首页 艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰

艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰


艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰 filttrenetActi no1 /enblad eeYsset f ilert etncAion/1t piGrouNpma eetANan setyfilte renAtctio/n 1mrgNametRl ayn et sintrface etehernet1 ip /apKeerpliave 0 set inteface erthreent2/ip a ddres s91216.810.7.199 et instefracee threnet/ ...

艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰
艾泰路由器配置20110113 投稿:段稯稰 filttrenetActi no1 /enblad eeYsset f ilert etncAion/1t piGrouNpma eetANan setyfilte renAtctio/n 1mrgNametRl ayn et sintrface etehernet1 ip /apKeerpliave 0 set inteface erthreent2/ip a ddres s91216.810.7.199 et instefracee threnet/ 2p ihcpcdielntpn dpsabledis e tinetfrac eeterhet/n2 mac 00efc001b96c et sntiefrca eehernet/t ip add3esrs2 22179..41.492s t entiefarc eehetnre/t 3ma c0b0d0e0a4db sae ti pnatro utnigena bedls et i npt pinaRgpey leYs new ip nta tasict/npxwzeb set i pna stttaci/pnxwezbe nbaled eYss te pina ttsatic/pzxnewb stdoPt 80r seti pn t staaitc/npzxew locblaProt80 s tei pnat tatsc/inzxpeb wolclaAdders 1s29168..001. 3setip n ta tstia/ncpzxwe bindbig nIXBFNDI_30 nwe ipna stattci/tleet n steip n at tsaic/ttlnet enaebed Yel sest i pant satitc/elntetds tPrto23 s et pin at tastci/etletn loclPora 2t3 st ipe at ntsati/tclenetl calAodrdse s19.268.1161 .esti pnat s tticatel/et nbndiin EgTHbnd sie ti pnta tsaict/telentau oLtcaoIl Ype snwe i nat spatic/tthtp etsi p atn tatsich/ttp nableed Ys eet is pat nstaict/httpd tPsrto8081 setip na ttsaic/thtt pocallPot r80 st eip nt atstaichtt/plo alAcdress 19d2.61816.1.set i p nta tstac/itth bindpig nETHibdn set ipna tst atc/hittpa toLucaolI pes Yne wpin t asttic/s5a30t0lent eets pina statit/s5300celtnte nebaedlY ess tei p natsta tci/s5300elntt destortP 3235 est pin t astatics/503teln0et olalcoPt 2r s3e tpi nat tasic/t5s03telne0 lotalcddreAss19 .2618.61.2set p ina tsattc/s53i0t0enle btiningdE HbTnid ne iw natp satit/c信telne电t se ti npatst atc/i信电tleet ennablde eY sets i pan tsatti/电ct信lnete dstPotr 3200 st ep nai ttatics电信/eltnetl ocaPolt r23 et ip nats sattci电/信tlenet olalAcdrdes 192s.681.161. setip na ttastic/电信tenelt indibg nIFXBIND0_3s etip nta tsaitc电/telnet a信uoLotcaIl Ypes nwe ip nt atatis/电信HTTcP se itpnat s tatci电信/TTHP nabeel deYs est ipn at sttiac/电信TTHPd stPort 0828 st ie pant tstica电信/HTP TolalcoPt 8r se0t p inat tsait/c信HTT电 lPoalcddreAs s921168..6.11s e tipn a stttia/c电信HTPTbind ig nFXBINDI_30 ets pin at tstai/电c信THPT uaoLtoalcI Yep sewnip n atst tac/i 1se t p ian statict1/en baledYe ssetip an ttsatic1 dstPo/t r4 s2etip an statti/c1lo caPlotr 24 set ipn a ttstaic1/lo caAldresd s92.1618.1.16 ste pin ta tastic1/ bnidingF IBIXDN_3 se0 itp at sntaic/t 1utoLaocalpI es nYw iep at ninbdingET/biHn d se ipt an btindignE/THbid neanlbe Ydseset i p at nibdinn/gETHbidn rpofli eeh2ts t ie npat ibdinngE/HbTin wdiegt 5hnew i pat binndig/FnXBIND_03 I et ip nsta bidnni/FIXBINDg0_ 3eanbledY se se ti npa tbndiing/IXBFND_I30p rfiole the s3t epi ourt etastci/Dfeuatl rpfileoet h set2 pi rotu esattc/iDeauftl gteawya 1291.8610.7.2 seti portues attic/efDalt retuyr 01n we pir oue tsatitc/vlna s2e ip rtoteust tic/vlana enab2led eY sseti rpuoet tstiac/lanv2pr filoe te1h set iprou tes atti/vclan2d es t1921.8.16000. es ti rpuotes ttica/lan2v etmnas k 55.2525.55.02 stei p orut seattc/ivlan2g taewa y12.968.161.2 ne wipro ute tastciv/an3 l se itp roteus atic/tlvn3 aenbaeldY ess t ipero uetstat icvl/n3 aprofiel teh1 esti p routest tai/clvan3 dste 92.1681.2.0 st ep rouiet stati/vlan3 ncetasmk 52.55522.5.5 s0t epi ourte static/van3l gaetawy 12.916.86.21 nwe p roiuetst tac/vilan 4se tp iruot steaic/vtanl en4bled aesY set ip rutoesta tc/vlai4 pnrfole ethi1 setip roue sttaic/vltn4ad ets 912.681..03 set piro ut etstiacvlan/4 nteams 2k5.525.25550 .seti prutoe tstaci/lvna4g aetwy 192a1.8.61.62 ewni pr out etstac/vlai5n set i rpoutesta tc/vlai5 enanbledY s seeti proutest taic/vln5 aprfoleie h1 set itp orue tstaitcvl/an 5edt s92.1618..04set ip oruets tticavla/5n ntmasek255.2 5.2555. set ip0r uoe sttatcivlan/ ga5tweay192 .68.16.2 n1e iw porte usatictFI/RT_X03 se it porue ttatis/FcIXT_03Ren blade Yesset i rpotu setaticF/IXRT_03 proifelet h s3tei pr uot setaitcF/XRI_T30 atgeay w222.19.1427.1s et i prote stauictFI/RTX_30p erfrencee 16s et pirou t seattc/FIXiTR_03d wonrePf 211 estip r ote statiu/cFIRX_T03 keealivpe 100 se0 ip truotes ttai/cFIXT_R30 rery 10t ne wpiroute taticsp/bdrt01 0 st ipe ourte satictp/drbt010ena bedlY se etsip r uto setticap/bdt0r0 p1ofirle teh3 setip roteust tic/adbrtp001d ets 8.3520.0. set i ropte usatict/pdrt001 nebtmaks 25.5224.0. set0ip roue statti/cdbpr00t1 atgweay22 es tp iroue sttatci/dpbr001 pdtPbofirleTEL ew ni porteus ttac/ipdbtr020 s tei p ortue tsaic/ptbdrt020en abld Yee sseti routep sttiacp/brdt00 2prfiole th3 eet is rpotu steait/pcbrd00t dest 2582.080.0 .stei prute otstaic/pbdrt020n emastk 25.524.0.00 setip r uoe sttaitc/pbrdt00 g2aewtay 22.217.942.11 st eipro teu staitc/dbptr00 2dbpPofilre TLEnew ip rote ustaict/pbdtr030 st ie pourt stetacip/bdtr003e nbledaY es st epi oruetst taic/dbptr030 pofrle eiht3 se it pruot esttaci/dbrt0p0 3dset5 0se ip rtuoe statti/pdbcr003 tntmaesk2 55.242..00set iprou testa tic/dbrt003 gatpwea y222.79.112.14 st iper oue stttac/idbpr0t03 pdPbrfiole ETL en iw porute tatsi/cdbrp0t40 set pi roteus attcipdb/tr04 en0baldeY se et is prute sotatci/pbrd0t40 rofipel eh3 testi p orteus ttac/ipbrt00d des4 t5.912.070. se itprou t seattic/pdrt0b0 n4temsa 255.k225.00 set. piro tu seattc/pibdr0t0 gatew4a y22.172.91241. set pi orute sttica/pbrd004 pdbtPorifel ELT ew niproute tsatc/pdbitr00 5 es ti rputoe tatiscp/brt0d5 e0abnedlYes set i rputo steatc/pibrdt00 pro5fle eith3 ets i rputeo tsatc/ipdbrt005d se 60t.160..00s e tpi orutes atic/tdprt00b5 ntmaske2 5522..04. 0est p irute soatit/cpbdtr005ga tway 2e2.279.1142.1se ti rputoes ttiacpdb/t00r5p dPrbfolie TLEn we p iorut etatiscpdbr/0t0 6s t ip reouet sattcipd/rbt00 en6albde esY st ep irutoes taitc/dbptr006pr ofil eeh3t se itpr uteos attic/pbrd006 teds t6.121.0.80s etip r oue tsatitcp/brdt00 n6teaskm2 set i proue tsatic/tdprbt06 g0aetwya2 22179..421. s1tei prouetstatic/pdb rt06 p0bdPofrle TEiL new ip oruetstat icpd/rb0t7 0 se it pruoet tstiac/dpbrt07 e0nabedlYes es ip trouets tati/cpbdtr07 0rpfioe eth3ls etip route sttica/dprb00t des7 6t.1312.00. se it rputoesta tc/ipbrd0t0 netmask7 set4ip ruto steatc/pidbt007 rgatwaey2 22.7911.2.41 es ip truteo tatsic/pdrtb00 7pbProdife lETL enw i proue tsattci/pbrt008d ets ipr utoest tac/pibdrt08 0naebled esY se tpi ourt etstaic/pbdrt008pr oifl eeth 3etsi pruotest tiacpdbr/t080 dset 6113.40.0. ste i rpouets attci/dbrtp00 net8msa 2k55.25.51920 se. itp ourte sttica/dbrp0t8 g0tawea y222179.142.1 .et ips orut estticapdb/t0r08 dbPrpofielTE Lne wi proteu sttaic/dbrpt009 set i p rotu esttaicpd/rbt00 9nabled Yese ste p riuto etatsci/dprb00t9 rpofleie t3h se it prout seattc/pibdrt009de s t16134..4.06 set ipr otue satictpd/btr09 net0mska25 5.55.2224.0set iprout e tsaict/pbrt0d0 g9teawya 22217.914..21 set ip orute satitc/pbdrt09 p0bdrPoifle EL newT i portu esttic/adpbr010 t se tpir ouet sattic/pbdtr01 en0baed Ylesset ipr ote utatiscp/drtb010p rofiele t3hs e ipt orut statie/cdprt01b d0ste 61.13.1628.0se itp rote usttiac/dprb0t0 ne1matsk 525.25.15280. es tpir oute sttica/dprb0t01g atweay2 2.271.19241 s.t iperou ets tatcip/drbt001 pbProdifleTE L nw ep routie sattic/dpbrt01 1 se tp roiteus atitcpd/bt0r11 enalebd eY sesti rpotue satti/cpdbr01t 1ropfle ith3e es tp rioutes attci/pbdtr01 dest1 16.3170.0 .ste i porue ttatsci/dprbt01 1entmsk a55.2525.2180.se tp iorut etsticapd/btr011gat waey 2221.9.714.21 se ti portue sattc/ipbdr0t11pdbPr foielTE Lne wip orteust aitc/dbpt01r 2 ste piro ut steait/pcdbtr01 2neabldeYes set i pruot esttaicpd/rb012tpr file ote3h set iprou e stattc/pibdrt012dest 6 113..892.10 set i protues ttai/cpbrd0t2 ne1mastk255 .255.92.01 st ipero uet tstaci/dbrpt012gate wya2 2.179.24211 se.t pi rotu staeti/pdcrbt01 2pbdroPflie TEL enwi prout e tatics/dpbr0t31 es it pruot esttia/cpdbrt130ena led Ybes se itpr ote utsatc/ipdrbt10 p3ofirlee th3s e it poute rsatti/pcdbt0r13 dste6 .139.100 s.teip ro tuesta ticpd/btr13 netm0sk a25.525.12580. seti prou ets tait/pcbrt013dga twaey ets pir ute static/pobrdt130 pbdPorifelTE L ne wp rioue sttaitcpd/rtb10 s4e tpi roue statit/cdbprt140enabl e dYess e tpi ruote tasic/tdbrtp014pr foil eteh 3set p irote usttia/pcbrdt14 0dse 6t1.19.39210 set. pir uoe sttati/pdcbt014 nermastk25 .5552.912.0s t eip roue statitcpd/rb0t4 1ategwa 2y2.2791142.1.s e tipro ut estati/pdcrtb14 0pdPbofire lTL Enw ep iruto staticep/bdrt105 set iproute statci/pbdrt051e nbledaYes st ip roeue stattc/ipbrd015 ptroifle teh set 3pir uot esatic/tpbdt015rd es 6t.110.4.0 0et spi outer tasic/tpdrb01t5 netams k25.52520.. 0seti pr uoe tsttaicp/dbr015tg atway 22e217.9.12.14s eti rpotu seatictpd/rb0t51 pdbPrfilo eTLEn w epi roue tsattc/idbprt160 es itpr uotestatic/ dprt0b6 e1nalbe Ydes se ti pourt setatc/ipdrbt01 6rofpileet 3 het spir oue ttsati/cpbrd0t61d st e1.164.4.0 se0 itpr out seatic/tdpbtr16 ne0matsk 25.52250..0s e tip ruteos ttaci/pdrb0t16g tewaa 2y2.127.19241. seti poute strati/pdbrct016pd Profbiel ETLn wei p ruteostatic/pd btr071 ets ip ortuest tia/pdbrt0c17en abel desY st ei porue sttaic/tdprbt10 7ropfie elht3 steip outers taic/ptdrbt170 dets6 .1501.0. 0esti p oruetst atc/pibdrt017netm ska255. 25.400.s teip route tasictpd/btr017 gtewaa 22y.129714..21 et is proteus atitcp/drb0t17 dbPprfoie TElL nwe ipr uto etstaicpd/rtb10 8 ets p riotuest tac/pidrbt08 e1anlbe Ydse st iep ruto etatsc/ipbrd0t81pr oife let3h etsi pro ut steatic/dbpt0r81 esd t161.2.05. se0 tiprou ets ttiac/dbrpt18 0netamks 255252.0.0.set i p outrest aic/pdbtt0r18ga etwa y222.19.147.12s teip ortu seatitcp/brd0t1 8pdbProfli eTEL newip route tstica/dpbrt019 s etip rute sottac/ipdrb019t nealbedY s est ep iorut staeictp/bdrt09 pr1oflei th3 seet ip ruot esattic/dprtb091 dse t61.51.070. stei roupt etastcipdb/t0r1 9entmas k525.55.020. et sp iorutestat c/pdbrit19 ga0twey 22a.271.942.11 est pi orue tsttac/ipbdtr10 p9bPdrofil eELT nwe p irute otatsc/idprt02b 0s et pir otu etstai/pdbct0r20 enbledaYes set ip r ute otsait/cdprtb020 rofilep th3es e ip trouets ttia/cpdrt02b0de s 6t.119564.. 0seti prou et staticpdb/rt20 n0etmak s2552.5.195.20 steip r uteos atit/pdbct020 rgtewaya2 i portu stetai/pcbrdt200pdb rPoife lTLEn w ip eouretstat icpd/rb0t1 2 ets pi ruoet tsaticpdbrt/210ena ledbYes se ti ropteu tastc/pidbtr012pro fli ete3h set i poutr estati/pcbrtd201d ets6 1.519.1820. es ip rtout esattcip/dbtr012 nemtska25 .25551.8.20 steip r utoest ait/cdbpr0t2 1agetway 22217.9.1241. st ei porut steatic/dpbr021 tpbPdrfoile TELn ewi prou e sttatci/dpbtr20 2 seti rpote suttacipd/bt0r2 2eanbed Ylsese ti pr uoetst taci/dbptr202p roifl ete3h stei pruto esatic/pdtbr022td es t1.61600.0. esti rpotu etstai/pcdbrt22 0nemats 2k55.255..00 ste ip orutest ait/pcbdtr022ga etwa 2y2.179.2421.1 estip rotu steaict/pbdt02r 2pdbrPfioleTEL enwi pruoet tatsc/idbrp0t32 s t eip rutoes ttac/idpbt0r32e anbled eYss e ti poruets ttia/cpdrtb03 2prfoiel eth3 setip r otues atict/pdrb023 tdet s61161.64.0 .seti ropuet tasti/pdbctr02 3enmtsa 255k.25.51290. ets piro utest atci/pbrdt23 0agewtya22 se2 ipt rotu settac/idbrpt03 p2bdrPofli eELT new pi ruot esatic/tdpbrt02 4s t ep routiesta tcipdbrt0/4 en2blaedYe s etsi rpoutestati /cpbdrt042pro flie th3e steip rout es ttic/apdrb02t4d ets61. 614.0. 0es tp riote stauic/tpbdt0r2 4enmast 2k55254.0.0. es ip route stattc/idbprt24 gatewa0 222.1y791.421.se ti rpouet tstiac/dbrtp240p bdrPoilef TLEne w p iorteus attc/idprt0b5 2es ip rtotue satic/ptdrbt25 0nabled eeYs set i rpoue ttstac/idprbt025pro fliee h3tse t p iorue stttai/cpbrtd02 5esdt6 .16610.0 .se ti rputoest tiac/pbrt025 dnemtsa 25k525..50.0set i p ortuest tic/pdbrt0a25 atgewy 2a2.271.1429.1 ste ip ruteos atti/pdbcr0t5 p2bdPorfil TEeL newip rout es atictpd/rtb260 s te p riute otsait/cdpbtr206en albedY s eset p iruotes taict/pbrtd 026 rpofil eteh se3t i pruto settac/ipdrb0t26 est d6116..9.00se tip r oue ttsaitc/dprt0b62 etmnaks2 552.55.0. s0e tip oute srtatc/pidbt0r2 6agtweay 222.719.142.1 seti pr ouet sttia/cpdbrt20 6pbPrdoilfeT EL newi pr uteo sttaic/pdbt0r7 2set pi oure ttsait/cdbrpt207enab ed Ylse st ep rouiets ttaic/dprtb27 0rofplie teh3 st ep iouter tstic/padrtb27 d0et s1.610.70.0 st ieprou t settaic/dpbr027 nttemska 525254.0.0.se tipr otues ttiacp/bdrt07 2atewgay2 2.2791.12.41set p ioruet tstaci/pdrbt27 p0bProdfileT LE ne ipw roue ttsatcipd/brt082 set ip ro ue tsattc/ipdbt02r 8nebaled Yse set ip rote usttiac/pbdr0t8 p2rfoli eteh3 set pirou t etatsc/ipbdt0r8 de2st 161.270.. 0set iprou e tsatit/cpbdrt20 8ntmask 2e5.252.05.0 ets pirou te tstica/dbrp0t82g aewtya22 21.9.14271.se it rputoe tstaic/pbdr02t pd8brPfole TEL inw ep rouit estaictpdbr/t092 setip ruoets atitc/dbptr29 e0nblad eeYss e ti pouters atic/ptbdrt290p rofil eeh3ts t iepr uot esatic/ptdbr029 dtes t1.617.07.0 es itpr otue sttai/pcbdr029tn etmsk a525.255..00 set i roupt etastc/ipbrtd290 atgweay22 .12971.4.21s et pi ruot etatic/pdsrt0b92 dbprPfiole TLE ne wi routp etsaict/dbptr30 0se it roptues ttia/pdbctr30 0naebeld Yes se it pruot seatitc/pdrb0t3 0rofplie th3 set ip reuoets ttaicpdb/rt003d est6 e it roupet satit/pcdrbt030n teaskm 55225.5.0.0 et ip rsute sottic/adpbrt03 0agteayw 222.19714.21 .steip rotu etatisc/dbrp0t30 dbpPofrlie ETL en wi rpuoe tsatictpd/br03t1 stei prout estatic/ dprt0b1 e3nabld eYes ste i protues attic/dprbt013 profiel th3 see iptrou e ttatis/cpdbtr301 edts6 .1108.0.0 setip rou te tstaicp/drt0b31n ematsk2 5.525.1258.0 et siprout e tsait/cpbrd031 tatgwae y22.1297.14.12 steip r uto etasitcp/drbt031 dpbPorfleiT EL ne wip rute osttacipd/rt0b3 se2tip rote ustatci/dbprt032e nalebd Yes set ip outr etstaicpdb/t0r2 prof3lie teh se3tip r uotest tac/idprb0t3 des2t6 est p riout esatit/pcdbr0t3 2nematsk 552.255..0 0setip ourt etstaicp/bdt0r32 gaetawy222.179 142.1. es itpro ut stetaci/dbrt03p2p bPdorilfe TLE ne wi rpoue statti/pdbrc033 tse ti prou e tsttaci/dbrt03p3 enabel dYse st iep orteusta ticp/bdt0r3 3profliee th3set ip roue tsttacipdbr/0t3 3dest6 118..40.0s te p iouter sttac/pdibrt033netm ask2 5.25250..0 set ip outr staticepdb/rt033g teway 2a22.79.14211 .estip r otu staeti/cpbdrt33 p0bdrPofie TELl nw ip reuoe stattc/pibdtr304 ste i rpuoe sttaic/tdbrtp034 naeled bYes setip r otu seatit/cdprbt043p orifl eteh3 st ieprout etsatc/pdbir03t d4ste61 .18.80.0s t epi oruets atic/tpbrd0t34 enmtsa 2k5.55250.. 0stei protue satticp/drt03b4 gateawy222. 79.11421. et ispr uoe sttaic/tdbrtp034 pdbrPfoil TEeLnew ip outr estatci/pbrtd30 5seti pr otues atit/cpdbrt03 e5nabeld Yse et sip rute osatic/tdbptr03 5prfiloee ht3 seti prute statoc/pdirtb03 5est 6d.1189.281.0 ets ip rotu estaic/ptbrd0t5 3netmaks 25.25551.2.08 et sip ruoe tsatti/cpdrtb035 agtewya 22.179214.2. 1se tiprou et satictp/dbr035 tdpProbfiel TLEne w i rpuote staitcp/brd03t 6etsi pruoets ttacip/brtd063 neblea dYes setip r otuesta ict/pbrdt03 6rofpiele th3 et sp ioutre tatsc/pdibr036 dets t1.196.0.00 esti roupt estaitc/dprbt06 3nemtas k525.542.00 .et ip sruot etsatcip/drt03b 6atgeaw y22.179.214.1 se2 ip rtuto esatitc/dpbrt036pd Prbfilo TeELn we i rpuoet staitcp/brt0d7 3et ipsr uotes ttac/pdbrit370ena bled Yseset ip r oue tsatti/cpdbt03r7 prfoleie th3se ip trotue sttac/pdirtb30 dest7 10180..00 s.te pir out setaitcp/drb037 tnemask 25t52.040..0s eti prou tes atict/dbrtp073g aewty 2a22.179.1241.s e ti rputeo tstia/pcdrb03t7pd PrbfolieT ELn weip rote usatit/pcdrtb083 et ip roste stutaci/dprb0t38e nbael Yds eest i routp etsaict/pdbrt08 3prfileo the3 seti rouptesta it/pcdrb0t3 des8t s0e ip trutoe tstaic/pbrt038d etnmsa k25.5252..00 se ti route ptsatc/idbrpt380gat eawy 2221.9.714.12s t ie pruto etatsc/ipbdt03r p8dbrPfile oTEL newip rutoesta ic/tdbrpt39 0 etsip ro tuest tiacpdbr/t390e nblea Ydses tei pro te stutac/ipbdtr39 pro0ile fteh3 steip r uteo tsait/pdbrc039t edst1 et isp ortu etastc/pibdtr309ne tmak 2s55.5420.0. et sipr otu etasticp/bdrt39 g0teway 22a.21971.241 .et ips ourtesta itcp/dbt03r pd9brofiPleT LEnew i prote suttacip/bdrt40 s0e ti pourt etatiscpd/brt400en abel Yed ssetip route tsatci/dbpr040 tpofrlei the3 set i prouetstat icpdb/tr040 dets11 0166..00. setip ro tu seattcip/dbtr400 netmsak 55.2524.00.s e ipt ortu estaic/tpdbt04r g0teawya22 .217914.2.1 ets pir outestat cipdbr/t04 0dpPrbofil TELe en wipr oue tsattcip/dbrt41 0et ispr ote usatic/tdpbrt04 ena1beldYes st epi rout esattc/idprb04t1 rofiplee t3h esti pruot esatict/pbdtr401 esd 110t.16.0.07s t iep oute srtatc/ipbdrt01 net4askm st ip route etsaitcp/dbt0r4 gat1wey a2221.9.1427.1 se tipr otu seatit/pcdrtb40 pdbP1ofrleiT E Lewn ip ourtestatic/ pdbrt40 2 st ei roput etstaicp/drb042 tnebael Ydes set p iortue satti/cpbdrt02 4rpofle eih3ts t epiro tu estaic/ptdrb0t4 2dst e11.62.6.00 se ti proutes ttaic/dbrtp04 n2etasmk25 .254.0.05s t ip reoutes ttaci/pdrtb42 gatew0ya 222179.14..1 s2te ip orue tsatictp/bdr042t dpProbilf TEeLn w ipe ouret satti/pcdrtb43 0es itp ruteosta ti/cpdrbt03 4neabeldY e set spir ouet tasit/pcbdtr034 rofpileeth3 se ip troue tsatticpdb/tr430d est112.9 .8.0 0estip ro ue ttatisc/pdbrt04 3nemtask ip tourt steaic/tpbdrt40 3agtewa 2y2.179.1422.1 et siprou e ttsati/cpdrtb034 pbPrdoflei ETL enwip r uto esatti/pcbdr04t4 est i protue tasit/pdbrct044 nebleadY es ste pir uoets atit/cdbpt0r4 4rpfoile th3e est ip oute rtsatic/dbptr440d es t1211.0.000. ste ipr ouet satic/tpbrdt404ne mtsak255 .25.0.20 set p riuot esttiac/pbrtd04 g4aeway t22.219.1742. s1te i rpuoe sttatc/pdbir044t dbprPfoleiTEL ew np irout esatit/cdbrpt405 ste ipro uet sttai/cpdbt045 rneabed Ylses t eip ortu etastc/idpbtr450profil eteh3 setip r otu estaitcpdbrt0/4 5estd1 est piroute sattic/dprtb045 ntmaek 25s.552.020. set ipr uot staeti/cdpbt04r5 gtewaa y2221.97.124.1s e tipr oute satic/tpbrd0t45pd Probilef TEL newi rpoute satic/tpbdr046t stei pr otu etastcip/brd046te nbladeYe ses it porutes ttac/ipbrd0t64 prfoie lth3e stei rpotue tsticap/dbt0r46d ets 112.116..00 ste pi orteu satic/pdtrbt046n etams 25k.255.4.00 estip route st atic/dbpt04r6 agteay 222w.197.12.4 1estip r otu steatc/pidrtb046 pbdPofirelTE L en ipw rotu etasict/dprbt47 0 se tipr ote stutaicpdbrt/47 ena0lbdeY seset p iruteos atictp/dbtr407 pofriele h3t st ie rpoutest ticap/brt04d7de t s13.12.100 .est i roput seatti/cpbrd0t4 7enmtask25 5.52.020.s t epi orteu tstaic/pbdt04r ga7teway set i ropute tatsicp/brtd407pdb rPoflieT EL new pir uoe sttaitcp/dbt0r8 set4 ipro tu seatict/pbrtd084e abned lYesset ip roteus tati/cdpbt0r4 p8ofilr eth3e set ip routest taic/pdbrt480 dste1 et sp irute sottia/cdpbr048 ntetmsa 25k.55240.0 .est pir oue sttaic/ptdrtb480 agteay w22.127.912.41set i prou t esttaic/dbrtp408 dbPproifl TeE Len wi route spattc/idbpr0t9 4se t piro uet tatsi/cpbrtd049e ablndeYes seti prute osattc/ipdbr0t9 4rpoflie teh3se ti pr ote sutaticp/dbrt094 esdt 1312..04.0se it poruet satti/cdbpt049 retmnak 25s525.20..0 se tp ioruets tait/cpdrt049bga twea 2y22.17.1942.1s eti pro teus atic/pdbrt0t94p dbrofile PTLEn w ie route spttia/cpdbtr05 se0t p roiteu tsatc/pdibtr500 nabele deY set sip routestati /pdbctr50 0porfleiet h s3t ep rioteus atitc/pbrt0d05 estd 13.612.0.0 est pi rouet tasitcp/drbt50 0etnmak 25s.55420.0. set ip oute straictpd/rb0t05ga ewta y222.197.1421 .st ie poutrest tac/ipbdt050 rdpbProfielT L Eewnip rou te satic/ptbrtd05 1 ets i poutr etsati/cdbpr0t1 ena5bld Yese steip rou t settica/pbrd0t5 pro1ile etfh3 ets iprou t etstia/pdbrtc051 edst113 .640..0 est pirout staeict/dbrt051 neptams 255k22..4.0 0set ipro teustat i/pcdrt051 gbateay 22w2.71.192.41 seti rpotu etsatcipdb/r0t51 dbprPfiole TE Lne ipw ruot estatc/ipbrt05d2 se tpir ute osttac/pdibtr052 enbael deY sestip roue stttai/cdpbrt025 rpfioe etl3h se ip routt etatic/pdsbr0t5 2edst 13.169..00s e tpi roue sttatci/pdrtb02 n5temask 5522.4.00.0 seti routpes taic/ptbrd0t2 ga5twaye22 2.17914..12se tpi oruets taic/tdpbtr05 2dpbrPofle TEiL ne wp irutoe tatsc/pibdt0r3 5 setip r utoes attcipd/bt05r 3neblad eesYs et pir otu estaitc/pdrt053 bropfle iteh3 stei pruot etsait/cpbdr053td et 113.1s21..00 se iptr ouet tatsc/ipdrt0b53 nemastk2 552.4.080. se itpr uoe sttati/pcdrt0b35gate wya2 est p riuoe statticpdb/tr530 pbPdorilf eTLE nw eip outre sttai/pdbct05r 4s e ti rpuot steaictp/bdtr54 e0abnle deYs est p route stiaitcpdb/r0t4 5profil eth3e st ip eruot statie/pcdbrt540des t131120...0 0etsi prout estaict/dbpt054rnet ask m25.2458..00s teip rute osttacip/drtb54 ga0tway 2e2.2719.412. set i1pro teu tasitc/dprtb504 pdbroPife lTEL new p iroute taticspd/rb0t5 5s et p iruotes atti/pcbrd055 tenablde eYss t iep oure tstaic/tdbprt505pr foie lthe3s teip roteus ttic/padbr0t55 dste est p riote ustatc/idbpt0r5 5nemtas 2k55254.0..0 st eipro teus atti/cdbrtp055ga etwa y2221.971.4.1 2et is porte stutica/pbrd055t dbprofiPl TEeL ewnip ouret tasit/cdbrpt05 s6e iptro tu seatic/tdprt056b enblae dYes seti pro ute sttacip/drt0b5 p6rfoie let3 set ihp ouretst tac/ipdrtb056dest 1 setip rou et tsticap/brd056 netmaskt stei p ruoet satitc/pbrtd506gate wya 222.17914..12 et ip srotu setatcip/drtb560 dpPrbfoie lEL Tnwei rpute statocip/drbt570 steip r ute otstai/pdcbtr075 neabel Yds set ip routee satit/cdbpt0r7 pr5oilfee ht 3est pir utoe sttaic/dpbt0r75 est 1d3.136.01.0 stei prote suttia/pcbdtr07 5nteams 2k55248.0..0s tei ropue stttac/pdbrti507 agetwya 2221.791.2.4 1se ip troutes atitc/dbprt507p dbPofrle iTE Lnw ie porte utastc/ipbdr0t8 5 se ti pruot settaci/pdbt058 eranlbe deYs etsi ropuet tstai/pcdbtr05 8rofpil eeth3 se tp roiue statticpd/brt50 d8es t11.218.0.0 set ip3 ortues tati/cpdbrt58 n0etmas k25.2545..00 esti roput seatictp/dbr058tg aetay w22.172914..12set i routpestat cip/bdrt580 dbPropilf TELe nwei pro tu seattci/pbrdt509 est ip ruotest ait/pcdrbt50 9eanlbd Yeesset i roupt etstac/idpbtr59 pr0oifle th3e st epi orteu tatsi/pcdrbt590des t 11.32200..0 se ti protue satit/pdcrbt50 netm9aks 55.2522..00se t i protu settic/adpbt0r95 agewtay 222.17.14921. st ie proteus atticpdb/rt509p bdrPofiel TE Lnw iep ourtes ttic/adbprt600 se ti ropue stttic/adbpr06t0 neblead eY sets p irutoe tatsic/dprt0b0 6porilef the 3ets pir oue sttaic/tdprt060 dbes t13.14020.. 0etsi pr ote ustaticpdb/tr600netmask 255.248.00.s et pi outer tastcip/drb0t60 agtewy 222.179a.41.12s e it rpoteu stati/pdbrtc00 pd6Prboilfe TEL new ip ourt stetai/pcbdt0r16 se tpirou e ttstai/pdcrbt016 eabnldeYes st ep rioutes ttic/apbrt0d61p ofirle eh3 stetip roue sttaic/ptdrtb60 d1ste1 tei pr oteu sattc/pdirtb61 0enmatks2 55.225.00. setip rutoe tatisc/dpbr061t agteaw 22y.217.94211.set i pro uets atit/cpbrdt061 dbprPfole TEL nei ipwr oue ttasic/tpbrd0t62 setip r otu estait/pcbrtd620e abnedlY sese ti pruteo satitc/pdrt06b2p ofrle ite3hse tpir otuestatic/ pbrd06t 2dst 113.e26.0.0set i p oruetstat ic/dprtb02 6etnmaks 525.542.00. est p irout estaitc/dprbt026g aetayw 22217.9.14.12 esti pr ouetstat icpdb/t062r dbPrpfoil eTLE nw ei pouter sttic/pabrtd06 3 se itpr uteo tsati/pcdrb06t ena3bldeYes ets pi ortuesta tcipd/bt0r36p ofile rte3hs e iptro ue stttica/pdbrt60 3esdt113 6.40..0s etip rou te stait/pdbct0r36netmask 55.21290.0. et is rputeost atic/dprt0b36 ategwy a222.71.19421. est piro uets ttai/cdpbt0r63pdb Pofirle ETLne wpi rote stutac/idpbr0t4 6 estip ro teus tatic/dbrpt046 nabeedl eYs se tpi ourte tsatcip/drb06t 4rpfoiele ht3s eti ropue ttatsci/pbdrt064 dest 1311.28.0.0 ste p irutoest atc/pdbir0t6 4ntmeska 25.2545.0. 0st eipr oue stttia/cpdrb0t64g aetway estip r oute sttaicp/dbtr04 p6dProbfil eTL Enw epir ouet sttic/apbdr t056 st epirout seatti/pcbdt06r 5neblad eYes se tipr uoets tatcip/brdt65 0prfoil eeht3 se tip ourt setaic/pdbrtt60 5eds t1148..000 .se ip torte utastcipdbrt06/5 entmsa k52.542.0.00 set p rioutes taic/tpbdrt60 g5taeway 222.71914.2. 1et siproute statcip/brtd06 5dpPbroifl TeLEn ewip ouretst ait/pcbrt066d st eipro uetst aticpdbrt0/66en bael desYset piro teu satti/pdcrb0t6 p6rfilo ethe se3tip r otuesta tc/idpbtr06 de6ts t ipe ruote tsati/pcdbr0t6 6entmsak 525.2480..0 st ep roiue ttstaci/dpbt0r6 gate6awy 22.217.9421.1set i protu seatictp/drbt066 pdProfbileT E neL wip orteu tastcip/bdtr076 st ipe rotu etstacip/bdt067r enblae deYs stei p orte sutaic/tpdbtr607 ropfle iet3h se itp roteus ttai/pcbrd0t6 7det 1s4.101.4.00se tip ourtesta ticp/brt0d67n tmeak 255.s52.0.02 est p roitue sttai/pdbrc0t76 gteaway 222.19.742.11s eti pruote sattc/pdirbt076pd brPofil eETL ne wp irout esattic/pdrtb608 se tip rutoest aticp/bdr06t8ena lbedYe s set pi outers atit/cpbrtd680 proifl eeh3ts t ie porut esttac/ipdbrt680 dse t114.31.50.0 se ip rotteusta tic/dpbtr068 etmasnk 0st ep ioutr etasti/cdprbt68 0ategay w2221.79.4211. se itpro ute tsaic/ptdrbt086 pbdrPoile TELfn w ie ropue sttaticp/dbr0t6 9set ip ourte satit/pdbctr096ena bldeY es set ip rout etatic/pdbstr69 0prfoil eeth3set pi roue ttaticspd/brt09 6est d11.4318.00 se. tipr oue ttstac/pdibt06r9ne tmaks 25525..40. 0st iep rotu esattc/ipdrb06t9g aewaty222 179..412.1s e itprou e statict/dpbt069r pdbPorfielT LEn w ie porut steaic/ptdrbt07 0s et iprout seattc/pdbrt0i0 e7anbel desY set i poutres ttaicp/drbt70 p0ofrilee t3h st ei pruotesta itcpdbr/t700 esd t114.21.60.0se tipr ute osattci/pbdrt70 n0teamk 255.s28.04. 0es tiprou etsta tc/ipdrtb007 agtweay 222179..412.1 seti prou ets attic/dprt07b0pdb rPfoil TEeL en ip rowteu tatic/psbdt071r setip r uoe ttsait/cdbrp0t7 1neabel Yesds t iperou etstat i/pdbrtc710 rpoilefet 3 seh tp iorutestat c/pibdt0r17de ts1 4.12420.0.se itprou e tsttai/cdprbt710n emast 2k5.5204..0 se0 ipt ourt steatic/dpbr07t 1agteay w22.2179.4121. seti p orteus tticap/bdrt017p dPrbofil TeLE ne wp iruoe tsatticp/dbtr70 s2et p riuot estaict/pbdt072 enablre Yeds es tiprout seattcip/drt07b2 profil eeth 3set i prout etsatc/ipbrt07d 2edt s115.14.80.0 set ipr utoestati /pcbdt07r ne2mtas 2k552.2.050. etsi p rutoes atti/pcdrtb702g taweya 222.71.9142.1s te p riuoe ttstic/padrbt70 2dpbPofril eELT ne wip ruteo satitcpdbr/0t37 et ips ruote tsati/cpdrb0t37e nabled esY setip ruoe ttasictp/bdr0t73 rpfoie lth3e setip orteus attic/pbdt0r37 dste p iorte stautc/idbpr073tnet msak 525.524..00 est i rpuoets taitcp/bdr0t7 g3aewtay22 .2179.14.21s t ep roiteust taicpd/rtb03 p7dbroPilf eETL new pir oteus ttaic/dpbt0r4 se7ti pr out settia/pcdrt0b74 enbale deYs set piroute s atictpd/rtb047p rofliee h3t etsi pr uote staic/tpdbrt04 7dst 11e.516.8.00 etsip orue stattci/dbrtp047n teasm k25.25250..0 st iperoute tsatci/pbd rt74 0gaetayw 22.172.1429. 1set i prouet tasit/cdpbrt740p dPrboifl eTLEne wi rpuotes tati/pcdrbt750 se iptro tuestat c/pdbirt057 naebel dYse et is pouret tsatc/pibrt0d57pr foil eeh3tse ti pr otue satitc/dbrp0t5 d7es 1t5.119.20.0 se itp ruotesta tc/idbptr07 n5temak 2s5.51290.0 .es tip ruot etatsci/pbdr0t57 atgwea y222.19714.2.1 etsip rotu etatic/pdbstr05 pd7Profibe lET new Lip ruoe statict/pdbt0r6 7s t ei roptuest tacip/dbrt06 e7abnle dYess te p iorute sattcipdb/tr706 porfie ethl3 seti rpouets ttac/idpbt076 ders 1t1.610.0. etsip ruoe ttatsi/pcbdrt067ne mast k552.255.00. ets p rouite tastic/pdrtb706ga teawy 222.7911.24.1s etip r uoets taict/dbrtp70 pd6PrboilefT L nEw eip rutoe tsatc/pibdr0t7 7s t eip ruoetst tia/cdbrt07p7e nablde Yse esti poutr stetai/pdbcrt70 pr7ofileet 3h st iep rout etsticap/dbtr77 0dest 11.64.00. es ip rotue ttsaticp/brt077d ntmasek2 ets i rpouet satit/pcdrtb077g atwaye22 .1297.421.1 etsi roput steatci/dpbrt077p bdroPfli TELe new pirout seatic/ptbdt078 r etsi rpuot estaticp/dbrt78 enabled 0Yses tei route psatic/tpdbr07t pro8fleie t3h ste pirout staeti/pdbcr0t78d ste 1618.0.0. et spir utoes atict/dbprt78 n0ematsk 55225..2.00 set i rputo statei/pdcrtb78 g0aetay w22.129.742.11se tip ro ut seattci/pdrt0b7 p8dProfbli eET new Li rpuote tatsic/pbdtr07 9 et sp riotue sttic/pdarb0t79 neabledY es se ip tortue tsatcipdbrt/79 0rpfiol ete3h seti porteus attc/idbprt709 est 11d.166..00 est p iouretsta ict/dbrtp07 n9teamks25 etsi porue statict/pdbtr09 g7aewtya 222.719.1241.s teip rouets ttia/pdcrbt70 9dbpProifleTE Ln ew p iourtestati /pcbdtr800 s e it rpuotes atticp/drtb800e naled Yebs set pirou e tstaitcp/brd0t08pro ifel et3hs etip rout estati /cpbdtr080d se 116t5..0.02 set pi orute stticap/dbtr800 ntmaske 525.252..0 0es ip rtuoe stttic/pdbra0t8 0ateway 22g.2719.42.11 es ip toure stttaic/pdbrt00 8pbdrofPlie TELn w epi ruto steaic/ptdbr081 t setip orutes atit/pcbrtd081en albe Ydses e ip troute stait/pcbdr0t18 pofrle eti3hs te ip ourt seatic/pdbrtt08 dest11 161.29..00s etip rotu esatti/cdbpr08t1 enmaskt2 5.25550.0.s tei roptuesta tcip/dbt0r18 agewtya 222.19.7421. se1tip r ute osatic/pdbttr80 pd1Pborifl TELe ne iwpro tuestat c/pdbit082r esti p ouret tstic/padrbt820 eabneld eYs setip rute stotaic/dpbr082 profilt ete3 set hi pruto statice/pdrtb802 esd 1t1.260.07.0 stei rpoutes ttaic/dpbr082t enmatk s255.25.500.set i prou t etstia/pcbrt0d28ga twea y222.791.4211. se tpir otuesta tic/dpbr0t8 2dbPpofrlei TLE nw eipro teu satti/pcbrtd803 ste ip ourte satit/cdprtb830ena ble deYs st eipro utestat ic/dbptr83 p0roflie te3h setip rotue sattic/pbdrt03 8des 11t.268.00.0 set pir oue tstaictpd/br0t38 etnmska se0 ip rotut etastc/ipdrtb83 g0tawea y222.79.112.4 s1tei prou tes ttaicpd/brt03 pd8bPofilr eELTne wi rpuoe ttatics/dpbr0t48 s e tpiro teustat cip/drbt084en abld Yeses eti rputeo staticpd/brt84 p0roile fte3h es ti pruto esattic/dbpr08t4 dets 1612.2.110.06 se itpr ote utatsi/cdbrpt804 etnams k552.55.242.00 se tpi outer stait/cpdbt0r4 ga8ewat y22.127.94211.se ipt orue ttstic/apbrd084 tdbPprfoileTEL new i pr oue stattci/dbrt0p8 5 es itp rotu etasict/pdrt0b85enabl e desY st epir otuest taicp/dbr0t5 p8ofirleeth3 s te piro te suatictp/brt08d5 det 116s.21.50.0 seti prou te sttia/pcbrt085 detmnak s25.555.200. est i pouret tstac/pdirt08b g5taway e22.2179.42.1 1es tp roitue tstic/padrb085t pdProfilebT EL nw eip rotu seatit/pcdbt0r68 estip outer sttiac/dbrpt806 naebel dYses t ie pruteos tatci/dprt08b p6roilef the3 st ei proteust aticp/dbrt86 0edst 11.622.04.0 se ti ropteus taic/tdprb0t68n temsk 2a55.42.0.0 se0 ip trute otasit/cdbrpt860 agtewy 222.a19.71241. est ipr uto seatitc/dbrpt80 pd6ProbilefTEL n e ip wouterst aticp/drbt078 set pirou et staitc/dprt08b ena7lbd eYes seti porte statiu/cdbprt87 0pofriel eht3 se ip rtoue sttticap/drbt078de st 11.26460..0 st epi orue sttati/cpbrt087 dnetamks 525.524..0 0se ip rtote utatsc/ipbdtr80 7agteaw y22.1729142.1.set i rpute osttia/cpbdr0t7 8pbPrdfoli eELTne w p roitu statei/cpbdrt08 8 set pir oteu tasti/pcbrt0d8 8naeleb dYsese t pi rutoe staict/dbpr088t rpfoie elht3se tip rute osttacipd/rbt80 8dst 11e.246.80.0 esti pouter satic/tdbpr088 tentmaks2 55254...00 set i porteustati /pdbrt08c 8gteway 22a2179..1421.set pi outers atticp/bdtr08 8pdbrofileP TLE enwi p rotu settia/cdpbt08r 9s t ip roetu esttaic/pbdtr09 8enalbe dYse set p iruteo tsaic/ptbdtr089 rpfole ieh3 tstei p rout seatict/dbrt0p9 d8se t116.225..00 st epi ruote tsaitcpd/rtb089n emastk 552.2540.0.set i prou e tstaitcp/drtb09 gate8wa 2y221.9.71421. setip r oue statti/cpdbt0r98pdb roPfielT E Lenwip orte suatic/tpdrt090 b stei rpote ustaitc/pbrdt900 nealed besYs e ip rtuoe stttic/adprtb009prof lie eth s3te i rpuote staictp/brdt090d ets 1711..06. 0ste i prout seatictp/drtb009 ntemaks25 .542.000.s tei p outres ttia/pdbrc0t0 gat9eawy22 2.791.42.11 setip oure stttic/padrbt009pd PbrfioleT E Lnewi roupt esatit/cpbdr0t19 s t eipro uet satitc/pbdt09r 1nabled Yes see ti rouptes taticp/brt09d1 porile efh3t seti route psatti/cdprtb09 d1ste 0setip outerst tac/pibrt0d9 1netasmk25 .25040.0. est i rpute otstica/pbdrt09 1agewta y22.217.149.21 set i poruetst aict/dprtb90 1pbProdfil TEe Lnw ip reuoets ttia/cpbrdt09 2 st ep roiutestat cip/bdrt92 0eabnld Yes ese it rpotu esattcip/drb092t proifl eeht3 es tipr uteos atict/pbrtd02 9est d11.57.070. steip rutoe tstiacp/dbtr09 2entmask 25.52550..0s t ip route estati/cpdbrt90 2gtawaye2 22.719.42.1 1ets pi ortue tatsic/dprb0t2 9pbProdifleTE Lewnip ro te statiu/cdprtb09 3 estip ro te ustaic/tpbrdt903 nealed Yeb sstei porte suattcipdbrt/03 9prfilo eth3eset ip oruet tasic/tdprtb093 esd t17160.0.0.s eti pr uote tsatcipd/brt03 netmask9 52.552.200 s.etip rotu esattc/pdbrti93 0agetwa 2y2.2179.12.14 set i pruto etatsi/cpdrtb039 pbPdofrli TELen w ei rpote utatsc/ipdrtb09 s4et p iroue t static/pbrd0t49 enalbed Yes es ti roupte tsatcipd/rb0t9 4rofilpe eht3 es tp irotu etsaictp/bdt0r4 de9s t17.6410.0. st epi outr steatic/dpbtr940n etmsa k25.5428..00 seti routpes tait/cpdrbt09 g4tawaey 2221.7.142.1 set9 pi orteus ttiac/dbrpt94 pdb0Pofrie lTLE ew ipnro ue stttaci/pbdt0r95 s te pir otuestat c/pdbrti05 9enabed lYes etsip roue stttia/pcbdt0r95pr filoe th3ese ti porutesta tic/dprt09b5 esdt1 1780..00 .se itpr ute osattc/pdibt0r5 9entaskm255. 20.400 .st iepr oue stttiac/dbrtp05 ga9etaw y22.17291.2.14s te ip outer sattci/dbprt05 p9dPrboifl eETL ne wp rioute sattcipdb/r09t 6 st ep iourtes tticap/drt0b69 enalbdeYe s setip orteu satticpd/br096 trofpli eth3e set piroute staic/tpdrb096 tedts et isp oruet satit/cdbrp0t9 6ntemaks 52.5542..0 s0teip ourte sattic/dpbr0t96 agteawy2 2217.9.4211 s.tei p rouets ttai/cpbrd0t6 9pdbProfli TELe newip oruets atict/dbrp09t 7se tip orue tstati/cpdbrt90 e7nbaedlY es ets pi orue statitcp/dbrt90 p7ofile ret3h se itpr ouetst aitc/pdbrt07 de9ts 18111..20.0set i roputes ttaic/dbrtp09 ne7tmas 2k55.4200..0 ste p roiut static/edprt09b g7taweya2 221.9.741.21 stei p ruot esatitc/pdrt0b97 pbProdifel TLEne wip ro ue statit/pdbrc09t8 se iptrout est tacip/brt09d e8abnldeY ess te i porute tatic/sdprb09t8 porfieleth 3 es tp iorteus atti/pcbrt0d9 de8t 118.s1080.0. ste i roputest atic/dbpr0t89 ntmeaks2 552.250.0. st ip eroteu stait/pdcrb0t9 g8teway a22.279.142.1 se1 tpi rotu settiacp/drb0t98pdbP orilfeTEL ne ipwro uet tstica/dprtb990 et ispr otu seatit/pcbrdt99 0eablednY e sst eip rotuest tai/cpbrt099 dpofriele h3t etsi p rout stateicp/drb0t9 9dse 118t.213.0.0 ste p iroutest tai/cpdbt099 nrtemsak 25.2555..0 0est p iroue ttasic/tpbrd0t99ga ewayt 22.2197.124.1 steip ortu esttaci/pdrtb09 pdbP9rfole TEi neLwip roteus atic/tpdrb100t st epirou t esatti/pcbrt1d0 ena0led bYess te ip rote usattcipdb/rt01 0rpfileo eth s3teip rout etstiac/dpbtr100d ste11 .8239.0.0 es ti poure tsatti/pcbrdt100net asmk 5522.5.5.00 est iprou t setati/cdbptr010 gtewaa y22.2197142..1s tei roupet static/pbrd1t0 p0dPbrfoileTEL ne wpi outresta ict/dpbr1t10 set pir oute staitc/dbptr01 1nablee dYes set i pouretstati c/pdbr1t1 p0orfil eteh set3 i route staticpp/dbtr01 d1es 11t8248...00se itpro te utstic/adprt1b1 0netmak s25.54280..0se iptroute s ttica/pdrt101 gbtaewya222. 7911.4.21 st ei rpuot settica/dprb101 tdpbPofilr TEe neL wpi oure tsattic/dbrp1t0 2se t pi orutestati /cpbdr1t2 0nebaledY se se ti pruoe sttatc/idbrt102 pporilfe teh3 ets pi rute soatti/cdprt1b0 d2es t19.0.010. ets i roptu estatcip/bdt1r02 entasm 2k5.5542.00.s t iepro ue statti/pcbrtd01 gate2wy a22.179.2124.1 ste p irotuesta tic/pbdr102t dbpPrfile oEL newTip oute rtasitcp/brdt130 s e tpir uteost taic/dbptr103 nebled Yeas se tipr uoets attc/ipbdrt03 profile 1th3e set ip oute rtstaic/dbrt103 dpste 1914..010 .seti pr ute otsatcip/brt1d30 nteasm k552.55.2.00 st ei porut steticapd/br10t gat3eway 222179.1.4 2.1set p riuto etastcipd/rbt01 p3dbrofilePT LE ewnip outrest tac/ipdbt104r st iep rote utasic/tdpbr1t0 4nebale Ydesset pir utoe sttica/dpbtr104pr fole ite3 seth pirout estatc/pidrbt01 4dse t119.60.00. set p iorute tstiac/dprtb014ne mask 2t5.255.0.05s tei p oure stattc/idprtb041 ategwa 222y1.9.147.21s t iper uteos ttic/pabdtr041p dbPofile TELrn we p iroue tstatc/pdibrt15 0s e it pruotes atti/pdbcrt105 eablne deYs steip ruot stetica/pdrt10b 5prfolei the3 stei porutestat ic/pbrdt051de ts 19.814..00s t epiro tues ttacip/drtb10 5entmask 55.222.500. st epi ourt etstiacp/drt1b05 agtweya 22.1792.421.1 ste pir uteos ttia/cpdrtb15 0pbdrPoifel EL nTe wip outr statie/pdcbr1t06 set pir uot etstaci/pbdt106 enrblaedY se st ipe roue stttacipd/rb1t06pr fileoet h3set ipro teu sattci/dprtb106 dest1 1.99.06. s0t iepro utestatic /pdbt1r6 0etnasm k255.24.800 s.tei rpuoe stattc/ipbdt1r60 gaetwa y22.219.147.21s etip r ouet tsatic/pdrt1b60pdbP orflieT EL nwe ipr otue statc/pidbtr17 0 set ipr oue static/pdbtrt01 en7abled Yse ste p riuotes attc/idprb10t7 rpfoiel the3 es itp ortu esatti/cdpbr107 detts 1191.02.00. etsip orteus taticpdbrt/170 nteamsk2 e tpi outerst atci/pdrtb07 1ategayw2 22179.142.1.set ip roue statitcp/brt107dpd Prbofie TElL enw i rputeo tsatc/ipdrt1b80 ets ipr ute staotc/idprt1b08 nealeb dYe set ip sroutes attcipdb/r10t 8ropilefe ht3 se ip rottu etasic/ptbrtd018 dst 1e91.18.20. 0st ei routep sttica/dprtb081 enmats 2k5.2405.0. 0st iepr outest tai/cdbptr180 gteaayw2 2.2719.4211 .et is proteu satit/pdbcrt08 p1bPdorfil eTLEn e ip wruto etsaictp/bdtr09 1 set pirou e ttstiacp/brtd109e anble Yesds e tip ruto settaci/pbrt1d09p orifl eteh3 etsip rote usattic/pbrd10t9de ts 1191.4.4.0 se0t i poute rtasic/pdtbr1t9 n0tmesk 255a.52.200.s et ipro tu etsatci/pbrt10d 9gaetway 2221.9.1742.1 setip rutoesta ic/tpdbt1r0 9dpbrPoilef TELnew i routpes ttac/idprt1b1 0s tei p orte stauic/tdprb11t 0naeblde Yes set ip ourt etatisc/dbpt110r rpfoleie h3tset p iortu stetaic/pbrd1t10d set 21.32.000.se itp ruote tatsi/pcdbrt11 net0mska2 5.54820..0 st ip eruteo tstacipdb/r1t01 gatwaey2 22.19714..21 ste ip rouet tatsc/pdirt1b01pdbProfi l TeE Lne wip orteu tastci/pdrbt11 1 st ie routp esatit/cdbrpt11 e1anbledYes ste p irutoe staticpdbrt/11 p1orfilee th3 setip rote suattc/ipbdrt11 1estd120 40...00se ipt rotues ttaic/dbrt111p etnmak s25.5522.00.se tip orteust tac/idprtb11 g1teawa 2y22.17.14921. se tpi ruto esatic/ptbrd11t1 dpbrofiPe lET nLwe ipr ute stotia/pcdbrt112 set piro ute sttaci/pdbrt11 2enbaed lesY estip r otu staetc/pibdr1t12p roflie te3h st iper uteo staic/tpdbr112t det s10.62.8.0 0st ep roiue tstait/pdcrb1t1 2netamsk25 52.5.20. 0etsip orutest ati/pdbrt1c21 gateay w222179.1.2.4 1se tp roiuetsta ti/pcdbt112r pdProfbiel ELT nw ip rouee statit/pcbrt1d3 1se ipt ortu stetica/pdrb1t3 en1bleadY se et ipsroute sta itcpd/rt11b p3orfli eth3 set ie prute osatit/pdcbtr11 d3se t120.8.88.0 ets ipro utest aitc/dbprt11 n3tmesk a52.255.2548.0 set i routpe satticpd/rbt13 gatew1y 22a2.79.1124.1 se it rpote statucipdbr/t11 3dbProfpile EL Tew ip nroue sttaticpd/rtb14 1set p iroteus ttacip/dbrt141 eanledbYes se ti rpote statuci/pbrtd141 pofirleeth 3se ti pr otue tasit/pcdbt11r4 dse t2118.0.0. ets piro uetstat c/ipdrt11b netm4ask255. 24.0.08 et sip outr stetic/adbrtp14 gat1eay 22w.1297.14.21 etsip r uteo sattcip/dbtr11 p4bdrPfileoT L Enew i roput stetic/adbrp115 t seti pro teu tastic/pbdr11t 5nabeedlY seset i pruote tsaitc/pdrt115 pbrfilo eeth3 est p ioute staticr/dbpt115 rdste 1213.20.0. es it ropue sttticapdbrt1/51n tmeask 525.5220..0 stei portu esttia/cdbrtp115gate wy a22.279.141.2 1et is pourte satitc/dbpt1r51 dpbProfle TEiL nweip rout es atitcpd/rbt16 1 ets pi orte ustaic/ptdbrt11 en6albedY ess tei prout e sattic/pbrtd116 prfoilee t3hs teip rutoestatic/ dprb11t6de st1 21.560.0. st ei prout settaicpd/rb1t61ne tamks 52.552.040. set p riutoe tatsc/ipbrt11d6g aewtay 222179.1.2.41 es tpiro te utatis/pcdrt116 bdpPbroife lETLnew pir otu etasictpd/rt1b71 et sp roiut statei/cpdbt1r17en blade eYs es tpiroute tsatci/dbprt117 ropilf ete3hse t ip ruoets atic/ptbrd11t 7esd 1t2158..00 .se tpiro te utastic/dpbr1t71 ntemska2 55.25.51820 .st iepr uteo sttia/cdbrt1p1 7atgway e22.279.1142.1set i p ruoe stttai/pdbcr11t7 dpProfibel TE newLip r uoet sttai/cdpbt1r8 1et is prouetstat ic/pbdt1r18 eablne Yesds e tp iruoet satic/tdprt1b8 1rpoife eth3l st ie porteus attc/pdbir1t1 8est d21.5910..0s t epiro tu etstacipd/rtb11 8etmanks 5ets i roupets ttic/pdartb181 gatwaey2 22.79.1124.1s t eipro uet stati/pdcbtr118p dPborifleT E new Lip ruteo sttic/apdbtr19 1esti pro teus taitc/dpbr1t19ena lebd eYs et sipr oue stttic/apbrdt119 poriflee th3 set iprou et tstic/adbrt119p des 121.t0.600. st iper uot esatitc/pdbt11r9 entamk s255.25.0.20s t ipe oure statticp/bdt119rgatew ya222 .71.9142.1se t pi oure static/tpbdtr119 pdPbofrli TeEL new p rouiet statci/dpbt120r st iep roue ttsatc/pdbri1t20ena led Yebss e tpirou ets atic/tdprtb210 porilf eet3 hse ti rpout estatcipd/rb120tde ts 21.201.400. et sp route itsaict/dbpt1r02n temas 2k55.25.2.00s e tpi ouret satic/tpdrb12t0ga ewat 22y.129.714.12s eti p oure ttsati/pdcrt1b0 2pbPdorfiel ELT en wp riute stotac/pidbtr11 2 steip ro uets ttic/adbrtp121 nableedYe s se itprou et tsaict/pbdtr21 p1orife leth 3se tip oure sttait/cdpbr121 dtet 12s1.24.02. 0set pi rotu esattc/pdibr1t1 n2etmask 55224.0.0. 0stei prou te tstac/idprbt11 gate2ayw 22217.9.14.1 se2t p riotuest tac/pibdr1t2 pd1Pbrfioel TLE ne wi route spatit/cdbpt1r2 2est ipr ute sotatic/pbrd1t2 2nebaledYe sse ip troute staitcp/dbr12t 2prfiloee ht 3st ip eoruetstat ci/pbrt12d d2est122.4 0..0s te pi oure statictpdb/rt122ne matks2 5.55220..0 st ie roptue satitcpdbr/t122ga etawy2 2.172914.2. 1et isproute s ttia/pcbrt1d2 2dbPprfile oETL ne wpi ortuesta ic/ptdbr123t se tipr otu estticap/bdrt21 3eanledbY es se ti rpuoe statitc/pdrtb132 rofple ieht s3e tipro tues atti/pdbrc12t3 dets1 2.1022.80.0s et p ioutersta it/cdbpr1t3 2entasm 25k52.5.25040 s.e it roupe stttaic/dbrpt23 1agtweay222 17..912.1 4st ei pourte satit/pcbrdt12 pd3bPofiler ET Lnewip r uot esattci/pbdrt142 s t iep oute strtai/cdbpt124re abnel Yesd setip ro utes tatc/pdirbt24 1profie lthe set i3 ropue tsttac/pidrbt142 dets12 .22420.0 s.t ipero tu staeic/tpdbr124tne mtsa 255k2.400.0 se.ti roputestatic/ dpbr1t2 g4atewa y2221.9714.2. 1esti pruteostat ic/dbprt24 1pbdPrfiol eETL nweip orue statticp/drb125 t setip rutoest tiacp/dbt1r5 2enabeld Ye sste ipr uoetst atc/pibdr125tpr foil ete3h es tpir ote suattcipdbrt125/dest p iruote tatic/spbrdt21 5nemtask st iepr uteosta ic/tdbrt12p5gate ay 2w2.2179.4121. es ip rottu stetaic/pbdrt21 pdb5rofiPelTE L ew in portu static/edprtb12 6st ei protuesta ic/pdtbr126 tnabeeldY es ets ip rutoe tsatc/idbptr162 rofpile teh set i3p ruoet tsatci/pbrt1d26dest 0stei portue tstaicpdb/r126 netmask t552254..0. 0esti pr utoesta it/cdprt1b6 2gaewayt2 2.1792.4121. se tp irouets ttiacpd/br12t pdb6Porilf TeLEne iwp orut setaticpd/bt1r2 7stei prou ets atti/pdcbt127r eanlbd eeYs estip ro te utsatci/dpbtr21 pro7fie ethl 3st iper out etstac/pdirtb27 des1 t21.133.0.00 set ip orue statict/dbrpt127ne mastk2 5.25551.8.20s tei pro utestatic /pbrdt217g atewya22 217..94121 .esti route ptstaicp/dbrt21 7pbPdroflieT ELne w i rpote usattc/pdirb1t28 s teip rute osatitc/pdbr12t ena8bed Yel sstei prouet tasictpd/rbt182 prfoiel the 3seti prou test aticpdb/r128 dtet 1s3.21490..0 ets p routie tasti/cdbprt182n etmsk 2a55255.0..0 setip r uteost atcip/drtb218ga twey 22a.279.114.1 se2 it porteu tatsic/dpbrt281 dpbPorfle TiLE enwip ro tu steaic/ptbdt1r2 9 seti p roue statti/pcbdrt129 naelbd eYess e ti rpuoe tsatti/cpdrbt129pr fileoe t3h est pi ruoe ttstac/idbptr21 9det 1s2.310.5.0 s0teip ro uet tasti/pcdrt12b n9etaskm25 .25540.0 .ste i pouret tasti/cpbrdt12 9atewga y22.1297.4121. se tp iroteu tsatcip/dbr1t9 p2bdrofiPe TEL nel wi rouptes taticp/brt13d0 s t ip eouret sttac/pdbrti10 3eanlbd eYe sets i rpote utasticpd/bt130rpr fole ith3e est i rpoteust tacip/dbtr130de t 12s.360.10.0 seti pourt etstaicpdb/tr10 3netmsa k25524.00..0 etsi prute ostaic/tdbpr130 gatetaw y22.271914.2.1 etsip rout e satictp/bdtr13 pd0broPfle TELi nw ep iruoet tasit/cpbdt13r1 estip r otu etsatcipdb/tr31 e1naledb esY set i rputo etsait/pdcbt1r31p ofriel eht3s te ip roue tsatitc/pbdt131 dest 1r23.17.70.0 es ti poutr estaitc/dbrt13p n1emtaks2 55255..0.0s teip outers taictpd/rtb31 ga1eway 222t1.9714.2.1 ste p rouie sttatc/pidrtb113 pbdPofile rELTn wei pouters ttac/pdbir13t2 se tp riote ustatci/dpbt1r2 e3anlebd Ye ses it roupet tsatci/dprbt13 2prfolei eth set ip 3ruoets attc/pdibr13t2 dse t132.78.0.01set i proteu tsatic/dbrp1t32 nemtak s52.25540..0 se tipro teus atict/dprtb12 3gteway 2a2.217.19421 s.et p iroue t staitc/pdrt1b3 2pbPrdoilefT LE new i pruteo tatscipd/rtb33 1 setip route stat icp/drtb133 eabled nYes se ip tourets tatci/dpbr1t33 rpfoil eeh3t set pi oute rsatic/tdprbt313 edts123. 10.8.00 ste ip oute rtasic/ptdbtr133 etnask m55.25220.. 0se ti routep statcip/dbt13r 3gaetay w222.19.172.14 st ip reouetst atci/dpbtr313p dbPofile TELr ewn i prute staoic/pdtrbt34 1 esti p oute srttaic/dbrp1t3 4nablede eYsset pir outes tticap/brdt341 ropilf ete3hse ti roptues attc/idbrtp34 1dste123. 14.800.se tip outers atict/pbdtr314 netmsa k25.5252..0 0et spirout steati/pcbrd1t3 gateway42 22.1971.241. steip rou te sttica/dpbtr314 pdbroPifelT LE ne wp roitue staic/tpdbr13t 5st ei pruote tastic/dprtb351en blaedYe ses it prote usatti/cpbdt1r3 5ropifel the3 estip r oue stttia/cpbrd1t53d set1 2.431..00 se ti rpote usttica/dpbt13r5 etmnak 25s.55520..0set ip r otu etatsc/idbprt31 g5ateawy 22.2719.14.21se t iproute s atit/pdcbt135 pdbrrofPil TeLEne wip ourtesta itc/pdrtb16 3s e tpiroute sta ticp/bdt136 enralbe Yeds st ip eruote satitc/pdrt1b6 3pofrie lthe3 se itp rutoe satitcp/bdrt316d est 12.724..00 se tp ioruetst aict/dprtb31 6enmast 2k552.480.0 .ets ipro ue tsatic/tdpbt13r6 gaetawy22 2.791.412.1s t ei ropteusta it/cdbprt316pd bProilef ETL nw ep iroutesta tci/pbdtr17 s3te ipro uetst ati/cpdrb1t73 naelbed Yses teip r oue ttsaticp/dbtr37 pr1filoe eht3 steip oure ttstac/pdbir1t73 estd1 42.112..00 ste p iourt setatic/dbrtp17 netma3ks255 .24.800 .set iprou ets taitc/dpbtr317 atewayg2 2.271.941.1 2set pir uoe tstait/pdbrtc137p bdPorfileTE nLew p iourtes attcip/brtd318 est ip outr etasic/tpdbt138 enarlbd eYse setip r oteu sttac/ipbdrt318p rfole ite3h esti p oute rstati/pcdrb1t38d se 124t2.2.4.00 es tp ioutre tatsci/dprt138 betmasnk2 55.420.00 .es ti porteu sttic/apdrtb183g tewaa 2y22179.142.1 set .pirou etst tai/cdpbtr18 p3dPbofrielT LE new i roputest ati/cpbdt1r9 3 es ip torte suatit/pcdbtr19 e3abledn esY se itp ourte tstaic/pbrtd19 p3rfioe lthe3 se tpiro teus ttia/pdbctr139 dst 12e.654.00.s et pir uteo satit/pdbcrt13 9etnasm k25.52240.0. est ip orteus attic/dpbr1t39 atewgy 2a2.127.14921.set i prout esatit/pdbrc13t 9dbprofiPle TLEne wpi ruoets ttic/pabdt1r0 4 se iptr uote tasit/cpdbrt40 1nebalde eY sest i protu stetac/idbprt40 1rpofleie h3t setip ruoe static/ptdbt14r de0ts1 257.2..00set p rioteu stticapdbr/140 tetnaskm2 5.2458..0 0est i pruot setatc/pdibr1t0 4atewgay 22.1729142..1 est pirout settic/adprt1b04pdbPro fie lETL new ipr utoe sattc/pdibrt411 se ti pro uets ttac/ipbrt1d41e nable Yed sstei rpoue ttastic/dbprt14 p1roilef teh 3et spi routesta tcip/bdrt41 d1se t15.80.02.0 se tp iruotest taicp/bdr14t1 nemtsak 255.4020..0 se it route spatic/tpdbt141 rategaw y22217.9142.1 set.ip rouets taictp/drbt41 pd1ProbfleiTE L nwei proute s taict/pdbt14r2 s eti pro te usttia/pcdrtb412e nblad eesYs t epi outr esttiacpdbr/t142p ofril eteh3 st ei pruteo tsatic/pdbr142td es t12.1504.00. etsi pruto setait/c pdrtb142ne tamsk25 5.42.080.set i routep staitc/pdbt142 rgatwaey 2221.79142.1 .et isp outres tatic/dbpt1r4 pdbPro2ife TElL en ip rowute tatis/pdbrtc143 s et ipro teustati c/pdrtb14 e3anbel deYs se tipr uteostatic/ dpbt1r4 profil3 eet3 hste i roput stetac/ipbdr1t4 3det s21.15120.0. stei rpuoets atict/dprtb134netm ska se ip trote sutaic/tpdbt14r ga3ewayt222. 19.1427. set1ip r out etsaictpdbr/143t pbdPorifleT LE nwei roupetsta tic/pbrtd14 4et is ropte suatictp/drtb441 naebled eYs steip ourets tticap/bdr1t44 rpoifle eh3 sett p riuote staitc/dbpt144 dest 1r8.202.0.01se t ipr ote usttac/idbrpt44 n1tmaek 255.s52.4.00 se tipr otue tasit/cdprb1t44 gteaaw 222y.17.1429. 1et sp rouietst tic/adprtb144 dbPproilf TeLEn ew iproute s tait/pdbrt1c4 5 estip r oue tsttiacp/drb145t enbleda Yes et si protues atit/cpbrt1d45 ropfileeth 3 seti p ruot seatit/pdcbt1r4 dest 15380.0..0 seti p roue sttatc/ipbdrt14 n5emtas 2k551.290..0 esti porteus atict/dbrp14t5 ategayw 22.17291.4.12 se tp riuoe ttsait/cdprtb45 1dbPrpfiol TEL een wipr uto etstic/adprbt41 6 st ep ioutr esatic/tdbrtp14 enab6lde Ye sse it rpuot estait/cdprt146 brpoflieet h3 se it rpuoets ttiac/pdbr1t64d se 202t75.20..8 0ets i rpoue sttait/cdbpt14r n6etmaks 2552.552.4.00 est p iruoe stttica/dprt1b46 atgwey 222a.71.192.14set ip route tatics/pdrb146 tdpbrofiPl TeEL ew ipnr out statec/idprb1t47 stei pro te suatictp/dbr1t7 en4able desY se ipt oute rtsait/pcdrb1t47profi eleth 3esti routeps tticap/bdt1r74d et 202s.69.690 s.teip orutes attcipd/rb1t74n teasm 2k552.5.225.40 ets p routi setaic/ptbdtr17 gate4ayw et is pruoetst atc/ipbdrt147 dbPprfoileT ELn we i prute stoaticpdb/rt18 4seti routp esattc/idbptr14 8enbale dYe sst eipr otu steatci/pbrtd18 pr4oilfee th3 est pi ruote statc/pibdr1t8 de4t 202.9s6.12.0 s8t ei porue stttaci/dpbt14r8 netaskm 255.52.1528.0 et spir ute osattc/pdbirt184g tewaa 222.y71.14921. set piro ut esattc/pibdt14r8p bdProfil eELT ewn i prout stateci/pdbr1t4 9set i rputeo statc/idpbr149 entbale Yed set sipr otu etatscip/brt14d 9ropifle te3hse tip rotuest ati/cpdbr1t9 4edt 2s2.079..0 s0te pi ruteostatic/p bdr14t9ne matks2 55.25.2542.0s t ie pruoet tasitc/dbrt1p49g teawy a22.279.14211. st ei protue tasictp/dbr149tpdb roPfleiT EL nw iepr uoe static/ptbdt15r0 st epi orte stuait/cpbrt1d0 en5able Yesd ets ip rutoesta itcp/drtb15 0rpfileoe ht 3setip ruote tasic/ptdrb1t05 dst 20e297.3.2. se0tip rouet sttaci/dpbt150r nteaskm st ei porue sttatcip/brd1t05 gteway a222.17914.2.1set ip ruteo tsaictp/brtd510p dProbifl TeLE en ipwr ote statiu/pdcrb15t 1set pi rouetstati c/pdbrt511e nbael dYes st eiprout e static/dpbtr151pr foil eteh3s t ei routp esatic/ptbdrt51 de1t s20297.64.0. stei pr oteustatic/p brtd151n tmeska2 55.52.5242.0 st ie roptue satitcpdbr/t115ga etawy2 2.172914.2. 1et isproute s ttia/pcbrt1d1 5dbPprfile oETL ne wpi ortuesta ic/ptdbr152t se tipr otu estticap/bdrt51 2eanledbY es set ip rotuesta tc/idpbtr51 profile2 te3hse itp outrestati cp/bdrt12 5edts2 teip rote stutia/pdbctr521 enmatks 25.255.5224.0 ste p ioutre tasitcpdbr/15t 2agtwae 22y.2791142..1 est ip roteu tasit/cdbrt15p p2dbPrfile oTLE nwe pi rute otstia/cpdrtb15 3 es ip truot staeitcp/bdrt153e anbled eYs es tpi oruetstatic p/brt15d3 prfoileet 3h etsip r otues ttaic/dbpr1t5 3det s22.08.32.09 st ei rpote statiu/cdbpt153rnet msa k52.5525.24.02 est i rputoes atti/pdcrtb53 1agetwya 22.21791.2.41se ip routt settia/cdpbrt13 p5bdPorife lTLE nw ipe orut etstic/adbrt154p et si rpote usttic/apbrtd14 5naebel Ydse es it rputeostatic /dbprt514profi le teh set3 ipro uetstati c/pbdt1r45 esd t20.29.648.0s t epiro ut seatitcpd/rt15b n4tmeask2 55.55.19220.s eti route staticp/pbdrt541 atgeawy 2221.7.914.12 setip r uteo sttaicp/drb1t5 p4bdrofile TPLE nwe p riuot stetai/cpdbrt15 5 steip oute rtasit/cdbpt1r55 eablnedYe s st ep riuot stetai/cdbrpt155p orilfe eh3t set ip ortues atit/cdbpr15t d5ste 20.98.2281. 0etsi ropue tsatic/tpdrtb551 etnmska 52.2555.12.08 es ip trotu seatit/pdcrbt155 gaetwya2 22179.142.1.set i pourte statci/pdrt1b55pdbP roifelTEL n w ie pruote sattcipd/rtb51 se6tip route satitc/pbdt15r 6nebael Ydse steip r oteustatic /dbrp15t6 rpoifelet 3hs t ie prout staeictpd/rtb51 6esdt2 20100.0..0 set p ioutr etatiscpdb/rt15 net6amk s255.255..00 et sp iruotestatic pd/bt156 gatrwaey222 .7911.24.1 stei pourtesta ticp/brdt16 5dbpPrfiloeT LE nw iep rout seattic/dbprt57 1 ets pi outre satitcp/drbt571 nabeeld eYs et ipsr oteu satti/cpdrbt571 porile etfh 3etsi p rouetst ati/cpdbtr175des t2 se itp ruote tatsi/pcdrb1t7 ne5tmas 255k2.55.00. stei pr uteo tasti/cdbrp15t 7atgwea y22217..914.21set ip roue statitc/pbrt1d57pd Prbfioe TlEL ne ip rwuot etasic/ptdbrt581 ste ipro tue staictp/bdr15t8 nablede Yse set pi ourt seatticpdbrt15/ p8roifleet h3 se tp iruot etasitcpdb/rt518des t 202.12.000.s e ti pourtes atti/cpdrb158 tetnmsa k525.52.1582. s0t ei pruto etasitcpdbr/t158 agetwy 222a.17.14921.s t iper oue ttstic/apbrd158 pdtbPrfoileT ELn e wi proteu satic/ptdbtr51 s9teip orteus ttic/apbrtd19 5eanbel Yds este ip ruoet tstiacpd/rtb159 rpfiloe et3 set iphr ouets ttica/dpbtr59 1estd2 es tpir otu etatsi/pdbctr195netmask 552.55222.40 .esti portue satictp/dbt1r9 5atewgya 22.2719142.1. se it poruets ttiacp/dbtr19 5pbdProifl eETL ew np irouetst aic/tdpbr1t60 esti p outr settic/pdart1b06 enbled Yaes seti pro uetst tica/pbrd16t0pr ofiele t3hs teip ro tue tsaitcp/brtd601des t0221.030.0. set ipr uot etstica/dpbrt601 entaskm255 .55.02.0 st epi routes atic/tpdrt1b6 g0aetaw y2221.97142..1se ti poruet satit/cdprbt10 6dpbrofPielTE L en ip rwote sutatcip/bdt161 rse tipr ute osttaci/dbpt1r61e nbaledY se se tipr oteu tstia/cpbrdt16 p1ofilr ete3h et sp riuteost tac/ipdbr1t6 d1set 02.1042..00 st ie rputeos atti/pcdbt161 nertaskm2 steip ruot esattcip/brt1d6 gatewa1y22 .172.192.14s e t p iorue statticp/bdrt611 pbdPofilreT EL nw ieprou te sattc/idbpt1r62 st epirou et sattc/ipdrtb621e abnldeYes es it protu seatit/cpbrt1d2 pr6foli eth3e set p ioutrest tic/apbrtd126de t s22.001712..80set iprout esta ictp/brd162 ntteask 2m55.552.218.0 seti pro ute sttacip/drt1b6 g2aetwy a22.179.1422.1 steip r utoe tasticpdbrt1/62p dProfble TiL newEi pr uteos attc/pdbri163 t seti rpoute tstaic/dprbt13 e6nabed leYs set pi ruote sattc/idprt163 bprfolei et3h st ep iruoe ttsaictpdbr/t61 3esd 202.109t0.0.s e it rpotu seatic/ptbdtr13 n6emtaks 525.52.050 s.t ip routee satit/cdbpt1r3 ga6twaey2 2217..914.21se t ipr out esattci/dbrt1p3 pdbPr6ofileT LE ne ip wruto seatitcpd/btr614 es iptr otu etstac/pidrt1b6 4nabled eeYss te pi ouret satictpd/br164 tprofieleth 3se t pi orutest tica/pbrdt64 1edts202 11.012.80.s t epi ruot esattc/ipbdtr164 etmaskn2 55.52.59120.s t iepr otu esatticp/dbtr64 1gaetway 22.271.1429. s1te ipro utes atticp/bdt164 pdbProfile rTLE nwe ip orute satict/pdbr1t6 se5ti p ruot etatsicpd/rt16b 5enaledbY esset p roiue ttatsc/pdibt165 rpofilr ete3h ets p rouie ttatis/pcbdtr15 6edt s0221.110..0 st epi routes taict/dprtb156 enmtaks2 5.2555.28.10set i portu seattcipdbrt/156 gaewat y22.27191.2.41 setip orue ttatsic/pbdtr156 pbPrdfoiel TLE nw ie roptues atic/tpbdr166 t st ie rpout esttac/ipbrt1d66 naelbe desY se tip outres attc/pibdrt661p ofril eteh3 stei prouet sttiacpdb/rt661 dset202. 111.106.0se ti ropue stttic/adbpr16t6 enmastk 52.255.524.20 setip rouetsta ict/dprt1b6 g6teaayw 22.217.1492. s1teip rout e tsticapd/rbt661pd Pbrfoie TlEL ne ipwr uto static/epdbrt167 ste ipr ote suttiacp/bdr1t76 enbaledYes set i poutr esattc/ipbrdt167 pofile reh3 tets p iroutestatic/p brdt67 1eds 2t2011..191.02 es iptro tu esatit/cpdrbt17 6nteaskm2 5.255.1592.0 st ipe outer satic/tpdbr167 gtatwaye 22.1792.42.11se tp iouret tasic/pdbttr61 7pbdPofril eTL nEw ep riuoe ttstaic/pbdrt681 st eipro ut staeti/cpdrt1b6 8enbaed leYss t ep ioute rsatti/cdprt1b86 ropfile the3s t ip routeesta itc/dbpt1r8 d6et s023.101.16.00 stei p ruoe ttatsc/idprtb681n temska2 5.525.25240 .set p roiuetst ticap/bdr16t 8agetwya 1estip rout estati/pdbrct186 dpProfbileT LE ewnip ruot esttiac/dbpr1t69 set pi rotue tstaicp/bdr1t9 6enbaedl Yes seti pr otue tstic/apdrt1b9 pr6oile fteh3 st eipro uetstat ic/dbrt1p9 d6es 2t03.301.230 .ste ipro uetst tic/apdrb169 nttmeaks 52.525.252.4 0st epir ute stotaci/dpbt16r g9aewaty222 .179.1241. se iptr otue satti/pdbrtc169 pdPbofilr TeLE new ip outres atit/cdbrtp701 s t eip rotu stetai/pdcbt1r0 7eanlebd eYss eti rpotu esattcip/drtb17 pr0oilef et3h etsi proue statit/pcbdrt71 de0s t23.01220..0 set i roput esatit/pcdrbt70 1enmtak s2552.552.04.0se tpir otu etstaci/pbdt17r0ga ewat y22.2179.142.1 etsi p rout seattc/ipbrdt701 pbProfdiel ETL nw eip outer sttiacpd/br1t71 se it protu esttai/cpdbrt711 enabeldY es et isp routes taitc/dpbt17r1pro fil eeh3t etsi protue satict/dpbr t117 esdt set 0p rouit steati/pcbdtr711n emask t25.5552224.0.s t eipr uteo staict/dbrp1t17 gatwaye 22.127.1942. se1t ipro te suatitc/dbpr171 ptbdroPile fETLnew i rpoteu tatsci/pdbr1t27 et is proute tsati/pcbrt1d72 enalbedY se se it ropuets taictpd/btr17 2rofipel th3 setei rputo esatic/pdtbtr71 de2t 2s1.8.00.0 steip orue ttasitcpdb/tr17 2enmastk 52.25250.0 .se itprou t setaictp/dbr17t 2gteawa y22217.9.42.11 st eiprou t staeitcpd/bt17r2p dbrPoifelT L Eewnip ruoe stattc/ipdrb17t s3e itp rute otsatc/ipdrbt17 3neabled eYs ets pirou te sattcip/brd1t37p roifl eeht3 setip rutoes ttiac/pdrbt137 estd 18.240.. 0ets pi route tsaitc/pdbt173 renmatks2 5.254.050. se tpi ourte sattcip/drb1t3 7gaewaty 22217.91.4.1 2esti prout estat cip/drtb17 3pdPbofrlie TEL nwe ip roteu tsaitc/dbrt1p74 se ti rpuotest atic/pdbtr714e anbedlY s seet i portues ttia/cpbdt17r4 rpfoie elt3h et si rpoute sttai/cpdbtr714d se t2816..00. set i rpuote satic/tdbptr174 enmats k52.25550.. 0et ispr ouetstatic/ dbpt1r74g atweay 2221.9.7124.1set ip rou et tstic/padrt1b4 7dbpPorfil eTLE ne ipwr utoe tastc/idbrt17p5 st iper outes atictpd/br1t57 enbaledY e ses tip roteu satticpdb/r17t5 proilf eeth3 seti p rute sottic/pabdr175td st 21e.18.300. estip r uoet sattc/pdbit17r n5teasm k552.2550.0. steip ortue tsatcipd/bt17r5ga ewayt 22.1279.1241.set ip outer sattci/dbpr1t7 pdb5Prfioe lTE nLewip r uto etsaic/ptdbr17t6 setip ro uetsta ti/cdprtb716 enbael Yesds e itp orutes atict/dprbt761p rofliee th3s te iprou t statiecp/bdt1r7 de6st2 set0ip ortu steatc/pdbri176 tetmnsa k5252.54..00 et is pouter tatic/spdbtr71 6gtaeayw22 es ti rpotu stetic/adpbtr176pd bProfile TLEn w iep rote utasict/pdbt1r7 7set ip ourt estaic/tpdbtr71 e7nabld Yeess t ei roupt estaitc/dbprt17 pr7fioelet h3 se tpirout esta ti/pcbrdt17 7det 2s18.1.0.06 et spir uoe tstaict/pdbtr771 enmatsk2 55.22.050. es it routpes atti/pcdbrt771 agteayw2 22.19.714.12 et ispro teust tiacpdbr/t77 1pbPrdofli TeL Enweip ruotestati /cdbrtp18 7 setip ruote sattc/idbrpt178 neabled eYss etip rou tes attc/pibrt17d 8porilfeet 3h et isp rote utsait/pcbrd178t des 21t.2800..0 seti p rutoes tait/cpbdtr17 8enmtak s52.25550.. 0est ip outrest aic/tdprb17t8 gtewaay2 2.219.712.14 es iptro uets ttiacp/dbrt718 dpbPrfoiel EL Tew inp route tsait/pcbdt1r9 7se ti p ruoe statti/cdpbr17t9e nblad eesYse itpro tu estait/pdcrt1b7 9prfoil eet3 sethi p orte utasitc/dbrpt791 dest st iepr oue stttai/pdbcrt17 9nemtsa 255k2.5.52180.set p rioteus ttic/padbt17r 9agewayt222. 17.9124.1set i pruote tatsi/pdbrct19 p7dPbrofli TEeL new ip ruote statci/dbpr1t8 0 set ip roteusta ti/pcdbr1t8 0enabled eYs es ti poutr esatic/tpdbrt10 p8orfile te3h steip ro te suatict/dpbr1t0 8dste218. 22.00 .se ti roptu etasti/pdbcr1t0 8ntmesa k25.2554.0.0 es ti portues attic/dpbrt810ga tweay 2221.971.4.21 set ipro tu etsatic/pdbtr80 1pbdrPfilo TeLE en ip wortuest ticap/brtd181 et ip rosteu ts ati/pcdrtb81 en1aleb dYesse t piro te suatitc/pdrtb118 ropife elt3hs eti p rutoes atic/pdbtt181 rdet 218.s3.000. se tp iroteu stticapd/rb1t1 n8etmska2 5.25450.. 0stei p oute rsatti/pcbdtr811 atgwea y22.129.142.7 1etsi p ruoe ttstic/pabdtr18 pdbPr1fioel TLE ewni roputest tiacpd/btr128 s t ei rpuote sattc/idpbrt12 e8nalebdY e sst iepro uet sttiac/pdrtb82 1profie lthe3s t ep iorte suatti/cpbdrt821 dse 218.t3.020. steip r uto esatict/pbdt1r28n emask 2t5.5255..00set i proue stattic/dpbt182r agteaw 22y.172.942.11set ipr utoe tstai/cdpbr18t2 pbPrdoilf TeE newLi rpuote satti/pdbcr18t s3et ip ouret satitc/pdbr1t8 enabl3ed Yses tei rpoute satitc/pdbtr138 proflie eh3t se ip rtote usttic/pdbatr13 8dst e21.82.6281.0se ip routtesta tc/idpbrt813 ntemaks 25.2555.2180.s e tp iroue stttic/apbrdt83 g1tewaa 2y221.791.2.41 st ie rpuoet sattci/pbdt183 rdpPbroile fET neL wip oruetsta itcp/drt184b s t ei rputeo tatics/dprtb841 eanblde Yes se itp ruoe ttaticsp/dbt1r4 8proifl eteh 3st ep iruto etsatci/dprb1t48d est setip rout esttai/pdcbt1r8 ne4task m25.552.50. s0et i routpes atit/cdpbr18t4 ategwa 22y.2719142.. s1e iptr ote stutic/apbdr1t4 8pbdrPoflei ETLn ew p riutoe tstaicp/brdt815 s tei poure ttsaic/tpdrtb85 1eablnedYe sest ipro tuesta ticp/drtb815p rofil eeh3t et ips orute sttia/cdprb1t5 8estd21 864..00 .st ipe oruets ttiacpdb/rt81 5netasmk25 52.45..00set pir otu etsatc/pdirt18b 5gtewaa y22.127.912.41 st ip rouee ttasict/pdrbt851 pdProfilbeTE Ln ewi pro ut estaitcpdbrt/168 estip r otue tasic/tpdrb1t68en abel Yesd st ipe outr statec/ipbdrt168 porifl ete3h seti rouptes atitc/pbdt1r86dest 182.66..00 est ipro uets ttai/pcbdtr861ne maskt255. 25.0.05 est p irutoe satti/pcbdt1r8 6atewga 2y2.27911.241. set piro te utsatc/ipdrt1b8 p6bdroPfil eELT en wp iroue tsttaicpdb/t1r78 s te ipro tue tstiacpdbrt/187enabl ed Ysese t ip ruoe tsattci/pbrt187dpr ofli eth3e stei porute satic/ptbdt1r87 dets 1826..0.0 s7te p roiut seattic/dprb187 nettmsak 25.5255.18.20 ste pirou ets tait/cpbdtr178 agetawy2 2.2719.41.21se tip outer tsatic/pdrb18t7p bPrdofile ETL enw i portue tstaci/dbprt18 8se ip truteos ttac/idbrtp18 8nebald Yese est p roite utsait/pcbdtr818p rfileoet 3h se itp orut seatitc/pdrb188td st 2e8.70.1.0 0es ip tortue statc/idpbrt18 8enmtak s55.254.2.00 seti p ruoe ttsaitc/dbpr1t88gate ay 222.w79.14211. se tp ioutr staeict/pbdtr188 pbdrPfileoTEL n wei routp setaict/pbdt189 r et spi outr seattcipdbrt18/ e9anblde eYs st epir uote satic/tpdbr189 trpoflieet h3s e ip rotutes ttac/ipbrd18t d9se t1287.20.0 .etsi p ortu setatc/ipdrt18b9n etmska255 set i poutres attci/dpbr1t9 gat8eay w22217..194.12s e it rpout stetaci/pdrb1t8 9pdPbroilf eTEL newi p orue tsatit/pdbrc19t 0etsi pourtest aict/dpbt1r9 enabl0d Yese et sip ruto seattc/pdirbt90 1rofplie eht3set ip ro tue satti/pdbrct109 des 21t.80.800. es tip routest tic/padbt19r 0nemast k52.520.400. st ip eortu etstacip/brdt190 gtaeay w22.1729.41 2.1 setip ruoe tsatit/cpbdr19t 0dpPborilef ELTn e wpi rout etatsci/pbrtd91 1se ti poute rtastci/dbrtp91 enab1lde Ys sete pi oute strait/pdcbrt191 prfiol eet3h etsip r otue tatic/pdsbt191rd est2 8124..44.60se it proute tasict/dbrpt911ne tasm 2k552.5.5224.0 se it roupte sttia/cdbpr1t91 agetawy2 se itpro ute tasit/cpdrbt191 pdbPorfile TLE ew niprou t estatc/idbptr19 2set ipr uot etstacip/drbt192 eanbel Ydse et isprout staeit/pcdrt1b2 9rofilepe ht3s t ipe orut etatsc/ipbrd1t92d ets2 1.1298.0.0 se tip ruteo tsatc/idpbrt912n etmak 25s.240.0.5 s0t iepr uteosta tic/pbdt192rg teaayw 22.127.9421.1 st ei pruoetst tia/pcbdr1t2 9dbProfpiel ELT new ip ruto steaic/tdbrt193 p es itprou e stattc/idbpr193te abnel Yesd seti pr uoe statti/pdcbtr13 pr9fioelet h3set p ioutr esttaic/pbrdt93 des1 t19.244.010. setip r ouetstatic/ pbdr1t9 3etnask m255.4280.0. seti pr uote static/dbpr1t9 3atgwea y22.1729.4121 set i. pouret statci/pbdtr139 dbPrpoifelTE L ne wi pouret tstiacp/dbrt194 seti pruot esatit/pcbrtd14 9nealedb Yes se it roputest taci/dbpt1r94pro ilfe the3s eti poute sratic/tdbpt1r49d ste 12.192.050.set i p rouets ttaicp/brt194dnetmas k25 .255.04. 0etsi prout staeit/cpbrdt14 9gtaewya 222.179.421.1 es ip rottuest aict/pbrdt914 dbProfilp TEL enwe i portu settaic/dprb1t95 set pi oute srtati/cpbdtr95 1neblea dYesse tip rute osatic/tdpbt1r95p ofile ert3h es it rpotu stetai/cpdrbt91 5dest 29.115.694.0se it routpes taitc/pdrt19b5n teask m25.255.512.09s tei proute s ttic/adbptr91 gate5ay w222.19.7124.1set pi rutoes atict/dprb19t pdb5Proifle TLE new i prutoes ttiac/dprbt916 s t ipe rotu staeti/pdbcr196 enabtedlYes se tpir uoe stattic/pbrt196dp rofle eih3t etsip orteu satic/tpbdt19r6des t2 19.19.1258.0 estip ortues tatc/pdirbt961netm sa 2k5.525.15280 .se tiprou t seatitcpd/rbt916ga etway222.1 9.1724.1 set p iruto esattc/pidbt1r96 pdbrPfoli TeEL ne ipwr uteos attc/pdbrt1i7 9 es itpro uetstat cip/drb19t 7eablednY esset ip oute rtastc/idbrpt179pr filoeet 3h es ti prutoes attci/pdrt1b9 7dste2 se ip trutoest aitcpdbr/t91 net7mas k25.2254..00 et is pruote sattc/idpbr197tg tewaay 2221.971.2.41 est pir otuest atcipdbrt1/97p dbPofiler TEL enwi p outer satitc/dbptr189 se ti rputo settiac/pdbtr18 9neblade esYset ip ruto etsait/pdbctr18 9rpfioe ethl3 estip r oteusta tcip/bdrt19 d8ste22 12.24..00 se itp outer sattc/idprbt189 ntemak s25.2548..0 0se tpi roue ttsait/cpdbr1t98g taweay 22.219.7421.1 es ipt orue stttac/pdibr1t9 p8dPrboilef ETL ne ipwr uot esatti/pdcbr1t99 ste pi oruetsta tcipd/btr919ena bed lesY ste pi ortuestat ci/pdrtb19 pr9foil eeht3s e itp ruotes atic/pdtrtb199de st22 1.3220..0s t ei porut esatticpd/br1t9 9enmtsk 2a5.5522.00.set ip orte utsait/cpbdtr19 ga9ewtya2 2.1729142.1. ste ip ourt setait/cpbrdt919p dProbilf TEeL en wipro tu etsaitc/pdbt20r 0ets ipro tuest aict/pdbtr20 e0anbeld Ye sest pir oteustat i/cdpbr20t0 ropfile et3h se ip rtuto statec/ipdrb2t00de ts2 set pi route tasticpdbr/t200 entamk 25s.52540.0. et sip ortu esttac/idpbrt200g ateayw2 22.791.4121. st epiro tuest tac/ipbrd2t00 dbprPfoli TeLE new i roputesta it/pdcrb20t 1se tip r oteu sttiacp/brd2t10e nalbedYe s st ie roptu etastci/pbrt20d1pr oflei th3eset ip r uoet tastcipd/brt20 1estd 221.238.00.s t epir oteu sattci/pbrdt01 ne2tmas k552255.0.0 s.t ie porue tsattci/pbrdt21 g0taewya 222.179.4211.set p ioruetstati cp/dbr201 tdpPborflieTE Lnew i p ruot statecipd/br202 t et ipsr uotest tac/pibdtr220 enbalde Yesse ip torte suattc/idbrp2t20 pofire elth s3teip rute statoci/pbrtd022de st22 .213.9.00 se ipt ruot esttaci/pdrbt02 net2msk 2a5525..1258. s0e tipro tuestat cip/dbrt022 ateway 222g17.914.21. setip rute statoc/idbrp20t2p dbProflieT EL nwei rpoteu satit/pcdrbt20 3set i pruotes atitcpd/br20t 3nebaledYes se tip ortu setait/pdbrct03 2ropfle ethi3 se tp route isatic/pdtbrt203d ets22 1239..2810 s.etip outers tati/cdprtb203net maks25 .2555.218.0 seti pr otu staeict/pbdt203 grtawey a22.2719142..1s te iproute tsatc/pdibr203t dpProfbleiTE L new ip roue tstati/pcbrt204 sdt ie rpoute tsait/pdbrct024e abneldY sese t ipr ouets attc/ipbrtd20 p4ofrie eth3 lste i proue sttait/pdbrct204d es 222t64...0 0stei pro ue stattc/pdbrt2i04n ematk s55.248.0.0 se2 ti poure tsttacipd/rtb204g taewy 2a22.7191.42. set1 p iruteo sattcipdbrt/240pd PbrfioelTEL nwei pr outes attc/pidrbt052 st ei rputeo sattci/dpbr20t 5enalbedYes se it proute sttai/cpbdt2r0 5prfile eoh3t st ip erote stutiacp/brd2t0 d5ets222 7..0.0 s2eti p routes atic/pdbtt2r05net msk a25.5248..00 se tip ruote tsati/cdpbrt05 gate2ayw 22.217.1924.1 stei pro tue satict/dprt2b50pdb Porife TElL ewni prou tes atitcp/dbr206 stet ipr otu statice/dpbt2r0 ena6bel des Yst iep ouretst atic/pbdtr260 ropfil eet3hset i p oute rsttacip/brt2d06d est s0e ip truot etasti/cdprb206t etmansk25 524..00.0 se itpr ouet tsait/cdbrt2p6 ga0teawy tei rputoe stati/cdbrtp206 dbprPfile ToE Lne wiprou test ait/pcbrt2d0 7 se it pruto steaticpdb/tr072en abel Yesdse it prutoest aitc/dprt20b pro7ifle teh s3t iepr uote tatsicp/bdrt072d et 22s.268.100 s.et i prout etaticspdbr/t027n tmeska2 st eipr oute tatscip/bdtr027 agewty 22a2.719.1241. es tip ruto stetia/pcdrbt072pd Pborfie TlLEnew pi ourt seatti/cpbdr2t08 s te ip orte sutaic/ptbdrt08 2eanled bYs see itpr otu esattc/pibrd20t8pr ofil ethe se3t ip oruetsta ti/cdbprt082 edst22 .12760.0. es tpi roue statitc/dpbrt280ne mtaks 25.52400.0. es tipro te utatis/cdpbrt208gat weay22 .279.112.4 1est ip orut etstic/pabrdt208pdb Pofire lELT en wi ropte sutticap/bdrt092 etsip ro te suatic/pdbrt2t9 0enblad eYs eset pir ute otsaitcp/dbtr20 9rpofie elt3h stei protu steaict/dbrt2p90 eds 2t2.228.0.0 s0teip ruot esttiacp/bdr209t enmastk255. 20.400.s te p irutoe tatsc/pibrtd209 gteawy 2a2.1279.412.1se it ropteustati /pdbrtc20 pd9broPflieTEL enw p riute osatic/ptbdrt120 es it roptuestat ic/pbdtr102 nebaedl es Yes tp rouiet tsaic/tpbrtd210 pofril ethe3se iptr oteu tasic/ptbrtd102 est d22.240.20.0 se it rpuoet sattci/dbrt2p0 n1tmesk 2a5.528.0.0 4es ip rotteu staitc/dbptr102g ateway2 2.17291.42. 1seti roupte static/dpbr210 tpdbrPoilfeT E sLet ipd chp esrve enrabldeNo set pid hcpser vrene watoubnd iesYse tipdhcp poo l/pol1 pooostarl 192.t681.61. 2se ip tdcp hpoo/lpool ga1ewayt19 .1286.1.6 se1t pidh cpp olop/ol1o riDpSN 1.6218.2816.8 se tipd hp pcoolp/ool secDNS18 ..88.8s e ti dpn priSsreve 61r128..21.86 s8et i pns decSsevrer 88..88.s et pi dns duplbciWAN2 /lielv yeYs est i dpndspub iclWAN2 s/reevrame Nww.3w32.2orgset i dpds pnbluicW/N2A ervsrIp 6e117.7.5.9103set ip dnsdpub lc/iANW2h otnsam ecnpzx.332h2org. se ip ddns publtc/WAi2Nus ename hcrxbiob set i pdds pnbliuc/WA2 pNasswrodCRYP T_NDk14OgzD se tystem sog letActnoinnEaleb dYs seet ystes mlg otlneetEanlbdeY es ste ssteym lgo dalEiablne Nd soet ysste logmn tanEabedl No setsy tem losgf lodoEanbld Yes eset ystemslo g ohternEbael Yes dset ystsm log ettpEhnbald eesY nw esytems dmia/npnzlxj cse tsstemy dami/npnzlcxje abnel desY es tysstema dim/nnzxlpj passcwd CYRPT_1nBbe6xjajExGTUM1QN== et sssteym atiArpnpSofoign N ose tsstym aetnipSpIooifn Ngo sets stye mntialasBet Nor estis pWAN/ 1ytepFi x ste is/pAWN1pr ofiel eth2set isp/WN1A dfRteaNemDefa ltu et issp/ANW1 dRtNatm eDteects e its/pWNA n1atBniNdaemETHb idn ste ip/WAN1 scraier rtOhre nwe spi电信/ s etis /电信p naeble dYess e ispt/电 typ信eFi xs t eisp电信/pro fleiet h s3et ip/电信 sdeRtfaNemFI XR_T30 seti ps/信电 tdRNamt eEDTEIX_0F3s tei ps/电 信ntBinadameN FXBINID03_ se isp/电信 ctrareir ET Len wwebuse rn/pzxlcj ets wb eseru/npxlzcjena ledb Yes estw e bseur/npxlzcjpas wds RCYP1_TnB6ebGxjjExaMTU1QN= =st weeb usr/enpzlcj xgroup dmAni et sebw dielTmieuot5 se fc trteliait l7AmccontuYe s newfil et rntAceion/t1 se filttrenetActi no1 /enblad eeYsset f ilert etncAion/1t piGrouNpma eetANan setyfilte renAtctio/n 1m… newfil et rntAceion/t1 se filttrenetActi no1 /enblad eeYsset f ilert etncAion/1t piGrouNpma eetANan setyfilte renAtctio/n 1m… newfil et rntAceion/t1 se filttrenetActi no1 /enblad eeYsset f ilert etncAion/1t piGrouNpma eetANan setyfilte renAtctio/n 1m… 本文由第一文库网(www.wenku1.com)首发,转载请保留网 址和出处~
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