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商务谈判计划11111商务谈判计划11111 题 目 桂林客车购买三菱大型客车发动机谈判策划书 专业班级 学号 姓名 负责内容 成绩 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Gr...

商务谈判计划11111 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目 桂林客车购买三菱大型客车发动机谈判策划书 专业班级 学号 姓名 负责内容 成绩 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 由于„„。双方定于X月X日在XX(地点)举行正式洽谈。 一、 谈判双方公司背景 我方 1(在国内属于偏大型企业,客车生产制造能力在国内1994年排名第15为 (属前列),产品在国内小有名气,但在国际上该企业及其产品的知名度均 不高。 2(企业当前大型客车生产规模有限(受其产品市场需求、质量、企业现有 设备、场地、资金等因素的制约);现老产品的市场竞争相当激烈,各规格 型号的汽车无明显竞争优势,所以,总体上看企业经济效益平平,开发新产 品,扩大生产规模,已成为企业经营的当务之急(现已试车成功的主要新产 品为大型豪华卧铺式长途客车)。 对方, 1( 三菱公司牌子响,发动机产品性能、质量与价格比取优,全世界销 量数大。 2( 经营作风(形象)(信誉度)的顺序为:三菱、大宇、福特;售后服 务优越程度顺序为:大宇、三菱、福特;价格(优)高低顺序为: 大宇、三菱、福特;最新的大型客车发动机的报价情况为:大宇: ,2.4万/台 三菱:,2.7万/台 福特:,3.4万/台,其供货时 间为:日到中国为2个月。 二、 谈判主题 大型客车发动机购销 三、 谈判团队人员组成 主谈:公司谈判全权代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ; 决策人:负责重大问题的决策; 技术顾问:负责技术问题; 法律顾问:负责法律问题; 四、双方利益及优劣势分析 我方核心利益:1、要求对方尽早交货 2、维护双方长期合作关系 3、要求对方赔偿,弥补我方损失 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 对方利益:解决赔偿问题,维持双方长期合作关系 我方优势: 1、我公司占有国内电力市场1/3的份额,对方与我方无法达成合作将对其造成巨大损失 我方劣势: 1、在法律上有关罢工属于不可抗力范围这上点对对方极为有利,对方将据此拒绝赔偿 2、对方延迟交货对我公司已带来的利润、名誉上的损失 3、我公司毛坯供应短缺,影响恶劣,迫切与对方合作,否则将可能造成更大损失 对方优势: 1、法律优势:有关罢工属于不可抗力的规定 2、对方根据 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,由不可抗力产生的延迟交货不适用处罚条例 对方劣势: 属于违约方,面临与众多签约公司的相关谈判,达不成 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 将可能陷入困境 五、 谈判目标 1、 战略目标:体面、务实地解决此次索赔问题,重在减小损失,并维护双方长期合作关系 原因分析:让对方尽快交货远比要求对方赔款重要,迫切要求维护与对方的长期合作关系 2、 索赔目标: 报价:?赔款:450万美元 ?交货期:两月后,即11月 ?技术支持:要 求对方派一技术顾问小组到我公司提供技术指导 ?优惠待遇:在同等条件下优先供货 ?价格目标:为弥补我方损失,向对方提出单价降5%的要求 底线:?获得对方象征性赔款,使对方承认错误,挽回我公司的名誉损失 ?尽快交货远以减小我方损失 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil ?对方与我方长期合作 六、程序及具体策略 1、开局: 方案一:感情交流式开局策略:通过谈及双方合作情况形成感情上的共鸣,把对方引入较融洽的谈判气氛中 方案二:采取进攻式开局策略:营造低调谈判气氛,强硬地指出对方因延迟交货给我方带来巨大损失,开出450万美元的罚款,以制造心理优势,使我方处于主动地位 方案三:投石问路;我方采取不了解其产品性能的态度,让他们详细的介绍产品,再从他们所说的破绽中采取主动进攻 对方提出有关罢工属于不可抗力的规定拒绝赔偿的对策: 1、借题发挥的策略:认真听取对方陈述,抓住对方问题点,进行攻击、突破 2、法律与事实相结合原则:提出我方法律依据,并对罢工事件进行剖析 对其进行反驳 2、中期阶段:1、红脸白脸策略:由两名谈判成员其中一名充当红脸,一名充当白脸辅助协议的谈成,适时将谈判话题从罢工事件的定位上转移交货期及长远利益上来,把握住谈判的节奏和进程,从而占据主动 2、层层推进,步步为营的策略:有技巧地提出我方预期利益,先易后难,步步为营地争取利益 3、把握让步原则:明确我方核心利益所在,实行以退为进策略,退一步进两步,做到迂回补偿,充分利用手中筹码,适当时可以退让赔款金额来换取其它更大利益 4、突出优势: 以资料作支撑,以理服人,强调与我方协议成功给对方带来的利益,同时软硬兼施,暗示对方若与我方协议失败将会有巨大损失 5、 打破僵局: 合理利用暂停,首先冷静分析僵局原因,再可运用把握肯定对方形式,否定对方实质的方法解除僵局,适时用声东击西擦开话题策略,打破僵局 3、休局阶段:如有必要,根据实际情况对原有方案进行调整 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 4、最后谈判阶段: 1、 把握底线,:适时运用折中 调和策略,把握严格把握最后让步的幅度,在适宜的时机提出最终报价,使用最后通牒策略 2、 埋下契机:在谈判中形成一体化谈判,以期建立长期合作关系 3、 达成协议或谈判失败:明确最终谈判结果,出示会议记录和合同 范本 协议范本下载族谱范本下载临帖范本下载公司章程范本下载监理月检范本下载 ,请对方确认,并确定正式签订合同时间 七、准备谈判资料 相关法律资料: 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《国际合同法》、《国际货物买卖合同公约》、《经济合同法》 备注: 《合同法》违约责任 第一百零七条 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任 联合国《国际货物买卖合同公约》规定:不可抗力是指不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况 合同范同、背景资料、对方信息资料、技术资料、财务资料(见附录和幻灯片资料) 八、 制定应急预案 双方是第一次进行商务谈判,彼此不太了解。为了使谈判顺利进行,有必要制定应急预案。 1、 对方承认违约,愿意支付赔偿金,但对450万美元表示异议 应对方案:就赔款金额进行价格谈判,运用妥协策略,换取在交货期、技术支持、优惠待遇等利益。 2、对方使用权力有限策略,声称金额的限制,拒绝我方的提议。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 应对:了解对方权限情况,“白脸”据理力争,适当运用制造缰局策略,“红脸”再以暗示的方式揭露对方的权限策略,并运用迂回补偿的技巧,来突破缰局;异或用声东击西策略。 3、对方使用借题发挥策略,对我方某一次要问题抓住不放。 应对: 避免没必要的解释,可转移话题,必要时可指出对方的策略本质,并声明,对方的策略影响谈判进程。 4、对方依据法律上有关罢工属于不可抗力从而按照合同坚决拒绝赔偿。 应对:应考虑到我方战略目标是减小损失,并维护双方长期合作关系,采取放弃赔偿要求,换取其它长远利益。 5、若对方坚持在“按照合同坚决拒绝赔偿”一点上,不作出任何让步,且在交货期上也不作出积极回应。则我方先突出对方与我方长期合作的重要性及暗示与我方未达成协议对其恶劣影响,然后作出最后通牒。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil
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