首页 住宅分户验收标准



住宅分户验收标准住宅分户验收标准 住宅提高交房成功率分户验收标准 2、室内空间、构件尺寸 2.0.1 验收内容:室内净高、净开间、进深的测量; 室内楼梯踏步尺寸。 2.0.2 质量要求:空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值应符合表2.0.2规定 表2.0.2 空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值 验收 允许极差值允许偏差值 参照标准、备注 (mm) (mm) 内容 GB50203-2002, GB50204-2002 室内净高度 ,20 20 GB50209-2002 偏差为实测值与设计值之差;极差 为实测值中最大值与...

住宅分户验收标准 住宅提高交房成功率分户验收标准 2、室内空间、构件尺寸 2.0.1 验收内容:室内净高、净开间、进深的测量; 室内楼梯踏步尺寸。 2.0.2 质量要求:空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值应符合 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 2.0.2规定 表2.0.2 空间尺寸的允许偏差值和允许极差值 验收 允许极差值允许偏差值 参照标准、备注 (mm) (mm) 内容 GB50203-2002, GB50204-2002 室内净高度 ,20 20 GB50209-2002 偏差为实测值与 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 值之差;极差 为实测值中最大值与最小值之差 GB50203-2002, 室内净开间、 GB50204-2002 进深 ?15 20 GB50210-2001 and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unreasonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel should conduct a 室内楼梯踏 10 GB50209-2002 5.3.8 步相邻高差、 宽度差 室内楼梯 室内楼梯梯段净高 GB50352-2005 6.7.5 梯段净高 不宜小于2.20m 2.0.3 检查方法及数量: 1、空间尺寸等检查前应根据户型特点确定测量方法,并按照设计要求和施工情况确定空间尺寸、室内楼梯踏步尺寸等的推算值。 、室内净高,采用激光测距仪或其它测量工具。每个房间抽测量不少于5处,测量部位宜为房间四2 角距纵横墙500 mm处及房间几何中心处。 建议 关于小区增设电动车充电建议给教师的建议PDF智慧城市建议书pdf给教师的36条建议下载税则修订调整建议表下载 距墙、柱四角300,500mm处各测1点,中间测1点。 3、室内净开间、净进深,采用激光测距仪或其它测量工具。每个房间抽测量不少于2处,测量部位宜在距墙角500 mm(纵横墙交界处),无墙体则测柱间净距(距柱边处各测1处)。 4、室内楼梯,采用卷尺测量工具。每户应全数测量,每一踏步不少于三处,测量部位宜在楼梯踏步的两端及踏步几何中心处。 3、室内地面、墙面、顶棚面层 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and2 3.0.1验收内容: 水泥、板块楼地面面层外观质量和面层与基层粘结质量;室内墙面、顶棚面层质量。 3.0.2 质量要求:水泥、板块楼地面面层外观质量和粘结质量应符合表3.0.2规定 表3.0.2 水泥、板块楼地面面层质量 验收 面层 面层与基层 参照标准、备注 内容 外观质量 粘结质量 空鼓面积不大 2于400 cm, 不应有裂缝、 水泥楼地面 GB50209-2002 5.2.5条 脱皮、起砂等缺且每自然间不 陷 多于2处可不 计。 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app3 单块板块局部 空鼓面积不大面层应洁净、平 于单块板材面整、无明显色 积的 差,接缝均匀, 板块楼地面 GB50209-2002(6) 板块无裂缝、掉20,,且每自然 角、缺 间不多于总数 的5,可 棱等缺陷 不计 不应有爆灰、裂空鼓面积不大 2缝、阴阳角应顺于400 cm, GB50210-210 4.3.5条 直,表面应光室内墙面 且每自然间不 4.2.5条 滑、洁净 多于2处可 不计。 室内顶棚宜采 用免粉刷工艺,不应有爆灰、裂GB50210-2001 4.1.12条 当采用砂浆抹室内顶棚 缝、表面应光 4.2.11条 灰时,空鼓面积滑、洁净 2不大于400 cm should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and4 备注:有排水要求的建筑地面面层与相连接各类面层的标高差应符合 设计和规范要求。 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app5 检 验 验收 验收要求 参照标准、备注 项 目 内容 GB50352-2005 6.10.3条 窗台或防护栏杆高度不低于0.90m 外窗台高度 GB50096-1999(2003年版) 且不得有负偏差。 3.9.1条 推拉窗防脱 推拉窗不得脱落,门窗应开关灵活、 GB50210-2001 (5) 落装置、门窗 GB50327-2001 10.1.6条 关闭严密,无倒翘 开启性能 门 安装应牢固,位置应正确,功能应满 GB50210-2001 (5) 门窗配件 足使用要求,配件应有可靠的防锈措施。 GB50327-2001 10.2.5条 窗 安全玻璃使 应使用安全玻璃的不得使用非安全玻璃 《建筑安全玻璃管理规定》 用 GB50096-1996(2003年版) 住宅户门应采用安全防卫门。向外开 进户门质量 3.9.4条 启的户门不应防碍交通。 阳台、上人屋面栏杆六层及以下不低于 栏杆 GB50368-2005 5.1.5条 1.05米;七层及以上不低于1.10 高度 GB50368-2005 5.2.2条 米,不得有负偏差 临空处栏杆竖杆净间距不应大于 GB50368-2005 5.1.5条 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and6 护 竖杆间距 0.11,,正偏差不大于3mm GB50210-2001 12.5.9条 栏 有水平杆件的栏杆或花式栏杆应设防 3.0.3 检查方法及数量: 1、外观质量检查,地面质量以目测高度1.5m左右,俯视地坪检查;墙面质量检查应距800mm—1000mm处;逐间全数检查。 2、面层与基层粘结质量,用小锤轻击,沿自然间进深和开间两个方向,均匀布点,逐点敲击,对板块阳角处应全数检查。 4 门窗、护栏和扶手、玻璃安装工程 4.0.1验收内容: 外窗台高度、门窗防脱落、门窗开启性能、配件质量、排水性能,进户门质量;护栏造型、尺寸、高度等安装质量。 4.0.2质量要求:外窗台高度、门窗防脱落等质量要求应符合表4.0.2规定 表4.0.2 外窗台高度、门窗防脱落等质量要求 4.0.3 验收方法及数量 1、外窗台高度采用钢尺检查,每个窗台不少于一处; 2、推拉窗防脱落装置、门窗开启性能、门窗配件、进户门质量应观察、手扳、开启和关闭检查;全数检查; 3、安全玻璃的检查应观察检查安全认证标识; uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app7 4、栏杆高度、竖杆间距、防攀爬措施、采用钢尺测量,每片栏杆不少于一处; 5、护栏玻璃观察检查3C安全标识,游标卡尺测量,全数检查 5 防水工程 5.0.1 验收内容: 外墙防水、外窗防水、楼地面防水、屋面防水工程。 质量要求:外墙防水、外窗防水等质量要求应符合表5.0.2规定。表5.0.2 外墙防水、外窗防水等质 量要求 验收 验收要求 参照标准、备注 内容 外墙 墙面无渗漏、 《建筑法》第六十条 渗漏 滴水线无爬水 外窗 外窗及周边无渗漏 《建筑法》第六十条 渗漏 厨房、卫生间 等有防水要求无渗漏、不应有倒泛水 GB50209-2002 4.9.8条 的地面 和积水现象,排水顺畅 渗漏 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and8 屋面 屋面无渗漏、无积水 GB50207-2002 10.0.5条 渗漏 5.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、外墙渗漏、外窗渗漏检查应在雨后或淋水后观察,逐户检查,每个窗台不少于一处; 2、厨房、卫生间等有防水要求的地面应全数检查,蓄水时间不得小于24小时,最小蓄水深度不得小于20mm;同时还应采用泼水试验检查积水与否; 3、平屋面应在雨后或蓄水后进行检查,最小蓄水深度不得小于20mm;坡屋面应在雨后或持续淋水2小时后目测观察;住宅顶层逐户全数检查。 6、公共部位部分 6.0.1 验收内容:外墙、楼(电)梯、通道、地下室。 6.0.2 质量要求:外墙、楼(电)梯净宽等质量要求应符合表 6.0.2规定。 表6.0.2 外墙、楼(电)梯净宽等质量要求 验收项 验收内容 验收标准 参照标准、备注 目 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app9 1、相邻踏步高差不得超 过10mm; 2、楼梯平台上部及下部 过 GB50209-2002 5.3.8条 道处的净高不应低于楼梯踏步梯 2.0m。 段及平台净GB50352-2005 6.7.5 宽, 条 楼梯梯段净高不宜小于 楼(电) 2.20m 楼梯踏步高GB50368-2005 5.2.3 梯、通道 差 条 3、楼梯从扶手中心到墙 楼梯平台处GB50352-2005 6.7.3条 面测量的净宽不小于 的通道高度 1.1m (六层及以下或一边设 有栏杆的不小于1.0m); 4、楼梯平台净宽不小于 1.2m should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and10 1、候梯厅深度不得小 电梯候梯厅 于1.5m; GB50096-1999 4.1.9条 深度,电梯门 2、电梯门净宽不得小于 GB50368-2005 5.3.2条 净宽 0.8m 高层首层疏疏散门应外开,其净宽 GB50045-95 6.1.9条散外门及通不应 GB50096-1999 4.2.2条 道的 小于1.1m;通道宽度不 宽度 应小于1.2m 公用走道净走廊和公共部位通道的 宽、 净宽不小于1.2m;净高GB50368-2005 5.2.1条 度不应低于2.0m 净高 通道的净高度不小于 2.0m机动车库车道净高 不应低于2.2m,车位净通道、车库净GB50096-1999 4.4.2条 地下室 高不应低于2.0m。自行高 GB50368-2005 5.4.2条 车库净高不应低于2.0m uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app11 墙面及天棚 GB50208-2002 4.1.9 无渗漏、无裂缝 条 渗漏,裂缝 6.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、地下室裂缝、渗漏检查在距外墙2.0m范围内平视或仰视观察检查; 2、楼梯踏步梯段及平台净宽,楼梯踏步高差、电梯候梯厅深度,电梯门净宽、高层首层疏散外门及通道的宽度采用钢尺或激光测距仪等测量检查,每个梯段各不少于三处; 3、公用走道及地下室通道净高采用钢尺或激光测距仪测量每10延米检查一处; 7、 安装工程 7.0.1 验收内容:给排水、电气安装、烟道设置及附件、墙面空调孔。 7.0.2 质量要求:给排水、电气安装等质量要求应符合表。 7.0.2规定。 表7.0.2 给排水、电气、通风空调安装质量要求 检 验 验收 验收要求 参照标准、备注 项 目 内容 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and12 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等 管道渗漏 GB50242-2002 的接口严密,无渗漏 管道堵塞 给水、排水、管道无堵塞 GB50242-2002 管道坡度 排水管道坡向、坡度正确 GB50242-2002 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等给排水 安装固定 GB50242-2002 安装固定牢固、支架间距位置符合要求 安装 地漏有效水封深度不小于50mm,标高正 确(初装饰地面地漏安装应高于地面20 mm),构造内无存水弯的卫生器具与生活地漏、存水弯 GB50368-2005 8.2.8条 排水管道连接时应设存水弯,其有效水 封深度不小于50mm, 插座接线、接地 接线正确、牢固,接地正确可靠 GB50303-2002 3.1.7条 照明配电箱(盘)内配线整齐,回路编 GB50303-2002 号齐全,标识正确;箱(盘)内开关动户内配电箱(盘) 电气 6.1.9条、6.2.8条 作灵活可靠,各种保护元件选型正确 安装 GB50303-2002 照明试验 照明系统通电试运行正常 23.1.1条 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app13 等电位 等电位连接端子齐全、接线正确 GB50096-1999 6.5.2条 GB50352-20056.14.4条 表面无裂纹,止回阀、防火门按规定安 烟道设置及附件 装;上人屋面烟道(包括管道透气孔)GB50242-2002 通风、空 高度应超过2.0m 调及其 它 位置、大小正确,无渗漏、反坡、与插 墙面空调孔 座及冷凝水排水管接口位置协调 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and14 房 号 × 楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 序 号 验收内容、数量 验收结果(实测数据、观察情形) 室内净高度(实测), 客厅:2.64、2.65、2.63、2.65、2.64 1 5处/间,单位:m 卧室:2.64、2.65、2.63、2.64、2.65... 室内净开间、净深(实测) 4.24、4.25、4.23、4.24 2 各2处/间,单位:m (4.03、 4.04、4.23、4.23)、 室内楼梯踏步相邻高差、宽度差, 3 9、8;8、9;9、8; 单位:mm,3处/每一踏步 4 室内楼梯梯段净高单位:m 2.25、2.26、2.26 地面面层外观质量、空鼓面积 无裂缝、脱皮、起砂等质量缺陷,有一 5 22全数/套,单位:cm 处空鼓,面积实测300 cm 墙面面层外观质量 无爆灰、裂缝、阴阳角较顺直,表面较 6 (实测)全数/套 光滑、洁净 顶棚外观质量 7 无爆灰、裂缝、表面较光滑、洁净 (全数/套) 8 ××× ××× uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app15 质量缺陷 7.0.3 检查方法和数量 1、管道渗漏、堵塞,管道坡度检查,验收方法和数量为:采用观察、尺量及手扳检查,功能性检查采用通水及压力检查,其中给水管道还应保压24小时后每户逐一打开用水点,检查卫生器具、阀门及接口。排水管道应采取通球检查,要求球径不小于排水管道管径的2/3。 2、地漏检查,验收方法和数量为:采用试水观察、尺量,全数检查。 3、户内开关、插座、照明检查,验收方法和数量:通电全数检查。4、配电箱检查,验收方法和数量:通电全数检查漏电保护装置、线路回路标志。 5、等电位检查,验收方法和数量:全数观察检查。 6、烟道设置及附件、墙面空调孔检查,验收方法和数量为:全数观察检查。 8、表格示例 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(1) (室内空间、构件尺寸、室内地面与墙面等质量) 工程名称:×××工程 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(2) should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and16 (门窗安装、防水工程等质量) 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 (实测数据、观察情形) 外窗台高度(实测) 1 0.9、0.91、0.9 1处/每个窗台, 单位:m 无脱落,门窗开关灵活、关闭严密,无倒 2 推拉窗扇防脱落措施(全数/套) 翘 3 安全玻璃的检查 已使用安全玻璃 采用安全防卫门。向外开启的户门未防碍 4 进户门质量检查 交通。 5 栏杆高度、间距(实测) 1.10、1.10;0.10、0.10 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app17 1,2处/每片栏杆,单位:m 临空高度超过5,的玻璃栏杆 6 护栏玻璃检查 已采用超过12mm厚钢化夹层玻璃 上人屋面水平杆件的栏杆有金属密网,楼 梯井净宽大于0.11米处,采取了防止儿童7 上人屋面、楼梯栏杆防攀滑措施 攀滑的措施 8 外墙、外窗渗漏,(全数窗台) 墙面、外窗及周边无渗漏、滴水线无爬水 9 厨房渗漏、卫生间渗漏(全数/套) 无渗漏与积水现象,排水顺畅 10 屋面渗漏(全数/套) 屋面无渗漏、无积水 11 ×× ×× 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位(项目)技术专业技术(质量)负专业监理工程师: 负责人: 责人: should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and18 ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(3) (公共部位部分质量) 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 (实测数据、观察情形) 1 楼梯梯段净宽 单位:m 1.1、1.1、1.1 2 楼梯平台净宽 单位:m 1.25、1.25、1.26 3 楼梯平台处的通道高度 单位:m 2.2、2.21、2.21 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app19 电梯候梯厅深度, 1.6、1.61、1.62 4 电梯门净宽 单位:m 0.9、0.91、0.9 5 公用走道净宽、净高 单位:m 1.2、2.0;1.2、2.0;1.2、2.0 6 地下室通道高度 单位:m 2.0、2.0、2.0 地下室汽车车道高度 单位:m 2.2、2.2、2.2 7 8 9 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位(项目)技术专业技术(质量)负专业监理工程师: 负责人: 责人: ××× ××× ××× should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and20 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收记录表(4) (安装工程质量) 工程名称:×××工程 房 号 ×楼 × 单元 × 号 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 验收结果 序 号 验收内容、数量 (实测数据、观察情形) 给水、排水、卫生器具、阀门、水表等的 接口严密,处无渗漏,给水、排水、管道1 管道渗漏、堵塞,管道坡度 无堵塞、排水管道坡向及坡度正确。 淋浴、洗衣机地漏、卫生器具存水地漏有效水封深度50mm,标高正确,构造 2 弯、水封深度(全数/套) 内无存水弯的卫生器具与生活排水管道连 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app21 接时均设存水弯,其有效水封深度50mm, 接线正确、开关、插座面板紧贴墙面,安 3 插座接线、接地、照明(全数/套) 装牢固;相位正确;接地可靠,照明系统 通电试运行正常。 照明配电箱(盘)内配线整齐,回路编号 齐全,标识正确;箱(盘)内开关动作灵4 户内配电箱(盘) 活可靠,各种保护元件选型正确。 5 卫生间等电位 (全数/套) 等电位连接端子齐全、位置正确 表面无裂纹;止回阀、防火门按规定安装; 6 烟道设置及附件 上人屋面烟道(包括管道透气孔)高度 2.0m 位置、大小正确,无渗漏、反坡,与插座、 7 墙面空调孔 冷凝水排水管接口位置协调 8 质量缺陷 及整改结 合 格 果 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and22 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 单位(项目)技术专业技术(质量)负专业监理工程师: 负责人: 责人: ××× ××× ××× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收结果表 工程名称:×××工程 房号 × 楼 × 单元 × 号 建设 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 单位 监理 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 单位 序号 验收内容 验收结果 1 室内空间、构件尺寸 合 格 2 门窗安装质量 合 格 uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app23 3 墙面、地面和顶棚面层质量 合 格 4 防水工程质量 合 格 5 通风、空调系统安装质量 合 格 6 给排水系统安装质量 合 格 7 室内电气工程安装质量 合 格 其他可能产生质量缺陷或需要分 8 合 格 户检查的内容(公共部位等) 9 本户 验收 验收结论为合格。 结论 (核 查结 论) 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 检 验 单位(项目)负 项目经理: 总监理工程师: 单 责人: should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and24 位 ××× ××× ××× ××× (公章) (公章) (公章) (公章) ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 住宅工程质量分户验收汇总表 工程名称 ×××工程 总户数 ××户 验收户数 ××户 建设单位 ××有限公司 施工单位 ××建筑公司 监理单位 ××监理公司 检查日期 ×年×月×日至×年×月×日 内 容 验收情况 (一)室内空间、构件尺寸; (二)地面、墙面和顶棚面层质量; 验收 (三)门窗安装质量; 项目 (四)防水工程质量; (五)通风、空调系统安装质量; uld conduct aable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnel shoreasonin review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, or unroval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and app25 (六)给排水系统安装质量; (七)室内电气工程安装质量; 公共部位 外墙、楼梯、地下室 功能性试验 闭水试验、通电试验等 验收结论为合格。 验收结论 建设单位 施工单位 监理单位 其它单位 检 项目经理: 总监理工程师: 单位(项目)负 责人: 验 ××× ××× 单 ××× ××× 位 ×年×月× ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 ×年×月×日 日 should conduct a asonable or unexplainable data, information should be indicated in the review approval. Content review and approval personnelunre ce in review and approval to enhance the authenticity of the credit information audit. For obvious errors, contradictions, orapproval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experien and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and26
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