首页 安利奖金分配制度讲解(第4稿)



安利奖金分配制度讲解(第4稿)安利奖金分配制度讲解(第4稿) 安利奖金分配制度讲稿 各位朋友大家好~我叫×××,非常高兴在这个特别的日子能和大家一起分享这样一份事业,那就是“安利事业”,我不知道在座的各位朋友是否完全了解安利这个创业机会,但我知道无数人通过这个创业平台,造就了非凡的生活方式:原山东省政府秘书长刁瑞庆、原青岛啤酒集团总经理韩世荣、原武汉洪山商场月薪200元的营业员袁为群、原具有华中科技大学两个硕士学位并且拥有3800名职工的公司老总赵荣生、原开有14家美容店的老板徐君、营销专业大二学生王议萱、中央《科技日报》驻湖北站站长刘志伟...

安利奖金分配制度讲解(第4稿) 安利奖金分配制度讲稿 各位朋友大家好~我叫×××,非常高兴在这个特别的日子能和大家一起分享这样一份事业,那就是“安利事业”,我不知道在座的各位朋友是否完全了解安利这个创业机会,但我知道无数人通过这个创业平台,造就了非凡的生活方式:原山东省政府秘书长刁瑞庆、原青岛啤酒集团总经理韩世荣、原武汉洪山商场月薪200元的营业员袁为群、原具有华中科技大学两个硕士学位并且拥有3800名职工的公司老总赵荣生、原开有14家美容店的老板徐君、营销专业大二学生王议萱、中央《科技日报》驻湖北站站长刘志伟、湖北日报社记者陆国强、湖北日报社宾馆服务员国华平、河南种菜的农民潘留根、因车祸而高位截瘫的藏祺~等等等等~他们都通过安利事业取得了成功。 一、安利是什么 1、商标价值:安利是全球第一大直销公司,他的商标价值820亿美元,96--97国际商标局评选出的十大品牌中名列第八位,并且是唯一的日用品品牌。 2、科技实力:科技领先。安利公司有专门的科研中心,拥有97个国家级 实验室 17025实验室iso17025实验室认可实验室检查项目微生物实验室标识重点实验室计划 、700多名专家级的科研人员、1000多项专利。 3、成功系统:安利公司创办51年,历史悠久,经验丰富,形成的企业文化,承载过无数人的梦想,经历过了数次经济周期和战争,诚信,实力。一家公司可以在一个国家成功有可能是偶surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 然,但在90多个国家成功就是必然。有广泛认同度,不同宗教不同信仰不同层面,每一个人都可以找到自己的位置,有一个非常大的平台。 当然,优秀的公司世界上很多,随便就可列举出很多,像微软、沃尔玛、松下等,但这些公司和我们个人的事业有直接的关系吗,能影响我们的生活方式吗,能切实地帮助我们变得富有吗,可以说这种可能性很小,因为它不直接和我们的个人事业挂钩。同为世界上的大公司,安利公司,它的运作模式却和我们的个人事业有关,因为安利公司创业时就有两个重要的企业理念,一是为消费者提供优质的产品和周到的服务,二是为那些愿意勤劳付出的人士提供一个平等、公平的创业机会。它的产品和事业制度都和您我有关。有一种什么样的关系呢, 二、安利事业与传统行业商品 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 的比较 传统事业与安利事业最大的差别,在于商品“流通过程”的不同,安利之所以被称为“改革行销模式的先驱者”,即在于他将传统商品流程做了一个很大的改革。 传统事业商品流程: 工厂?代理商?大批发商?中批发商?小批发商?零售商?消费者 安利商品流程: 工厂?营业代表?消费者 tions, must be identified by the designof implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exter2 安利卓越随州菁英 从上面这个商品流程图我们可以很清楚地看到,在传统商业的商品流通过程中,消费者要购买一件商品,不论是本国制造或外国进口,这件商品都要经过许多中间商才能到达消费者手中。每经过一个环节都要加上一些费用和利润,使这件商品的销售价格不断提高,另外还要支出庞大的广告费用,最后都转嫁到消费者身上。 缩短商品流程是安利事业的基本理论 安利的两位创办人杰?温安洛和理查?狄维士当初就认为:一件好商品,不应该经过层层加价,而应由营业代表直接将产品销售给顾客,安利公司也因为省略了产品的中间流通环节和大量广告费支出而获得利润。但这些利润并非由公司独享,而是做了合理的分配,包括: 1.用于产品的研究开发: 公司有专门的研究中心、97个实验室、700多名专家级的科研人员,研发未来5-10年要上市的产品,保证安利的产品能生生不息,推陈出新。这些研发工作,安利公司投注了大量的人力、物力和财力,使安利公司能不断发展壮大,保持世界营销业龙头地位的优势。 2.用于从事环保及社会公益事业:事例略 3.用于支付营业代表绩效奖金及奖励: . (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designe surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by constructionentir water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with thethe decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean on of he unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completiacing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. Ttive fting under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorachnological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coatly te, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be stricprior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to mapsurface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely 3 随州市格林豪威546 安利公司能有今天的辉煌成就,除了两位创办人的卓越理念,以及安利高品质的产品之外,另外一项就是安利的“奖金制度”,这套“奖金制度”被比尔盖茨赞誉为“无懈可击”。也被列为国际上许多名牌大学,例如美国的哈佛大学、英国的牛津大学、我国的中国人民大学,的工商管理专业的必修案例,公司的奖金制度完全做到了公平、公正、公开的原则。 三、奖金分配制度 安利公司用全国统一的收入分配表,作为奖金发放 净营业额,元, 奖金比例 115000 27% 80500 24% 46000 21% 27600 18% 13800 15% 6900 12% 2300 9% 下面,解释一下净营业额的概念: 安利公司不但是产品优质的企业,而且是个遵纪守法的企业,自觉纳税就是一个很好的表现。公司按产品的实际价格上缴15%的产品税之后的营业额,就叫净营业额。 打个比方:假如一款产品100元,如果税率是15%的话,那实 tions, must be identified by the designof implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exter4 安利卓越随州菁英 际公司计算的营业额就是100-15=85,85元就是净营业额。 奖金分配制度的第一项: 1、销售收入,属于个人的行为, 安利是个自用+分享的事业。 当您自用+分享净营业额达到2100元的时候,按奖金比率2100元以上~5400元以下~取9% 的比率,:2300元×9%=207元 这不起眼的207元,您可不要小瞧了它。它意味着:1.第二种赚钱的能力;2.自己事业的开始。钱虽然不多,但是如果您要求您的老板每月给您加207元的薪,应该也不是那么简单吧。 不断地积累顾客,业绩也会做到10000、20000元,对吗,如果达到20000元,那么 20000元×15% = 3000元 这也算不了什么,做业绩领工资而已。 但是安利公司有一点是不同的,那就是: 安利公司代理的几千种产品,在几年内也将会在中国上市,沈阳正在兴建起我们安利<中国>的第一个大型超市式店铺,。这几千种产品几乎涵盖了我们家庭中使用的所有用品。除了安利公司自行研发和生产的五大类产品,个人护理用品、家具护理用品、雅姿美容护肤品、纽崔莱营养保健食品、厨房耐用品,外,还有日常家具用品类的,还有内衣、首饰、鞋子、帽子、外套、包括小孩自用的奶瓶、尿不湿等等;还有吃的,像米、面、油、盐、酱、 . (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designe surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by constructionentir water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with thethe decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean on of he unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completiacing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. Ttive fting under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorachnological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coatly te, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be stricprior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to mapsurface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely 5 随州市格林豪威546 醋、茶、蔬菜、水果等等;还有像家电类的冰箱、电视机、空调、电磁炉、电脑、还有PVC管、钢材等等。总之,家庭所需物品,几乎无一不是我们安利将来要代理的产品,并且所代理的产品绝对都是领先市场的、有绝对安全保障的产品。 您想想,这是一个多么大的生意呀~ 今天我们办卡加入安利,成为一名营销人员,成为一名代理商,将来安利几千种产品上市,我们将同时也是这所有产品的代理商。 我们不断地积累顾客,假如有100个家庭去用安利产品,每个家庭每个月的平均消费是600元,这100个家庭1个月的业绩就是: 600元×100=60000元 按照奖金比率:60000元×21%=12600元 也就是说,积累一百个消费家庭,每个月您就有12600元的月收入,更何况未来1个家庭1个月的日用品消耗又何止600元~ 这第一项虽然很简单,但是却很有 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。虽然是个人行为,但却具有了非个人所能创造的价值和意义。 2、市场开发奖 也叫做市场贡献度,这可以算作是第一个奖金项。 加入安利事业,安利公司给您开发市场的权力: 生意想做大,就要靠连锁。我们也可以开出我们的连锁市场。 tions, must be identified by the designof implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exter6 安利卓越随州菁英 假如您开发了A、B、C、D 4个市场,在您的帮助和市场每位营销人员的勤奋努力下,每个市场分别做到了如下的业绩: A :1万 20000×12%=3000元 B :2万 20000×15%=3000元 C :3万 30000×18%=5400元 D :4万 40000×18%=7200元 因为帮助他们,这个月您可能没有销售1分钱的产品。也可能销售,便于计算: 您:5000元 您这个市场的总业绩,总净营业额,却有:11.5万 您这个市场的总奖金是:11.5万×27%=31050元 安利公司是很人性化的,也做到了真正地为每一个营销人员考虑,公司会分文不少地先把工资分别付给A、B、C、D 4个市场,先人后己,。 即:A 3000元 B 3000元 C 5400元 D 7200元,多劳多得, 4个市场合计18600元 剩下的就是公司奖励给您的市场开发奖金了: 31050-18600 = 12450元,这就是您这个月的收入, 虽然您没有做多少销售,但是您帮助了4个市场创造了不错的业绩,公司一样会给您奖金,也就是给了您市场开发奖金。 . (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designe surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by constructionentirwater. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with thethe decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean on of he unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completiacing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. Ttive fting under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorachnological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coatly te, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be stricprior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to mapsurface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely 7 随州市格林豪威546 ? 这12450元绝对不包括A、B、C、D 4个市场的一分钱。 ? 12450是您的4个市场奖金提成比率的差额。 ? 做生意,每个月能有12450的净赚算是很不错了,而在安利事业中,在正常情况下,做得比较慢的,如利用几年的业余时间,,也能获得这样的收入。 随着经验的积累和时间的推移,您的这些市场也会做到11.5万的销售业绩: A :11.5万 B :11.5万 C :11.5万 D :11.5万 而这个时候,您的市场总业绩:11.5万×4 = 46万 总奖金:42万×27%-11.5万×27%×4=0元 这个时候,没有提成比率上的差额了,安利公司是不是就不管您了呢,不是的——安利公司专门为您设置了第三项奖金:领导世袭奖金。 3、4%领导世袭奖金 4%的领导奖。就是,当您有一个市场业绩做到了11.5万以上,包括11.5万,的时候,公司就会给到您一个4%的领导奖。这4%的领导奖是公司另外给的。这时如果您已有四个市场都做到了11.5万,那么您的领导奖是: tions, must be identified by the designof implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exter8 安利卓越随州菁英 11.5万元×,% = 4600元,4600元×,个市场 = 18400元 人来到这个世界,终有一天也会离开这个世界。请问,当我们离世后,我们能留下什么呢, 刚刚的这个4%的领导奖,它会留下。留给我们想留给的那个人。或许是我们的爱人,或许是我们的孩子,或许是我们年迈的父母。这个奖金会永远的继承下去,也就是说,它具有世袭性。 以每年出租门面4600元为例,您相当于已拥有一套100万的房产。 即:您少了一份工作,多了一份收入。 传统行业如果带一个徒弟,或养育一个孩子,您每个月都能如期拿到不低于4600元的回报吗, 在座的部分朋友中,如果有能力去购买一两套五六十万的房产来作投资,每月收取3000元左右的房租;但是您有能力购买几十套甚至上百套的房产而去收租金吗,就算是有这个资金,您也不会这样去做,因为收益率实在是太低了,换句话说就是成本太高了。 而安利呢,只要您具备了一定的能力,然后不断地把这个能力复制给您的合作伙伴,利用这个其它行业不具备的绝无仅有的神奇特性,建立起自己的系统,让系统为我们工作,就相当于您购买了几十套,甚至上百套的房产。想象一下,当您拥有数百套房产时的那种景象、那种感觉又是什么样的呢, entir. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designe surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with thethe decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean on of he unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completiacing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. Ttive fting under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorachnological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coatly te, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be stricprior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to mapsurface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely 9 随州市格林豪威546 安利是什么,我不知道。但,拥有安利,无惧未来~拥有安利,我们的子孙就可以过有钱有闲的富人生活~ 四、下面,我要为大家谈谈有关安利奖衔的概念: 1/12×11.5万 营销助理,银章, 3/12×11.5万 营销主任,金章, 6/12×11.5万,其中有3个月为连续的, 高级主任,DD,。 做到DD是安利里的一个里程碑,可以享受8,14万元的年薪、免费的海外旅游,并可以将待遇世袭给后代。 4、翡翠奖金 当您一年中帮助3个部门做到DD,公司就晋升您为翡翠,额外用全国市场营业额的0.25%,作为全国安利公司的年终分红分给翡翠,做到翡翠,年收入就可以达到30万元左右了。 5、钻石奖金 当您帮助6个部门做到DD,公司晋升您就为钻石,再一次用全国市场营业额的0.25%,作为全国安利公司的年终分红分给钻石,做到钻石,年收入大概就可以达到70万元。这时您已远离贫穷,成为财务自由、时间自由、心灵自由的人了。 6、行政钻石奖金 当您帮助9个部门做到DD,安利公司就晋升您为行政钻石,做到行政钻石,年收入就达到100万以上了。 依次类推: tions, must be identified by the designof implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exter10 安利卓越随州菁英 7、双钻石奖金,12个DD~双钻石, 8、三钻石奖金,15个DD~三钻石, 9、四钻石奖金,18个DD~四钻石, 10、五钻石奖金,21个DD~皇冠大使, 五、不同行业的收入及未来生活的比较 1、上班、做传统生意与安利比较图 上班:如果工作30年,收入90万 ? 学历、经历受限 ? 工作时间长 ? 工资增长慢 ? 舞台受限 传统生意:年收入6万×30年=180万,稍强于上班,但风险 巨大: 资金、经验;人际关系;行业景气、自然灾害;三角债;成 功的持续性,不能停。 20岁 30年 50岁 ????????????????????? 180万/30年 安利:五年打拼成钻石,再活30年,收入2100万 30万/年 70万/年 行政钻石„„ 30岁 35岁,翡翠,,40岁,钻石, 80岁 ????????????============??? 2800万/10年 e surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the designentir water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with thethe decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean on of he unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completiacing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. Ttive fting under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorachnological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coatly te, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be stricprior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to mapsurface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely 11 随州市格林豪威546 2、举王议宣钻石的例子,她花了5年的时间做到了钻石;国华平老师花了8年的时间上钻石,请问大家,按他们的速度,要多少年就可以做到翡翠, 无论如何,花10年的时间是绝对可以做到翡翠的,当然前提是真正在“做”安利,然后再花3年的时间做到钻石。就以这样((( 慢的速度,达到这样的收入,也是传统行业的3,6倍呀,而且是毫无压力的有钱有闲的生活,每年可以享受1,2次的海外旅游~有自动运行的系统为自己赢得未来~更重要的是~还可以给子女们留下了一份巨额的保障:, 在座的都是为人父为人母的,或者是即将为人父为人母的,我们现在所有的打拼,再苦再累,不都是为了下一代吗,那还有什么比给我们的下一代找到一个高枕无忧的保障系统更有价值,更让人放心的呢, 综上所述,我们不难发现,安利事业是一个可以给平凡人创造不平凡人生的最佳途径之一。如果您能摘下您的有色眼镜,扔掉您心中怀疑的包袱,带着您的热情,付出您的行动,安利事业一定可以成就您非凡的一生~ 人生可以输在起点上,但一定不要输在转折点上!给自己一个梦想,给自己一个支点,我们的人生一定会与众不同~ 谢谢大家~ of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specificaocess craping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the prowders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by sning pstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaation, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reindehydred plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before aterial, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finishthe m must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of(1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. ior surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the extertions, must be identified by the design12
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