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英语基础写作nullEnglish WritingEnglish WritingWord Choice and Sentence WritngWord Choice and Sentence WritngSection A Word Choice I. A brief history of English Vocabulary Stage 1: 5 A.D German(日耳曼族)conqured the Britain 3 tribes:Jutes,Saxons and Angles They sp...

nullEnglish WritingEnglish WritingWord Choice and Sentence WritngWord Choice and Sentence WritngSection A Word Choice I. A brief history of English Vocabulary Stage 1: 5 A.D German(日耳曼族)conqured the Britain 3 tribes:Jutes,Saxons and Angles They spoke Englisc(盎格利希语),即英语本族语(native English)---Englisc演化于Angles,意为the language of Angles.Englisc逐渐演变为English,他们所居住和生活的地方被统称为Englaland(盎格拉兰,即the land of the Angles).后来,Englaland演变为England.这些演变大概发生在6AD和9AD之间。 backA brief history of English VocabularyA brief history of English VocabularyStage 2 In 1066, the Normandy Conquest. Norman在10世纪前居住在斯堪的纳维亚的北部(north of Scandinavians),also called Northmen.10世纪,他们以海盗身份侵占法国巴黎的西北沿海一带,并在那里定居下来,这一带地方因而得名Normandy.经过100年左右的繁衍生息,他们法国化,形成政治、宗教、法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 和军事组织。 1066年,Normandy conqured Britain.French became the official language for 300 years while English was only spoken by the civilians and the low-class and Latin was spoken at churches and schools. So 3 languages co-existed during this period: English, French and Latin. Stage 3 15th Century,English became the popular language. But at this time, many words were changed in spelling and pronunciation,with plenty of words borrowed from French and Latin. In late 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400) wrote The Canterbury Tales in English, which spread English wide in England and laid foundation for modern English. At the end of the14th century, Prof. Jihn Wycliffe(1320-1384) translated Bible from Latin to English, advocating the useof English at church. Three stages of English Three stages of English Old English(AD 450--1150) Middle English (1150-1500) Modern English(1500--now) Modern English is divided into 2 parts: Early Modern English(1500-1700) and Later Modern English(1700--now) Since the era of Shakespeare, English vocabulary has been increased from140,000 words to around 700,000 or 800,000 words, many of which derived from English itself. New wordsNew words1. borrowed words/borrowing外来词 2. derived words/derivatives派生词 3. compound words/compounding复合词 4. blended words/blending融合词 5. shortening/abbrieviation缩写词 6. functional shift(转类词)(功能转变法) 7. initialism/acronym首字母拼凑法 8. coinage创新词 9.back-formation逆转词 10. proper name专有名词word choice-- appropriateness word choice-- appropriateness English words can be classified into:literary,non-literary,technical terms, slang, cliche,etc. Different styles and context require different word choices. As Chinese students who learn English as a foreign language, we have to choose words which are proper/appropriate according to the required contexts.In other words,we choose words which are widely used rather than copying some rarely formal words. The precision of word choiceThe precision of word choiceWe have to pay attention to: 1. synonyms or words with meanings close to each other同义词和近义词 2. general words and specific words泛词与具体词 3. denotation and connotation词的本意和涵义 4. polysemy一词多义 5. cultural factor文化因素Figures of speech 词的修辞手段Figures of speech 词的修辞手段1.simile( 明喻法) 2.metaphor(暗喻法) 3. personification(拟人法) 4. metonymy(转喻法)(用一种事物代替另一种事物) 5. hyperbole(夸张法) 6. climax(层进法)--anticlimax(突降法) 7. antithesis(对偶法) 8. onomatopoeia(拟声法) 9. alliteration(头韵法) 10. synecdoche(提喻法)(部分代表全部或反之) 11. transferred epithet(词语转移法)(把描述语从应该描述的人转移到与人关联的事物上去) 12. euphemism(委婉法) 13. irony(反语法)Sentence writingSentence writingI. basic sentence patterns(基本句型) 1. SV 2.SVP 3.SVO 4.SVoO 5. SVOC II. Kinds of sentences(句的类别) 简单句(simple sentence)、并列句(compound sentence)、复合句(complex sentence)、并列复合句(compound-complex sentence)tipstips 关于各种修辞手段,都有一个使用尺度的问题。有以下几点忠告: 1. 尽量避免用词重复累赘 2. 用词切忌过分夸张 3. 少用陈腐过时的习语 4. 不要滥用修辞手段良好句式四大要素良好句式四大要素1. 必须表达统一、完整的思想内容 2. 必须具备连贯性 3. 必须重点突出 4. 必须简洁LEARNING HOW TO WRITELEARNING HOW TO WRITE DEVELOPING PARAGRAPH SKILLS: UNITY Topic Sentence A paragraph centers on one single idea so that neither writers nor readers will get lost as they explore the idea. The unity of a paragraph refers to this singleness in idea and purpose. To guarantee that a paragraph has unity, a writer often states his or her idea explicitly in the first sentence of the paragraph. This sentence, which expresses the central idea and holds all the other sentences together, is called the topic sentence. It is very important and helpful for beginning writers to write a topic sentence because the topic sentence gives them the guidance they need in their writing.Let's read the following sample paragraph and find out the topic sentence.Let's read the following sample paragraph and find out the topic sentence. The beach party was a total disaster. The cooler leaked and all the ice melted; so we drank warm soda. Also, most of the potato salad was spoiled. Some kids charged across the blanket and kicked sand onto the fried chicken. Bob brought two bats but forgot the softball. Tom dropped some chicken fat on the Frisbee, and a stray dog gnawed two holes in it. Whenever we tried to scale it, it flew like a dive bomber. Reprinted from Composition Workshop, by Herbert Rothstein, Peter Bcyer and Frank Napoiitan. New York: Sadler-Oxford, 1974.Can we find a topic sentence in the following paragraph?Can we find a topic sentence in the following paragraph? Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate, won more than $300,000 in a court battle over invasion of privacy, but he gave almost all that money to consumer research. Instead of outfitting himself in the latest clothing styles, he continues to wear drab(无生气的,乏味的,单调的), wrinkled(皱巴巴的)suits and an old raincoat. Although he earns more than $100,000 a year lecturing on consumer protection, he draws only about $5,000 for living expenses. For years he's lived in a boarding house in a modest section of Washington, D.C. He doesn't have a private telephone but makes use of a pay phone in the boarding house. He hasn't owned a car since he was a college student. (Reprinted from Composition Workshop, by Herbert Rothstein, Peter Beyerand Frank Napolitan. New York: Sadler-Oxford, 1974.)In the space before each group of sentence, write a sentence that could serve as the topic sentence if this group of sentences were organized into a paragraph.In the space before each group of sentence, write a sentence that could serve as the topic sentence if this group of sentences were organized into a paragraph.1. _________________________________________________________. a.Charlie takes vitamine pills every meal. b. He runs a mile every day before breakfast. C. He lifts weights three or four times each week. d. Instead of taking a bus, he goes to school on foot. 2. _______________________________________________________. a. Under Tom's bed are a pile of dusty beer bottles and a pair of stained sport shoes. b. The floor is littered with cigarette butts and apple peels. c. Books, scratch papers, cups, an ash tray and some paper bags are scattered on his desk. d. From behind the door comes the smell of clothes soaked(浸泡) in water for too long. 3. _______________________________________________________. a. Marie bought me meals every day when I was ill last term. b. She always helps her roommates with their English. c. She brought food from home and shared with us at the beginning of the new term. D. She is like a big sister to us.Supporting SentencesSupporting Sentences In any well-written paragraph, there should be only one central idea, which is expressed in the topic sentence, often the first sentence of the paragraph. All the other sentences should support this central idea. Any sentences, phrases or words that do not support the topic sentence should be cut out because they weaken the unity of the paragraph.Read the following sentences. Try to determine which sentence does not support the topic sentence and how it weakens the unity of the paragraph:Read the following sentences. Try to determine which sentence does not support the topic sentence and how it weakens the unity of the paragraph:Topic sentence: My room is cozy and has everything I need. Supporting sentences: (a) It is small but has enough space for my things, with closet. (b) It has a big window with a view of a beautiful pine tree where there are often birds twittering. (c) The landlord is not very pleasant. (d) It's nice and warm in winter. (e) It has a big desk and a large shelf for my books.Space transitionsSpace transitionsthere behind on against inside over in front of below up above beside next to around forward near the back to the left alongside beyond through the... nearby at the... in the rearWriting task 1Writing task 1write a short passage of about 60 words entitled "My Bedroom".You have to write a topic sentence,and support the topic sentence with several details. Try to use some space transitions. Check your sentences after drafting.null The end Thank you
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