首页 初三地理复习提纲



初三地理复习提纲初三地理复习提纲 第一章 第一节 1( 地球的外形:不规则的球体。 2( 地球的大小:平均半径:6371千米,赤道周长约4万千米。 3( 什么是纬线,什么是经线, 4( 纬度的变化规律: 赤道的为0? 从0?向北增加为北纬,直到90?N(北极) 向南增加为南纬,直到90?S(南极) 5( 经度的变化规律: 6( 两个经纬网图: 7(?南北半球分界线:赤道 ?东西半球分界线:20?W,160?E ? 东半球范围:20?W 0? 160?E ? 西半球范围:160?E 180? 20?W 第二节 ...

初三地理复习提纲 第一章 第一节 1( 地球的外形:不规则的球体。 2( 地球的大小:平均半径:6371千米,赤道周长约4万千米。 3( 什么是纬线,什么是经线, 4( 纬度的变化规律: 赤道的为0? 从0?向北增加为北纬,直到90?N(北极) 向南增加为南纬,直到90?S(南极) 5( 经度的变化规律: 6( 两个经纬网图: 7(?南北半球分界线:赤道 ?东西半球分界线:20?W,160?E ? 东半球范围:20?W 0? 160?E ? 西半球范围:160?E 180? 20?W 第二节 1( 自转的方向、周期,产生的现象 2( 公转的方向、周期,产生的现象 3( 公转示意图 4( 五带的划分: ?热带和温带的界线 , steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should ?温带和寒带的界线 , ?热带有 现象,寒带有 现象。 第三节 1( 地图三要素 2( 比例尺的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示方法(3种) 3( 比例尺的大小与表示范围,表示内容详略之间的关系。 4( 相对高度的计算。 5( 等高线疏密与山地坡的关系 6( 山地不同部位的等高线图。 第二章 第一节 1( 七大洲和四大洋 ?记各大洲、大洋的相对位置、轮廓。 ?南、北美洲分界线 ,沟通的洋 ?亚、非分界线 ,沟通的洋 北美、亚的分界线 ,沟通的洋 。 第二节 1( 德国科学家魏格纳提出大陆漂移的假说,内容是什么, 2( 板块运动: ?记六大板块图。 ?板块运动的类型及产生的现象(地中海、喜马拉雅山脉、亚洲东部岛屿、科迪勒拉山系的产生原因) ?板块学说的内容: steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 第三章 第一节 1( 天气和气候的区别, 2( 记天气符号。 3( 污染指数与空气质量级别。 第二节 1( 气温的日、年变化规律(尤其分清南、北半球) 2( 气温分布的表示方法:等温线(密:温差大,疏:温差小) 3( 气温的分布规律(3条) 第三节 1( 降水的分布规律。 2( 影响降水分布的因素。 第四节 1( 构成气候的要素:气暖和降水 2( 影响气候的因素。 3( 气候类型图及气候特点。 第四章 第一节 1( 人口增长速度的表示方法:自然增长率。 2( 世界人口分布的四大稠密区。 3( 人口过多带来的问题。 第二节 世界三大宗教的名称、发源地、分布、建筑 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 第五章 第一节 1( 世界上面积前六位国家的轮廓图。 2( 地跨两洲的国家: 第六章 第一节 1( 世界上面积最大,跨纬度最广,东西距离最长的大洲。 亚洲相对位置图: 2( 地形特点 3( 主要河流及注入的海洋 4( 气候: ?气候特点: ?亚洲气候分布图和非洲气候分布图 第七章 第一节 1( 主要的自然灾难及原因 2( 发达的加工贸易经济 3( 日本工业分布图(临的海洋及工业分布特点、原因) 第二节 1( 东南亚的组成 2( 马六甲海峡(位置、沟通的洋) 3( 气候类型(2种) 4( 主要的农作物及产量最大的国家 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 5( 主要的河流及与山脉的关系 第三节 1( 印度轮廓图:主要的河流、地形、首都及农作物的分布 2( 主要的自然灾难及产生的原因 3( 印度主要的工业原料、资源及与工业的关系 第四节 1( 地形和河流的分布 东 乌 西 叶 中 勒 东 欧—— 拉—— 伯——尼—— 西—— 拿——西 平 尔 利 寒 伯 河 伯 原 山 亚 河 利 利 脉 平 亚 亚 原 高 山 原 地 2( 俄罗斯以重工业为主(与日本的区别) 第八章 第一节 1( 地理位置优越:三洲五海之地(土耳其海峡、苏伊士运河) 2(目前世界上储量最大,生产、输出石油最高。 2( 石油外运到西欧、美国、日本的主要路线。 3( 中欧的气候及主要的河流。 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 4( 中东人种、阿拉伯民族 第二节 1( 西欧发展传统畜牧业的条件 第三节 1( 非洲轮廓图 2( 撒哈拉以南非洲的经济特点 3( 人口、粮食与环境的关系。 第四节 1( 澳大利亚主要的动物 2( 澳大利亚气候分布图(相比非洲) 第九章 第一节 1( 美国发展农业的有利条件 2( 美国农业的特点 3( 美国农业带的分布图 4( 美国旧金山东南的硅谷是美国兴起(最早、规模最大的、高新技术产业中心)。 5( 世界最大的资源消耗国和废物排放国。 第二节 1( 巴西的轮廓图(气候、地形、城市) 2( 巴西主要的农作物。 3( 巴西面临的主要问题(热带雨林的逐年减少,城市化问题) steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 八 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf 第一章 第一节 1( 34个省级行政区的轮廓、简称、省会 第二节 1( 我国人口增长的特点。 2( 我国人口的分布特点。 第三节 汉族、少数民族的分布地区及特点 第二章 第一节 1(我国地势特点及三阶梯界线。 2(我国地势对气候、河流、水能、交通的影响 3( 我国主要的山脉、高原、平原、盆地的分布 4(山区的优势、劣势及自然灾难 第二节 1( 我国冬季最冷、夏季最热,降水量最高、最少的地方 2( 我国温度带 3( 年降水量分布的总趋势及400?、800?等降水量线 4( 干湿地区的划分依据 5( 干湿地区及对应的自然景观 6( 冬夏季风、发源地、风向、特点及对气候的影响 7( 季风区和非季风区的划分 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 8( 气候分布图 第三节 1( 我国主要的内、外流河和内外流湖 2( 秦淮线南北外流河的水文特征 3( 黄河的发源地,注入的海洋及上、中、下游的分界点 4( 黄河各游段流经的地形区 5( 各游段产生的环境问题及治理措施 6( 长江的发源地、注入的海 7( 长江上、中下游的分界点 8( 长江的水能、水运作用及三峡 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的地点和综合效益 9( 长江各游段流经的地形图及沿岸主要的湖泊 第三章 第一节 1( 我国自然资源的特点 第二节 1( 我国土地资源种类 2( 我国土地资源的优劣 3( 我国土地类型和农业类型的分布图 4( 目前土地利用中存在的问题及措施 第三节 1( 水资源的季节分配特点及措施 2( 水资源的空间分布特点及措施 3( 南水北调的路线 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 4( 目前,人类面临的水资源问题及措施 第四章 第一节 1(目前,我国最重要的运输方式、铁路 2( 三横五纵分布及形成的枢纽 3( 如何选择合适的运输方式 第二节 1( 我国农业面临的挑战及对策 2( 九大商品粮基地 3( 我国东部沿海发展出口创汇农业和西部实行退耕还林还草的地理条件。 第三节 1( 工业的分类 2( 四大工业基地的分布、工业类型及发展条件 八年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 第五章 第一节 1( 地理区域的划分种类: 自然区域、经济区域、行政区域 2( 我国四大地理区域、分界线及区域差异(河流、植被、气候等) 第二节 1( 南、北方地区的区域差异 2( 西北地区的地形 3( 自然景观的变化规律及农业生产 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 4( 青藏地区的自然特征及农业生产 第六章 第三节 1( 香港、澳门的位置及与内地的联系 2( 台湾轮廓图、农业产品、工业特点 第四节 1(“三峡两盆”的地形特点 2(绿洲农业的分布及主要农作物 3( 两气东输(路线、运输方式及带来的好处) 第八章 第一节 1( 黄土高原分布图壹(主要的山脉、河流) 2( 黄土高原的主要环境问题及采取的措施 3( 我国水土流失的主要分布地区 第二节 1(结合长江水系图,把握长江沿江地带的经济发展。 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should
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