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高三X版第一学期期中考试... 精锐教育英语学科阶段性测试卷 (高三新世纪版) 姓名: 得分: Ⅰ.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. To be qualified for the job ...

精锐教育英语学科阶段性测试卷 (高三新世纪版) 姓名: 得分: Ⅰ.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. To be qualified for the job ___________. A. one’s knowledge of electronics is needed B. it is required that one have knowledge of electronics C. one needs to have professional knowledge of electronics D. one’s knowledge of electronics is more important 2. It __________ emphasized that the development of agriculture must keep pace with the development of industry. A. cannot be so much B. cannot be too much C. can be so much D. can be too much 3. The bank is reported in local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday. A. robbed B. to have been robbed C. to be robbed D. having been robbed 4. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiment would finally lead to modern electrical technology, ________ we could scarcely think of current life. A. without that B. without which C. without what D. without it 5. The forest is a world __________ is full of life and ______ diverse species of plants and animals remain if human beings do not destroy them. A. where…how B. what…where C. which…that D. that…where 6. Halloween ________ its origin as an event in memory of the dead is now a children’s festival, ________ they can go to their neighbour’s homes and ask for sweets A. has…which B. had…where C. having …when D. having…that 7. The most energetic and important festivals are ________ that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring. A. the ones B. others C. / D. ones 8. When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be ________ the earth’s. A. as a strong pull as B. a strong pull as C. as strong a pull as D. strong as a pull as 9. ________ take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September. A. Other than B. More than C. Rather than D. In spite of 10. For forty years Jane Goodall _________ the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. A. helps B. is to help C. had helped D. has been helping 11. In 1974, Yuan Longping became the first agricultural pioneer in the world _______ rice that has a high output. A. to grow B. growing C. having grown D. to be grown 12. Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her good nature _______ had got her into medical school. A. when B. which C. how D. that 13. This special strain of rice ___________ one-third more of the crop in the same field. A. makes possible to produce B. makes it possible to produce C. make possible producing D. make it possible producing 14. I’d rather you just _________ in bed and ________ anything for at least two weeks. A. stayed…did B. stay… do C. stayed… don’t do D. stayed… didn’t do 15. It snowed heavily last night, thus ________ the traffic problems today. A. causing B. caused C. having caused D. having been caused 16. I ________ the money yesterday, because I had enough money to buy the cheaper products. A. needn’t borrow B. needn’t have borrowed C. needn’t to borrow D. didn’t need borrowing 17. The chairman of the committee moved that the proposal ________ put to the vote. A. is B. was C. were D. be 18. His mother always keeps a candle in the house ________ there is a power failure. A. in case B. in a case C. in case of D. in the case 19. ----We ________ that you would fix the TV set this week. ---- I’m sorry. I had intended to, but I’ve been too busy. A. had expected B. are expecting C. expect D. expected 20. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than ________. A. being necessary B. to be necessary C. it is necessary D. is necessary 21. ________ anybody call while I am away, please write down his name and address. A. If B. Should C. Could D. Would 22. The girl is often listened to __________ at the next room. A. practise to sing B. practise singing C. to practise to sing D. to practise singing 23. At the critical moment my advisor mentioned ________ the scientist who used DNA test to solve the centuries-old mystery. A. contacting with B. to contact C. contacting D. to contact with 24. They suggested _________ right away. A. us to get down to the improvement of the project B. the project to be got down to be improved by us C. us getting down to improve the project D. our getting down to the improvement of the project 25. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can’t _________ his behaving like that at all. A. look into B. break into C. account for D. get over 26. She _________ for 10 years to achieve success as an actress, which was her childhood dream. A. lived B. waited C. struggled D. struck 27. He is going to __________ the meeting on the subject of war and peace in a minute. A. speak B. talk C. remark D. address 28. The journey usually takes weeks but you should ______________ possible delays caused by bad weather or traffic jams. A. provide for B. allow for C. make room for D. give way to 29. It ______________ me to explain to him what happened. A. turned to B. fell to C. led to D. took to 30. I am __________ talking to you. You never listen to me. A. ignorant of B. tired from C. bored of D. fed up with Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. (一) A. predicts B. operation C. employ D. limited E. majority F. also G. reservations H. dreams I. necessary J. estimate   We're waiting to take trips to outer space. When will it happen? According to individuals in the growing field of space tourism, it may be in five or fifty years. Space Adventures is taking ____1____ for the flights, similar to the first manned spaceflights. The trip will cost $ 90,000, with a $ 6,000 deposit required.  More than 200 people have made reservations, said Sarah, Dalton, the company spokeswoman. John Spencer of the Space Tourism Society says that a more realistic ____2____ for regular space travel is 50 years. Issues of expense, difficulty, and danger must still be resolved. Oh yes –--- a reusable vehicle must ____3____ be invented.  He adds, however, that ten years from now, a ____4____ number of people may be able to visit a space station. He says he expects a fleet of private space vehicles or “space yachts (快艇)” to be in ____5____ in 20 to 25 years. They will do what he calls “orbital super yachting.” After that, there will be cruise lines, like those that travel the Earth's oceans, as well as space hotels and resorts. There have been only a few studies to determine the public's interest in space tourism, but they all conclude that a ____6____ of people would like to visit space and would be willing to pay good money for it. According to expert Patrick Collins, between 5 million and 20 million people will head for space by 2030. He also ____7____ 100 flights a day leaving Earth. It would be ____8____ to have more than 100 hotels in Earth's orbit, a few more orbiting the moon, and a few on the moon's surface. These hotels would ____9____ more than 100,000 people, who would work month-long shifts. Each hotel would have a service station. Such service stations would provide oxygen, water, and hydrogen. They might also ship environmentally safe electric power back to Earth. If all the issues can be resolved, Collins says that space tourism could one day become a $1 trillion industry. (二) A. beliefs B. sharply C. average D. competing E. recognize AE. reduced AD. equipment AC. medical AB. increasingly BC. hesitate   Last year’s US Census showed that the __1___ age of American citizens is rising. Since 1970 when the last American census was completed, the birth has continued to fall __2___ in the United States, and the number of Americans over age 65 has risen by 28%. Experts believe that _3____ progress will permit more and more Americans to live longer in the years ahead. This means that as a group, older citizens will play an __4____ important part in American life. The influence of many of these older Americans already can be seen. Today, those over 65 are healthier, better educated and more active than at any other time in American history. And there are rapidly changing traditional __5___that to be old is to be sick, or weak, or helpless. Today men in their 70s are ___6___ in long distance running races. Motion picture films now have leading parts for actors and actresses in their 80s. Today’s older Americans also are spending large amounts of money for everything from study to long distance travel. More and more businesses now __7___ their economic importance. Travel service, restaurant, stores and transportation systems are offering __8___ prices for those over 65. Special sports _9__ and beauty products are being designed for older citizens. (三) A. amusements B. practice C. unimportant D. character E. especially F. value G. muscles H. natural I. successfully J. prevent   Some people seems to think that sports and games are   1  things that people do at times when they are not working. But in fact sports and games can be of great ___2____, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day, and should not be treated only as   3  . Sports and games make our bodies strong,   4  us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not their only uses. They give us valuable   5  in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, when our eyes see the ball coming our brain has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to the   6  of the arms, legs and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this chain of events   7  . For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is   8  useful. Sports and games are also very useful for   9  -training. If each of students learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit. (四) A. freedom B. conveyed C. fully D. claimed E. spirit F. publicly G. combined H. produced I. rebel J. especially   Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the 19th century.  Living in a period of change, he expressed the ___1___ of his time in his music.  At that time, people were trying to break out of the feudalism(封建主义), and they were trying to pursue ___2___, equality and universal love.  Such social change, ___3___ the French revolution, greatly inspired Beethoven.  He, together with many contemporary artists, ___4___ many vigorous works, which praised heroism and ___5___ the love for nature.  To some extent, Beethoven was a social ___6___.  He refused to bow to social traditions and power.  When Napoleon was in power, who ___7___ to be a believer of the republic, Beethoven admired him so much that he devoted his Symphony No.5(第五交响曲) to him.  But then Napoleon put crown on his own head and became an emperor.  Beethoven got very angry and he ___8___ criticized Napoleon, regardless of possible life threat.  Except for all his social and political wishes, he also led to great progress in the history of music.  It was he who clearly defined the form of symphony and ___9___ developed it.  And his achievements, according to some, marked the end of the classical period and the beginning of the romantic period in the music history. (五) A. second B. busy C. moves D. look E. careful F. evening G. are H. cross I. two J. left   When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. Before you ___1___ a street, you must look to the right first and then to the___2___. In the morning and in the___3___ when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very___4___. Traffic is the most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic___5___ on the left. So you must be___6___. Have a look first, or you may go the wrong way. In many English cities, there___7___ big buses with two floors(层). You can sit on the___8___ floor. From there you can___9___ the city very well. It’s very interesting. Ⅱ.Translation Direction: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrase given in the brackets. 1. 年轻人在成长的过程中犯一些错误是很自然的。(It) 2. 教育的任务之一是使每个学生在毕业后有谋生的能力。(enable) 3. 在某种程度上来说,手术的结果远远不能令人满意。(extent) 4. 法官说,这罚款对其它那些注意力不集中的摩托车驾驶者来说起到了警告的作用。(serve) 5. 近来,许多大学生和老师对那些在考试作弊中的学生是否应该受到惩罚进行了热烈的讨论。(whether) 6. 中国是一个重视礼仪的国家.(emphasis) 7. 他宁愿呆在农村, 也不愿在拥挤的城市里谋生. (prefer) 8. 从观众的掌声判断, 他的告别演出 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 是很成功.(success) 9. 在一些西方国家鼓励人们用电. 用得越多, 价格越便宜.(the more…the more) 10. 他寡言少语, 这使大家觉得很难与他沟通. (communicate) 11. 我从没有想到我的粗心大意会使自己付出如此巨大的代价。(It)  12. 尽管我比他年长两岁,但他英语说得比我好。(superior to) 13. 不管遇到什么困难,他总是不灰心。(Whatever) 14. 凯伦不能忍受丹尼取笑她不敢参加滑翔运动。(put up with) 15. 她想为这家医院募集一些钱来买一些简单的设备。(finance) 16. 上海市民自愿参加慈善义卖会来支援地震灾民。(willing) 17. 迄今为止,还没有学生进过新建的学校阅览室。(enter) 18. 没有和他接触过的人不太会知道他的真实想法。(it) 19. 离开家乡多年以后,他常常梦到老宅前的小河和无忧无虑的童年生活。(dream) 20. 无论天气如何恶劣,志愿者们都会想方设法,做到每天按时将饭菜送到每一位老人的家中(manage) Keys: 单选: 1-5 CBBBD        6-10 CACCD        11-15  ADBDA        16-20  BDAAD 21-25  BDCDC        26-30  CDBBD 十选九 (一)1-9 GJFDB EAIC (二)  1-9 c b ac ab a        49-52 d e ae ad (三)1. C  2. F  3. A  4. J  5. B  6. G  7. I  8. E  9. D (四)1. E  2. A  3. J  4. H  5. B  6. I  7. D  8. F  9. C (五)1-5 HJFBC    6-9  EGAD 翻译:Translation 1. It is natural for young people to make some mistakes in their growth. 2. One of the tasks of education is to enable every student to make a living after graduation. 3. To some extent, the result of the operation is far from satisfactory. 4. The judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other motor cyclist who drove without attention. 5. Recently many college students and teachers have had a heated discussion on whether the students who cheated in the exams should be punished. 6. China is a country that puts (great )emphasis on manners 7. He prefers staying in the country to making a living in the crowded city. 8. Judging from the applause of the audience, his farewell performance proved to be a great success. 9.In some western counties, people are encouraged to use electricity. The more they use, the lower the price of it will be. 10.He is a man of few words, which makes us think it difficult to communicate with him. 11. It never occurred to me that my carelessness would cost me so much. 12. Although I am older than him, he is superior to me in English speaking. 13. Whatever difficulties he meets with, he won’t lose heart/ confidence/feel discouraged. 14. Karen can’t put up with Danny teasing her not being brave enough to do paragliding. 15. She wants to raise some money to finance the purchase of some simple equipment. 16. The citizens of Shanghai are willing to take part in the charity sale fair in aid of the victims of the earthquake 17. Until now, no students have entered the newly-built school reading room. 18.  It’s not very likely for those who haven’t had contact with him to know his true thoughts. 19. After years away from the hometown, he often dreams of the river in front of the old house and the trouble-free childhood life. 20. No matter how severe(bad)the weather is, the volunteers will try every means and manage to deliver the meal to the home of every old person.  
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