首页 第五章、完形填空[探析]



第五章、完形填空[探析]第五章、完形填空[探析] 第五章、完形填空 第五章 完形填空 第一节 完形填空试题的解题技巧 一、完形填空的解题要求 完形填空是教学和测试的一个项目,但是在(大学英语教学大纲)中没 有被明确地提出教学的目标和要求。事实上,完形填空是阅读、语法、 词汇和写作等方面的一种综合测试形式。只有掌握好上述四个方面的 知识才能比较顺利地完成完形填空的教学任务。 (一)有较强的阅读能力 要想顺利地通过完形填空的测试,考生必须从语篇上对短文进行全面 的理解——必须正确地理解文章的大意,分析文章的结构以及主题的 表达形式...

第五章、完形填空[探析] 第五章、完形填空 第五章 完形填空 第一节 完形填空 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 的解题技巧 一、完形填空的解题要求 完形填空是教学和测试的一个项目,但是在(大学英语教学大纲)中没 有被明确地提出教学的目标和要求。事实上,完形填空是阅读、语法、 词汇和写作等方面的一种综合测试形式。只有掌握好上述四个方面的 知识才能比较顺利地完成完形填空的教学任务。 (一)有较强的阅读能力 要想顺利地通过完形填空的测试,考生必须从语篇上对短文进行全面 的理解——必须正确地理解文章的大意,分析文章的结构以及主题的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达形式等。以下短文是大学英语四级考试样题完形填空题目的短 文。 Smoking is considered dangerous to the health. Our tobacco-seer, Mr. Johnson, therefore, always asks his customers, if they are very young whom the cigarettes are bought __71__. One day, a little girl whom he had never seen before walked__72__into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the__73__ amount of money in her hand and seemed very__74__ of her- self. Mr. Johnson was so__75__ by her confident manner that he__76__to ask his usual question. __77__, he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl replied __78__ and handed him the money. While he was giving her the__79__, Mr. Johnson said laughingly that__80__ she was so young she should __81__ the packet in her pocket in __82__a policeman saw it. __83__ , the little girl did not seem to find this very funny. Without __84__ smiling she took the __85__ and walked towards the door. Suddenly she stopped, turned __86__, and looked steadily at Mr. Johnson. There was a moment of silence and the tobacco-seller__87__ what she was going to say. __88__ at once, in a dear, __89__ voice, the girl declared, "My dad is a policeman," and with __90__ she walked quickly out of the shop. 文章讲述一位警察女儿买烟的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 。文章的主题句告诉我们:吸烟有害健康,所以香烟销售商经常查问少年购买者为谁买烟。短文为记叙文,以叙述的方式表达主题。因此我们在选词填空时既要考虑表达控制少年购烟的一般情况,更要考虑描述警察女儿买烟这一特定情况的措辞。 (二)有较强的语法基础 在完形填空的试题中,测试者有目的地从短文中抽掉一些词语。题目要求考生根据对文章内容和上下文的语法结构的理解,填入词义和词性都恰当的单词或短语,把短文的意思和结构补充完整。 (三)熟练掌握和运用4000左右的单词和短语 在完形填空题目中,测试词汇的部分占一半以上,因此扩大词汇量对考好完形填空非常重 要。 (四)具有一定的写作知识 在解答完形填空题目时,考生经常要根据文章的上下文的结构和内容,填入适当的结构词。 二、完形填空的结构 完形填空的题目可以有如下三种形式: (一)带选择项的完形填空 这种测试题通常由两个部分构成。第一部分是篇幅约为250词的短文。这种短文的题材通俗,难度适中。根据测试的需要,短文留有一定数量的(通常为20个)带编号的空白。为了让考生理解文章大意,文章的主题句通常不留空白。这样,考生可根据主题句的启示,运用自己的语法结构知识和逻辑思维能力,利用短文中的关键词语所提供的信息,在文章的空白处中 填入适当的单词或短语。 第二部分是备选答案。它与短文相对应,提供一定数量的(通常 为20组)带编号的备选 答案。每组备选答案由四个单词或短语构成,其中只有一个符合短文的要求。备选答案中的 实义词(动词、名词、代词、形容词和副词等)约占70,,结构词(助动词、介词和连接词等)约占30,。 完形填空题目的考核目的是综合测试考生的阅读理解能力以及词汇、语法和写作知识。 题目要求考生根据短文的内容、上下文的结构以及各类词的语法形式和相互的搭配关系,从相应编号的备选答案中找出正确的答案,把它们填入短文的空白处,短文就会变成一篇条理清楚、内容充实、文字流畅的好文章。考生在解题时应该做好下面两个方面: 第一,认真通读全文,了解文章的大意和结构,预测可能的答案; 第二,仔细分析备选答案,确定正确的答案。 具体的做法是: 1. 短文 (1)认真通读短文1至2次,特别是要通过文章的主题句和关键词句了解文章的大意,推测空白处需要填入一个什么意思的单词或短语; (2)研究上下文的结构,分析空白处所在句子的成分和空白前后词语的语法关系,判断空白中的单词或短语是什么词性。 2 (备选答案 (1)分析备选答案的词义和词性; (2)根据短文上下文的意思和语法结构,在相应的备选答案中选出一个最适合的词语填空。 我们知道,完形填空的短文和备选答案是互相联系、相对一致的。因此,在理解了短文的大意和结构特点以后,应仔细分析和比较各个选择项,找出一个最适合的答案。 (二)带字母提示的完形填空 这种测试题是一篇带有一定数量空白的短文。在空白中给出答案词首、词中或词末的某个(些)字母作为提示,要求考生根据对短文的意 思、上下文的语法关系、词语的搭配和文章的结构等方面的理解,填 入恰当的词语,把短文补充为一篇条理清楚、内容充实、文字流畅的 好文 章。这类试题的难度较大,要求考生具有较好的语法和词汇 知识。 (三)不带提示的完形填空 这种测试是一篇带有一定数量空白的短文,空白处不提供任何提示。 题目要求考生根据对短文的内容上下文的语法关系,词语的搭配和文 章的结构等方面的理解,填入恰当的词语,把短文补充完整,通顺 三、完形填空的题型分类和解题方法 (一)根据完形填空题目的测试目的和考核内容,可分为下面四种类型 (1)常用词的辨义和惯用法; (2)词形和词序的语法变化; (3)词语的搭配关系; (4)文章的篇章结构。活运用各种解题文法,可以加快解题的速度和 提高答案的准确率。 F面是1991年6月四级考试完形填空试题的一段题目: A geographer might be described __85__ one who observes, records, and explains the __86__ between places. If all places __87__ alike, there would be little need for geographers. We know, how- ever, __88__ no two places are exactly the same. Geography, __89__, is a point of view, a special way of __90__at places. 85. A) for B) to C) as D) by 86. A) exceptions B) sameness C) differences D) divisions 87. A) being B) are C) be D) were 88. A) although B) whether C) since D) that 89. A) still B) then C) nevertheless D) moreover 90. A) working B) looking C) arriving D) retina 通读短文以后,我们知道它讲述有关地理方面的知识:说明地理学家是一种什么人和为什么会有地理学。了解了文章大意后,我们就可以分析下面的选择项并找出正确的答案。 85组属于第三题型——词语搭配。本题考介词与其他词的固定搭配,在所有的选择项中只有as与动词describe有相应的搭配关系,意为描述为。所以选C项为答案。 86组属于第一题型——常用词的辨义和惯用法。本题考常用词的辨 义。据上下文的意思和空白后面的介词between,只有differences符合题意和搭配。答案选C项。 87组属于第二题型——词形和词序的语法变化。本题考谓语动词的形式。根据上下文的语气和句子的结构,可确定D项为答案。 88组属于第四题型——文章的篇章结构。本题检查考生对句子结构和连接词的了解。句中及物动词know后面带一个宾语从句。熟悉句子结构的考生很快便可选定D项为答案。 89组与88组一样,属于第四题型。它测试考生对某些副词在句子中起连接作用的知识。根据句子的位置以及篇章内容的发展,本句有结论的意思。所以应选表示结果意思的词。选择项B满足要求。 90组属于第一题型。本题既考辨义又考搭配。从空白所在句的意思来看,只有B项符合题意。 从上面这段试题来看,完形填空的题目并不难解,关键就是要看懂短文和了解完形填空 的题型特点。对完形填空题目做过研究或有解题经验的考生,常常只分析选择项的结构就能 确定题型,根据不同题型的测试特点很快就找出正确的答案。这样做既准确又省时。但是, 题型特点不熟悉或没有经过专门练习的考生在解题时却感到没有把握,有时甚至不知道从何 下手,因此得到的分数不高。从历届四级考试完形填空的成绩来看,在本题10分中,普通院 校考生所得的平均分通常不超过6分,重点院校的考生7分左右。为了使大多数刚完成大学 英语四级学习、准备参加四级统考的学生和情况相似的其他考生了解完形填空题目的结构特 点和掌握必要的解题技巧,考好完形填空,我们从基本的方法说起,比较详细地介绍一些解 思路。在熟悉和掌握了解题方法以后,考生可以不必遵循解题思路去逐步解题。 (二)完形填空的题型特点和解题思路 下面逐一介绍各类题目的选择项的构成和解题思路(重点是带选择项的完形填空题目), 并举例说明。 第一类型 常用词的辨义和惯用法 1 (选择项的结构特点: (1)词性相同、词义相近或不同的实义词; (2)词序不同的几对实义词; (3)词性不同但词形或语法作用相似的实义词。 2 (解题方法: (1)根据短文上下文的内容、空白前后的搭配关系和词语的习惯用法,选择可能的答案; (2)把预定的答案填入相应的空白处,看它是否适合短文的内容和结构。 例1 .One day,a little girl whom he had never seen before walked——into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes(She had the exact amount Of money in her hand and seemed very sure Of herself( A)nervously B)heavily C)hesitatingly D)boldly 解题思路: ?根据短文的内容和语法结构,空白处应填A-个修饰说明动词walked的单词或短语; ?分析备选答案中各个选择项的构成和语法作用:四个选择项都是副词,在语法上它们都可以修饰说明动词walked,表示动作的方式,似乎都可选做答案; ?辨别选择项的词义:A)紧张不安地,B)脚步沉重地,C)犹豫不决地,D)无所顾忌地。只有D项的意思与短文中的very sure。herself(对自己十分自信)的意思相符; ?把D)boldly填入短文空白处,句子就变得通顺流畅而且内容清晰:有一天,一位他以前从未见过面的小姑娘无所顾忌地走进他的商店要买20根香烟; ?确定D项为答案。 例2 (While he was gem her cigarettes,Mr. Johnson said laughingly that as she webs m young she should hide her packet in her pocket in——a policeman saw A)time B)case C)fear D)Consequence 解题思路: ?根据短文的内容和结构,空白处应填入一个名词。它与前面的in搭配做连接词,引导出一个状语从句,修饰说明动词hide; ?分析备选答案的各个选择项的构成和语法作用:四个选择项都是名词,并且都能与in搭配;然而intimae(及时,终于)、infer(担心,害怕)、inconsequence(结果,因此)这三个短语不符合短文的内容,也不能做连接词来引导从句incase(预防,以免),不但符合短文内容的要求,而且也能做连词引导从句; ?确定B项为答案。 例3. The United State sis well-known for“5networkOfmajorhighwaysdesignedtOhelpa driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time(Although these wide modern road sere generally s and well maintained,with few sharp Chives and many straight sec—talons, directorates not always the most enjoy able one((CETl990,1 ()(注:空白中的下划线的数目表示缺省字母的数量,下同。) 解题思路: ?短文指出:美国重要公路网络 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 现代化——宽阔、——而且保养良好,路段笔直,极少急转弯。空白里应填入一个描写公路优点的、 以s—开头并由6个字母构成的形容词; ?根据常识:好的公路首先要宽阔和平坦。以s—为首的意为平坦并且有6个字母的形容词可能是smooth; ?把smooth填入空白处,符合短文的内容; ?确定smooth为答案。 例4 (We know,however,that no two places are exactly the same(Geography,then,is a point Of view,as special way Of at places((CET 1991(6() 解题思路: ?根据空白所在句的意思:那么,地理是一种观点一种地方的特别方法。空白所在部分在结构上做前面部分的同位语; ?从空白处上下文分析:空白前有介词。f、后有名词places,因此空白中的单词应为动名词,与介词at搭配成动词短语,词义为观察; ?在英语常用词中,与介词“搭配,词义为观察并由7个字母构成的动名词可能是 looking; ?把预定的答案looking填入空白处,符合短文的内容; ?确定looking为答案。 第二类型 词形和语序的语法变化 1 (选择项的结构特点 词干或词性相同而词形不同的各种词类,尤其是动词、形容词、代词和名词。 2 (解题方法 (1)根据短文上下文的语法关系和句型结构选择可能的答案; (2)把预定的答案填入相应的空白处,检验是否适合短文的结构和内容。 例1 (Then comes July,and with“examinations;but these are SO on finished,and with them——the school year(Boys and girls have nearly two months holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to the imprints( A)end B)to end C)ending D)ends 解题思路: ?从短文上下文的语法关系来分析:空白所在句是倒装结构,空白里应填入一个谓语动词,它的主语是the school year; ?分析备选答案各个选择项的构成和语法作用:只有A)end和D)ends能做谓语。但能做单数主语the school year谓语的只有ends; ?确定D项为答案。 例2 (They claim that if more people rode bicycles to Work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section Of the city and therefore——dirty air from car engines( A)1ittle B)less C)few D)fewer 解题思路: ?根据短文上下文的语法结构:空白处应填入一个形容词的比较级,做不可数名词air的定语; ?分析备选答案各个选择项的构成及语法作用:只有B)less和 D)fewer是形容词的比较级——fewer修饰说明可数名词,less修饰 说明不可数名词; ?确定B项为答案。 例3 (Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes(They are made from a variety O{materials,such as wax and glass,so that they look almost the same as natural flowers( 解题思路: ?根据空白所在句的意思:“人造花用蜡和玻璃等 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 制造,它们被造得如此——,以至可以以假乱真”,空白处应填入一个词义为精致、巧妙的词; ?根据语法结构,空白处应填入一个副词,修饰说明动词made,而且该副词由10个字母构成并且其中含有两个1字母; ?符合上述条件的副词可能是skillfully; ?把预定的答案填入空白处,短文的意思明确而流畅; ?确定skillfully为答案。 例4 (Four men were arrested at the airport and held for quoting,but it is unlikely that they are organizers(In fact they declared that they were unaware of what the boxes contained and acted in good fail thin bringing them into Britain((CET 1992 12) 解题思路: ?根据句子结构,空白处应填入一个助动词,与acted共同构成谓语,跟前面的were unaware一起做及物动词declared宾语从句的并列谓语; ?从并列谓语所表示的时间来看,两个动作均发生在declared之后,所以空白部分的时态应为过去完成时,而且行为动词acted与主语的关系是主动形式; ?因此,可以推断空白处应填入由3个字母构成的助动词had。 第三类型 词语的搭配关系 1 (选择项的结构特点 (1)单个介词或副词; (2)介词或副词短语。 2 (解题方法 (1)根据空白所在句的意思和空白前后的中心词(实义词)的搭配关系选择适当的答案; (2)把预定的答案填入相应的空白处,看它是否符合短文的内容和搭配。, 例1 (Smoking is considered dangerous to the health(Our tobacco-seller,Mr. Johnson,there fore,always ask shies customers,if they are very young,whom the cigarettes are bought__ A) with B) to C) for D) by 解题思路: ?从短文的句子结构来看,空白处应填入一个与bought搭配的介词; ?分析备选答案各个选择项的构成和搭配关系:t。与中心词bought没有明显的搭配关系,with和by分别与中心词bought搭配成短语:bought with(用„„购买)和bought by (以„„形式购买),但是它们的词义不符合短文的内容;剩下的选择项for与中心词bought搭配成短语bought for(为„„购买),符合上下文的内容要求; ?确定c项为答案。 例2 (The song was not brought to England until one hundred years ago(Times have changed,but Silent Night has remained(It is still sung—all comers Of the world where people commemorate the birth O{Christ( A) at B) in C) On D) over 解题思路: ?从短文的结构分析,空白处应填入一个与a11corners。afterworld 搭配的介词,介词短语在句中做地点状语,修饰谓语动词sung; ?分析备选答案各个选择项的构成并比较它们与中心词corners的 搭配关系:over与中心词corners无明显的搭配关系,“和on虽能 与后面的词语搭配成短语,但词义概念不清,也不符合短文内容; ?把剩下的选择项in填入短文的空白处,与后面的词语构成短语in a11 corners of the world(在世界各地),与短文的意思一致; ?确定B项为答案。 例3 (On the other hand,if you live in a country where there is no traditional use Of English, You must take___ sour model some form Of native English pronunciation(h does not matter very much which form you choose(The most effective way is to take as your model the soar to English you can hear most often((CETl992 1) 解题思路: ?依照空白所在句的上下文内容,空白处应填入一个意思为当作的介 词; ?根据词义搭配:词义为把„„当做的短语有take as和take for; 按提示,答案可能是由两个字母构成的as;而且,短文最后一句还 重复使用了take as这一短语; ?确定as为答案。 例4 (The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake Of learning,not the one interested only in getting high grades(Sometimes homework is returned brief written comments but without a grade(Even if a grade is not given,the student irresponsible for learning them arterial assigned((CET 1993 6) 解题思路: ?根据空白所在句的词汇结构,空白处应填入一个介词,它与后面的 名词短语brief writ— ten comments构成介词短语,表示动词 returned的方式; ?对句子做进一步观察,发现其后还有一个类似的介词短语without abrade,由转折连词 but连接; ?从空白所在句的意思以及转折连词but的含义,可以推断答案为四 个字母构成的with。 第四类型 文章的篇章结构 1 (选择项的结构特点 (1)各种类型的连接词; (2)起连接作用的介词、副词或它们的短语; (3)各种代词; (4)其他结构词。 2 (解题方法 (1)根据短文上下文的语法结构和词句之间的逻辑关系以及上下文的 内容和文体,选择恰当的答案; (2)把预定的答案填入相应的空白处,看它是否适合短文的内容和文 体结构。 例1 (Mr. John son was so surprised by her confident manner that he forgot to ask his usual question___ he asked her what kind Of cigarettes she wanted( A) Therefore B) Instead C) Anyway D) Somehow 解题思路: ?根据短文上下文的结构和内容,空白里应填入一个表示转折关系的副词; ?分析备选答案各选择项的词义和语法作用:A)因此,表示因果关系,B)相反地,反而,表示转折关系,C)无论怎样,表示让步关系,D)以某一方法,理由,表示行为方式; (3)答案显然是B项。 例2 (As an industry,TV provides jobs for hundred so I thousands——make TV set sand broadcasting equipment(h also provides work for actors,technicians and others who put On programs( A) those B) who C) which D) whom 解题思路: ?根据短文上下文的内容和文章结构,空白处里应填入表示人并且做定语从句主语的关系代词; ?在备选答案中:those不是关系代词;which是关系代词,但不表示人;whom是关系代词,虽可表示人,但却不能做主语;who是关系代词,既可表示人,又可做主语; ?确定B项为答案。 例3 The foreign research school are usually is oblates in the laboratory as means Of protector;however,what he needs is to be fitted to a highly organized university system quite different from that at home(He is faced in his daily work with different casing philosophy,arrange? mint so courses and methods Of teaching((CET 1989 1) 解题思路: ?根据空白所在句的句子结构,空白处应填入一个做及物动词 isolates宾语的名词或代 词; ?根据短文的内容,答案是主语the foreign research scholar的 反身代词。从上下文知道 此人称代词为阳性,而且它的词首字母是h并由7个字母构成; ?综上所述,答案可能是反身代词himself;把它填入空白处,符合 短文的内容和结构; ?确定himself为答案。(( 例4 In the United States,professor shave many other duties besides teaching,such as ad„ starve Or,research work, Therefore,the time that a professor can spend with a student out—?side class,is limited‘1fa student has problems with classroom work,he should either approach a roofless盼resort during office hours make an appointment((CET 1993 6) 解题思路: 1 根据空白所在句的意思和结构,空白处应填入一个与either搭配 的表示选择的连词、由两个字母构成的or; ?把or填入短文,文字通顺而流畅; ?确定or为答案。 Model Test 1 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) under the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and then mark it out. With "old fashioned" attitudes like that, you have the chance to make a career for yourself, not just a job. What's the difference? A job means__1 __in your time and getting paid the same __2__ someone else doing the same job, __3__ you do it exceptionally or routinely. If you lose the __4__, you can probably find another one __5__ the corner. In other __6__ a job puts bread on the __7__, but doesn't satisfy your higher __8__ and aspirations. A career, __9__ the other hand, is all-consuming. You'll eat, __10__ and wake up with it. You will find __11__ creating, managing, motivating--yourself and others. You __12__ the work not just to get __13__ but to develop yourself, to contribute __14__the success of your employer, to__15__ the customer. It becomes a passion. It__16__boils down to an attitude Two people__17__side by side may have two different attitudes-one__18__ the work as a job, __19__ as a career. Need I tail you who will be happier and__20__productive? And guess who will be better off--financially--far better off, in the years ahead. 1. A) succeeding B) putting C) interesting D) existing 2. A) as B) with C) like D) for 3. A) if B) either C) whether D) how 4. A) pay B) chance C) time D) job 5. A) in B) at C) on D) around 6. A) meanings B) places C) words D) people 7. A) hand B) table C) company D) money 8. A) needs B) energies C) spirits D) expenses 9. A) for B) on C) in D) with 10. A) sleep B) study C) work D) play 11. A) you B) your C) yours D) yourself 12. A) make B) want C) do D) give 13. A) excited B) bored C) hired D) paid 14. A) for B) to C) from D) about 15. A) cheat B) insult C) satisfy D) refuse 16. A) really B) exclusively C) surprisingly D) hardly 17. A) to work B) worked C) working D) work 18. A) considers B) regards C) thinks D) eats 19. A) the other B) another C) others D) other 20. A) very B) much C) more D) most Model Test 2 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) under the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and then mark it out. All that we really need to plot out the future of our universe are a few good measurements. __1__ does not mean that we can sit down today and __2__the future course of the universe __3__ any- thing like certainty. There are still __4__ many things we do not know about the way the universe __5__ together. But we do know exactly __6__ information we need to fill in our knowledge, and we have a pretty good idea of how to go __7__ getting it. Perhaps the best way ten think of our present situation is to imagine a train __8__ into a switch- yard. All of the switches are set before the train arrives, __9__ its path is completely determined. Some switches we can see, __10__ we cannot. There is no ambiguity if we can see the __11__of a switch: we can say __12__ confidence that some possible futures will not materialize and others will. At the unseen switches, __13__, there is no such certainty. We know the train will take one of the tracks leading out but we have no__14__ which one. The unseen switches are the true decision points__15__ the future, and what happens when we__16__at them determines the entire subsequent course of events. When we think about the future of the__17__, we can see our "track"__18__ into the future, but after that there are decision points to be__19__ with and possible fates to consider. The goal of science is to reduce the ambiguity__20__ the decision points and find the true road that will be followed. 1. A) It B) One C) This D) He 2. A) complete B) take C) outline D) destroy 3. A) as B) about C) by D) with 4. A) too B) as C) no D) such 5. A) puts B) is put C) was put D) has put 6. A) that B) what C) which D) whose 7. A) to B) for C) in D) about 8. A) coming B) to have come C) come D) to come 9. A) so that B) even though C) unless D) as if 10. A) another B) the other C) others D) the others 11. A) making B) opening C) working D) setting 12. A) in B) with C) of D) by 13. A) however B) therefore C) likewise D) meanwhile 14. A) information B) certainty C) knowledge D) idea 15. A) for B) before C) in D) near 16. A) reach B) arrive C) get D) look 17. A) situation B) switch C) universe D) course 18. A) many billions years B) many of billion years C) years of many billions D) many billions of years 19. A) agreed B) solved C) dealt D) discussed 20. A) at B) by C) between D) on Model Test 3 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) under the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and then mark it out. Our mind has a potent influence on what events will attract to ourselves in the future. __1__, we should visualize good and constructive possibilities.__2__ for the fulfillment of your visualize- tins. One acts on what __3__ thinks, and people generally experience __4__ they expect, since that's what they prepare for and act upon. Remember, "a journey of a thousand __5__ begins with the first step". You can be the greatest carpenter in the world, but __6__ you don't raise the hammer, you'll __7__ hit the nail. Visualization of goals has a way of generating power in an idea, thereby making it possible for that idea __8__ a physical reality. If something is important, I feel the only limitation is__9__ to work toward the goal. Consider the horizon where the earth and __10__ appear to meet--but as we travel__11__ this apparent "meeting" we find it disappears. So it is with the limitations we put on __12__; they disappear as we approach them __13__ go beyond. We have only to "decide to do" and it will "become'. My happiest__14__ was that I can do__15__ I really want to do; but I must __16__ to make what- ever sacrifice is necessary. I must__17__sufficient energy on accomplishing it If something isn't worth __18__ enough effort to achieve it, any effort put forth will be wasted. __19__ of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to__20__ when they gave up! 1. A) However B) Therefore C) Meanwhile D) Besides 2. A) Look B) Reach C) Make D) Prepare 3. A) one B) it C) they D) she 4. A) that B) what C) as D) how 5. A) dollars B) people C) miles D) times 6. A) unless B) since C) if D) whether 7. A) never B) surely C) ever D) seldom 8. A) becoming B) to become C) becomes D) become 9. A) will B) willing C) willingly D) willingness 10. A) ocean B) water C) sky D) moon 11. A) onward B) forward C) toward D) downward 12. A) us B) ours C) our own D) ourselves 13. A) but B) and C) for D) while 14. A) discovery B) discover C) discovering D) discovered 15. A) nothing B) something C) everything D) anything 16. A) badly want it enough B) enough badly want it C) want it badly enough D) want enough it badly 17. A) expend B) pay C) cost D) waste 18. A) exerted B) exert C) to exert D) exerting 19. A) Much B) Many C) Each D) Little 20. A) success B) successfully C) succession D) succeed Model Test 4 Directions: In the following passage there are 20 blanks with some letter(s) given as a clue. In each blank the number of the hyphen(s) indicates the number of the letters that are taken away from a word. Rend the passage carefully and complete the word. Then write the word down in the corresponding space. Have you heard about a camera that can peer into the ground and "see" a buried city? Another t ___(1) can help scientists know when a volcano will erupt? Still another that can show w___ (2) deeply a burn has gone into flesh: see__ (3) are only a few of the jobs newer___ (4) can do. Scientists c___ (5) these new tools "sensor cameras". They can" ___se(6)"heat waves, sound waves and certain other waves that a ___ (7) invisible--that is, cannot be seen. And some of the cameras don't even use f ___(8)! One kind of camera can sense the infrared rays (红外线) ___ en(9) off by an object _ r(10) a person. The picture of three empty chairs was made w___(11) such a camera. When this heat __t_(12) was made, the chairs h ___(13) been occupied for 15 min- uses. Yet the picture t ___(14) you about the sitters! There were ___ o(15)persons, one m___(16) slimmer than the other. The slimmer person's legs were crossed. The heat camera promises to become more and more u ___(17) in medicine. For example, a heat picture ___n(18) show the hidden bruises of a person w ___(19) has been in an accident. Or a heat picture of a person's teeth can show which ones arc, live and which ones are d ___(20). Model Test 5 Directions: There are 20 words that have been taken away the passage, leaving 20 blanks. In each blank the number of the hyphen(s) indicates the number of the letter(s) of the missing word. Read the passage carefully and deduce the word in accordance with the meaning of the passage and the structure of the context. Then write the word down in the corresponding space. To get started in radio broadcasting, following my discharge from the United States Marine Corps in 1946, I applied the "ASK" formula. I felt the law of averages was the way to___(1) a job. I was green, no experience, 19 years ___(2), no college yet, just out ___(3) the rice My idea was to get a job ___(4) a radio announcer. I decided to___(5) a letter of introduction, get ___(6) printed in quantity and ___(7) send it to 100 radio stations in the Midwest. I received forty ___(8), five invited an audition (试听). I was offered a ___(9) by three of the stations once I ___(10) auditioned. I took the job nearest to my home and was launched into ___(11) broadcasting. Eight months later I received a letter forwarded ___ (12) a radio station in a nearby state. They had received one of the__ (13) of my original introductory letter asking ____(14) a job as an announcer. I went to the ___(15), auditioned and got the job with a bigger station in a bigger city. I made the jump from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, ____(16) Fort Wayne, Indiana. What could be easier than writing a letter, having lots of copies made, and __(17) it to the companies or organizations for ___ (18) you want to work to start ___(19) career or to upgrade your status? You'll have to appear__ (20) person along the way, but you can work from home until you get an offer.
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