首页 Production management 生产管理

Production management 生产管理


Production management 生产管理Production management 生产管理 Printing is a manufacturing industry and,as such,has the same inherent problems as other industries operating to produce a product. An integral position in the managerial organization of a firm producing a product or products is th...

Production management 生产管理
Production management 生产管理 Printing is a manufacturing industry and,as such,has the same inherent problems as other industries operating to produce a product. An integral position in the managerial organization of a firm producing a product or products is that of production manager. The duties involved in production management are quite varied and include the responsibility for the efficient operations of the production facilities of the firm. In every print shop, someone must have responsibility for the machines and operative personnel. 印刷业属于加工制造业。因此,如同其他有能力生产某种产品的工业一样有着相同的内在问题。在一个生产一种或多种产品的生产企业里,其管理组织结构中心不可少的一个职务就是生产经理。生产管理所负责的范围很广,其中包括企业生产设施的有效运营这一 项责任。在每一个印刷厂里都必须有人对机器和操作人员负责。 Some specific duties include making sure deadlines are met, quality is maintained, workmen and machines are working, maintenance and repairs are made. In a small shop, these functions will probably fall on the owner or manager. As plants become larger, the duties become great enough that the job becomes the sole responsibility of one individual, or is apportioned to a number of individuals. The importance of the job of production management and the person entrusted with it cannot be overstressed. The production manager is possibly the most significant person in the organization involving its ability to achieve manufacturing and service objectives. The inherent duties of the job of production manager are primarily managerial in nature. The production manager should be managerially inclined yet linked closely to factory techniques and operations. The production manager is the key link between upper management and factory workers. His duties include close liaison with technical men and women of the plant, coordination with management, and the implementation of policy. The position is a critical one, depending on the quality of work done by the production manager, he can literally make or break a firm. A good one is a tremendous asset and should be rewarded. A poor or mediocre one must be trained and corrected,or replaced if the firm is to have any hopes of operating efficiently and competitively. 生产经理的一些具体的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 包括:确保按期限完工、保持质量、保证工人和机器都在工作并坚持对机器进行保养和修理等。在一些小型的工厂,这些职责也许就落在了业主或经理头上。随着工厂的扩大,这些职责也逐渐扩大是以成为个人单独负责或由几个人分工 负责的工作。对生产管理职务以及受托负责它的人员的重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。牵涉组织中完成加工和服务目标的能力,生产经理也许是最重要的人物。生产经理职务的固有职责自然主要是管理。生产经理应当侧重于管理而且要与工厂的工艺和操作紧密相连。 生产经理是上级管理当局和工厂工人之间相联系的关键环节,他的职责也包括密切联系工厂技术人员,配合管理当局以及贯彻执行政策等。这一位置是一至关重要的位置,生产经 理完成的工作质量的好坏,确实可以决定企业的成功与失败。优秀的生产经理是一笔巨大 的财富,应当受到奖励。对于拙劣或平庸的生产经理,只要企业还有希望进行高效经营和竞争,就必须予以培训或惩罚,以至于撤换。 SELECTING A PROPER PRODUCTION MANAGER 选择合适的生产经理 Selection of the proper man to be placed in the production managers position requires careful scrutiny. The first step is to establish job specifications according to the work to be done. These include many managerial and office duties,such as the need to communicate with customers as well as plant workers ; the need to organize and be organized oneself; and the need to have technical skills. Following is a list of preferredqualities in a production manager. 挑选合适的人担当生产经理的角色需要进行谨慎地考査。第一步是按照要完成的工作建立岗位责任。这里包括了许多管理上的和公务方面的职责。例如,不但需要和顾客也需要和工厂工人进行意见沟通;既需要组织别人也需要本身有条理,还需要掌握熟练的技 术。下面所列是作为生产经理所应当具备的品质: Must be technically proficient enough to train,assist, and gain the respect of fellow workmen. 必须具备相当精通的技术,可以培训、协助下属工作人员并获得他们的尊重。 Must be an organized person, able and willing to plan and routinize operations and procedures. 必须是一个有条理的人,能够并且愿意进行计划,使得生产操作及工艺程序化。 Must be able to lead and motivate workers. 必须能够领导和鼓励工人。 Must work well with others. This includes both subordinates and superiors. Some workers communicate well with subordinates and peers but become defensive, or for some other reason do not communicate well with their superiors. Others might be just the opposite, fitting in well with their boss but lacking the ability to fit well with their subordinates. The production manager is a link between the two, a communication problem either above or below will likely result in difficulties. 必须能够和他人很好共事。这里既包括下级也包括上级。一些人与下级和同级相处的很好,但是,由于具有戒备心理或者别的一些原因而不能和上级很好相处。另外一些人也许恰恰相反,与他们的上司相处得很好但缺乏和下级很好相处的能力。生产经理是上下级之间的联系环节,上述两种关系沟通方面的问题都可造成困难的局面。 Must be able to talk and write clearly and understandably to workmen, management, suppliers,and customers. 必须能够清楚地与工人、管理当局、供应商和客户进行口头和书面表达。 Neatness is very important. A supervisor who is unorganized in work habits affects the way the workmen perform and organize themselves. 条理是很重要的。一个工作习惯没有条理的领导会影响工人进行工作及自我组织的方式。 Must have the ability and nature to keep things moving. 必须具有使工作顺利发展的能力和天赋。 DUTIES OF PRODUCTION MANAGER 生产经理的职责 According to Victor Strauss in his book Graphic Arts Management, the production manager’s task is “to see to it that jobs are produced at the proper time, in the proper quality, and within the proper cost”. In order to accomplish this rather large task, the production manager’s duties include, at minimum, the functions of planning, routing, scheduling, coordinating, controlling, and maintenance. 根据维克托?施特劳斯(Victor Stmuss)在其所著《印刷管理》一书中的观点,生产经理的任务是“保证产品生产在恰当的时间,以合适的质量以及在相应的成本范围内完成”。为了完成这项相当艰巨的任务,生产经理的职责至少包括以下几方面的作用:造计 划、编工艺、进行调度、协调、控制和维修等。 . Routing is often a mental process not requiring forms or systems. The production manager assesses the job and decides where it is to start, the steps in production, and where it is to finish, according to the required procedure, machine loading, and the delivery date. 编制工艺常常是一个不需要 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 的头脑思考过程。生产经理对活件进行估计,并且依照所要求的加工过程、机器负荷和交货日期决定从何处开始,采取什么生产步骤以及到何处结束等。 Scheduling is the key to production control. Without it there is no order, and no plan of keeping abreast of demands. Meeting deadlines is done by chance and crisis effort, rather than by design. The function of scheduling revolves around a schedule device designed to represent graphically the flow of work through the plant. The activity of scheduling is the process of establishing individual job targets of completion throughout the plant in order to meet delivery requirements. 调度是生产控制的关键。没有它就没有秩序,也就没有使各项要求相协调的计划。即使实现了在预定日期交货,靠的也是偶然巧合和冒险努力,而不是靠周密计划。调度的职能完全依赖一个日程进度表来发挥作用。这一进度表是设计出来用图形表示全厂的工作进 程的。调度工作就是为了满足交货要求,确定整个工厂中完成各项活件完工日期的过程。 The production manager sets target dates for each department and by consistent and proper follow-up can keep sales or the customer up to date on the progress of the work. 生产经理确定每个部门的完工日期并且通过持续的适当的督促检查,能够不断地向销售部门或客户提供最新的进度情况。 There are two basic approaches to scheduling of jobs: (a) batch scheduling and (b) job/machine scheduling. 生产调度有两种基本方法:U)分批调度,(b)产品和设备调度。 Batch scheduling is used primarily where there are many small jobs going through an operation in a short period of time. Rather than the office specifying the sequence that jobs are to be worked, it is usually determined by the foreman of the department or pressman on a day-to-day basis, using guidelines from the office that specify target dates for jobs to be delivered to the next department. If all small jobs were given individual attention throughout the printing process, the amount of time spent keeping track and scheduling them would be disproportionate to the advantages of a tight control. Also, because the jobs are small,they can be individually shifted and juggled without affecting greatly the delivery of other jobs in the system. 分批调度主要有在一种工序上有许多小批量活件要在短时间内完成的情况下。这里不是由办公机构确定活件的加工顺序,而通常是由部门领班或印刷操作人员根据日常生产情况,参照由办公室确立的有关转人下一部门的交货日期等指导准则来确定。假如全部的小 批量活件在整个印刷过程中都得到单独重视,大量时间花在随时掌握生产情况和活件调度上面,这将与严密控制所具有的特点不协调。同时,因为活件批量小,对它们进行单独转移或调换,也不会对整个系统中其他产品的交货期有太大影响。 The job/machine scheduling is where individual jobs are determined to be printed on a specific machine on a particular day and according to a planned sequence. Centralized scheduling can be either (a) all or most production departments or (b) only selected departments ,usually only the pressroom. Most production managers would find it too much of a burden, too expensive, and unnecessary to schedule all machines and operations within the plant. Managers generally are interested in scheduling only the presses, and then working through foremen of departments to see that specilic target dates are being met throughout the printing operation. The advantages of total scheduling are: (a) problems are noticed earlier in the printing process, (b) steps can be taken to eliminate the frequency of “rush” jobs coming through the pressroom and bindery,and (c) a very accurate picture of the total operation can be maintained. The conflict comes in the time and expense required to maintain total scheduling,weighed against its value to the operation. 产品和机器调度就是按照预定的顺序,在特定的日期内,对各个活件确定出专门的机器进行印刷。集中调度既可以是对:(a)全部或大部分生产部门;也可以是(b)仅仅选择某些部门施行调度。后者通常只是印刷车间。大多数生产经理会发现对印刷厂内的所有 机器和工序施行生产调度是一个很重的负担,付出的代价太大又没有必要。生产经理通常仅对印刷机的调度感兴趣,其次则通过各部门的领班了解整个印刷过程中预定日期的完工情况。总体调度的优点是:(a)印刷过程中可以较早发现问题;(b)可以采取措施来消 除在印刷和装订车间频繁出现的“赶制活件”;(c)可以得到有关整个运行情况十分精确的描述。所花的时间和费用所产生的冲突需要在整个调度中根据其价值与运营情况进行权衡后来解决。 Scheduling 调度 Scheduling is the key to production control. Without it there is no order, and no plan of keeping abreast of demands. Meeting deadlines is done by chance and crisis effort, rather than by design. The function of scheduling revolves around a schedule device designed to represent graphically the flow of work through the plant. The activity of scheduling is the process of establishing individual job targets of completion throughout the plant in order to meet delivery requirements. 调度是生产控制的关键。没有它就没有秩序,也就没有使各项要求相协调的计划。即使实现了在预定日期交货,靠的也是偶然巧合和冒险努力,而不是靠周密计划。调度的职能完全依赖一个日程进度表来发挥作用。这一进度表是设计出来用图形表示全厂的工作进程的。调度工作就是为了满足交货要求,确定整个工厂中完成各项活件完工日期的过程。 Before actual scheduling of work, it is the responsibility of the production manager to organize and log all jobs,as well as check to see that information is complete and comprehensive. He should do this daily and promptly. In an unorganized setting, it is not uncommon that the reason a job is late is the amount of time it spent lying on someone’s desk before being placed into operations. This practice must be discouraged, and management should emphasize the need to keep things moving. However, the production manager must clear all work before going into the factory. It is a good idea to have a checklist to assure that paper, press, binding, and composition information are complete ,understandable, and comprehensive. Job tickets that are incorrect should be recti- tied before being scheduled and placed into the factory. Sticking to the policy that all information must be present will, at times, be difficult, especially when a customer or salesman is putting the pressure to deliver the goods. However, adherence to this policy is a must in order to diminish need for the lament that “there never seems to be enough time to do the job right the first time, but there is always time to do it over. ” 在进行实际生产调度之前,生产经理的责任不仅是组织所有活件的生产并 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 其进度,还要检查信息资料是否齐全、清楚。他应当逐日及时地做好这些事。在一个没有条理的管理中,产品误期的屡见不鲜的原因就是在进人生产之前花在一些人办公桌上的时间太多了。这些情况必须避免,而且管理当局应当强调使工作正常运行的必要性。无论如何,生产经理必须在活件进人车间之前安排清楚。列一张检査表是一个好主意,这样确保纸张、印刷、装订和排版等情况都是完整、明了和全面的。不正确的工作通知单在安排日程并送人车间之前应当给以纠正。坚持所有的资料都齐全这样一个原则有时很难做到,尤其为顾客和销售人员催促交货时更是如此。然而必须信守这个原则,这样可减少下面这种可奈何的挽惜之词:“第一次干好这件事似乎老是时间不足,但是总有时间再来一次。” Scheduling is usually done backwards. That is to say, the delivery date is established ,and completion targets for each department are set in reverse order to the starting date. Example : A 16-page brochure is submitted on April 1 for printing, with a delivery date of April 21. Working backwards from this, the scheduler assesses two days in the bindery and finishing. Hence, the latest date it can be finished by the press is April 19. It requires three days in the press, so the latest date it can be finished by the platemakers is April 15. With this assessment and other information concerning present departmental and machine loading,the production manager can readily determine if overtime will be required, if delivery can be met, or if it is an impossible deadline. 调度通常是反向进行的。也就是说,交货期是确定的,每个部门的完工时期从反向推出,推到起始时间。例如,一本16页的小册子4月1日付印,交货期为4月21日。从这个日期往后推,调度员估计装订和印后加工工序用两天时间,那么,印刷结束的最后日期应当是4月19日;若印刷机上需要印3天,那么,制版工人完工的最后期限是4月15日。有了这些估计和其他关于各部门生产及机器负荷情况的信息,生产经理即刻就能确定是否需要加班,是否能如期交货,或者根本不能如期完成。 He sets target dates for each department and by consistent and proper follow-up can keep sales or the customer up to date on the progress of the work. 生产经理确定每个部门的完工日期并且通过持续的适当的督促,就能够不断地向销售部门或客户提供最新的进度情况。 THE SCHEDULE BOARD 生产调度板 If you were to go through 100 printing shops, you would probably find at least 98 different kinds of scheduling boards and systems (if there were systems at all). However, similarities and basic requirements do exist. 如果你考査100家印刷厂,你也许会发现至少有98种不同类型的生产调度板和调度系统(如果确实有调度系统的话)。但是,它们确实存在着相似之处和一些基本要求。 A card is used to indicate each individual job. Normally these cards carry the following information : customer, description of job,impressions, press to be used,delivery date. The card can be color coded according to the day, week, or month required. The card can be of various lengths, depending on the amount of time required for printing, i. e. two inches for one day or less in the press, two and ones half inches for two days, three inches for three days, and so on. 用卡片来指明每一种活件。通常这些卡片包括以下内容:客户、活件内容、印数、所用印刷机、交货期等。这种卡片可以根据要求完工的日期,周别及月份标出色彩标记。依照需要印刷的时间长短,卡片长度可以有变化,比如说,两英寸表示在印刷机上印刷一 天或少于一天,二英寸半代表两天,三英寸代表三天,以此类推。 A production board broken down into the days of the month and the machines to be scheduled is used as the main device for control. The production board can utilize either pins, hooks, magnets, slots, etc. , but in any case it must hold the item used to represent individual jobs in their appropriate position to indicate that a specific function will be done in a specific department at a specific time. 生产调度板把每月的日期以及要进行调度的机器逐次排列,是用作生产控制的主要工具。生产调度板既可以利用大头针,也可用挂钩、磁铁或狭槽等。无论采用哪种方式, 它都必须固定有用来代表各项活件的项目,这些项目排列在各自相应的位置上,以表明某一具体工作,在某一具体时间,将由某一具体部门来完成。 Guidelines for Schedule Board Design 生产调度板的设计原则 Make it large enough so that writing on the cards is legible at a distance. Entries, marks,and printed information should be easily read from four to six feet. 做得足够大,使得卡片上书写的内容在一定距离内可以看清楚。记录条目、标记及印刷字体在4 ~6英尺内应当易读。 Use color codes wherever possible in order to categorize. 尽可能使用颜色代码进行分类。 The board should be designed to give quick assessment of machine loading and the volume of work in the plant.Job cards should be easily taken down, rearranged,and put up again. 调度板的设计应能够很快估计出工厂中设备的负荷情况及工作量。活件卡片应容易摘取,经重新排列后再次放上。 The board should allow for the expansion of facilities. If you have five presses, design the board for ten or more machines. 调度板应当为设备扩充留有余地。假如你现有5台机器,调度板上应设计有10台或更多的机器位置。 The board itself is slotted so that more than one card can be placed for a machine on a specific day. The board is split into two sections, one for jobs in preparation that have not as yet been scheduled for the press and the other to represent actual scheduling dates to be printed. The cards themselves are all of a standard width that can be moved and rearranged easily. The cards have blocks that can be checked as preparatory work such as composition, proofing, camera, or platemaking are completed. Schedule information is kept current from production activity forms submitted daily by the department foremen,as well as daily checks through the plant by the person in charge of scheduling. Within approximately one hour of the start of each work day, the machines are scheduled and the board made current. 这种调度板本身开有狭槽,这样对于某一台机器,在某一具体日期上,可以放上一张以上的活件卡片。调度板被分成两部分:一部分表示预备中的活件,还没有被安排到印刷机上;另一部分表示对各活件安排印刷的实际日期。卡片本身都具有同样的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 宽度,能够较容易地移动和重新排列。卡片上设有能够检查排版、打样、照相和制版等预备工作完成情况的栏目。生产调度的信息由各部门领班每日呈送的生产情况统计表和负责调度的人员对全厂每日工作的检査保持了时效性。在每个工作日开始大约一小时之内,要对机器进行调度并把调度板更新。 Some of the information that the above chart indicates is : 上面的调度板表明的信息有: Machines 1,6, and 7 are behind schedule. 6和7号机器拖期; All machines are loaded until at least the 9th. 所有机器在9日之前都有任务; Machine 7 has only one job in preparation. 等待上7号机的仅有一件活; Any new job coming in with a delivery date before the 10th on machines 1,2,4, and 6 will delay the delivery of some job previously in the plant. 任何要求10日之前交货的新活件,若在1、2、4和6号机上印刷会使一些预先安排的活件延期交货; A job that must be printed on machine no. 4,required before the 14th, will have to take precedence over jobs already scheduled on that machine. 要求14日以前必须在4号机上印刷的新活件,必须比巳经调度在那台机器上的活件具有优先条件; There is approximately one-half month’s work in the shop at present. 目前厂内大约有半个月的生产任务。 文章出自英客在线口语培训:
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