首页 砂浆抗压强度试验报告



砂浆抗压强度试验报告砂浆抗压强度试验报告 试验表24 试验编号: 委托单位: 试验委托人: 工程名称: 部位: 砂浆种类: 强度等级: 稠度: ? 水泥品种: 等级: 厂别: 砂产地及种类: 掺合料种类: 外加剂种类: 配比项 各种材料用量(?) 编号 目 水泥 砂 水 掺合料 外加剂 3 每m 每盘 制模日期: 养护条件: 要求龄期: 要求试验日期: 试块收到日期: 试块制作人: 实际 试块 受压 荷载(KN) 抗压 达到设 试块 试压 龄期 规格 面积 强度 计强度 编号 日期 22(d) (?) (mm) 单块 平均 ...

砂浆抗压强度试验报告 试验表24 试验编号: 委托单位: 试验委托人: 工程名称: 部位: 砂浆种类: 强度等级: 稠度: ? 水泥品种: 等级: 厂别: 砂产地及种类: 掺合料种类: 外加剂种类: 配比项 各种 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 用量(?) 编号 目 水泥 砂 水 掺合料 外加剂 3 每m 每盘 制模日期: 养护条件: 要求龄期: 要求试验日期: 试块收到日期: 试块制作人: 实际 试块 受压 荷载(KN) 抗压 达到设 试块 试压 龄期 规格 面积 强度 计强度 编号 日期 22(d) (?) (mm) 单块 平均 (N/mm) (%) 负责人: 审核: 计算: 试验: 报告日期: 年 月 日 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 砂浆试块强度试验汇总表 试验表24 共 页 单位工程名称: 第 页 试验 砂浆强度 达到 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 序号 制作日期 部位名称 备注 编号 设计要求 试验结果 强度(%) 施工项目负责人: 填表人: 年 月 日 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 砂浆试块强度统计评定记录 试验表26 施工单位: 工程名称 部位 强度等级 养护 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 试块组数 设计强度 平均值 最小值 评定数据 n= ƒm,k= mƒcu= ƒcu,min= 0.75ƒm,k= 每组强度值:(MPa) 评定依据:《砌体体施工质量验收规范》GB50203-2002 结论 一、同品种、同强度等级砂浆各组试块的平均值mƒcu> ƒm,k 二、任意一组试块强度 ƒcu,min?0.75ƒm,k 三、仅有一组试块时其强度不应低于 ƒm,k 施工项目技术负责人: 制表: 计算: 制表日期: 年 月 日 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 石灰类无机混合料中石灰剂量检验报告 试验表27 工程名称 施工单位 检验部位 设计剂量 日 取样 检验 瓶 瓶加试 石灰土 滴定试 石灰 瓶质量 地点 样质量试样质 样消耗剂量 (g) 期 桩号 次数 号 (g) 量(g) EDTA(ml) (%) 平均值 备注: 负责人: 审核: 计算: 试验: meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 土壤最大干密度与最佳含水量试验报告 试验表28 工程名称: 取样日期: 取土地点: 试验日期: 土壤种类: 施工单位: 3模筒体积(cm) 试验次数 1 2 3 4 5 6 模筒+湿土质量(g) 模筒质量(g) 湿土质量(g) 3土壤湿密度(g/cm) 铝盒号码 含 盒+湿土质量(g) 水 盒+干土质量(g) 量 铝盒质量(g) 之 水份质量(g) 测 干土质量(g) 定 含水量(%) 平均含水量(%) 3土壤干密度(g/cm) 3最大干密度 g/cm 最佳含水量 % 土 壤 干 密 度 3(g/cm) 含水量(%) 审核: 计算: 试验: meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 土壤压实度试验记录 试验表29 工程名称: 施工单位: 代表部位: 击实种类: 试验日期: 取样桩号 取样深度 取样位置 土样种类 环刀号 环刀+土质量(g) 湿 环刀质量 (g) 密 土质量 (g) 度 环刀容积 (cm3) 3) 湿密度 (g/cm 盒号 盒+湿土质量(g) 盒+干土质量(g) 水质量 (g) 干盒质量 (g) 密干土质量 (g) 度 含水量 (%) 平均含水量 (%) 3干密度 (g/cm) 3最大干密度 (g/cm) 压实度 (%) 备本试验经二次平行测定后,其平行差值不得大于规定。取其算术平均值。 注 审核: 试验: meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 土壤压实度(管沟类)试验记录 试验表30 工程名称: 试验日期: 代表部位: 管、沟断面尺寸: 施工单位: 击实种类: 取样桩号及井号 取样深度 取样位置 土样种类 环刀号 环刀+土质量(g) 湿 环刀质量 (g) 密 土质量 (g) 度 环刀容积 (cm3) 3湿密度 (g/cm) 盒号 盒+湿土质量(g) 盒+干土质量(g) 水质量 (g) 干盒质量 (g) 密干土质量 (g) 度 含水量 (%) 平均含水量 (%) 3干密度 (g/cm) 3最大干密度 (g/cm) 压实度 (%) 备本试验经二次平行测定后,其平行差值不得大于规定。取其算术平均值。 注 审核: 试验: meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 压实度(灌砂法)试验记录 试验表31 工程名称: 施工单位: 试验工序项目: 桩号 层次及厚度(cm) 灌砂前砂+容器质量(g) (1) 灌砂后砂+容器质量(g) (2) 灌砂筒下部锥体内砂质量(g) (3) 试坑灌入量砂的质量(g) (4) (1)-(2)-(3) 3量砂堆积密度(g/cm) (5) 3试坑体积(cm) (6) (4)/(5) 试坑中挖出的湿料质量(g) (7) 3试样湿密度(g/cm) (8) (7)/(6) (9) 盒号 (10) 盒质量 (g) 含 水 (11) 盒+湿料质量(g) 量 (12) 盒+干料质量(g) W (13) (11)-(12) 水质量 (g) ( (14) (12)-(10) %) 干料质量 (g) (15) ([13)(/14)]?100% 平均含水量 (%) 3干质量密度 (g/cm) (8)/[1+(15)] (16) 3(17) 最大干密度 (g/cm) (18) (16)/(17) 压实度 (%) 审核: 计算: 试验: 试验日期: 年 月 日 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 建设工程教育网(www.jianshe99.com) 道路基层混合料抗压强度试验记录 试验表32 委 托 单 位 工程名称 施工部位 混 合 料 名 称 水泥或石灰剂量 % 水泥种类及等级 石灰种类及氧化物含量 % 拌 和 方 法 养护方法 塑性指数 制 模 日 期 要求龄期 要求试验日期 试件成 型 后 试 件 测 定 33编号 试件重量(g) 试件高度(mm) 湿容重(g/cm) 含水量(%) 干容重(g/cm) 饱水前饱 水 后 测 定 强度值(MPa) 试件 试件重试件重 试件高 湿容重 含水量 干容重 破坏时最大 编号 单值 平均值 33(g) (g) (mm) (g/cm) (%) (g/cm) 压力(KN) 报名咨询电话: 免费热线:4008105999 9 咨询时间:全天24小时服务(周六、周日及节假日不休息) 施工项目技术负责人: 审核: 计算: 试验 报告日期 年 月 日 沥青混合料压实度(蜡封法)试验记录 试 验表33 施工单位: 工程名称 试样类型 石 石 试 试样 石 压 试 试样 蜡 蜡 试样 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 日 桩号 样 加蜡 蜡 实 件 加蜡 密 体 密度 密度 (质 于水 质 度 编 质量 度 积 (g/c(g/期 部位) 量 中质 量 (33号 (g) () cm) (cm(g) 量(g) %) (g) 33g/cm) m) 10 建设工程教育网(www.jianshe99.com) 施工项目技术负责人: 校核: 试验: 回 弹 弯 沉 记 录 试验表34 工程名称: 施工单位: 试验位置: 起止桩号: 试验时间: 设计弯沉值: 试验车型: 后轴重: 行车道( ) 行车道( ) 行车道( ) 百分表读序百分表读数 回弹值 百分表读数 回弹值 回弹值 桩号 轮位 数 号 1/100 1/100 1/100 D1 D2 D1 D2 D1 D2 (mm) (mm) (mm) 报名咨询电话: 免费热线:4008105999 11 咨询时间:全天24小时服务(周六、周日及节假日不休息) 结论: 试验: 记录: 计算: 无压力管道严密性试验记录 试验表35 工程名称 试验日期 年 月 日 施工单位 起止井号 号井至 号井段,带 号井,井型号 试验段长度 管道 管材种类 接口种类 (m) 试验段上 试验水头(m) 允许渗水量 游设计水3(高于上游管内顶) (m/(24h?km)) 头(m) 观测起观测起 恒压时间T恒压时间内补入实测渗水量q 渗 次数 始时间始时间 水 (min) 的水量W(L) (L/(min?m)) 量 T T 12 测 定 1 记 录 2 3 12 建设工程教育网(www.jianshe99.com) 3折合平均实测渗水量 (m/(24h?km)) 外观记录 鉴定意见 建设单位 监理单位 施工单位 参加单位 及人员 水池满水试验记录 试验表36 工程名称 水池名称 施工单位 允许渗水量 水池结构 2 (L/m?d) 2水池平面尺寸(m×m) 水面面积A(m) 1 2水 深(m) 湿润面积A(m) 2 测读记录 初读数 末读数 两次读数差 测读时间 (年、月、日、时、分) 水池水位E(m m) 报名咨询电话: 免费热线:4008105999 13 咨询时间:全天24小时服务(周六、周日及节假日不休息) 蒸发水箱水位e(mm) 大气温度(?) 水 温(?) 32m/d L/m?d 占允许量的百分率% 实际渗水量 建设单位 监理单位 施工单位 参加单位和人员 污泥消化池气密性试验记录 试验表37 日期: 年 月 日 工程名称 建设单位 池 号 施工单位 2气室顶面直径(m) 顶面面积(m) 2气室底面直径(m) 底面面积(m) 3气室高度(m) 气室体积(m) 测读记录 初读数 末读数 两次读数差 测读时间 年 月 日 时 分 14 建设工程教育网(www.jianshe99.com) 池内气压 Pa 大气压力 Pa 池内气温t(?) 池内水位E(m m) 压力降 ?P 压力降占试验压力(%) 备注 建设单位 监理单位 施工单位 参加单位和人员 报名咨询电话: 免费热线:4008105999 15 咨询时间:全天24小时服务(周六、周日及节假日不休息)
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