首页 四年级下册英语复习题



四年级下册英语复习题四年级下册英语复习题   小朋友在学习的时候要多做习题进行知识的巩固,下面给大家整理了一套四年级下册英语复习题,大家可以参考练习。   笔试部分(59分)   六、下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(8分)   ( )1.cake face ( )2.bike pig ( )3.we she   ( )4.nose box ( )5.bus cup ( )6.apple. circle   ( )7.fat far ( )8.sir her   七、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10...

四年级下册英语复习题   小朋友在学习的时候要多做习题进行知识的巩固,下面给大家整理了一套四年级下册英语复习题,大家可以参考练习。   笔试部分(59分)   六、下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(8分)   ( )1.cake face ( )2.bike pig ( )3.we she   ( )4.nose box ( )5.bus cup ( )6.apple. circle   ( )7.fat far ( )8.sir her   七、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)   ( )1、 It's 10 o'clock. It's time ____ go to school.   A.to B.for C.of   ( )2、Look at the clock, what ____ is it?   A.class B.time C.can   ( )3、It's 9:45. It's time ____ music class.   A.to B.for C.of   ( )4、It's cold ____ Beijing.   A.on B.in C.is   ( )5、Can I wear my T-shirt?_____   A. No, you can't. B.Yes, you can't. C.No, you can.   ( )6、What are ______? They are apples.   A. this B. these C. it   ( )7、______those sheep? Yes,they are .   A.Are B.Is C.Am   ( )8、How many ______are there?   A.horse B.horses C.duck   ( )9、Is this______ T-shirt?   A.you B.I C.your   八、圈出不同类的单词。(7分)   1. nice cheap pretty tomato   2. English potato Chinese P.E.   3. dinner lunch red breakfast   4. horse cow hen small   5. weather shirt skirt sweater   6. cap clothes shirt shoes   7. pen book toy boy   九、情景反应。(5分)   1、你想知道对方叫什么名字,你问:   A.What’s your name? B.Where are you? C.How are you ?   2、当别人赞美你时,你说:   A.OK. B.That’s all right. C. Thank you.   3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问:   A. How are you ? B .How old are you ?   C. .What’s your name?   4.你想知道美术室在哪,你问:   A.What’s the art room? B.Where is the art room?   C.How many art rooms?   5.你想帮助别人时,你问:   A.Can you help me? B.Can I help you?   C.Thank you very much.   十、在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把编号写在括号里。(10分)   A B   ( )1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6.   ( )2.What size? B. Yes, they are .   ( )3.Is this the library? C. It's cool.   ( )4.What's the weather like today? D. It's ten o'clock.   ( )5.What's time is it now? E. Yes, it is.   十一、按要求写出下列句子。(10分)   1、What colour is it?(翻译成中文)   ___________________________________________   2、Let’s play basketball. (翻译成中文)   ___________________________________________   3、are, how, the, much, books ,music (?)(连词成句)   ___________________________________________   4、today, warm, is, it,and,cloudy(.)(连词成句)   ___________________________________________   5、这些是我的衣服。(翻译成英语)   _____ _____ my .   十二、阅读短文,判断正误(T,F)或选择(10分)   (1) I'm Mike. I'm in Shanghai. It's very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But it's too expensive. It's fifty yuan.   ( )1.Mike is in Shanghai.   ( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt.   ( )3.The hat is forty yuan.   ( )4.It's sunny in Shanghai.   ( )5.Mike’s old hat is too big.   (2)My name is Amy. I’m a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. Now, it’s 7:30. It’s time to go to school. It’s 3:45. It’s time for PE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. White.   ( ) 1. It’s___ . It’s time to get up.   A. eight o’clock B. six o’clock C. six fifteen   ( ) 2. She goes to school at ____. .   A. seven thirty B. seven o’clock C. seven twenty   ( ) 3. It’s 3:45. It’s time for ____ .   A. breakfast B. computer class C. PE class   ( )4. Who’s her PE teacher?   A. Miss Liu B. Miss White C. Mr. White   ( )5. What is Amy? She′s a ___. .   A. teacher B. student C. farmer
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