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英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation)


英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation)英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation) 英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation) Abstract: copying the dictionary and parataxis thinking is taboo in English Chinese translation. Dictionary of translation is different...

英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation)
英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation) 英语翻译的利弊(Advantages and disadvantages of English translation) Abstract: copying the dictionary and parataxis thinking is taboo in English Chinese translation. Dictionary of translation is different from Pragmatic Translation: the former is often isolated and static, the latter is flexible. The article also pointed out that the large investment fair and social activities and so on, must pay great attention to the quality of translation. Notice, a poor translation would bring bad impression. Key words: translation, dictionary, parataxis, opening ceremony The translation dictionary but by translation dictionary, as unalterable principles, on the problem of infinite. The truth is self-evident, only by the English Chinese dictionary, "His face is very red" is translated into "his face is red or pink, and he" in the communicative context of the sentence should be translated into nine out of ten: "he turned scarlet with rage". I have a copy of the Ningde City Investment Fair Organizing Committee Secretariat issued by the municipal Party committee, Secretary of the Straits Economic Zone 2007 Ningde Investment Fair "the opening ceremony of the English translation (hereinafter referred to as the" speech "), rough statistics, only the translation mishap up to more than 10, with the above speech defect the total number of spelling mistakes, under dozens of. A eight party invited guests and foreign friends to participate in the large municipal investment fair opening ceremony, actually appeared so serious translation errors, is warning us: translation trap clouds, want to rely on the dictionary it is difficult to. Of course, the purpose of this paper is not only refers to in error, but not criticize and ridicule, but hope that through the analysis of the error, study English Chinese translation in the presence of universality, convergence, to take warning from. 1, English is not caught, instead of mother tongue Foreign language translation has always been incompetent persons to act without due consideration of the taboo, but if these people must hold fluky psychology, think you can go all the way with the help of a dictionary, it is wrong. "There is such a word in speech": 1) Ningde will become the northeast wing "Hercynian North bearing two continents, docking south, from east to west, and expand the bridgehead. The Ningde will be the bridgehead of the west economy zone s northeast wing "to" undertake northern industry and link to the south, connect to the two deltas, exploit the West and explore the East, develop both from inside and to outside ". "The northeast wing" in fact refers to the "Northeast Economic Zone on the west side of the Straits angle (Department)". The "wing" nor "wing", how can set according to wing (Niao Yi)? "The north, Winsor docking two continents, from east to west" what is it about? Undertake northern industry and link to the south is the "North South bearing"? According to the BBC English Dictionary, "undertake" means: When you undertake a task or job, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it. (p.1232) of the word subject is "people", only "people" to "accept responsibility for sth" (on the...... Responsible). As for the "external expansion" translated into "develop both from inside and to outside", is China English Dictionary "copy". It can be said that the original sentence translation did not elaborate, let people miss the point. However, although not elaborate, leveraging the dictionary and the Chinese sense traces are clearly visible. In this paper, the author tries to as follows: Translation: Ningde will become the and bridgehead that links the north and the south, joins the two delta areas, becomes a passage for the East and West, and expands towards hinterlands and overseas in Northeast pole of "the the West Coast Economic Zone of the Taiwan Straits. 2) we warmly welcome friends come to visit, tourism, investment, sharing opportunities. The We sincerely to welcome friends from home and abroad to visit and inspect Ningde, go traveling and vacationing to Ningde, invest and boom industry in Ningde, and share business opportunities here together. This is a typical English language cannot, alternative examples of mistranslation. The emergence of a number of four character Chinese text, can be described as pingze coordination, phonological tune. Because of the Chinese characters, pictographic tone characteristics, Chinese four character can constitute an easy job to do, read easy to pronounce. However, the structures also often appear verbiages unnecessary words, semantic repetition, and even "rhyme and meaning" phenomenon. For the most simple example, "contentment, happiness" how to translate? Stick the surface semantics must translate into: after one s own heart and happiness "appear on the eyebrows., however, it seems this sentence in phonology in Chinese, in the Anglo American thinking is out of the question: the so-called" satisfactory ", is actually a" heart "or" Ruyi "happiness"; "only" joy ", that" joy "climb" Brow "and not elsewhere, illogical. So, who understand this sentence the true meaning of the English dictionary is definitely not as literal translation, but avoid literal meaning, translated into be happy and satisfied to. This is the two nationalities of Chinese and English expression in language and thought on a big difference. Back to the above sentence mistranslation, either in speech, or too wordy. For example, "We sincerely to welcome friends" will obviously make some grammar mistakes; "go traveling and vacationing to Ningde" is not right, how can go traveling and vacationing shared a preposition "to"? In addition, English has said vacationing to (the place)? Besides, as the host of the Ningde municipal Party committee secretary to the guests said "go traveling to Ningde", right? To "invest" in the dictionary transliterated as "invest and boom industry", what are called poor translation. I try the following: Translation: We cordially welcome friends and from home and abroad to Ningde for visits and inspections, tourism and vacationing, investment and prosperity, and sharing business opportunities. At this point, I couldn't help thinking of the city of Ningde Fuding Jingsheng similar hotel puzzling, pilot cites a number of cases: (1) schematic diagram of safety evacuation Security Scattering Sketch Map. (2). The red dot represents your location Point profess your excellency.. (3) if the fire and emergency, please do not panic. The hotel has advanced facilities for the fire safety risk, to ensure the safe transfer you. Please don t worry if a fire "is occurring. Our hotel have owned succour scattering facilities to sure your transmitted safely.- more access: www.htdart.com. These English translations, see the ridiculous to blame! Sentence (1) is purely verbatim from the dictionary. English idioms should be: Fire Escape Sketch. Sentence (2) English translation is funny, if it is to Chinese, you said "red dot". Oddly enough! You know, your excellency is generally used only for very formal occasions, the distinguished guests, such as heads of state, foreign diplomats and so on. To the author's translation: This red dot represents your current position: The red star indicates where you are.. As for the sentence (3), It is not just funny, almost botch. "Please don" t worry if a fire is occurring "means:" please don't worry about fire". How can we not worry about fire (don t worry)? sentence (3) the second part of the text is to let people rather baffling, words and sentences after word literal translation, the translator may only know what it means. Originally wanted to call the foreign guests don't worry, foreigners see this translation must be more worried about. Please look at the text: Reference: Please keep calm (Translation: do or not panic if fire occurs. Our) a hotel has been equipped with advanced fire-escape facilities that can ensure your safe escape. 2, a "parataxis and translation method" Chinese characters is pictographic characters, and characters, Chinese characters features of the pictographs, single, self-contained nature makes the individual Chinese characters became the basic speech unit, but also become the visual cognitive unit. People can directly through the Chinese characters contained in the "meaning" and "image" of cognition, therefore, in the context of "Hope" Chinese characters sometimes really "different", as Mr. Lu Xun said: "Chinese write Hill said rugged saga, like water is surging ocean" (Lu Xun, 1981). However, the Chinese treat cognitive expression as Chinese characters into English would be a gross error. Please look at the example: 3) the unique geographical and climatic conditions in Ningde, creating a large number of natural Gallery natural scenery and unique cultural landscape. The Its unique geological www.ixue8.com and climate conditions create many natural gallery-like scenery and characteristic human culture scenery. What "geological" means? According to the Webster 's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, it means: "of, relating to or based on Geology" (P. 513) translated into Chinese as "the geology (Science)". The translator is obviously a mistake "geographical (geographical)" is translated into "Geology (Geological)". In addition, the verb tense is not used. The author of the following: Reference: Ningde s "unique geographical the and climate conditions have helped created many natural gallery-like and cultural scenic spots. We can then find two examples of a favor: 4) this year, "Fujian north hydrophilic Tour" the line is named CCTV as "one of the national top ten CCTV perfect holiday line". The This year the Northeast Fujian Aquatic Ecological Tourism routine was honored as one "of" CCTV national ten perfect vocation routines by the China central TV station. " The translator "confused line (route)" is translated into "schedule (routine), the" holiday "(vacation)" is translated into "occupation (vocation)". How will the words have no relevance irrelevant to pull up? But it is still too literally! The translator may usually not clear "route" and "routine", "semantic vacation" and "vocation", the translation is "in the dark, to heaven". In addition to these "shape" words, the translation of Aquatic Ecological Tourism on the translation of "Fujian north hydrophilic Tour" in the "hydrophilic Tour" also makes people laugh. Notice, Aquatic refers to: "existing or happening in water" (BBC English Dictionary P. 50), the Chinese meaning is: "aquatic, water (were)", with "hydrophilic Tour" in the "water". To the author's translation: 参译:今年,路线”在福建东北部的“亲水游已经选中了一个“最好 的十个国家完美的度假路线的央视“中央电视台。 5)即以钢铁、火电、核电、精细化工、建材为主的能源、原材料产 业群 原译:第一是能源和原材料产业群,主要包括钢铁、火电、核电、精 细化工、建筑材料工业。 “火电”如果能够译成“火力”,那么,“他发火了”是不是也可以 译成”他着火了”呢,这就是被戏称为”意合翻译法”的名堂。分明 是有了这样的翻译套路,一位学者才轻而易举地用一则最简单的英语 玩笑,考倒了一大群大学生。这个玩笑是:请在“好、相当好、最好、 很好的、相当好”中,按程度次序排出”最好、次好、第三好、、菜 鸟论坛www.seo147.com SEO是西部地区最佳的搜索引擎优化学习论 坛,是菜鸟站长和菜鸟SEO们学习交流进步的精神乐园,衷心希望 SEO爱好者在这里开始起航。、、、、”(张传彪,2005)结果是,几乎 所有在场的同学,甚至英语老师们,都认定”最好的“最好。而天底 下压根儿就没有“最好”~笔者试将上句改译如下: 参译:第一是能源和钢铁,原材料工业集团火电、核电、精细化工、建材。 类似的”意合翻译”在《致辞稿》中还可找出许多,不妨再看两例: 6)最后,衷心预祝”海西”2007祝愿各位领导、各位嘉宾身体健康、工作顺利、事业发达、家庭幸福年宁德投洽会取得圆满成功~ 原译:最后我们衷心祝愿2007“西海岸”宁德投资洽谈会的成功举办,希望各位领导和来宾身体健康,工作顺利,家庭幸福,事业兴旺~ 这段译文基本上都按词典上的释义,以”意合翻译”的方式进行。比如:“工作顺利”之译工作顺利,“家庭幸福”之译家庭幸福,等等。由于字体结构的特点,汉字不可能有字(词)形变化,而汉语也不像英语那样依靠严密的语法 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 来组词构句,它只须通过字词粘合就可按事理逻辑关系进行语义运作。诚如张传彪教授所指出:“(因此)汉字成了富含理据、独立自足、自我关照的,集形、音、义于一身的基本语言单位,从而能在组词构句时粘合灵活,意合自如。一句”他不怕辣',可以随意改成”他辣不怕','不辣他怕','他怕不辣','辣他不怕”,而意思却几乎不变。”(张传彪,2004)然而,同样的意合手段移用到英语中,就根本行不通。请看本文作者是怎样改译的: 参译:最后,衷心祝愿2007宁德投资和台湾海峡西岸经济区成功的交易会~我也希望各位领导和来宾身体健康,工作顺利,事业发达, 和一个幸福的家庭。 7)在2006年首届浙商投资博览会上,宁德荣膺2006浙商(省外)最具投资潜力城市,成为全国十个获此殊荣的城市之一。 原译:先在浙江商人投资展,宁德获得了中国最具投资潜力城市”称号,为十个城市在中国得到这个荣誉。 原译用得到对应”荣赓”和”成为”两个汉语动词,爱学吧是一个专业的教育平台,为您提供一对一英语口语学习,www.ixue8 .com英语口语 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,爱学吧口语资料下载,爱学吧学习论坛,学习社区等功能,欢迎加入爱学吧这个学习平台。其实也是”意合翻译”的一种表现形式。道理很简单,在汉语原文中,“荣赓”就是”光荣地获得(了)”、“成为”则是”取得(得到)某种荣誉称号基于这种深层母语”。“意合思维”,所以,译者就很自然地反复采用得到来表示”荣赓”和”成为的动作请看笔者的改译”: 参译:2006浙江商人的第一个投资公平www.seo147.com期间,宁德收到被投资在浙江省最具潜力的城市”称号,成为一个具有在全国十个城市获得这样的荣誉。 3、结语 鉴于汉字是当今世界上唯一不属于表音体系的文字,所以,英、汉两种语言从文字形态到语法体系都截然迥异。中国人从事英汉/汉英翻译所面临的问题,跟英美人从事英法/法英或英德/德英翻译所面临的问题是大不相同的。前者属于语系之间的语言转换,后者则是同根同源的不同语言之间的转换。有鉴于此,笔者深感英汉互译中照抄词典之弊端,意合思维之弊端,望文生义之弊端。解决办法何在,无他,多读,多练,多借鉴万万不可迷信词典,更不可率尔操觚。 还有一点虽然跟翻译本体无关,却不能不说。那就是类似”海峡西岸经济区2007年宁德投资洽谈会”开幕式这样有大批外宾参加的,有一定影响的场合的翻译,千万要慎重。有关部门切不可草率点将,以为”抓到手的都是鱼”。要知道,拙劣的翻译会招来拙劣的印象要不然,首都北京就无需大张旗鼓地清理公示语误译了。 参考文献: [ 1 ]英国广播公司英语词典[Z],格拉斯哥:英国广播公司英文和HarperCollins出版公司,1993 [ 2 ]鲁迅,自文字至文章[一]。鲁迅。鲁迅全集(9)[ C ]。北京:人民文学出版社,1981:344 [ 3 ] Webster第九新大学词典[Z],马萨诸塞州,美国1983 [ 4 ]张传彪,汉字背景:一支无形却无处不在的手[J],疯狂英语教师版,2005(12):34 [ 5 ]张传彪,从汉字本源看中西方诗歌发展轨迹之迥异[J],解放军外语学院学报,2004(6):79 一个翻译的双刃剑 --随着开口讲话的英语翻译的陷阱开始说话 巩凡缘 (宁德师范高等专科学校英语系,宁德福建352100) 摘要:只是照搬字典和意合思维是英汉对译的禁忌。词典的翻译不同于语用翻译:前者是www.ixue8.com一般都在没有任何环境而后者往往是在语用方式灵活。文章指出,应高度重视这些活动,如大型投资博览会等翻译。很明显,蹩脚的翻译会带来可怕的图像。 关键词:翻译、词典、意合,开幕式上的讲话 龚帆元(1961 -),宁德师范高等专科学校英语系副教授,福建寿宁 人,研究方向:英汉语言文化对比与翻译
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