首页 【经典】图解阿里巴巴人力资源法则



【经典】图解阿里巴巴人力资源法则【经典】图解阿里巴巴人力资源法则 2014-12-16 互联网观察网 1、人才观: “人才可以培养出来的。”什么是“培”,“培”就是多关注他,但也不能天天去关注,因为一棵树,水多了死,水少了也死,如何关注也是艺术。什么是“养”,就是给他失败的机会,给他成功的机会,你要看着,不能让他伤筋动骨,不能让他一辈子喘不过气来。”——马云 2、招聘战略 在阿里巴巴,价值观是决定一切的准绳,招什么样的人,怎样培养人,如何考核人,都坚决彻底地贯彻这一原则。 independent legal personality ...

【经典】图解阿里巴巴人力资源法则 2014-12-16 互联网观察网 1、人才观: “人才可以培养出来的。”什么是“培”,“培”就是多关注他,但也不能天天去关注,因为一棵树,水多了死,水少了也死,如何关注也是艺术。什么是“养”,就是给他失败的机会,给他成功的机会,你要看着,不能让他伤筋动骨,不能让他一辈子喘不过气来。”——马云 2、招聘战略 在阿里巴巴,价值观是决定一切的准绳,招什么样的人,怎样培养人,如何考核人,都坚决彻底地贯彻这一原则。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 3、员工培训战略 “一个公司要成长,主要取决于两样东西的成长。一是员工的成长,一个客户的 成长。我们自己成立了阿里学院,主要目的也是培训员工,培训客户。"——马 云 诠释企业对新员工进行 入职培训 关于入职培训ppt模板入职培训ppt模板下载员工入职培训入职培训入职培训内容 的目的 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 新员工培训的策略--“五行拳” 4、马云的用人观 “阿里巴巴是靠团队打天下的,而不是靠个人英雄主义。”——马云 马云能认识到别人的长处,了解自己的不足和需要帮助的地方。互相弥补的心态很重要,否则会有怨气和冲突,这是组建团队的关键。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction3 5、员工激励模型 激励对象最好是全体员工,使每一个员工都紧紧和公司捆绑在一起,特别是关键 人才,更是要强调“我的就是你的,你的就是我的”,这样才能留住人才。 6、员工管理 马云注重给员工提供一个良好的成长环境,一个广阔的成长空间,能让他们心甘 情愿地留在自己的公司,为实现百年企业的梦想而共同奋斗。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 7、员工考核 优秀人才通常都希望自己的成果能得到别人尤其是上级领导的认可;而不努力的员工则是希望谁也不知道。留住好的优秀员工,淘汰差的员工,绩效考核是很有效的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。良好的绩效评估系统,可以使企业甄别出优秀的人才,并因此使双方都大大受惠。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction5 8、培训企业“干部” 一个企业发展到成千上万人的规模,没有一个班子而只靠 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 9、留才策略 阿里巴巴在整合雅虎中国的过程中,合理安置了雅虎中国的优秀人才还发明了被人津津乐道的留人四宝:远景吸引高管;事业和待遇留住中层;不变薪酬福利安定员工;注资员工,感情银行。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction7 10、经济危机下的人力资源策略 一场金融危机让一些企业因为财务状况紧张而大量裁员时,也有许多企业开始悄悄吸纳人才。 尽管中国的人力资源管理因历史和现实等原因,出现种种问题而不尽如人意,但以马云为代表的企业家和以阿里巴巴为代表的企业准确把握了时代的脉搏,利用国内和国外资源,传统和现代文化,创造了商业奇迹,书写了人力资源管理的新篇章。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction “君子性非异也,善假于物也”,有效整合资源,最大限度地发挥它的效用,平凡 的人就能作出非凡的事。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction9
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