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敢于负责,勇于担当2敢于负责,勇于担当2 敢于负责,勇于担当 “司法公信力不断提高”作为全党新时期奋斗目标写入党的十八大报告,进一步反映了司法公信建设是中国特色社会主义事业的重要内容,是司法行政工作维护社会稳定,保障国家经济建设稳步发展的重要政治任务和实践课题。对于领导干部而言,敢于担当是提升司法公信力的内在要求,敢不敢担当,检验着一个领导干部的品质与精神境界;能不能担当,则体现一个干部的真才实学、群众基础与实际执政能力。因此,担当既是领导干部必具的基本素质,也是衡量和评判一个领导干部称职与否的重要标准。 坚持原则,敢于负责,勇...

敢于负责,勇于担当2 敢于负责,勇于担当 “司法公信力不断提高”作为全党新时期奋斗目标写入党的十八大 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,进一步反映了司法公信建设是中国特色社会主义事业的重要内容,是司法行政工作维护社会稳定,保障国家经济建设稳步发展的重要政治任务和实践课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。对于领导干部而言,敢于担当是提升司法公信力的内在要求,敢不敢担当,检验着一个领导干部的品质与精神境界;能不能担当,则体现一个干部的真才实学、群众基础与实际执政能力。因此,担当既是领导干部必具的基本素质,也是衡量和评判一个领导干部称职与否的重要标准。 坚持原则,敢于负责,勇于担当。具体到工作中,就是每个领导干部都要勇敢地负起责任,发挥领导干部的先锋模范作用和率先垂范作用。一事当前,是否勇于承担责任,敢于触及矛盾,善于解决问题,集中体现和反映了领导干部的综合素质。 一、 何谓担当, 担当,简言之即接受并勇于负责。担当的社会属性要求我们的领导干部要躬身实践,沉下心去,走进一线,深入到基层与群众打成一片,在基层一线发现问题,解决问题,推动工作。担当的另一涵义,要求领导干部要坚决克服重务虚轻务实的不良习气,大力弘扬求真务实的工作作风。拟定了的事情如 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、决策、项目、制度等,就要雷厉风行认认真真地一抓到底,逐件落实到位,绝不能言过其实,导致工作有始无终或虎头蛇尾。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 二、 需要增强敢于担当的勇气 担当意味着付出、奉献甚至牺牲,在实际工作生活中,作为基层司法局的主要领导,任其职,就应当负其责;在其位,就一定要谋其政,惩恶扬善,维护社会公平正义,为民谋福祉,为一个地方的经济社会发展与稳定鞠躬尽瘁,甚至不惜殚精竭虑。决策基于民生,举措放眼发展,不畏艰险,迎难而上,正视矛盾不回避,碰到问题敢于抓,工作以实干取胜,事业以求真促发展,执法以严格公正为准则,而且在群众利益与个人利益发生矛盾冲突时,能够顾全大局,勤廉为怀,不计个人得失,这才是一个真正合格的领导干部应有的品格。只有具备了这样的品格,才不会辜负组织的信任和人民的重托,才能在市场经济大潮风浪中站稳脚跟,才能称之为真正的国家法律建设者、捍卫者。 三、要提高敢于担当的能力 敢于担当,不仅是共产党人的政治本色和价值追求,同时也是正确认识世界、有效改造客观世界的实践要求。担当需要勇气,也需要能力。领导干部既要有激情、有韧劲,更要办事管用。办事管用讲的就是要有能力、有水平、有办法。 努力掌握科学的工作方法。领导干部的一切担当都是为了人民群众。领导干部的一切担当都是为了人民群众。做到一切为了群众,首先就要真正了解群众的疾苦冷暖,倾听群众对哪些问题最关心、最着急、最不满意,并且善于从群众中汲取经验、智慧和力量,找到解决问题的办法。从群众中来,到群众中去,是我们党根本的领导方法和 2f party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincialthe broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work olead maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and ound County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements fory arpast five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightl work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation eneralicipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party gbution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and muncontrie to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due y's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strivpart high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the udy and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with ao" stparty members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "tw ized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party,put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standard 工作方法。要提高自身的素质能力,真正把工作干好,必须自觉把转变作风、加强调查研究,深入基层、深入群众作为重要的途径,干部要直接联系和服务群众,作为领导干部,不仅要按照中央的要求,组织干部下基层、接地气,增感情、办实事,而且要带头下决心到困难乡镇、社区、企业去,和群众面对面、心贴心,沟通思想,掌握实情,激发智慧,增进感情。要了解真实情况,对基层和群众反映的问题,能够及时解决的要就地解决;一时解决不了的,耐心向群众解释清楚,做好思想工作。更重要的是,要加强对全局性、长远性、政策性问题的研究,加强对深层次矛盾问题的研究,不断完善工作的思路、措施和办法。 做好改革发展稳定的各项工作,化解前进中的风险、矛盾和问题,不仅需要领导干部带头负责、善于担当,更需要我们带出一支能够担当重任的优秀团队。带好队伍,除了树立正确用人导向,善于发现、培养人才之外,关键是要坚持“严”字当头,做到严格要求、严格教育、严格管理、严格监督。要加强领导班子思想政治建设,坚持和落实民主集中制,积极发展党内民主,努力形成平等讨论、研究问题的气氛,民主决策、科学决策、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 决策的生动局面。 四、要有敢于担当的胸怀 顺境逆境看胸襟,大事难事看担当。做到敢于担当,要正确看待个人得失。 要丢掉私心。敢于担当,首先要出于公心,自觉站在党和人民的立场上看待得失。一事当前,首先要以党的事业为重,以人民群众 3romote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincialand pof cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses ilityCounty Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stab town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, ands, XX I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five yeardo Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined ty on nship party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and Counation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Towsitu for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new cal consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's constructionoliti, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of pGeneral Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education arning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and theput in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of le 的利益为重,而不能计较个人的名利、前途。有时,为了党和人民的利益,我们还必须牺牲个人利益,这更能体现共产党人应有的政治情怀。面对困难迎难而上,冲在改革发展的一线是勇于担当;长期工作在条件艰苦的地区,默默无闻地为党和人民的事业无私奉献,同样是担当。 要正确对待失误和挫折。干事难免出错,在荣誉面前不争功、在失误面前不推过,是领导干部应有的觉悟和境界。不能功劳都是自己的,失误都是别人的。重要的是善于从失误中汲取教训,举一反三、改进提高。对个人而言,要把逆境和挫折作为党性修养的历练,人生阅历的财富,成长进步不可或缺的因素,这是一名党员干部自信、成熟的表现。 要相信群众、相信组织。群众的眼睛是雪亮的,组织上对干部的评价是客观公正的。只要我们一心为了工作和事业,即使一时遇到一些干扰和非议,但最终会得到公正的评价和群众的口碑。 五、要有敢于担当的底气 司法过程环节较多,每一过程能不能确保依法进行,步步到位,司法行政人员的法律素质固然重要,而综合素质更为关键。担当作为一种执政品质,不仅是对领导干部的要求,对于一般干警也同样必须具有。领导干部缺乏担当,既不会有群众真心爱戴和一呼百应的人气,也不会运筹帷幄指挥若定的才气,更不会有严格督查的底气,一个责任感不强的司法局领导干部,很难在司法领域有所建树,办事也极容易出问题,也很难为社会主持公道和伸张正义。 4f party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincialthe broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work olead maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and ound County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements fory arpast five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightl work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation eneralicipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party gbution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and muncontrie to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due y's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strivpart high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the udy and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with ao" stparty members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "tw ized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party,put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standard 一个党员尤其是领导干部担当的底气来源于保持党的纯洁性,我们要按照“讲党性、重品行、作表率”的要求,自觉加强党性锻炼,坚决抵制拜金主义、享乐主义和极端个人主义的侵蚀,始终保持高尚的精神追求。要坚持严自律、善治家、慎交友,坚决克服侥幸心理、从众心理、不平衡心理,任何情况下都稳得住心神、管得住行为、守得住家园,堂堂正正做人,清清白白做官,干干净净做事,始终保持共产党人的政治本色。 六、 担当是领导干部人格力量之源。 干部的人格不是出在“嘴”里,而是出在“行”上,是知与行、说与做有机统一的结果。常言道:“人往高处走,水往低处流”。这里不仅仅指地理位置之“高”,还包括人的理想信念、思想境界以及道德品质的崇高、高尚与高贵。在新时期社会矛盾错综复杂的市场经济环境下,人们衡量和评价一个领导干部政德、人格如何的重要标准,最为重要的一个方面就是看其敢不敢担当。领导干部敢于担当,人格就高尚,政德就深厚。担当作为新时期官吏必具的品质,成为领导科学的一项重要研究内容。实践告诉我们,领导干部缺乏担当,就不会有人格力量,班子也不会有凝聚力、战斗力,各项建设事业不是半途而废,就是虎头蛇尾,不可能有成功的希望。因此,在学习贯彻党的十八大精神过程中,要把加强党的干部队伍建设作为重中之重,严格管理,严格督查,严格考核。加速培养年富力强,能征善战,政德深厚,敢于担当,执政为民,清廉实干的干部队伍,深化改革,坚持创 romote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincialand pof cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses ilityCounty Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stab town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, ands, XX I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five yeardo Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined ty on nship party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and Counation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Towsitu for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new cal consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's constructionoliti, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of pGeneral Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education arning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and theput in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of le5 新,为夺取中国特色社会主义建设事业新胜利,奠定坚实可靠的人才与物质基础。 总之, 敢于担当,就是要在矛盾面前敢抓敢管、敢于碰硬。一个干部的担当、责任,最重要的是敢于承担难事、棘手的事、得罪人的事,善于处理各种复杂的矛盾。现在,我们正处在社会矛盾的多发期,一些问题处理稍有不慎,就会演变成群体性事件,成为影响社会稳定的大问题。面对各种矛盾,领导干部一定要深入一线、主动靠前,努力把矛盾化解在基层,把问题解决在萌芽状态。在践行科学发展观的实践中,我们还有许多难题需要破解,还有许多未知领域需要探索,这都需要在党内大兴敢于担当之风,锤炼各级领导干部敢于探索、敢于实践、敢于负责的品格,肩负起时代赋予的伟大使命,做出无愧于时代的新业绩。 ound County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements fory arpast five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightl work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation eneralicipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party gbution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and muncontrie to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due y's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strivpart high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the udy and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with ao" stparty members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "tw ized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party,put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standard6f party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincialthe broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work olead maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and
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