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高中地理选修五期末 综合练习


高中地理选修五期末 综合练习高中地理选修五期末 综合练习 选五期末 综合练习 第I卷(选择题共50分) 一、选择题(以下各题的四个选项中,只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共50分) 2004年12月26日,印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域强烈地震并引发海啸,造成十多万人员的死亡。请根据所学知识,回答1,3题。 1(本次地震发生海域位于 A(印度洋板块与亚欧板块交界地区B(亚欧板块与太平洋板块交界地 C(非洲板块与印度洋板块交界地区D(印度洋板块与南极洲板块交界地 2(地震海啸发生期间,下图所表示的地球表面气压高低状况正确的是 A(?低...

高中地理选修五期末 综合练习
高中地理选修五期末 综合练习 选五期末 综合练习 第I卷(选择题共50分) 一、选择题(以下各题的四个选项中,只有一个正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,每小题2分,共50分) 2004年12月26日,印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域强烈地震并引发海啸,造成十多万人员的死亡。请根据所学知识,回答1,3题。 1(本次地震发生海域位于 A(印度洋板块与亚欧板块交界地区B(亚欧板块与太平洋板块交界地 C(非洲板块与印度洋板块交界地区D(印度洋板块与南极洲板块交界地 2(地震海啸发生期间,下图所 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示的地球表面气压高低状况正确的是 A(?低?高 B(?低?高 C(?高?低 D(?高?高 3(?势力强盛的时候,引发的最常见气象灾害是 A(寒潮 B(台风 C(海啸 D(暴雨 地震是一种危害和影响最大的地质灾害,读下表判断4,5题。 震中地点 震中地理座标 地震发生时间(北京时间) 震级 新西兰南岛近海 45(2?S,166(5?E 03年8月21日20时12分 7(0级 伊朗南部 29(3?N,58(4?E 03年12月26日09时56分 7(0级 西藏班戈与青海海西之间 34(3?N,89(4?E 04年03月29日06时05分 5(0级 希腊南部 35(8?N,23?E 04年11月4日14时22分 5(8级 台湾以东海中 24?N,122(6?E 04年11月8日23时54分 6(5级 哥伦比亚西海岸近海 4(6?N,77(5?W 04年11月15日17时06分 7(4级 4(上表列出的地震中,位于环太平洋地震带的是 A(??? B(??? C(??? D(??? 5(地震发生时,震中地点位于昼半球的是 A(?? B(?? C(? D(?? 6(下列环境问题的危害基本不受区域或国界限制的是 ?大气污染 ?固体废弃物污染 ?水体污染 ?水土流失 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 7(防治工业污染,最经济最有效的措施是 A(实行末端治理 B(发展循环经济生产C(控制污染物浓度 D(推行清洁生产 8(对照图示,下列说法正确的有 ?是工厂实现清洁生产的一种措施 ?是发展环保产业的基础 ?反映了公众节约意识的增强 ?反映了of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 公众参与环保意识的增强 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 9(下列各组选项中,自然灾害、环境问题之间存在着因果关系的是 A(森林减少一温室效应一海面上升B(寒潮一霜冻一盐碱化 C(地震一泥石流一水土流失 D(酸雨一臭氧破坏一紫外线增强 10(用填埋法处理城市垃圾存在的潜在危害是 ?污染大气 ?污染地下水 ?引起有毒病菌的传播 ?引起填埋场爆炸 A(??? B(??? C(?? D(??? 读我国旱涝灾害分布示意图,判断11,13题。 11(P和Q地常常此旱彼涝,主要原因是 A(夏季风的进退 B(海陆位置不同 C(台风影响先后 D(用水季节变化 12(旱涝灾害都严重的地区多 A(人口稀少 B(经济落后 C(平原地形 D(高原和盆地 13(能起到旱涝兼治的 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 措施是 A(加强监测预报 B(改变水循环模式 C(疏散重灾区人口 D(进行水利建设 如图所示是我国农牧用地过渡带分布图。读图完成10,12题。 14(图中原过渡带和可能变化地区说明该地区土地利用的情形是 A(农业用地向牧业用地转变 B(牧业用地向林业用地转变 C(牧业用地向农业用地转变 D(林业用地向农业用地转变 15(下列四项中与图中土地利用转变带来的影响无关的是 A(2003年春,汉城、平壤的沙尘暴天气 B(2000年冬季,该地区遭受雪灾袭击,灾情严重 C(辽河上游河水含沙量增加 D(黄河流域地区的洪涝灾害 16(我国山区地质灾害日趋频繁的主要原因 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity ?山区毁林开荒 ?人类大规模工程活动 ?农民在缓坡地带大量修筑梯田 ?山区自然环境突变频繁 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 噪声污染是城市环境污染之一。当白天噪声值大于60分贝时,就构成噪声污染。下图为某城市局部地区上午l0时等噪声值线(单位:分贝)示意图,回答17—18题。 17(对图中字母M和N地说法正确的是:?M地可能是化工厂 ? M地可能是锯材厂?N地可能是公路?N地可能是通航河道 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 18(M、N两处噪声值向外逐渐减少的原因可能是 ?设置隔音墙的作用?绿化带的作用 ?当时没有大风?声 波传播过程中自然减弱 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 下图是地震、滑坡两种地质灾害示意图。读图回答19—20题。 19(关于图中两种地质灾害成因的说法,正确的是 A(两种地质灾害的形成都是地球内能释放的结果B(两种地质灾害的形成都是外力作用的具体表现形式 C(两种地质灾害之间存在着一定的关联性 D(两种地质灾害的发生都与气象灾害存在着关联性 20(关于图中两种地质灾害的分布、危害和治理的说法,正确的是 A(地区分布均不受地形因素影响B(都是危害范围广,灾情最重的地质灾害 C(都可通过提高防灾减灾能力减轻灾害危害程度D(都可通过改善生态环境减少灾害发生次数 21(现在城市中有一批靠捡垃圾为生的“拾荒者”,他们所捡的垃圾大多属 A(食品垃圾 B(危险垃圾 C(可再生利用的垃圾 D(可制成有机肥料的垃圾 22(我国在环境管理中,实行“谁污染谁治理,谁开发谁保护”的原则,其目的主要是 A(增强企业对污染治理的紧迫感 B(提高企业对环保重要性的认识 C(减轻社会对污染治理的负担 D(对污染企业实行惩罚 23(要生产出符合国家要求的“绿色食品”,首先必须保证 A(产地环境无污染 B(生产过程符合生态农业要求 C(不使用农药、化肥 D(不使用塑料包装 24(减灾防灾的最终目标是 ?消除自然灾害的发生?把灾害损失降低为零?最大限度的减少灾害发生?最大限度的减轻灾害损失 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(? 25(我国下列地区与其易发的主要自然灾害配对正确的是 A(华北平原——洪涝、泥石流B(新疆地区——旱灾、植物病虫害 C(西南地区——地震、滑坡、泥石流 D(青藏高原——蝗灾、植物病虫害 二、综合题 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 26(下图是世界土地荒漠化地区、森林锐减地区 和酸雨危害严重地区分布图,据图回答:(11分) (1)从图中可以看出,酸雨危害范围最大的两个地区 是 和 。其原因是 。 酸雨对这两个地区产生的危害有 (2)近年来图中A地区生物多样性急剧减少,其原因可能有: 。 (3)世界土地荒漠化地区分布有什么规律 ,原因是 。 27( 图(一)、(二)、(三)是“我国部分灾害分布”示意图,图(四)是“我国自然灾害区划”示意图。读图填空并回答:(11分) 将下列自然灾害的英文字母代号填入第(1)、(2)小题的相应空格内: A 洪水 B 风暴潮 C 干旱 D 水土流失 E 泥石流 F 台风 (1)图示的各自然灾害中,在我国分布地区最广的是 、 。在图(四)中,地区I与地区III共有的自然灾害是 (多项选择);在地区II内 、 灾害的分布地区最广;与其它地区相比,地区? 灾害的分布最为集中。 (2)(多项选择)按所在的地球圈层与灾害成因分类,在图示的各自然灾害中,发生在岩石圈中的是 ,发生在大气圈中的是 ,发生在水圈中的是 。 (3)针对我国自然灾害频繁发生的国情,开展防灾减灾活动,对我国的生产建设和人民生活意义重大。写出我国加强防灾设施建设的具体实例。(至少3例) of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 28(2003年9月26日,日本北海道发生里氏8级强烈地震,震源位于海平面以下约60千米处,随后又发生25次有感余震,其中最强烈的余震为里氏7(1级,海岸附近形成了2米高的海啸,海啸将一些渔船涌到陆上。宫城县筑馆镇造成的一处山体滑坡,北海道苫小牧市一座炼油厂发生火灾。 读下表及下图,回答有关问题。(7分) h 烈度 5(千米) 10 15 20 Ms ?3 5 4 3(5 3 4 6(5 5(5 5 4(5 5 8 7 6(5 6 6 9(5 8(5 8 7(5 7 11 10 9(5 9 8 12 11(5 11 10(5 (1)表一中h和Ms分别表示 、 ;试分析烈度与这两个要素之间的关系。 (2)图中A地位于震中,假如当地震发生时产生的地震波以8(0千米/秒的速度向外传播。那么位于B处的某海轮将于地震发生后多少时间内有震感, A(20秒 B(30秒 C(40秒 D(50秒 (3)本次强震诱发了海啸、滑坡和火灾等灾害的发生,说明人类面临的灾害的发生具有一定的 性。认识这一特性,对 有重大意义。 (4)按照板块构造理论,分析说明日本大地震产生的原因。 (5)下列地震地区与日本北海道位于同一地震带内的是 A(土耳其地震 B(厄瓜多尔地震 C(阿富汗地震 D(西雅图地震 29(读我国东部地区图,回答:(11分) (1)写出图中常受台风影响的沿海省份的简称: (4分)。(2分) (2)A地区的干旱对小麦的生活很不利,其发生的季节 是 ,原因: 。B地区8月 份易出现 天气,形成原因是: 。 (4分) (3)一般认为,赤潮是在一定条件下,海洋藻类及其它浮游生物在短时 间内爆发性繁殖,引起海水颜色变化的一种异常现象。赤潮不仅对海洋水产 养殖和捕捞业造成重大危害,也对海洋环境造成破坏。近些年来,我国近海 赤潮发生频率加大。请分析赤潮多发生在近海的原因: (3分); 当赤潮形成后,流经该地的洋流将对赤潮产生怎样的影响: of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 。(2分) 30(据下列材料分析回答:(10分) 材料一:2005年烟台北部的第一场大雪,来的比去年稍晚了一些,但时断时续的大雪却下了半个多月。局部地区的积雪深达半米之多,压塌了许多塑料大棚和简易房舍,公路上交通事故突然增多,随时能看到载人道旁路沟里的汽车。 材料二:烟台市位置图和烟台市地形分布图 (1)冬季烟台北部沿海比南部沿海降雪日数多,降雪量大,其原因是什么? (2)雪灾是我国北方地区经常发生的自然灾害,但在不同的地区产生的灾害不同。请你举例指出在城市和草原牧区雪灾的危害有什么差异? 城市产生的主要危害 。 草原牧区产生的主要危害 。 (3)以前,在我市农村大雪引起的灾害很轻,但现在灾害逐渐加重,其原因是什么? (4)大雪能引发交通事故增多,但是装了防滑链的汽车却很少发生交通事故。你认为大雪引发交通事故增多是“天灾”还是“人祸”,其理由是什么? of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 参考答案 一、选择题(以下各题的四个选项中,只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共50分) 1(A 2(C 3(A 4(B 5(C 6(B 7( B 8( C 9(A 10( A 11(A 12(C 13(D 14(A 15(B 16( A 17( B 18( C 19( C 20(C 21( C 22(A 23(A 24(B 25(C 二、综合题(50分) 26((11分) (1)西欧(1分) 北美(1分) 两地是世界上工业发达区,大气污染严重,酸性气体排放多(2分)酸雨使草木枯萎、湖泊酸化、建筑物遭到腐蚀。(2分) (2)因森林锐减,环境遭破坏以及人类对野生动物大量捕杀,物种减少(2分) (3)主要分布在南北回归线附近和大陆内部(2分) 这些地区气候干旱,植被稀疏(1分) 27( (1)A C ABCF C D E (2)DE CF AB (3)?兴建长江三峡(或葛洲坝、小浪底)大型水利枢纽(水库)等。 ?黄河中上游(或黄土高原)、长江中上游地区植树造林,加强水土保持或加固长江、黄河堤防等。 ?沿海一带修建海防林(或在城市内疏通排水通道等) 28((12分) (1)震源深度 震级 烈度大小与震源深度(h)成负相关(反比),与震级(Ms)大小成正相关(正比)(2分) (2)C(1分) (3)关联 减灾防灾(2分) (4)日本位于亚欧板块与太平洋板块的俯冲地带,板块的相互碰撞造成地壳活动比较剧烈,诱发地震的发生(1分) (5)BD(1分) 29((1)台、浙、闽、粤、琼(任写四个) (2)春季 雨带未到,晴天多,蒸发强,又正值农作物大量需水时期,旱情严重。 伏旱 受太平洋副热带高压控制,盛行下沉气流,干燥少雨,旱情严重。 (3)?近海水浅,阳光充足,水温适宜;?陆上河流带来丰富营养物质;?工业、农业和生活排放的污水排入近海,导致海水富营养化。 ?洋流能改变水温和水质,使赤潮消失;?洋流也能使赤潮范围扩大和转移 30((10分) (1)烟台北部海上空气较暖湿,受西北强冷空气和中部山地地形抬升作用,易在北部沿海形成降雪。(2分) (2)城市:雪大路滑,影响城市交通,影响蔬菜等副食品的供应,城市交通事故增多等(2分) 草原牧区:大雪覆盖草场,牲畜饿死、冻死多等(2分) (3)以前冬季农村极少农事活动,现在农村蔬菜大棚逐年增多,大雪经常压踏蔬菜大棚(2分) (4)人祸 虽然雪天路滑,但采取防滑措施车辆很少发生交通事故。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity
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