文在[法师界塔-法 师区(The Circle Tower – Mage Quarters)]的办公室(M33,10)。拿到魔法书后回到 营地,把书交给莫莉甘(Morrigan),引发对话。莫莉甘...

队友任务 Followers 弗莱弥丝的魔法书 Flemeth's grimoire 任务来自:莫莉甘(Morrigan)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Morrigan [Campsite] 先要找到一本黑魔法书(black grimoire)。要拿到它,需要进入欧文在[法师界塔-法 师区(The Circle Tower – Mage Quarters)]的办公室(M33,10)。拿到魔法书后回到 营地,把书交给莫莉甘(Morrigan),引发对话。莫莉甘让你给它她一些时间以研究魔 法书。再次回到营地的时候和她对话,莫莉甘让你去杀掉弗莱弥丝。在这个任务里,她 自然不会与你同行。离开营地,前往[弗莱弥丝的小屋(Flemeth’s hut)]。抵达后和这 个老女人(old lady)(M24,2)对话,你可以选择杀死她或是放过她。如果你决定杀 死她,她会变成一条龙(dragon),这场战斗会非常艰难。 Description: You can start Morrigan’s quest by finding the black grimoire and in order to collect it you would have to gain access to Irving’s office in [The Circle Tower – Mage Quarters] (M33, 10). Once you have the magic book return to the camp and give Morrigan the grimore to trigger a conversation. Morrigan will ask you to give her some time to study the book, so you’ll want to talk to her again the next time you’re in the camp. The witch will then tell you that Flemeth planned on using her to prolong her own life. Morrigan will therefore ask you to kill Flemeth and obviously she won’t be allowed to accompany you in this quest. Exit the camp and travel with your team to [Flemeth’s hut]. Talk to the old lady upon your arrival (M24, 2) and you’ll be allowed to choose between letting Flemeth go or killing her. Notice that if you want to kill her she’ll transform herself into a huge dragon which will make winning this fight extremely difficult. 如果你要杀死弗莱弥丝这个女巫(witch),你的队伍中至少要有两名队员使用弓箭、 弩或法术对她进行远攻。至少要有一名战士(warrior)在龙的旁边攻击以吸引其注意力。 除了经验值,没有其他的奖励。杀死龙之后,从其尸体上拿到一把钥匙(key)。 If you decdie to kill the witch don’t forget that at least two members of your team should use bows, crossbows or spells to attack the dragon from the distance. In addition to that at least one warrior should remain close to the dragon to attack it and to distract its attention. Sadly you won’t receive any additional rewards for killing Flemeth aside from experience points. Don’t forget to collect a key by examining dragon’s body before moving on. 如果选择放过弗莱弥丝(Flemeth),她会给你一把钥匙(key)。两种情况都能得到钥 匙。进入她的小屋,找到一个上锁的箱子,用钥匙打开,拿到弗莱弥丝的魔法书 (Flemeth’s grimoire)(24,4)。回到营地,把书作为礼物交给莫莉甘(Morrigan), 任务结束。 If you choose to allow Flemeth to walk away she’ll also give you a key, so in both cases you’ll have to enter her hut. Once you’re inside find a locked chest and use the newly acquired key to open it and to collect Flemeth’s grimoire (M24, 4). You may now return to the camp. Give the grimoire to Morrigan as a gift to end this quest. 阿利斯泰尔的家庭 Alistair's family 任务来自:阿利斯泰尔(Alistair)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Alistair [Campsite] 和阿利斯泰尔(Alistair)成为朋友,并且在营地和他多次对话后才能接到这个任务。他 让你帮忙寻找他的姐妹格丹娜(Goldanna)。到[德内瑞姆-市场区(Denerim – Market district)],找到[格丹娜的房子(Goldanna’s house)](M64,3)。和阿利斯泰尔简短 对话后,与其一起进入房子与格丹娜对话。这个任务有两种结局。阿利斯泰尔让你给他 姐妹 15个金币(15 gold coins)以改善她的生活,你可以同意,或者使用说服(persuasion) 技能不交出金币。不管怎样,阿利斯泰尔都会很高兴,你帮他找到了姐妹。和格丹娜对 话后离开房子,任务结束。 Description: This quest can only be activated if you’ve made friends with Alistair and after you’ve talked to him a lot in the camp. He’ll then ask you for your help in finding his sister Goldanna. In order to locate the woman you’ll have to travel to [Denerim – Market district] and to find a building marked on your map as [Goldanna’s house] (M64, 3). Listen to a short conversation with Alistair and then enter the building to talk to her together. This quest can end in two ways. Alistair will ask you to give his sister 15 gold coins to improve quality of her life and you can agree to his request or you can use persuasion to prevent money losses. Don’t worry, because he would still be happy that you’ve helped him find his sister. Either way you must leave the house after you’ve talked to Goldanna and you’ll automatically complete this quest. 奥格伦的旧爱 Oghren's old love 任务来自:奥格伦(Oghren)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Oghren [Campsite] 和奥格伦的关系提高后才能接到这个任务。他会给你讲很久之前他和一位女矮人的爱情 故事。你需要帮他找到这个女人。到[加兰赫湖码头-被宠坏的公主(Lake Calenhad docks – Spoiled princess)]。进入酒馆后,让奥格伦和菲尔希(Felsi)(M32,9)对话或者你 说服他由你先和菲尔西希对话。对话中为奥格伦选择最好的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,并向菲尔希讲述他众 多的功绩。作为回报,你会得到不少友好值。 Description: You won’t be allowed to activate this quest until you’ve improved your relations with Oghren. He will then tell you a story of a dwarven woman he had a relationship with a long time ago and obviously you’ll be allowed to help him in finding her. In order to locate her you must travel to [Lake Calenhad docks – Spoiled princess]. Once you’re inside the tavern you can allow Oghren to talk to Felsi right away (M32, 9) or you can convince him that you should talk to her first. Don’t forget to assist Oghren by choosing the best answers for him and to tell Felsi about his numerous accomplishments. In return you’ll receive additional relationship points. 贝雷萨德剑 Beresaad sword 任务来自:斯腾(Sten)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Sten [Campsite] 游戏初期可能接不到这个任务,因为要得到斯腾(Sten)的信任,需要很常的时间。尽 量提高你和他之间的友好度,他最终会告诉你他曾犯下的一桩谋杀罪。斯腾告诉你,在 他的最后一战中,他把剑弄丢了,你可以答应帮他找回。到[加兰赫湖码头(Lake Calenhad docks)],在通往世界地图通道的附近,见到一个捡破烂的人(scavenger)(M32,10)。 和他对话,他让你去找一个名叫法里恩的商人。 Description: You probably won’t be able to start this quest in the early parts of the game, because gaining trust with Sten is going to be a long process. Make sure to build your relationship with him until he decides you to tell the story of the murders he commited. Sten will inform you that during his last battle he’s lost his sword and naturally you can promise to find it for him. Start off by travelling to [Lake Calenhad docks]. You should remain near the passageway to the world map, because you’ll come across a scavenger nearby (M32, 10). Talk to this person and you’ll be directed to a trader named Faryn. 在[雪背山山口(Frostback mountains pass)]地区找到法里恩(Faryn)(M47,8)。 和他对话,告诉他,他偷窃的剑的主人还活着。法里恩让你去找德怀恩,并且不让你对 斯腾说出他的名字,你可以向他索要贿赂。在[雷德克利夫-德怀恩的房子(Redcliffe – Dwyn’s house)](M27,15)找到德怀恩(Dwyn),有两个方法可以得到剑(sword) ——你可以提出购买或让这个矮人主动交出(说服、恫吓)。拿到钥匙后,到后面的一 个小房间,打开一个箱子,拿到斯腾的剑(M27,27)。回到营地,把剑作为礼物交给 你的朋友(friend)。从这个时候起,斯腾就可以使用这把剑(blade)了,这可是他所 能使用的最理想的武器了。 Faryn can be found in [Frostback mountains pass] area (M47, 8). Start the conversation with him and don’t forget to mention that the owner of the blade he stole is still alive. Faryn will send you to talk to Dwyn and in exchange for not telling Sten about him you may convince him to give you a bribe. Dwyn can be found in [Redcliffe – Dwyn’s house] (M27, 15) and there are two ways of retrieving the sword – you can puchase the blade or convince the dwarf that he should give it you voluntarily (persuasion, intimidation). Once you’ve received a key check a small room in the back, open one of the crates and take Sten’s sword (M27, 27). You may now return to camp and give your friend the sword as a gift. Notice that Sten will be able to use this blade from now on and that it’s going to be an ideal choice for his primary weapon. 维妮的悔恨 Wynne's remorse 任务来自:维妮(Wynne)[营地(Campsite)] Received from: Wynne [Campsite] 和维妮(Wynne)的友好度到一定程度后,她会给你讲述她第一个学生阿尼林的故事。 你可以帮忙查明他到底发生了什么事。到[布雷西连森林-达利许精灵营地(Brecilian forest – Dalish camp)],在火边找到萨雷尔(Sarel)(M41,8)对话,得知阿尼林还 活着,并且他一般会待在森林里。 Description: Once you’ve sufficiently developed your relationship with Wynne the woman will tell you a story of her first apprentice Aneirin. You can offer to find out what’s happened to him and in order to make that happen you must travel to [Brecilian forest – Dalish camp]. Talk to Sarel who can be found sitting next to the fire (M41, 8). The elf will inform you that Aneirin is still alive and that he likes to spend his time in the woods. 到[布雷西连森林-东部(Brecilian forest – Eastern part)]找阿尼林(Aneirin)。在遇 到疯狂的隐士(mad Hermit)的地点附近,有一个小营地(M43,5)。要把维妮(Wynne) 带在队伍中,这样她就可以和她的学生对话了。对话结束后,你会得到阿尼林的项链 (Aneirin’s necklace),任务结束。 In order to locate Aneirin you’ll have to go to [Brecilian forest – Eastern part] and it’s going to be a small camp (M43, 5) located near the place where you’ve encountered mad Hermit. Naturally you should have Wynne in your team, so that she’ll have a chance to talk to her apprentice. Once the conversation has ended you’ll receive Aneirin’s necklace and you’ll finish this quest. 泽弗兰 Zevran 任务来自:在城市中往来随机激活[德内瑞姆(Denerim)] Received from: automatically while travelling between different areas of the city [Denerim] 提高和泽弗兰(Zevran)的友好度,会得知他上一个任务的故事。听过后在[德内瑞姆 (Denerim)]不同区域往来,会发生随机事件。幸运的话会遇到泽弗兰的同僚。塔利森 (Taliesen)是安蒂文乌鸦团的成员,泽弗兰会和他进行简短的对话。然后你的朋友加 入队伍,和刺客(assassins)的战斗开始。建议躲开台阶——那里很有很多陷阱。消灭 刺客(包括塔利森)后再次和泽弗兰对话。现在你可以选择是让他留在你的队伍中还是 让他离开。 Description: Make sure to develop your relationship with Zevran, because only then he’ll tell you the story of one of his last assignments. Once you’ve heard the story start moving between different areas of [Denerim] until you’ll be stopped by a random encounter. If you’re lucky you’ll meet one of Zevran’s colleagues. Taliesen will be a member of the Antivan Crows and you’ll witness a short conversation between Zevran and him. Your friend will then have to join your team and you’ll start the battle with a group of assassins. I would recommend moving away from the stairs, because that’s where you can find a lot of traps. Talk to Zevran again once you’ve defeated all the assassins (including Taliesen). You’ll now have a chance to decide whether you want him to go away or if he should stay as a member of your team. 莱莉娅娜的过去 Leliana's past 任务来自:莱莉娅娜(Leliana) [费瑞登(Ferelden)] Received from: Leliana [Ferelden] 莱莉娅娜(Leliana)的任务是最难解锁的任务之一,因为你需要正确地提升与她的好感 动。要了解她过去的故事,离开[洛瑟灵(Lothering)]抵达[营地(Campsite)]后,问 她以下问题——你这样的人在洛瑟灵小教堂做什么?(What would someone like you be doing in Lothering’s Chantry?)下一个问题不太重要。对话结束后,选择完成任务或给她 礼物提升好感度,而不是再次和她对话。达到 30 好感度后再和她对话(在营地里)。 告诉她你听说奥莱斯的游吟诗人经常做间谍的勾当。对话结束后离开营地到最近的地 点,然后再回到营地,莱莉娅娜会主动和你说话,为撒谎向你道歉,并解释了她的以往 经历。由此得知玛乔莱恩的存在和莱莉娅娜在奥莱斯正遭到追杀。 Description: Leliana’s quest is among the most difficult ones to unlock, because you’ll have to develop your relationship with her in a right way. Basically you’ll want to find out the details from her past and you’ll have your first chance to do that right after leaving [Lothering] and arriving in the [Campsite]. Start off by asking her a following question - What would someone like you be doing in Lothering’s Chantry?. Next questions aren’t that important and once the conversation has ended instead of talking to her again develop your relationship with her by choosing good solutions to quests or giving her presents. Achieve somewhere around 30 approval points and then talk to her (during your stay in the campsite, naturally). This time you should say that you’ve heard of minstrels from Orlais being often spies. End the conversation and leave the camp by travelling to the nearest location. Return to the camp and Leliana should automatically initiate a new conversation with you, apologizing for lying to you and explaining some things from her past. You’ll find out about the existence of Marjolaine and that she is being hunted in Orlais. 离开营地,到其他地方,会有随机事件发生。按照计划,你会来到一条小溪边的窄路, 在那里被库纳里战士(Qunari warriors)袭击。如果之前在[洛瑟灵(Lothering)]提升 了等级,可以轻松打败他们。注意敌人中有个使用强大魔法的女巫(witch)。杀掉她 继续向前,并及时给队员补血(特别是如果此时维妮(Wynne)还没有加入你的队伍)。 在一座木桥附近,拆掉一个陷阱。 Leave the campsite again and decide to travel to a different location in order to trigger a new random encounter. If you’ve done everything according to the plan you’ll end up on a narrow path located close to a creek. Qunari warriors will attack your team, but assuming you’ve advanced a few levels since your first visit to [Lothering] you shouldn’t have any problems killing them. Instead watch out for a witch capable of casting powerful spells. Kill her before moving forward and don’t forget to heal your team members to avoid any of them falling in battle (especially if Wynne is not your ally just yet). Head forward, but don’t forget to disarm a trap located close to a wooden bridge. 除了要消灭普通的敌人(enemy units),还要对付一个拿弓小 boss-刺客头目(Assassin leader)。当他受到重伤后就会投降,激发一段对话。询问中得知,是某个在[德内瑞姆 (Denerim)]的人发出的攻击命令,并且这个任务正式出现在你的日志中。对话后可以 选择杀死刺客或是放他走。 After you’ve dealt with standard enemy units you’ll also have to get rid of a mini-boss carrying a bow – Assassin leader. The idea here is to injure him badly so that he’ll surrender and you’ll start a new conversation. During this interrogation you’ll find out that someone from [Denerim] has ordered the hit and this is when the quest will officially appear in your journal. You may now finish off the assassin or let him go. 在你的队员足够强大之后再到[德内瑞姆-市场区]去完成任务,在那里要和众多的强敌 作战。准备好后点击目的地附近的一扇门(M64,22),来到[德内瑞姆-市场区-玛乔 莱恩的房子(Denerim – Market district – Marjolaine’s house)]。在这里干掉两个库纳里 战士(qunari warriors)。在进入下一个房间前,一定要存储游戏。 I wouldn’t recommend going to [Denerim – Market district] with hopes of finishing this quest until your team has risen in strength, because one of the possible solutions will be to attack a large group of powerful enemies. If you feel like you’re ready go to the city and click on a door found close to the arrival zone (M64, 22) to travel to [Denerim – Market district – Marjolaine’s house]. Here you’ll have to defeat two qunari warriors. SAVE YOUR GAME before going to the next room! 玛乔莱恩(Marjolaine)在她房屋最大的房间里等着你。和她对话。对话有两种结局— —说服玛乔莱恩不再骚扰莱莉娅娜,并和平地离开王国,或者让莱莉娅娜(Leliana)攻 击玛乔莱恩。如果你决定攻击玛乔莱恩,除了她,还要对付两个库纳里雇佣兵(qunari mercenaries)和两个冒险者(adventurers)(并且通往他们房间的路上会有陷阱)。 战斗后查看房子,可以得到罕见的盔甲(armor)、玛乔莱恩之弓(Marjolaine’s bow) 和一个符文(rune)。 Marjolaine will be waiting you in the largest room of her house and you’ll have a chance to talk to her. This conversation has two endings – you can either convince Marjolaine not to bother Leliana anymore and to leave the kingdom in peace or you can provoke Leliana to attack Marjolaine. Bear in mind that if you choose the battle Marjolaine won’t be your only probblem. Aside from her (she’s a powerful boss) you would also have to deal with two qunari mercenaries and two adventurers (there are traps leading to their rooms!). Either way don’t forget to explore the house after the battlle and you’ll have a chance to collect a unique armor, Marjolaine’s bow and a rune. 行会任务 Guild quests 黑石非正规军 Blackstone irregulars 最后一招 Scrapping the barrel 这个任务要求你把征兵信(recruitment letters)交给三个人。在[雷德克利夫-房屋 (Redcliffe – House)](M27,24)找到德纳·加里桑(Dernal Garrison)。在[洛瑟灵 -小教堂(Lothering– Chantry)]找到帕特·格里奇(Patter Gritch)(M25,15),在 [德内瑞姆-精灵外区(Denerim – Elven alienage)]找到瓦雷尔·贝尔恩(Varel Baern) (M66,3)。注意,要在洛瑟灵被瘟疫毁掉前和帕特对话,否则这个任务就无法完成 了(尽管还能送信给另外两个人)。 Description: This job will require you to devlier recruitment letters to three men. Dernal Garrison can be found in [Redcliffe – House] (M27, 24), Patter Gritch can be found in [Lothering – Chantry] (M25, 15) and Varel Baern can be found in [Denerim – Elven alienage] (M66, 3). Make sure to talk to Patter BEFORE Lothering is destroyed by the Plague, because otherwise you won’t be allowed to oficially end this quest (even though you’ll still be permitted to deliver two other letters). 玩忽职守 Dereliction of duty 你的任务是找到三个逃亡者(deserters)。每次和逃亡者对话,都要和他(小 boss (mini-boss))及其伙伴(colleagues)展开一场战斗。胜利后从他们的尸体上拿到行 会物品(guild supplies)。这三个逃亡者是:[加兰赫湖码头(Lake Calenhad docks)] 的萨梅尔(Sammael)(M32,4),[雪背山山口(Frostback mountains pass)]的托纳 斯(Tornas)(M47,3)和[德内瑞姆-破败后巷-肮脏房屋(Denerim – Run-down back alley – Dirty house)]的莱森(Layson)(M69,9)。 Description: Your job will be to locate three deserters. Each time you’ve talked to a deserter you’ll start a fight with him (mini-boss) as well as with several of his colleagues. You’ll also have to examine their bodies in order to collect guild supplies. The men you’ll have to find are Sammael found in [Lake Calenhad docks] (M32, 4), Tornas found in [Frostback mountains pass] (M47, 3) and Layson found in [Denerim – Run-down back alley – Dirty house] (M69, 9). 贿赂 Grease the wheels 在德内瑞姆找到五个戴头巾的信使(hooded couriers),并和他们对话。第一个信使在 [德内瑞姆-市场区(Denerim – Market district)](M64,1),第二个在[德内瑞姆- 珍珠(Denerim – Pearl)](M65,2),第三个在[德内瑞姆-暗黑后巷(Denerim – Dark alley)](M69,4),第四个在[德内瑞姆-破败后巷(Denerim – Run-down back alley)] (M69,6),第五个在[德内瑞姆-精灵外区(Denerim – Run-down back alley)](M66, 2) Description: Your job will be to locate five hooded couriers of the city of Denerim and to talk to them. The first courier can be found in [Denerim – Market district] (M64, 1), the second courier can be found in [Denerim – Pearl] (M65, 2), the third courier can be found in [Denerim – Dark alley] (M69, 4), the fourth courier can be found in [Denerim – Run-down back alley] (M69, 6) and the final fifth courier can be found in [Denerim – Run-down back alley] (M66, 2). 死亡预告 Notices of death 把吊唁信(letters of condolences)四个女人(women)。这四位遗孀是:[德内瑞姆- 市场区(Denerim – Market district)]的萨拉(Sara)(M64,10),[德内瑞姆-肮脏后 巷(Denerim – Dirty back alley)]的塔妮娅(Tania)(M69,1),[加兰赫湖码头-被 宠坏的公主(Lake Calenhad docks – Spoiled princess)]的莱拉娜(Larana)(M32,6) 和[雷德克利夫-小教堂(Redcliffe – Chantry)]的艾蕾妮娅(Irenia)(M27,26)。 Description: Your assignment will be to deliver letters of condolences to four women. The widows you’ll have to locate are Sara from [Denerim – Market district] (M64, 10), Tania from [Denerim – Dirty back alley] (M69, 1), Larana from [Lake Calenhad docks – Spoiled princess] (M32, 6) and Irenia from [Redcliffe – Chantry] (M27, 26). 重建行会 Restocking the guild 要收集 20个治疗药剂(healing potions)。建议尽可能多地收集弱效治疗药剂,否则, 游戏会从你的强效药剂中扣除。 Description: Your job will be to collect and deliver twenty healing potions. I would recommend that you focus on finding as many of the weakest potions as possible, because otherwise the game would automatically take stronger medicine from your inventory. 牧师告示板 Chanter's board 肤浅 Skin deep 你的任务是找到 9个或 18个死尸胆汁(corpse galls)。可以在[雷德克利夫城堡(Redcliffe castle)]、[法师界塔(The Circle tower)]和[狼人巢穴([Werewolves lair)]找到。杀 死不死族后,从它们的尸体上收集到死尸胆汁,很快就能凑齐数量。 Description: Your job will be to find and deliver 9 or 18 (additional reward) corpse galls. Ideal places to find the galls and [Redcliffe castle], [The Circle tower] and [Werewolves lair]. Each time you’ve encountered the undead make sure to check their bodies and it won’t take long until you find enough galls to end this quest. 旅行队 Caravan down 打开费瑞登地图,找到[旅行队([Caravan)]。抵达后消灭一大群敌人,包括两个小 boss (半兽人使者(Genlock emissary)和变身半兽人(Genlock alpha)) Description: Open the map of Ferelden and confirm that you want to travel to [Caravan]. After your arrival you’ll have to deal with a large group of hostile creatures, including two mini-bosses (Genlock emissary and Genlock alpha). 危急的港口 Desperate haven 打开费瑞登地图,找到[难民(Refugees)]。抵达后看到难民(refugees)正在和怪物 (monsters)作战。不要先救援难民——他们没有幸存的机会。尽快干掉敌人的弓箭手 (enemy archers),然后对付主要的 boss(强兽人使者(Hurlock emissary))。在所 有的难民被杀死前,近可能多地干掉敌人。 Description: Open the map of Ferelden and confirm that you want to travel to [Refugees]. Once you’ve arrived you’ll notice that the battle between the monsters and the refugees has already started. Don’t even think about rescuing the civilians, because they don’t stand a chance. Instead focus on eliminating enemy archers as soon as possible and then deal with the main boss (Hurlock emissary). Act quickly so you’ll defeat as many creatures as you can before all the refugees are killed. 兄弟和儿子 Brothers and sons 打开费瑞登地图,找到[战场(Battlefield)]。抵达后检查附近的尸体(corpses),拿 到士兵的日记(soldier’s journal)。到战场的另一边,沿途会有狼群(wolves)和一只 强壮的熊(bear)(主要的 boss)前来攻击。 Description: Open the map of Ferelden and confirm that you want to travel to the [Battlefield]. Once you’ve arrived take your time to examine one of the nearby corpses and to collect soldier’s journal. You’ll now have to make your way to the other end of the field. You’re going to be attacked by several groups of wolves along the way as well as by a very powerful bear (main boss). 洛根的逼迫 Loghain’s push 这是一个非常简单的任务,可以很快完成。打开费瑞登地图,找到[内战(Civil war)]。 抵达后帮助友军(allied units)消灭洛根的骑士(Loghain’s knights)和一个小 boss(洛 根的中士(Loghain’s sergeant))。 Description: This is a very easy quest and ther
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