首页 2008年6月英语四级听力全真模拟试下载第2套a



2008年6月英语四级听力全真模拟试下载第2套a2008年6月英语四级听力全真模拟试下载第2套a Section A 11. [A] He’ll be able to clean the house in time. [B] He doesn’t have time to take the woman home. [C] It should be easy for the guests to find the house. [D] He needs time to relax before the guests arrive. 12. [A] If ...

2008年6月 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 四级听力全真模拟试下载第2套a Section A 11. [A] He’ll be able to clean the house in time. [B] He doesn’t have time to take the woman home. [C] It should be easy for the guests to find the house. [D] He needs time to relax before the guests arrive. 12. [A] If the game is held there the team will lose. [B] If the game is held there the team will win. [C] It makes no difference since the team will lose. [D] It makes no difference since the team will win. 13. [A] Her son’s health. [B] Her son’s studies. [C] Her son’s poor grades. [D] Her son’s competence for the job. 14. [A] The shops are not crowded in December. [B] Many people go shopping despite the cold weather in December. [C] People don’t like to do shopping in busy shops in winter. [D] In December people stay at home because of the cold weather. 15. [A] The exam questions were too difficult. [B] The questions had little connection with the course. [C] He couldn’t finish the questions within the time allowed. [D] He found the questions confusing. 16. [A] The movie was inexpensive. [B] The movie was not worth watching. [C] He didn’t have time to go to the movie. [D] The movie lasted too long. 17. [A] He is learning about advertising. [B] He is the new advertising manager. [C] He is interviewing the woman. [D] He is waiting for an interview. 18. [A] The man wants to go to San Francisco. [B] There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day. [C] There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours. [D] If the man board the plane to Los Angeles now, he will have to transfer at San Francisco. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. [A] A novel about a president. [B] A political science book. [C] A listing of election results. [D] A text for one of his courses. 20. [A] To the manager’s office. [B] To the paperback section. [C] To the textbook area. [D] To the publishers indexes. 21. [A] Only those used in the university. [B] Only those printed at the university. [C] Only those currently available from publishers. [D] Only those in the field of political science. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. [A] The woman is helping the man study for his class. [B] They are visiting a factory Kahn designed. [C] The woman is deciding whether to take history of architecture. [D] The woman is researching Kahn’s work. 23. [A] Inventing the assembly line. [B] Building modern factories. [C] Designing early automobiles. [D] Reviving classical architecture. 24. [A] Steel manufacturing. [B] Coal mining. [C] Textiles. [D] Transportation. 25. [A] They were a fire hazard. [B] They were too spread out. [C] They were designed for efficiency rather than for beauty. [D] They were difficult to heat. 答案及解析: Section A 11. W: Look at the mess! And the guests will be here soon! M: Take it easy. I’ll make sure the house is spotless. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】选[A]。男士说他肯定会让屋子干干净净的,也就是他会打扫屋子的,选项[A] 符合题意。spotless意为“一尘不染的,干净的”。选项[B]、[C]误解了对话中的take it easy。 12. M: Is the next game going to be held at our stadium or theirs? W: Do you really think it will make much of a difference with a losing record like ours? Q: What does the woman imply? 【解析】选[C]。女士说对我们这样一直保持失败记录的队伍来说,比赛在什么地方举行 有很大不同吗,言下之意是他们的队伍终将失败,也就无所谓在什么地方举行比赛了,故选 项[C]符合题意。 13. M: Mum, I got a part-time job at the supemp3arket. Three hours a day weekday and all day Saturday. W: Congratulations~But are you sure you can handle it? What about homework? Q: What’s the woman worried about? 【解析】选[B]。母亲第一次使用疑问语气,反映出她对儿子能否兼顾工作和学习的担心。 第二次疑问则突出反映了她对儿子学习的忧虑,故选[B]。 14. W: You see, there are too many people here. Let’s go to some other places. M: All right. But cold weather in December cannot keep people away from the busy shops. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】选[B]。女士说这里人太多了,到其他地方去看看吧。男士说,没问题,但是 2月的天气很冷,逛商店12月的冷天也不能阻挡人们来这些热闹的商店,言下之意是尽管1 的人仍然会多,故选项[B]符合题意。 15. W: Your exam is over, isn’t it? Why aren’t you cheerful? M: Oh, I don’t know. It isn’t that the questions were too hard, but I always feel uneasy when the exam doesn’t seem to have much to do with the book. Q: What was the man’s opinion of the exam? 【解析】选[B]。在but后男士提到试卷与书的联系不大时,他就总觉得不安。选项[B] 是 对此的同义转述。对话提到...it isn’t that the questions were too hard, 意思是这些 问题其实并不难。由此可以排除选项[A]、[D]。[C]项中time(考试时间)在对话中没有提及。 16. W: What do you think of the movie? M: It was worth neither the time nor the money. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】选[B]。“neither...nor...”结构是对两个内容的否定,也就是说时间和钱花 得都不值,言外之意就是这部电影根本不值得一看。 17. M: Good afternoon. I’m Mr. Jackson. I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive. W: Oh, yes, Mr. Jackson. Won’t you have a seat? The manager will see you shortly. Q: What do we learn about Mr. Jackson? 【解析】选[D]。男士来应聘广告上说的有经验的广告主管职位。女士说经理马上就会见 他。关键词是experienced(有经验的)、see you(会见),另外前面的ad指报纸上的招聘广 告,后面的advertising executive指的是广告主管职位,选项[D] 符合题意。 18. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is? W: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】选[D]。the next flight、direct flight(直达航班)、transferring(转机, 换乘)构成了“在机场咨询航班情况”的特定场景。由女士所说的if you do not mind transferring at san Francisco you can board now可知答案为[D]。 Conversation One W: Can I help you? M: Yes, I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system in the United States. W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store. Is this a required text for one of the University’s political science courses? M: No, it isn’t. I’ve already looked through all the political science books in the back, but the ones I saw only had a few pages, at most, on the topic. W: How about the paperback section? There may be something there. M: Okay. W: Or better yet, you should try looking in Books in Print. M: I’ve never heard of that. What is it? W: It’s an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers. If you have a specific book in mind, you can look under the author’s last name. M: But I don’t. W: Then look directly under your subject, presidential elections. M: What happens if I find a book I want? W: Well, if it’s not in stock, we can order it for you. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is the man looking for? 【解析】选[B]。男士说“I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system...”,后来说到“I’ve already looked through all the political science books”, 由此可以推断,a book on the presidential election system属于the political science books。因此,他要寻找的是[B] A political science book。 20. Where does the woman first direct the man to? 【解析】选[C]。当男士说需要一本关于总统选举体制的书时,女士以为他说的是textbook, 于是马上说“all of our textbooks are ...in the back of the store”。因此,选项[C] 符合题干要求。 21. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print? 【解析】选[C]。女士说“you should try looking in Books in Print”,在男士不知 道什么是Books in Print的情况下,女士解释说,Books in Print是“an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers”,选项[C]符合题干要求。注意, in print是指“(books)currently available from publishers,正在出售的”;out of print 是它的反义词组, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示“已售完”,也很常用。 Conversation Two W: Didn’t you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester? M: Yes, for my history of architecture class. W: Oh, I am taking it now and I have to do some research on industrial architecture. I need to read up on Kahn’s factories. So I would like to see what you wrote about them. M: I don’t think my paper will help; I focus on his classical design like Clements library and office buildings, but you are interested in the modern building he is famous for. W: Yes he is best known for his factory, especially the auto plants in Detroit. He made a breakthrough in industrial design. You know before his time, factories were so cmp3ped and inefficient but his factory provide enough light and air and open space. So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant. M: I remember reading that previously, factories had wooden fmp3e and the heavy machinery made the buildings vibrate and there were firehazards too. But when Kahn started to design auto plants around the turn of the century, reinforced concrete had just been invented. Talk about the breakthrough, not only were the buildings sturdy and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too! W: You seem to know a lot of about his industrial career. M: Actually even though I wrote about his other works, I did a lot of background reading. Let me see if I can dig up that paper for you. There were some books of articles included in my bibliography that you might want to look up at the library. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. Why are the students discussing Albert Kahn? 【解析】选[D]。由女士所说的...I have to do some research...I need to read up on kahn’s factories可以推知,女士在研究卡恩的作品,整个对话就此展开。 23. In which is Albert Kahn best known for? 【解析】选[B]。听音时注意和Kahn 相关的信息:the modern building he is famous for以及best known for his factory。问题问Kahn因为什么最有名,[B]为该细节的同义 转述。 24. To what industry did Albert Kahn make a major contribution? 【解析】选[D]。听音时注意提到的行业。根据especially the auto plants“汽车车 间”及So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant。可推出答案为[D]“运输行业”。 25. According to the talk, what was one problem with factories before Kahn’s time? 【解析】选[A]。听音时注意和建筑缺点相关的信息,对话中男士提到there were firehazards too。问题问卡恩时代之前的汽车工厂存在的问题,[A]为细节再现。文 - 汉语汉字 编辑词条 文,wen,从玄从爻。天地万物的信息产生出来的现象、纹路、轨迹,描绘出了阴阳二气在事物中的运行轨迹和原理。 故文即为符。上古之时,符文一体。 古者伏羲氏之王天下也,始画八卦,造书契,以代结绳(爻)之政,由是文籍生焉。--《尚书序》 依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。--《说文》序》 仓颉造书,形立谓之文,声具谓之字。--《古今通论》 "是汉字的一个部首。本义:花纹;纹理。 (1) 象形。甲骨文此字象纹理纵横交错形。"文 (2) 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,英语念为:text、article等,从字面意思上就可以理解为文章、文字,与古今中外的各个文学著作中出现的各种文字字形密不可分。古有甲骨文、金文、小篆等,今有宋体、楷体等,都在这一方面突出了"文"的重要性。古今中外,人们对于"文"都有自己不同的认知,从大的方面来讲,它可以用于表示一个民族的文化历史,从小的方面来说它可用于用于表示单独的一个"文"字,可用于表示一段话,也可用于人物的姓氏。 折叠编辑本段基本字义 1(事物错综所造成的纹理或形象:灿若,锦。 2.刺画花纹:,身。 3(记录语言的符号:,字。,盲。以,害辞。 4(用文字记下来以及与之有关的:,凭。,艺。,体。,典。,苑。,献(指有历史价值和参考价值的图书 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 )。,采(a(文辞、文艺方面的才华;b(错杂艳丽的色彩)。 5(人类劳动成果的总结:,化。,物。 6(自然界的某些现象:天,。水,。 7(旧时指礼节仪式:虚,。繁,缛节(过多的礼节仪式)。 8(文华辞采,与“质”、“情”相对:,质彬彬。 9(温和:,火。,静。,雅。 10(指非军事的:,职。,治武功(指礼乐教化和军事功绩)。 11(指以古汉语为基础的书面语:552,言。,白间杂。 12(专指社会科学:,科。 13(掩饰:,过饰非。 14(量词,指旧时小铜钱:一,不名。 15(姓。 16( 皇帝谥号,经纬天地曰文;道德博闻曰文;慈惠爱民曰文;愍民惠礼曰文;赐民爵位曰文;勤学好问曰文;博闻多见曰文;忠信接礼曰文;能定典礼曰文;经邦定誉曰文;敏而好学曰文;施而中礼曰文;修德来远曰文;刚柔相济曰文;修治班制曰文;德美才秀曰文;万邦为宪、帝德运广曰文;坚强不暴曰文;徽柔懿恭曰文;圣谟丕显曰文;化成天下曰文;纯穆不已曰文;克嗣徽音曰文;敬直慈惠曰文;与贤同升曰文;绍修圣绪曰文;声教四讫曰文。如汉文帝。 折叠编辑本段字源字形 字源演变与字形比较 折叠编辑本段详细字义 〈名〉 1(右图是 “文”字的甲骨文图片,资料来源:徐无闻主编:《甲金篆隶大字典》,四川辞书出版社。1991年7月第一版。 “文”字的甲骨文字绘画的像一个正面的“大人”,寓意“大象有形”、“象形”;特别放大了胸部,并在胸部画了“心”,含义是“外界客体在心里面的整体影像、整体写真、整体素描、整体速写”。 许慎《说文解字》把“文”解释为“错画也”,意思是“对事物形象进行整体素描,笔画交错,相联相络,不可解构”,这与他说的独体为文、合体为字的话的意思是一致的。“说文解字”这个书名就表示了“文”只能“说”,而“字”则可“解”的意思。“文”是客观事物外在形象的速写,是人类进一步了解事物内在性质的基础,所以它是“字”的父母,“字”是“文”的孩子。“文”生“字”举例(以“哲”为例):先对人手摩画,其文为“手”;又对斧子摩画,其文为“斤”。以手、斤为父母,结合、生子,其子就是“折”(手和斤各代表父母的基因)。这个“折”就是许慎所谓的“字”。“字”从宀从子,“宀”表示“独立的房子”,子在其中,有“自立门户”的意思。故“字”还能与“文”或其他“字”结合,生出新“字”来。在本例,作为字的“折”与作为文的“口”结合,就生出了新的字“哲”。 2( 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,错画也。象交文。今字作纹。——东汉?许慎《说文》 五章以奉五色。——春秋?左丘明《左传?昭公二十五年》。注:“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章,白与黑谓之黼,黑与青谓之黻。” 美于黼黼文章。——《荀子?非相》 茵席雕文。——《韩非子?十过》 织文鸟章,白旆央央。——《诗?小雅?六月》 斑文小鱼。——明? 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》 3(又如:文驾(彩车);文斑(杂色的斑纹);文旆(有文彩的旗帜);文绣(绣有彩色花纹的丝织品;刺花图案);文织(有彩色花纹的丝织品);文鳞(鱼鳞形花纹)。 4(字,文字(“文”,在先秦时期就有文字的意思,“字”,到了秦朝才有此意。分别讲,“文”指独体字;“字”指合体字。笼统地说,都泛指文字。) [character] 饰以篆文。——南朝宋?范晔《后汉书?张衡传》 分文析字。——东汉?班固《汉书?刘歆传》 夫文,止戈为武。——《左传?宣公十二年》 距洞数百步,有碑仆道,其文漫灭。——王安石《游褒禅山记》 文曰“天启壬戌秋日”。——明? 魏学洢《核舟记》 文曰“初平山尺”。 5(又如:甲骨文;金文;汉文;英文;文迹(文字所记载的事迹);文书爻(有关文字、文凭之类的卦象);文异(文字相异);文轨(文字和车轨);文狱(文字狱);文钱(钱。因钱有文字,故称);文状(字据,军令状);文引(通行证;路凭);文定(定婚)。 6(文章(遣造的词句叫做“文”,结构段落叫做 “章”。) [literary composition] 故说诗者不以文害辞。——《孟子?万章上》 好古文。——唐? 韩愈《师说》 属予作文以记之。——宋? 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 能述以文。——宋? 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》 摘其诗文。——清? 纪昀《阅微草堂 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF 》 7(又如:文价(文章的声誉);文魔(书呆子);文会(旧时读书人为了准备应试,在一起写文章、互相观摩的集会);文移(旧时官府文书的代称);文雄(擅长写文章的大作家);文意(文章的旨趣);文义(文章的义理);文情(文章的词句和情思);本文(所指的这篇文章);作文(写文章;学习练习所写的文章);文魁(文章魁首);文价(文章的声价);文什(文章与诗篇)。 8(美德;文德 [virtue] 圣云继之神,神乃用文治。——杜牧《感怀诗一首》 9(又如:文丈(对才高德韶的老者的敬称);文母(文德之母);文武(文德与武功);文命(文德教命);文惠(文德恩惠);文德(写文章的道德);文薄(谓文德浅薄);文昭(文德昭著)。 10.文才;才华。亦谓有文才,有才华 [literary talent] 而文采不表于后世也。——汉? 司马迁《报任安书》 11(又如:文业(才学);文英(文才出众的人);文采风流(横溢的才华与潇洒的风度);文郎(有才华的青少年);文彦(有文才德行的人);文通残锦(比喻剩下不多的才华)。 12(文献,经典;韵文 [document;classics;verse] 儒以文乱法。——《韩非子?五蠹》 言必遵修旧文而不穿凿。——《说文解字?叙》 13(辞词句。亦指文字记载 [writings;record]。如:文几(旧时书信中开头常用的套语。意为将书信呈献于几前);文倒(文句颠倒);文过其实(文辞浮夸,不切实际);文义(文辞);文辞(言词动听的辞令);文绣(辞藻华丽)。 14(自然界的某些现象 [natural phenomenon] 经纬天地曰文。——《左传?昭公二十八年》 15(又如:天文;地文;水文;文象(日月星辰变化的迹象);文曜(指日月星辰;文星);文昌(星座名)。 16(文治;文事;文职。与“武”相对。 [achievements in culture and education;civilian post] 文能取胜。——《史记?平原君虞卿列传》 文不能取胜。 文武并用。——唐? 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》 精神折冲于千里,文武为宪于万邦。――明《袁可立晋秩兵部右侍郎诰》 17(又如:文臣,文吏(文职官吏);文席(教书先生的几席);文品(文官的品阶);文帅(文职官员出任或兼领统帅);文烈(文治显赫);文员(文职吏员);文阶(文职官阶);文道(文治之道);文业(文事);文僚(文职官吏)。 18(法令条文 [articles of decree] 而刀笔吏专深文巧诋,陷人于罪。——《史记?汲黯列传》 19(又如:文劾(根据律令弹劾);文法吏(通晓法令、执法严峻的官吏);文丈(规矩; 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 );文移(官府文书);文牓(布告;文告);文宪(礼法;法制)。 20(文言。古代散文文体之一;别于白话的古汉语书面语 [literary language]。如:半文半白;文语;文白(文言文和白话文)。 21(文教;礼节仪式 [rites] 则修文德。——《论语?季氏》 22(又如:文丈(崇尚礼文仪节);文俗(拘守礼法而安于习俗);文致(指礼乐);文貌(礼文仪节);文绪(文教礼乐之事);文仪(礼节仪式) 23(指表现形式;外表 [form;appearance]。如:文服(表面服从);文榜(告示、布告之类); 文诰(诰令) 24(指鼓乐,泛指曲调 [music;tune]。如:文曲(指乐曲);文始(舞乐名) 25(谥号,谥法:勤学好问叫文 [study deligently] 何以谓之文。——《论语》 是以谓之文。 26(姓 〈动〉 1(在肌肤上刺画花纹或图案 [tatto (the skin)] 被发文身。——《礼记?王制》。注:“谓其肌,以丹青涅之。” 文绣有恒。——《礼记?月令》 2(又如:文笔匠(在人身上刺花的艺人);文身断发(古代荆楚、南越一带的习俗。身刺花纹,截短头发,以为可避水中蛟龙的伤害。后常以指落后地区的民俗);文木(刻镂以文采之木) 3(修饰;文饰 [cover up] 身将隐,焉用文之?——《左传?僖公二十三年》 饰邪说,文奸言,以枭乱天下。——《荀子?非十二子》 4(又如:文过饰非;文致(粉饰;掩饰);文冢(埋葬文稿之处) 5(装饰 [decorate] 舍其文轩。——《墨子?公输》 此犹文奸。 文车二驷。——明? 归有光《项脊轩志》 文马四百匹。——《史记?宋世家》 若将比予文木邪。——《庄子?人间世》 6(又如:文巧(文饰巧辩);文竿(以翠羽为饰之竿);文舫(装饰华丽的游艇);文饰(彩饰); 文榭(饰以彩画的台榭);文舟,文艘(装饰华丽的船);文剑(装饰华丽的剑);文舆(饰以彩绘的车) 7(撰写文章 [write]。如:文匠(写文章的大家);文祸(因写文章而招来的灾祸);文雄,文杰(指文豪) 〈形〉 1(有文采,华丽。与“质”或“野”相对 [magnificent;gorgeous] 其旨远,其辞文。——《易?系辞下》 晋公子广而俭,文而有礼。——《左传?僖公二十三年》 2(又如:文巧(华丽奇巧);文朴(文华与质朴);文服(华美的衣服);文砌(华美的石阶);文背(不文雅,粗俗);文轩(华美的车子);文质(文华与质朴) 3.柔和,不猛烈 [mild;gentle]。如:文烈(指火候温猛) 4(美,善 [fine;good]。如:文徽(华美);文鸳(即鸳鸯。以其羽毛华美,故称);文衣(华 美的服装) 5(通“紊”。紊乱的 [disordered] 惇宗将礼,称秩元祀,咸秩无文。——《书?洛诰》 天子祭天下名山大川,怀柔百神,咸秩无文。——《汉书?郊祀志上》 王者报功,以次秩之,无有文也。——庆劭《风俗通义?山泽》 〈量〉 1(用于旧时的铜钱。如:一文钱 2(用于计算纺织物 五扶为一首,五首成一文。——《后汉书》
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