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电缆桥架制作安装作业指导书 探索


电缆桥架制作安装作业指导书 探索电缆桥架制作安装作业指导书 探索 作 业 项 目 名 称 作 业 指 导 书 第 1 页 共 3 页 电缆桥架制作安装 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combine...

电缆桥架制作安装作业指导书   探索
电缆桥架制作安装作业指导书 探索 作 业 项 目 名 称 作 业 指 导 书 第 1 页 共 3 页 电缆桥架制作安装 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 1. 编制依据 1.1 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 院提供的电缆桥安装图纸 1.2 生产厂家的产品样本及说明书 1.3 《电气装置安装 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 电缆线路施工及验收规范》 1.4 《电力建设安全工作规程》 2. 工程概况 2.1本作业指导书范围是主隧道内、单控室夹层、主厂房及厂区的电缆支架、桥架安装。 2.2本工程电缆桥架为角钢支架和梯形桥架,固定方式为侧墙、顶棚与地面固定。 2.3本项目安装电缆桥架约60吨。 3.施工机械配置 电焊机、无齿锯、角向、砂轮等。 4.劳动力 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 班长1人,技术员1人,焊工2人,电气安装人员6人。 5.施工工期 电缆支架的加工10天,主隧道支架安装5天,单控室夹层支架安装5天,厂区的电缆桥架安装随土建安装。 6. 施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 措施 6.1电缆支架的加工: 6.1.1钢材应平直,无明显扭曲。下料误差应在5mm之内,切口应无卷边、毛刺。 6.1.2支架应焊接牢固,无显著变形。各横撑间的垂直净距与设计偏差不应大于5mm。 6.1.3支架必须进行防腐处理。 6.2先进行电缆架制作,然后进行主隧道、单控夹层及其它部分的安装施工,以保证电缆敷设。 6.3桥架施工时先确定好四通、三通及弯通位置,然后确定立柱的安装位置。确保上述构件有可靠的支撑点。 6.4在安装桥架立柱时先将两端立柱找正、固定好,然后拉好线绳安装中间的立柱,可保持美观一致。 作 业 指 导 书 作 业 项 目 名 称 第 2 页 共 3页 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 电缆桥架制作安装 6.5托臂要安装牢固,梯形桥架、紧固件、螺母要朝外,每个托臂与桥架要有固定点,焊接点要刷银粉漆防腐。 6.6桥架要与接地网做可靠的连接(要求两点以上),接地线要刷黑色油漆。 7.工程质量保证措施 7.1电缆沟道及各地施工地点土建已施工完毕,并验收合格,无积水、杂物等,装设足够的施工照明。 7.2电缆桥架安装是整个电缆工程的关键环节,它的安装质量直接影响到电缆工程创精品能否实现,施工人员必须精心施工,使之达到精品工程的要求。 7.3电缆桥架应安装牢固、横平竖直,各支架的同层横档应在同一层水平线上,其高低偏差不大于5mm,托架支吊架沿桥架走向左右的偏差不应大于10mm,桥架的切割面与焊接面处刷银粉漆防腐。 7.4立柱与梯形桥架安装前应进行外观检查,如有扭曲、变形要提前校正,安装后要集体校正。 7.5安装过程中如有现场实际尺与图纸不符应及时找有关部门联系提出改进措施,避免返工现象发生。 7.6立柱焊接时表面工艺要美观刷油药皮要打干净。 8.安全保证措施 8.1参加电缆桥架施工的人员必须参加安全交底。 8.2施工人员必须戴好安全帽,高空作业要扎好安全带严禁酒后上岗作业。 8.3搬运电缆桥架时要密切配合,防止碰伤手脚。 8.4使用无齿锯及角向时要戴好眼镜,使用冲击钻不要用力过猛,打顶棚眼时要戴好眼镜。 8.5接拆电源时要停电后再操做,必须两人同时在场,作到一人操作,一人监护。 8.6电缆沟内要采用36V行灯作照明,其他用小太阳作照明时安装高度必须大于2.5米,严禁用220V灯座作行灯。 8.7施工现场的积水杂物要及时清理干净,电缆线及电源线走向要合理有序,接头处要包好绝缘胶布,不得将线头直接插在插座内。 9.安全、健康/环境控制措施 表格见下页 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 作 业 项 目 名 称 作 业 指 导 书 第 3页 共 3页 电缆桥架制作安装 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 危险/环境可能导致 工 序 控制措施 责任人 因素描述 事故 电源线路每次使用电气设备前一定要检查其电施工 绝缘不好气线路是否完好,发现异常及时更换。 人员 伤人 1.电气设备使用前要经过绝缘检验, 如发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 停止使用; 电气设备的电气设备施工 2.电气设备必须安装漏电保护器; 1 电源使用 使用与维修 漏电伤人 人员 3.特殊环境作业人员应配备相应的劳动 保护用品 非电工从非电气人员严禁从事电气工作,在电气 施工 事电气工设备发现异常时及时找有关部门处理。 人员 作触电 坠落或落施工 物伤人 高空作业 2 桥架安装 扎好安全带,背好工具袋 人员 无齿锯角锯割打磨 施工 飞溅伤人 3 戴好防护眼镜 铁件 向的使用 人员 10.文明施工 文明施工要有负责人,施工现场的边角余料要及时清理干净每天要做到工完场清、随干随清。 施工作业技术交底记录 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 编号: 单位工程名称 全厂电缆线路施工 交底时间 年 月 日 作业项目名称 电缆桥架制作安装 地 点 技术交底主要内容记录: 《电缆桥架制作安装》作业指导书全部内容。 技术交底人: 记录人: 参加技术交底人员签名: 技术交底组织人: areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 作 业 项 目 名 称 作 业 指 导 书 会 签 页 电缆桥架制作安装 施 工: 年 月 日 质 保: 年 月 日 安 全: 年 月 日 总 工: 年 月 日 监理单位: 年 月 日 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 建设单位: 年 月 日 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. QAP / P,10,05 编 号 ****热电厂(2×25MW,3×130T/H)新建工程 施 工 作 业 指 导 书 作业项目名称:电缆桥架制作安装 编 制 单 位:********热电工程项目经理部 编 制: 年 月 日 审 核: 年 月 日 会 审:施工部/日期: 质检部/日期: 安保部/日期: 批 准:项目部总工/日期: 建设单位或监理公司/日期: **********热电工程项目经理部 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management.
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