首页 电焊机使用规范



电焊机使用规范电焊机使用规范 1. 电焊机必须有完整的保护外壳~一次线接线柱处必须有保护罩。 2. 现场使用电焊机应设有可防雨、防潮、防晒、防砸的机棚~并备有消防用 品。 3. 电焊机一次线不得超过3m~焊把线不得超过30m~接地线不得接在管道、 暖气、阀门和建筑物金属框架或轨道上~接地电阻不大于4Ω. 4. 焊接时~焊接和配合人员必须采取防止触电、高处坠落和火灾等事故的安 全措施。 5. 高处焊接或切割时~必须正确系好安全带~焊件周围和下方应采取防火措 施并有专人监护。 6. 雨天不得露天电焊。在潮湿地带作业时~操作人...

电焊机使用规范 1. 电焊机必须有完整的保护外壳~一次线接线柱处必须有保护罩。 2. 现场使用电焊机应设有可防雨、防潮、防晒、防砸的机棚~并备有消防用 品。 3. 电焊机一次线不得超过3m~焊把线不得超过30m~接地线不得接在管道、 暖气、阀门和建筑物金属框架或轨道上~接地电阻不大于4Ω. 4. 焊接时~焊接和配合人员必须采取防止触电、高处坠落和火灾等事故的安 全措施。 5. 高处焊接或切割时~必须正确系好安全带~焊件周围和下方应采取防火措 施并有专人监护。 6. 雨天不得露天电焊。在潮湿地带作业时~操作人员应站在铺有绝缘物品的 地方并穿有绝缘鞋。 7. 焊钳应与手把线连接牢固~不得用胳膊夹持焊钳。清除焊渣时~面部应避 开被清的焊缝。 8. 施焊现场10m范围内不得堆放氧气瓶、乙炔瓶、木材等易燃物。 9. 移动电焊机时~应切断电源~不得用拖拉电缆的方法移动电焊机~如焊接 中突然停电~应切断电源。 10.作业后清理现场~灭绝火种~切断电源~锁好闸箱~ 消除焊料余热后方可离开。 随着供热的临近检修任务增加,鉴于往年各车间检修电焊作业时 因现场粉尘、潮湿防护不良等度触电问题,热电公司夏季发生一次焊 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 机爆炸,为避免类似问题发生,组织部分电焊机安全常识,供参考同时对工作状态不良的焊机进行排查,有问题的不能使用,及时报修。 建议组织检修工、焊工学习。 预防电焊机空载电压触电 电焊机是一种特殊结构的降压变压器,某一次侧接入380V或220V的交流电源,二次侧输出供焊接用的较低电压的电源。电焊就是将该电源的电能转化成热能作为热源来加热金属实现焊接的方法。由于电焊作业中操作者每时每刻都要同电打交道,故危险因素较多,触电伤亡事故屡见不鲜。本文以普遍使用的手工电弧焊为例,谈谈电焊机在空载状态下,二次侧输出电压正常时,其焊接回路致人触电的主要原因,并提出相应的预防措施。 (1)空载电压致人触电的原因 我国目前生产的手弧电焊机的空载电压一般为55,99V,工作电压为25,40V。显而易见,空载电压值已远远超过了安全电压范围,对于人的安全而言存在比较大的威胁。一方面由于该电压不像相电压(220V)和线电压(3 8 0V)那样高,易使人忽视,另一方面,电焊工及有关操作人员与焊接回路中的焊钳、焊条、焊件、工作台、焊接电线等器材的接触比较频繁。当操作人员的个人防护用品保持齐全良好状态时,如果触及到焊条的焊芯、焊钳的焊口、破损的焊接线等焊接回路带电时,通过人体的事故电流大约在10mA左右,会使手臂产生酸、麻和疼痛感,但触电者一般都能够摆脱这种局面,不至于造成严重的后果。当操作人员的个人防护用品存在缺陷、环境湿度较大、身体出of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 汗、皮肤上带有导电性粉尘、身处导电性地面(由砖、湿木板、钢筋混凝土、金属等材料制成的地面或金属贮罐、管道、锅炉等金属结构内)或碰触到其他接地的导电物体,如操作人员碰触到处于空载状态下的焊接回路的带电体时,通过人体的事故电流可达40mA以上,此时触电者的触电部位(如手部)将发生痉挛,甚至昏迷而不能摆脱,触电时间稍长就会有生命危险;若事故电流一旦超过50mA,在较短的时间内就可能造成死亡。 (2)预防空载电压触电的措施 加强个人防护。焊工个人防护用品包括完好的工作服、绝缘鞋、绝缘手套(长度不得短于0(3m)等,作业时必须按使用规定穿戴整齐。 焊接作业前,应先检查工作场所的焊件、工具等放置合理有序,检查各电气设备的摆放和连接应正确可靠,焊接工作点附近不得有易燃易爆物品。 在潮湿地方焊接时,操作台附近地面上应铺设绝缘物(如橡胶绝缘垫),或站在垫起的干燥木板上。 电焊机至焊钳、电焊机至焊件的二次回路连接电缆(统称焊接电缆)必须选用电焊专用电缆,如YHH型或YHHR型等。其截面要求根据电焊机额定输出电流选用,其长度一般以20,30m为宜。 焊钳必须具有良好的绝缘性能和隔热能力,各绝缘部位不得有残缺现象。 焊钳与焊接电缆之间的连接要求坚固可靠、接触良好,电缆的橡胶包皮应深入到焊钳手柄内部,以防电缆芯线外露。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 无论是焊把线(电焊机至焊钳的电缆)还是地线(电焊机至焊件的电缆),最好使用整根的,如果确需中途接头时,每根的接头不宜超过两个,接头处必须连接牢固,保证极低的接触电阻,并做好绝缘处理。 保持一次电源线与焊把线清洁干燥,使用完毕后及时清理外皮粉尘污物检查有无破损,并晾晒干燥。 无论在高处、斜坡处或沟道等复杂环境还是在常规环境焊接时,均不得把焊接电缆缠在腰里或腿上、系在金属物体上,也不要把过长的电缆盘成卷。 在金属结构及金属容器(如气柜、锅炉气鼓、管道等)内及其他狭小工作场所焊接时,由于触电的危险性增加,故必须采取专门的防护措施,如在容器外面设有可看见和可听见焊工工作的监护人,以便随时注意焊工的安全动态,或两人的职能轮换工作。 在焊接工作场所,要注意对焊接电缆的保护,防止击砸、碾压、烘烤和磨损等,如远离高温的电弧和炽热的焊缝金属体;电缆穿越马路或通道时,应采取保护措施;使用中发现电缆外皮损伤时必须修复,并保证绝缘电阻不小于1M Q。 当工作场所气温较高时,操作人员必然出汗较多,或者在工作服潮湿、空气湿度较大等不利情况下,操作人员均不要靠在操作台、焊件等与二次回路相连接的金属物体上,更不能在接触二次回路的同时,又接触接地的金属物体,在任何情况下都不得把自己的身体作为焊接回路的一部分。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 工作结束时,要立即切断电源,盘好电缆线,清扫场地,经确认无安全隐患后,方可离开。 为避免电焊二次回路电压致人电击事故的发生,应当安装电焊机空载自动断电保护装置,使更换焊条、整理焊件等正常操作和许多意外的行为均在安全的电压下进行,减小触电的危险性,同时还可节省电力消耗。 焊机空载电压触电死亡事故的分析 案例1: 一、事故现场 1998年7月20日,三门某船舶修造厂船坞内,一艘由股份合作建造的钢质渔船正在修理。条石和枕木把整个船体高高垫起,距离地面约0.8米。船的甲板上放着二台破旧得不能再破旧的交流弧焊机,由同一把电源闸刀供电。两台焊机的电源接线桩均已损坏,电源线直接接入焊机内部线圈绕组的出线端;两台焊机的输出电缆线均多处破损,两条接地回线接在船舷的同一点。焊机及船体无其他接地或接零措施。在船尾部立着一根一时镀锌钢管和一根发锈的40×4角钢,一端靠在船体上,另一端插入地面,用于支撑准备对船体进行去锈油漆的踏板。焊接现场距离变压器20米。 7时30分,无证焊工许某像往常一样利用其中一台焊机在甲板上对船体进行焊接作业,股东之一的李某,在船尾准备去锈作业,当他的手握住靠在船尾的角钢时,当即触电,后退几步后,倒在甲板,经of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 现场抢救无效而死亡。在此前,也有人在触及角钢时,感到有电麻,但都被认为是感应电而忽视。 二、原因分析 经现场勘察和测试分析,认为这完全是一起电焊机空载电压引起的触电事故。经测试,这两台焊机虽然破旧了一点,但未发现初级电压转移和绝缘降低现象,输出空载电压也在许可范围内,其中一台为55V,另一台为70V。一般情况下,如此低的电压值虽然能使人触电,但不致于立即死亡,然而李某的死到底是什么原因呢,首先要注意焊机输出电源的特殊性。焊机输出电源与普通照明、动力用电源两者是有本质区别的,焊机输出电源的电压与输出电流之间存在一个陡降的外特性关系, 即在焊接引弧时,输出的电压即空载电压较高,而电流较小;当电弧燃烧稳定时, 输出电压迅速降低,而电流急剧增大。也就是说,在焊接条件形成时,输出的电源是低电压高电流,输出电压与输出电流成反比关系。输出电压的大小是由电弧长度(即负载电阻)决定的,电弧长输出电压就高;电弧短输出电压就低;焊条与焊件相碰短路时,电压趋于零,而电流最大。对于我们常用的照明或动力用电源,它所输出的特性是一个水平外特性,即不论输出的电流大或小,输出电压基本上是不变。也就是说,焊机“空载电压”与照明动力用的“普通电压”虽然数值相同,但对人体的伤害程度是完全不同的。一般情况下,交流弧焊机的空载电压不超过85V,电弧形成后,它的输出电压只有30V左右,似乎在“安全电压”范围内,但它输出的电流强度是很大的,通常要大于100A。众所周知,对于低电压of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 的电源系统,它对人体的伤害大都是以电击方式,而造成电击伤害的主要因素是电流。在焊接系统中,只要有空载电压存在,回路能形成,致人死亡的罪魁祸首——强大电流就会出现。也就是说,在焊接过程中一旦被空载电压触电,就更容易引起死亡。其次,由于两台焊机的接地回线都搭接在船弦上,根据交流弧焊机的特点,输出端两接线桩的电位是相等,所以焊机一旦开启,整个船体都带有55~70V的电位。由于船体被条石和枕木垫起(无其他接地装置),所以这一电位不会导向大地。靠在船尾的钢管和角钢,虽然一头插入地面,但它与船体相靠的接触点,由于油漆和铁锈等因素存在,电阻值很大,二者之间没有构成通路,因此,船体上所具有的55~70 V电位始终无法导向大地。死者李某,当时脚穿拖鞋,手握角钢,加上夏季人体汗液较多,人体 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面电阻下降,这样船体上的电位很快就通过人体和角钢导向大地,为“隐性焊接”状态创造了条件。 第三,由于焊接现场距离变压器只有20米,所以在焊机——船体——人体——角钢——大地——变压器接地体之间就构成了一条良好的导电回路。人体变成了电路,且是脚——手的危险路径。导电回路构成后,这一系统就相当处于一种“隐性焊接”状态,这时,在空载电压的作用下,在回路中就有电流流过。这一电流虽然没有理想焊接状态下那么大,但它也是一个不小的数值。经测试,这一电流会随着大地导电阻值(与焊接地点到变压器接地体的距离以及大地电阻率等因素有关)的增大而减少。在事故现场,由于地面是海涂,大地导电性能相当好,在上述的导电回路中,经过人体的最小电流要达到焊of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 机工作电流的10%,也就是说,若焊机工作电流为150A,这一电流远远超过了数百毫安还可以抢救的致命电流而致人当场死亡。对于上述焊接电流,我们在离变压器接地体较近的焊接实践中,也可以体会到,有时我们也往往只利用一根焊接电缆线就可直接对自来水管等接地性能较好的金属构件进行焊接而不需要焊机接地回线,这说明在导电性能较好的大地(如沿海地区、变压器旁)系统中,其焊接回路不但能形成,而且在回路中的电流也是相当大的,这一点,应引起我们的高度重视,这也是造成这起事故的主要原因。 三、防范措施 由上述分析可知,焊机空载电压不但会造成触电,而且危险性还比较大。为了防止焊机空载电压触电事故的发生,主要原则有两条:一是保证焊接电缆线——人体——接地回线三者之间,不构成导电回路;二是保证焊接电缆线或接地回线——人体——大地——变压器接地体之间不形成导电回路。对于利用自己的变压器进行独立供电的小型单位来说,后者这条回路极易形成,这里特别予以强调。笔者在焊接安全实践中,认为主要防范措施有以下几点: 1(严格按照焊机的安全操作规程,正确使用电焊机。焊前应检查焊机和工具的完好性能,如焊钳和电缆绝缘,焊机外壳接地情况,各接线是否牢固可靠等。接线应请专业电工进行。焊工应持证上岗。 2(在焊机上尽量安装使用空载自动断电保护装置,这样既可避免空载电压触电危险,又可节省空载电耗。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 3(按规定采取保护接地或接零措施。在与大地隔离或接地不良的焊件上焊接时, 如在船坞上被垫起的钢质轮船、锅炉压力容器、架空的桥梁、钢板等,应注意在焊件与大地之间形成“脚——脚”或“手——脚”的“跨步”电压触电。在此环境中,应采用专门的防护措施,一是人体与导体间的隔离防护,如在脚下放置木板或橡胶等绝缘件,并做好个体防护;二是焊件应采取接地或接零措施。但这里应注意,在焊件与焊机二次回路上不得同时存在接地或接零线。否则,一旦焊机二次回路线接触不良时,就可能有很大的焊接电流通过接地或接零线,以致将地线或零线熔断,不但使人体安全受到威胁,而且易引起火灾。 4(当利用系统管道、厂房的金属构架,轨道或其它金属物搭接作为焊接接地回线时,要首先检查焊机二次线圈或上述接地回线系统等是否接地良好,否则,行人触及接地回线系统,就有可能造成触电事故。对于交流弧焊机来说,千万不可误认为接地回线永远是没有电位的。因为交流弧焊机两输出端点是等电位的,也就是说焊接电缆线与接地回线是互为通用,当接地回线接地不良时,接地回线的电位是始终存在的。这里要注意,具有易燃易爆性能的化工管道系统,不得用作接地回线。 5(在通电情况下,不得将焊钳夹在腋下而去搬弄焊件或将焊接电缆线绕挂在脖颈上;在移动焊接电缆线或接地回线时,手不要捏在导线的裸露部位;更换焊条或用手捏住焊件进行点焊固定时,一定要戴好电焊专用手套。否则,空载电压极易通过人体而形成回路。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 6(尽量避免在潮湿地方和雨雪天气进行焊接作业,否则,应特别加强个体防护。在这种环境下作业,焊工严禁穿带有铁钉的皮鞋或布鞋,其他环境亦不宜,否则易受潮导电,必要时垫木板、橡胶垫等进行隔离。 7(焊工应严格按规定穿戴好个体劳动防护用品,在锅炉容器内进行焊接作业,严禁赤膊。 案例2: 2002年6月,山西河津市某安装公司对某氧化铝厂3号熟料烧成窑进行大修,17日l7时左右,临时工何某在窑尾焊接钩钉时,不慎触电,送往医院抢救无效死亡。 原因分析 窑体系Q235-A钢材制造,导电性能良好。事故主要责任是何某无特种作业资格证,属于违章进行电焊作业。 直接原因 1.何某对电焊操作最基本的技能无所知,焊接时左手持钩钉,右手握焊把,被焊物钩钉根本就没有与窑体接触,负载电流通过引出线、焊把、焊条、钩钉、人体、窑体、二次侧地线,回到电焊机构成电流流通的回路,使电流通过人体,造成触电死亡事故。如果被焊物钩钉与窑体直接接触,由于人体电阻远远大于金属的电阻,通过人体的电流很小(可以忽略不计),这起人身触电事故就不会发生了。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 2.何某缺乏电气专业技术知识,在电焊作业时,不戴专用手套;电焊机的引出线接头或绝缘破裂导体裸露;引出线接线柱裸露不加护罩。 3.何某在进行电焊作业时,没有严格执行《电业生产安全规程》(热力和机械部分)有关规定,违章作业,造成电流流通回路,电流通过身体导致触电身亡。 间接原因 通过人体的电流超过摆脱电流(一般男性为16mA,女性为10.5mA),人体就不能自主摆脱带电体,会感到异常痛苦,身体难以忍受。如时间过长,则可能昏迷、窒息,甚至死亡。30mA的电流是一个危险电流,通过人体的电流达到或超过30mA时,会使有心脏跳动不规则、昏迷、血压升高、强烈痉挛。可能引起心室颤动,致人死亡;50mA的电流称为室颤电流(或致命电流),即通过人体引起心室发生纤维性颤动的最小电流,50mA电流通过人体的时间达1s,就可能发生室颤,使人死亡;通过人体的电流达10mA时,人在很短的时间内就可能死亡。 人体的电阻一般都在1~2kΩ之间,如果将7V电压加于人体,根据欧姆定律得知,通过人体的电流将是35,70mA,此电流是成年男子摆脱电流的2~4倍,是成年女子摆脱电流的3,6倍,对于电阻小的人来说已达到甚至超过致命电流(50mA),而且人体的电阻在潮湿环境还会下降,这样通过人体的电流将会更大,足以致命。 事故教训 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 电焊工在进行电焊操作作业时,一定要严格执行《电业生产安全 规程》的有关规定,并戴好安全手套、鞋袜等绝缘保护用品,没有特 种作业资格证的其他人员,或不懂电气知识的人不要擅自操作电焊 机,以免造成人身事 热电公司 2012-9-19 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to
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