首页 09国际金融学考试试题



09国际金融学考试试题09国际金融学考试试题 一(判断,选择 外国人在美国发行的债券叫阳基债券 布雷顿森林体系,牙买加 我国是实行有管制的浮动汇率制度(注意有管制,与浮动汇率制度区别开来) 国际收入三个帐户 外汇的条件自由兑换,普遍接受,(可尝性)自己看书 还有几个 伦敦银行同业拆借制度(这个一定会考,不知道出选择判断还是名词解释) 二(名词解释 综合帐户余额 国际储备 特别提款权(P245) 远期汇率 丁伯根原则 有效分类原则 储备头寸储备头寸(reserve position in the IMF): 是指一成员国在基...

09国际金融学考试 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 一(判断,选择 外国人在美国发行的债券叫阳基债券 布雷顿森林体系,牙买加 我国是实行有管制的浮动汇率 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 (注意有管制,与浮动汇率制度区别开来) 国际收入三个帐户 外汇的条件自由兑换,普遍接受,(可尝性)自己看书 还有几个 伦敦银行同业拆借制度(这个一定会考,不知道出选择判断还是名词解释) 二(名词解释 综合帐户余额 国际储备 特别提款权(P245) 远期汇率 丁伯根原则 有效分类原则 储备头寸储备头寸(reserve position in the IMF): 是指一成员国在基金组织的储备部分提款权余额,再加上向基金组织提供的可兑换货币贷款余额。 三(简答题 1( 影响一国汇率波动的主要因素 2( 汇率升值对经济波动的影响 3( 从内外均衡的角度,分析布雷顿森林体系的缺陷 四(计算题 两角套汇 P35 主要去看以往考试的题型 利率的近期远期 五(论述题 1( 国际收支问题(在第一章出) 中国物价水平高,通帐率居高不下 欧美经济停滞,经济增长率几乎为零 2( 主要与国际货币体系改革有关,结合时事热点来谈的 如弊端,出路,改革的方向,措施 我们老师建议去期刊网阅读几篇相关的国际货币体系改革的文章(搜索关键字为:国际货币体系改革)附上整理补充后的国金模拟试题(据说超准,可重点看看简答题和论述题) 一.选择题 1.下面项目属于资金与金融账户的是( d ) A.收入 B.服务 C.经常转移 D.证券投资 2.根据2010年《中国国际收支平衡表》,"货物"项目的"差额","贷方"和"借方"为2542,15814,13272. 我过的商品出口规模为( b ) A.2542 B.15814 C.13272 D.29086 3.我国季节性工人在非洲所获得的劳务报酬在国际收支平衡表中是属于( c ) A.贷物项目 B.服务项目 C.收入项目 D.资本与金融项目 4.下列人员属于我国居民的是( b ) A.美国驻华大使 B.中国驻美大使 C.IMP驻华代表 D.IMP驻美代表 5.美国企业在日本发行的日元债券被称为( c ) A.扬基债券 B.猛犬债券 C.武士债券 D.欧洲债券 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 6.下列属于国际货币市场的是( a ) A.国际银行贴现市场 B.国际股票市场 C.国际中长期债券市场 D.国际中长期信贷市场 7.根据图1进行判断,点A是处于( c )状态. A.顺差/商品供大于求 B.顺差/商品供小于求 C.逆差/商品供大于求 D.逆差/商品供小于求 8.在浮动汇率制下,货币-价格机制对外开放经济进行自动实现的( a ) A.名义汇率 B.价格水平 C.利率 D.收入 9.关于国际资金流动的流量理论,下列说法正确的是( c ) A.当资金是不完全流动时,BP曲线表现为垂直线 B.当BP曲线是一条倾斜为正的曲线时,在曲线右边的点表示国际收支处于盈余状态 C.当资金是完全流动时,开房经济的自动平衡机制主要表现为利率机制 D.固定汇率制与浮动汇率制下的经济自动平衡机制是相同的 10.根据国际收支的货币分析法,下列说法不正确的是( a ) A.一国国内名义货币的供应量小于名义货币需求将导致国际收支逆差 B.价格在短期内能灵活调整是国际收支货币分析法的一个假定 C.国际收支是一种货币假象 D.本币贬值会导致国际收支出现顺差 11.关于购买力平价理论,下列说法正确的是( b ) A.相对购买力评价理论假设一价定律成立 B.绝对购买力评价理论的基本思想是不同货币之间的汇率取决于它们各自的购买力之比 C.若已知汇率为1?=e,,英国及美国物价指数分别为P和P*,则绝对购买力平价可表示为e=P/P* D.根据相对购买力平价,如果本国通货膨胀率低于外国通胀率,则本币将贬值 12.根据汇率的弹性价格货币分析法,下列说法不正确的是( c ) A.在其他因素不变时,本国国民收入增加将带来本国价格下降,本币升值 B.在其他因素不变时,本国货币供给的一次性增加将导致本币贬值 C.该分析法假定购买力平价不成立 D.该分析法假定总供给曲线是垂直的 【参考 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 e=(M-M*)+β(i-i*)+α(Y-Y*)】 13.关于汇率的超调模型,下列说法错误的是( c ) A.根据汇率的超调模型,当货币供应一次性增加之后,本国物价的上升过程是缓慢的 B.根据汇率的超调模型,当货币供应一次性增加之后,本币的瞬时贬值幅度将大于其长期贬值幅度C.汇率的超调模型假定购买力平价在短期内成立 D.汇率的超调模型是由多恩布什提出的 14.根据国际手指的吸收论,下列说法错误的是( b ) A.该理论是由西尼德?亚历山大提出的 B.国际收支盈余是收入相对于吸收不足的表现 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt C.贬值能否改善国际收支,取决于贬值能否使国民收入的变动相对于吸收水平而提高 D.当国际收支逆差时,若国内存在着闲置资源,应采取扩张型财政政策来增加收入 15.下列政策中属于调节社会总供给政策的是( d ) A.财政政策 B.直接管制政策 C.货币政策 D.科技政策 16.下列关于经常性账户余额说法正确的是( b ) A.偏好即期消费的国家应追求经常账户顺差 B.资本边际生产率较高的国家应追求经常账户逆差 C.偏好将来消费的国家应追求经常账户顺差 D.长期的,巨额的经常账户顺差非常有利 17.根据蒙代尔的政策搭配分析,图2中的A点处于( b )状态. A.失业/逆差 B.失业/顺差 C.通胀/逆差 D.通胀/顺差 18.根据蒙代尔的策略搭配方面,图2中的A点应该采取( d ) A.紧缩性财政政策,扩张性货币政策 B.紧缩性财政政策,紧缩性货币政策 C.扩张型财政政策,紧缩性货币政策 D.扩张型财政政策,扩张型货币政策 19.根据著名的"三元"悖论,香港没有实现的目标是( c ) A.稳定的汇率制度 B.资金的完全流动 C.独立的货币政策 D.利率自由浮动 并不取决于( b ) 20.汇率政策能否发挥作用, A.能否满足马歇尔?勒拉条件 B.利率是否完全市场化 C.利率变动能否引起两国商品相对价格的调整 D.汇率变动能否引起需求在两国商品之间的转换 21.关于汇率水平管理问题,下列说法错误的是( c ) A.本币低估不利于本国进行国际资源变换 B.判断是否存在汇率失调的关键是确定合理的汇率水平 C.本币高估对发展中国家经济长远发展是有利的 D.汇率政策的核心目标之一是避免汇率过度被动 22.下列属于借入储备的是( c ) P245 A.黄金储备 B.外汇储备 C.备用信贷 D.特别提款权 23.根据美国经济学家特里分的观点,一国国际储备的合理数量约为该国进口总额的( b ) P247 A.10%,20% B.20%,50% C.50%,70% D.50%,100% 24.关于特别提款权(SDR),下列说法错误的是( b ) A.SDR是IMF根据成员国缴纳的份额进行分配的 B.SDR本质是属于成员国拥有的负债 C.SDR不可被一般工商企业使用 D.目前发达国家拥有SDR的数量最多 25.IMF发放贷款的资金主要来源于( b ) P303 A.IMF向商业银行借入的款项 B.成员国的可兑换货币缴纳的份额 C.IMF向成员国借入的款项 D.IMF发放贷款时取得的利息收入 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 26.当今国际储备资产中比重最大的资产是( b ) A.黄金储备 B.外汇储备 C.普通提款权 D.特别提款权 27.当一国货币贬值是,会引起该国的外汇储备( b ) A.数量减少 B.数量增加 C.实际价值增加 D.实际价值减少 28.国家手指平衡表中的人为项目是( d ) A.经常项目 B.资本和金融项目 C.综合项目 D.错误与遗漏项目 29.下列那个帐户能够较好地测量国际收支对国际储备造成的压力( d ) A.贸易收支差额 B.经常项目收支差额 C.资金和金融帐户差额 D.综合帐户差额 30.一国基础货币的来源是( b ) A.央行的国内资产 B.央行国内资产与国外资产之和 C.央行国内资产与国外资产之差 D.央行的国外资产 31.当一国同时处于通货膨胀和国际收支逆差时,应采用( a ) A.紧缩的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策 B.紧缩的货币政策和扩张的财政政策 C.扩张的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策 D.扩张的货币政策和扩张的财政政策 二.简答题 1.什么是汇率制度?影响一国汇率制度的主要因素有哪些? 汇率制度是指一国货币当局对本国汇率水平的确定,汇率变动方式等问题所作的一系列安排或规定;影响汇率制度的主要因素有1,本国经济的结构特征;2,特定的政策目的;3,地区性经济合作情况;4,国际经济条件的制约 2.简述国际收支乘数分析法的政策含义 乘数分析法的政策含义体现在两个方面:(1)一国可以通过需求管理政策来调整国际收支。(2)本国货币贬值的效果不仅取决于进出口商品的需求弹性和供给弹性,也受到两国进口乘数的影响,乘数分析法表明,贬值效果的实现比马歇尔—勒纳条件要求的更高,贬值改善贸易逆差的可能性更小。 3.简述布雷顿森林体系的主要内容 第一;建立一个永久性的国际金融机构,即国际货币基金组织,以促进国际政策协调 第二;实行以黄金-美元为基础的,可调整的固定汇率制度 第三;取消对经常账户交易的外汇管制,但对国际资金流动进行限制 4.《牙买加 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 》的主要内容有哪些? 第一,率安排多样化;第二,黄金非货币化;第三,扩特别提款权的作用;第四,扩大基金组织的份额;第五,增加对发展中国家的资金融通数量和限制 5.什么是货币局制?货币局制有哪些优点和缺点? d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 货币局制是指在法律中明确规定本国货币与某一外国可兑换货币保持固定交换率,并且对本国货币的发行作特殊限制以保证履行这一法定义务的汇率制度;优点:第一管理和操作非常简便;第二,赋予货币政策高度可信性;缺点:第一,名义汇率僵硬;第二,金融系统脆弱. 6.简述马歇尔-勒纳条件的基本假定和内容 四个假定: 1、贸易商品的供给弹性几乎为无穷大。 2、不考虑资本流动,贸易收支等同于国际收支。 3、其他条件(包括收入、其他商品价格、偏好等)不变。 4、贬值前贸易账户处于平衡状态,即出口等于进口。 马歇尔—勒纳条件,即指在上述假定条件下,如果一国进出口商品的需求价格弹性之和大于1,该国货币贬值会带来贸易收支帐户的改善。因此,马歇尔—勒纳条件是指通过贬值本币实现贸易账户净差额增加的必要条件。 7.什么是货币自由兑换?它有哪些不同含义? 货币自由兑换是指在外汇市场上,能自由地用本国货币购买(兑换)某种外国货币,或用 兑换)本国货币. 某种外国货币自由购买( 按产生货币兑换需要的国际经济交易的性质分,货币自由兑换可以分为经常账户下的自由兑换和资本与金融账户下的自由兑换;根据进行货币兑换的主体分,可分为企业用汇的自由兑换和个人用汇的自由兑换. 8.确定一国外部均衡的主要 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是什么? 从一国角度确定一国外部均衡的主要标准是经济理性和可维持性;从国际范围看,还应考虑经常账户余额的国际一致性,即各国的经常账户的赤字与盈余应大体协调 9.汇率的基本概念及其派生概念是什么? 汇率就是以一种货币表示另一种货币的相对价格 10什么是外汇?一种外币资产能成为外汇需要符合哪些条件? 外汇是指以外国货币表示的,能用来清算国际收支差额的资产 三个条件:第一;自由兑换性;第二,普遍接受性;第三,可偿性 11.如何完整理解三元悖论所蕴含的经济含义? 根据蒙代尔-佛莱明模型的分析,在资金完全流动的条件下,固定汇率制度下货币政策完全无效,而财政政策非常有效;浮动汇率制度下货币政策非常有效而财政政策完全无效,这一结论又被表述为三元悖论,即稳定的汇率制度,自由的资本流动和独立的货币政策三者不能同时达到,只能选择其中的两项 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt 12.开放济下的宏观调控目标是什么?外部均衡-国际收支; 内部均衡-经济增长,价格稳定,充分就业 三.论述题 1.结合联合国示,试运用蒙代尔-弗莱明模型分析在资金完全流动时,固定汇率制和浮动汇率制下紧缩性货币政策和财政政策的效力2.请论述超调模型中的汇率动态调整过程 3.试比较不同汇率制度下的经济自发调节机制4.请论述开放经济下的宏观调控目标是什么? d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming ... (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt
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