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英语应用能力训练教程(公共类)英语应用能力训练教程(公共类) Module 1 Air Travel Scene 1 Booking Airline-Tickets Task Imagine you are planning to take a trip outside of the country. What information would you need to know about the flight, and what questions would you need to ask? Work in small gro...

英语应用能力训练教程(公共类) Module 1 Air Travel Scene 1 Booking Airline-Tickets Task Imagine you are planning to take a trip outside of the country. What information would you need to know about the flight, and what questions would you need to ask? Work in small groups to come up with different scenarios you could expect when booking an airline ticket. Make a dialogue from your scenario. Cultural Tips 什么时间预订机票比较合适, 预订越早越好。因为乘客所希望预订的航空公司的国际航班机位是有限的,预订越早越有利于乘客订到座位。 预订以后,什么时间付款买票, 航空公司一般把乘客的预订 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 保留到起飞前7天以前。航班起飞前7天以内,航空公司不为任何乘客预订保留座位,航空公司要把余下的座位买给其他的乘客。 航空公司的票价等级是如何划分的, 航空公司票价一般分为头等舱(first class)、公务舱(business class)和经济舱(economy class)三种等级。 什么是机票的再确认手续, 按照国际航空惯例,对于往返和联程机票,如果在某地停留时间超过72小时,无论是否已订妥后续航班机位,客人均需要提前至少72小时在该地办理后续航班的机位再确认手续。一般方法是:打电话给航空公司告知是否按时乘坐后面航班继续旅行。否则,航空公司有权取消机位。 什么是国际机票的机场税, 国际机票的机场税是国外机场收取的税费,要求旅客在购票时一起付清。具体的税项及金额打印在机票上作为凭据。是否要交机场税以及机场税的多少是由乘客所去国家和城市决定的。国际机票的机场建设费(Airport Construction Fee)和机场税(Airport Tax)不是一回事,由乘客在机场交纳.旅客最好在询价时问明报价是否含机场税并要求 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面确认 1 报价。 什么是正价票与特价票, 正价票(Full-price tickets)是指旅客购买的是航空公司正常票价,允许进行签转和更 改,一年有效。此类价格高于特价票。特价票(Special tickets)是指旅客购买的是航空公司特 殊优惠票价,不允许签转,有很多限制条件,有效期各异,但较便宜。 什么是“OK”机票和“OPEN”机票? 购买机票和预订座位是两个相互紧密相关,但又不可等同的概念。也就是说,旅客买机 票和买火车汽车票不一样,买了票,自然也就等于买了座位。所以购买机票后,还必须预 订座位。凡是确定好座位的机票,都被称为―OK‖票。旅客持有确定好座位的机票,即可按 上边的日期和航班号登机启程。 ―OPEN‖机票是相对―OK‖机票而言的。凡是机票上的没有确定起飞具体时间,即没有预 订妥座位的有效机票,都被称为―OPEN‖机票。也就是说,购买机票而未预计座位,是不能 登机的。只有既购买了机票,又确定妥座位才能登机。对于初次出国人员来说,搞清―OK‖ 机票和―OPEN‖机票的区别,是十分必要的。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Traveler B=Clerk A: I want to fly to Beijing on Wednesday. B: Let me see what’s available. A: Can you get me an evening flight? B: There is a flight leaving at half past eight. A: That’s fine. What time do I have to be at the airport? B: The check-in time is at six. Dialogue 2 A=Clerk B=Traveler A: Good afternoon, China Airlines, Domestic Reservations. Can I help you? 2 B: Yes, I’d like to make a reservation to Beijing for tomorrow. A: We have flights to Beijing every two hours from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., so you don’t need a reservation. Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. B: Oh, that’s very convenient. Dialogue 3 A=Traveler B=Clerk A: I’d like to book a ticket to Shanghai. B: When would you like to fly? A: As soon as possible. Do you have a flight tomorrow? B: I will check, please hold on. I’m sorry we’re all booked for tomorrow. Can I book rdyou a ticket for the 3 of September? A: That will be OK. B: How many people are there in your party? A: Just me this time. B: Will you be flying first class, business, or economy? A: Economy class will be fine. B: Round trip or one way? A: I would like to book a one way ticket. B: How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? A: I would like to pay by check. B: I am sorry, we do not accept checks. A: I’ll pay by credit card then. B: Great. What name shall I put the reservation under? A: Lucy Green. B: You’re all set, Ms Green. A: Thanks a lot. B: It’s my pleasure. Dialogue 4 A=Clerk B=Traveler 3 A: Hello! This is Air China Booking Office. B: Hello! I’d like to confirm my flight reservation. A: May I know your flight number, please? thB: It’s flight CA169, which leaves Beijing at 8:00 a.m. on January 20. A: Oh, yes. That’s our regular flight to Nanchang. Your name, please. B: My name is Wang Li. A: Yes, here you are. You’re flying in economy class. Is that right? B: Oh, no. I’m sure I made a reservation for a first-class ticket. A: Let me check. Now, your ticket is in order. Thank you for calling to reconfirm. B: I’m glad I called to check, I don’t want to lose it. A: Quite right. If you don’t confirm, the reservation will be cancelled 72 hours before the departure time. In order not to miss your flight, I think you should pick up your ticket as early as possible. B: Ok. I will. New Words and Phrases airline [,,,,,,,] n. 航空公司;航线 available [,,,,,,,,,] a. 可利用的;通用的 book [,,,] n.& vt. 书, 书籍;预定 confirm [,,,,,,,,] vt. 证实, 肯定;批准 departure [,,,,,,,,,]n. 离开, 出发, 起程 domestic [,,,,,,,,,] a. 本国的;家庭的 economy [,,,,,,,,] n. 经济;节约, 节省 flight [,,,,,] n. 航班;飞行 reservation [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 预定, 预订 regular [,,,,,,,,] a. 规则的;整齐的 Useful Expressions Traveler 1. Are there any direct flights from Beijing to Paris? 从北京到纽约有直达的航班吗, 4 2. I prefer to travel by the quickest route. 我想坐最快路线的航班。 3. Are there any flights available tonight? 今晚还有哪趟航班有座, 4. Can you tell me whether the Flight No.316 from Toronto will arrive on time? 我想问一下从多伦多飞来的316航班是否会准点到达, 5. We have a flight going there every day. Which day would you prefer? 每天都有去往那里的航班。你想乘坐哪一天的航班, 6. I’d like to make a reservation going to Paris on June the 19th. 我想预订6月19日飞往巴黎的飞机票。 7. Is there a non-stop flight to Beijing on Saturday? 星期六有直飞北京的班机吗, 8. What’s the flight number and departure time? 航班号和出发时间是多少, 9. Could you reserve a seat for me? 你能为我预定一个机位吗, 10. When will the next flight to Shanghai leave? 下一个去上海的航班什么时候发, 11. How much is the ticket? 票价是多少, 12. I want to know the luggage allowance. 我想了解一下行李的重量限制是多少。 13. I’d like to confirm my plane reservation. 我想确认一下我的航班预订情况。 14. Is it possible to change my booking to the day after tomorrow? 能不能将我的订票改到后天, 15. How many days in advance can I book an air ticket? 我可以提前多少天预订飞机票, 16. Is it possible to have a stopover at Changsha? 中途可以在长沙停留吗, 17. What is the departure time of the morning flight? 上午的航班几点起飞, 5 Booking Agent/ Travel Agent 1. Sorry, we have only first class left. 很抱歉,我们只剩下头等舱的票了。 2. We are all sold out for tomorrow. 我们刚刚售完明天的票。 3. You are all set. 您的一切都办妥了。 4. Your seat is confirmed. 您的座位已确认过了。 5. I have confirmed your flight. 我已为您确认了航班。 6. Sorry, it’s fully booked. Would you like me to put you on the waiting list? 抱歉,都订满了。要不要将您列入候补名单, 7. Aisle or window seat? 过道边上的座位还是靠窗的座位, 8. I’ll have the ticket sent to you. 我会让人把机票给您送过去。 9. There are still seats available. 仍有空位。 10. You don’t need a reservation. 您不必预订机票。 11. Which would you prefer,first class or economy? 你想要头等舱还是经济舱, Scene 2 Check-in Procedures Task One of the first things you will need to do when you arrive at the airport is to check your luggage for your flight. Think about the different people you will need to converse with at the airport. Discuss what you might say to them and what questions they might ask you. In a group, create several different dialogs you would have with 6 these individuals. Cultural Tips 至机场办理登机时间 国际航班一般须提前2,3小时达到机场办理登机手续,航班起飞前1小时或30分钟停止办理。(具体每个航空公司办理登机截止时间各有所不同,详情可致电相关航空公司确认。) 办登机手续的过程 1.换登机牌。找到相应柜台,将机票、身份证交给机场值机人员。如果你有大件行李, 就在这里托运,要注意托运的行李不要夹带违禁物品。之后,值机人员会将机票的旅客联、 登机牌、行李票,身份证退回给你。 2.过安检。到安检通道,通道口有个安检柜台,你将机票的旅客联、登机牌、身份证 交给安检员,安检员审核没问题会在登机牌上面盖章。然后过安检门,随身带的物品要从 安检门旁的X光安检机过去,你自己要从安检门通过。安检没问题就进候机厅。 3.候机。通过安检后,看看你登机牌上面会标明你的航班在哪个登机口登机,找到与 登机口对应的候机厅,在那里等后广播通知登机。 航空公司的免费托运行李规定的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 美国、加拿大航线:可免费托运两件行李和允许随身携带一件手提行李。托运行李每 件重量不超过32公斤,每件最大三边之和不超过158CM。 其它所有航线:可免费托运一件 行李和允许随身携带一件手提行李,托运行李的重量为经济舱20公斤,公务舱30公斤,头 等舱40公斤。随身携带一件手提行李最大重量一般为5公斤,最大三边之和113CM(不分航 线)。托运及携带行李重量各航空公司可能有例外情况,详情向相关航空公司查询。 登机手续办完后,你的身份证和机票,行李申报小票,还有登机牌会一并返还给你。 然后你就到离境口等待广播你的航班。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Traveler B=Officer 7 A: Excuse me, miss. I’m a transit passenger for Flight No.207. Can you tell me where to go? B: Let me see. Your plane leaves from gate 12.You should go to Gate12 to board your plane. A: Where’s Gate 12? B: Take the escalator over there and turn left, you’ll see the sign. A: Thank you very much. Dialogue 2 A=Officer B=Traveler A: Good morning. May I see your ticket and passport, please, B: Here you are. A: Thanks. Please put your baggage here. I’ll check it through. B: No problem. A: How many pieces of luggage do you have? B: Only one. A: Please put your luggage on this scale. B: Ok. Is the flight on schedule? A: There will be a 10-minute delay, so your flight will be boarding in about an hour. Dialogue 3 A=Officer B=Traveler A: Can I help you? B: Is this where I pay the airport tax? A: Yes, sir. How many? B: I’m sorry, but I’ve never done this before. How many what? A: How many people are you paying the tax for? B: My wife and I. It’s just the two of us. A: 100 yuan each, 200 yuan for the both of you. B: Oh, OK. Here’s 200 yuan. A: Here are your receipts. 8 B: Thanks. What do I do now? A: Just give these receipts to the lady at the door to immigration. Don’t worry. She’ll ask for them from you. B: Oh, it’s a bit confusing. A: We are all the same the first time we travel overseas. You guys have a nice trip. B: Thanks a lot. New Words and Phrases board [,,,,] v. 上(船、车等) confusing [,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 混淆的, 混乱的 delay [,,,,,,] vt. 推迟;耽搁;延误 escalator [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 电动扶梯 immigration [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 luggage [,,,,,,,] n. 行李;皮箱, 皮包 passenger [,,,,,,,,,] n. 乘客, 旅客, 过路人 receipt [,,,,,,,] n. 收条, 收据 schedule [,,,,,,,,,] n.& v. 时间表, 计划表, 议事日程;预定, 制…表, 安排 tax [,,,,] n. 税, 税款 transit [,,,,,,,,] n. 经过, 通行 Useful Expressions Check-in Clerk 1. May I have your ticket and passport, please? 请出示您的机票和护照。 2. Here is your ticket and passport, and here is your boarding pass and baggage checks. 这是您的机票和护照,这是您的登机牌和行李牌。 3. Please show your passport at the counter. 请到柜台出示您的护照。 4. Carry on baggage does not need to be weighed. 手提行李不用过磅。 5. Please go upstairs and proceed through the security check and immigration. 9 请上楼通过安全检查并办理出境手续。 6. I have to check your bag before you go on board. 在您登机前我得检查一下您的包。 7. Your luggage checks are attached to the ticket cover. 您的行李牌贴在机票的背面了。 8. Do you have any baggage to check in? 您有行李要托运吗, 9. Please put your two pieces of baggage on the conveyer belt one by one. 请您把两件行李一件一件地放在传送带上。 10. These are your baggage checks. 这些是您的行李提单。 11. Please put the baggage on the scale. 请把行李放在磅秤上。 12. Your luggage is all checked in. The other bags may be carried on the plane with you. 您行李的托运手续已经办妥,其余的东西可以随身携带。 13. Boarding is delayed. 登机推迟了。 Traveler 1. Tell me the gate number, please. 请告诉我登机口号码。 2. Where is Gate 2? 2号登机口在哪里, 3. When will the flight begin boarding? 航班什么时候开始登机, 4. How much carry on luggage am I allowed? 我可以带多少件手提行李, 5. Is this the line for the flight to Shenzhen at 3:15 pm.? 下午3点15分飞往深圳的航班是在这排队吗, 6. Where should I go after checking in? 办完登机手续后我应往哪里走, 7. Which way is the security check counter? 哪个是安全检查的柜台, 10 8. Could you show me how to fill in the declaration? 您可以告诉我怎样填写申报表吗, 9. Could you tell me how to fill in this form? 请告诉我如何填写这张表格, 10. Here is my ticket. 这是我的机票。 11. I have a bag to check in. 我有件行李要办托运手续。 12. Where is the check-in counter? 托运行李的柜台在哪, 13. What should I do with my checked luggage? 我应该怎样处理我已托运的行李, 14. I’ll take them out as carry-on baggage. 我要把他们拿出来作为手提行李。 Scene 3 Getting Aboard a Flight Task Flying for the first time is always a nervous yet exciting experience. What do you do when you enter the plane? Where do you sit? What do you do if you get sick while flying? While we hope for the best, one should always be prepared for any situation. Work with a partner and come up with questions you might have when you’re on the plane, then take turns acting out different scenarios using those questions. Cultural Tips 登机 听到登机广播后,你就到登机口将登机牌交服务人员,服务人员从登机牌撕下一部分, 其他部分交回给你,你持登机牌上飞机。 找机上位置 登机牌上标明有你的位置,如:5D、11C,数字代表第几排,每排的座位是按A、B、C、 11 D、E、F。飞机上的座位号标在放行李的舱壁(座位上方)。找到你的位置坐下,扣上安全带,起飞前关掉手机。 餐饮 在飞行时,航空公司有免费饮料派发,长航线如在进餐时间,会有免费餐食供应,短航线就派点心。 到达目的 飞机到达目的站后,如果你有托运行李,记得去取行李,在出口的通道上会有取行李的地方。 如何拥有舒适的乘机旅行? 1. 穿几层宽松,舒适的衣服,以方便根据气温的变化增减衣物。飞机上冷气通常开得很大, 所以应比你预想的再多带点衣物。 2. 带齐所有飞行中你会用到的东西,包括书,杂志,立体声耳机等,把它们放在一个小包 里。 3. 在飞机起飞和着陆时咀嚼口香糖,可避免海拔高度的变化引起耳部不适。 4. 在飞机起飞前后和飞行过程中应做些肢体伸展运动防止肌肉痉挛。在通道来回走走,扭 扭脖子,转动肩膀和腰部。 5. 避免吃咸味花生之类的咸味食物,因为那会使你口渴,可吃些水果。飞行时喝水量应为 你平时摄入量的两倍。 6. 在面部和双手擦些滋润霜,以避免空气循环引起的干燥。坐在座位上时,把双脚抬高些,并转动脚踝,以保持血液循环畅通。 7. 飞机起飞前吃些便餐,饭菜宜清淡。 8. 如有需要,飞机起飞前半小时到一小时可吃一片晕机药。 9. 飞行中应避免饮用含酒精的饮料,酒精会导致时差综合症和脱水现象。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Flight attendant B=Passenger A: Good morning. Welcome aboard. B: Thank you. Could you direct me to my seat? 12 A: Sure. May I see your boarding pass, please? B: Yes, here it is. A: It’s 6-J. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin on the left. This way, please. Here we are. The window seat, sir. B: Thank you very much. A: You are welcome. Dialogue 2 A= Passenger B= Flight attendant A: Excuse me. Do you think we’ll have a smooth flight? B: Yes, I think so. The weather is very mild today. There’s nothing to worry about. Do you feel alright? A: Yes, I’m OK. Thank you. B: If you want to relax, you can push the seat back into a reclining position by pressing the button on the armrest. I’ll serve you something to drink in a few minutes. (After a while) B: Would you like coffee, tea, coke, or ice water, sir? A: Do you have any juice? B: Yes, orange, pineapple, and tomato, sir. A: A glass of orange juice, please. B: OK. Here you are. A: Thank you very much. Dialogue 3 A= Passenger B= Flight attendant A: Excuse me, Miss. I’m feeling a little queasy. I think I’m going to vomit. Can I bother you for some ice water, please? B: Sure, sir. But can I suggest a cup of warm water instead? I think it may help settle your stomach. A: Please. 13 B: You can find an airsick bag in the seat pocket in front of you. A: Thank you very much for your kindness. B: You are welcome. I’ll be back with the warm water in a minute. Dialogue 4 A= Passenger B= Flight attendant A: Excuse me, Miss. I want to listen to the music. Could you show me how to adjust it? B: Certainly. There are several kinds of music. What would you like to listen to? A: I like listening to classical music. B: OK, here it is. Can you hear it? A: Yes. Which channel is for opera? B: The last one clockwise. A: Oh, I have got it. New Words and Phrases adjust [,,,,,,,] vt. 调整,调节;校正 cabin [,,,,,,] n. 船舱,机舱 clockwise [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 顺时针方向转的 recline [,,,,,,,,] vt. 使斜靠 queasy [,,,,,,,] adj. 恶心的,欲吐的 vomit [,,,,,,] v. 呕吐 Useful Expressions Traveler 1. Will you show me to my seat, please? 请带我到我的座位好吗, 2. May I change my seat please? 我可以换座位吗, 3. Excuse me, but where is seat 33A? 14 请问座位33A在哪里, 4. Can you show me where my seat is? 您能告诉我的座位在哪里吗, 5. Show me to my seat, please. 请带我到我的座位。 6. Is this my seat? 这是我的位子吗? 7. May I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗, 8. Would you mind trading seats with me? 您介意和我换一下座位吗, 9. I prefer a window seat. 我比较喜欢靠窗口的座位。 10. I wonder if I could change my seat to the front. 不知道我能不能把座位换到前面。 11. May I leave my baggage there? 我的行李可以放在那里吗, 12. How do you adjust this seat? 这座椅怎么调整, 13. Do you have anything to read? 有什么可供阅读的, 14. Can you explain how to fasten the seat belt? 能告诉我如何系安全带吗, 15. Please show me how to turn on the light. 请教我如何开灯, 16. Are the drinks free? 我要付饮料费么, 17. Can you warm the milk for me? 请您把牛奶给我热一热好吗, 18. Please wake me up for dinner. 请吃饭的时候叫醒我。 19. I don’t feel well. 我觉得不舒服。 15 20. I fell like vomiting. 我想吐。 21. Excuse me. I think I’m getting a little airsick. May I have some medicine? 打扰了,我想我有点晕机。我可以吃点药吗, 22. Can you bring me an airsickness bag? 请你给我一个晕机袋好吗, 23. Do you have any medicine for airsickness? 你们有没有晕机药, 24. I’ve got a slight headache and my stomach feels a little funny. Can I get seat near the restrooms. 我头有点痛,肚子也不舒服,所以我想坐靠近厕所的座位。 Flight Attendant 1. Please remember there is no smoking on this flight. 请记住在飞机上是禁止吸烟的。 2. Please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. 请坐在座位上系好安你的安全带。 3. You can just press the button on your armrest. 您只需按一下扶手上的按钮。 4. If you need me, please push the red call button here above your head. 如果您需要我,请按您头顶上的红色呼唤按钮。 5. All carry-on luggage must be placed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment. 所有随身携带的行李必须放在您前面的座位底下或您头顶上方的分隔间里。 Scene 4 Meeting Someone at the Airport Task A great way to practice your English is to volunteer as a local tour guide. Imagine you are a volunteer tour guide and that you are meeting a group of travelers from the United States. What would you do? How would you greet them? Partner up with another student and take turns playing the role of the tour guide while your partner pretends to be a visitor from the United States. 16 Cultural Tips 迎接客人 迎接客人要记住以下几件事:穿着要得体,提前到达机场,在机场海关外的大厅里, 你要等待客人的到来,热情地欢迎他们,整理好客人的托运行李,然后清点客人数目,并 护送他们到旅游大巴上。在车上,你要向大家介绍自己和司机,并告知他们要前往入住的 酒店,并适当地为客介绍沿途的景色及著名景点和有特色的建筑等。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Tour Guide B=Mr. Smith A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Los Angeles? B: Yes, I’m John Smith. A: How do you do, Mr. Smith. I’m your tour guide from China Youth Travel Service. My name is Zhang Yang. Just call me Xiao Zhang. B: How do you do, Xiao Zhang. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Beijing. B: Thank you. A: How was your trip? B: Pretty good, but I feel a bit tired after the long flight. A: Yes, you must be. You need a good rest first. We’ll directly go to the hotel, alright? B: Alright. A: Have you got your luggage? B: Yes, everything is OK. A: Very good. Our car is waiting over there. Let’s go. May I help you with your luggage? B: No, thanks. I can manage it by myself. A: This way, please. 17 Dialogue 2 A=Tour Guide B=Mr. Brown A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Brown, the holiday package group leader? B: Yes, I am. A: I’m a guide from the China Youth Travel Service. My name is Zhang Yang. I have come here to meet you. Welcome to China. B: Thank you very much. A: Can I have the luggage check first? B: Of course. Here you are. There are 20 pieces altogether. A: Good. I’ll see to it that they go to our hotel as soon as possible. Could you tell me whether everyone in the group is here? B: Let me check. Yes, they’re all here. A: That’s great. Shall we go now,The bus is waiting outside. B: Sure. You go ahead and we will follow you. New Words and Phrases guide [,,,,] n.& v. 导游者;给……导游 manage [,,,,,,,] vt. 管理;设法;对付 package [,,,,,,,] n. 包裹, 包, 捆 see to it that 务必 travel service 旅行社 Useful Expressions Tour Guide 1. Excuse me, but are you Mr. Brown from Los Angeles? 对不起,请问您是从洛杉机来的布朗先生吗, 2. I’m your tour guide from China Youth Travel Service. My name is Zhang Jun. Just call me Xiao Zhang. 我是中国青年旅行社的导游。我叫张军,就称呼我小张吧。 3. May I help you with your luggage? 18 要我帮你拿行李吗, 4. How was your trip? 旅途怎么样, 5. The luggage claim area is over there. 行李认领处在那边。 6. Could you tell me whether everyone in the group is here? 本团所有的人都到齐了吗, 7. Hope you will have a good stay here. 希望您在这儿过的愉快。 8. Would you come this way, please? 请这边走,好吗, 9. I think you should have a rest. 我想诸位一定得休息一下了。 10. I’d like to give you a brief introduction to this ancient city while on the way. 在这段行程期间,我会简短地介绍一下这座古老的城市。 11. Is this your first trip to Beijing? 这是你第一次来北京旅游吗, 12. I’ll see to it that they get to our hotel as soon as possible. 我要确保他们尽快到底酒店。 13. May I introduce our driver to you? 我给大家介绍一下我们的司机好吗, Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. In ten days. B. The other day. C. At ten. D. At once. 2. A. What a good idea! B. No, please don’t. C. Here you are. D. Take it. 3. A. Yes, please. B. A great idea. C. A good idea. D. Either will do. 4. A. Pretty good. B. No problem. C. I have no idea. D. Sounds great. 5. A. It is my honor. B. No, thanks. C. Not at all. D. No, I would not. 6. A. Yes, I’m Peter Brown. B. Yes, I’m not. 19 C. I don’t know. D. I’m from England. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices. 1. Miss Green and Mr. Zhang ______. A. are old friends B. meet each other for the first time C. are strangers D. don’t know each other 2. The woman is just back from________. A. work B. a trip C. her class D. a cinema 3. They are going to_________. A. catch a train B. catch a plane C. miss a train D. miss a plane 4. The man is probably a _______. A. customs official B. professor C. doctor D. manager 5. The plane will arrive at_______. A.6:10 a.m. B.10:06a.m. C.6:10 p.m. D.10:06 p.m. 6. The two speakers will meet_______. A. at the airport B. at the hotel C. on the plane D. at the man’s office III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Where is Mr. Schmidts going on business? ___________________________________________ 2. Which gate is his plane leaving from? ___________________________________________ 3. When is his plane leaving? ___________________________________________ 4. After he gets his ticket, what does he do? ___________________________________________ 5. What does he carry with him onto the plane? ______________________________________ Speaking I. A Role-play for Booking Tickets Sample Conversation: I Need a Ticket to Osaka. A= Airline Ticketing Agent B=Traveler 20 A: Welcome to Nippon Airlines. How may I help you? B: I need a ticket to Osaka, Japan. A: We have three flights to Osaka weekly: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The flights on Monday and Friday are direct and the one on Wednesday has a stopover in Tokyo. When were you planning on flying to Osaka? B: I would prefer Wednesday. A: Will this be round trip or one way? B: Round trip returning the following Monday. A: Will you be flying first class, business, or economy? B: Business, please. A: And will anyone be traveling with you? B: No. I’m traveling alone. A: OK, please give me a minute while I check price and availability. Good! There are still several seats available. The flight departs at 11:20 AM and arrives in Osaka at 6:40 PM local time. The price is $877.00. Shall I book it for you? B: Not yet. I have a few more places to check and then I’ll get back to you. Ticketing Agent Activity Sheet You are a ticketing agent for an airline. Potential customers will see you about purchasing tickets. Find out what kind of tickets they want and give them the information that they ask for. Economy/ Roundtrip/ City Travel Date Business/ Companions One Way st1 Class Roundtrip Osaka Wednesday Returning following business none Monday 21 Traveler Activity Sheet You are a traveler who needs a ticket. You will receive a role card from your teacher. Try to find the airline with a ticket that best suits your role. Airline Flight Days Direct/ Departure Arrival Price Stopover Time Time Monday Direct Nippon 11:20 AM 6:40 PM $877.00 Wednesday Stopover Friday Direct Traveler Role Cards You are a businessman/businesswoman. You are a student. You are flying to your You have an important business meeting in home in Osaka for the holidays. You are Osaka Japan next Thursday. You need a broke so you need the cheapest ticket you roundtrip ticket to Osaka Japan before can find. You would prefer to fly on Monday Thursday. You are traveling alone and you or Tuesday, but price is the most important would prefer a business class ticket since thing. You would like to return in your boss is paying for the ticket. You September. would like to return the following Monday. 22 You are a rich tourist. You are traveling to Your sister is getting married in Incheon, Osaka, Japan on vacation with your three South Korea next Wednesday. You need to kids. You would like to go next Friday. arrive in Incheon before Wednesday. You Money is no object so you want a first class would like a return economy ticket. You are ticket without any stopovers. You would traveling with your brother and his wife. like to return the following Monday. You would like to stay for about a week and then return on the following Wednesday. You are a movie star. You are filming a You are moving to Incheon, South Korea movie in Incheon, South Korea. You need with your family (wife/husband and 2 kids). to be in Incheon next Monday. You don’t You need one-way tickets. Moving is know when the filming will be completed expensive so you had better go economy so ask for a one-way ticket. Of course, you class. You would like to fly next Thursday or want to travel first class. Friday. II. A Role-play for Getting Through Customs Sample Conversation A=Customs and Immigration Officer B= a traveler A: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please? B: Sure. Here it is. A: Where are you coming from? B: I'm coming from Seoul, Korea. A: What is the purpose of your visit? B: I'm here on business. A: How long are you planning to stay? B: I'll be staying for three weeks. A: Where will you be staying? 23 B: I’ll be staying at a hotel. A: Have you ever been to Canada before? B: No, this is my first time. A: Do you have anything to declare? B: No, nothing. A: Enjoy your stay. B: Thank you. Airport Role-play: Customs Sheet Role-play: You are a customs and immigration officer at an airport. When students try to enter your country find out this information. Last Intended Anything First Purpose Location Name Nationality Country Length of to Declare Time of Visit of Stay Visited Stay (Y/N) (Y/N) Airport Role-play: Traveler Sheet Airport Role-play: You are going to be a traveler going through customs. Visit as many countries as you can and write down which countries you visited. A: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please? B: Sure. Here it is. A: Where are you coming from? B: I’m coming from Seoul, Korea. A: What is the purpose of your visit? B: I’m here on business. 24 visiting relatives. here as an exchange student. here as a tourist. A: How long are you planning to stay? B: I’ll be staying for three weeks. for 1 month. until tomorrow. until next Tuesday. A: Where will you be staying? B: I’ll be staying at a hotel. at my aunt’s house. at a dormitory. A: Have you ever been to Canada before? B: No, this is my first time. A: Do you have anything to declare? B: No, nothing. A: Enjoy your stay. B: Thank you. Countries Visited: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 25 Role Plays: Character Prompts and Passports You are a German tourist. Passport Name: You have just come from Brazil. You Nationality: Germany want to stay for 3 weeks. You are just sight seeing. You are staying at a hotel. Expiry Date: 1994 Number: 213456 You are visiting your uncle who lives in Passport Name: this country. You will be staying for the Nationality: France summer vacation (2 months). You will be staying at your uncle’s house. Expiry Date: 2007 Number:AB35242 You are an exchange student. You will Passport Name: be studying at a language school. You Nationality: Sweden will be staying for 6 months. You will be staying in a dormitory. Expiry Date: 2008 Number: XY23838 You are on a business trip. You are Passport Name: selling wine. You will be staying for 2 Nationality: Chile week. You will be staying at a hotel. Expiry Date: 2010 Number: GHG4234 26 You are a Brazilian soccer player. Passport Name: You are coming to play a soccer Nationality: Brazil game. You will stay for 3 days at a hotel. Expiry Date: 2009 Number: 213456 You are traveling on business. You Passport Name: are selling baby clothes. You will be Nationality: Canada staying there until next Wednesday at a hotel. Expiry Date: 2007 Number:AB35242 You are going to study at the Passport Name: university. You are a graduate student Nationality: Australia doing an MA in history. You will be studying there for 2 years. You will Expiry Date: 2008 be staying in a dormitory. Number: XY23838 You are visiting your brother. You Passport Name: thwill be staying until July 20 at your Nationality: Russia brother’s house. Expiry Date: 2010 Number: GHG4234 27 Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Seats are ________ on a first come, first served basis. A. reliable B. preferable C. acceptable D. available 2. I’d like to ________my flight reservation. A. firm B. confirm C. reform D. confront 3. In order not to miss your flight, I think you should________ your ticket as early as possible. A. take up B. shake up C. speak up D. pick up 4. Excuse me, miss. I’m a transit ________for Flight No.207. A. passenger B. visitor C. customer D. guest 5. You should go to Gate12 to ________your plane. A. aboard B. abroad C. boarding D. board 6. Is the flight on________? A. stage B. shore C. schedule D. scheme 7. Could you________ me to my seat? A. direct B. detect C. select D. connect 8. Could you show me how to________ it? A. recline B. transit C. adopt D. adjust 9. Which ________is for opera? A. tunnel B. camel C. colonel D. channel 10. There are 20 pieces ________. A. together B. gather C. altogether D. all together 11. I’d like to make a ________to Beijing for tomorrow. A. departure B. reservation C. advance D. allowance 12. ________the escalator and turn left. You’ll see the sign. A. Transit B. Delay C. Take D. Sit 13. If you want to relax, you can push the seat back into a ________position by pressing the button in the armrest. A. reclining B. vomiting C. confusing D. waiting II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 28 1. first class A. 机场税 2. airport tax B. 公务舱 3. boarding pass C. 航班号 4. airsickness bags D. 用信用卡付账 5. business class E. 头等舱 6. by credit card F. 用现金付账 7. economy class G. 直达的航班 8. flight number H. 登机牌 9. in cash I. 晕机袋 10. direct flights J. 经济舱 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b, and c. 1. I’d like to make a reservation to Beijing for tomorrow, please. a. I’d like to make a reservation on May 1st. b. 我想预订一张后天也就是7月27日去杭州的机票。 c. 我想为布莱克先生订一张从伦敦到北京的飞机票。 2. One way trip or round trip? a. Smoking or non-smoking section? b. 您想要头等舱还是经济舱, c. 过道边上的座位还是靠窗的座位, 3. May I see your ticket and your passport, please, a. May I see your passport and papers, please? b. 请出示您的登机牌。 c. 请出示您的护照,入境登记表和报关单。 4. Could you direct me to my seat? a. Could you tell where my seat is, b. 请带我到我的座位好吗, c. 这是我的座位吗, 5. How many pieces of luggage do you have? a. How many pieces of luggage can I carry onto the plane? 29 b. 您有行李要托运吗, c. 我可以携带多少件手提行李呢, 6. Could you tell me whether everyone of the group is here? a. Could you tell me where I should board the plane? b. 您可以告诉我今天有几趟航班到上海吗, c. 您可以告诉我哪一次航班推迟飞行了吗, Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable expressions You are flying to New York from Beijing on a business trip. You are consulting a travel agency about the flight ticket. Travel Agent: Good morning. (1)__________ You: (2)__________ Travel Agent: Just a minute, please. I’m sorry, but the flights are fully booked on that day. thThe next available flight is on May 20. They have two flights, at 8:00 am and 7:40 pm. Both flights have seats available. You: All right. (3)__________ Can I book a seat on it, please, Travel Agent: Sure.(4)__________ You: Susan Zhang. Travel Agent: Would you fly first class, business class or economy? You: (5)__________ Travel Agent: Single or return fare? You: (6)__________ Travel Agent: How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? You: (7)__________ Travel Agent: I’m sorry. We do not accept checks. You: I will pay in cash then. Travel Agent: I have confirmed your ticket. Here is the ticket and the receipt. Have a nice trip. You: (8)__________ Reading 30 Passage 1 Read the passage and complete the outline below it in not more than three words. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard Dragon air Airlines Flight 121 Hong Kong to Paris. Our flight will take about three hours. We will be flying at an altitude of 3473 meters and the average speed is 903 kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft and communication systems, mobile phones, toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the over-head bin or under the seat in front of you. This is a non-smoking flight; please do not smoke on board. The chief purser Adam Smith with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! This announcement is broadcast before the plane is to (1)___________. The flight is from (2)___________ to (3)____________ . Passengers are allowed to use laptop computers except when the plane is to take off and (4)___________ . Throughout the flight, (5)___________and the use of electronic devices are not permitted. New Words and Phrases altitude [,,,,,,,,,,] n. (尤指海拔)高度 average [,,,,,,,,] adj. 平均的 chief [,,,,,] n. 首席的, 主任的 communication 通讯 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. crew [,,,,] n. (全体)乘务员 device [,,,,,,,] n. 装置,设备,器械 31 electronic [,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 电子的 ensure [,,,,,,] v. 确保 normal [,,,,,,,] adj. 正常的 operation [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 运转,操作 purser [,,,,,,] n. (轮船,班机等的)事务长 securely [,,,,,,,,,] adv. 安全地 stow [,,,,] v. (仔细而紧密地)装进 Passage 2 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). TRAVELLING BY PLANE IN THE UNITED STATES In the United States, it is not necessary to pay when making travel reservation. Travel agents can tell you the cheapest way to travel. Their advice and services are free. When you book an airline ticket, you should make certain of the dates, times, destinations, and the spelling of your name. When you get your boarding pass, check: Are you in a smoking or non-smoking section? A window or an aisle seat? In case you are bumped from a flight for which you have a reserved ticket, and you were at the airport for check-in before closing time, the airlines must pay you money unless they can get you a seat by bargaining with another passenger. If you have a confirmed reservation, and arrive at the airport on time, and you are bumped, you can ask for a written explanation of your rights. This will explain the procedure for obtaining the money. At the airport, you should make certain that you have a baggage tag on each piece of luggage. Make certain you have a receipt for each piece of the luggage you check. You should have tags inside and outside of each baggage. You have to pay extra money for overweight baggage. After inspection, the baggage will be sent on to its final destination. Security checks are common at airports. These usually consist of walking through a metal detector, and having your hand luggage examined. You may have to show your tickets and boarding pass, and you may have to remove metal objects from your pockets. When entering the country, one has to pass through Immigration or Passport Control,where you have to have your passport stamped and hand in your completed Arrival/Departure Card. You will use it when you leave the country. 32 After the passport control, you should go and pick up your luggage, if you have any, from the baggage carousel. Then you go through customs where you can choose one of the three channels to pass through: the red channel, for people who have something to declare; the green channel, for people who have nothing to declare; and the black one for diplomats. If you have something to declare, you should clearly specify the things on the Customs Declaration form. You have to hold on to this form until you leave the country, or you will have to pay the import duty for these dutiable articles. Only declare and pay the import duty for those goods you will not bring out of the country when you leave. If you don’t declare these goods and you caught, you will be fined for smuggling. At your final destination, you’d better examine your baggage for damage. If your baggage has been damaged, you can go immediately to the airline agent and demand the expense of repair. In this case you will have to fill out a form. And be specific when describing the damage. If the airline should lose your baggage, report the loss to the airline agent. The agent will be responsible for your loss. Don’t worry about you baggage if it is heavy and you can’t manage it. Porters are available at many airports. These people will carry your bags for you, though not free of charge. ( ) 1. It is free when making travel reservation in USA. ( ) 2. You don’t need to pay extra money for overweight baggage. ( ) 3. Security checks are only for criminals. ( ) 4. When entering America, you have to hand in your Arrival/Departure Card. ( ) 5. You can choose any channels to go through Customs. ( ) 6. You need to pay the import duty for those goods you will bring out of the country when you leave. ( ) 7. If your baggage has been damaged ,the airline agent will automatically pay for it. ( ) 8. The airline agent will be responsible for your missing baggage. ( ) 9. Porters will help to carry heavy bags free of charge. ( ) 10.If your reservation is bumped, you have right to get remedy. New Words and Phrases bargain [,,,,,,,] n. 交易;议价,成交 bump [,,,,] vt. 从职位上排挤出来 33 carousel [,,,,,,,,,] n. 喧闹的酒会;(机场的)行李传送带 channel [,,,,,,] n. 海峡,渠道,频道 control [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 控制,克制 custom [,,,,,,,] n. 海关,关税 declaration 宣布,宣言,申诉 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. destination 目的地,终点,目标 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. diplomat [,,,,,,,,,] n. 外交官,有外交手腕的人 dutiable [,,,,,,,,,,] 应纳关税的,有税的 adj. duty [,,,,,,,] n. 职责,责任,税 entry [,,,,,,] n. 登录,入口,处登记;进入 exit [,,,,,,] n.& vi. 出口,退场,退出 import [,,,,,,,] vt.& n. 输入,进口 inspection [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 检查,审查,检阅 smuggle [,,,,,,] vt. 偷运,私运,走私 stamp [,,,,,] n.&vt. 印,邮票,图章; 盖章于 34 35 Module 2 Directions Scene 1 Asking for Directions in Buildings Task Make a list of the different types of rooms in a building. If this is the first time you have entered this particular building, how would you find your way around? Who would you ask? Work in small groups and ask for directions to different rooms in the building and have your teammates give you directions to those locations. Cultural Tips 问路的礼仪 身处异国他乡,问路是免不了的事情。向别人问路时,要热情、有礼貌,并根据对方 的年龄、性别、身份做适当称呼。在讲英语的国家,人们对于外国人很乐于提供帮助,在 一般情况下,你总能得到热情、满意的回答。而对于问路者来说,问路前,首先应停下脚 步等待对方走近,或缓步走向对方,表情不要显得过于紧张,切忌疾步向对方走去,以免 引起对方的怀疑和反感。再者,问路前别忘了说:―Excuse me((劳您驾。)‖,一方面引起 对方的注意,同时又显得彬彬有礼。第三要注意说话的语速宜慢不宜快,语言要清晰可辩, 以免对方误解。第四,对方讲话时应认真耐心地聆听。如果没听懂,想让对方重复一遍, 可以说:―I beg your pardon((对不起,请再说一遍)。‖ 或 ―Would you please say it again, I'm afraid I don't quite catch you((请您再说一遍,我恐怕没听懂)。‖ 第五,问路时应与对 方保持一定的距离,尤其在对方是女士时。说话时尽量不要打手势,即使有必要,动作也 不宜过大。最后,当对方告知应走的路先后,要表示感谢。如果对方不能回答,也要表示 感谢。在对方给你指路后要礼貌地表示感谢:―Thank you very much.‖ 即使对方回答―不知 道‖,没能给你满意的答复,也应回应一声:―Thank you all the same.‖(尽管如此,还是要 感谢你)。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues 36 Dialogue 1 A=Visitor B=Clerk A: Hello, Miss. Could you please tell me how I can get to the Sales Division? B: Take the lift to the third floor or just walk up the stairs. A: When I walk out of the lift on the third floor, where do I go? B: Just go along the corridor in the middle of the hall and turn left at the guest room. Then go straight ahead. It is right in front of you. A: So, walk along the corridor and turn left, then go straight ahead. B: It’ll be the room in front of you. A: Thanks for your help. B: You are welcome. Dialogue 2 A=Receptionist B=Visitor A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? B: Good morning, Could you tell me where I can see the personnel manager, please? A: He is in his office, sir. B: Where is his office, then? A: Just go along the corridor, turn left at the corner. B: Is that the manager’s room? A: No, it is the reception room. B: Where exactly is the manager’s room? A: Turn right at the reception room, the manager’s office is the second door on your right, near the Exit Sign. B: So, go along the corridor and turn left, then turn right, and it’s the second door on my right. A: That’s correct. You can’t miss it. B: Thank you. New Words and Phrases 37 corridor [,,,,,,,,] n. 走廊,通道 division [,,,,,,,,] n. 部分,部门,科,处 exit [,,,,,,] n. 出口,退场,离去;太平门 lift [,,,,] n. 电梯 personnel [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 人事(部门) straight [,,,,,,] ad. 笔直地,对直地 turn [,,,,] n. 转动,转身;轮到,顺次 upstairs [,,,,,,,,,] ad. 在楼上,向楼上,处于更高地位 go straight ahead 直走 reception room 接待室,会客室 take the lift 乘电梯 turn left 向左转,向左拐弯 turn right 向右转 Useful Expressions Receptionist 1. It’s the room in front of you. 就是你前面的那个房间。 2. Go along the corridor and turn left at the corner. 沿走廊向前走,在拐角处向左转。 3. It’s the second door on the left. 就在你左侧的第二个门。 4. You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。 5. First turn left at the corner and then turn right at the fountain. 先在拐角处向左转,然后在饮水器处向右转。 6. Just go along the corridor and turn left at the guest room. 沿着走廊走,在会客室处向左转。 7. In the middle of the hall, take the lift to the third floor. 在大厅中间乘电梯到三楼。 38 8. When you walk out of the lift to third floor, go straight ahead. 你从三楼电梯出来后,再一直往前走。 Visitor 1. Could you tell me where Mr. Black’s office is? 请问布莱克先生的办公室在哪里, 2. Excuse me, I’m looking for the Manager’s Room. 对不起,我要找经理办公室。 3. Which floor is the Finance Department on? 请问财务部在几层, 4. Which lift/elevator should I take, please? 请问我该乘哪个电梯, 5. When I walk out of the lift on the third floor, where do I go? 从三楼出电梯后,再怎么走, Scene 2 Asking for Directions in a City or the Countryside Task It’s easy to get lost in an unfamiliar city, not to mention an unfamiliar county. Luckily the locals are almost always willing to help you if you need directions. Imagine you’re visiting another city and you don’t know where anything is. What places would you like to go to? How do you get there? Work with other students to come up with conversations you could have with the local people. Cultural Tips 问路的技巧 在国外,人生地不熟,要去陌生的地方办事或观光旅游,到达目的地的方式,除了乘 坐昂贵的计程车外,最好的办法就是问路了。用英语问路,是必须掌握的一种技能。 只有 掌握了这种在国外生活必备的技能,才能使自己的工作和生活顺利。为了避免迷路给我们 造成很多不必要的麻烦。我们应该事先做些准备,例如: 1. 出门时带好一张写有地址的卡片,最好再带贴有照片的证件。 39 2. 迷路时问路对象是警察,只要告诉他:"I'm a stranger here and I'm afraid I've lost my way." 他一定会乐于帮助你的。 3. 在各地车站、加油站通常都有地图供应,带一份在身上对于你的出行十分有帮助。 4. 打电话找警察帮助: 美国:911 加拿大:911 韩国:1330 澳大利亚:000 泰国:1155 印尼:510110 新加坡:995 西班牙:112 印度:102 德国:110 法国:17 俄罗斯:02 英国:999 埃及:3906028 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Traveler B=Local person A: Excuse me. How can I get to Fifth Avenue, please? B: Go straight ahead until you come to a stop sign. That’s the second turning on your right. The stop sign is on the corner. Turn right at the stop sign and go along for a few minutes, then take the next left turning. Fifth Avenue is straight ahead, directly in front of you. A: Let me see if I’ve got this. That’s the second right and next left turning. How long is it going to take me to get there? B: About fifteen minutes. A: Are there any buses going there? B: Yes, but you've got to change lines. First you take the No.5 bus and it will take you to the railway station. A: Where should I change the bus? B: At the railway station, you change to the No.15 bus, which will take you right to Fifth Avenue. 40 A: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. B: Don’t mention it. Dialogue 2 A= Traveler B= Policeman A: Excuse me, officer. Can you help me? B: Sure. A: Where’s the International Hotel? B: Well, the International Hotel is that way. Look at this map. You are on Avenue des Champs-Élysées. A: Yes, how can I get to the hotel? B: You should stay on this street, walk two blocks and take the second turning on the right at the traffic lights, then you’ll see a park. The hotel is across from there, on the right. A: Ah, sorry, it’s all too complicated for me. B: In that case, you can take a taxi from the opposite side of the street. A: That’s a good idea. Thanks. B: You’re welcome. Dialogue 3 A= Traveler B=Stranger C= Policeman A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? B: Sorry, I’m new here. You might try asking the policeman over there. A: Thanks. (After a while) A: Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest subway station? C: Of course. Go straight ahead along Changdao Road. Take the second turn on your right. Then you will see a big stadium on the left. The station is just next to it. A: Is it far from here? C: No, not really. It’s just a ten-minute walk. A: That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much. 41 New Words and Phrases complicated [,,,,,,,,,,,,] 复杂的;难懂的 adj. opposite [,,,,,,,] adj. 对面的 repeat [,,,,,,,] v. 重复 stadium [,,,,,,,,,] n. 体育场, 运动场;球场 be complicated for 对……来说太难了 change lines 换车 in that case 既然那样 the stop sign 站牌 the traffic lights 交通灯 underground station= subway station 地铁站 Useful Expressions Asking for the Direction 1. Excuse me. Where is the bookstore? 请问书店在哪, 2. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital? 你能告诉我怎样到最近的医院吗, 3. Excuse me. How can I get to No. 4 Middle School? 你能告诉我怎样到第四中学吗, 4. Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park? 请问哪辆汽车到世界公园, 5. Excuse me. Which bus should I take to the post office? 请问我应该乘哪辆车到邮局, 6. Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China? 请问哪条路到中国银行, 7. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the station, please? 请你告诉我去车站的路好吗, 42 8. Excuse me. Where does this street lead to? 请问这条路通向哪里, 9. Excuse me. Does this road lead to the zoo, please? 请问这条路通向公园吗, 10. Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Red Rose Hotel? / 请问走这条路去红玫瑰宾馆对吗 , 11. Excuse me. Am I going in the right direction to the police station? 请问去警察局走这个方向对吗, Showing the Way 1. It’s over there. 就在那边。 2. It’s between the cinema and the fruit shop. 它在电影院和水果店之间。 3. It’s (in / on / to the) south / north / west / east of the park. 它在公园的南/北/西/东面。 4. It’s about 400 meters from here. 从这儿走大约400米远。 5. It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. 从这儿走大约五分钟远。 6. Go down / along this street until you see the tall red building. You can’t miss it. 沿着这条街你就会看到那个红色的建筑物。你不会迷路的。 7. Turn (right / left) at the (first / second) (crossing / turning / corner). 在第一个(第二个)十字路(转弯处)向右(左转)。 8. You can take the Bus No. 103. / You’d better take a taxi. 你可以乘103路汽车/你最好乘出租。 9. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here, too. 对不起,我不知道。我对这里也不熟悉。 10. It’s next to the department. 它就在百货商店的隔壁。 11. It’s in front of / behind / on the left (right) side of the library. 它在图书馆的前面/后面/左面/右面。 43 Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. Yes, I do. B. It’s on the first floor. C. No, thank you. D. Oh, very good. 2. A. That’s right. B. No, I’m afraid not. C. You are welcome. D. It’s the room in front of you. 3. A. Take the lift there to the fifth floor. B. Yes, you may. C. Why not? D. Sure, I will. 4. A. Go straight forward and turn right at the crossroads. B. Then, you’ll arrive after five minutes' walk. C. I don’t know. D. I don’t like to tell you. 5. A. It’s opposite there. B. Not far, about one kilometer. C. You can ask the policeman. D. I am the stranger. 6. A. You can’t miss it. B. you’ll find the place by yourself. C. Go down this road, and then turn left at the first crossing. You’ll find it. D. you’ll arrive after five minutes’ walk. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices. 1. A. On the first floor. B. On the fifth floor. C. On the third floor. D. On the fourth floor. 2. A. Vegetables. B. Drinks. C. Frozen foods. D. Fruit. 3. A. She often visits the department. B. She can’t go to the department. C. She has no idea where the department is. D. She wants to go the department with the man. 4. A. To the musician’s. B. To the museum. C. To the minister’s. D. To the middle school. 5. A. It’ll take him fifty minutes. B. It’ll take him five minutes. C. It’ll take him fifteen minutes. D. It’ll take him five or fifteen minutes. 6. A. Yes. It is far. B. No. It is not far. 44 C. No. It is not farther. D. Yes. It is farther. III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. How many storeys are there in the house? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is the fireplace, __________________________________________________________________ 3. How many doors are there in the big room? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Where does the stairs lead up to? __________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the main topic of the passage? __________________________________________________________________ Speaking I. A Role-play for Giving Directions to a Restaurant Conversation: Going Out to Dinner (Amanda calls Jeff on the phone to ask him out for dinner.) A=Jeff B=Amanda A: Hello. B: Hi, Jeff. It’s Amanda. A: Hi, Amanda. What’s up? B: Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go for a bite? get something to eat have dinner with me A: Sure. What did you have in mind? B: I’m in the mood for Italian. feel like I’m craving A: I wouldn’t mind Italian. could go for I know a really good place downtown. 45 B: What’s it called? A: Mario’s. Their pasta is the best . to die for. unbelievable B: Where’s it located? A: It’s on Oak Street next to the hospital. on 1st Avenue next to the department store. on the corner of Pine and Second. B: Oak Street next to the hospital. I think I know where that’s at. A: What time do you want to meet? B: Why don’t we meet at 6 o’clock? A: Six o’clock it is then. See you there. Partner A Sheet Partner A: Other students will call you up and ask you to go for dinner. Use the restaurant guide to suggest a restaurant to them. Type of Name Expression Used (Underline it) Restaurant go for a bite Amanda Italian get something to eat have dinner with me go for a bite get something to eat have dinner with me 46 go for a bite get something to eat have dinner with me Expressions for ‘I want’: in the mood for feel like could go for wouldn’t mind Expressions for Giving directions: It’s on Oak Street next to the hospital It’s on 3rd Avenue across from the park It’s on the corner of 2nd and Pine. between the post office and the law courts 47 Use this map to give directions to your partner. ―It’s on Oak Street next to the hospital.‖ Partner B Sheet Partner B: Call up other students and ask them to go for a bite. The other students will recommend restaurants. Record the information and mark the restaurants on your map. Restaurant Name Reason Recommended Best pasta in town Jeff Mario’s Pasta Use the following choices for choosing a restaurant and cross them out once you’ve used them: Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Greek, Seafood, Mexican, Korean, Indian. Expressions for saying ‘I want’: I’m in the mood for I feel like I wouldn’t mind I could go for 48 Expressions for Giving directions: It’s on Oak Street next to the hospital It’s on 3rd Avenue across from the park It’s on the corner of 2nd and Pine. between the post office and the law courts Your partner will you give you directions to mark on your map. “It’s on Oak Street next to the hospital.” Restaurant guide 49 Your guide to the best restaurants in the downtown area! Advertise in this restaurant guide contact: Map of Downtown Mark the locations of the restaurants that your partner recommends on the map: 50 II. A Role-play for Giving Directions by Subway or Bus ndConversation: Take the Green Line to 22 St. A= Receiver B=Caller A: Hello. 51 B: Hi, Sally. It’s Harry. A: Harry! What a surprise. It’s been a long time! What have you been up to? B: Keeping busy. Listen. I’m in town this afternoon. I’ve got some shopping to do and I was wondering if you’d like to join me and possibly go for a movie. A: I’d love to. What do you need to buy? B: Well, I’ve got a job interview coming up so I need to buy a suit. A: In that case, you should check out Weinnermans. They are having a grand opening sale. All items in stock are 50% off. B: Sounds good. The only problem is I don’t know how to get there. A: Well, where are you now? B: I’m at Edmund Station. A: Take the Blue Line to Oak Station and then transfer to the Green Line. Get off at Buchon and go out exit number 4. You can’t miss it. B: You said exit number 4, right? A: That’s right. Shall we say 1 o’clock? B: One o’clock sounds good. See you there. *Fill in the table with the underlined information Caller Activity Sheet You will be given a role card. Call up an old friend and invite them to go shopping. Your friend will give you some directions to get there. Friend’s Recommended Directions Sale Name Store/Why Take Transfer Get Off Exit Sally Weinnermans/ 50% off Blue line Green Buchon Number Grand Opening Sale all items to Oak Station Line Station 4 52 Receiver Activity Sheet You will be given a role card. An old friend will call you up and invite you to go shopping. Recommend a department store and give your friend directions to get there. Invitation: Friend’s What Friend Friend’s Shopping Reason Name Needs to Buy Location and ? Harry See a movie Suit Job interview Edmund Station coming up. Caller Role Cards (Subway Role-play) You are in town today because you have to do You are in town today because you have to some shopping. You have a wedding to go to do some shopping. You have a job so you need to buy a suit. Call up your old interview coming up and you need to buy a friends and ask them to come shopping and suit. Call up your old friends and ask them maybe see a movie with you. You are at North to come shopping and maybe go for a cup Terminal Station. of coffee together. You are at Airport Station. 53 You are in town today because you have to do You are in town today because you have to some shopping. You are entering a marathon do some shopping. You have joined a next month so you need to buy some running soccer team so you need to buy some shoes. Call up your old friends and ask them soccer cleats (shoes). Call up your old to come shopping and maybe go for dinner friends and ask them to come shopping and together. You are at University Station. maybe have a beer together. You are at Grand Park. You are in town today because you have to do You are in town today because you have to some shopping. You are going camping next do some shopping. You are going hiking week and you need some T-shirts and shorts. this weekend and you need some new Call up your old friends and ask them to come hiking boots. shopping and maybe go to the art gallery with Call up your old friends and ask them to you. You are at Edmund Station. come shopping and maybe go dancing with you. You are at South Terminal Station. You are in town today because you have to do You are in town today because you have to some shopping. You are going on vacation do some shopping. You are going on a next week and you need a new swimsuit. business trip next week and you need some Call up your old friends and ask them to come dress shoes. shopping and maybe go to the amusement Call up your old friends and ask them to go park together. You are at Ocean Park. shopping and maybe go to the flea market. You are at Waterfront Station. Receiver Role Cards: Sales Flyers 54 55 Location: Take exit 8 at Scott Station. 56 Public Transportation Map 57 Vocabualry I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Could you please tell me how I can get to the Sales________? A. Revision B. Decision C. Division D. Divine 2. Good morning, Could you tell me where I can see the ________ manager, please? A. person B. personal C. physical D. personnel 3. Take the ________ to the third floor or just walk up the stairs. A. left B. lift C. lest D. light 4. It’ll be the room ________you. A. front B. in the front of C. in front of D. frontal 5. That’s correct. You can’t ________it. A. find B. take C. make D. miss 4. Walk along the ________ and turn left at the guest room, then go straight ahead. A. exit B. lift C. course D. corridor 5. Could you please tell me ________get to the railway station? A. how can I B. how I can C. how could I D. how I could 6. Ah, sorry. It’s all too ________for me. A. owe B. pickled C. domestic D. complicated 7. You can change ________ the No.8 bus. A. in B. about C. off D. to 8. You are ________ London avenue. A. in B. on C. above D. beneath 9. The project was too complicated ________ him. A. with B. on C. up D. for 10. You have finished, haven't you? ________, you may have a rest. A. in that case B. in case C. in the case D. in this case 11. I ________ her________ her seat. A. met...off B. called...into C. showed...to D. gave...out 12. No, not really. It’s just ________. A. ten minutes a walk B. a ten minutes walk C. ten-minute a walk D. a ten-minute walk II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts 58 in the right column. 1. go straight ahead A. 接待室,会客室 2. take the lift B. 向左转,向左拐弯 3. turn right C. 直走 4. turn left D. 乘电梯 5. reception room E. 向右转 6. in that case F. 交通灯 7. stop sign G. 照直走 8. traffic lights H. 既然那样 9. underground station I. 地铁站 10. straight ahead J. 挨着,紧邻 11. next to K. 站牌 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b and c. 1. Could you tell me where I can see the Sales manager, please? a. Could you tell me where the clothes counters are? b. 请问财务部在哪里, c. 请问洗手间在哪里, 2. It is in front of you. a. It is on your right/left. b. 就在你的正对面。 c. 就在销售部的隔壁。 3. Go along the corridor. a. Go along the lobby. b. 顺着大厅中间的走廊走。 c. 顺着大厅走,向右拐,然后再向左拐。 4. Can you tell me the way to the Railway Station, a. Can you tell me the way to / Would you please tell me the way to Supermarket, b. 你能指给我去耶鲁大学的路吗, 59 c. 你知道去白宫的路吗, 5. Turn right at the third crossing, then go along the street. a. Turn left at the first crossing, then go down the street. b. 在第四个十字路口向右拐,然后一直走。 c. 在交通灯处向左拐,然后向对面走。 6. It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. a. The office is a ten-minute walk from here. b. 从这里驾车到机场有两个小时的路程。 c. 从这里到镇上骑自行车(乘公共汽车)要花四十分钟。 Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable phrases or sentences. Dialogue 1 (You are at the reception desk of a hotel and want to call on your friend, Mr. Hudson.) Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can I help you? You: Yes,(1)_________________? Receptionist: Certainly. It’s on the eighth floor, Room 807. You: (2)_________________________? Receptionist: Certainly. Take the lift in the middle of the hall to third floor. You: (3)______________________________? Receptionist: Just go along the corridor there and turn right at the first turning, then go straight ahead. You: Walk along the corridor and turn right at the first right turning, then go straight head. Receptionist: That’s right.(4)________________________. You: (5)_____________________. Receptionist: You are welcome. Dialogue 2 Mr. Brown: Excuse me, sir. I'm new here. (1)________ the Hyde Park, Stranger: I'm sorry I don't know. I'm a stranger here, too. You'd better ask the 60 policeman over there. Mr. Brown: OK. Thank you all the same. Mr. Brown: Excuse me, sir. Policeman: Yes, Mr. Brown: Could you tell me (2)_______the Hyde Park,I don't know the way. Policeman: Certainly. (3) ________ the street for about 200 meters, and (4) _______ on the left. Then walk on. (5)_______on your right. You can't miss it. Mr. Brown: Thank you very much. Policeman: (6) ________. Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and choose the one out of the four choices that can complete the following statements according to the passage. I'II Take a Taxi Last week Bill went to New York. It was his first time there, and he didn’t know his way around the city. He had a meeting at ten o’clock and he wanted to be there on time. The meeting was in the Peterson Building on 34th Street, but Bill didn’t know where that was. So he asked two men standing on a Corner. ―Would you please tell me how to get to the Peterson Building on 34th Street?‖ he asked. ―Sure,‖ answered one of the men. ―You can get there in five minutes. Go to the next corner and then turn left and there you are.‖ But the other man said, ―There’s a better here. Get on the bus here. It stops near the Peters Building.‖ ―Not Peters,‖ Bill told him. ―Peterson.‖ thThen the first man said, ―Oh, that’s on East 34th Street, not West 34. It’s quite a distance from here. You’ll have to go there by train.’’ But the second man told Bill, ―No,no, do not go by train. Take the bus at the next corner. It goes to the Peterkin Building.’’ ―Peterson. Not Peterkin.‖ Bill looked at his watch. It was nine thirty. ―Thanks a lot,’’ he said, ―I think I’ll take a taxi.‖ 1. Bill went to New York________. A. to see his friend B. to attend a meeting 61 C. to talk with the two men D. to ask for directions 2. Bill didn’t know the way to the Peterson Building. So he asked the two men______. A. in a comer B. at a corner C. standing on 34th Street D. walking with him 3. The first man told him to go there______. A. on foot B. by taxi C. by bus D. by train 4. At last the first man said it’s ______from there. A. not far B. near C. some distance D. not a long way 5. The meeting was in the A. Peters Building B. Peterkin Building C. Peterson Building D. Pearson Building 6. Finally,Bill______. A. went there by train B. took a taxi C. went there on foot D. took a bus Passage 2 Read the passage and choose the one out of the four choices that can complete the following statements according to the passage. I never take a map with me when I travel. I prefer to ask for directions. Sometimes I lost my way, but I usually have a good time. I can learn a new language and meet new people. I find out about different ―styles‖ of giving directions every time I ask, ―How can I get to the post office?‖ Foreign tourists are often confused in Japan because most streets there don’t have name signs; in Japan, people use landmarks in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, ―Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is opposite the bus stop.‖ People in Los Angeles, the US, have no idea of distance on the map. They measure distance by time, not miles. ―How far away is the post office?‖ you ask. ―Oh,‖ they answer, ―It’s about five minutes from here.‖ You don’t understand completely, ―Yes, but how many miles away is it, please?‖ To this question you won’t get an answer, because most probably they don’t know it themselves. People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions because tourists seldom understand the Greek language. Instead, a Greek will often say, ―Follow me.‖ Then he’ll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office. Sometimes a person doesn’t know the answer to your question. What happens in this situation? A New Yorker might say, ―Sorry, I have no idea.‖ But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one 62 replies ―I don’t know.‖ People there believe that ―I don’t‖ is impolite. They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. So a tourist can get lost very easily in Yucatan. However, one thing will help you everywhere in the world, and that’s body language. 1. An example of Japanese giving directions is ________. A. ―Go south two miles. Turn west and then go another mile.‖ B. ―Go straight ahead. Turn right at the hospital and go past a school. The post office is right in front of you.‖ C. ―The post office is about five minutes from here.‖ D. ―Sorry, I have no idea.‖ 2. People in Los Angeles don’t give directions in miles because ________. A. they use landmarks in their directions instead of distance B. they prefer to lead you to your destination C. more often than not they have no idea of distance measured by miles D. they prefer to use body language 3. Greeks give directions by ________. A. using street names B. using landmarks C. taking people all the way D. giving people a wrong direction 4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. People always give right directions. B. Travelers can learn about local customs by asking questions about directions. C. People in some places give directions in time. D. A person’s body language can help you understand directions. 5. Choose the main theme of the passage. A. Body language is the most important thing. B. Never carry a map when traveling. C. New Yorkers often say, ―I have no idea,‖ but people in Yucatan, Mexico, never say this. D. There are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world. New Words and Phrases confused [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 困惑的 63 impolite [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 无礼的, 粗鲁的 landmark [,,,,,,,,,] n. 地界标 reply [,,,,,,,] v. 答复 seldom [,,,,,,,] n. 很少, 不常 sign [,,,,] n. 标记, 符号 situation [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 情形 style [,,,,,] n. 风格, 式样 Greece [,,,,,] n. 希腊 Los Angeles [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 洛杉矶(美国城市) Mexico [,,,,,,,,,] n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) Yucatan (墨西哥)尤卡坦州 [,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,] n. 64 Module 3 Hotel Scene 1 Making a Reservation by Telephone Task Naturally you’ll need a place to rest your head when traveling and what better place to do that than at a hotel. It’s too much of a hassle to book a room in person so the best thing to do is to call the hotel. Work with a friend and practice making a reservation at a hotel. Cultural Tips 办理预订手续 在国外,游客住旅馆前最好提前预订房间,这样就不会发生住宿困难,这也是一个国际惯 例。客人可通过电话、传真、网络等媒体办理预订手续,预订时要把自己的姓名,性别, 国籍,护照号码,预订客房等级和数量等通知宾馆或旅店,并取得确认单。 酒店的分类 在英语中,除了hotels(宾馆)外,用来表示住宿的词还有motels /motor hotels(汽车旅 馆)、tavern(小酒店)、inns(旅店)、lodges(别墅)、house(公寓)、guesthouse(招待所)、 hostel(宿舍、青年旅馆)、ordinary(小旅店)、resorts(度假村)等。根据设施和服务质量 的等级酒店可以划分为:一星级酒店(one-star hotel)、二星级酒店(two-star hotel)、三星级酒 店(three-star hotel)、四星级酒店(four-star hotel)、五星级酒店(five-star hotel)。 英语中的床位 single beds(单人床)、twin beds(一对单人床)、double beds(双人床)、queen-size beds(大号床)、king-size beds(特大号床)。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues 65 Dialogue 1 A= Hotel B=Caller A: Lantian Hotel. Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to make a reservation. A: Certainly. Name, please. B: Lewis, David Lewis A: Right, Mr. Lewis, when would you like to stay? B: I’d like to reserve a double room for three nights starting on the 21st of April. A: Ok. April 21st, three nights, double. One second, please. Yes, we can do that for you. Is this a company booking or individual? B: Oh, it’s an individual. A: Have you stayed with us before? B: No. I haven’t. A: Would you like one of our executive rooms on the top floors? They have a wonderful view. B: Well, actually, no, I wouldn’t. My wife doesn’t really like using the lift and also she’s got a bad leg, so I was hoping we could have a room near the ground floor. A: OK. I’ll make a note of that and when you check in, the receptionist will have a room on the first floor for you. B: Thank you. A: Will you be paying with a credit card? B: Yes, I will. It’s a Visa. A: And what is the number? B: Hold on… It’s 4335 177 36095 A: So that’s 4335 177 36095. And your address? B: 14 St. John’s Road, London NW6. A: OK. Mr. Lewis, The room is reserved for you. Your reservation number is PS1462. We look forward to seeing you on the 21st B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome. Dialogue 2 66 A= Receptionist B=Assistant A: Cherry Hotel Reception. Can I help you? B: I’d like to book a room for Mr. Liu. Our executives usually stay at your hotel A: What day will you be staying with us? stthB: The 21 of May to the 29 of May. A: Would you like a single or double room? B: A single room with a bath, overlooking the park, if possible. A: Yes, there is a single room with a bath available. Room 501 and it overlooks the park. B: Can he use a conference room for a business meeting? A: Yes, there are conference rooms available. B: Thank you. Can you book a room for Mr. Liu for those dates, please? A: Certainly. I’ve made a note of that. And we look forward to seeing Mr. Liu. B: Thank you very much. Good-bye. A: Good-bye. Dialogue 3 A= Receptionist B=Mrs. Brown A: Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you? B: Yes. I’d like to book a room, please. A: Certainly. When for, Madam? B: March the 23rd. A: How long will you be staying? B: Three nights. A: What kind of room would you like, Madam? B: Er... double with a bath. I’d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake. A: Certainly, madam. I’ll just check what we have available… Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view. B: Fine. How much is it per night? A: Would you like breakfast? B: No, thanks. 67 A: It’s eighty four Euros per night excluding VAT. B: That’s fine. A: Who’s the booking for? B: Mr. and Mrs. Brown, that’s B-R-O-W-N. A: Okay, let me make sure I got that, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Double with a bath for rdMarch the 23, 24th and 25th. Is that correct? B: Yes it is. Thank you. A: Let me give you your confirmation number. It’s: 7576385. I’ll repeat that: 7576385.Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. New Words and Phrases appreciate [,,,,,,,,,,,] 感激 vt. available [,,,,,,,,, ]adj. 可用到的, 可利用的 charge [,,,,,,] n. 收费 exclude [,,,,,,,,,] v. 除去, 不把……包括在内 executive 执行者, 经理主管人员 [,,,,,,,,,,,]] n. individual 个人, 个体;个别的, 单独的, 个人的 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n& adj. overlook [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 俯瞰 splendid [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 极好的, 令人满意的 view [,,,,] n. 景色, 风景 executive room 行政标间 look forward to 期待;盼望 make a reservation 预订房间 the ground floor 第一层 VAT=Value Added Tax 增值税, 附加价值税 68 Useful Expressions Front Desk Receptionist 1. May I help you?/Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 我能为您服务吗, 2. What kind/type of room do you like/prefer? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites and Presidential suites. 请问你要订哪种房间,我们旅馆里有单人房、双人房、 套房、 豪华套房及总统套房。 3. How long do you intend to stay? / How long will you be staying? 你打算住多久, 4. When would you like to stay? / Which date would that be? / For what date? 您什么时间入住, 5. How many guests will there be in your party? 你们一行有多少人, 6. Service isn’t included in the room rate. 服务费不包括在房费里。 7. It’s eight four Euros per night excluding VAT. 每晚84欧元不包括增值税。 8. We do have a vacancy for those days. 那几天我们的确有一间空房。 9. We don’t have any single available. 我们没有任何空的单人房间。 10. We offer you a 15% discount for group reservation. 团体预订可以享受15%的优惠。 Guest 1. I’d like to book/reserve a room in your hotel. 我想在你们饭店订一个房间。 2. I want to reserve a single room with a shower. 我想预订一间有淋浴的单人房间。 3. I’d like a room with a view. 我想要一个风景较好的房间。 4. I’d prefer a quiet room. 我想要一个安静点的房间。 69 5. I’d like a room facing the sea/the mountains. / I’d like a room with a mountain/ocean view. 我喜欢朝向大海/群山的房间。 6. Could I book a double room with a bath? 我可以预订一间有盆浴的双人客房吗, 7. I’d like to make a reservation for a suite with both a shower and a bathtub. 我想预订一个既带淋浴又带盆浴的套房。 8. I’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。 9. Can you book me another hotel in the area? 可不可以在当地为我预订另一家旅馆呢, 10. I’d like to cancel my booking for a single room. 我想取消预订的单人房间。 Scene 2 Checking in at a Hotel Task You have just arrived at your destination, but first things first, you need to check into your hotel. What do you think the receptionist will say when you check in? What questions might they ask you and what information might you need to give them? What questions would you ask? Partner up with another student and take turns using dialogues for checking into a hotel. Cultural Tips 办理入住手续 旅馆接待处(或服务台)设在大厅内,负责办理住、退房,取、退钥匙,问讯,留言,保 管钥匙、物品,接收洗物,搬运行李,叫出租车等服务业务。各楼层有服务间,负责打扫 卫生、整理房间。 到达宾馆前台,出示预订的确认单后,服务人员则会交给旅客一份登记表。登记表的内 容和国内星级宾馆的表格 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 基本一致,主要包括旅客姓名,性别,护照号码,信用卡种类 及号码,拟住天数等。旅客按要求填写完毕后,要连同护照一起交回服务人员。服务人员 检查确认并安排好房间后,即将房间钥匙和护照交给旅客。旅客拿到钥匙后即可到房间入 70 住。如事先未办理客房预订手续,也可直接到自己认为适合入住的宾馆前台询问有否空余房间并办理登记入住手续。 进入房间后,行李员则随即将行李送到房间。旅客检查无差错后,应表示谢意并同时付给小费。宾馆客房内一般都有电话,电视,冰箱,小酒柜,保险箱等服务设施。客人进入房间后,一定要对如何使用这些设备做到熟练掌握,如电话如何收费,保险箱怎样开启和关闭,看有线电视是否收费等,一定要弄清楚后再使用,以免造成被动和尴尬。 在西方,有一项惯例,各家宾馆都不设第十三层,因为他们认为“十三”是个不吉利的数字。这就像中国人对数字“四”忌讳一样。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 Andrew Blackford is traveling in China. Now he arrives at a hotel. A= Receptionist B= Andrew A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like a room, please. A: Single or double? B: Single, please. A: For one night? B: No, two nights A: With a bath or with a shower? B: With a bath, please. How much is the room? A: $ 30 a night. B: Can I pay by credit card? A: Of course. Could you register here, please? B: Pardon? A: Could you fill in the form, please? B: Oh, yes. A: Your room number is 403. Have a good stay. B: Thank you. 71 Dialogue 2 A= Receptionist B= Mr. Smith A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to stay in your hotel. We’ve three people, my daughter, my wife and myself. A: Certainly, sir. Singles? Or a single and a double? B: Could I have one single and one double room, please? A: Certainly, The double room has twin beds. B: That’s fine. Are they with or without bathrooms? A: Both rooms have bathrooms, en suite. B: Good. I’ll take them A: Very good, sir. That’s one single room with a bath and one double room with a bath. Sign the register please, sir. Thank you. Here are your keys. I’ll call the porter for you. B: Thank you very much. Oh, may I use your telephone for a moment? A: Certainly, sir. It’s over there. Dialogue 3 A=Receptionist B=Juan A: Good afternoon. Can I help you? B: Yes. Do you have a reservation for Juan? A: Just a moment, please. I’ll check. Oh, yes, is that Mr. Eugene Juan? B: That’s right. Can I have a room with a view of the lake? A: Yes, you can. Any other special requests? B: Oh, yes. I’d like a wake-up call, please. A: And what time will that be? B: Seven o’clock in the morning. A: Gotcha! We ask a deposit of 600 yuan, Mr. Juan. B: In cash? Do you accept a Visa card for the deposit? A: Sure, that’ll do. 72 B: Good. Is breakfast included? A: Yes, it is. Breakfast is served from 6:30 to 9:00 a.m. The restaurant is upstairs, on the second floor. Here is the magnetic card to room 1026. Have a nice day. B: I will. Thanks. New Words and Phrases accommodate [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 向……提供住处(或膳宿) accommodation [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 住处, 膳宿 book [,,,] vt. 预订 en suite [en] [,,,,,] ]n. 带有卫生间的房间 gotcha [,,,,,,] int. (=I’ve got it!) (我)明白了! porter [ ,,,,,,] n. 行李搬运工 register [,,,,,,,,,] n. 登记, 注册 sign [,,,,] v. 签名(于), 署名(于), twin beds 两张单人床 Useful Expressions Front Desk Receptionist 1. What name is the reservation under? 请问,是用谁的名字预订的。 2. Do you have a reservation with us? 您有预订吗, 3. Let me look through our reservation list. 我来查一下预订单。 4. I'm afraid you can't check in until after 4:00 pm. 恐怕您直到在下午四点之后才可能登记。 5. Here’s your room card. 这是你的房卡。 6. Complimentary breakfast is served in the lobby between 8 and 10 am. 免费早餐在上午8点和上午10点之间在大厅供应。 7. I’ll give you two room keys. 我将给您二把房间钥匙。 73 8. The dining room is on the main floor at the end of the hall. 餐厅是在走廊的尽头,主层。 9. The weight room and sauna are on the top floor. 举重室和桑拿是在顶楼。 10. Just call the front desk if you need any extra towels or pillows. 如果您需要任何额外毛巾或枕头请叫服务台。 11. Have a good stay. / I wish you a pleasant stay with us. 希望您在我们这里住得愉快。 Guest 1. We have a reservation under Jill Brown. 吉尔布朗在我们预订了房间。 2. Do you have any vacancies? 你们这里还有空房间吗, 3. Can I have a card with the hotel's address? 是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片? 4. How do we get to our room from here? 我们怎么从这里到我们的房间, 5. May I deposit my valuable in your safe? 我可以把贵重物品存放再你们的保险箱吗, 6. What time is the pool open until? 泳池开放到什么时候, 7. What time is breakfast served at? 早餐在什么时候供应, 8. Is it too early to check in? 是否太早以至于不能登记, 9. Can we get a wake-up call? 我们可以得到一个叫醒服务吗, 10. When is check out time? 什么时间退房? Scene 3 Checking out of a Hotel 74 Task Role play you are checking out of a hotel. Did you have a pleasant stay, or was your room nothing like what you expected? What possible situations could happen as you are getting ready to leave the hotel? In a small group, act out what you think your conversation with the receptionist would be like if you had a wonderful time there. Next, imagine what you would say if your stay was less than perfect. Cultural Tips 结账离店 向服务台查明该宾馆退房结帐的时间。退房前,请检查自己所携带的行李物品,特别 注意您的证件和贵重财物。结帐时,如用支票支付,须提前通知收款处;如付现款,要问 清外币种类,兑换外币得付手续费。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Receptionist B= Mr. Smith A: Good morning, Can I help you? B: Good morning, I’d like to check out. A: All right. What’s your room number? B: Room 2310. A: You are Mr. Martin Smith, right? B: Yes, I’ve stayed here for 2 nights. A: Here is your bill, Mr. Smith. For two nights, at 90 dollars each night B: Can I pay by credit card? A: Sure. May I have your card, please? B: Here you are. 75 A: Thank you. Dialogue 2 A=Receptionist B=Customer A: Hi there. Are you checking out now? B: Yes, sorry. I know we’re a few minutes late. A: That’s no problem. It’s always really busy at check out time anyway. B: Oh, really. The last hotel we stayed in charged us for a late check out. A: The hotel isn’t booked this week, so it’s not a problem. How was everything? B: The room was great. The beds were really comfortable, and we weren’t expecting our own fridge. A: I’m glad you liked it. B: The kids were disappointed that the pool wasn’t open this morning, though. A: I apologize for that. We can’t get a cleaner in any earlier than 10 am. B: Well we had a nice swim last night anyhow. A: Will you be putting this on your credit card? B: No. I’ll pay cash. A: OK. So the total comes to $123.67, including tax. B: I thought it was $115 even. That’s what they said yesterday when we checked in. A: Yes, but there is an extra room charge on your bill. B: Oh, I forgot. My husband ordered a plate of nachos. Sorry. A: No problem. So...from $140, here’s your change. Now, I’ll just need to ask you for your room keys. Dialogue 3 A= Receptionist B=Daniel Adams A: Good morning. May I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to check out now. My name’s Adams, room 312. Here’s the key. A: One moment, please, sir. ... Here’s your bill. Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct? B: What’s the 14 pounds for? 76 A: That’s for the phone calls you made from your room. B: Can I pay with traveler’s checks? A: Certainly. May I have your passport, please? B: Here you are. A: Could you sign each check here for me? B: Sure. A: Here is your receipt and your change, sir. Thank you. B: Thank you. Goodbye. New Words and Phrases apologize [,,,,,,,,,,,] vi. 道歉 charge [,,,,,,] v. 收费 disappointed 失望的 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. fridge [,,,,,]] n. 电冰箱 nacho [,,,,,,,,] n. (墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片 Useful Expressions Front Desk Receptionist 1. Are you ready to check out? / Are you checking out now? 您(你)要退房吗, 2. Are you planning on checking out tomorrow? 您打算明天结账退宿吗, 3. What room were you staying in? / What’s your room number? 您(你)住哪个房间, 4. How was your stay? 您(你)住的怎么样, 5. Was everything satisfactory? 是否一切令人满意, 6. Will you be putting this on your card? 您(你)是用卡来付账吗, 7. And how will you be paying for this? 77 您(你)将怎样支付费用, 8. Will you be paying with credit card? 您用信用卡付款吗, 9. Would you like to speak to the hotel manager on duty? 您(你)要不要与当班的旅馆经理谈话, 10. I’ll just need your room keys, please. 请将您(你)的房间钥匙给我。 11. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. 祝您的假日过的愉快。 12. Have a safe trip home. 一路平安。 Guest 1. Sorry we’re a bit late checking-out. 抱歉,我们退房有点晚了。 2. I’m afraid we overslept. 恐怕我们睡过头了。 3. We’re checking out of room 401. 我们要退401房间。 4. I’d like to check out. My bill, please. 我要退房。请给我帐单。 5. Do you accept credit cards / traveler’s checks? 这里可使用信用卡(旅行支票)吗? 6. We really enjoyed our stay. 我们在这里呆的真愉快。 7. We have a few complaints. 我们有些不满。 8. We’ll be back next time we’re in town. 下次我们来城里的时候还会再来的。 9. Could you send a bellboy to pick up my baggage? 你能派一个服务生来提我的行李吗, 10. I found there’s an error in my bill. 我发现账单有误。 78 Practice Listening 1. Listen to the tape and choose the best answer to each question 1. A. I’d like to reserve. B. I’d like a room with a shower. C. I’d to send a letter. D. I’d to live here. 2. A. Ok. That is right. B. Certainly. You are right. C. I’m not sure. D. Certainly. What name, please? 3. A. I’d like to make a reservation, please. B. Thank you very much for your help. C. I’m sorry but there is a mistake in your bill D. It is very kind of you to say so. 4. A. It doesn’t matter. B.I will see what I can do about it. C. Take it easy. D.I don’t know how to do it at once. 5. A. Yes, I’ve stayed here for 2 nights. B. Can I pay by credit card? C. All right. What’s your room number? D. Thank you! Can I help you? II. Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. What kind of room does the guest need? A. A double room. B. A single room with a bath. C. A single room. D. A suite. 2. How long will the woman be staying? A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days. D. Five days. 3. When will the guest like to check in? th thA. On October 6. B. On October 4. th th C. On October 5. D. On October 15. 4. What is the guest doing? A. Checking out. B. Checking in. C. Filling in the form. D. Making a telephone call. 5. How much will the guest pay altogether? A. 90 dollars. B.180 dollars. C. 270 dollars. D. 45 dollars. 6. What does the man want to book? A. Two rooms with breakfast. B. A single room with breakfast. C. A double room with breakfast. D. A suite with breakfast. 79 7. How long will the guest stay in the hotel? A. Two nights. B. One night. C. Three nights. D. Four nights. 8. What does the man mean? A. He needs a new room. B. He needs a cheaper room. C. He likes the room. D. He dislikes the room. 9. How long will Mr. Baker stay? A. 3 days. B. 4 days. C.2 days. D. From Thursday to Friday. 10. What will happen? A. The woman will leave the room. B. The man will help the woman. C. The woman will follow the man home. D. The man won’t help the woman. III. Listen to a passage and choose the best answer. 1. What kind of hotel is the Hot Spring hotel? A. A four-star hotel. B. A three-star hotel. C. A five-star hotel. D. A two-star hotel. 2. Where is the hotel? A. It is far from the airport. B. It is near the center of the city. C. It is in the center of the city. D. It is far from the center of the city. 3. How many rooms does the hotel have? A. About three hundred rooms. B. Less than five hundred rooms. C. More than five hundred rooms. D. Less than four hundred rooms. 4. What kind of food is served at the hotel? A. Chinese food. B. Western food. C. Chinese and Western food. D. Russian food. 5. Why do many tourists like to stay there? A. Because the price there is very low. B. Because the service there is quite good. C. Because the hotel is very clean. D. Because the hotel is new. Speaking A Role-play for Entering a Hotel Sample Conversation A= Front Desk B= Traveler A: Welcome to the Wyatt Hotel. How may I help you? 80 B: I’d like a room please. A: Would you like a single or a double? B: I’d like a double, please. A: May I have your name? B: Timothy Findley. A: Could you spell that please? B: F-I-N-D-L-E-Y. A: How many are in your party? B: Just two. A: How many nights would you like to stay? B: Just tonight. A: How will you be paying? B: Is Visa OK? A: That’ll be fine. Would you like a wake-up call? B: Yes, I’d like a wake-up call at 6:30. Do you have a pool? A: Yes, we do. It’s on the 2nd floor. Here’s your key. That’s room 405 on the fourth floor. Front Desk Sheet Hotel Role-play You work at the front desk of a hotel. As guests come in Front Desk write down their information in the table below: Hint: Ask the following questions: (1) How may I help you? (2) Can I have your name please? (3) How do you spell that? (4) Would you like a single or a double? (5) How many people are you traveling with? (6) How many nights will you be staying? (7) How will you be paying? (8) Would you like a wake-up call? (9) Is there anything else you would like to know? 81 Room Number of Number of Wake-up Call Method of Name Size People Nights (Y/N) Payment Guest Sheet Hotel Role-play You are a traveler who would like a room at a hotel. Guest Go from hotel to hotel and book a room in each. Hint: You may use some of the following phrases and questions: (1) I’d like a room. (2) How much is a single room? (3) Is there a pool? (4) What floor is the _________ on? (5) Where is the restaurant located? (6) What time is checkout? (7) Do you accept VISA/Master card? Hotel Room Checkout Restaurant Pool Price Name Number Time Location Location Role-play Prompts: Hotel Guests 82 You are traveling alone. You would like a You are traveling alone. You would like a single room. You would like to pay with cash. single room. You would like to pay with You will be staying 2 nights. You would like a cash. You will be staying 1 night. You wake-up call for 7:00 A.M. would like a wake-up call for 7:30 A.M. You are traveling with your husband/wife. You are with your brother. You would like You would like a single room. You would a double room. You would like to pay with like to pay with credit card. You will be cash. You will be staying 2 nights. You staying 2 nights. You would like a wake-up would like a wake-up call for 6:00 A.M. call for 6:00 A.M. You are traveling with two friends. You You are traveling alone. You would like a would like a double room. You would like single room. You would like to pay with to pay with credit card. You will be staying credit card. You will be staying 4 nights. 1 night. You would like a wake-up call for You don’t want a wake-up call. 6:30 A.M. 83 You are traveling with your family You are alone. You would like a suite. You (3 kids and spouse). You would like a suite would like to pay with cash. You will be (or a double if there are no suites staying 1 night. You would like a wake-up available). You would like to pay with call for 7:00 A.M. credit card. You will be staying 2 nights. You don’t want a wake-up call Hotel Role-play Prompts Available Price Available Rooms Price Rooms Single $120.00 802, 1107, 1108 Single $120.00 203,204,206 Double $160.00 708, 710, 904 Double $165.00 604, 605, 708 Suite $220.00 1201 Suite $230.00 None ththPool 4 floor Pool 5 floor ndrdstrdRestaurants 21 floor 3 floor Restaurants floor 3 floor 10:00A.M. Checkout 11:00A.M. Checkout Yes Laundry Yes Laundry Service Service 84 Price Available Price Available Rooms Rooms Single $110.00 708, 710, 904 Single $95.00 604, 605, 708 Double $145.00 802, 1107, 1108 Double $125.00 203,204,206 Suite $190.00 1401 Suite $150.00 501 thndPool 4 floor Pool 2 floor ndrdstrdRestaurants 2 floor 3 floor Restaurants 1 floor 3 floor Checkout 10:30A.M. Checkout 10:00A.M. Laundry Yes Laundry Yes Service Service Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. I’d like to_____________ a double room for three nights starting on the 21st of April. A. reserve B. recite C. review D. serve 2. Is this a company booking or ________________? A. personal B. oneself C. individual. D. yourself 3. We look forward _________________ Mr. Liu. A. to see B. to seeing C. for seeing D. to be seeing 4. Will you _________________ a credit card? A. paying with B. pay for C. be paying for D. be paying with 5. Yes, there is a single room with a bath _______________. Room 501 and it overlooks the park. A. useful B. be available C. available D. use 6. Can he use a __________________ for a business meeting? A. bath room B. washroom C. bedroom D. conference room 7. I’d ________________ it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake. A. appreciate B. thank C. thank you D. appreciated 8. Breakfast __________________ from 6:30 to 9:00 a.m. The restaurant is upstairs, on the 85 second floor. A. served B. is served C. serve D. serves 9. Here is the __________________ to room 1026. Have a nice day. A. credit card B. ID card C. magnetic card D. key 10. Here is your ________________ and your change, sir. Thank you. A. receipt B. shopping list C. ID card D. credit card 11. The total __________________ $123.67, including tax. A. is to B. has to C. comes to D. used to 12. The last hotel we stayed in _______________ us for a late check out. A. charged B. priced C. asked D. changed II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 1. the hotel manager A. 旅行支票 2. Credit Cards B. 信用卡 3. Traveler’s Checks C. 旅馆经理 4.check out D. 登记 5. group reservation E. 退房 6. check in F. 保留所预订的房间 7.the front desk G. 取消预订的单人房间 8.reservation list H. 存放贵重物品 9. keep my reservation I. 服务台 10. cancel my booking for a single room J. 团体预订 11.deposit my valuable K.订一个房间 12. book/reserve a room L. 两张单人床 13. twin beds M. 预订单 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b and c. 1. I’d like to reserve a double room for three nights from the 21st April. a. I’d like to reserve a single room with a private bath for this weekend. 86 b. 我想为我的双亲预定一套豪华套间。 c. 我想为我的游客预订十套标准房间。 2. Can I pay with traveler’s checks? a. Can I pay for my room with Visa? b. 我可以用现金支付房费吗, c. 我可以用美元结算我的三天住宿费吗, 3. How much is the room? a. How much is the standard room for one night? b. 商务套间一晚多少钱, c. 单人房间一晚多少钱, 4. I’d like to check out. a. I’ve to check out now. I was in Room 212. b. 现在我可以结账吗, c. 我要退房了,退房时间是几点, st5. We look forward to seeing you on the 21. a. We are looking forward to your arrival. b. 我们期待能再有机会为您服务。 c. 我们期待着为您服务。 Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable phrases or sentences. Dialogue 1 Receptionist: Good morning, sir. (1) ______________? Mr. Smith: Yes, I’d like a room for myself. Receptionist: Certainly, sir. Single? Mr. Smith: (2)__________________________________? Receptionist: Certainly, The room has a bathroom and a shower. Mr. Smith: That’s fine. Receptionist: The room is on the fifth floor. Mr. Smith: (3)___________________________. 87 Receptionist: Very good, sir. That’s one single room with a bath. (4)____________________. Thank you. Here is your E-key. I’ll call the porter for you. Receptionist: Thank you very much. Oh, may I use your telephone for a moment? Receptionist: Certainly, sir. It’s over there. Dialogue 2 Receptionist: (1) __________________________? Mr. Smith: Good morning, I’d like to check out. Receptionist: (2) ___________________________________? Mr. Smith: Room3320. Receptionist: You are Mr. White, Jack White, right? Mr. Smith: Yes, I’ve stayed here for 2 nights. Receptionist: This is your bill, Mr. White. For three nights, at 100 dollars each night. Mr. Smith: (3) _____________________________________? Receptionist: Sure. May I have your card, please? Mr. Smith: (4) ________________________________. Receptionist: Thank you Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Hotels Today Hotels today are quite different from those of the past. People who stay in hotels are generally traveling for business, or they are touring or on vacation. So hotels are designed mainly to meet the need of one of these two groups of people. Hotels designed for business people are known as commercial or transient hotels. Hotels for people on vacation are called vacation or resort hotels. Transient hotels are usually located in the business section of town, while resort hotels may be at the seashore, on a mountain lake, or in the desert. 88 In addition to these two main types, there is a type of hotel, called a residential hotel. This is designed to meet the needs of people who want to live in hotel. Inns and hotels are located in nearly every population center in the world. In the United States alone there are about thirty thousand. Some hotels have as few as ten rooms others have several hundred. Among the largest hotels in world today are Conrad Hilton in Chicago, Illinois, and the Russia in Moscow, each with about three thousand rooms. In every hotel, travelers find small single rooms meant for the use of one person, larger double rooms for the use of two persons, and arrangements of two or more rooms called suite, which can be used by a group of people traveling together. Hotels range from the very luxurious, which charge high rates, to the small and inexpensive that fall within the price range of large numbers of travelers. The price for a suite of room in a luxury hotel may be $ 50 a day and up, while a double room in a moderate- price hotel may cost $8 or $ 10 a day and up. ( ) 1. Commercial hotels are usually located in the business center of town? ( ) 2. People stay in hotels for two purposes, business and vacation. ( ) 3. Double rooms in hotel are two adjacent rooms for two persons. ( ) 4. The room price in a hotel can be set according to the luxury and sort of the rooms. ( ) 5. There are some hotels, which even own more than a thousand rooms in the world. New Words and Phrases arrangement [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n.. 安排;整理 commercial [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 商业的;以获利为目的的 desert [,,,,,,,] n. 沙漠;荒漠;荒原 design [,,,,,,,] n. 设计 inn [,,] n (通常指乡村的)小旅馆,客栈 locate [,,,,,,,,]] v. 把……安置在(或建造于) luxurious [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 十分舒适的;奢侈的 moderate [,,,,,,,,] adj. 适度的;中等的; 合理的 rate [,,,,] n.. 速度;价格;费用 residential [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 适合居住的;住宅的 resort [,,,,,,,] n. 常去的休闲度假之处;名胜 seashore [,,,,,,,] n. 海岸;海滨 89 section [,,,,,,,] n. 部份;部门 suite [,,,,,] n. (尤指旅馆的)一套房间,套间 tour [,,,] n. 旅行 transient [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 暂住的;过往的;临时的 a luxury hotel 豪华宾馆 to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth 索要很高(适中)(很低)的价格 Passage 2 Read the passage and give brief answers to the five questions in not more than 3 words. Sunburst Hotel Location: On Waikiki Beach facing the ocean on one of the main beaches on the island of Oahu. Accommodation: A large complex including 32 houses, two 12-storey towers with 245 rooms and a 16-storey tower with 300 rooms. Room choices include one or two king or queen size beds or 2 double beds. Each room has a shower, hair-dryer, coffee maker, mini-fridge, in-room safe, phone, TV with pay movies and radio. Facilities: Two restaurants, three bars and four lounges provide excellent food, relaxation and entertainment 24 hours a day. There are also a tour desk, gift shops, laundry facilities and pay parking. Our room service is prompt and reasonable. Amusement: Two large swimming pools and a very large fitness centre with three full-time staff. Special features: Children under 16 stay free when sharing with an adult (one adult per child). More than one child per adult is half price. Coupon: All guests receive a coupon book upon check-in. It offers discounts on dining, shopping, entertainment and other activities. 1. Where is the hotel located on the island of Oahu? On_______________________. 2. How many rooms are there in the tower buildings? There are altogether _______________ rooms. 3. How is the room service in the hotel? ______________________________. 90 4. How much will you pay for your second child if you take two children along? ______________________________. 5. What’s the use of the coupon book? With the coupon book, guests can get _________ on dining, shopping, etc. in the hotel. New Words and Phrases accommodation [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 住处 amusement [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 娱乐 complex [,,,,,,,,,] n. 综合设施;综合建筑物 coupon [,,,,,,,] n. 优惠券 entertainment [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 娱乐 excellent [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 精良的, 极好的 facility [,,,,,,,,,] n. 设备 feature [,,,,,,,] n. 特征;特色 fitness [,,,,,,,] n. 健身 fridge [,,,,,] n. 电冰箱 laundry [,,,,,,,,] n. 洗衣房 lounge [,,,,,,] n. (饭店,旅馆等的)休息室, 会客厅 Oahu [,,,,,,,,] n. 瓦胡岛(美国夏威夷群岛中的重要 岛屿) prompt [,,,,,,] adj. 即时的, 马上的 reasonable [,,,,,,,,,] adj. (价钱)适度的;公道的 relaxation [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 消遣 safe [,,,,] n. 保险箱 storey [,,,,,,,] n. [建]层 Waikiki 怀基基海滩[美国夏威夷州] [,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,] n. 91 Module 4 Restaurant Scene 1 Booking a Table at a Restaurant by Telephone Task What special events are normally held at a restaurant? When do you think it’s necessary to book a table or room at a restaurant? Imagine you have been assigned the task of reserving a table for a large party. Ask another student to play the part of the restaurant employee and reserve a table. Cultural Tips 预订餐位 出去吃饭,美国人说“go to eat”,“go out eating”或是 “eat out” 而不会说 “go to dinner”, “go for lunch”,也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐。如果要强调是去吃午餐或 晚餐的话,一般就直接说 “lunch” 或是 “dinner”。例如人家问你,“Where did you go? ” 你就可答说 “lunch”。通常在吃饭之前要先预定座位。电话预约时,一定要详细 说明就餐的时间,人数以及自己的名字,以免兴冲冲的出门,却碰上餐厅客满的情况。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Receptionist B=Customer A: Kaihao Restaurant. Good morning! How can I help you? thB: Yes, I’d like to book a table for ten. Next Friday, September the 10. A: Certainly, sir. What time would you like your table? B: At 8:00 p.m. A: And will you be ordering from the Chinese menu or the Western menu? B: Chinese. 92 A: May I have your name, please? B: Please book it under the name of Mr. Smith. A: Thanks, and the telephone number? B: . A: Let’s see, that’s Mr. Smith, a table for ten for next Friday evening. It will be Chinese food and you be arriving at 8:00 p.m. B: That’s right. A: Thank you for calling us. We are looking forward to your visit. Dialogue 2 A=Waiter B=Customer A: Jinjiang Restaurant, what can I do for you? B: I’d like to reserve a table for a party of nine in a private room. A: Can you give me the date, please? B: Sure, it’s for tomorrow about 7:00 p.m. A: Let me see… you’re in luck, madam. We still have one room available! B: Great! I’ll take it! Thank you. A: Ok, good-bye. Dialogue 3 A= Receptionist B=Customer A: Morning, Central Restaurant. May I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to reserve a table for dinner. A: What time would you like your table, Ma’am? B: We’ll come around 6:30 pm. A: Great! How many in your party? B: Six. A: Could I have your name, Ma’am? B: Please book it under the name of Laura Lee. A: Thank you. Ms. Lee. B: By the way, I’d like a table near the window. 93 A: I see. I’ll try my best to arrange that. B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. New Words and Phrases available [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 可以得到的, 可达到的, 可用的 reserve [,,,,,,,] vt. 预定[约];租定(座位, 房间等) restaurant [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 餐馆, 饭店 look forward to 期待,盼望 Useful Expressions Receptionist 1. What can I do for you today? 我能帮您什么忙, 2. For how many people? For when? 多少个人,什么时间, 3. Sorry, there is no room left. 对不起,没有空余房间。 4. I’d like to reserve a table for three. 我想要预约3个人的位子。 5. It’s O.K. Your name, please? 没问题。请给我你的名字。 6. I’m afraid all our tables are taken, sir. Do you have a reservation? 先生,恐怕所有的位子都坐满了。您有没有预定座位, Customer 1. I’d like to reserve a table by the window 我想订靠窗户的座位。 2. I’d like to book a table with a good view. 我想订视线好的座位。 3. I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 94 我想要预约今晚7点,两个人的位子。 4. We’d like a table with a view of garden. 我们想要面对花园的位子。 5. We'll come around eight o'clock. 我们大约在8点到达。 6. How can I get there? 我怎样才能到那里? 7. My name is Jessica Yang. 我的名字是洁西卡?杨。 Scene 2 At the Restaurant Task Everyone is sitting at the table and is ready to order. What will you have this evening? The server’s job is to make sure your dining experience is perfect. What questions would they ask you? How would you respond? Take turns role playing as the customer and the waiter. Come up with different situations that could happen while you are eating. Cultural Tips 餐馆用餐 美国的餐厅可分很多种,Restaurant 是一般的通称,另外常用到的有Deli :供应三明治,沙拉这种现成的,不需再经过烹调的餐厅,例如SUBWAY 就可以算是Deli。另外还有Grill 也随处可见,翻译成烤肉餐厅,多半是提供牛排,汉堡热食类的食物,此外在一些宾馆也有餐饮部。美国餐厅的习惯,吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料,所以侍者一定会先问你“What do you like to drink,”也有人会这么说,“Can I get you something to drink?”一般餐厅都会提供的有Coke,Diet Coke,Sprite,Iced Tea,以及Lemonade 等。如果什么都不要,就说Just water 。值得注意的是,在一般的速食店提到drink 都是指soft drink 而言。但是一般人说到have a drink 时,他们多半指的是alcoholic,也就是含酒精的饮料。 通常饮料上桌之后,大伙都还要花点时间研究一下菜单,如果侍者看你们大概都差不多了,他就会过来问你们,“Are you ready to order or just a minute?”如果是已经准备好要 95 点餐了,就直接跟她说你想吃什么,如果大家还要再研究研究,则可以跟侍者说“Just a minute.”或是“Wait a few more minutes.”请他等一下,他会说“OK. I'll be back.”(好, 那我过一会儿再来)。 西餐上菜顺序:面包一开胃菜一汤类一沙拉一主菜一甜点一咖啡或茶。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Waitress B= Customer A: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. B: My name is Smith. I have a reservation for 8:00 o’clock. A: Your table is all ready. This way please. A: Hello, my name is Susan. I’ll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink? B: We’d like a glass of orange juice and two glasses of lemonade. A: OK, here’s our menu for today. If you are ready to order, please let me know. B: What do you have for today’s special? A: We have filet mignon steak and lamb chop. B: How do you cook the lamb chop? A: It is charcoal flavor with Garlic Rosemary. B: Sound yummy. I’ll take it. A: Would you like to have the salad or the smoked salmon? B: Salad, please. A: Let me repeat your order. You would like to have the lamb chop, a salad, a glass of orange juice, and two glasses of lemonade. Is that correct? B: Perfect. A: Enjoy your meal. Dialogue 2 96 A= Customer B= Waiter A: Is this table free? B: I am sorry, sir, this table is booked, but that one by the door is free. A: What a pity! I wanted to be away from the door. Alright, it doesn’t matter. I’ll take it. B: Sir, are you ready to order now? A: Yes. But you know, we don’t know very much about Chinese food. B: Chinese food is divided into eight categories, such as Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Fujian food, etc. Our restaurant is famous for its Sichuan cuisine. A: I have heard Sichuan food is spicy and hot. B: Yes, Cantonese food is milder than Sichuan food if you’re not a fan of spicy food. A: But I really like hot food. Could you recommend something? B: How about the boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili sauce and the spicy Sichuan bean curd? They are our specialties. A: Ok. I’ll have those. B: Very well, sir. Would you like some vegetables for your lunch? A: Oh, yes. What do you recommend? B: How about the Sichuan style spicy cabbage? It’s our chef’s special. A: That’s fine. I’ll give it a try. B: Sir, would you like something to drink? A: Two glasses of white wine, please. B: Yes, sir. So you’ll be having the boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili sauce, the spicy Sichuan bean curd, the Sichuan style spicy cabbage and two glasses of white wine. Dialogue 3 A= Waiter B=Mr.Ryfield C= Mrs.Ryfield A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: Yes. I’ll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like tomato soup. A: One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course? B: I’ll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried Trout with mashed potatoes. 97 A: I’m afraid we’re all out of the trout. C: Oh dear. Err... What else do you recommend? A: The sole is very good. C: OK. I’ll have that. Do you have any coleslaw? A: No, I’m sorry, we don’t. C: Just give me a small mixed salad then. B: Same for me. A: Certainly. (...) Would you like something to drink? B: Yes, please. May I see the wine list? A: Certainly. Here you are. B: A bottle of Chablis 99, please. A: Excellent choice! New Words and Phrases beef [,,,,] n. 牛肉 Cantonese [,,,,,,,,,,,] 广州的, 广东的, 广州人的, 广州话的 adj. cabbage [,,,,,,,] n. 卷心菜, 甘兰 Chablis [,,,,,,,] n. (原产于法国沙百里的一种)无甜味白葡萄酒 charcoal [,,,,,,,,,] n. 炭, 木炭, 活性碳 chef [,,,] n. [法] 男厨师长; 大师傅, 厨师 chili [,,,,,,] n. 干辣椒, 辣椒粉, 红辣椒 coleslaw [,,,,,,,,,]n. 凉拌卷心菜 cuisine [,,,(,),,,,,] n. 厨房; 烹调法, 烹饪,菜肴 garlic [,,,,,,,] n. 大蒜 pickled [,,,,,,] adj. 腌制的, 醋渍[泡]的;[俚]醉的, 酩酊的 recommend [,,,,,,,,,] 推荐, 介绍, 劝告, 建议 vt. rosemary [,,,,,,,,,] n. [植]迷迭香, 艾菊 salad [,,,,,,] n. 色拉, 凉拌生菜 salmon [,,,,,,] n. [动]鲑, 大麻哈鱼 sauce [,,,,] n. 酱汁, 调味汁 , 刺激物, 趣味 98 special [,,,,,,,] adj. 特别的, 特殊的 ,专门的, 专用的, 特设的 speciality [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. [英]=[美]specialty n. ,特色菜 spicy [,,,,,,,] adj 味道浓厚的, 多香料的, 辛辣的 starter [,,,,,,,] n. 开胃菜;第一道菜 stew [,,,,,]vt. & n. 炖肉 trout [,,,,,] n. [C] 鳟鱼, 鲑鳟鱼 yummy [,,,,,] adj. [俗] 美丽的;悦人的;美味的 cayenne pepper [,,,,,,] 辣椒,牛角椒 [,,,,,] chili sauce <美>辣味番茄酱, 辣酱油 filet mignon steak 腓烈牛排 mashed potatoes 土豆泥 Useful Expressions Customer 1. May I order, please, 我可以点餐了吗, 2. I’ll have some beer with coffee to follow. 我要啤酒,再来点咖啡。 3. Yes. I’ll take a steamed fish with Lemon Sauce, a mushroom chicken, a steak with onion and a shrimp salad with French dressing. 是的。我要一份柠檬汁蒸鱼,一份蘑菇鸡,一份洋葱牛排和一份蔬菜沙拉。 4. I’ll have it rare/medium/well done. 我要生一点的/半生熟的/老一点的。 5. Do you have any specials on the menu today? 今天的菜单有什么特餐, 6. May I have a menu, please, 请给我菜单。 7. Do you have a menu in Chinese, 是否有中文菜单, 8. What is the specialty of the house, 99 本餐厅的特菜是什么, 9. Do you have today’s special, 餐厅有今日特餐吗, 10. What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif, 餐厅有些什么餐前酒, Waiter 1. Would you like something to drink before dinner, 在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗, 2. How would you like your steak, sir? 先生,您点的牛排要几分熟, 3. I am afraid the Steamed Cod will take some time to prepare. 恐怕清蒸鳕鱼得费些工夫准备。 4. Would you prefer rolls or toast? 请问您要小圆面包还是土司, 5. Mr. Lamb. We were expecting you. I’ll show you to your table. This way, please. Is this fine? 兰姆先生,我们正恭候您的光临。我带您入座,这边请。这个位子好吗, 6. All right. You can take a seat over there and I’ll inform you when a table is free? 行,请那边坐。有了空桌我就告诉你们。 7. Have you decided on something, ma’am? 女士,请问决定点什么菜了吗, 8. Why not try our buffet dinner? 要不要试试我们的自助餐, 9. It’s a very filling dish. 那是一道量很多的菜。 10. There’re many varieties. Enjoy yourself, please. 有很多种类的菜肴,请尽情享用。 Scene 3 Paying the Bill Task After a wonderful meal at the restaurant it is now time to pay the bill. What conversation might you have now? What will your server say at the end of your meal? 100 What will you say to the server when you’re finished with your meal? How will you pay for your meal? Get into a group with other students and come up with the conversation you think you’ll have with your server at the end of the meal. Cultural Tips 结账 在西方国家AA制比较盛行。比如说两对夫妻出去吃饭,大家想各自付自己的,则可 以主动跟侍者说的“We want to separate check.”。有时他们也会主动问你 “Do you want to separate check?”或是“Do you want separate checks?” 这样的话帐单就会有二张。但有些 餐厅separate check 会多收服务费,最好先问清楚。如果是要一起付,则简单地说,“together” 或是“one check” 就可以了。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Customer B= Waiter A: Waiter, check please. B: Yes, one moment, please. (He brings the bill). Here you are. A: How much do I have to pay? B: The total’s 300 yuan. A: Does it include the charges for drinks? B: Yes. A: What is this amount for? B: It is a 10% service charge. A: Oh I see. I wonder if you accept traveler’s checks. B: I am sorry, madam, our restaurant only accepts cash. A: Then where can I cash my traveler’s check? B: You can just cash your traveler’s check at the bank across the street. A: Thank you. 101 (The customer comes back with some cash.) Here you are. B: Thank you, madam! Here is your change, 60 yuan and your receipt. A: Keep the change. Thank you for your nice service. B: Please come again. A: I will. Good-bye. Dialogue 2 A= Customer B= Waitress A: Check please. B: Yes sir. I hope you have enjoyed your dinner. A: Yes. The food is wonderful. How much do I owe you? B: The total amount is 200 yuan. A: It is more than I thought. B: Let me break it down for you. 180 yuan is for the food and wine and there is an extra 20 yuan service charge. A: Oh I see. I am afraid I don’t have enough cash. Do you accept credit cards? B: Yes, we accept American Express, Visa and Master card. A: That’s fine. I will pay with my Visa. B: May I have a print of your card, sir? A: Yes, of course. Here you are. B: Thank you. I’ll be right back. (The waiter comes back with the card.) Sorry, sir. The card has expired. Do you have another card? A: Yes, you can try the American Express. B: (The waiter comes back with the receipt.) It’s Ok with this card. Could you sign your name here, please? A: Yes. (The guest signs his name.) B: Thank you. Here’s the bill and receipt. Have a nice day! Dialogue 3 A= Customer B=Waitress 102 A: Could I have my check, please? B: Here you are. A: Thank you. Is the service charge included? B: Yes, it is included. A: Should I pay you or the cashier? B: Me, please. A: Here it is. Never mind the change. B: That’s very kind of you, sir. A: The service is good and the food is good. B: I’m very glad to hear that. Please come again, sir. New Words and Phrases amount [,,,,,,,] vi. 总计, 共计, 等于 bill [,,,] n. 帐单 calculate [,,,,,,,,,,,] 计算 vt. cashier [,,,,,,] n. (商店等的)出纳员 check [,,,,] n. 支票 expire [,,,,,,,,] vi. 满[到]期, 届满 include [,,,,,,,,] vt. 包含, 包括 overcharge 索费太高,多算了费用 [,,,,,,,,,,,] v. owe [,,] vt. 欠(债等); 应该向(某人)付 pay [,,,] v. 付款 receipt [,,,,,,,] n. 收到,收条, 收据 [常用复](收到的)款或物 sign [,,,,] v. 签名 signature [,,,,,,,,,] n. 签名 total [,,,,,,] adj.& n. 总的, 总括的 voucher [,,,,,,,] n. 餐券 credit card 信用卡 service charge [,,,,,,,] 服务费 [,,,,,,] 103 Useful Expressions Customer 1. It’s my treat / It’s on me. 我请客。 2. OK. Can I pay with this voucher/coupon? 我明白了,我可以用这张餐券付帐吗, 3. I am afraid you’ve overcharged me. 恐怕你多算了我的费用。 4. I’m afraid you gave me the wrong change. 恐怕你找错钱了。 5. I’d like to settle my bill, please. 我想结帐。 6. Check, please. 买单。 7. Can I have the bill? 给我帐单好吗, 8. Please bring us the bill. 请把我们的帐单拿来。 9. Where shall I pay the bill? 我要在哪里付帐, 10. May I have a receipt, please? 给我一张收据可以吗, Waiter 1. Your bill comes to $65. 总共是65元。 2. Here is your change, $15. 这是找您的零钱15元。 3. I’m very sorry for the mistake. Here is the correct change. 很抱歉我弄错了。这里是正确的零钱。 4. May I know who is paying, please? 104 打扰一下,请问哪位付帐, 5. May I prepare the bill for you now? 请问,现在我可以为你准备帐单了吗, 6. That’s our minimum charge. 这是我们的最低消费标准。 7. Here is the money you overpaid. 这是您多付的钱。 8. I’ll have the bill changed for you right away. 我马上去将帐单改一下。 9. Here is the receipt and change. 这是收据和零钱。 10. We don’t accept tips. Thank you all the same. 我们不接受小费,心领了。 Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. Sure. Here it is. Separate bills or one bill? B. 20 yuan. C. You can pay by credit card. D. It is on my treat. 2. A. Just two persons. B. Thank you, sir. Please come again. C. It’s on me this time, I insist. D. I’ll calculate that for you. Well, your bill comes to $144. 3. A. Yes, it was great. B. Sure, go ahead. C. A glass of beer. D. Lemon pie. 4. A. Strawberry. B. Fried eggs. C. Chicken. D. Sirloin steak. 5. A. 20 yuan. B. One table. C. Ten people. D. 5 o’clock. 6. A. I’ll have the fish. B. Pudding. C. Red wine. D. Pumpkin pie. 7. A. Medium. B. 100 yuan. C. That’s fine. D. One minute. 8. A. Water, please. B. That’s all. Thanks. 105 C. Here you are. D. Just a moment. 9. A. By the window. B. A glass of pineapple juice. C. No, thank you. D. Cake. 10. A. Chicken. B. Yes, please. C. Sounds great. D. All right. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices 1. What is the man going to do? A. Get the woman another cup of coffee. B. Go to the coffee shop. C. Get a cup. D. Drink a cup of coffee. 2. What does the woman mean? A. She thinks the man wants to eat fish. B. She knows the man finished dining. C. She wants to cook dinner. D. She likes to eat out. 3. A. His doctor told him not to drink tea. B. He will bring some tea to the doctor. C. He would really like some tea. D. Tea tastes too much like medicine. 4. What does the man want to drink? A. Something hot. B. Something cold. C. Tea. D. Coffee. 5. What is implied in the man’s words? A. He can still have some more. B. He can’t have any more. C. He still wants some more. D. He is very full. III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. What is rather popular in the USA? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is necessary when you want to eat out? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What will you see when waiting for tables at restaurants? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Is it always suitable to go in and sit down when you arrive at most restaurants? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What will you do when you arrive at most restaurants? ______________________________________________________________________ Speaking 106 A Role-play for Ordering Food in a Restaurant Sample Conversation: Ordering Food at a Restaurant A= Waiter B= Customer1 C=Customer 2 A: Welcome to Shiggles. Here are your menus. Today’s special is grilled salmon. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute. . . . A: Are you ready to order? B: I’d like the seafood spaghetti. A: And you? C: I’ll have a hamburger and fries. A: Would you like anything to drink? B: I’ll have a coke, please. A: And for you? C: Just water is fine. A: OK. So that’s one sea food spaghetti, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water. I’ll take your menus. . . . A: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal. . . . A: How was everything? C: Delicious. Thanks. A: Would you like anything for dessert? B: No, just the bill please. Waiter Sheet You are a waiter in a restaurant. When people sit down at your table, give them some menus and take their orders: Name Food Drink Complaints Comments (1) Welcome. (2) Give Menus. (3) Tell the guests the special of the day. (4) Give them some time 107 to look at the menu. (5) Take their orders. (6) Confirm their orders. (7) Ask how the meal was and if they want dessert. Customer Sheet You are customer in a restaurant. You must go from restaurant to restaurant with a partner and order some food in each restaurant: (1) Sit down. Restaurant Food Drink Daily Service (2) Listen to the special. Name Ordered Ordered Special Quality (3) Look at the menus. (4) Order food (5) Eat (6) Don’t order dessert. (7) Ask for the bill. (8) Go to a new restaurant. Role-play Prompt Cards: Restaurant Menus A 108 Breads Drink Food Drink Croissants . $1.25 Coffee . . . ….$1.25 B.L.T . . . . . . . . . ..$3.50 Coffee . . .$1.00 Crispy bacon with lettuce and Bagels . . . . . ..$1.25 Café Au Lait ....$1.75 tomato. With or without cheese. Milk . . . . $1.25 Donuts . . . .. . $0.75 Espresso . . … .$1.75 Ham & Cheese . . $3.25 Juice . .. . $1.50 Fresh ham with cheddar cheese, Cakes onions and pickles. Cola . . . . .$1.00 Blueberry Cheesecake . .$2.50 Vegetarian . . . . . $2.75 Fresh cucumber, avocado, and Chocolate tomatoes. Cheesecake . ..$2.50 Food Soups and Drinks Food Drink Sweet and Sour Wonton Soup Meatball Spaghetti Red Wine Pork . . . . . ……$4.50 . . . . . . ….…..$3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Glass . . . … . . . $3.50 Bottle . . … . . .$17.00 Garlic Ribs Jasmine Tea Seafood Spaghetti . . . . . . . . . .. ….$4.50 . . . . . ……… Free . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.50 White Wine Glass.. . ... . . . . .$3.00 Chicken Fried Rice Zing Toe Beer Lasagna Bottle… . . . . . .$15.00 . . . . . . . . . . . ... $4.00 . . . . . . . …… $2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Spicy Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo . . . . . . . . . . … . $5.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Role-play Prompts: 109 Specials of the Day and Customer Complaints Specials of the day: Special: Pumpkin pie and whip cream. Price: $2:00 Special: Spring rolls Special: Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel. Price: $4.50 Special: Four cheese ravioli. Price: $7.50 Special: Eel rolls Price: $2.50 Special: Mexican pizza made with chili peppers, avocado, and hot pepperoni. Price: (s) $11:00 (l)$16:00 Special: Roast chicken with potatoes. Price: $12.50 Special: Hot chicken wings. Price: 12 wings for $5.00. When you are eating, complain that your When you are eating, complain that the food is cold. restaurant is too hot. When you are eating, complain that the When you are eating, complain that the food is too salty. restaurant is too cold. 110 When you are eating, complain that the When you are eating, complain that the food is burnt. restaurant is too noisy. When you are eating, complain that the When you are eating, complain that the restaurant is too smoky. food is not cooked. Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. This is the only ________ room. A. available B. cable C. responsible D. possible 2. I want to ________ a table in the name of Hill. A. conserve B. reserve C. serve D. preserve 3. We are ________ your visit. A. according to B. looking forward to C. owing to D. getting down to. 4. The English Channel________ England from France. A. outside B. provides C. divides D. inside 5. Our restaurant ________ its Sichuan cuisine. A. is famous for B. is famous as C. is famous to D. is famous with 6. What is this ________ for ? It’s a 10, service charge. A. around B about C. amount D. away 7. You can cash your traveler’s check at the bank ________ the street. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. over 8. Please book it ________ the name of Mr. Smith. A. with B. for C. to D. under 9. Let me ________ it ________for you. 180 yuan is for the food and wine and there is an extra 20 service charge. A. break; up B. break; down C. cut; down D. cut ;out 10. I ________ if you accept travelers’ checks. A. know B. want C. wonder D. think 11. Chinese food is divided into eight ________, such as Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Fujian food, etc. 111 A. floors B. grades C. categories D. restaurants II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 1. look forward to A. 做决定 2. be famous for B. 服务费 3. mashed potatoes C. 橘子汁 4. be ready to do D. 远离 5. a private room E. 包间 6. under the name of F. 以……的名字 7. charcoal flavor G. 期待 8. orange juice H. 准备做 9. make choices I. 因……而闻名 10. service charge J. 土豆泥 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b and c. 1. I’d like to book a table for ten for next Friday, September 10. a. I’d like to book a table for next Tuesday, August 8. b. 我想订一桌10人的酒席,时间是下周四晚九点。 c. 我想订一桌14人的酒席,时间是下周三晚八点。 2. We are looking forward to your visit. a. I am looking forward to your coming here. b. 我们期待着你们喜欢这里的饮食环境。 c. 我们期待着你们在这里度过一个愉快的晚上。 3. We have only one room available. a. I have only one hundred yuan available. b. 本店只剩一桌空位了。 c. 这道菜现在做不了。 4. I have heard Sichuan food is spicy and hot. a. I have heard people living in the south of China are fond of sweet food. b. 我听说他喜欢吃三明治 112 c. 我听说西方人常常实行AA制。 5. Chinese food is divided into eight big categories, such as Cantonese food, Fujian food, Sichuan food, etc. a. Drink can be divided into two kinds b. 饭店里通常分为两个部分,吸烟区和非吸烟区。 c. 饭店通常也分为不同的部门,比如前厅部,采购部,财务部等。 Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable phrases or sentences. Waiter: Would you like (1)_______________________, sir? Tourist: No, thank you. I’m full. Waiter: Did you enjoy your dinner? Tourist: Excellent. I always (2) _________. It is wonderful. Waiter: I am glad you like it. Tourist: Can I have (3)__________, please? Waiter: I’ll (4)_________.Just a moment, please. Here is your bill. Tourist: Mm… But I think there is a mistake here. Would you please (5)_________ to me? Waiter: That’s for the fried oysters. Tourist: We didn’t have fried oysters. Do you remember I (6) ________? Waiter: Oh, yes, I’m terribly sorry, sir. Would you mind checking it again? Tourist: Yes, I see. And what about (7)_______________? Is it included? Waiter: Yes. No extra tip is needed. Tourist: So it totals 190 yuan. Here is the money. Waiter: Thank you, sir. Goodbye. Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 113 Generally speaking, American food is not tasty. Salads are much liked and are served all year around. Many people in America are trying to keep their weight down and so they are ―calorie‖ conscious. In restaurants, people can order ―low calorie‖ meals. In markets, people can buy ―No Cal‖ drinks (meaning without calories). Most Americans eat quickly during the daytime meals—breakfast and lunch. The evening meal, however, is usually leisurely and a family time. Racing through daytime meals is because work hours are considered precious. There is also another reason — namely, the pressure of time and people. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so they too can be served and get back to work within the limited time. Each one hurries to make room for the next person. Meat If you order steaks, hamburgers, and so on, the waiter may look at you and say ―How do you want it?‖ What he means is: Do you want it rare/medium/well done? Coffee Coffee is the usual American drink at all hours of the day. If you are asked ―Regular?‖ when you order, this means ―Do you want lots of cream in it?‖ If not, ask for ―black‖ (no cream) or ―dark‖ (a small amount of cream). Often the cream is brought separately, and you add it by yourself—but not always. The ―cream‖, by the way, is almost always milk. If you are asked ―Regular or Decaf?‖, it means ―Do you want coffee with caffeine or no caffeine?‖ Ordering your coffee ―black‖ means you do not want cream or sugar in it. Other Drinks Next after coffee, Americans are likely to drink Coke, or other soft drinks, or fruit juices. Tea is much less popular in the United States. Bread and Butter Bread and butter are usually served in restaurants whether or not you ask for them; there is no charge for them. ( ) 1. Americans like to eat ―low calorie‖ food because they don’t want to gain weight. ( ) 2. Americans take their daytime meals in a hurry because the food is generally not tasty. ( ) 3. The waiter may look at you when you order steaks because he doesn’t know whether you would like the steaks ―rare‖ or ―medium‖ or ―well done‖. ( ) 4. If you ask for ―black coffee‖, you mean you do not want any milk or sugar in your coffee. 114 ( ) 5. Americans don’t drink Coke, or other soft drinks after coffee. New Words and Phrases butter [,,,,,] n. 黄油, 奶油 caffeine [,,,,,,,] n. 咖啡因 calorie [,,,,,,,] n. 卡路里 conscious [,,,,,,,] adj. 知道的, 意识到的 consider [,,,,,,,,] v. 认为, 视为 decaf [,,,,,,,] n. 脱咖啡因咖啡 leisurely [,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,] adv. 从容不迫 precious [,,,,,,,] adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的, 珍爱的 pressure [,,,,,,,,,] n. 压力 race [,,,,] v. 赛跑, 疾走 separately [,,,,,,,,,,] adv. 个别地; 分离地 Passage 2 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Taking Orders 1. Presenting the menu After showing customers to the table the waiter or the restaurant manager may present the menu or the menu may already be on the table. Sometimes the menu or the specials of the day are displayed on a board. In this case point the board out to the customers. In some pretentious restaurants, the host is given a menu with prices, while the host’s guests have unpriced menus. Draw customers’ attention to the menu, explain how it works. Is it an individually priced or is it all at a set price? Mention any information not in the menu, e.g. what the dish and soup of the day is, or any dishes which are unavailable. Describe dishes or special offers you have been asked to promote. 2. Advising on customers’ choice You should be ready to tell customers about: 115 ? Any items not available, ? Specialties of the day and special promotions, as briefed by your supervisor/manager/the chef, ? For each dish the main ingredients and summary of how it is made, ? Dishes that take a long time to prepare, and those which might suit someone in a hurry, ? Dishes available for vegetarians and those on special diets (e.g. no dairy products) or with allergies to certain foods (e.g. nuts). ? What variations to dishes are possible, e.g. baked potato, not chips, with any main course, ? Price of dishes not on menu. 3. Taking the order The aims are the same –whether you are using a hand-held terminal linked to a computer, a simple order pad, or relying entirely on your memory. ? To find out what the customers require to eat and to drink. ? To pass this information on to those responsible for preparing the food and drink. ? To calculate the amount which customers have to pay? Some restaurants operate a system where all orders are taken by the restaurant manager, head waiter or waitress. In some establishments the customers may write their own order down and present it to the staff. 4. Customer skills when taking orders ? Face the customers as they make their choice. Look at them when they speak. ? Show respect for the customers and try to project your wish to help them enjoy their meal. ? Decide whose order you should take first. It is usual to take women’s orders before men’s, and the host last. Asking who’s ready to order is another possibility, customers sometimes take turns to order or one will order for the rest of the party. ? Be patient when customers are indecisive or change their minds. Offer some suggestions or try to gently guide them to a decision. ? Prompt for further requirements. ―Would you like salad?‖ Done well, this will boost sales and increase customer satisfaction. ? Don’t promise what can’t be delivered: ―That should be no problem, but I’ll just check with the chef.‖ ? Read back the order to check you have each detail correct. Mistakes annoy customers 116 and cause trouble with the kitchen. ( ) 1. In some pretentious restaurants, the host is given a menu with prices, while the host’s guests have unpriced menus. ( ) 2. As a waiter or waitress, you don’t need to mention any information not in the menu, e.g. what the dish and soup of the day is , or any dishes which are unavailable. ( ) 3. Whether you are using a hand-held terminal linked to a computer, or a simple order pad, the aims of taking orders are the same. ( ) 4. After the guests have ordered their meal, the servers shouldn’t offer further inquiry. ( ) 5. When the customers can’t make up their mind, the attendants should offer some advice. New Words and Phrases allergy [,,,,,,,] n. 过敏性 annoy [,,,,,] vt. 使生气, 使不高兴, 使烦恼 deliver [,,,,,,,] vt. 交付, 移交 describe [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 记述, 叙述, 描写, 形容 display [,,,,,,,,] vt.& n 陈列, 展览, 显示 establishment 建立, 成立, 开设, 创办 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. indecisive [,,,,,,,,,,,,] 无决定性的,优柔寡断的,不明确的 adj. ingredient (混合物的)组成部分 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. possibility 可能, 可能性 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. pretentious [,,,,,,,,,,] 自命不凡的; 自夸[负]的 adj. project [,,,,,,,,,] v. 表示 promote [,,,,,,,,] vt. 增进, 促进, 发扬, 引起, 提升 prompt [,,,,,,] v. 提示 satisfaction 满足, 满意, 称心 117 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. suit [,,,,,] vt. 适合, 使适应 summary [,,,,,,,] adj. 概括的, 扼要的, 简明的,总计的 supervisor 监督者;主管人, 管理人 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. terminal [,,,,,,,,] n. 终端, 终点; 极限 variation 变化, 改变, 变化的程度;变量 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. vegetarian 素食主义(者)的, 素菜的 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 118 Module 5 Shopping Scene 1 Talking about Shopping Task Souvenirs are a great way to bring home memories of your trip. What souvenirs would you buy if you went to Australia or Britain? How about France or Japan? Role-play with other students and buy some souvenirs for your friends and family back home. Cultural Tips 许多出差在外的人都会在方便的时候去各地购物, 以作为回见亲人和朋友的“手信”, 实际上,购物已经是人们现实生活中不可缺少的一部分了。 许多人喜欢抽出时间在东道国购物,特别是买一些有具有该国传统文化特色的商品做礼物或纪念品。有时,陪客人或朋友购物,尽东道主之仪是增进友谊,促进交流的好手段。 世界名牌香水: Bijan 毕扬;Joy 欢乐;Tiffany 第凡内; Diva 狄娃; Opium 鸦片; Caleche 小马车; Arpege 艾佩芝;Chane1 No.5 香奈尔5号香水 世界名表: RADO雷达; TUD蒂陀; PIADE伯爵; GUCLI.CK.OMEGA欧米伽; LONGINES浪琴 世界名牌打火机: Givench纪梵希; Cartire卡地亚; S.T.Dupont 都彭; Dunhill登喜 路; Parker帕克 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 119 A=You B=Sally A: Hello, Sally, I’m leaving for home the day after tomorrow, but before I leave, I’d like to purchase some souvenirs. B: That sounds like a great idea! What would you like to buy? Do you have something special in mind? A: To tell you the truth, I’ve got no idea about what to buy. What do you suggest? B: Well, first of all, are the gifts for your family? A: Yes, I would like to buy a jade bracelet for my mother and a watch for my father, but it’s not easy to think of a present for my brother. It’s like he’s got everything. B: Well, I highly recommend buying him a hand-made silk tie. A: Wow, that’s a terrific idea! B: Let’s go to the mall, I bet you will get just the right one for your brother there. A: Cool! Let’s go! Dialogue 2 A= Shop Assistant B=Shopper A: Good morning, Miss. Is there anything you’re interested in? B: Good morning. I’d like to buy some souvenirs for my friends and family. A: Oh, I see. We have lots of souvenirs from all over the world. For example: Rolex, Chanel, Estée Lauder. Tiffany. We have all kinds of world famous brand name merchandise. Would you like to have a closer look at them? B: That’s a great idea, thank you. A: Take a look at these bags. Let me show you some different brands. This is LV. This one is Gucci. This is POLO, and this is …. B: They’re all beautiful. Where is this POLO bag from? A: They are made in America. They are very popular with women all over the world. Do you like this one? B: No, It’s just not what I want. Please show me that red one. A: This one? Here you are. Please try it on. B: Thank you. How does it look? Do you think it suits me? A: It looks wonderful. The color, size and the style all fit you perfectly. B: Really? I think it looks good, too. Is this the only size, shape, color you have? 120 A: No, we have all kinds of sizes, shapes, and colors for this bag. If you’re interested, I’ll pick out some good pieces for you. B: I want to take a red one, a green one and a yellow one. A: I’ll get them for you right away. B: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you. A: You are welcome. Dialogue 3 A= Shop assistant B= Shopper A: What can I show you, madam? B: I'd like to buy a pure silk dress. A: This dress comes in a variety of colors and styles. Which kind do you prefer, a darker one or a brighter one? B: For my age, I think a darker one will be better. A: Do you like this one? B: It looks very nice. Can I try it on? A: Certainly, please. (After a while) A: It’s beautiful. It fits you really well. You look very elegant and beautiful. B: Thank you. I will take it. How much is it? A: It's $378. B: Here’s the money. A: Thank you. Have a nice day. Good bye! B: Good bye! New Words and Phrases bracelet [,,,,,,,,,] n. 手镯 design [,,,,,,,] n. 设计 elegant [,,,,,,,,] a. 雅致的 jade [,,,,,] a. 玉的 neat [,,,,] adj. 极好的 121 purchase [,,,,,,,,] vt. 购买 pure [,,,,] adj. 纯的 quality [,,,,,,,,] n. 质量 recommend 推荐 [,,,,,,,,,] vt. sample [,,,,,,] n. 样本 souvenir [,,,,,,,,,] n. 纪念品 special [,,,,,,,] a. 特殊的 terrific [,,,,,,,,] a. 极好的 traditional 传统的 [,,,,,,,,,,,] a. typically[ ,,,,,,,,,] 代表性地 adv. Chanel [,,,,,,,] 夏奈尔(香水) Estée Lauder [,,,,, 雅诗兰黛(化妆品) ,,,,,,] Rolex [,,,,,,,] 劳力士(手表) Tiffany [,,,,,,,] 蒂芬尼(珠宝) Useful Expressions 招呼顾客(greeting the customers) 招呼顾客一般分两步:首先问早上(下午、晚上)好,再主动提出为对方服务,确定顾 客想买什么。如: 1. Good morning, / afternoon / evening. Can / May l help you? 早上好/下午好/ 晚上好。 要买东西吗? 2. Hello. I see you're doing your shopping very early today. 您好。您今天大清早就来买东西。 3. Welcome, sir. Step right in. 欢迎您,先生。请进。 4. Is there anything you're interested in here? 有什么您感兴趣吗? 122 5. If you've decided on something, please let me know. 如果您决定买什么,请告诉我。 6. If you’d like, I would be happy to show you around and explain some of the items. 如果您愿意,我乐意带您四处看看,介绍介绍。 7. Please take your time and let me know if you need any help. 请慢慢看,需要帮忙的话,请告诉一声。 8. Is there anything in particular that you would like to see? 您想看看什么样的? 9. We have the very thing for you. 我们正好有你想要的东西。 出示样品(giving the samples) 1. Would you care to look at these samples? 请看看这些样品好吗? 2. Here are all the samples. 这些是样品。 3. Do you like this one? 您喜欢这个吗? 4. How do you like these? 你觉得这些怎么样? 5. I'll pick out a good piece for you. 我给您挑一件好的。 6. Here you are. 给您。 7. Would you like to try this one? 试试这件好吗? 当顾客不准备买东西,营业员应该礼貌地说上一句: Please go right ahead. 您请便。 告诉售货员你想买什么(Explaining what you want) 1. I want… 我想买„„ 123 2. I'd like to buy,see… 我想买/我想看一下„„ 3. Will you please show me…? 你能给我看一看„„, 4. May I see…? 我能 „„, 5. Have you got any/Do you have any…? 你们这里卖„„? 6. Do you sell…? 你们这里卖„„? 7. Do you have anything cheaper,better,bigger? 你们有更便宜一些 / 好一些、 大一些的„„? 评价商品(Explaining what you are thinking about something) 1. It’s just right. 正合适。 2. It’s (a bit) too tight,large,small,plain,bright for me. 这对我来说有点紧/大/小/简单/鲜艳。 3. I wear size… 我穿„„尺码的。 4. It looks nice ,wonderful. 看起来很好/漂亮。 5. It seems alright. 好像不错。 询问尺码,颜色,形状等(Asking about the size,color,shape) 1. What’s your size? 你穿多大尺码的? 2. Is this the only size ,shape ,color you have? 这是你们有的唯一尺码/形状/颜色吗? 3. How does it feel? 感觉怎样? 124 做出决定(Making a decision) 如果你对商品满意,你想买怎样说 (What to say if you are satisfied with the article you have been looking at and decide to buy it.) 1. That’s very reasonable. I’ll take it. 价格很合理,我买这件。 2. I’ll take it. 我买这个。 3. I’ll take half a pound each. These three. 这三种我每种要半磅。 4. They look very good. I’ll take these sets. 看起来很好, 我要这几套。 如果你不满意商品的价格、质量或大小,想买更适合你的商品怎样说 (What to say if you are not satisfied with the price, quality or size and want to ask for something that will suit you better.) 1. That’s a bit more than what I expected. 价格有点贵。 2. Do you have anything more reasonable/ less expensive/ cheaper? 能稍微便宜点吗? 3. Can you drop the price a bit? 能便宜点吗? 4. It’s a bit too big. Do you have any smaller ones? 太大了,有小一点的吗, 5. Do you have anything better/ nicer/ more expensive? 有好一点 / 贵一点的吗? 6. It’s just not what I want. 这个不是我想要的。 7. All right. I’ll take it,them,a pound of,each of…,these three kinds. 好吧,我买它,他们,一磅,每个…,这三种。 如何告诉售货员你想或不想再买什么 (Telling the shop assistant that you are still shopping or ready to check out.) 125 1. That’ll be all. 就要这些。 2. Sorry to trouble you. Thank you. 对不起打扰您了,谢谢你。 3. I don’t think I’ll take it. Thank you. 我不想买, 谢谢! 4. I think I’ll look around a bit first. Thanks. 我想先到别处看一看,谢谢~ Scene 2 Talking about the Price Task In some countries, bargaining is usually unacceptable. However in other countries, it’s how you do business. Start up a conversation with another student as vendor and customer. After finding something you want to purchase, negotiate for a better price. Try asking for discounts and if you’re not satisfied, walk away from the sale. Just for fun, try being very assertive when asking for a better deal. Cultural Tips 欧美商人在逛街,侃价,试用等方面都有其独特之处和技巧。必须掌握好这些方面的 相关的句型和词汇,才能使我们在这种场合与他们交往时游刃有余。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Shopper B= Shop Assistant A: This typewriter is very good. How much do you want for it? 126 B: 380 yuan. A: 380 yuan? That’s too much. B: Well, it’s worth the price. A: Can you give me a discount? B: The best I can offer is 10%. That is my final price. A: That’s still too much for me. What about a 20% discount? B: No. I can’t give you a 20% discount. A: I think we’d better split the difference.15% discount. B: Hmm, that’s 323 yuan. All right, you can have it for 323 yuan. A: Excellent. I’ll take it. Dialogue 2 A= Mrs. Jack B= Shopper A: Good morning, Can I help you? B: Yes. I’d like to buy your couch and loveseat. How much do you want for them? A: $35 for the loveseat and $65 for the couch. B: Oh. That’s too much. I’ll give you $25 for the loveseat and $45 for the couch. A: No, that’s much too low. They are both in very good condition, you see. B: But they are second-hand furniture. How about we split the difference? A: Okay. You can have them for $85, $30 for the loveseat and $55 for the couch. B: Deal. Dialogue 3 A= Shop Assistant B= Customer A: What can I do for you, sir? B: I want to buy a mobile phone. A: Which model are you interested in? B: I like the small one, but it's too expensive. A: Great choice, this is a brand new model that we just got in. It’s top of the line with the latest software and features. It’s a bit more expensive but it’s well worth the price. 127 B: Are your prices firm? A: Yes. But we do have a sales promotion for this new model. How about a 10% discount? I think it is a reasonable price. B: I don’t know… It’d help if you dropped another 10%. A: I’m afraid we can’t do that. B: What’s the best you can do? A: We’ll take another 5% off. That’s the best we can do. B: 0K. I’ll take it. New Words and Phrases competition 竞赛 [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. conclude [,,,,,,,,] vt. 结束 couch [,,,,,] n. 长沙发 deal [,,,,] n. 交易 design [,,,,,,,] vt. 设计 discount [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 将......打折 loveseat [,,,,,,,,,] n. [美]双人小沙发 mobile [,,,,,,,] adj. 移动式的 promotion (商品等)促销 [,,,,,,,,,,]n. rate [,,,,] n. 比率 reduction [,,,,,,,,,] 削减 n. second-hand adj. 二手的,用过的 stock [,,,,] n. 存货 superior [,,,,,,,,,,] 上等的 adj. supply [,,,,,,,] vt. 提供 typewriter [,,,,,,,,,,] 打字机 n. 128 in very good condition (精神)状态好,(商品)保持完好, 还可用 split the difference (讲价时)各让一步 / 折中一下 That is my final price. 这是最低价。 Useful Expressions 询问价格(Asking about prices) Customer 1. How much is it,a kilo,a piece? 这件商品多少钱,多少钱一斤,一件? 2. That seems reasonable. 价格似乎合理。 Sales Associate 1. It’s,They are…a kilogram,a foot,a box,a set,etc. 它,他们……一公斤,一盒,一套,等等。 2. They’re sold by the pound,kilogram. 他们是按磅/千克出售的。 询问总计价格(Asking how much you have to pay) Customer 1. How much are these? 这些多少钱? 2. How much does it come to? 一共多少钱? 3. How much is it altogether? 一共多少钱? Sales Associate 1. What's your general price range? 你的总价格在多少钱范围之内? 2. What price do you have in mind? 129 你想花多少钱? 售货员如何报价(How does the shop assistant tell you the price? ) Sales Associate 1. It is 52 altogether. 总共52元。 2. It is 4 yuan a foot. 4元1尺。 3. They are 60 yuan a set. 60元1套。 4. We sell this tea by the pound. They are,65 a pound. 这种茶叶论磅卖。1磅65元。 5. The small bowls are,32 each. 这种碗每个32元。 请求折扣(Asking for discount) Customer 1.Can you give me a discount? 你能给我打折吗? 2. No, that’s still too much for me. What about $50? 不,对我来说还是很贵。50美元怎么样? 3. I can’t afford that much. 我出不起那么多钱。 4. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗? 6. Do you have any sales right now? 我可以问一下你们是否有打折销售? 7. What’s the lowest price you’d accept? 最低价是多少, 8. It’s too expensive. I don’t think it’s worth the price. 太贵了。我认为它不值这个价。 9. It costs,2000. That’s a fortune! 它价值,2000。真是太幸运了~ 130 10.That’s more than I wanted to pay,more than I was thinking of paying( 那超出了我能付的价格/我想要付的价格。 Sales Associate 1. The best price I can offer is 10% off. 我最多能给你打九折。 2. Come on. My final price is $180. 得了吧~我的最后价是180美元。 Scene 3 Talking about the Payment Task What are the different forms of payment besides cash? What form of payment is normally accepted in your hometown? In large cities, it’s fairly common to use credit cards but in smaller cities, they might not be accepted. Imagine you are ready to make a purchase or settle a bill, try paying for it using different forms of payment. If you are the cashier, pick a form of payment you will accept and reject other types of payment. Cultural Tips 付账的方式因时间变化而有所不同。以往,一般的情况下,人们喜欢用现金。但随着 金融行业服务方式的发展和进步,现在,人们更喜欢用各种各样的卡。他们携带即方便又 安全。 在付账时,应掌握一些比较正式的句型。当客人要结账时,应问清楚结账的方式, 并向客人提供收据。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Salesman B= Customer C=Cashier 131 A: How do you like this scarf? It’s a very popular Japanese souvenir. B: I like it very much. It will certainly remind me of Japan when I return to my country. I’ll take it. A: Here you are. B: Thanks. Can I use my credit card? A: Yes, sir. We accept American Express, Visa and Master Card. Please go to the cashier. C: Here you go. Just sign the slip here, please. Have a nice day. B: Thanks, you too. Dialogue 2 A= Hans B= Mary A: Hello, Mary, how are you doing? B: I’m doing great! What about you? A: Fantastic! B: So what’s going on? A: Well, I was wondering if I could pay in installments instead of paying for the whole things all at once. B: How many payments are we talking about? A: Actually, we were thinking of two payments. Let’s say 60 percent of the total will be paid upon delivery and the rest after completion. What do you think? B: Well, we can accept the payment in installments but we’ll need at least 70 percent of the total paid upon delivery. Dialogue 3 A= Shop assistant B=Customer A: Welcome to our store! What can I do for you, Madam? B: I would like to buy a silk tie. A: Okay, what about this one, we’ve just got it in. It’s a high quality tie. That’s both stylish and reasonably priced. It’s an excellent product of French workmanship. I’m sure you will like it. B: Let me have a look. It looks wonderful, so how much is it? 132 A: The original price is 180 yuan but it’s currently on sale for 100 yuan. B: Okay, I’ll take it. A: Thank you. B: By the way, could I get a receipt, please? A: Of course. B: And can I use the credit card? I have a Master card. A: I am really sorry, Madam. Cash only. B: That’s OK. Here’s the money. A: Thanks, and here is the receipt. New Words and Phrases acceptance [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 接受 cash [,,,] n. 现金 delivery [,,,,,,,,,] n. 交付 installment [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 分期付款 original [,,,,,,,,,,] a. 最初的 quality [,,,,,,,,] n. 质量 remind [,,,,,,,,] vt. 使想起 scarf [,,,,,] n. 围巾 separate [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 使分散 sign [,,,,] vt. 签(名) slip [,,,,] n. 纸条 tax [,,,,] n. 税 visa [,,,,,,] n. (护照等上)签证 信用卡credit card 为包装pack sth.for ……… 使回想remind sb.of sth. ………… Useful Expressions 询问付款方式(asking for mode of payment ) Customer 133 1. Where can I pay for this skirt? 我在那里付这件衬衫的钱? 2. Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡付账吗? 3. Can I pay by credit card/check? 我可以用信用卡/支票付账吗? 4. I’ll take these. May I use my credit card? 我要了。我可以用信用卡付账吗? 5. Bring me the check. I’d like to settle the bill. 请给我票据,我要付账。 Cashier 1. No/ Yes, Sir/Madam. 可以/不可以, 先生/女士。 2. Please go over to Register 5. 请到那面的五号收款台。 3. I’m sorry, we only accept cash. 对不起,我们只收现金。 4. I’m afraid you can’t. We only accept cash. 恐怕不能,我们只接受现金。 5. Yes, of course. Here’s your receipt. 当然了, 这是你的收据。 6. Yes, of course. 当然了。 7. Here you go. 给你。 8. Sign the slip. 在上面签字。 各种卡(Kinds of Credit Card)) credit card 信用卡 student card 学生卡 134 gold card 金卡 value card 储值卡 classic card 普卡 supplementary card 附属卡 ATM card 金融卡 charge card 签帐卡 cash advance card 现金卡 Master Card 万事达 Visa 维萨 American Express 美国快递 Great Wall 长城 Cash Card (现金卡): 可以从银行或ATM机提取现金。 Cheque Guarantee Card (支票保证卡): 在你使支票时,商家会要求你出示此卡作为支付的保证。支票保证卡上注明了担保的金额,也就是每次可开支票的最高限额。 Debit Card (借记卡): 使此卡可以直接在商店消费, 费用会通过银行的结算系统.直接从你的账号上扣除。 实际以上三卡通常会合并成一卡, 包含了上述功能.使用起来十分方便。 Credit Card (信用卡): 如你的资信较好,经申请并审核后, 银行可能会提供信用卡,允许你先花后付,你会定期收到上一个月的账单,要求你安排付款事宜。 Current Account (现金账户): 用于存(Deposit)、取(Withdraw)及日常开支, 通常利息较低或没有利息。 Saving Account (存款账户): 有利息,通常不能用支付支票,有时支取需要提前通知。 135 Overdraft (透支): 透支是不准许的,如你确实需要透支, 建议你提前与银行协商, 有的银行会同意学生在 一定金额和时间内无偿透支, 但通常你需要为透支的金额支付利息。为避免这种情况出现, 建议你经常查看现金账户中的余额(Balance), 提前将预期的花费从存款账户转入现金账。 付款方式(Modes of payment) 1. payment by cash / cash payment / payment by ready cash 现金付款 2. payment by cheque/check 以支票支付 3. payment by bill 以汇票支付 4. payment on account 记帐付款 5. monthly payment 月分期付款 6. payment in advance 预付货 7. immediate payment 立即付款 8. instalment 分期付款 9. to pay off the balance 结帐 10. to clear off / to pay off 结清 货币(currency) 货币名称 货币符号 人民币 RMB 美元 USD 136 日元 JPY 欧元 EUR 英镑 GBP 德国马克 DEM 法国法郎 FRF 加拿大元 CAD 澳大利亚元 AUD 港币 HKD 奥地利先令 ATS 意大利里拉 ITL 荷兰盾 NLG 葡萄牙埃斯库多 PTE 西班牙比塞塔 ESP 印尼盾 IDR 马来西亚林吉特 MYR 新西兰元 NZD 菲律宾比索 PHP 俄罗斯卢布 SUR 新加坡元 SGD 韩国元 KRW 泰铢 THB Scene 4 Talking about the Packaging Task When buying a gift, it is usually customary to have it wrapped. What events usually require you to give a wrapped gift? Role-play with another student as the customer and the sales associate. Ask the sales associate to help you wrap your purchase. Cultural Tips 137 销售包装除了可以吸引顾客,达到促销目的之外, 还要能保护商品、减少携带损失。 因此,有时多花一些钱在包装上,对总成本的控制而言,反而利大于弊。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Salesman B= Shopper C= Cashier A: How about this toy? B: Oh, I like it. It's so adorable. A: Yes and it's also very popular with little children. B: I guess I'll take two of them. Would you please wrap them up separately? A: Yes, madam. I'll pack them in two boxes and then wrap the boxes up. B: Great, thanks a lot. A: You are welcome. Are you going to pay in cash or by credit? B: In cash. A: Okay, please go over to Register 10. It's over there on your left. C: Okay, two toys come to $53.40…out of $55… Here is your change, $ 1.60. Thank you. Have a nice day. B: You too. Dialogue 2 A= Salesgirl B= Shopper A: This doll is very popular. What do you think? B: Oh. It's very lovely. How much is it? / How much does it cost? A: Thirty-five yuan. B: I'll take it. Can you put it in a box for me? A: Sure, I'll pack it in a nice box. A: Do you have any wrapping paper? A: Certainly. Is this all right? 138 B: Yes. Thanks. A: Are you going to pay for it in cash or by credit card? B: I’ll pay for it by credit card. A: Register 9 is over there, in front of you. B: Thank you. A: You are welcome. Dialogue 3 A= Salesgirl B= Shopper A: We're getting the order out now. B: Did you get our packing specifications? A: Yes, I'm reading them right now. B: We need this order packed in a special way. A: We know it's fragile. B: Yes. Please be careful when you carry it. We'll need all our orders packed that way from now on. A: No problem. New Words and Phrases adorable. [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 可爱的 fragile [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 易碎的 popular [,,,,,,,,] adj. 受欢迎的 register [,,,,,,,,,] n. 收银机 separately [,,,,,,,,,,] ad. 个别地 specification (产品)说明书 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. from now on 今后 Useful Expressions 询问包装(Asking for packing) 139 Sales Associate 1. Shall I wrap it up? 我可以把它包起来吗? 2. Shall I pack it for you? 我可以为你打包吗? 3. Sure. Is it all right? 当然了,这样可以吗? Customer 1. Yes. Please wrap it in a nice piece of wrapping paper. 好的,请用一张漂亮的纸包装。 2. Yes, please. 好的,谢谢。 3. Could you wrap it up? 你能把它包起来吗? 4. Could you wrap everything up in one package? 请你把所有的东西包在一起。 5. Could you wrap these small parcels up with it as well? 你能把这些小件商品和它包在一起吗? Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. Yes, with pleasure. B. Oh, very good. C. Oh, thank you. D. Well, I don’t know. 2. A. It looked very good. B. I bought it last month. C. It lasted two hours. D. It was on sale. 3. A. Yes, many. B. It is too expensive. C. Not more than 20 yuan. D. It is very cheap. 4. A. I won’t do anything for you. 140 B. I’d like to buy a skirt goes well with this blouse. C. Go ahead. D. I like watching TV. 5. A. It comes in all size. B. I’d love to, but I have a cold. C. It comes in red, pink, light blue and black. D. It doesn’t come in yellow. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices. Dialogue 1 1. Mrs. Liu wants to buy _______. A. a jacket B. a jack C. a blouse D. a pair of glasses 2. Mrs. Liu's son is _______. A. short and thin B. short and strong C. thin and tall D. tall and strong 3. Mrs. Liu prefers the ______. A. dark colors B. lighter colors C. green-brown colors D. ivory-white colors Dialogue 2 1. How much does the woman want to pay for this set of plates? A. The woman wants to pay 300 yuan for this set of plates. B. The woman wants to pay 220 yuan for this set of plates. C. The woman wants to pay 290 yuan for this set of plates. D. The woman wants to pay 150 yuan for this set of plates. Dialogue 3 1. How much will the shopper pay for the jacket? A. The shopper will buy the jacket at 30% discount. B. The shopper will buy the jacket at 20% discount. C. The shopper will buy the jacket at 10% discount. 141 D. The shopper will buy the jacket at 40% discount. Dialogue 4 1. The shopper wants _________. A. a dinner tea B. a dine table C. a dine set D. a dinette set 2. The one that the shopper wants costs_______. A. 850 dollars B. 400 dollars C. 380 dollars D. 100 dollars Dialogue 5: 1. Mr. Stone suggests Mrs. Green to buy _______. A. a winter shirt for her brother B. a spring sweater for her mother C. the autumn socks for her father D. the summer skirt for her sister 2. What color does Mrs. Green prefer? A. Mrs. Green prefers the red color. B. Mrs. Green prefers the blue color. C. Mrs. Green prefers the green color. D. Mrs. Green prefers the grey color. 3. The shirt costs Mr. Green _____. A. $200 B. $160 C. $150 D. $80 Dialogue 6 1. What color does the buyer like? A. Gray and blue. B. Green and brown. C. Green and blue. D. Brown and blue. 2. How much is the tie? A. $150. B. $15. C. $5. D. $25. Dialogue 7 1. Why does the man buy the tapes? A. To enjoy himself. B. To sends his friends. C. To learn English. D. To make money. 142 2. How much does the man spend altogether? A.,150. B.,200. C.,190. D.,290. Dialogue 8 1. Which one does the shopper take? A. Neither. B. Silver Jims. C. the Cool Walkers. D. Both. 2. How does the shopper pay? A. By credit card. B. By cash. C. By check. D. By charge card. Dialogue 9 1. What does the shopper wants to buy? A. A toy car. B. A handkerchief. C. A shelf. D. A scarf. 2. What does the shopper ask the shop assistant to do with the thing that he buys? A. To deliver it. B. To take care of it for a while. C. To wrap it up. D. To wash it. Dialogue 10 1. Why does the shopper want to exchange this blouse? A. Because it’s the wrong size. B. Because it’s the wrong design. C. Because it’s the wrong material. D. Because it’s the wrong color. 2. Where is the fitting room? A. It’s on the right of the shopper. B. It’s on the left of the shopper. C. It’s behind the shopper. D. It’s in front of the shopper. III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. When a man is buying clothes, he_______. A. puts price before quality B. chooses things that others think suitable for him C. doesn’t mind the price he has to pay for the right things D. buys good quality things as long as they do not cost too much 2. From the passage,we know that in shopping for a jacket________. A. men like their jacket to be bigger than their sizes 143 B. all men can tell whether it is the right size for them C. men make sure it fits them before buying it D. men don’t worry whether the jacket fits well or not so long as it is the right color 3. When a man can not get what he wants, he will______. A. buy something of the same color in a slightly different style B. not buy anything C. try on some other clothes of the same style D. waste time in buying something else 4. What does the passage tell us about women’s shopping for clothes? A. They welcome suggestions from anyone. B. Women seldom consider buying cheap clothes. C. Women often buy things without thinking. D. They listen to advice but never take it. 5. The most obvious difference between men and women shoppers is that ________. A. men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do B. two men bargain for their clothes and men don’t C. men do their shopping standing up but women do theirs sitting down D. the time they take over buying clothes Speaking A Role-play for Shopping Sample Conversation: Shopping for New Shoes A= Clerk B= Shopper A: Welcome to Kenny’s Shoes. We’re having a sale on dress shoes. B: That’s great, I need some dress shoes. What do you have on sale? A: Well, we have Silver Jims and Cool Walkers. B: What do you recommend? A: Well, Silver Jims are more fashionable and higher quality, whereas Cool Walkers are not as expensive and they’re more comfortable. B: What’s the difference in price? 144 A: With tax, the Silver Jims come to $47.00 and the Cool Walkers come to $39.00. B: So that’s about an $8.00 difference. A: That’s right. B: I’ll take the Cool Walkers. A: How would you like to pay? B: Put it on my credit card. . . . A: Alright, here’s your receipt. Have a nice day. B: Thanks. Shoppers Sheet You are going on a vacation and you need to do some shopping before you go. (1) Open a store: The teacher will give you a store with two products. Write your product information in the blank spaces. (2) Make a shopping list: The teacher will give you a shopping list. (3) Make a budget: The teacher will write down your budget for cash, checks, and credit cards. (4) Go shopping: Visit other student stores and decide what you will buy. Write the other store’s product information in your table. (1) Write down your product information: Store Name: _______________________________ Product 1: Product 2: Advantages Comparative Advantages Comparative 145 (2) Write down the items on your shopping list: (1) ______________________ (4) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (5) ______________________ (3) ______________________ (6) ______________________ (3) Write down your budget: Budget: Cash $__________, Checks $___________, Credit Cards $__________ (4) Go shopping: Store Products Advantages Price Payment Kenny’s Silver Jimms more fashionable, higher quality $47.00 Credit card Shoes Cool Walkers not as expensive, more comfortable $39.00 X Conversation: In a Clothes Store Clerk: I really like that jacket! (1) It looks good on you. 146 Customer: I don’t know. It’s more expensive than the other one. (2) Clerk: But it makes you look much thinner. (3) I’ll tell you what: I’ll give you a 10% discount. (4) Customer: How much is it? Clerk: With tax, the total comes to $48.50. (5) Customer: Alright. I’ll take it. Clerk: How would you like to pay? Customer: I’ll put it on my credit card. (6) sweater not as stylish as it goes well with your pants (1) shirt (2) much brighter than (3) it matches your shoes 25% $38.62 write a check (4) (5) (6) 15% $28.87 pay with cash Social Strategy: Complimenting People appreciate when you notice them. Here are some ways to notice and compliment: Noticing: I really like your jacket. Are you wearing new glasses? Did you get a haircut? Have you lost some weight? Complimenting: It looks good on you. It goes well with your shirt. It suits you. It matches your dress. It makes you look thin. You’re looking good/fit/healthy. Grammar Focus: Comparatives There are many ways to compare things. Often, we use an adjective and one of the following sentences patterns: 147 Expressions for Comparing Two Objects cheap, easy to use cheaper (than), easier to use (than) comfortable, powerful more comfortable (than), more powerful (than) Not cheap, not comfortable not as cheap (as), not as comfortable (as) Look at the advertisements below and make comparisons between the products: Advantages of Cool Walkers (1) Cool Walkers are not as expensive as Slim Jimms. (2) (3) Advantages of Slim Jimms: (1) Slim Jimms are more durable than Cool Walkers. (2) Work in pairs. Compare these items. Write your comparisons down in your workbook or on a separate piece of paper. 148 Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. He is a great soldier ________. A. first of all B. first at all C. first in all D. first above all 2. We have lots of ________from all over the world. A. souvenir B. stationers C. souvenirs D. stationery 3. We have all kinds of world famous brand name________. A. marcher B. merchandises C. merchandise D. marchers 4. They ________very ________women in this country. A. are ... popular on B. are ... popular with C. are ... popular in D. are ... popular for 5. Please ________. A. try it on B. try it for C. try on it D. try for it 6. This car ________ a variety of colors and styles. A. comes to B. comes out C. comes off D. comes in 7. The best I can offer is 10%. ________. A. Let’s split the difference B. give you the discount C. That is my final price D. They are on sail 8. These are ________. 149 A. second-hand furniture B. second hand furniture C. second-hands furniture D. second hands furniture 9. They’ll take another 5% ________. A. done B. out C. dispute D. off 10. This hotel will________ me________ the one we stayed in. A. remind…of B. remind… off C. remind... at D. remind... out 11. In cold weather, you should ________ well. A. wrap upon B. wrap into C. wrap up D. wrap with 12. We are going to pay ________ cash or ________credit. A. in ....by B. in ....in C. by ....by D. by ....in 13. We're ________ the order ________now. A. getting out the order B. letting the order...out C. letting out the order D. getting the order...out 14. They carefully packed the ________china into cartons. A. fragile B. frabjous C. fractality D. fracas 15. ________, we will try to do better. A. From then on B. Now from on C. From now on D. Then from on II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 1.tell sb. the truth A. 促销 2.pick out B. 减价,贱卖 3.a variety of C. 各让一步 4.give sb. a discount D. 挑选;选出 5.split the difference E. 分期付款 6.be in good condition F. 各种各样 7.second-hand G. 至少 8.sales promotion H. 说实话 9.pay by installments I. , 总计达到 10.at least J. 状态好,还可用 11.on sale K. ... 给打折 12.come to L. 二手 150 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b, and c. 1. I’d like to buy some typical Chinese products. a. I’d like to buy a jade bracelet. b. 我想买一件长袖衬衫。 c. 我想给我朋友买一些纪念品。 2. We can give you some discounts. a. I can give you a 25% discount. b. 我们可以给你打九折。 c. 你可以打折吗, 3. Can I use my credit card? a. Can I pay by cash? b. 我可以用万事达卡付账吗, c. 我可以用美国快递付账吗, 4. I’ll pack them in two boxes and then wrap the boxes in beautiful paper. a. I’ll pack it in a big box. b. 我会用漂亮的纸包好。 c. 你能把它包好吗, Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable phrases or sentences. S=Salesperson C=Customer S: Hello! What can I do for you? C: (1)______.Can you introduce me the most popular clothes this year? S: Of course. This way please. How about this one? C: How beautiful the clothes are! (2)________? S: Yes. Please. C: Thank you. 151 S: This one fits you very much. C: I think so. (3)_________? S: 300 yuan. C: Oh! (4)____. Can it be discounted? S: 10% discount, 270 yuan. C: Very good! (5)_______. S: OK. I’ll pack it in a beautiful box. C: Thanks. S: Not at all. Please pay it in the paying office. C: (6)________? S: Sorry, we only accept cash here. C: OK, may I have the receipt? S: Of course, this is your receipt. Welcome next time! Good-bye! C: Good-bye! Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and choose the one out of the four choices that can complete the following statements according to the passage. The American idea of customer service is to make each customer the center of attention. People going shopping in America can expect to be treated with respect from the very beginning. When customers get to the store, they are treated as honored guests. Customers don’t usually find store clerks sitting around watching TV or playing cards. Instead, the clerks greet them warmly and offer to help them find what they want. In most stores, the signs that label each department make shopping a breeze. Customers usually don’t have to ask how much items cost, since prices are clearly marked. When customers are ready to check out, they find the nearest and shortest checkout lane. But as Murphy’s Law would have it, whichever lane they get in, all the other lanes will move faster. Good stores open new checkout lanes when the lanes get too long. Some even offer express lanes for customers with 10 items or less. After they pay for their purchases, customers receive a smile and a warm ―thank you‖ from the clerk. Many stores even allow customers to take their shopping 152 carts out to the parking lot. That way; they don’t have to carry heavy bags out to the car. In America, customer service continues long after the sale. Many products come with a money-back guarantee. If there is a problem with the product, customers can take it back. The customer service representative will often allow them to exchange the item or return it for a full refund. 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned about customer service in America? A. Customers are highly valued in America. B. Customer service in America is the best one in the world. C. Many stores make it convenient for customers to pay the purchase. D. After-sale service in America is paid much attention. 2. When customers enter the store in the U. S. A., they will ______. A. see store clerks sitting around watching TV B. receive warm greetings from clerks C. show their respects to clerks D. be given a pamphlet introducing the goods 3. Why do people in the U. S. A. feel shopping is a breeze? A. The price is very cheap. B. The products are good. C. The signs of departments are clear. D. The departments are large. 4. According to Murph’s Law, people feel _____. A. the lane they get in is faster than other lanes B. the lane they get in is slower than other lanes C. it’s better to stand in a newly-opened lane D. it’s better to find the nearest and shortest checkout lane 5. If there is a problem with the product, the customer may _____. A. have it repaired by others B. send the product to others C. ask the customer representative to say sorry to him D. ask for a refund from the store New Words and Phrases: breeze [,,,,,] n. 轻而易举的事 153 checkout [,,,,,,,,] n. 付帐 honored [,,,,,] adj. 尊敬的 label [,,,,,,] n. 分类, 标注 lane [,,,,] n. 通道 refund [,,,,,,,,] n. 退款 representative 代理人 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. respect [,,,,,,,,] n. 尊敬, 敬重 treat [,,,,,] v. 对待 a money-back guarantee (顾客对购货不满意时的)退款保证 Murphy’s Law 墨菲定律 (―If anything can go wrong, it will.‖会 出错的,终将会出错。) Passage 2 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Who Prefers to Buy Things from E-shop? Although the fast changing of business environment and evolution of information technology have made the demands of consumers change fast, and their behaviors are more and more difficult to sort out, we still can draw something in common from many E-commerce consumer survey reports conducted by different institutes in or out of the country(Generally,the E-customers have the following characters: 1. The majority of them are male—Over two thirds of the E-consumers are male. This means, E-shops are always male consuming fields(No matter the products are for male or female, the buyers always are male((They buy the women products for ladies). 2. Younger than middle age—Average age are 35 years old, they like new things and keep up with the trend( 3. Higher education background—Have enough knowledge about Internet and computer, understand the good points of E-business, have a good master of Foreign languages,and are 154 always web fans( 4. Middle class stage—Can afford to the charges for log-on web and the consuming for E-games, E-books, E-shopping. 5. Like self-service shopping—Be tired of the pressure given by those too enthusiastic sale-men or women. Especially when buy some sensitive goods, such as adult products. 6. Busy white collars—Shuttle between office and home every day, no time to go shopping or to stroll around. But they always have a rather higher requirement to the quality of the products and want to have more options. They wish the trouble occurred after purchase and the time spent for shopping are as less as possible, and they welcome fast, reliable and convenient payment. E-shop actually is a website that can provide the interface. On which all the contents of the goods or services they are going to provide are listed, may be in a colorful, 1ively, attractive way. The basic elements of an E-shop are these web pages(from home page to sub page), which have two functions. One is to offer or promote the goods or the contents of service(The other is to provide a means (interface) to customers to interact with the E-shops to make the purchase. ( ) 1.We still can draw something in special from many E-commerce consumer survey reports. ( ) 2.The E-customers are always not only male but also female consuming fields. ( ) 3.The E-customers are always web fans and younger than middle age. ( ) 4.The E-customers often have a good salary. ( ) 5.The E-customers like the sale-men or women’s self-service shopping. ( ) 6.The E-customers always show much more attention to the quality of the products. ( ) 7.The E-customers prefer fast, reliable and convenient payment. ( ) 8.The basic elements of an E-shop are colorful, 1ively, attractive way. New Words and Phrases: average [,,,,,,,] adj. 平均的 behavior [,,,,,,,,,] n. 行为 character [,,,,,,,,] n. 品质 consumer[,,,,,,,,,,] n. 消费者 convenient 方便的 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] a. environment 环境 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 155 evolution [,,,,,,,,,,,] 发展 n. enthusiastic 热情的 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] a. interact [,,,,,,,,,,] vi. 相互影响 interface [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 接口,相互联系 log on [,,,,,,] v (电脑)开机 majority [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 大多数 option [,,,,,,] n. 自由选择 pressure [',,,,,] n. 压力 reliable [,,,,,,,,,] a. 可信赖的 sensitive [',,,,,,,] a. 神经过敏的 shuttle [',,,,] v. 穿梭般来回 survey [,,,,,,,] n. 民意调查(测验) stage [,,,,,,] n. 舞台 stroll [,,,,,,] vi. 在……散步 trend [,,,,,] n. 时尚 web [,,,] n. 网络 156 Module 6 Banking Scene 1 Opening an Account Task When working abroad, it’s quite important to open up a bank account. What types of accounts can you open at a bank? What services does the bank provide? Imagine that you need to open up an account with the local bank, what questions do you need to ask? What information does the teller need from you to open an account? Partner up with a friend and figure out how you would set up different accounts at the bank. Cultural Tips 国外银行的一些业务常识 首先,去银行之前,先要了解银行的营业时间。英美银行一般在早上9:30开始营业, 下午4点关门。每周五天工作制,周六周日休息。到了银行,先填存款或取款单。不管有几 个人,都要自觉排队。在别人存款或取款时,你必须站在离他一两米远的地方等侯,千万 不要围在窗口或别人身旁。听到营业员叫到你时,再过去办理业务。如:“I’d like to withdraw $300 from my account.”我想取300元钱。或者“I want to deposit $ 200 in my account.”我想 存200美元。如果你想在这家银行开户,就可以这样说:“May I open an account here, please?” 我想开户。营业员就会问:“What type of account?” 开哪一类的账户, 英美银行业务又很多种,如:活期存款账户,就是:checking account;定期账户,term/fixed deposit account 等等。在国外短期居留的人一般来说办一个储蓄帐户就行了。这种账户既 方便、安全又实惠,因为能获得一定的利息收入,其他形式的账户一般没有利息,而且每 当你开出一张支票,银行还要扣你的服务费,也就是service charge. 储蓄帐户又两种主要形 式,一种是(daily interest) savings account /current account. 相当于我国的活期储蓄,可以随 时支取,而且有利息。另一种是premium savings account或term (fixed) deposit account, 相当 于我国的定期储蓄,利息是最高的。 还有一点就是在办理开户手续时,营业员一定会让你留下亲笔签名,signature,这是今 后核对的重要依据,所以签名最好是信手写来,不要一笔一划,以防被别人模仿,给自己 造成经济损失。 157 办完开户手续后,一般来说定期储蓄当场就可拿到存单。活期储蓄一般先给一本临时 存折,过一两周后就会收到银行寄给你的塑料卡,这张卡上用钢印打有你的名字和账号, 你就可以用它办理你的存取款业务了。为了安全起见,你应该记住你的存折密码,然后将 其销毁,以防不测。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Clerk B=Mr. Mitchell Smith A: Hello, Sir, What can I do for you? B: I would like to open an account. A: Can I see your number? B: Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to take a number A: Please take a number first and wait for your number to be called. Dialogue 2 A=Clerk B=Mr. Mitchell Smith A: Number 8, please. B: Here is the number. I would like to open an account. A: All right. Is it to open a new checking or savings account? B: Savings. A: We need to see your ID card or passport. B: Here you are. A: Okay, please fill out each item in the highlighted portion of the application form. B: This part, A: Yes, please fill in your cell phone number in the contact column. In addition, do you use a seal or a signature? B: I will use my signature. A: OK. 158 Dialogue 3 A=Mr. Mitchell Smith B=Clerk A: By the way, I need a checking account for a new business. B: You need to open another account? A: Yeah. And with an ATM card. B: OK. Please fill out another application form and put in your 6 digit password. A: All right. B: OK. Sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. Here are your passport and ID card. The debit card will be mailed to you within 2 days. A: Thank you. Dialogue 4 A= Clerk B= Customer A: Good morning. How can I help you? B: I’d like to open a savings account. What kind of accounts do you have? A: We have general current accounts, and special current accounts. B: What’s a special current account? A: With a special current account, one has to have at least 20 thousand dollars in the account at any time. But the interest rate is higher than that of a general current account. While with the general current account there’s no minimum balance. B: Can I withdraw the money from a special current account at any time? A: Sure, as long as there’re more than 20 thousand dollars in that account. B: What if there’s less than 20 thousand dollars? A: The rating system will automatically change to the one for a general current account. B: Well, I don’t have that much money on hand. A general current account is probably better for me. A: Please fill out this form, sign it, and then take this form to the person at counter number 4. B: Thank you very much. You’re very helpful. A: You’re welcome. 159 New Words and Phrases account [,,,,,,,] n. 户头, 帐目 application 申请 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. automatically 自动地 [,,,,,,,,,,,,] ad. balance [,,,,,,,]n. 结存;结余 debit [,,,,,,] n. 借方 digit [,,,,,,,]n. 数字 foreigner [,,,,,,,] n. 外国人,外人, 陌生人 minimum [,,,,,,,,] n. 最小量,最小数 passport [,,,,,,,,,] n. 护照, 通行证 seal [,,,,] n 印章 signature [,,,,,,,,,] n. 签名 contact column 联系栏 current account 活期存款帐户 fill out=fill in 填表 ID =identification card 身份证 in addition 另外 open an account 开个账户 savings account 储蓄存款帐户 Useful Expressions 银行开户(Opening an Account) Bank teller 1. What kind of account would you like to have? 你想开哪种帐户? 2. Would you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? 3. A deposit or current account? 160 定期还是活期? 4. Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money, 请告诉我你想存何种户头? 5. There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收服务费。 6. You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of one RMB. 你可随时以一块钱的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 7. Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you make a deposit or withdraw money. Please inform us immediately if you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 Customer 1. I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。 2. I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 3. Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗, 4. Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续。 5. I’d like to know whether a 200 yuan deposit will be enough for opening a checking account. 我想知道开一个支票帐户200元存款是否足够。 6. Could you tell me how to use this account? 请告诉我如何使用这个帐户好吗, 7. Is there any minimum for the first deposit? 第一次储蓄有最低限额吗, 8. How much does each account cost? 每个帐户要花多少钱, 9. I would like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 10. I need a checking account so that I can pay my bills. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 11. We'd like to know how to open a checking-savings account. 161 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。 银行存钱(Depositing money) Bank teller 1. How much do you want to deposit with us? 存多少, 2. How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你想在户头上存多少, 3. How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis? 你计划在你的户头上定期存放多少钱, 4. Please fill in the deposit form, put the amount you want to deposit as well as your name and account number. 请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名和帐号。 5. Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per annum at present. 目前每年的利率是1%。 6. The account carries interest of 4%. 该存款有4%的利息。 7. The interest is added to your account every year. 每年的利息都加到你的存款中。 8. The interest rate for the savings account is 4%. 储蓄存款的利率是4%。 9. It varies from time to time. At present it is 6%. (年息)每个时期都不同,现在是六厘。 Customer 1. I want to deposit 300 yuan in my account. 我想在我的户头上存300元。 2. I want to deposit these cheques in my account. 我想把这些支票存在我的户头上。 3. I want to deposit my paycheck. 我想存入我的工资支票。 4. What's the interest rate for the savings account? 存款利率是多少, 5. Do you pay interest on this account? 162 这种存款有利息吗, 6. Please tell me what the annual interest rate is. 年利率是多少, Scene 2 Foreign Exchange Task Whether you are just arriving in a foreign country or leaving one, it is usually necessary to exchange your currency for the local currency or vice versa. Practice with a partner and make exchanges between different currencies. Ask for the exchange rates and request your money in specific denominations. Cultural Tips 在国外能兑换外币的地方很多,机场、车站、银行、酒店、大商场及高级娱乐场所。 但是其中最安全、最合算的还要数银行。一般来说,兑换目的地国家货币时应当避免多次 兑换,以减少因多次兑换而产生的货币损失。如果需要的外币量不多,可以先在国内银行 兑换所需的外币。现在中国银行柜面可以兑换的境外货币,有美元、英镑、欧元、港币、 日元等13种,一般出境前只需凭护照和签证即可办理。不过,对于一些稀少品种的货币, 要兑换前最好提前向银行网点咨询预约。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A= Cashier B=Customer A: Hi. May I help you? B: Yes. What’s the buying rate for the euro? A: 1.15 U.S. dollars to the Euro. B: Okay. I’d like to change some euro into US dollars, please. 163 A: Sure. How much would you like to change? B: Six hundred Euro. A: Very good. May I see your passport? B: Here you are. A: How would you like your bills? B: In fifties please. Dialogue 2 A= Cashier B=Customer A: Number l0, please. B: Here is the number. I would like to exchange some pounds for HK dollars. A: OK, today’s exchange rate is 11 HK dollars to 1 pound( B: Sounds great! So, is it the same rate as the banks? I think the bank’s rates are a little better. A: That’s true, but I’m afraid that all banks are closed now. B: It’s 8 p.m. right now and the banks won’t open till 9 a.m. I should probably change some money now, I don’t think I can wait until they open. A: All right, so how much do you want? B: I would like to exchange 500 pounds. A: Could you please sign this form first? B: Ok, here you are. A: Your money, sir. Please hold on to the receipt. B: Thanks. Dialogue 3 A= Customer B= Cashier A: Could you exchange some money for me? I need some US dollars. B: Certainly. What kind of currency have you got? A: I have RMB. B: How much do you want to change? A: Five thousand yuan, and what’s the exchange rate today? 164 B: According to the present rate, 100 US dollars is equivalent to 700 RMB.. A: Here you go. B: Please show me your passport. A: All right. Here it is. B: Thank you. One moment please. Please sign your name on this. A: All right. B: How would you like your cash? A: Could you give me some ones and fives? I need some small change. B: Here’s your money, sir. Would you like me to count it out for you? A: No thanks, I got it. B: Here’s your exchange receipt. A: Thank you. New Words and Phrases currency [,,,,,,,,] n. 货币 Euro[,,,,,,,] n. 欧元(欧洲经济共同体的统一货币单位) exchange [,,,,,,,,,,,] n.& v. 交换;兑换 HK=Hong Kong [,,,,,,,,] n. 中国香港特别行政区 rate [,,,,] n. 比率 be equivalent to 相等[当]于..., 等(同)于, buying rate 买入价;买入汇率 Useful Expressions Bank teller 1. Please tell me how much you want to change. 请告诉我你要换多少。 2. How much do you want to convert into Japanese yen? 你要把多少汇款换成日元, 3. What kind of currency do you want? 要哪种货币, 165 4. What’s it you wish to change? 你有什么要换的, 5. What kind of currency do you want to change? 要换哪种货币, 6. What denominations would you like it in? 要什么面值的, 7. Please tell me what note you want. 请告诉我要什么钞票。 8. Will seven tens be all right? 7张10元的可以吗, 9. Is it in traveler’s cheques? 换旅行支票吗, 10. The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars. 美元现钞买入价是100美元付460元。 11. How would you like it? 你要什么面额的, 12. Please sign the exchange form, put your name and address here. 请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗, 13. Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars. 我们100美元的现钞买入价是523元。 14. If you'll wait a moment, I’ll find out the rates of exchange. 请等一会儿,我查一下兑换率。 15. Please wait a moment. I'll find out the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and RMB. 请等一会儿,我查一下美元对人民币的兑换率。 16. It’s 470 yuan for 100 dollars. 100美元可兑470元。 17. The exchange rate today is 200 yen to the pound. 今天的兑换率是一英镑可兑200日圆。 18. The exchange rate for traveler's checks is 300 yuan to 100 dollars. 旅行支票的兑换率是100美元兑300元。 19. It comes out to 1,000 yuan. 这些美元可换1000元。 166 Customer 1. It’s 200 French francs at today’s selling rate. 今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。 2. And how much will it be in Japanese currency? 换成日本币是多少, 3. How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen? 300日元可兑换多少钱, 4. I’d like to know the exchange rate for German marks. 我想知道德国马克的兑换率。 5. What rate are you giving? 你们提供的兑换率是多少, 6. What’s the exchange rate today? 今天的兑换率是多少, 7. Please tell me what you would give me for my U.S. dollars. 请告诉我这些美元可以兑换多少钱。 8. Please tell me the current rate for sterling. 请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。 9. Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four pound notes and four ten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change? 请你给我7张5镑纸币,4张1镑纸币,4张10先令纸币,剩下的要零钱。 10. Could you give me some small notes? 给我一些小票好吗, 11. Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 请告诉我人民币的现价。 12. What’s your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少, 13. What’s the dollar going for today? 美元今天的售价是多少, 14. Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers? 劳驾给我6便士的铜币。 15. I’d like to know if you could change this money back into U.S. dollars for me. 我想知道能否把这笔钱兑换成美元。 16. Could you change these French francs for me? 167 能给我兑换这些法国法郎吗, 17. Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs? 能否给我100美元的瑞士法郎, 18. I’d like to convert the full amount of the remittance into U.S. dollars. 我想把全部汇款换成美元。 19. I’d like some coins for this note. 我想把这张纸币换成硬币。 20. I’d like to break this 50 dollar note. 我想把这张50美元纸币换开。 21. Five twenties and ten singles, please. 请给我5张20元和10张一元的。 22. I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques. 我要300美元票面为100美元的支票。 23. Can you give me ten traveler's checks of 100 dollars each? 我希望给我10张面额为100美元的旅行支票。 24. In fives, please. 请给我5元票面的。 Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. Credit card. B. Current account. C. Check. D. Interest. 2. A. What a good idea! B. No, please don’t. C. Here you are. D. Take it. 3. A. Interest is paid at the rate of 1% for 3 years. B. Interest is paid at the rate of 1% for 4 years. C. Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per year. D. Interest is paid at the rate of 1% for 2 years. 4. A. It’s 7.1 yuan for 1 dollar. B. It’s free of the charge. C. The minimum deposit is 50 yuan. D. That comes to 100 yuan. 5. A. The banks charges 0.5% of the check. 168 B. Yes, there’s a 0.1% service charge. C. The interest rate is 4.5%. D. Yes, you will find some on the desk over there. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices. Dialogue 1 1. Where is the Bank of China? A. On the first street. B. On the second street. C. On the third street. D. On the fourth street. Dialogue 2 1. Where are they? A. In the bank. B. At the restaurant. C. In the classroom. D. In the library. Dialogue 3 1. What does the woman mean? A. She often visits the bank. B. She wouldn’t like to tell him. C. She has no idea. D. She wants to go to the bank with the man. Dialogue 4 1. Why does the man come to the bank? Because_________ A. He wants to open a checking account. B. He wants to draw some money. C. His bank card is broken. D. His bank card is lost. 2. How long will it take for the man to receive the new card? A. One week. B. One hour. C. Just a minute. D. One month. Dialogue 5 1. What kind of savings account does the man want to open? A. A time saving account. B. A current savings account. C. A large deposit. D. A checking account. 2. What’s the interest rate for the current savings account? A. 0.30% per year. B. 0.80% per month. C. 0.80% per year. D. 0.58% per year. 169 III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. What kind of accounts can customers open in a bank? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where can people withdraw their money? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Who can borrow money from the bank? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Which interest is higher, the interest on loans or the interest on savings accounts? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Why do people rent a safe deposit box from the bank? ____________________________________________________________________ Speaking A Role-play for Conducting Banking Transactions A = Bank Teller B=Customer A: Good Afternoon. How may I help you today? B: Hi. I’d like to cash this check. deposit this into my checking account withdraw $500.00 from my account. change this into American money. pay this bill. A: Can I have your bankcard please? B: Ok. Here you are. A: And, I’ll need a picture ID as well. B: Is my driver’s license OK? A: That’ll be fine. Thanks. …Teller Counts money… A: Here is your ID and here is your money. your receipt A: Will there be anything else for you today? B: No, that’s all, thank you. 170 A: Have a nice day. B: You too. Bank Teller Sheet You are a teller in a bank. Bank clients are going to enter your bank and make transactions at your window. Write down their name, the transaction, the amount, and their ID in the table below. Name Transaction Amount ID Mike Withdrawal $450.00 Passport Action Sheets for Bank Clients You are a bank client and you have a list of errands to do at the bank today. Go through the list in order. Your teacher will give you a bankcard, some ID, three bills and two checks. Make sure you go to a different bank teller for each transaction. Get the teller’s signature when you are finished your transaction. Teller’s Signature Bank Transaction Cash your first check. Deposit your money into your account. Cash your other check. Pay your telephone bill. Withdraw $600.00. Pay your electricity bill. Change $200 into American money. Pay your gas bill. Deposit your remaining money. 171 Take a vote: The friendliest bank teller was ___________________. Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Please________ a number first and wait for your number to be called. A. take B. taking C. to take D. to taking 2. OK. Sorry to keep you ________for such a long time. Here are your passport and ID card. to wait B. waiting C. waited D. to waiting A. 3. I’d like to open a savings account. ________kind of accounts do you have? A. That B. While C. What D. Who 4. The rating system will ________change to the one for a general current account. A. automatical B. automatic C. automatically D. automate 5. ________does each account cost? A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How many 6. The ________for the savings account is 4%. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interest rate 7. I’d like to change some euro________US dollars, please. A. in B. into C. on D. of 8. One moment please. Please ________your name on this. A. take B. sign C. keep D. hold 9. Would you mind ________me the six pence in coppers? A. giving B. give C. to give D. given 10. ________ you change these French francs for me? A. Need B. May C. Could D. Must II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 1. interest rate A. 另外 2. ID =identification card B. 利率 3. in addition C. 开个账户 4. open an account D. 身份证 5. savings account E. 相等[当]于..., 等于 6. be equivalent to F. 储蓄存款帐户 172 7. buying rate G. 活期存款帐户 8. contact column H. 买入价;买入汇率 9. current account I. 联系栏 1o. fill out J. 填表 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b, and c. 1. I’d like to open an account. a. I’d like to open a checking account for my firm. b. 我想开一个储蓄帐户。 c. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 2. I’d like to change this into American money. a. I’d like to change this into Canadian money. b. 我想把这些钱兑换成苏丹货币。 c. 我想把这些钱兑换成印度尼西亚货币。 3. What is the exchange rate of RMB to US dollars today? a. What is the exchange rate of RMB to Canadian dollars today? b. 今天的外汇买入价多少, c. 今天的存款利率是多少, Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable expressions Dialogue Jones: Good morning, sir. I just came to China and I can't read Chinese. (1)__________ Bank Clerk: My pleasure. (2)_______________________ Jones: Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to (3) __________ the exchange form. Bank Clerk: Would you mind showing me your passport? Also, please write down your name on the paper. 173 Jones: Here you are. (4) ________________ Jones. Bank Clerk: Alright. I will fill out the exchange form for you now. You can take a seat over there for a moment. Jones: Sure. Thanks. Bank Clerk: Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars? Jones: Yes, if I have some left. Bank Clerk: If I may offer a suggestion, please keep your exchange form. Jones: OK, I will. (5)_____________ Bank Clerk: You are welcome. Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Banking Services Everyone needs money to buy food, clothes, and housing. Very few people can produce everything that they need. Today, most people use money to buy these things. Buying and selling is necessary for modern society. Money is important for life, and banks control money in most places. In China, there are many different banks, and they offer many different services. The most common banking service is the savings account. People can deposit some of their money in a savings account. They do not usually need this money right now. They leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need it. The bank will pay interest on the savings account. Interest is the money that the bank gives to the customer. Loans are an important banking service. Banks give money to businesses and to individuals. A bank may loan money to a business to buy more machines or tools. Some people borrow money from the bank to build swimming pools or to repair their house. The bank always charges interest on loans. The borrower must repay the loan plus the interest. The interest on loans is always higher than the interest on savings accounts. The credit card is another important service that the bank provides. It makes life easier in 174 many ways. By using the credit card, people no longer need carry about large sums of money while traveling. Another banking service is the automatic teller machine(Many banks have machines outside the bank so that customers can get their money any time they want, day or night. Customers can deposit or withdraw. They can withdraw cash any time if they have money in their accounts. Banks control the money. They keep money for people,and they give loans. Banks control the interest rate. In this way, they can control the amount of money for business and individual loans. Banks also offer their customers many useful services, such as savings and checking accounts and loans. ( ) 1. Buying and selling is not important for most people. ( ) 2. Banks pay interest on savings accounts. ( ) 3. Banks only loan money to businesses. ( ) 4. No people borrow money from the bank to buy a house or car. ( ) 5. Loan customers must pay interest on their loans. New Words and Phrases banking [,,,,,,,] n. 银行业 cash [,,,] n. 现金 common [,,,,,,] adj. 普通的 deposit [,,,,,,,,] v.& n. 存储 individual [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 个人,个体 necessary [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 必要的,必须的 produce [,,,,,,,,,]v. 生产,制造 provide [,,,,,,,,] v. 提供 service [,,,,,,,] n. 服务 society [,,,,,,,,,] n. 社会 withdraw [,,,,,,,,] v.& n. 提取 automatic teller machine 自动取款机 checking accounts 支票帐户 credit card 信用卡 175 interest rate 利率 savings accounts 储蓄帐户 Passage 2 Read the passage and choose the one out of the four choices that can complete the following statements according to the passage. Someday in the future we may not need to have money in our pockets. Is life easier when people don’t need to carry any coins for currency at all? Is money heavy to carry? Is it safe to carry money? Maybe in the future each of us will have only one small plastic credit card. We will use it to buy all the things we now buy with money. We will not need money to pay for things. Of course we may still have some of the same problems with cards that we now have with money. Sometimes we lose money. Maybe we will lose the cards. People steal money. Maybe someone will take the card. Someone may even make a card that looks like our card. Since we can’t buy anything without our cards, the credit card may be no better than currency. Is there something even easier to use than credit cards? All of us have a thumbprint. No two thumbprints are the same. Maybe someday the government will keep people’s thumbprints with a number. No person will have the same thumbprint or number. When you want to buy something you will put your thumb on a machine or a computer. Each store or business will have one. Everyone’s thumbprint will be in the computers. It will be very difficult to lose our thumbprints. It will be difficult for someone to steal it or make one like it. 1. What does the word ―currency‖ (Para 1) most probably mean? A. plastic card B. paper money C. coins D. metal money 2. According to the passage, we all need _______ all the time. A. coins B. currency C. credit cards D. some kind of money 3. According to the passage, why may our thumbprints be used in the future? Because_______. A. they will help each store B. each store will have a computer C. every thumbprint is different D. computers need them 4. Which of the following gives the main idea of the second paragraph? A. Credit cards are worse than currency. 176 B. Currency may not be more of a problem than credit cards. C. We use credit cards because people steal money. D. We have many problems with money. 5. Which of the following statements is false? A. There is something easier to use than credit cards. B. There are no problems with currency. C. Every person will have a different thumbprint number. D. There are some problems with the use of credit cards. New Words and Phrases currency [,,,,,,,,] n. 通货, 货币 government [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 政府 pocket [,,,,,,] n. 衣袋, 口袋 steal [,,,,,] v. 偷, 窃取 thumbprint [,,,,,,,,,] n. 拇指的指纹 177 178 Module 7 Health Scene 1 Making a Medical Appointment Task Getting sick can be unavoidable no matter how you try to prevent it. What do you need to do to see a doctor? Try setting up an appointment to visit the doctor. Imagine you are really ill and need to see a doctor immediately, or, what if the doctor is very busy and you must wait. Cultural Tips 很多英美人在分手时总要说上一句―Take care of yourself.‖来祝愿对方身体健康。 国外的医疗费极为昂贵,因此,几乎每个人都参加健康保险(health insurance),但大部分保险公司都规定一定的限额,超过保险限额的费用由病人自理。 英美等国除了有公共诊所(public clinics)、医院急救中心(hospital emergency wards)外,还有许多私人开业医生(private doctors)和私人诊所(private clinics)。 在国外看病一般都需要预约(make an appointment)除非急诊,很少有人直接到医院找医生。没有预约,医院一般也不会接诊。如果是得了急病,可以直接送诊所或医院。和医生进行预约通常是用打电话的方法,说出姓名、电话号码和症状。什么时候能看到医生,视医生而定。一般在一、两天内就行,但有时也要在一个星期以后才行。 在美就医应注意哪些问题, 1.查信息 美国医院林立,因此对初抵异地的中国人来说,有时的确不知如何去就医。美国纽 约、洛杉矶、旧金山等大城市的中国城里有不少中国人开设的诊所,从跌打损伤、 耳鼻喉科到开刀、针灸等,一应俱全,而且收费较低。可以从发行全美的中文报纸 《世界日报》分类广告中找到此类诊所信息,或是查阅当地电话簿中的分类广告。 2.须预约 在美国,无论看什么病都必须先电话预约挂号,切莫贸然前往,许多医生都不会接 受未预允的病人。 3.忌省钱 头痛、发烧、伤风、感冒这类小毛小病,可去超市或药房买些药片自行解决。但如 179 果是大病最好去医院就诊,千万不要为省钱而耽误病情。 4.找救济 对于病情严重必须住院治疗,但又因经济原因没有参加医疗保险者,美国有些州(如 加州)和医院会帮助病人寻找一些慈善团体提供救济。 5.呼急救 如果不幸遭逢意外,诸如:摔伤、碰伤、割伤、枪伤、车祸及心脏病突发等,需要 有人伸以援手时,均应立刻拨打911紧急救难电话,呼叫救护车。据悉,英语不流利 者,只要拨通该号码后,即使不说话,警车和救护车也会及时赶到。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 A=Doctor’s Assistant B=Patient A: Good morning, City Doctors. How can I help you? B: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment to see a doctor, please. A: Certainly. When would you like to come? B: Could I come this afternoon? A: I’ll check, could you hold on for a minute? B: Of course. (A few seconds later..) A: Yes, this afternoon is possible. How about 3 o’clock? B: Yes, that’s fine. Thank you. A: Ok. Could I take your name please? B: Yes, it’s Jane Brown. A: Ok, Jane. We’ll see you later today. B: Thanks, goodbye. Dialogue 2 A=Patient B=Doctor’s Assistant 180 A: Hello. This is Richard Brown. I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. White. B: Certainly. What seems to be the problem? A: I’d like to have my annual check-up. B: OK. When would you be available to come in to see Dr. White? A: Any day next week in the morning would be great. B: How about next Thursday at 10 o'clock? A: That sounds fine. Thank you. Dialogue 3 A=Doctor’s Assistant B=Patient A: Good morning, Doctor Jensen's office. How may I help you? B: Hello, I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Jensen, please. A: Have you been in to see Doctor Jensen before? B: Yes, I have. I had a physical last year. A: OK, what is your name? B: This is Maria White. A: Thank you Ms White, let me pull up your file. B: I haven’t been feeling very well lately. A: Do you need urgent care? B: No, not necessarily, but I’d like to see the doctor soon. A: Of course, how about next Monday? There’s a slot available at 10 in the morning. B: I’m afraid I’ll be working at 10. Is there anything available after three? A: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a three o'clock opening next Wednesday. Would you like to come in then? B: Yes, next Wednesday at three would be great. A: Alright, I’ll pencil you in for three o'clock next Wednesday. B: Thank you for your help. A: You’re welcome. We’ll see you next week. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. New Words and Phrases 181 annual [,,,,,,,] adj. 一年一次的 appointment 约定, 预约 [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. available [,,,,,,,,,] 有空的 adj. check-up [,,,,,,,] n. 体格检查 pencil [,,,,,,] vt. 用铅笔写[画, 标出] slot [,,,,] n. 位置 hold on for one minute 稍等片刻 make an appointment 预约 Useful Expressions Assistant 1. This is Doctor Johnson’s office. What can I do for you? 这里是约翰逊医生办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗, 2. I’m afraid Doctor Johnson is fully booked on Tuesday. 恐怕星期二约翰逊医生已经预约满了。 3. Can you come here next Monday? 下周一您能来吗, 4. What about/How about Friday? 星期五可以吗, 5. Yes. Let’s make it at 2:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow 有时间,那我们就定在后天下午2点吧。 Patient 1. Can the doctor see me today? 今天医生能给我看病吗, 2. Would Dr. Black be able to see me at 10:00? 今天10点钟布莱克医生能给我看病吗, 3. Would it be possible to see Dr. Smith today? 今天史密斯医生有可能给我看病吗, 182 4. Could I possibly make an appointment With Dr. Black tomorrow morning? 我可以预约布莱克医生明天给我看病吗, 5. I wonder if/whether Dr. Smith could fit me this afternoon? 我想知道史密斯医生今天下午能否给我看病, 6. I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Johnson. 我想预约约翰逊医生看病。 7. Is Doctor Johnson available on Friday? 约翰逊医生星期五有空吗, 8. No problem. 没问题。 9. Will Doctor Johnson be free at 2:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow? 约翰逊医生后天下午2点有时间吗, Scene 2 At the Doctor Task The scariest thing that can happen overseas is getting sick or injured and not knowing how to tell the doctor what is wrong. What are the most common questions that a doctor would ask you? How would you respond to them? What are the most common injuries or illnesses? Practice in a small group telling the doctor what is wrong and assign one student to play the doctor, and he/she will also ask some follow-up questions. Cultural Tips 按规定的时间到了医院或诊所之后,先要挂号,一般是在签名簿上签名或向护士报到, 护士会让你填表,然后告诉你等候的时间,到时会领你去看医生。 见到医生后要向医生陈述你的病情,医生会根据你的病情做出诊断开处方 (prescription),之后,你就可以拿着处方去配药或买药。 在美国,如果有人患了急病,可以拿起电话拨―0‖,接线员答话后,你可以说:This is an emergency, please give me an ambulance((这里有急症病人,请派救护车。)接线员听完之后, 会立即给你把电话转到急救中心要车。 不过,大家最好还是Take good care of yourself。 183 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 Mary Talks to the Receptionist Mary arrived at Dr. Green's office at 8: 15. She talked to the receptionist. A=Mary B=Receptionist C=Doctor A: Hello, I have an appointment with Dr. Green at 8:30. B: What’s your name? A: Mary Smith. B: Have you been here before? A: No, I haven’t. B: Please fill out this form. A: All right. B: Do you have insurance? A: Yes. B: Please give me your insurance card. A: Here. B: Thank you. Please have a seat. The nurse will call you in a few minutes. The Doctor Sees Mary The doctor came in to see Mary. C: Hello. Your name is Mary? A: Yes C: What’s the problem? A: My throat hurts and I have a bad headache. I have a cough and a fever, and I feel very weak. C: Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and say ―A-a-a-h!‖. Let me listen to your chest and your back. Take a deep breath; let it out. Where does your head hurt? A: Here in the front and in the back. 184 C: How long have you been sick? A: About four days. C: I think you have the flu or a viral infection. I’ll give you some medicine for your headache and fever, and for your cough. Go back to Room B. The nurse will do some tests. A: Thank you, doctor. Dialogue 2 A=Doctor B=Patient A: Good morning. Please have a seat here. What seems to be the problem? B: I have a terrible stomachache. A: Do you have any diarrhea? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have any other symptoms? B: Yes, I feel sick. B: You mean you feel nauseous? B: That’s right. I feel like vomiting. I also feel kind of dizzy. A: When did the symptoms start? B: This morning. I think I ate something bad last night. A: All right. Please take off your shirt and lie down on the examination table. Just tell me if it hurts when I do this. (Pressing on the patients stomach) B: It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there. A: Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion, but we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll run a blood test and we’ll also need a urine sample. B: Can you give me something for the time being? A: Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion. Dialogue 3 A=Doctor B=Patient A: Hello, how are you feeling today? B: Not too good. I have a terrible ache in my lower back. 185 A: How long has your back been bothering you? B: I’ve been having pain for the last two weeks. A: Do you have any history of back problems? B: No, this is the first time. A: Are you taking any medicine at the moment? B: No, just an aspirin from time to time to kill the pain. A: OK. Let’s have a look at your back. Please take off your shirt. New Words and Phrases aspirin[,,,,,,,,] n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药) blood [,,,,] n. 血, 血液 chest [,,,,,] n. 胸腔 diarrhea [,,,,,,,,,] n. 痢疾,腹泻 fever [,,,,,,] n. 发烧, 发热, indigestion [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 消化不良 insurance [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 保险 prescription [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 处方, 药方 symptom [,,,,,,,, ] n. 症状 throat [,,,,,] n. 咽喉, 喉咙, 嗓音 urine [,,,,,,,] n. 尿 vomit [,,,,,,] vi. 呕吐 a terrible stomachache [,,,,,,,, 胃痛、肚子痛厉害 ,,,,,,,,,,] feel sick/dizzy/ nauseous [,,,, ,,,,,, 恶心(晕眩)的(呕吐) ,,,,,,,,] for the time being 目前 stick out your tongue[,,,] 伸出舌头 take a deep breath[,,,,] 深深地吸一口气 viral infection[,,,,,,,, 病毒感染 ,,,,,,,,,,] 186 Useful Expressions Doctor 1. What seems to be the trouble/ problem? 你哪儿不舒服, 2. What hurts/is troubling you? 你哪儿不舒服, 3. What’s wrong? 你哪儿不舒服, 4. When did the pain start? 什么时候开始痛的, 5. How long has this been going on? How long have you had it?/ How long has it been like that? 这种症状有多久了, 6. Do you have a history of heart trouble? 你有心脏病史吗, 7. Have you taken your temperature? 你量过体温了吗, 8. Your case history, please. 请把你的病历给我。 9. Let me look at your throat. 让我看一下你的嗓子。 10. I advise you to change your eating habits. You should eat less meat, more vegetables and exercise more。 我建议你改变饮食习惯。你应该少吃肉、多吃蔬菜、多锻炼。 11. It’s nothing serious. Take things easy and you’ll get better soon. 没什么严重的。不要焦急,你会很快好的。 Patient 1. I have (got) a headache / an earache / a toothache / a stomachache / a backache / a sore throat /a fever / a temperature / a cold / a cough / a stiff neck / a bloody nose. 我头痛 / 耳朵痛 / 牙痛 / 胃痛, 肚子痛 / 背痛 / 咽喉痛, 喉咙痛 / 发烧 / 伤风, 感冒 / 咳嗽 / 颈部僵硬 / 流鼻血。 2. I have (got) / chills / cramps / diarrhea / chest pain / shortness of breath. 187 我发冷/ 腹部绞痛 / 腹泻 / 胸口痛/ 气急。 3. I feel faint / dizzy / nauseous / bloated 我感到无力的 / 晕眩的 / 恶心 / 浮肿的, 发胀的。 4. I’m coughing / sneezing / vomiting (throwing up) / bleeding. 我咳嗽 / 打喷嚏 / 呕吐 / 流血。 5. I twisted / dislocated / scraped / burned / broke / hurt / cut my… 我扭伤了 / 脱臼了 / 擦伤了 / 烧伤了 / 骨折了 / 受伤 / 割破了我的…… 6. I seem to have caught a cold. 我似乎感冒了。 7. My stomach feels strange and I don’t feel like eating. 我肚子有点儿毛病,而且不想吃饭。 8. I’m running a temperature and I have a headache. 我在发烧而且头痛。 9. Three days ago. 三天前。 10. Two or three days. 两三天了。 11. Since this morning. 今天早上以来一直是这样。 12. No, I don’t. 没有。 13. Not yet. 还没呢。 14. Sorry, I don’t have a case history. This is my first time here. 对不起,我没有病历。这是我头一次来这儿。 15. I’m really worried about my weight. 我真的对我的体重感到担忧。 16. Thank you, doctor. 谢谢你,大夫。 Questions to Ask the Doctor about Your Medicine 1. What is this medicine? 这是什么药, 188 2. What is it for? 是治什么病的, 3. Why am I taking it? 为什么我要吃这种药, 4. What does this medicine do? 这种药是治什么病的, 5. When will I start feeling better? 什么时候我会感到好一些, 6. What are OK side effects of the medicine? 这种药的疗效是什么, 7. What are negative side effects of the medicine? 这种药的副作用是什么, 8. What side effects do I need to call you for? 出现什么副作用我需要告诉您, 9. How much do I take at a time? 每次吃多少, 10. How long do I need to take it? 需要吃多长时间, 11. How many times do I take it in one day? 一天吃几次, 12. How often do I take it? 吃这种药,应间隔多久, 13. Are there any foods and drinks I should not have with this medication? 吃药时我不该吃什么食物,不该喝什么饮料, 14. Can I drink alcohol with this medication? 吃药时可以喝酒吗, 15. Is it OK to drink alcohol with this medicine/this condition? 吃药时/ 这种状况可以喝酒吗 16. Do I need to come back and have the doctor check my medicine? 我需要回来让医生检查一下我的药吗, 17. Are there activities I cannot do when I am taking this medication? 在服药期间,什么活动不可以做, 18. What should I do if I experience any of the side effects? 189 如果产生副作用,我该怎样做, 19. I’m taking (medication name) and (medication name). Is it OK to take the new medication with them? 我正吃…..药和…..药呢。同时可以服用新开的药吗, 20. If I forget to take it one time, what should I do? 如果有一次我忘吃了,该怎么办, 21. If I take too much by accident, what should I do? 如果偶尔一次吃多了, 怎么办, Scene 3 At a Drugstore Task 1 If you are sick you normally need to purchase some medicine at a pharmacy. Sometimes you will have a prescription, and other times you will just need some OTC (over the counter) medicine that does not require a prescription. Work in a team to come up with questions that the pharmacist will ask you. Think about the questions you would ask the pharmacist about the prescription. Cultural Tips 一般的药可以在药房(drugstore,pharmacy)或超级市场(supermarket)买到。有 些药品不能自己随便买,一定要有医生签了名的处方,才能到药房去买。 Help: You may use some parts of the dialogues below. Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 (Mary went to the drugstore. She spoke with a clerk.) A=Mary B=Clerk C=Pharmacist A: Excuse me. Where can I purchase some medicine? 190 B: Do you have a prescription? A: Yes. B: At that counter over there, under the PRESCRIPTIONS sign. A: Thank you. (She went to the prescription counter and talked to the pharmacist.) A: Hello. Can you fill this prescription, please? C: Yes. It’ll take about ten minutes. (Later he gave Mary her medicine.) C: This is for your fever and headache. Take one capsule every four hours, before meals. There are 25 capsules here. If you need more, come back. This is for your cough. Take one teaspoon every four hours. That’s $6.78. A: Here. C: Thank you. Dialogue 2 A= Patient B= Pharmacist A: My head aches badly and I need something to kill this pain. B: OK. Do you have a prescription, Miss? A: No, I don’t. B: Well, I can only give you this then. It’s our most popular over-the-counter product. A: All right. B: Do you want me to put it in a bag for you? A: That’s not necessary. Just tell me how I should take them, please. B: Sure. Two tablets, twice a day. A: Thank you. Dialogue 3 A= Patient B= Pharmacist A: Good morning. Do you have any medicine for indigestion? B: Yes, we do. I recommend these tablets. But if it gets any worse, you should see your 191 doctor. A: Thanks a lot. New Words and Phrases capsule [,,,,,,,,, ] n. 胶囊 drugstore [,,,,,,,,,] n. <美> 药房, 杂货店 over-the-counter [,,,,,,,] (药物)不需处方但可合法出售的 adj. pharmacist [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 配药者, 药剂师 recommend 推荐 [,,,,,,,,,,] vt. Useful Expressions Patient: 1. How do I take this medicine? 我该怎么服这种药。 2. Just tell me how I should take them, please. 请告诉我怎么服用这些药, 3. Could I buy some prescription medicine now? 我现在可以买一些处方药吗, 4. I have a cold. Could I have some medicine? 我感冒了。我能买一些药吗, 5. Does this drug have any side effects? 这种药有副作用吗, 6. Excuse me. Where can I buy medicine? 请问,我在哪里能买到药, 7. Can you fill this prescription, please? 你能配齐这张处方上的药吗, Pharmacist: 1. One tablet each time, three times daily. 192 每天三次,每次服一片。 2. First shake the bottle, and then take it before going to bed. 服用前把药瓶摇一摇,睡前服用。 3. Please take the medicine according to the directions. 请按说明服药。 4. The directions on it tell you how to take it. Make sure you read them carefully. 上面的说明告诉你怎么服用,一定得看仔细了。 5. Do you have a prescription? 你有处方吗, 6. This is for your fever and headache. 这药是用来治疗发烧和头疼的。 7. Yes. It will probably make you drowsy. 有,可能会使你感到头昏 Task 2 Study the label 193 Read the directions on the labels and answer the questions. 194 New Words and Phrases directions 用法, 说明 [,,,,,,,,,,] n. discard [,,,,,,,,] vt. 丢弃, 抛弃 expire [,,,,,,,,] vi. 到期 pill [,,,] n. 药丸 refillable [,,,,,,,,,,] 再供给的 adj. tablet [,,,,,,,] n. 药片 Common Suggestions for Medication Safety: 1. Make sure you know the name of your medicine and what it does. 一定要知道药的名字及作用。 2. Make sure your doctor knows all the medications you are taking, even vitamins. 确定您的医生知道您吃的所有的药,即使是维生素也不例外。 3. Make sure your doctor knows your allergies. 确定您的医生知道您的过敏史。 4. Make sure you understand the doctor’s instructions. 保证您看懂医生的医嘱。 5. If you cannot read your doctor’s writing on a prescription, ask him or her to write it more clearly. It might be difficult for the pharmacist to read, also. 如果您不能读懂您医生的处方,要求他或她写得更清楚些。 同样这对药剂师来说辨认起来也是很困难的。 6. Tell the doctor your allergies to medicines, and bad side effects you had from medicines in the past. 195 告诉医生您对药物的过敏史及您以前服药产生的副作用。 7. Write a list to show the doctor or hospital staff what medicines you are taking and how much you take. If you cannot write it, put your medicines in a bag and take them with you to the doctor. 写一个单子给医生或医务人员,告诉他们你正在吃什么药,吃多少。如果您不能写,就 把他们放在包里带给您的医生看一下。 8. Check before you leave the pharmacy that you got the correct medicine and that you understand how to take it. It is OK to ask the pharmacist questions. 在离开药房之前,要核对一下自己拿的药是对的,你明白如何服用。有问题问药剂师也 可以的 。 Practice Listening I. Listen and choose the proper response to what you’ve heard. 1. A. I have a headache. B. Nothing up. C. I’m bad. D. Sure. 2. A. I’m tired. B. I’m busy. C. Wait a moment, please. D. Thank you. 3. A. I have no idea. B. I feel sick. C. Here you are. D. About two or three days. 4. A. Can you give me some medicine? B. I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Johnson. C. I’d like the blue one. D. Speaking. 5. A. Yes, it's Ann Brown. B. No, thank you. C. Sorry you can’t. D. That’s all right. 6. A. That’s wonderful. B. Take these pills twice a day. C. In the flower shop. D. Good idea. II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer from the four choices. Dialogue 1 1. Where is the woman going? 196 A. To a doctor. B. To a nurse. C. To a friend. D. To a dentist. Dialogue 2 1. What is recommended? A. Cream. B. Tablets. C. Capsule. D. Pill. Dialogue 3 1. How much should the woman take the medicine? A. Two every two hours. B. Two every three hours. C. Half every three hours. D. Three every two hours. Dialogue 4 1. Why didn’t the man make an appointment? Because_________. A. he didn’t know about it B. it was the first time for him to see the doctor C. it wasn’t necessary to make an appointment D. it was an emergence 2. What will be checked? A. The man’s eyes. B. The man’s blood pressure. C. The man’s chest. D. The man’s throat. Dialogue 5 1. What seems to be the problem with the man? A. He has got a toothache. B. He has got the flu. C. He has got a stomach-ache. D. He has got a sore throat. 2. What can we know from the dialogue? A. The woman thinks the man has got cancer. B. The woman doesn’t think the man has got cancer. C. The man has got cancer. D. The man will have got cancer. Dialogue 6 1. When will the man come to see the doctor? A. Three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. B. Seven o’clock this afternoon. 197 C. Seven o’clock tomorrow afternoon. D. Three o’clock this afternoon. 2. What’s the doctor’s surname? A. Black. B. Smith. C. Brown. D. White. III. Listen to the passage and give brief answers to the following questions. 1. What is the most important thing for us to stay alive? __________________________________________________________________ 2. How long can people live without food? __________________________________________________________________ 3. How long can people live without water? __________________________________________________________________ 4. How many percent of water does a normal adult contain in his body? __________________________________________________________________ 5. What can make us die if we don’t drink enough water? __________________________________________________________________ Speaking A Role-play for Visiting a Doctor Sample Conversation: Visit to the Doctor A = Doctor B= Patient A: Hi. Come on in and have a seat. Now what seems to be the problem? B: I have a rash on my arm. A: How long have you had the rash? B: It’s been about a week. A: Are you taking anything for it? B: I put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem to be helping. A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications? B: Not that I know of. A: I’m going to give you a prescription for some ointment. I want you to apply it three times a 198 day. You should also avoid scratching your skin. And it’s important to use as little soap as possible. Make an appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better over the next few days. Doctor’s Activity Sheet You are a doctor and patients are going to come into your office. Ask them about their condition, prescribe some medicine, and give them some advice. Prior Allergic to Name Medical Condition Duration Medication Medication? Y/N Mary rash 1 week cream No Patient’s Activity Sheet You are a patient. Visit your doctor and tell them about your condition. Write down your doctor’s recommendations in the table below. You should ‘get a second opinion’. Visit two doctors for each ailment. Doctor’s Medical Prescription Prescription Other Advice Name Condition Directions 199 apply three Avoid scratching skin. Dr. Jung rash ointment times a day. Don’t use soap apply three Dr. Brown. rash ointment Don’t use cosmetics. times daily Ailment Role Cards Ailment: You have Ailment: You have a rash on Ailment: You have diarrhoea. high blood pressure your arms and legs. Duration: You have had it for Duration: You have Duration: You have had it three days. had it for 2 months. for about four days. Previous Medication: You have Previous Medication: Previous Medication: You taken some pills that you bought You haven’t taking have put a cream on it. at the drugstore, but they didn’t any medication for it. help. Ailment: You have the Ailment: You sprained your Ailment: You have a sore throat flu. ankle. Duration: You have had it for Duration: Two days. Duration: You sprained this two days. morning. Previous Medication: Previous Medication: You have You took some aspirin. Previous Medication: You been taking some throat took a painkiller. lozenges (throat candies). Doctor Treatment List Ailment: diarrhoea Ailment: flu Ailment: constipation 200 Prescribe: some medicine Prescribe: antiviral Prescribe: laxative. Take Take twice daily. medication. Take three times every morning when you daily after meals. wake up. Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of fluids. Extra Advice: Extra Advice: (b)Avoid foods containing (a) Get lots of rest. (a) Get some exercise. milk. (b) Drink plenty of fluids (b) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Ailment: sore throat Ailment: rash Ailment: indigestion Prescribe: some medication Prescribe: an ointment. Prescribe: antacid. Take Take every four hours. Apply four times a day. after meals. Extra Advice: Extra Advice: Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of liquids. (a)Avoid scratching your (a) Avoid spicy food. (b)Drink warm tea with skin. (b) Cut down on eating and honey. (b)Use as little soap as drinking. possible. Ailment: cuts Ailment: sprained ankle Ailment: high blood pressure Prescribe: an antibacterial Prescribe: some pain killers ointment. Apply three Take whenever you have pain. Prescribe: some pills. Take times daily. (maximum five times daily) after meals three times daily. Extra Advice: Extra Advice: Extra Advice: (a) Wash carefully with (a) Keep your foot elevated. (a) Exercise daily. mild soap. (b) Keep ice on it for 24 hours. (b) Loose some weight. (b) Keep dirt out of it. (c) Cut down on salt and alcohol. 201 Vocabulary I. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Open your mouth, ________ your tongue, and say ―A-a-a-h‖. A. spread out B. hold out C. stick out D. take out 2. I’ll check, could you ________ for a minute? A. see to it B. throw up C. take off D. hold on 3. My head aches badly and I need something to kill this ________. A. pain B. prescription C. tablet D. drug 4. Take one ________ every four hours, before meals. A. pharmacist B. capsule C. symptom D. insurance 5. I’d like to make ________ to see a doctor. A. an effect B. an appointment C. a direction D. a moment 6. Hello, I have an appointment ________ Dr. Green at 8:30. A. with B. at C. on D. in 7. Please ________ out this form. A. take B. sign C. fill D. carry 8. My throat ________ and I have a bad headache. A. hurts B. recommends C. expires D. discards 9. I have a ________ stomachache. A. tablet B. terrible C. ill D. badly 10. When did the________ start? A. medicine B. sick C. form D. symptoms 11. Excuse me. Where can I ________ some medicine? A. purchase B. catch C. vomit D. take 12. I have a terrible ache ________ my lower back. A. for B. at C. on D. in 13. What seems to be the ________? A. counter B. problem C. prescription D. drugstore 14. There’s a ________ available at 10 in the morning. A. opening B. cough C. slot D. fever 15. I’ll give you ________ for indigestion. 202 A. a prescription B. an insurance C. an indigestion D. a chest II. Match the English expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. 1. make an appointment A. 病毒感染 2. viral infection B. 暂时 3. take a deep breath C. 感觉有点晕 4. over-the-counter medicine D. 伸出舌头 5. run a blood test E. 稍等片刻 6. urgent care F. 预约 7. insurance card G. 此刻 8. for the time being H. 深深地吸一口气 9. stick out your tongue I. 紧急护理 10. hold on for one minute J. 配齐这张处方上的药 11.feel kind of dizzy K. 脱下 12. from time to time L. 非处方药 13. take off M. 验血 14. at the moment N. 保险卡 15. fill this prescription O. 有时 Translating Read the following sentence patterns, paying attention to the italicized parts and translate sentences a, b, and c. 1. I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Johnson, please. a. I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith, please. b. 我想预约个时间看病。 c. 我想预约怀特医生看病。 2. Is Doctor Johnson available on Friday? a. Is the doctor available on Wednesday? b. 医生后天有空吗, c. 李医生星期二有空吗, 3. Let’s make it at 2:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow. a. Let’s make it at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. 203 b.我们就定在周四下午3点吧。 c.我们就定在下星期一上午10点吧。 4. I have got a stomachache. a. He has got a toothache. b. 我发烧。 c. 她感冒了。 5. I feel faint. a. She feels exhausted. b. 他感觉晕眩的 c. 我感觉恶心。 Conversation Fill in the blanks of the following situational dialogue with suitable expressions Dialogue 1 Doctor: (1)__________________________? Daniel Adams: I have a high fever and a splitting headache. I’ve lost my appetite, too. Doctor: (2) ____________________________? Daniel Adams: Yes, it’s 39?C. I took three aspirins, but they didn’t work. Doctor: Let me examine you. (3)__________________. ... All right. Cough, please. Daniel Adams: (sound of a cough) Doctor: It looks like you may have a cold .You have the flu. You should stay in bed for the next three days. I’ll (4)________________ for you. ... There you go. (就这样了。)Take this to the drugstore. Dialogue 2 Doctor’s Assistant: Good morning. Dr. Brown’s office. (1)______ I help you? Patient: Good morning. I (2)________ to make an appointment with Dr. Brown. Doctor’s Assistant: Ok. Just a minute. (3)________ you come on Monday at 1:00 pm? Patient: No. Monday is a busy day for me. I (4)_______ until 9:00 pm. I (5)_______ leave the office early. Doctor’s Assistant: What about Wednesday at 6:00 pm? (6)_______ that OK with you? Patient: (7)______ a little later? You know how heavy the traffic is at 6. I 204 (8)______ arrive on time. Doctor’s Assistant: OK. You (9)_______ seen by Dr. Brown on Wednesday at 7. OK? If you can’t come for any reason, please (10)_______ me and I will try to set another time. Patient: OK. Thanks. Reading Passage 1 Read the passage and complete the outline below it in not more than three words. NUROFEN RECOVERY Please read these instructions carefully before you take this medicine. Nurofen Recovery dissolves quickly on the tongue without the need to use water. It delivers effective relief from headaches. You should not take Nurofen Recovery if: —you have had an allergic reaction to aspirin —you have had a worsening of asthma when taking aspirin or similar medicines —you are under 12 years of age Administration: Place a tablet on the tongue, allow it to dissolve and then swallow — no water is required. Adults, the elderly and children of 12 years and older: Take 2 tablets, then if necessary, take 1 or 2 tablets every 4 hours. Do not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours. Not suitable for children under 12 years. Warnings: If you take too many tablets by mistake, contact your doctor as soon as possible. If symptoms persist or if new symptoms occur, consult your doctor. Possible side effects: Stomach discomfort or pain, worsening of asthma or shortness of breath. If you experience any of these, stop taking the tablets and see your doctor. 205 NUROFEN RECOVERY Function: delivering (1)___________ from headaches Feature: dissolving quickly on (2)____________________ People not intended for: 1. patients with an allergic reaction to aspirin 2. patients having asthma when taking aspirin 3. children under the age of (3)__________ Dosage: 1. Starting Dose: 2 tablets 2. If necessary: take 1 or 2 tablets (4)______________ 3. Maximum daily intake: 6 tablets Possible side effects: 1. stomach discomfort 2. worsening of asthma 3. (5)___________________ New Words and Phrases administration[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(药等的)用法, 服法 ,] n. allergic [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 过敏的 asthma [,,,,,] n. 哮喘 consult [,,,,,,,,] v. 咨询 contact [,,,,,,,,] v. 联系 deliver [,,,,,,,] v. 提供 discomfort [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 不适 dissolve [,,,,,,,] v. 溶解 dosage [,,,,,,,,] n. 剂量, 配药, 用量 effective [,,,,,,,,] adj. 有效的 exceed [,,,,,,,] v. 超越 Nurofen Recovery [,,,,,,,,,] 纽洛芬去痛片 persist [,,,,,,,,,,] v. 持续 reaction [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 反应 relief [,,,,,,,] n. (痛苦等的)减轻 worsen [,,,,,,] v. 恶化 206 Passage 2 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Essential Health Tips ―He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.‖ -Arabian Proverb 1. Move More Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. 2. Cut Fat Avoid fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, and butter should be eaten in limited amounts. 3. Quit Smoking The most recent Surgeon General's report on the health consequences of smoking said, ―Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body, causing many diseases and reducing your health in general. Quitting will reduce your risk of dying from heart disease, blood vessel disease, lung problems, and cancer. Cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.‖ 4. Reduce Stress Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting worse. Avoid difficult people when possible. 5. Protect Yourself from Pollution If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy roads. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. 6. Wear Your Seat Belt Statistics show that seat belts add to long life and help alleviate potential injuries in car 207 crashes. Buckle down and buckle up. 7. Drink Plenty of Water Drinking water is still one of the healthiest things we can do. Water is essential for every function of the body. The average person needs eight 8-ounce glasses a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. During exercise, cold water is more easily and quickly absorbed. 8. Avoid Excessive Drinking While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. 9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Remember, you can't be unhappy when you're smiling. ( ) 1. Take lifts if you are given a choice between climbing stairs and lifts. ( ) 2. Moving your body can also reduce stress. ( ) 3. Dairy products can be eaten in unlimited amounts. ( ) 4. Smoking will increase your risk of dying from heart disease and blood vessel disease. ( ) 5. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like to reduce stress. ( ) 6. People should exercise where the air quality is good. ( ) 7. Fasten your seat belt in order not to be injured in a car crash. ( ) 8. It is good to drink warm water during exercise. ( ) 9. Drinking too much can cause liver and kidney disease. ( ) 10. Have a positive attitude towards life and you can live well. New Words and Phrases absorb [,,,,,,,] vt. 吸收, alleviate [,,,,,,,,,,] vt. 减轻(痛苦等), 缓和 (情绪) average [,,,,,,,,] adj. 一般的, 通常的, 平均的 avoid [,,,,,,] vt. 避免, 消除 buckle [,,,,,] v. 扣住 burger [,,,,,,] n. (=hamburger)汉堡包, 208 butter [,,,,,] n. 黄油, 牛油 cancer [,,,,,,] n. 癌 challenge [,,,,,,,,,] n. 挑战 chase [,,,,,] vt. 追赶 cheerful [,,,,,,,,] adj. 愉快的 consequence [,,,,,,,,,,,] 因果关系 n. definitive [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 决定(性)的, 无可质疑的 elevator [,,,,,,,,,] n. 电梯 environment 环境 [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. essential [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 必不可少的 excessive [,,,,,,,,] adj. 过多的, 过分的 fat [,,,] n. 脂肪, 肥肉 fatty [,,,,,] adj. 脂肪的, 含脂肪的 fitness [,,,,,,,] n. 健康 fume [,,,,,] n. (浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体 injury [,,,,,,,,] n. 伤害 kidney [,,,,,,] n. 肾 limb [,,,] n 肢 liver [,,,,,] n. 肝脏 lung [,,,] n. 肺脏, 肺 mow [,,,] vt. 割(草等) pollution [,,,,,,,,,] n. 污染 potential [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 潜在的, 可能的 quit [,,,,] vt. 放弃, 停止 recommend [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 推荐, 介绍, reduce [,,,,,,,,] vt. 减少, 缩小 rating [,,,,,,,] n. 等级,级别 seat belt [,,,,,,,,,] n. (汽车等的)座椅安全带 shrubbery [,,,,,,,,] n. 灌木 statistics [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 统计 stress [,,,,,] n. (心理、生理或情绪上的)紧张,压力 209 surgeon [,,,,,,,,] n.. 外科医生 technique [,,,,,,,,] n. 技术, 技巧 toss [,,,] v. 投, 掷 version [,,,,,,,] n. 形式, 种类; 变形, 变体 a car crash [,,,,] 汽车撞车的事故 add to [,,] 增加 air conditioning 空气调节装置 [,,,,,,,,,,,] at least 至少 blood vessel[,,,,,,,,,,] 血管 dairy products [,,,,,,,乳制品 ,,,,,,,] in general [,,,,,,,,,] 通常,大体上, 一般而言 lose one’s temper [,,,,,,] 动怒, 发脾气 mental outlook [,,,,,,,精神面貌 ,,,,,,,] plenty of [,,,,,,,] 许多 protect ..from [,,,,,,,,] 防止...遭受...; 使...免于, 保护...使不受 210 Vocabulary A 吸收M-7 absorb [,,,,,,,] vt. 接受M-5 acceptance [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 住处M-3 accommodation [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 剧烈的,激烈的M-5 acute [?′kju:t] adj. 调节;校正M-1 adjust [,,,,,,,] vt. (药等的)用法, 服法M-7 administration [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 过敏的M-7 allergic [,,,,,,,,,] adj. [医]过敏性M-4 allergy [,,,,,,,] n. 减轻(痛苦等), 缓和 (情绪) M-7 alleviate [,,,,,,,,,,] vt. (尤指海拔)高度M-1 altitude [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 总计,共计,等于M-4 amount [,,,,,,,] vi 娱乐M-3 amusement [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 一年一次的M-7 annual [,,,,,,,] adj. 使生气, 使不高兴, 使烦恼, 招惹M-4 annoy [,,,,,] vt. 道歉M-3 apologize [,,,,,,,,,,,] vi. 申请M-6 application [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 感激M-3 appreciate [,,,,,,,,,,,] vt. 安排,整理M-3 arrangement [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药) M-7 aspirin [,,,,,,,,] n. 哮喘M-7 asthma [,,,,,] n. 自动地M-6 automatically [,,,,,,,,,,,,] ad.. 可用到的M-3 available [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 平均的M-5 average [,,,,,,,,] adj. 211 B 结余M-6 balance [,,,,,,,] n. 交易,议价M-1 bargain [,,,,,,,] n. 行为,举止M-5 behavior [,,,,,,,,,] n. 上(船、车等) M-1 board [,,,,] n.& v. 手镯 M-5 bracelet [,,,,,,,,,] n. 轻而易举的事M-5 breeze [,,,,,] n. 扣住M-7 buckle [,,,,,] v. 撞击M-1 bump [,,,,] vt.& n. 黄油, 奶油M-4 butter [,,,,,] n. C 卷心菜, 甘兰M-4 cabbage [,,,,,,,] n. 小屋;船舱M-1 cabin [,,,,,,] n. 咖啡因M-4 caffeine [,,,,,,,] n. 计算M-4 calculate [,,,,,,,,,,,] vt. 卡路里M-4 calorie [,,,,,,,] n. 广州的, 广东的,广州人的,广州话的M-4 Cantonese [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 胶囊M-7 capsule[,,,,,,,,,] n. 喧闹的酒会;(机场的)行李传送带M-1 carousel [,,,,,,,,,] n. 辣椒M-4 cayenne pepper [,,,,,,] [,,,,,] n. 无甜味白葡萄酒M-4 Chablis [,,,,,,,] n. 品质M-5 character [,,,,,,,,] n. 木炭M-4 charcoal [,,,,,,,,,] n. 收费M-3 charge [,,,,,,]] n. 追赶M-7 chase [,,,,,] vt. 付帐M-5 checkout [,,,,,,,,] n. 厨师M-4 chef [,,,] n. 212 首席的, 主任的M-1 chief [,,,,,] n. 干辣椒M-4 chili [,,,,,,] n. 顺时针方向转的M-1 clockwise [,,,,,,,,,] a.& ad. 凉拌卷心菜M-4 coleslaw [,,,,,,,,,] n. 商业的;以获利为目的的M-3 commercial [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 通讯M-1 communication [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 竞赛M-5 competition [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 综合设施;综合建筑物M-3 complex [,,,,,,,,,] n. 复杂的;难懂的M-2 complicated [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] a. 结束M-5 conclude [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 证实,肯定M-1 confirm [k?n'f?:m] vt. 困惑的M-2 confused [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 知道的,意识到的M-4 conscious [,,,,,,,] adj. 因果关系M-7 consequence [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 认为,视为M-4 consider [,,,,,,,,] v. 咨询M-7 consult [,,,,,,,,] v. 消费者M-5 consumer [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 联系M-7 contact [,,,,,,,,] v. 方便的;便利的 M-5 convenient [,,,,,,,,,,,,] a. 走廊,通道 M-2 corridor [,,,,,,,,] n. 长沙发M-5 couch [,,,,,] n. 优惠券M-3 coupon [,,,,,,,] n. (全体)乘务员 M-1 crew [,,,,] n. 水晶的;水晶M-5 crystal [,,,,,,,] adj./ n. 烹饪,菜肴M-4 cuisine [,,,(,),,,,,] n. 货币M-6 currency [,,,,,,,,] n. 海关,关税M-1 custom [,,,,,,,] n. 213 D 借方M-6 debit [,,,,,,] n. 脱咖啡因咖啡,无咖啡因咖啡M-4 decaf [,,,,,,,] n. 宣布,宣言M-1 declaration [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 决定(性)的,无可质疑的M-7 definitive [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 投递(信件, 报刊等);传(话等),交付M-4 deliver [,,,,,,,] vt. (货币等的)面额M-6 denomination [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 离开,出发,起程M-1 departure [,,,,,,,,,] n. 存储M-6 deposit [,,,,,,,,] v.& n. 记述,叙述,描写,形容M-4 describe [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 沙漠;荒漠M-3 desert [,,,,,,,] n. 设计M-5 design [,,,,,,,] n. 目的地,终点M-1 destination [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 装置,设备,器械M-1 device [,,,,,,,] n. 痢疾,腹泻M-7 diarrhea [,,,,,,,,,] n. 数字M-6 digit[,,,,,,,]n. 外交官M-1 diplomat [,,,,,,,,,] n. 用法, 说明M-7 directions [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 丢弃, 抛弃M-7 discard [,,,,,,,,] vt. 不适M-7 discomfort [,,,,,,,,,,] n.. 将...打折M-5 discount [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 陈列,展览,显示M-4 display [,,,,,,,,] vt. & n. 失望的M-3 disappointed [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 溶解M-7 dissolve [,,,,,,,] v. 部分,部门M-2 division [,,,,,,,,] n. 本国的;家庭的M-1 domestic [,,,,,,,,,] adj. [美] 药房M-7 drugstore [,,,,,,,,,] n. 214 应纳关税的M-1 dutiable [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. E 耳环M-5 earring [,,,,,,] n. 经济,节约,节省M-1 economy [,,,,,,,,] n. 有效的M-7 effective [,,,,,,,,] adj. 电子的M-1 electronic [,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 雅致的M-5 elegant [,,,,,,,,] a. 电梯M-7 elevator[,,,,,,,,,] n. 刺绣M-5 embroider [,,,,,,,,,] v. 确保M-1 ensure [,,,,,,] v. 确保 M-1 娱乐 M- 娱乐M-3 entertainment [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n 热情的M-5 enthusiastic [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] a. 环境M-5 environment [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 电动扶梯M-1 escalator [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 必不可少的M-7 essential[,,,,,,,,] adj. 建立,创办M-4 establishment [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 欧元M-6 Euro[,,,,,,,] n. 发展M-5 evolution [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 超越M-7 exceed [,,,,,,,] v. 精良的,极好的M-3 excellent [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 过多的,过分的M-7 excessive [,,,,,,,,] adj. 除去,不把...包括在内M-3 exclude [,,,,,,,,,] v. 经理主管人员M-3 executive[,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 出口M-1 exit [,,,,,,] n.& vi. 满[到]期, 届满M-4 expire [,,,,,,,,] vi. 215 F 设备M-3 facility [,,,,,,,,,] n. 含脂肪的M-7 fatty [,,,,,] adj. 特征;特色M-3 feature [,,,,,,,] n. 发烧M-7 fever [,,,,,,] n. 健康M-7 fitness[,,,,,,,] n. 航班,飞行M-1 flight [,,,,,] n. (浓烈或难闻的)烟,气体M-7 fume[,,,,,] n. 脆的M-5 fragile,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 电冰箱M-3 fridge [,,,,,] n. G 大蒜M-4 garlic [,,,,,,,] n. (我)明白了!(=I've got it!) M-3 gotcha [,,,,,,] int. 政府M-6 government [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 希腊M-2 Greece [,,,,,] n. 导游者;给…导游M-1 guide [,,,,] n.& v. H 手帕M-5 handkerchief [′hæ?k?t?i,f]n. 尊敬的M-5 honored [,,,,,] adj. I 外来的移民M-1 immigration [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 无礼的,粗鲁的M-2 impolite [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 进口M-1 import [,,,,,,,] vt.& n. 216 包含,包括M-4 include [,,,,,,,,] vt. 包含的M-3 inclusive[,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 优柔寡断的,不明确的M-4 indecisive [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 消化不M-7 indigestion [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 个人,个体M-3 individual [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n.& adj. 在屋里M-2 indoors [,,,,,,,,] ad. (混合物的)组成部分M-4 ingredient [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 检查,审查M-1 inspection [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 分期付款M-5 installment [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 用法说明M-7 instruction [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 相互作用/影响M-5 interact [,,,,,,,æ,,] vi. 接口M-5 interface [,,,,,,,,,,] n. J jade [,,,,,] adj. 玉制的 M-5 K kidney [,,,,,,] n. 肾 M-7 L 分类,标注M-5 label [,,,,,,] n. 地界标M-2 landmark [,,,,,,,,,] n. 通道M-5 lane [,,,,] n. 洗衣房M-3 laundry [,,,,,,,,] n. 草地,草坪M-7 lawn [,,,,] n. 从容不迫M-4 leisurely 217 [,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,] adv. 肢M-7 limb [,,,] n. 肝脏M-7 liver [,,,,,] n. 洛杉矶(美国城市) M-2 Los Angeles [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. (饭店,旅馆等的)休息室,会客厅 M-3 lounge [,,,,,,] n. 行李M-1 luggage [,,,,,,,]n. 肺脏,肺M-5 lung [,,,] n. 十分舒适的;奢侈的M-3 luxurious [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. M 大多数M-5 majority [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 管理M-1 manage [,,,,,,,] vt. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) M-2 Mexico [,,,,,,,,,] n. 最小数M-6 minimum [,,,,,,,,] n. 移动式的M-5 mobile [,,,,,,,,] adj. 割(草等) M-7 mow [,,,] vt. 适度的;中等的;合理的M-3 moderate [,,,,,,,,] adj. N (墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片M-3 nacho [,,,,,,,,] n. [俚语] 极好的M-5 neat [,,,,] adj. 项链M-5 necklace,,,,,,,,] n. 正常的M-1 normal [,,,,,,,] adj. 纽洛芬去痛片M-7 Nurofen Recovery [,,,,,,,,,] O 218 瓦胡岛(美国夏威夷群岛中的重要岛屿)M-3 Oahu [,,,,,,,,] n. 运转,操作M-1 operation [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 对面的M-2 opposite [,,,,,,,] a. 选择自由M-5 option [,,,,,,] n. 最初的M-5 original [,,,,,,,,,,] a. 索费太高,多算了费用M-4 overcharge [,,,,,,,,,,,] v. 俯瞰M-3 overlook [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 欠(债等) M-4 owe [,,] vt. P 包裹M-1 package [,,,,,,,]n. 乘客,旅客,过路人M-1 passenger [,,,,,,,,,] n. 珍珠M-5 pearl [,,,,] n. 香水M-5 perfume[,,,,,,,,,] n. 持续M-7 persist [,,,,,,,,,,] v. 药剂师M-7 pharmacist [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 腌制的M-4 pickled [,,,,,,] adj. 药丸M-7 pill [,,,] n. 衣袋,口袋M-6 pocket [,,,,,,] n. 行李搬运工M-3 porter [ ,,,,,,] n. 可能,可能性M-4 possibility [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 潜在的,可能的M-7 potential [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 宝贵的;重的,珍爱的M-4 precious [,,,,,,,] adj. 处方M-7 prescription [,,,,,,,,,,,,]n. 压力M-4 pressure [,,,,,,,,,] 219 n. 自命不凡的M-4 pretentious [,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,计划,规划,设计M-4 project [,,,,,,,,,] n. 促进,提升M-4 promote[,,,,,,,,] v. 迅速的;马上的,立刻的M-4 prompt [,,,,,,] adj. 促销M-5 promotion [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 购买M-5 purchase [,,,,,,,,] v. 纯的M-5 pure [,,,,] adj. (轮船,班机等的)事务长M-1 purser [,,,,,,] n. Q quality[,,,,,,,,]n. 质量M-5 queasy [,,,,,,,] adj. 恶心的, 欲吐 的 M-1 quit [,,,,] vt. 放弃,停止 M-7 R 赛跑,疾走M-4 race [,,,,] v. 等级,级别M-7 rating [,,,,,,,] n. 反应M-7 reaction [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. (价钱)适度的;公道的 M-3 reasonable [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 收据M-1 receipt [,,,,,,,] n. 使斜靠M-1 recline [,,,,,,,,] vt. 推荐,介绍M-4 recommend [,,,,,,,,,] vt. 削减,降低M-5 reduction [,,,,,,,,,] n. 再供给的M-7 refillable[,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 退款M-5 refund [,,,,,,,,] n. 登记,注册M-3 register[,,,,,,,,,] n. 220 规则的,整齐的M-1 regular [,,,,,,,,] a. 消遣M-3 relaxation [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 可信赖的M-5 reliable [,,,,,,,,,] a. (痛苦等的)减轻M-7 relief [,,,,,,,] n. 使想起M-5 remind [,,,,,,,,] vt. 答复M-2 reply [,,,,,,,] v. 适合居住的;住宅的M-3 residential [,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 重复M-2 repeat [,,,,,,,] v. 代理人M-5 representative [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 预订M-1 reservation [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n.. 预定M-4 reserve [,,,,,,,] vt. 尊敬,敬重M-5 respect [,,,,,,,,] n. 餐馆,饭店M-4 restaurant [,,,,,,,,,,] n. 丝带M-5 ribbon [,,,,,,] n. (植)迷迭香M-4 rosemary [,,,,,,,,,] n. 红宝石,红宝石色M-5 ruby [,,,,,,] n./ a. S 保险箱M-3 safe [,,,,] n. 凉拌菜M-4 salad [,,,,,,] n. 大麻哈鱼M-4 salmon [,,,,,,] n. 满足,满意M-4 satisfaction [,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 酱汁,调味汁M-4 sauce [,,,,] n. 围巾M-5 scarf [,,,,,] n. 时间表,制…表M-1 schedule [,,,,,,,,,] n.& v. 印章M-6 seal [,,,,] n. 221 安全地M-1 securely [,,,,,,,,,] adv. 很少,不常M-2 seldom [,,,,,,,] n. 神经过敏的M-5 sensitive [',,,,,,,,,] a. 分别地M-5 separately [,,,,,,,,,,] ad. 高背长靠椅M-4 settle [,,,,,] n. 灌木M-7 shrubbery [,,,,,,,,] n. 穿梭般来回M-5 shuttle [',,,,] v. 签名(于),署名(于) M-3 sign [,,,,] v. 签名M-4 signature [,,,,,,,,,] n.. 情形M-2 situation [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 走私M-1 smuggle [,,,,,,] vt. 社会M-6 society [,,,,,,,,,] n. 纪念品M-5 souvenir [,,,,,,,,,] n. 特别的,专门的M-4 special [,,,,,,,] adj. 特色菜M-4 speciality [,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 说明书M-5 specification [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] n. 辛辣的M-4 spicy [,,,,,,,] adj. 极好的M-3 splendid [,,,,,,,,,] adj. 运动场M-2 stadium [,,,,,,,,,] n. 统计M-7 statistics [,,,,,,,,,,,] n.. 开胃菜M-4 starter [,,,,,,,] n. 偷,窃取M-6 steal [,,,,,] v. 炖肉M-4 stew [,,,,,] vt.. & n. 存货M-5 stock [st?k] n. [建]层M-3 storey [,,,,,,,] n. (仔细而紧密地)装进M-1 stow [,,,,] v. 笔直地,对直地,正直地M-2 straight [,,,,,,] ad. 压力M-7 stress [,,,,,] n. 散步,溜达M-5 stroll [,,,,,,] vi. 风格,式样M-2 style [,,,,,] n.. 222 适合,使适应M-4 suit [,,,,,] vt. 上等的M-5 superior[,,,,,,,,,,] a. 概括的,总计的M-4 summary['s?m?ri] adj. 监督者;管理人M-4 supervisor ['sju:p?vaiz?] n. 外科医生M-7 surgeon[,,,,,,,,] n. 民意调查(测验) M-5 survey [s?:'vei] n. 纪念品M-5 souvenir [,,,,,,,i,] n. 提供M-5 supply [,,,,,,,] vt. 症状M-7 symptom[,,,,,,,, ] n. T 药片M-7 tablet[,,,,,,,] n. 税,税款M-1 tax [,,,,] n.& v. 技术,技巧M-7 technique [,,,,,,,,] n. 终点M-4 terminal ['t?:minl] n. 极好的M-5 terrific [,,,,,,,,] a. 喉咙M-7 throat [,,,,,] n.. 拇指的指纹M-6 thumbprint [,,,,,,,,,] n. 总的,总括的M-4 total [,,,,,,] adj. 传统的M-5 traditional [,,,,,,,,,,,] a. 运输M-1 transit [',,,,,,,] n.& v. 对待M-5 treat [,,,,,] v. (海岸、河流)走向M-5 trend [,,,,,] n. 鳟鱼M-4 trout [,,,,,] n. 旅行M-3 tour [,,,] n. 投,掷M-7 toss [,,,] v. 代表性地M-5 typically [,,,,,,,,,] adv. U 223 upstairs [,,,,,,,,,] ad. 在楼上,向楼上M-2 urine [,,,,,,,] n. 尿M-7 V variation [,,,,,,,,,,,,] n.. 变化,改变 M-4 vegetarian [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] adj. 素食主义(者)的,素菜的 M-4 version [,,,,,,,] n. 变形,变体 M-7 vomit [,,,,,,] n.& v. 呕吐物,呕吐 M-1 view [,,,,] n. 景色,风景 M-3 voucher [,,,,,,,] n. 餐券 M-4 W 怀基基海滩[美国夏威夷州] M-3 Waikiki [,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,] n. 腰M-7 waist[,,,,,] n. 提取M-6 withdraw [,,,,,,,,] v.& n. 恶化M-7 worsen [,,,,,,] v. 包裹M-5 wrap [,,,] vt. Y (墨西哥)尤卡坦州 M-2 Yucatan [,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,] n. [俗]美味的M-4 yummy [,,,,,] adj. 224 Phrases A a money-back guarantee (顾客对购货不满意时的)退款保证 M-5 at least 至少M-6 a terrible stomachache 胃痛、肚子痛M-7 automatic teller machine 自动取款机M-6 B backache 背痛 M-7 be complicated for 对…来说太难了M-2 be equivalent to 相等[当]于..., 等(同)于 M-6 bloody nose 流鼻血 M-7 blood vessel 血管M-6 buying rate 买入价;买入汇率 M-6 C Chanel 夏奈尔(香水)M-5 change lines 换车M-2 checking accounts 支票帐户M-6 check-up 体格检查M-7 chest pain 胸口痛斥 M-7 contact column 联系栏 M-6 credit card 信用卡 M-4 current account 存款账户M-6 D dairy products 乳制品M-6 E earache 耳朵痛 M-7 Estée Lauder 雅诗兰黛 (化妆品) M-5 en suite 带有卫生间的房间M-3 executive room 行政标间 M-3 225 F feel sick/dizzy/ nauseous 恶心/晕眩的/呕吐 M-7 fill out=fill in 填表 M-6 for the time being 目前 M-7 from now on 今后M-5 G go straight ahead 特别是M-1 H headache 头痛 M-7 hold on for one minute 稍等片刻 M-7 I ID =identification card 身份证M-6 in addition 另外M-6 in general 通常, 一般而言M-6 interest rate 利率M-6 in that case 既然那样M-2 in very good condition (精神)状态好,(商品)保持完好, 还适合使用 M-5 L log on (电脑)开机 M-5 look forward to 期待,盼望 M-3 lose one’s temper 动怒, 发脾气M-6 M make a reservation 定房间M-3 make an appointment 预约M-7 226 mashed potatoes 土豆泥 M-4 mental outlook 精神面貌M-6 Murphy’s Law 墨菲定律 (―If anything can go wrong, it will.‖会出错的,终将会出错。) M-5 O open an account 开个账户 M-6 over-the-counter (药物)不需处方但可合法出售的) M-7 P Peking Duck 北京鸭 M-4 plenty of 许多 M-6 protect ....from 防止...遭受...;保护...使 不受 M-6 R reception room 接待室,会客室 M-1 Rolex 劳力士(手表) M-5 S savings account 储蓄存款账户 M-6 seat belt (汽车等 的)座椅安全带 M-6 see to it that 务必 M-1 second-hand 二 手的,用过的 M-5 service charge 服务费 M-4 shortness of breath 气急 M-7 sore throat 咽喉, 喉咙 M-7 split the difference (讲价时)个让一步 / 折中一下 M-5 stiff neck 颈部僵硬 M-7 stick out your tongue 伸出舌头 M-7 stomachache 胃痛, 肚子痛 M-7 227 T Take a deep breath 深深地吸一口气 M-7 take the lift 乘电梯 M-1 That’s my last word. 这是最低价 M-5 the ground floor 第一层 M-3 the stop sign 站牌 M-2 the traffic lights 交通灯 M-2 Tiffany 蒂芬尼(珠宝)M-5 toothache 牙痛 M-7 travel service. 旅行社 M-1 turn left 向左转,向左拐弯 M-1 turn right 向右转 M-1 typewriter 打字机 M-2 U underground station= subway station 地铁站 M-2 V virus infection 病毒感染 M-7 vomit/throw up 呕吐 M-7 W workmanship 手艺, 技巧 M-5 Z zippo lighter 芝宝打火机(世界名牌)M-5 228 参考文献 [1] 常骏跃主编,,自助旅游英语口语,,大连:大连理工大学出版社,2005 [2] 范红育,刁力人主编,,旅游英语,,北京:电子工业出版社,2008 [3] 范学红主编,,市场营销英语基础,,北京:电子工业出版社,2008 [4] 龚耀主编,[世纪英语综合教程],大连:大连理工大学出版社,2007 [5] 顾乾毅主编,,国际商贸英语,,广州:华南理工大学出版社,2005 [6] 韩斌,孟琦主编,,工商管理专业英语,,哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社2006 [7] 浩瀚主编,[“3合1”互动英语口语], 北京: 北京语言大学出版社,2008 [8] 浩瀚,陈燕主编,,旅游口语大全,,北京:石油工业出版社,2008 [9] 孔庆炎主编,,高职高专英语,,北京:高等教育出版社,2006 [10] 楼光庆,冯国华主编,,现代英语教程,,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002 [11] 马永富,袁骏娥主编,[翻开就会说的生活英语口语],北京:中国宇航出版社,2009 [12] 司爱侠, 主编,[饭店酒店管理英语实用教程],天津: 天津南开大学出版社,2008 [13] 武尊民主编,[英语],北京:北京师范大学出版社,2003 [14] 杨治中总主编, 李霄翔主编, [新起点大学基础英语教程听说教程], 北京: 外语教学 与研究出版社,2004 [15] 杨治中总主编, 李霄翔主编, [新起点大学基础英语教程读写教程], 北京: 外语教学 与研究出版社,2005 [16] 易露霞,尤或聪主编,,实用商贸英语口语,,北京:清华大学出版社,2007 [17] Survival English & Business Enlgish. 229
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