首页 西安事业单位招聘考试大纲



西安事业单位招聘考试大纲西安事业单位招聘考试大纲 西安市事业单位公开招聘人员笔试 (公共基础知识)大纲 一、事业单位及其管理制度知识 (一)事业单位概述 (二)事业单位人事管理制度 1、岗位设置管理制度 2、公开招聘制度 3、聘用制度 4、职称制度 5、工资制度 6、培训制度 7、考核制度 8、事业单位人事争议处理 二、政治基础知识 (一)马克思主义哲学 1、科学的世界观和方法论 2、物质和意识 3、唯物辩证法 4、辩证唯物主义认识论 5、唯物主义的社会历史观 (二)毛泽东思想 1、毛泽东思想的...

西安事业单位招聘考试大纲 西安市事业单位公开招聘人员笔试 (公共基础知识)大纲 一、事业单位及其 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 知识 (一)事业单位概述 (二)事业单位人事管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 1、岗位设置管理制度 2、公开招聘制度 3、聘用制度 4、职称制度 5、工资制度 6、培训制度 7、考核制度 8、事业单位人事争议处理 二、政治基础知识 (一)马克思主义哲学 1、科学的世界观和方法论 2、物质和意识 3、唯物辩证法 4、辩证唯物主义认识论 5、唯物主义的社会历史观 (二)毛泽东思想 1、毛泽东思想的形成与发展 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 2、新民主主义革命和新民主主义社会 3、社会主义改造和社会主义建设 4、统一战线 5、人民战争和人民军队 6、党的领导和党的建设 7、思想政治工作 8、政策和策略 9、国际关系和外交方针 10、毛泽东思想的活的灵魂 11、毛泽东思想的历史地位 (三)邓小平理论 1、邓小平理论的历史地位 2、邓小平理论的精髓 3、社会主义的本质与根本任务 4、社会主义初级阶段 5、社会主义改革 6、社会主义对外开放 7、社会主义建设发展战略 8、社会主义市场经济 9、社会主义民主与法制 10、社会主义精神文明建设 11、“一国两制”构想与祖国统一 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 12、社会主义国家外交战略 13、社会主义事业的领导核心和依靠力量 (四)“三个代表”重要思想 1、“三个代表”重要思想形成的时代背景和实践基础 2、“三个代表”重要思想的历史地位 3、“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵 4、“三个代表”重要思想的理论创新和实践创新 5、“三个代表”重要思想的根本要求 (五)科学发展观与社会主义和谐社会 1、贯彻和落实科学发展观 2、构建社会主义和谐社会 三、经济学知识 (一)马克思主义政治经济学 1、商品与货币 2、经济制度及其类型 3、资本与剩余价值 4、资本主义发展的历史趋势 (二)社会主义市场经济体制 1、经济体制 2、市场经济 3、社会主义市场经济 (三)微观经济与宏观经济 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 1、微观经济 2、宏观经济 四、法律基础知识 (一)法理学 (二)宪法 1、宪法 2、立法法 (三)行政法法律制度 1、行政法 2、行政处罚法 3、行政许可法 4、行政复议法 5、行政诉讼法 6、国家赔偿法 (四)民事法律制度 1、民法 2、 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法 3、知识产权法律制度 4、婚姻法 5、继承法 6、物权法 (五)劳动法律制度 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service (六)刑法 (七)诉讼法律制度 1、诉讼法的基本理论 2、民事诉讼法 3、刑事诉讼法 五、科技与人文知识 (一)科学技术 1、我国科学技术发展的战略、方针和政策 2、科学技术常识 3、高新技术 (二)历史 、中国古代史 1 2、中国近代史 3、中国现代史 4、中共党史 5、世界历史 (三)文学常识 1、中国文学常识 2、外国文学常识 六、公共管理知识 (一)公共管理、公共组织及我国行政体制改革 1、公共管理与公共管理职能的基本概念 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service 2、公共组织 3、我国的政府机构 4、政府职能 5、深化行政体制改革 (二)公共行政 1、公共行政的内涵 2、人事行政 3、公共财政 4、行政执行 5、行政监督 (三)公共政策 、公共政策的基本概念 1 2、政策制定 3、政策执行 4、政策评价 七、公文写作与处理 (一)公文概述 (二)公文写作要则 (三)常用公文的写作 1、决定、通知、通报、批复、通告的撰写 2、请示、报告的撰写 3、函、会议纪要的撰写 market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service (四)公文处理 八、职业道德知识 (一)公民道德建设 1、公民道德建设 2、社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德 3、用社会主义荣辱观统领思想道德建设 (二)职业道德 1、职业道德概述 2、职业道德的作用 3、职业道德 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 4、职业道德的培养 九、国情、省情、市情和时事政治 1、国土、人口和国力 2、陕西省的自然状况、历史文化和经济发展 3、西安市的自然状况、历史文化和经济发展 4、重大时政专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 s market. Economic development zone, gathered a group of scientific and technological achievements into the small micro-enterprise, small, high technology content, from the point of view of innovation, creative in a particular area, or even unique, currently see no taxation, production, employment, innovation, the development of science and technology was always leading, to be proactive, the focus on technology innovation to long-term foster. 2, pay special attention to construction, solid technology base. Science and technology innovation platform is the incubator of innovation ability of enterprises, is an important carrier of regional independent innovation and scientific and technological progress. To active building technology innovation service platform, advance to technology resources build shared, mainly of technology information service platform, and to intellectual property trading mainly of technology service platform construction, to thin skin walnut, and garlic, and Lake products, features industry development mainly of agricultural technology service platform, to chemical, and paper, and mechanical manufacturing, advantage industry mainly of public service platform, development professional sex technology enterprise incubator and allCreate a space to form interconnection and network resource sharing platform, greatly improved service ability and level of science and technology; must closely rely on the features and development of County industry conditions, strengthening the various industrial parks, science and technology base, the science and technology intermediary service
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