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西方家庭教育,英文西方家庭教育,英文 篇一:西方家庭教育(英文版) How is western family education? As chinese students, we must be very curious about it. So I'll share something we've learned recently. Here, I mainly focus on two points, one is the way to educate, and the other is purpose. ...

西方家庭教育,英文 篇一:西方家庭教育(英文版) How is western family education? As chinese students, we must be very curious about it. So I'll share something we've learned recently. Here, I mainly focus on two points, one is the way to educate, and the other is purpose. In terms of education method. Western parents lay stress on children's freedom, when children are young, they respect them and give them their own private space and the right to decide themselves. It does not mean indulgence. In fact, they care and love them very much, because they believe that education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival. In the period of children's growing up, the parents try to give them the opportunity to create himself and exercise more. They teach children the importance of labor value, by letting them do some repayable service. Western parents also emphasize the child's power of understanding. They belive that child 1 can seek the knowledge from life and nature. When it comes to education aims. Western parents pay great attention to developing the child's independence, creative spirit and the ability to use knowledge. Western parents respect children's choices, for they firmly believe that children should be happy. They also attach great importance to individual quality and the emotional communication, western family education encourage children to be different. Western parents don't value honor, what they most want their children to learn is an independent living ability, and how to adapt the changeable environment. 篇二:西方家庭教育的特点 英文 Family education of western countries 1 .the value of family education Education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival. 2. Education method Seek the knowledge from life and nature. 3.Emotional education and punishment (1) Use the encouraging language. (2) Pay great attention to individual quality and the 2 emotionalcommunication. (3) The punishment also offends the law. 4. Education in managing money (1) Teach the child to make plans for budget items, learn to spend money reasonably. (2) Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves. 5. Educational purpose The aims of western educational purpose are to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability.It is not a high expectation. “Social man” is not a utopia idea, but a requirement which is practical and easy to achieve. 篇三:西方家庭教育经典传统(中英文对照) THE WESTERN EDUCATION TRADITION 西方父母教育孩子的经典原则 ?. THE BASIC PRINCIPLE: Like every other institution, the family must have an order of authority and responsibility 像其它的机构一样,家庭也必须有一个权威和责任的架 构,这个架构的秩序是: ? HUSBAND——The head of his wife, chief authority 3 over his children. 丈夫,是家庭的头,承担对孩子教育管理的主要的责任。 ? WIFE——the helper of the husband, the secondary authority over her children. 妻子,妻子是丈夫的帮助者,担负对教育管理孩子第二位 的责任 ? CHILDREN——obedient to the parents 孩子,要顺服父母 ?. THE PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTION How do we teach our children? Good teaching begins with instruction. A parent has no right to expect that the job will be done well if the parent will not invest time and effort to instruct the child well.如何教导孩子呢,好的教导是从指导 开始,如果父母没有投入时间,精力引导孩子将一件事情做 好,父母就没有理由期待孩子在那些事上做得令人满意。 It is also important to set rules- Teaching of any kind involves establishing rules. 设立 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 同样也非常重要,任何 的教导都涉及建立规则。 Another way to teach our children is by example. 再者,要以身作则教导孩子。 There are also 10 things which we should never do for our children。 4 以下十点,永远不要做在孩子身上。 1. Give him everything he wants. If you do he will grow up to believe that the world owes him a living. 将他想要的都给他,如果你这样去做他长大了就会认为这 个世界都欠了他的,永远不会满足。 2. When he uses bad words, laugh at him. This will make him think that he is cute and he will continue to find more bad things to say. 当他说一些坏话的时候,你不批评反而笑。这样会让他自 认很可爱,这样会 持续不断的说更多脏话。 3. Avoid the use of the word wrong. He will not develop a sense of right and wrong which will get him into trouble when he is older. (当孩子犯错的时候)不指出孩子的错误,这样孩子没办 法建立正确的是非观,以致于长大后碰到一些麻烦。 4. Pick up everything that he leaves lying around - books, clothing, dishes. If you do everything for him he will never learn to be responsible for himself. 总是帮他去捡他落下的东西, 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,衣服,碟子等。如果总 是帮孩子做完所有的事,孩子永远也无法学会对自己负责 5. Let him read or look at anything. He will never learn to 5 discern what is good and moral and what is trash. 孩子毫无选择的读或者看所有的东西,孩子永远也无法学 会辨别好的,有价值的或者什么是垃圾。 6. Always fight with each other in front of your child. This will teach him disrespect and that fighting and violence will help him to get his way. 总是在孩子的面前吵架,这不能教会孩子学会相与尊重, 只能用打架和暴力来解决他人生道路的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 7. Give him all the money he wants. Never let him earn his own. This way he will never learn the value of working hard or the rewards that hard work brings. 只要想要钱就尽可能满足,从不让他学会自己去挣。这种 方式不能够让孩子认识到努力工作的价值或者体会努力工 作将带来的奖赏。 8. Give him all food, toys, or electronics that he wants. If you do then he will be angry and frustrated when he is older and can’t afford to buy everything he sees. 总是给他想要的 玩具,食物或电子产品。如果是样,当孩子长大后会总是生 气,沮丧,因为他无法买得起他看到的所有东西。 9. Take his side against teachers, neighbors, or anyone who says that he has done something wrong (Unless you absolutely know that he is innocent). He will grow up 6 thinking that everyone is against him. 总是站在孩子这一边,对指出他错误的老师,邻居或其它 任何人都与以指责(除非你完全知道他是清白无辜的).将来 他长大了,他会认为所有的人都敌视他。 10. Never give him any spiritual teaching. Don’t let him know that there is a creator God who loves him, but who he is accountable to obey. This way he will never search for the hope and peace that a relationship with God can bring. 从不给他任何属灵的教育,不让他知道有一位创造天地万 物的上帝爱他,他应该有责任去顺服这样一位神。否则他永 远也不会寻求和上帝建立关系,好带给他平安和希望。 ?. THE PRINCIPLES OF DECIPLESHIP 第二点是管教孩子 Both parents and children need to realize that discipline teaches obedience. 父母和孩子应该认识到管教能教导孩子 学会顺服。 Discipline should begin when the child is only an infant. Even young children soon discover that crying will get attention and can be used to manipulate his parents. Don’t be afraid to be the boss. Children need to know there is someone stronger and wiser in the family. When the situation demands it, you must say NO. Your child may 7 argue with you, but deep inside he will love you for your wisdom, strength and good judgment in keeping him safe from his own lack of experience. A child who has everything done for him, everything given him, and nothing required of him, is a child lacking the ability to become wise. He is just spoiled. A child with no out side controls will never learn inside control. 当孩子还是一个婴孩的时候就应有管教。即使是很小的孩 子很快就发现哭闹能引起大人的注意,并利用这种法子来操 控父母。不要害怕当一个领导。要让孩子们明白家里有一个 更强壮、更智慧的人。如果有必要,你必须说“不”。你的孩 子也许会同你争论,但内心深处会爱你,因你的智慧,力量 和良好的决断使他远离危险,他自己缺乏足够的经验来处理 这些事情。给孩子包办一切,给他所有想要的,对他没有任 何的要求,孩子会变得没有智慧(愚笨)。他只是被宠坏了。 对孩子没有外在的控制,他就永远学不会自控。(内控) The Proverb tells us “The rod of correction gives wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. ” 箴言说:杖打和责备能加增智慧,放纵的儿子使母亲羞愧。 You are the authority in your child’s life. If a child is disobedient it may be because he sees his mother opposing or 8 ignoring his father and not submitting to his authority over her as the head of the family. Women, we need to teach our children how to submit to authority as we honor our husbands. 你拥有引导孩子生活的权柄,如果一个孩子很不顺服(或 做叛逆),或许是看到妈妈总是反对他的父亲或者很忽视父 亲作为一家之主的权威。所以妇女们,尊重丈夫在家庭的权 威,这个时候就也是在教导孩子学习顺服。 In the family, the primary responsibility for disciplining the child rests with the father. When he is in the house he has the responsibility to discipline the children. The wife needs to support this. She disciplines the children in the minor matters or if he is away, because she has delegated authority from him. In the little matters the mother must act immediately. For more important things she needs to wait for the father. 在一个家里,主要管教孩子的责任是在父亲的 身上。当父亲在家的时候他有责任管教自己的孩子。妻子应 对此与以支持。当父亲不在家的时候,母亲可以在一些稍小 的事情上管教孩子,因为父亲不在家时,妻子就承接了这样 的权柄。更重要的事情,应等父亲回来处理。 ?. THE PRICIPLE OF LOVE After a child is disciplined, it is of most importance to 9 express to the child your forgiveness of there wrongdoing and that your discipline was done because of your love for them. A punishment/spanking may change his actions, but forgiveness and love can charge a heart. 对孩子进行了管教之后,最重要的是向孩子 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达对他所做 错事的饶恕,说明你管教他们是因为你爱他们。处罚、打屁 股可以改变他外在的行为,但是饶恕和爱却能够改变他的内 心。 All created things in this world can reproduce, but only people were given the unique and wonderful gift of love. We love our children. The first way that we show love to a baby is by holding him. Children need to be held, hugged, and touched tenderly. These moments are so important and they pass by too quickly. 世界所有的被创造的东西都能被复制,但只给了人独一的 精彩的礼物就是爱。第一个显示爱的方法是握住他们,孩子 需要支持,拥抱和温柔的抚慰。这样的时刻是如此的重要, 因为转瞬即逝。 Showing love doesn’t require money, it requires time. Fathers especially struggle in this area of spending time with their children. As parents we need to listen to them. We need 10 to show interest in their interests. We need to include them in our lives, our interests, as well. 显示对孩子的爱并不需要钱,却需要时间。父亲在花时间 与孩子相处上尤其有挣扎。作为父母要学会去倾听。我们需 要显示对他们感兴趣的事表现出兴趣, Love is shown in many small ways. It’s sharing a special moment, it’s a hug, It’s singing a song together or reading a book together. I will just go through them quickly.爱可在许 多小事上表现出来。分享某个特别的时刻;或一个简单的拥 抱;或一起唱首歌,读一本书。 But these things are not love to your children as following: 但有一些却并是对孩子的爱,我很快的同大家分享一下 1. Over protection - This teaches them that we don’t really trust them. 过度的保护――这样意味着我们并不是 真正的信任他们。 2. Favoritism - When we compare one child with another. We can make them angry, discourage their abilities and destroy their self-image.。 偏爱――当我们拿自己的孩子同别的孩子去比较的时候, 这会令他们生气,对自己的能力泄气,损坏他们的自我形像。 3. Pushing for them to achieve - you can push your child 11 so hard that he will never develop a sense of fulfillment. He will see himself as someone who will never be good enough. NEVER tell your child only what he does wrong. You must always balance this with praise for what he has done well. 强迫,迫使孩子做一些事情。如果这样做就不能培养孩子 成就感。他总会认为自己做得不够好,不要总盯着他做得不 好的地方,为人父母应学会多看好的地方,学会在批评和表 扬上平衡。 4. Failure to sacrifice - never make your child feel unwanted, that he is a problem in you life and keeping you from the things that you want. 不愿有所牺牲。不要让孩子感到他是多余的,他就是你生 活中的一个问题,总是想将他从自己的生活中排除在外。 5. Failure to allow them to be children. Children say and do silly things. Never put them down for being immature. Don’t condemn them for being children! 不允许他们犯孩子会犯的错误。孩子总会说或做一些孩子 气的事情。不要因为他们的不成熟而总是贬低他们,指责。 6. Neglect -Never be too busy for your child. Take time for them. 忽略,不要因太忙而忽视了孩子,花一些时间与他们在一 12 起。 7. Withholding love - never use your love as a punishment. “I won’t love you if you do that”. Don’t teach them that your love depends upon what they do. 有条件的爱,不要将爱当作一种处罚,如果你不这样做我 就不会爱你。不要让。不要让他们觉得你对他的爱是建立在 孩子所做的事情上。就是说对孩子的爱是无条件的。 8. Cruel words - you can destroy the tender heart of a child by the terrible things that we might say to them. This is verbal abuse, and it’s not only wrong, it’s destructive. 不 要说很不恶毒的话语。恶毒的话足以毁掉一个孩子幼小的心 灵。这是一种口头,不仅是错误的方式,而且是具有毁坏性 的。 Being a parent is wonderful, but it’s also a tremendous responsibility. I hope you remember these three things. Teach, Discipline, and Love. If you do they will grow up to be people who love you, respect you and others, and are honorable to those who know them. 做父母是很奇妙的事情,同时也兼负巨大的责任。 我希 望你们记住三点:指导孩子,管教孩子和爱你的孩子。如果你 们这样去行,你的孩子将会成长成为爱父母,尊重父母,爱 周围的人并且那些熟知他的人会以认识他为荣。 13 14
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