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农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素


农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素 农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素 【中文摘要】我国农村剩余劳动力的转移问题一直是人们关注的热点。“民工潮”后出现的“创业潮”受到全社会的普遍关注。在学术界也引起了关于农村剩余劳动力流动方向的两种讨论,即:在中国经济进入全面产业结构调整的背景下,农村剩余劳动力到底向何处流动,农民是继续进城打工还是返回到自己的家乡创业。不过,我国大部分学者与研究人员将注意力主要放到了农村剩余劳动力从农村向城市的转移上,对于农村剩余劳动力回流的研究较少,尤其是对外出农民工返乡创业现象进行...

农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素
农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素 农民工论文:农民工 返乡创业 影响因素 【中文摘要】我国农村剩余劳动力的转移问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 一直是人们关注的热点。“民工潮”后出现的“创业潮”受到全社会的普遍关注。在学术界也引起了关于农村剩余劳动力流动方向的两种讨论,即:在中国经济进入全面产业结构调整的背景下,农村剩余劳动力到底向何处流动,农民是继续进城打工还是返回到自己的家乡创业。不过,我国大部分学者与研究人员将注意力主要放到了农村剩余劳动力从农村向城市的转移上,对于农村剩余劳动力回流的研究较少,尤其是对外出农民工返乡创业现象进行系统分析研究的就更少了。事实上,在农村剩余劳动力转移的进程开始就一直伴随着外出农民工的返乡创业现象。农民工返乡创业对于促进农村劳动力就业、提高农民收入意义深远。外出务工者返乡发展也是劳动力转移的一个过程。虽然目前主要劳动力输出地并未出现大范围的农民工返乡创业现象,但不可否认,已经存在依靠回归创业推动当地经济发展的典型案例。四川省是农民工输出型的大省,深入分析影响农民工返乡创业发展的因素,对于农民工返乡创业政策 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的完善和农民工创业效率的提高具有重要的现实意义。本文着眼于农民工返乡创业这一现象,试图了解农民工返乡创业的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战和影响他们返乡创业发展的各种因素,提出适合农民工返乡创业的政策意见。根据以上研究目标,本文通过建立SWOT模型和有序Probit选择模型,对农民工返乡创业的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行分析,选择影响农民工返乡创业发展的若干因素,建立计量模型,采用实证方法进行研究。实证研究中使用的数据来 源于2010年7月—8月对四川省13个地市州已经创业的农民工进行 的问卷调查。研究结果 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,在外务工带来的初始资金、丰富的实践 经验、返乡创业较强的动力以及能有效利用当地资源是农民工返乡创 业的优势;国家以及各级地方政府出台的扶持性政策、新农村建设和 统筹城乡发展的契机、国家产业结构调整和产业政策的倾斜给农民工 返乡创业带来了机遇。但自身素质不高、创业资金不足以及缺乏对创 业项目信息和创业支持政策的了解却成为农民工返乡创业的劣势;地 方政府尤其是偏远地区的地方政府还没有对农民工返乡创业引起足 够的重视、农民工的风险预测和承担能力弱以及交通便利程度等也构 成了农民工返乡创业的威胁。影响农民工返乡创业发展的因素主要有 9个,分别是年龄、外出打工年限、创业前的初始资金、创业兴趣、 是否取得返乡创业贷款支持、创业当地的治安状况、政府对返乡创业 的关心、创业行业和创业年限。针对以上结论,文章从优化创业环境、 建立创业资金支持体系和开展创业培训三个方面提出促进农民工返 乡创业发展的对策建议,以求增强农民工返乡创业的动力、减少农民 工返乡创业的阻力、提高农民工返乡创业的能力。 【英文摘要】The transfer of rural surplus labor in China has been the focus of attention. The “business boom” after the “Flood” received the whole society’s attention. Also it raised two discussed in the academic community about the direction of the flow of rural surplus labor:against the background of Chinese economy entering the context of industrial restructuring, where the rural surplus labor flow in the end, the farmers are to continue to seek jobs in cities or return to their hometown to venture. However, most of our scholars and researchers primarily focus on the rural surplus labor transfer from rural to urban areas, and less research on the return of surplus rural labor, especially systematic analysis for the phenomenon of migrant workers returning hometown to venture is even less. In fact, in the beginning of the process of transfer of rural surplus labor, it has been accompanied by the phenomenon of peasant workers returning hometown to venture. Migrant workers return hometown to develop is also a process of labor transfer. Although the major exporter of labor does not appear the phenomenon of widespread migrant workers returning hometown to venture, but it cannot be denied that there are already some regions which rely on return and employment to promote the local economic development. Sichuan is an output-based province of migrant workers; it has important practical significance to analyze in-depth the factors of influencing the development for migrant workers returning hometown to venture for the perfection of policies and systems of migrant workers returning hometown to venture and the improvement of business efficiency of migrant workers. This article focused on the phenomenon of migrant workers returning hometown to venture, trying to understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges about returning hometown to venture and the affecting factors and their direction of migrant workers returning hometown to venture and development venturing, proposed adaptive policy advice about their venturing.Based on the above research objectives, through the establishment of SWOT model and Ordinal Probit choice model, firstly analyzed migrant workers’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges for their returning hometown to venture, and then selected the impact factors of migrant workers’development in returning hometown to venture, established econometric models, carried on research by empirical method. Data used in empirical research came from a questionnaire survey on conducted migrant workers in the 13 regional venture of Sichuan from July to August in 2010. The results show that workers bringing capital outside, a wealth of practical experience, stronger driving force for returning hometown to venture and effective use of local resources brought migrant workers advantage for their returning hometown to venture; enabling policies of state and local governments, the chance of New rural construction and rural development and country’s industrial structure adjustment and industrial policy tilt brought migrant workers opportunities for their returning hometown to venture. But their quality is not high, lack of venture capital, lack of entrepreneurial projects information and support policies are the disadvantages of migrant workers returning hometown to venture; local government, especially the government in remote regions don’t have enough attention on returning migrant venture, the capacity of migrant workers’prediction and bearing the risk is weaker and transportation convenience also constitute a threat of their returning hometown to venture. There are 9 main impact factors of development about migrant workers returning hometown to venture, namely age, years of working outside, the initial capital before venture, interest in venture, whether they obtain loans support, the security situation of location for venture, government’s attention on returning hometown to venture, business industry and business life. For these conclusions, the article concluded some policy recommendations to promote migrant workers returning hometown to venture in such three aspects as to optimize business environment, to establish the venture capital support system, to carry out the entrepreneurship training, in order to enhance the power of migrant workers returning hometown to venture, to reduce the resistance of migrant workers returning hometown to venture, to improve the ability of migrant workers returning hometown to venture. 【关键词】农民工 返乡创业 影响因素 【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作一对一辅导和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。 【英文关键词】migrant workers return hometown to venture influencing factors 【目录】四川省农民工返乡创业的影响因素研究 摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 1 绪论 12-16 1.1 研究背景 12-13 1.2 选题意义 13 1.3 研究目标与思路 13-14 1.3.1 研究目标 13 1.3.2 研究思路 13-14 1.4 研究方法 14 1.4.1 文献资料法 14 1.4.2 问卷调查法 14 1.4.3 系统分析法 14 1.5 研究内容与技术路线 14-15 1.6 研究可能的创 新与不足 15-16 1.6.1 可能的创新 15 1.6.2 研究的不 足 15-16 2 国内外相关研究进展 16-23 2.1 相关概念 界定 16 2.1.1 农民工 16 2.1.2 创业 16 2.1.3 农民工返乡创业 16 2.2 国外相关文献研究 16-17 2.2.1 有关创业概念的研究 16-17 2.2.2 创业 影响因素研究 17 2.3 国内相关文献研究 17-22 2.3.1 农民创业研究 17-19 2.3.2 农民工返乡创业研究 19-21 2.3.3 相关研究方法回顾 21-22 2.4 简要述评 22-23 3 四川省农民工返乡创业的现状分析 23-31 3.1 数据来源情况 23 3.2 返乡创业农民工的基本特征 23-25 3.2.1 性别和婚姻特征 23-24 3.2.2 年龄特征 24-25 3.3 农民工返乡创业活动的特征 25-28 3.3.1 创业行业选择 25-26 3.3.2 创业形式选择 26-27 3.3.3 创业融资选择 27-28 3.3.4 创业投资规模 28 3.4 农民 工对返乡创业实际效果满意度 28-31 4 四川省农民工返乡创 业的SWOT模型分析 31-44 4.1 模型简介 31 4.2 农民 工返乡创业的优势(Strength) 31-34 4.2.1 积攒了一定资金, 积累了丰富的实践经验 31-32 4.2.2 具有较强的动力,农民工 返乡创业的积极性高 32-34 4.2.3 熟悉当地情况,能够更有效 的利用当地资源 34 4.3 农民工返乡创业的劣势 (Weakness) 34-38 4.3.1 自身素质不高 34-36 4.3.2 创业资金不足 36-37 4.3.3 缺乏对创业项目信息和创业支持 政策的了解 37-38 4.4 农民工返乡创业所拥有的机会 (Opportum.ty) 38-40 4.4.1 国家及各级地方政府支持创业政 策的保障 38-39 4.4.2 新农村建设和统筹城乡发展的契机 39-40 4.4.3 国家产业结构调整和产业政策的倾斜 40 4.5 农民工返乡创业所面临的威胁 (Threat) 40-43 4.5.1 政府重视程度不够 40-41 4.5.2 风险预测和承担能力弱 41-42 4.5.3 交通便利程度 42-43 4.6 结论 43-44 5 四川省农民工返乡创业发展的影响因素研究 44-51 5.1 研究假设 44-45 5.1.1 农民工自身的个体因素对其返乡创业发展具有显著影响 44 5.1.2 农民工所面临的优势因素对其返乡创业发展有显著的正向影响 44 5.1.3 农民工所面临的劣势因素对其返乡创业发展具有显著的负向影响 44-45 5.1.4 农民工创业所面临的机会因素对其返乡创业发展有促进作用 45 5.1.5 农民工创业时所面临的威胁因素对其返乡创业发展有阻碍作用 45 5.2 模型与方法 45-46 5.3 变量定义 46-47 5.3.1 因变量 46 5.3.2 自变量 46-47 5.4 实证分析 47-48 5.5 结果与讨论 48-51 5.5.1 个体特征中的年龄、外出打工年限对农民工返乡创业发展影响显著 48-49 5.5.2 优势因素中的创业前的初始资金、创业兴趣对农民工返乡创业发展影响显著 49 5.5.3 劣势因素中的是否取得返乡创业贷款支持对农民工返乡创业发展影响显著 49 5.5.4 机会因素中的创业当地的治安状况对农民工返乡创业发展影响显著 49-50 5.5.5 威胁因素中的政府对返乡创业的关心对农民工返乡创业发展影响显著 50-51 6 促进农民工返乡创业的对策分析 51-55 6.1 优化创业环境,增强农民工返乡创业的动力 51-52 6.1.1 营造适度宽松的政策环境 51-52 6.1.2 营造良好的治安环境 52 6.1.3 营造以返乡创业为荣的良好社会环境 52 6.2 建立创业资金支持体系,减少农民工返乡创业的阻力 52-53 6.2.1 大力完善农村金融服务体制 53 6.2.2 建立农民工返乡创业信贷担保机制 53 6.3 开展创业培训,提高农民工返乡创业的能力 53-55 6.3.1 加大培训经费的投入力度 54 6.3.2 创新培训形式和内容 54-55 参考文献 55-59 致谢 59-60 附录? 四川省农民工返乡创业调查问卷 60-63 附录? 攻读学位期间的科研成果 63
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