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阳光幼儿园申办报告(3)阳光幼儿园申办报告(3) 那构村阳光幼儿园 申办人:王 明 2011年8月 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline ...

阳光幼儿园申办报告(3) 那构村阳光幼儿园 申办人:王 明 2011年8月 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 那构村阳光幼儿园 申办报告 尊敬的上级领导: 幼儿教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,发展幼儿教育对于促进儿童身心全面健康发展,普及义务教育,提高全民整体素质具有重要意义。农村幼儿教育更是迫在眉睫,我村(鸡场坡乡那构村)是鸡场坡乡煤洞片区人口第二大村,近邻柴家村和龙井村,人口达4千多人。为使当地幼儿能得到学龄前的系统教育,缩小农村学龄前孩子与城镇孩子之间的差距,真正实现教育公平。我个人拟在本村举办一所幼儿园。现将本幼儿园的具体情况报告如下: 一、申办目的: 我本人申办幼儿园是为了更好对我村及周边村寨3周岁及以上学龄前幼儿实施保育和教育,促进幼儿身体正常发育和机能的协调发展,增强体质,培养良好的生活习惯、卫生习惯和参加体育活动的兴趣,培养有益的兴趣和动手能力,发展幼儿智力,培养诚实、勇敢、好问、爱惜公物、不怕困难、讲礼貌、守纪律的良好品德、行为、习惯以及活泼开朗的性格,促进幼儿德、智、体、美全面发展。同时为幼儿家长安心外出打工并投身社会主义建设解决后顾之忧。 二、幼儿园名称:那构村阳光幼儿园 三、办学性质:私立 四、地址:普定县鸡场坡乡那构村 五、园长:马 丽(在读幼师,从事幼儿、小学教育10年,主要负责教育教学、师资培训、卫生和安全工作。) 六、申办人:王 明(副园长,大专毕业,从事小学教育11年,主要负责幼儿园经费、规划和发展。) 七、建筑及设施:那构村阳光幼儿园独立成园,2楼,砖混结构,占地面积120平方米,建筑面积240平方米。环境优雅,设施齐备,管理科学,配有各种中、小型玩具,设有午休室、隔离室、园内配有彩电、VCD,每班均有饮水机等。 八、服务对象:学龄前3—6岁幼儿 九、办园形式:全日制 十、办园规模:共2个班,大班和小班。 十一、师资:全园教职工共5人,园长1人,副园长1人,教师2人,保育员1名。幼儿教师队伍年轻化,爱岗敬业,视生如子。 十二 、幼儿园五年发展目标和工作规划:(2012—2016) (一)、指导思想: 依法治园,优化师资队伍、深化课程改革、精化办园条件,不断探索创新。认真贯彻实施幼儿园新《纲要》;以幼儿园两个法规为准绳,把素质教育落到实处。规范内部管理,探索办园特色,提高办学效益,全面提高保教质量。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life (二)、具体目标: 第一阶段:2012年1月—2012年12月 幼儿园刚刚成立,各方面基础较差,而且办园规模只有2个班,同时教职员工都是新招聘的,因此,第一阶段的工作重点是规范幼儿园各项工作,艰苦创业,站稳脚跟,为第二年的创建村示范幼儿园和成为常规管理先进单位打下坚实的基础。 1、加强幼儿园常规管理,建立建全规章制度和考核标准,并基本形成“洁?静?雅,真?信?实”的园风。 2、正常幼儿园的一日活动,着重对照“一日活动常规 细则 测试细则下载防尘监理实施细则免费下载免费下载地暖施工监理细则公路隧道通风设计细则下载静压桩监理实施细则下载 ”,建立起一套适合我园幼儿的一日活动常规,培养幼儿良好的学习习惯和生活卫生习惯,严格规范教师行为,强化教师职责,使幼儿园的各项工作逐步规范化、制度化。 3、不断改善园所环境,优化设施,做好园内美化绿化工作,使幼儿园整体布局更加合理,环境更加安全、美观。 4、积极开展创建工作,不断提高保教质量。 第二阶段:2013年1月——2013年 12月 在第一阶段的基础上能够继续努力,进一步加强幼儿园的科学管理,改善办园条件,加强科研力度,提高保教质量和办园档次。 1.加强幼儿园的科学管理,园领导进一步加强学习,提高自身素质,更新观念,树立现代化意识、竞争意识、育人意识。提高幼儿园的管理水平,使幼儿园各项工作进一步规范化、制度化。 2.加大投入,改善办园条件,添置相应的教学设备和教玩具,提高幼儿园现代化程度。 3.加大力度培训师资。首先加强专业理论的学习,文化水平的提高,树立现代化的教育观和儿童观,增强创新意识和科研意识。其次,带教师出去参观、学习、开眼界。第三,鼓励教师勤于总结、思考,写好工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、总结,做好教学反思。 4、初步形成自己的特色,为创建做好准备工作。 第三阶段:2014年1月—2014年12月 在第二阶段的基础上,奋发努力,开拓创新,办出幼儿园的特色,使其真正成为村示范幼儿园。 1.培养更多的品德优、习惯好、能合作、会交往、爱探索、会生活、会学习、健康自信、聪明活泼、诚实勇敢的好孩子。 2.主动适应社会发展需要,逐步形成办园特色,营造良好的社会声誉,树立良好的社会形象。与乡镇幼儿园结对,借助他们的力量提高办园质量。 3.建立一支观念新、文化层次较高、动手能力强、掌握现代教学手段的教师队伍。 4.建立以激励机制为核心的管理框架,强化计划----实施---检查---总结各环节,逐步实现管理手段的现代化。 5.努力改善办园条件:进一步调整幼儿园的整体布局,充分利用空间,为幼儿创设良好的学习、游戏环境。 6.实现扩班目标,使幼儿园规模不断扩大。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 第四阶段:2015年1月——2015年12月 在第三阶段的基础上,本着可持续发展的原则,运用发展的眼光,挖掘自身潜力,形成自己独特的办园特色,强化内涵建设,在课程改革、创特色教育、树自身品牌上下工夫。 1、加强师资队伍建设,帮助教师确立专业发展目标,与每位教师签定目标任务书,年底将对照任务书进行考核,真正做到奖罚有依据,奖惩分明。 2、加大对幼儿进行健康教育的研究,力求通过丰富多彩的活动使幼儿达到体能健康、心理健康和智能健康的金三角结构。 3、适应现代教育多元化发展的需要,充分开发优质资源并合理利用,如社区资源、家长资源、外校资源等,为幼儿全面发展提供更广阔全面的视野和空间。 4、投入资金美化校园环境,营造良好的教育文化氛围。 第五阶段:2016年1月----2016年12月 进一步加强幼儿园内涵建设,以一流的师资、一流的环境、一流的服务创品牌,树特色,将幼儿园建设成为一流的优质园,努力实现乡级示范园的办园目标。 1、加强学习,利用多种途径帮助教师树立新型的现代教育观念,实现新时期教师角色的转换,成为终身的学习者、生命的关怀者、平等的交往者、宽容的教育者,并引领教师逐步从传统的教授型向科研型、学者型发展。 2、切实做好师资培训工作,提高教师的专业化水平及文化素养加强园本课程培训,继续搞好幼儿园健康特色教育,使教师不仅具有运用课程的能力,更具备选择课程和生成课程的能力,使园本课程更系统化。 3、提供机会创造条件帮助教师掌握现代教学技术,能运用多媒体辅助教学,学会课件制作并在园内开展评比活动。 4、进一步改善办园条件。 5、做好幼儿个人档案,并 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 成光盘,录下幼儿成长的轨迹。 十三 行政管理 第一条 幼儿园面向市场,自主经营。经济上实行自负盈亏,独立核算,业务上接受教育行政部门指导,人员编制由经营者根据国家规定及幼儿园办学规模核定。 第二条 幼儿园实行园长负责制。其主要职责是: 1、贯彻执行国家的有关法律、法规、方针、政策和上级主管部门的规定; 2、领导教育、卫生保健、安全保卫工作; 3、负责建立并组织执行各种规章制度; 4、负责聘任、调配工作人员。指导、检查和评估教师以及其他工作人员,并给予奖惩; 5、负责工作人员的思想工作,组织文化、业务学习,并为他们的政治和文化、业务进修创造必要的条件;关心和逐步改善工作人员的待遇,工作条件,维护他们的合法权益; of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 6、组织管理园舍、设备和经费; 7、组织和指导家长工作; 第三条 教职员工代表大会按照党的方针政策和有关法律、法规行使职权,其中包括: 1、听取园长的工作报告,讨论幼儿园的办学思想、发展方向、改革 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 等重大问题,并提出建议; 2、审议园考核方案、奖惩条例及各重要规章制度。 3、讨论幼儿园范围内涉及教职工福利方面的原则。 第四条 幼儿园接受上级主管部门、教育行政部门的督导、评估、检查。 第五条 幼儿园接受物价局的检查监督,接受社会、家长、幼儿的舆论监督,定期听取他们的意见。 第六条 新引进的人员应有三至六个月的试用期。 十四、 教育教学管理 第一条 幼儿园教育工作的原则是:体、智、德、美诸方面的教育应相互渗透,有机结合。遵循幼儿身心发展规律,符合幼儿的年龄特点,注意个别差异,因人施教,引导幼儿个性健康发展。面向全体幼儿,热爱幼儿,坚持积极鼓励、启发诱导幼儿的正面教育。合理地综合组织各方面的教育内容,并渗透于幼儿一日生活的各项活动中,充分发挥各种教育手段的相互作用。创设与教育相适应的良好环境,为幼儿提供活动和表现能力的机会与条件。以游戏为基本活动,寓教育于各项活动之中。 第二条 幼儿一日活动的组织应动静交替,保证幼儿愉快地、有益地自由活动。幼儿园日常生活组织,要从实际出发,建立必要的合理的规定,坚持一贯性、一致性和灵活性的原则,培养幼儿的良好习惯和初步的生活自理能力。 第三条 幼儿园的教育活动应是有目的、有计划引导幼儿生动、活泼、主动活动的、多种形式的教育过程。教育活动应根据教育目的,幼儿的实际水平和兴趣,循序渐进、有计划地选择和组织。组织活动应根据不同的教育内容,充分利用周围环境的有利条件,积极发挥幼儿感官作用,灵活地运用集体或个别活动的形式,为幼儿提供充分活动的空间,注重活动的过程,促进每个幼儿在不同水平上得到发展。 第四条 游戏是对幼儿进行全面发展教育的重要形式。应根据幼儿的年龄特点选择和指导游戏。应因地制宜地为幼儿创设游戏条件。游戏材料应强调多功能和可变性。应充分尊重幼儿选择游戏的意愿,鼓励幼儿制作玩具,根据幼儿的实际经验和兴趣,在游戏过程中给予适当指导,保持愉快的情绪,促进幼儿个性的全面发展。 第五条 幼儿园的品德教育应以情感教育和培养良好行为习惯为主,注重潜移默化的影响,并贯穿于不动声色的幼儿生活以及各项活动之中。 第六条 幼儿园应在各项活动的过程中,根据幼儿不同的心理发展水平,注重培养幼儿良好的个性心理品质,应注意根据幼儿个体差异,研究有效的活动形式和方法,不要强求一律。 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 第七条 幼儿园应当使用全国通用的普通话。 第八条 幼儿园和小学应密切联系,互相配合,注意两个阶段教育的相互衔接。 十五、 后勤管理 第一条 后勤工作必须树立为教学服务、为教育科研服务、为师生服务的观念。制定各项规章制度,严格工作规范。 第二条 幼儿园严格按照上级教育、物价、财政部门确定的收费项目和收费标准,依法向幼儿家长收取费用。 十六、 校园环境管理 第一条 全体教师应齐心协力创建文明、健康、向上、和谐的育人环境。幼儿园要根据实际情况对室外环境有整体规划,努力创设符合幼儿特点的安全文明环境,做到净化、绿化、美化、童化。 第二条 创造健康向上的浓郁的校园文化氛围。应开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动。 第三条 全体教职工中要加强道德修养,努力建立和谐的人际关系和团结向上、文明协调的工作和生活环境。 第四条 建立健全卫生包干和检查评比制度,配备必要的卫生设施,努力创建卫生、整洁的工作学习环境。 第五条 加强行政值班和教师护导工作,实行“幼儿园每日一班劳动值日制度”和“文明示范岗”值勤制度,培养学习“五自”能力和文明行为习惯。 第六条 切实加强保卫工作,防火、防盗、防电、防毒,经常检查校舍设施,及时排除隐患,确保学校安全无事故。 十七、教师管理 第一条 幼儿教师享有《教师法》及有关法律法规规定的权利,履行《教师法》及有关法律规定的义务。 第二条 教师应自觉严格要求自己,自觉做到:对待事业有爱心,投入工作能全心;教育孩子有耐心,生活护理能细心;教育教学肯用心,家长工作能热心;同志之间有诚心,幼儿事事能关心。 第三条 幼儿园实行全员聘任制,园长与教职工订聘用合同,教职工必须履行聘约,执行学校的教育教学和各项工作计划,完成教育教学和各项工作任务。 第四条 教师自觉做到:年初工作有计划,年终工作有总结,幼儿园每月对教职工的政治、业务水平、工作态度、工作成绩进行客观的考核,年终考核以月考核为主要依据。 第五条 对违反《幼儿园管理办法》的教职工,按《幼儿园奖惩条例》进行处分,如当事人不服,可以按有关规定提出申诉。 第六条 教师应具备良好师德,自觉做到不讲教育忌语,不体罚和变相体罚幼儿,不擅自收费,不向幼儿推销商品,不参与黄、赌、毒及一切封建迷信活动。 十八 卫生保健管理 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life 第一条 幼儿园必须切实做好幼儿生理和心理卫生保健工作,严格执行卫生部颁发的《托儿所、幼儿园卫生保健制度》以及其他有关卫生保健的法律、规章和制度。 第二条 建立幼儿健康检查制度和幼儿健康卡或档案。每学期体检一次,测身高、视力、体重一次,并对幼儿身体健康发展状况定期进行分析、评价。应注意幼儿的口腔卫生,保护视力。 第三条 幼儿园应建立卫生消毒、病儿隔离制度,认真作好计划免疫和急病防治工作。幼儿园内严禁吸烟。 第四条 幼儿园建立房屋、设备、消防、交通等 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和幼儿接送制度,防止发生各种意外事故,加强对幼儿的安全教育。 第五条 为幼儿提供合理膳食,编制营养均衡的幼儿带量食谱,定期计算和分析幼儿的进食量和营养摄取量。 第六条 幼儿园保证供给幼儿饮水,为幼儿饮水提供便利的条件,培养幼儿良好的大小便习惯,不得限制幼儿便溺的次数、时间等。 第七条 积极开展适合幼儿的体育活动。每日户外体育活动不得少于一小时,加强冬季锻炼。要充分利用日光、空气、水等自然环境,有计划地锻炼幼儿肌体,增强幼儿身体的适应和抵抗能力。对体弱或残疾的幼儿予以特殊照顾。 第八条 幼儿园夏季做好防暑降温工作,冬季做好防寒饱暖工作,防止中暑和冻伤。 十九、我园的办园宗旨是“一切为了孩子,为了一切孩子,为了孩子一切”,努力实现 “让幼儿成才,让家长放心,让社会满意”的服务承诺。 特此报告。望上级领导批准办园为谢~ 申办人:王 明 2011年8月 of speeches, the combination of Lattice members "as the main content of the" learning and doing "theme activities, education cited by the city's party enhanced par consciousness, party spirit consciousness, discipline consciousness. Often, take the initiative to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China dress, dress to the party's theory, line, principles and policies, always put the discipline very in front, enhance the concentration of thought, action concentration and political concentration. To do about the rules, discipline, the unity of knowledge, Biaoliruyi in actual work than the party spirit, enhance political literacy, than the state, improve target localization, than ability, enhance the level of business, than style, enhance the overall image, solve the weakening of some party members and party spirit consciousness. The concept of purpose Weak, organization and discipline lax, individual party organization management of Party member education lost in loose soft, lax untrue, the philistinism of inner-Party life free of flat etc., and the consolidation of educational practice, the "strict three real special education results, in order to speed up the construction of happy Tengzhou provide strong ideological and political guarantee. Second, the activities (a)" learning ", selected 1000" two studies do "excellent learning perception." learning and doing ", based in" learn ". Towns street, each department (unit) to the branch as the basic unit, to organize life
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