首页 重庆驾校一点通2014科目一



重庆驾校一点通2014科目一重庆驾校一点通2014科目一 重庆驾校一点通2014科目一_重庆驾校一点通模拟考试c1 2014 总分100分(90分过关) 体验真实考试场景、私人定制专家课程,快速通过科目一,尽在 VIP仿真考试 1、机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,在来车方向50至100米处设置警告标志。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 2、超车时,如果无法保证与被超车辆的安全间距,应主动放弃超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 3、夜间行车,驾驶人视距变短,影响观察,同时注意力高度集中,易产生疲劳。 , , 您的...

重庆驾校一点通2014科目一 重庆驾校一点通2014科目一_重庆驾校一点通模拟考试c1 2014 总分100分(90分过关) 体验真实考试场景、私人定制专家课程,快速通过科目一,尽在 VIP仿真考试 1、机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,在来车方向50至100米处设置警告标志。 , , 您的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :错 本题解释 2、超车时,如果无法保证与被超车辆的安全间距,应主动放弃超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 3、夜间行车,驾驶人视距变短,影响观察,同时注意力高度集中,易产生疲劳。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 4、对未按照国家 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 投保交强险的车辆,交通警察可依法予以扣留。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 5、驾驶人在实习期内驾驶机动车时,应当在车身后部粘贴或者悬挂统一式样的实习标志。 (重庆驾校驾驶证试题) , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 6、如图所示,当越过停在人行横道前的A车时,B车应减速,准备停车让行。 , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 本题解释 7、在道路上发生交通事故造成人身伤亡时,要立即抢救受伤人员并迅速报警。 , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , 您的答案:对 本题解释 8、遇到这种情况的路段,可以进入网状线区域内停车等候。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 9、机动车仪 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 板上(如图所示)亮,表示行车制动系统可能出现故障。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 10、遇到路口情况复杂时,应做到“宁停三分,不抢一秒”。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 11、在划有道路中心线的道路上会车时,应做到保持安全车速、不越线行驶。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 12、交通信号灯由红灯、绿灯和黄灯组成。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 13、机动车、非机动车和行人实行分道行驶,是为了 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 交通秩序,提高通行效率。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 14、驾驶机动车在没有交通信号的路口遇到前方车辆缓慢行驶时要依次交替通行。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 本题解释 15、遇到这种情况不能超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 16、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示启用地板及前风窗玻璃吹风。(重庆驾校交规试题) , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 17、如图所示,在这种情况下,驾驶机动车要停车让行。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 18、机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证灭失、丢失或者损毁的,机动车所有人应当向居住地车 辆管理所申请补领、换领。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 19、行至这种情况的铁路道口要停车观察。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 20、仪表显示当前冷却液的温度是90度。 , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 本题解释 21、牵引故障车时,牵引与被牵引的机动车,在行驶中都要开启危险报警闪光灯。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 22、车辆在下坡行驶时,可充分利用空挡滑行。(重庆驾校模拟考试) , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 23、驶离高速公路可以从这个位置直接驶入匝道。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 24、驾驶机动车在沙尘天气条件下行车不用开启前照灯、示廓灯和后位灯。 , , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:错 本题解释 25、专用车道规定的专用使用时间之外,其他车辆可以进入专用车道行驶。 , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 本题解释 26、这个地面标记的含义是预告前方设有交叉路口。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 27、夜间驾驶机动车通过人行横道时需要交替使用远近光灯。(重庆驾校驾驶员考试) , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 本题解释 28、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示驻车制动器处于制动状态。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 29、不得驾驶具有安全隐患的机动车上道路行驶。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 30、行车中当驾驶人意识到爆胎时,应在控制住方向的情况下,轻踏制动踏板,使车辆缓慢 减速,逐渐平稳地停靠于路边。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 31、车辆进入山区道路后,要特别注意“连续转弯”标志,并主动避让车辆及行人,适时减 速和提前鸣喇叭。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 32、在这段道路上不能掉头。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 33、驾驶人在发生交通事故后因抢救伤员变动现场时要标明位置。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 34、这个标志的含义是警告前方道路有障碍物,车辆减速绕行。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 35、驾驶人持超过有效期的驾驶证可以在1年内驾驶机动车。(重庆驾校考试) , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 36、车辆在高速公路行驶时,可以仅凭感觉确认车速。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 37、将点火开关转到ACC位置起动机工作。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 38、通过隧道时,不得超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 39、对违法驾驶发生重大交通事故且构成犯罪的,不追究其刑事责任。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 40、驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 41、这个标志是何含义, , A、单行路 , B、停车让行 , C、干路先行 , D、两侧街道 您的答案:C 本题解释 42、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、注意野生动物 , B、注意牲畜 , C、动物公园 , D、开放的牧区 您的答案:A 本题解释 43、这个标志是何含义, , A、直行车道 , B、单行路 , C、向左转弯 , D、禁止直行 您的答案:C 本题解释 44、如图所示,机动车在这种道路上行驶,在道路中间通行的原因是什么? , A、在道路中间通行速度快 , B、在道路中间通行视线好 , C、给两侧的非机动车和行人留有充足的通行空间 , D、防止车辆冲出路外 您的答案:C 本题解释 45、这一组交通警察手势是什么信号, , A、左转弯信号 , B、停止信号 , C、右转弯信号 , D、靠边停车信号 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:A 正确答案:B 本题解释 46、这个标志是何含义, , A、单向通行 , B、右侧绕行 , C、注意危险 , D、左侧绕行 您的答案:B 本题解释 47、这个标志是何含义, , A、靠右侧行驶 , B、不允许直行 , C、直行单行路 , D、直行车让行 您的答案:C 本题解释 48、会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应怎样做, , A、加速选择理想位置 , B、减速、低速会车或停车让行 , C、向左占道,让对方减速让行 , D、打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 您的答案:B 本题解释 49、下长坡连续使用行车制动会导致什么, , A、会缩短发动机寿命 , B、增加驾驶人的劳动强度 , C、会使制动器温度升高而使制动效果急剧下降 , D、容易造成车辆倾翻 您的答案:C 本题解释 50、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、注意残疾人 , B、残疾人出入口 , C、残疾人休息处 , D、残疾人专用通道 您的答案:A 本题解释 51、这个标志是何含义, , A、不准车辆驶入 , B、不准长时间停车 , C、停车让行 , D、不准临时停车 您的答案:C 本题解释 52、年龄在60周岁以上的驾驶人多长时间提交一次身体条件证明, , A、每3年 , B、每2年 , C、每1年 , D、每6个月 您的答案:C 本题解释 53、驾驶机动车变更车道为什么要提前开启转向灯? , A、提示前车让行 , B、提示行人让行 , C、开阔视野,便于观察路面情况 , D、提示其他车辆我方准备变更车道 您的答案:D 本题解释 54、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、临崖路 , B、堤坝路 , C、傍山险路 , D、落石路 您的答案:C 本题解释 55、这个开关控制机动车哪个部位,(重庆驾校驾驶证考试) , A、风窗玻璃除雾器 , B、风窗玻璃刮水器 , C、危险报警闪光灯 , D、照明、信号装置 您的答案:A 正确答案:B 本题解释 56、道路交通安全违法行为累积记分的周期是多长时间, , A、3个月 , B、6个月 , C、12个月 , D、24个月 您的答案:C 本题解释 57、驾驶车辆行至道路急转弯处,应怎样做, , A、借对向车道行驶 , B、急剧制动低速通过 , C、靠弯道外侧行驶 , D、充分减速并靠右侧行驶 您的答案:D 本题解释 58、未取得驾驶证的学员在道路上学习驾驶技能,下列哪种做法是正确的, , A、使用所学车型的教练车由教练员随车指导 , B、使用所学车型的教练车单独驾驶学习 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , C、使用私家车由教练员随车指导 , D、使用所学车型的教练车由非教练员的驾驶人随车指导 您的答案:A 本题解释 59、前方路口这种信号灯亮表示什么意思, , A、路口警示 , B、禁止通行 , C、准许通行 , D、提醒注意 您的答案:B 本题解释 60、如图所示,当车辆驶近这样的路口时,以下说法错误的是什么? , A、右前方路口视野受阻,如有突然冲出车辆,容易引发事故 , B、为避免车辆从路口突然冲出引发危险,应适当降低车速 , C、因为视野受阻,应鸣喇叭提醒侧方道路来车 , D、本车有优先通行权,可加速通过 您的答案:D 本题解释 61、在实习期内驾驶机动车的,应当在车身后部粘贴或者悬挂哪种标志, , A、注意新手标志 , B、注意避让标志 , C、统一式样的实习标志 , D、注意车距标志 您的答案:C 本题解释 62、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、空气内循环 , B、地板及迎面出风 , C、空气外循环 , D、侧面及地板出风 您的答案:B 本题解释 63、道路最左侧白色虚线区域是何含义,(重庆驾校交规考试) , A、多乘员车辆专用车道 , B、小型客车专用车道 , C、未载客出租车专用车道 , D、大型客车专用车道 您的答案:A 本题解释 64、这个标志是何含义, , A、公交线路专用车道 , B、大型客车专用车道 , C、快速公交系统专用车道 , D、多乘员车辆专用车道 您的答案:B 正确答案:A 本题解释 65、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、两侧车门开启 , B、行李舱开启 , C、发动机舱开启 , D、燃油箱盖开启 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:A 本题解释 66、这个标志是何含义, , A、禁止直行 , B、禁止掉头 , C、禁止变道 , D、禁止左转 您的答案:B 本题解释 67、路中白色虚线是什么标线, , A、禁止跨越对向车道中心线 , B、限制跨越对向车道中心线 , C、可跨越同向车道中心线 , D、单向行驶车道分界中心线 您的答案:C 本题解释 68、驾驶机动车通过没有交通信号和管理人员的铁路道口怎样通过, , A、适当减速通过 , B、空挡滑行通过 , C、停车确认安全后通过 , D、加速尽快通过 您的答案:C 本题解释 69、这个标志是何含义, , A、减速拍照区 , B、道路流量监测 , C、全路段抓拍 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , D、交通监控设备 您的答案:D 本题解释 70、这个标志是何含义, , A、高速公路下一出口预告 , B、高速公路右侧出口预告 , C、高速公路目的地预告 , D、高速公路左侧出口预告 您的答案:C 正确答案:D 本题解释 71、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)这个符号表示什么, , A、一侧车门开启 , B、行李舱开启 , C、发动机舱开启 , D、燃油箱盖开启 您的答案:A 正确答案:C 本题解释 72、怎样通过这样的路口, , A、不减速通过 , B、加速尽快通过 , C、空挡滑行通过 , D、减速或停车观察 您的答案:D 本题解释 73、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、高速公路报警电话号码 , B、高速公路交通广播频率 , C、高速公路救援电话号码 , D、高速公路服务电话号码 您的答案:B 本题解释 74、驾驶机动车在道路上追逐竞驶,情节恶劣,会受到什么处罚, , A、处拘役,并处罚金 , B、处管制,并处罚金 , C、处1年以上徒刑 , D、处6个月徒刑 您的答案:A 本题解释 75、在这种天气条件下行车如何使用灯光, , A、使用远光灯 , B、使用雾灯 , C、开启右转向灯 , D、不使用灯光 您的答案:B 本题解释 76、行车中遇交通事故受伤者需要抢救时,应怎样做, , A、及时将伤者送医院抢救或拨打急救电话 , B、尽量避开,少惹麻烦 , C、绕过现场行驶 , D、借故避开现场 您的答案:A 本题解释 77、路中心白色实线是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、禁止跨越对向车行道分界线 , B、双侧可跨越同向车道分界线 , C、禁止跨越同向车行道分界线 , D、单侧可跨越同向车道分界线 您的答案:A 正确答案:C 本题解释 78、行车中遇有非机动车准备绕过停放的车辆时,应怎样做, , A、鸣喇叭示意其让道 , B、让其先行 , C、加速绕过 , D、紧随其后鸣喇叭 您的答案:B 本题解释 79、机动车驾驶人初次申领驾驶证后的实习期是多长时间, , A、6个月 , B、12个月 , C、16个月 , D、18个月 您的答案:B 本题解释 80、这个标志是何含义, , A、无人看守铁路道口 , B、有人看守铁路道口 , C、多股铁路与道路相交 , D、立交式的铁路道口 您的答案:B 本题解释 81、驾驶机动车在路口直行遇到这种信号灯应该怎样行驶, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、不得越过停止线 , B、加速直行通过 , C、左转弯行驶 , D、进入路口等待 您的答案:D 正确答案:A 本题解释 82、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、防抱死制动系统故障 , B、驻车制动器处于解除状态 , C、安全气囊处于故障状态 , D、行车制动系统故障 您的答案:A 本题解释 83、这个标志是何含义, , A、左转车道 , B、掉头车道 , C、绕行车道 , D、分向车道 您的答案:B 本题解释 84、这个标志是何含义, , A、右侧通行 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , B、左侧通行 , C、向右行驶 , D、环岛行驶 您的答案:D 本题解释 85、这个标志是何含义, , A、路面低洼 , B、驼峰桥 , C、路面不平 , D、路面高突 您的答案:A 正确答案:C 本题解释 86、这个路面标记是何含义, , A、自行车专用道 , B、非机动车道 , C、摩托车专用道 , D、电瓶车专用道 您的答案:B 本题解释 87、提拉这个开关控制机动车哪个部位, , A、倒车灯 , B、左右转向灯 , C、示廓灯 , D、报警闪光灯 您的答案:B 本题解释 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 88、上道路行驶的机动车有哪种情形交通警察可依法扣留车辆, , A、未悬挂机动车号牌 , B、未携带身份证 , C、未携带保险 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 , D、未放置城市环保标志 您的答案:A 本题解释 89、驾驶机动车通过急弯路时,最高速度不能超过多少, , A、20公里/小时 , B、30公里/小时 , C、40公里/小时 , D、50公里/小时 您的答案:B 本题解释 90、这个标志是何含义,(重庆驾校驾照试题) , A、高速公路服务区 , B、高速公路加油站 , C、高速公路休息区 , D、高速公路客车站 您的答案:B 本题解释 91、路两侧的车行道边缘白色实线是什么含义, , A、机动车可临时跨越 , B、非机动车可临时跨越 , C、车辆可临时跨越 , D、禁止车辆跨越 您的答案:D 本题解释 92、同车道行驶的车辆遇前车有下列哪种情形时不得超车, , A、正在停车 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , B、减速让行 , C、正在掉头 , D、正常行驶 您的答案:C 本题解释 93、这个标志是何含义, , A、紧急停车带 , B、露天停车场 , C、停车位 , D、错车道 您的答案:A 正确答案:D 本题解释 94、这个标志是何含义, , A、解除禁止借道 , B、解除禁止变道 , C、准许变道行驶 , D、解除禁止超车 您的答案:B 正确答案:D 本题解释 95、遇到前方车辆停车排队或者缓慢行驶时,强行穿插,以下说法正确的是什么? , A、允许,因为可以省油 , B、允许,因为可以快速的通过拥堵区 , C、禁止,因为这样扰乱车流,加重拥堵 , D、禁止,因为这样不利于省油 您的答案:C 本题解释 96、夜间车辆通过照明条件良好的路段时,应使用什么灯, , A、雾灯 , B、近光灯 , C、远光灯 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , D、危险报警闪光灯 您的答案:B 本题解释 97、这个标志是何含义, , A、不平路面 , B、驼峰桥 , C、路面高突 , D、路面低洼 您的答案:C 正确答案:B 本题解释 98、驾驶机动车在下列哪种路段不得超车, , A、山区道路 , B、城市高架路 , C、城市快速路 , D、窄桥、弯道 您的答案:D 本题解释 99、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、行车制动系统出现故障 , B、驻车制动器处于制动状态 , C、防抱死制动系统出现故障 , D、驻车制动器处于解除状态 您的答案:A 正确答案:B 本题解释 100、驾驶车辆驶入铁路道口前减速降挡,进入道口后应怎样做, , A、不能变换挡位 , B、可以变换挡位 , C、可换为高挡 , D、停车观察 您的答案:A 本题解释 重庆驾校一点通2014科目一_重庆驾校一点通模拟考试c1 2014 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 总分100分(90分过关) 体验真实考试场景、私人定制专家课程,快速通过科目一,尽在 VIP仿真考试 1、驾驶人一边驾车,一边打手持电话是违法行为。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 2、通过窄路、窄桥时,不得超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 3、对未取得驾驶证驾驶机动车的,追究其法律责任。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 4、黄灯持续闪烁,表示机动车可以加速通过。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 5、机动车在道路上发生故障难以移动时要在车后50米以内设置警告标志。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 6、在行驶过程中,机动车驾驶人要注意与前车保持安全距离。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 7、如图所示,在这种情形下,对方车辆具有先行权. , , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:对 本题解释 8、驾驶机动车在道路上违反交通安全法规的行为属于违法行为。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 9、上路行驶的机动车未放置检验合格标志的,交通警察可依法扣留机动车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 10、车辆驶入匝道后,迅速将车速提高到每小时60公里以上。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 11、车辆在高速公路以每小时100公里的速度行驶时,距同车道前车100米以上为安全距离。 , , 您的答案:错 正确答案:对 横向是1.5米最安全,跟前车100米是安全距离。 12、雾天行车听到对方鸣喇叭,也应该鸣喇叭回应,以提示对方车辆。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 13、机动车在环形路口内行驶,遇有其他车辆强行驶入时,只要有优先权就可以不避让 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 14、驾驶人在机动车驾驶证的6年有效期内,每个记分周期均未达到12分的,换发10年有 效期的机动车驾驶证。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 15、交通警察对未放置保险标志上道路行驶的车辆可依法扣留行驶证。 , , 您的答案:对 正确答案:错 本题解释应该是扣留车辆,不是扣留行驶证。 16、准驾车型为小型自动挡汽车的,可以驾驶低速载货汽车。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:对 正确答案:错 本题解释小型自动挡汽车(C2)准驾车型:小型、 微型自动挡载客汽车以及轻型、微型自动挡载货汽车 17、机动车停稳前不能开车门和上下人员。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 18、驾驶机动车在没有中心线的城市道路上,最高速度不能超过每小时50公里。 , , 您的答案:对 正确答案:错 本题解释没有限速标志、标线的城市道路的最高速度 为30公里,道路的最高速度为40公里,只有一条机动车道的城市道路最高50公里, 只有一条机动车道的公路最高为70公里。 19、发生交通事故造成人员受伤时,要保护现场并立即报警。(重庆驾校驾照试题) , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 20、在这种情况的交叉路口转弯要让直行车先行。(重庆驾校驾驶员考试) , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 21、如图所示,A车在这种情况下应适当减速。(重庆驾校交规考试) , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 22、如图所示,驾驶机动车遇到这种情况能够加速通过,是因为人行横道没有行人通过。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 23、灯光开关在该位置时,前雾灯点亮。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 24、饮酒后驾驶机动车的一次记12分。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 25、车辆行至交叉路口时,左转弯车辆在任何时段都可以进入左弯待转区。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 26、行车中当车辆突然爆胎时,驾驶人切忌慌乱中急踏制动踏板,尽量采用“抢挡”的方法, 利用发动机制动使车辆减速。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 27、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是单向行驶并且照明不好的涵洞。 , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , 您的答案:错 本题解释 28、这个标志的含义是警告前方出现向左的急转弯路。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 29、在大雨天行车,为避免发生“水滑”而造成危险,要控制速度行驶。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 30、在这段路的最高时速为每小时50公里。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 31、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机需要补充机油。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 32、驾驶机动车变更车道前应仔细观察,目的是判断有无变更车道的条件。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 33、驾驶机动车在道路上违反道路通行规定应当接受相应的处罚。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 34、驾驶机动车行驶到这个位置时,如果车前轮已越过停止线可以继续通过。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 35、这辆红色轿车变更车道的方法和路线是正确的。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 36、车辆在山区道路行车下陡坡时,不得超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 37、这个标志的含义是告示前方道路是单向通行路段。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 38、这个标志的含义是警告前方道路易滑,注意慢行。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 39、通过隧道时,不得超车。 , , 您的答案:对 本题解释 40、机动车发生财产损失交通事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离的,交通警察不可以责令 当事人撤离现场。 , , 您的答案:错 本题解释 41、这个标志是何含义, , A、禁止左转 , B、此路不通 , C、禁止通行 , D、超高绕行 您的答案:D 本题解释 42、这属于哪一种标志, , A、警告标志 , B、指路标志 , C、指示标志 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , D、禁令标志 您的答案:C 正确答案:A 本题解释黄色就代表警告,不用想 43、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、制动液不足 , B、洗涤液不足 , C、冷却系故障 , D、冷却液不足 您的答案:D 本题解释 44、醉酒驾驶机动车在道路上行驶会受到什么处罚, , A、处2年以下徒刑 , B、处拘役,并处罚金 , C、处2年以上徒刑 , D、处管制,并处罚金 您的答案:B 本题解释 45、在涉水路段跟车行驶时,应当怎样做?(重庆驾校驾照考试) , A、紧跟其后 , B、并行通过 , C、适当增加车距 , D、超越前车,抢先通过 您的答案:A 正确答案:C 本题解释 46、驾驶证记载的驾驶人信息发生变化的要在多长时间内申请换证, , A、60日 , B、50日 , C、40日 , D、30日 您的答案:D 本题解释 47、如图所示,在这种情况下驶近路口,车辆可以怎么行驶? aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、只能直行 , B、左转或者直行 , C、左转或右转 , D、直行或右转 您的答案:B 本题解释 48、这个标志是何含义, , A、禁止驶入 , B、禁止通行 , C、减速行驶 , D、限时进入 您的答案:D 正确答案:B 本题解释这个就是禁止通行呢,红圈圈。其他的禁止 标志都是里面加辆车,然后是禁止xx通行。这应该好记~ 49、上道路行驶的机动车有哪种情形交通警察可依法扣留车辆, , A、未携带身份证 , B、未放置检验合格标志 , C、未放置城市环保标志 , D、未携带机动车登记证书 您的答案:B 本题解释 50、驾驶人有下列哪种违法行为一次记12分, , A、违反交通信号灯 , B、使用伪造机动车号牌 , C、违反禁令标志指示 , D、拨打、接听手机的 您的答案:B 本题解释 51、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、提醒车辆驾驶人前方道路沿水库、湖泊、河流 , B、提醒车辆驾驶人前方有向上的陡坡路段 , C、提醒车辆驾驶人前方有向下的陡坡路段 , D、提醒车辆驾驶人前方有两个及以上的连续上坡路段 您的答案:C 本题解释 52、这个标志是何含义, , A、注意避让火车 , B、有人看守铁路道口 , C、无人看守铁路道口 , D、多股铁路与道路相交 您的答案:A 正确答案:D 本题解释 53、遇到这种情况的路口怎样通过, , A、左转弯加速通过 , B、加速直行通过 , C、右转弯加速通过 , D、确认安全后通过 您的答案:D 本题解释 54、驾驶机动车行经市区下列哪种道路时不得超车, , A、主要街道 , B、单向行驶路段 , C、单向两条行车道 , D、交通流量大的路段 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:D 本题解释 55、这种白色矩形标线框含义是什么,(重庆驾校模拟考试) , A、出租车专用上下客停车位 , B、平行式停车位 , C、倾斜式停车位 , D、垂直式停车位 您的答案:D 正确答案:B 本题解释 56、行车中超越同向行驶的自行车时,应怎样做, , A、让自行车先行 , B、注意观察动态,减速慢行,留有足够的安全距离 , C、连续鸣喇叭提醒其让路 , D、持续鸣喇叭并加速超越 您的答案:B 本题解释 57、这个标志是何含义, , A、高速公路起点 , B、高速公路出口 , C、高速公路入口 , D、高速公路终点 您的答案:A 本题解释 58、如图所示,当车辆驶近这样的路口时,以下说法错误的是什么? , A、右前方路口视野受阻,如有突然冲出车辆,容易引发事故 , B、为避免车辆从路口突然冲出引发危险,应适当降低车速 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , C、因为视野受阻,应鸣喇叭提醒侧方道路来车 , D、本车有优先通行权,可加速通过 您的答案:D 本题解释 59、驾驶人违反交通运输管理法规发生重大事故致人死亡且逃逸的,处多少年有期徒刑, , A、7年以上 , B、3年以下 , C、3年以上7年以下 , D、10年以上 您的答案:C 本题解释 60、这个标志是何含义,(重庆驾校考试) , A、海关 , B、国界 , C、边防 , D、边界 您的答案:A 本题解释 61、在这段高速公路上行驶的最高车速是多少, , A、120公里/小时 , B、100公里/小时 , C、90公里/小时 , D、60公里/小时 您的答案:A 本题解释 62、行车中遇抢救伤员的救护车从本车道逆向驶来时,应怎样做, , A、靠边减速或停车让行 , B、占用其他车道行驶 , C、加速变更车道避让 , D、在原车道内继续行驶 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:A 本题解释 63、驾驶拼装机动车上路行驶的驾驶人,除按规定接受罚款外,还要受到哪种处理, , A、处10日以下拘留 , B、暂扣驾驶证 , C、吊销驾驶证 , D、追究刑事责任 您的答案:C 本题解释 64、这个标志是何含义, , A、环行交叉路口预告 , B、十字交叉路口预告 , C、互通立体交叉预告 , D、Y型交叉路口预告 您的答案:A 本题解释 65、这个导向箭头是何含义, , A、指示向左转弯或掉头 , B、指示直行或向左变道 , C、指示直行或左转弯 , D、指示直行或掉头 您的答案:C 本题解释 66、这个标志是何含义, , A、堤坝路 , B、上陡坡 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , C、下陡坡 , D、连续上坡 您的答案:C 本题解释 67、这个导向箭头是何含义, , A、指示向右转弯或掉头 , B、指示直行或右转弯 , C、指示直行或向右变道 , D、指示直行或掉头 您的答案:B 本题解释 68、这个标志是何含义,(重庆驾校驾驶证考试) , A、左侧绕行 , B、单向通行 , C、注意危险 , D、右侧绕行 您的答案:A 本题解释 69、饮酒后驾驶机动车一次记几分, , A、2分 , B、3分 , C、6分 , D、12分 您的答案:D 本题解释 70、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、空气内循环 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , B、空气外循环 , C、迎面吹风 , D、风窗玻璃除霜 您的答案:B 本题解释 71、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、左转向指示灯闪烁 , B、右转向指示灯闪烁 , C、车前后位置灯亮起 , D、车前后示宽灯亮起 您的答案:B 本题解释 72、路缘石上的黄色虚线是何含义, , A、禁止临时停车 , B、禁止上下人员 , C、禁止长时停车 , D、禁止装卸货物 您的答案:C 本题解释 73、在这个位置时怎样使用灯光, , A、开启左转向灯 , B、开启右转向灯 , C、开启危险报警闪光灯 , D、开启前照灯 您的答案:B 正确答案:A 本题解释 74、下长坡时,控制车速除了刹车制动以外还有什么有效的辅助方法, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、挂入空挡滑行 , B、利用发动机制动 , C、踏下离合器滑行 , D、关闭发动机熄火滑行 您的答案:B 本题解释 75、夜间在道路上会车时,距离对向来车多远将远光灯改用近光灯, , A、不必变换灯光 , B、150米以外 , C、100米以内 , D、50米以内 您的答案:B 本题解释 76、会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应怎样做, , A、加速选择理想位置 , B、减速、低速会车或停车让行 , C、向左占道,让对方减速让行 , D、打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 您的答案:B 本题解释 77、雨天对安全行车的主要影响是什么, , A、电器设备易受潮短路 , B、路面湿滑,视线受阻 , C、发动机易熄火 , D、行驶阻力增大 您的答案:B 本题解释 78、公安机关交通管理部门对累积记分达到规定分值的驾驶人怎样处理, , A、依法追究刑事责任 , B、处15日以下拘留 , C、终生禁驾 , D、进行法律法规教育,重新考试 您的答案:D 本题解释 79、行车中,遇非机动车抢行时,应怎样做, , A、鸣喇叭警告 , B、加速通过 , C、减速让行 , D、临近时突然加速 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 您的答案:C 本题解释 80、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮表示什么, , A、没有系好安全带 , B、安全带出现故障 , C、已经系好安全带 , D、安全带系得过松 您的答案:A 本题解释 81、指路标志的作用是什么, , A、限制车辆通行 , B、提示限速信息 , C、提供方向信息 , D、警告前方危险 您的答案:C 本题解释 82、雨天行车,遇撑雨伞和穿雨衣的行人在公路上行走时,应怎样做, , A、以正常速度行驶 , B、持续鸣喇叭示意其让道 , C、加速绕行 , D、提前鸣喇叭,并适当降低车速 您的答案:D 本题解释 83、道路交通违法行为累积记分周期是多长时间, , A、14个月 , B、12个月 , C、10个月 , D、6个月 您的答案:B 本题解释 84、这个标志是何含义, , A、40米减速行驶路段 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , B、最低时速40公里 , C、解除时速40公里限制 , D、最高时速40公里 您的答案:C 本题解释 85、驾驶机动车在路口遇到这种信号灯表示什么意思, , A、路口警示 , B、禁止右转 , C、准许直行 , D、加速通过 您的答案:A 本题解释 86、这个标志是何含义, , A、高速公路终点预告 , B、高速公路入口预告 , C、高速公路起点预告 , D、高速公路出口预告 您的答案:B 本题解释 87、驾驶机动车通过没有交通信号的交叉路口怎样行驶,(重庆驾校交规试题) , A、减速慢行 , B、加速通过 , C、大型车先行 , D、左侧车辆先行 您的答案:A 本题解释 88、机动车驾驶人造成事故后逃逸构成犯罪的,吊销驾驶证且多长时间不得重新取得驾驶 证, , A、5年内 , B、10年内 , C、终生 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , D、20年内 您的答案:C 本题解释 89、为什么规定辅路车让主路车先行? , A、主路车流量大、速度快 , B、辅路车便于观察 , C、主路车流量小、速度快 , D、辅路车速度快 您的答案:A 本题解释 90、这是什么操纵装置, , A、灯光开关 , B、空调开关 , C、点火开关 , D、雨刷开关 您的答案:C 本题解释 91、准驾车型为小型汽车的,可以驾驶下列哪种车辆, , A、低速载货汽车 , B、中型客车 , C、三轮摩托车 , D、轮式自行机械 您的答案:A 本题解释 92、驾驶机动车在高速公路遇到能见度低于100米的气象条件时,最高车速是多少, , A、不得超过40公里/小时 , B、不得超过60公里/小时 , C、不得超过80公里/小时 , D、不得超过90公里/小时 您的答案:A 本题解释 93、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、直行车道 , B、只准直行 , C、单行路 , D、禁止直行 您的答案:B 本题解释 94、驾驶的车辆正在被其他车辆超越时,应怎样做, , A、继续加速行驶 , B、减速,靠右侧行驶 , C、靠道路中心行驶 , D、加速让路 您的答案:B 本题解释 95、下列哪种证件是驾驶机动车上路行驶应当随车携带, , A、机动车登记证 , B、机动车保险单 , C、机动车行驶证 , D、出厂合格证明 您的答案:C 本题解释 96、红色圆圈内标线含义是什么, , A、临时停靠站 , B、大客车停靠站 , C、公交车停靠站 , D、应急停车带 您的答案:C 本题解释 97、驾驶人户籍迁出原车辆管理所需要向什么地方的车辆管所提出申请, , A、迁出地 , B、居住地 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , C、所在地 , D、迁入地 您的答案:A 正确答案:D 本题解释 98、这个标志是何含义, , A、靠道路右侧停车 , B、只准向右转弯 , C、右侧是下坡路段 , D、靠右侧道路行驶 您的答案:D 本题解释 99、这位驾驶人违反法律规定的行为是什么, , A、没按规定握转向盘 , B、座椅角度不对 , C、没系安全带 , D、驾驶姿势不正确 您的答案:C 本题解释 100、在这个弯道上行驶时的最高速度不能超过多少,(重庆驾校驾驶证试题) , A、30公里/小时 , B、40公里/小时 , C、50公里/小时 , D、70公里/小时 您的答案:A 本题解释 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 1/100、路口黄灯持续闪烁,警示驾驶人要注意瞭望,确认安全通过。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 2/100、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)一直亮,表示发动机控制系统故障。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 3/100、雾天行车多使用喇叭可引起对方注意;听到对方车辆鸣喇叭,也应鸣喇叭回应。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 4/100、路中心黄色虚线的含义是分隔对向交通流,在保证安全的前提下,可越线超车或转弯。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 /100、这个标志的含义是警告前方道路有障碍物,车辆减速绕行。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 , 向右急弯路:用以警告车辆驾驶人减速慢行。设置位置为曲线起点的外面, 但不应进入相邻的圆曲线内。 6/100、在狭窄的路段会车时,应做到礼让三先:先慢、先让、先停。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 7/100、驾驶人在发生交通事故后因抢救伤员变动现场时要标明位置。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 8/100、行车中当车辆前轮爆胎已发生转向时,驾驶人应双手紧握转向盘,尽力控制车辆直线行驶。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 9/100、驾驶机动车在没有中心线的公路上,最高速度不能超过每小时70公里。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 , 试题解释:根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》第四十五 条:……在没有限速标志、标线的道路上,机动车不得超过下列最高行驶速度: (一)没有道路中心线的道路,城市道路为每小时30公里,公路为每小时40公 里; (二)同方向只有1条机动车道的道路,城市道路为每小时50公里, 公路为每小时70公里。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 10/100、机动车仪表板上(如图所示)一直亮,表示安全气囊处于工作状态。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解此图表示安全气囊现在处于故障 状态 11/100、驾驶机动车在高速公路违法占用应急车道行驶的一次记6分。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题 12/100、社会车辆距离消防栓或者消防队(站)门前30米以内的路段不能停车。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 13/100、在大雨天行车,为避免发生“水滑”而造成危险,要控制速度行驶。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 14/100、行车中,发现行人突然横过道路时,应迅速减速避让。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 15/100、车辆驶离高速公路时,应当经减速车道减速后进入匝道。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 16试题:驾驶机动车在这种信号灯亮的路口,可以右转弯。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 正确答案: 本试题发布2013年05月01日 , 试题解释:没有问题,只要安全的情况下就可以右转,前边的红灯是管直行的。 17/100、雨天路面湿滑,车辆制动距离增大,行车中尽量使用紧急制动减速。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 8/100、立交桥上一般都是单向行驶,车辆不必减速行驶。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 19/100、在路口遇有交通信号灯和交通警察指挥不一致时,按照交通信号灯通行。 , 对 , 错 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 20/100、驾驶机动车不能进入红色叉形灯或者红色箭头灯 亮的车道。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 21/100、驾驶车辆通过人行横道线时,应注意礼让行人。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 22/100、行至这种情况的铁路道口要停车观察。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 23/100、通过山区危险路段,尤其是通过经常发生塌方、泥石流的山区地段,应谨慎驾驶,避免停车。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 24/100、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是傍山险路路段。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解注意落石:用以提醒车辆驾驶人 注意落石。 25/100、车辆在冰雪路面紧急制动易产生侧滑,应低速行驶,可利用发动机制动进行减速。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 26/100、这个标志的含义是警告车辆驾驶人注意前方设有信号灯。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 27/100、在泥泞路上制动时,车轮易发生侧滑或甩尾,导致交通事故。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 28/100、初次申领的机动车驾驶证的有效期为4年。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解123号令第十条 机动车驾驶证 有效期分为六年、十年和长期。没有四年一说 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 29/100、驾驶机动车遇到漫水桥时要察明水情确认安全后再低速通过。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 30/100、打开右转向灯开关,(如图所示)亮起。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解:亲,这个是左转向灯的。 31/100、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是无人看守铁路道口。 , 对 , 错 , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 正确答案:错 查看题解 32/100、这个标志的含义是警告车辆驾驶人前方是学校区域。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解:注意儿童:用以警告车辆驾驶 人减速慢行,注意儿童 33/100、科目三考试分为道路驾驶技能考试和安全文明驾驶常识考试两部分。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 34/100、造成交通事故后逃逸构成犯罪的人不能申请机动车驾驶证。 , 对 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 35/100、机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证灭失、丢失或者损毁的,机动车所有人应当向居住地车辆管理所申请补领、换领。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:错 查看题解应当向登记地车辆管理所申请补 领、换领 36/100、驾驶人在实习期内驾驶机动车时,应当在车身后部粘贴或者悬挂统一式样的实习标志。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 37/100、这个标志的含义是告示前方道路是单向通行路段。 , 对 , 错 , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , 正确答案:错 查看题解注意障碍物标志右侧绕行: 38/100、交通信号包括交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线和交通警察的指挥。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 39/100、一个合格的驾驶人,不仅表现在技术的娴熟上,更重要的是应该具有良好的驾驶行为习惯和道德修养。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 40/100、驾驶车辆在道路上行驶时,应当按照规定的速度安全行驶。 , 对 , 错 , , , 正确答案:对 查看题解 41/100、有下列哪种违法行为的机动车驾驶人将被一次记12分, , A、驾驶故意污损号牌的机动车上道路行驶 , B、机动车驾驶证被暂扣期间驾驶机动车的 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , C、以隐瞒、欺骗手段补领机动车驾驶证的 , D、驾驶机动车不按照规定避让校车的 , 正确答案:A 查看题解 试题:有下列哪种违法行为的机动车驾驶人将被一次记12分, , A、驾驶故意污损号牌的机动车上道路行驶 , B、机动车驾驶证被暂扣期间驾驶机动车的 , C、以隐瞒、欺骗手段补领机动车驾驶证的 , D、驾驶机动车不按照规定避让校车的 , 正确答案: 本试题发布2013年05月01日 , 试题解释:B,C,D都是扣6分,只有A是扣12分。 42/100、这个地面标记是什么标线, , A、人行横道预告 , B、交叉路口预告 , C、减速让行预告 , D、停车让行预告 , 正确答案:A 查看题解 43/100、这个标志是何含义, aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , A、高速公路起点预告 , B、高速公路出口预告 , C、高速公路入口预告 , D、高速公路终点预告 , 正确答案:D 查看题解 44/100、准驾车型为小型汽车的,可以驾驶下列哪种车辆, , A、低速载货汽车 , B、中型客车 , C、三轮摩托车 , D、轮式自行机械 , 正确答案:A 查看题解小型汽车(C1)准驾车型:小型、 微型载客汽车以及轻型、微型载货汽车;轻型、微型专项作业车,小型、微型 自动挡载客汽车以及轻型、微型自动挡载货汽车,低速载货汽车,三轮汽车。 45/100、驾驶人有下列哪种违法行为一次记12分, , A、违反交通信号灯 , B、使用伪造机动车号牌 , C、违反禁令标志指示 , D、拨打、接听手机的 , 正确答案:B 查看题解 , , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and , , , , , , , , , aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and
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