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自考英语翻译Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English?  英语有多难 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力) in Australia,就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,there has been foreign languages fervor in China,中国也掀起一股外语热,with English on top of the list. 在这股热潮中,英语高居榜首。English is n...

Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English?  英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 有多难 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力) in Australia,就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,there has been foreign languages fervor in China,中国也掀起一股外语热,with English on top of the list. 在这股热潮中,英语高居榜首。English is not only taught at schools,colleges and universities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.不仅各级学校教英语,夜校、电台、电视台也都设有英语课程。Parents hire  private tutors for their school children;父母为学龄的孩子聘请英语家教,adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing their spoken English with people of the same interest and determination. 成年英语学习者会牺牲周末休息日,到公园参加英语角,与志趣相投的英语学习者练习口语。Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered ? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗? The answer,if  I am asked to offer,is undoubtedly,yes.如果我被问及这个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,那么毫无疑问,我的答案是:是的。 From my personal experience, 从我个人的经验来看, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation,its grammatical rules,its words,etc.英语学习不仅仅是学习英语发音、语法规则、词汇等,It involves learning everything about the countries where it is used and the people who use it.它包括学习与使用该语言的国家和民族有关的所有内容。Without such a complete understanding of the language, 对英语没有这样全面的理解,the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation,sentence structure and the words he uses.即使发音、句子结构、措辞毫无错误,一个外国人所讲的英语也难免听起来稀奇古怪甚至难以理解。 The social customs and habits of the English-speaking people contribute a lot to the difficulty a foreigner has in learning it.讲英语民族者的社会风俗习惯增加了外国人学习英语的难度。Take the Chinese English learners for example.以学英语的中国人为例," Hello "and "Good morning" may sound a little bit simple to Chinese people."你好"和"早上好"是非常简单的。It is totally beyond the understanding of a Chinese English learner that native English speakers would be annoyed when they're addressed "Where are you going?",which is a commonly used addressing among the Chinese."你去哪儿?"是中国人常用的问候语,若英语母语者被问及"你去哪儿?",他们会因此感到不悦,这一点让中国的英语学习者大为不解。Is there anything wrong with the English sentence structure ? 这个英语句子结构不对吗?  Of course not.当然不是。It takes quite some time  for a Chinese English learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address. 学英语的中国人得费点儿时间才能理解这一问候语侵犯了西方人的隐私。By the same token,同样,"Have you eaten?"(which is another addressing term the Chinese people usually use)will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 英语母语者听到"你吃了吗?"(中国人常用的另外一个问候语),会觉得中国人非常好客,会在事先毫无准备的情况下请人吃饭。Meanwhile,the Chinese would be shocked to hear,"Oh,it's very nice of you.When?", if the addressee happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.如果听话者此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答"太好了,什么时候?",中国人为此也会大吃一惊。 "We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner.Why can't we  say pig,bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork,beef or mutton?" Chinese English learners may raise such questions.中国的英语学习者可能会这样问:"我们可以说吃鸡,为什么不能说吃猪、吃牛、吃羊,而要说吃猪肉、牛肉、羊肉呢?"Figuring out the reasons for the peculiar English vocabulary is no easy task for Chinese English learners.对学习英语的中国人来说,为这些特殊的英语词汇找出理由并非易事。But the problem is that memorizing English words mechanically  would be devastating and inefficient if they did not know what had happened in British history.问题在于如果不懂英国历史,死记硬背英语单词毫无效率。Thus learning English(and other languages as  well)involves learning the history of the countries where it is spoken.所以说,学英语(其他语言亦如此)还包括学习使用该语言国家的历史知识。A task of this kind  is more difficult for Chinese English learners than for people who speak a western language other than English because Chinese has nothing in common with the alphabetic English and China had little contact with the Western world in modern history.学习英语的中国人要做到这一点比其他非英语国家的西方人要困难得多,因为汉字和英语这种拼音文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触。Consequently,所以,the background knowledge of English fascinates large numbers of interested  and determined English learners in China but at the same time disheartens quite a few.在中国,英语背景知识既吸引了大量英语爱好者,也使许多人丧失信心。 The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confrontation in learning English.英语学习中,东西方的价值观念是相互冲突的。Native English speakers may complain about Chinese confusion when using "he" and "she",for the two words sound the same,though,different in written forms in Chinese.英语母语的人会混淆汉语中"他""她"的用法,因为这两个字尽管字形不同,读音却相同,他们因此常常抱怨。As a result,some native English speakers conclude that the Chinese are unable to tell the difference between the two sexes.结果有些英语母语的人得出结论,认为中国人不区分两种性别。But native English speakers are more gender blind than the Chinese when they mention their cousins.但是在涉及表亲的时候,英语母语的人更是混淆性别。The confusion caused by the confrontation of Western and Chinese values,东西方价值观的冲突造成的语言上的混淆,to a certain extent,affects the Chinese English learner's comprehension of what he/she reads and hears.在一定程度上影响学习英语的中国人对自己所读或所听到的内容的理解。Only by developing an understanding and tolerance(忍受) of different cultural values can a Chinese English learner reach the goal of communicating with native English speakers.学习英语的中国人只有增加不同文化价值观之间的理解和宽容,才能达到与英语母语者交流的目标。 A Chinese English learner could not have a good command of Eng1ish unless he overcomes the cultural barriers(not all,of course!)in learning English.学习英语的中国人,只有在学习英语的过程中克服文化障碍(当然不可能是克服全部文化障碍!)才能很好地掌握英语。Many Chinese translate what they think about in Chinese into English when they talk or write.很多中国人说话或写作的时候,将自己汉语思维的内容 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 成英语,This kind of English inevitably affects the fluency and flow of speech,the amount of information conveyed,and,above all,the quality of communication.这势必会影响英语表达的流畅、传达的信息量,最重要的是,影响交流的质量。 The above is,not wholly,how difficult English is.尽管不完全,以上就是学习英语的困难。Some native speakers might have said, "You foreigners don't use good English! " at the time a foreigner fails to understand what he is saying.英语母语者被外国人误解的时候可能会说:"你们外国人不懂地道的英语!""Why should l?"I would protest,我要反驳:"我们为什么要懂?"though.Still,I have to keep asking myself:Is it possible for a foreigner to command English?尽管,直到现在,我还要问:一个外国人可能精通英语吗? Text B Learning a Language     学 语 言 Most students would like to know how to learn a language more easily. 大部分学生都想知道如何能够轻松地学好一门语言,Most linguists and language teachers would also like to know this.大部分语言学家和语言教师也想弄清楚这个问题。Linguists are working on this problem in two ways.语言学家从两个方面研究这个问题。First,they are trying to understand how children learn to speak and understand their native language. 一方面,他们致力于弄清楚儿童是如何学会母语、理解母语的。They are also trying to learn how people learn a second language.另一方面致力于研究人是如何学习第二语言的。 Linguists are not sure how children learn to speak.语言学家并不确定儿童是如何学说话的。Some linguists think that children are born with an ability to learn and use a language.一些语言学家认为儿童生来就有学习和使用语言的能力。 This does not mean that they come into the world knowing their native language. 这并不是指一个人的母语是与生俱来的;It means that,along with many other things,they are born with the ability to learn their native language.而是指一个人生来具有学习其母语的能力,这种能力与人在其他方面表现出来的能力是相同的。With just a little exposure to the language,孩子只要与要学习的语言有一定接触,and a little help from their parents,they are able to learn to speak.在父母的些许帮助下就能够学会说话。Another group of linguists does not think this is correct.另外一派语言学家则对此持有异议。 This second group of linguists thinks that children learn to use a 1anguage from their parents.持反对意见的语言学家认为儿童是跟着父母学会使用语言的。They believe that parents teach their children to produce sounds and words in their language.他们认为父母首先教孩子发声、吐字。When children know some words,their parents will begin to teach them to say sentences.当孩子掌握一定词汇以后,父母就开始教他们如何组织句子。These linguists do not think that parents teach their children in the same way that adults are taught a second language.但是他们认为,父母教孩子的方式不同于教成年人学习第二语言的方法。Instead,相反,parents probably teach their children by talking to them and correcting their use of 1anguage. 父母是通过与孩子交谈并纠正他们的语言错误来教孩子说话的。These linguists feel that children learn their language mainly from the environment . 这一派语言学家认为,儿童主要通过语言环境学会使用语言的。 In this case,这种情况下,the environment is their family and their home. 语言环境是家庭和生活环境。As you see,可以看出,the first group of linguists disagrees.第一派语言学家对此并不赞同。 There are some other theories about how children learn a language.关于儿童如何学习语言还有一些其他理论。 Many people are studying the process of language learning by children.This work is being done in many countries.许多国家中有很多人正着手研究儿童学习语言的过程。Linguists are not the only people who are interested in this process.Many psychologists,doctors, and parents are also interested.People who teach foreign languages are interested, too.不仅语言学家,许多心理学家、医生和父母都对儿童的语言学习过程感兴趣。外语教师也对这一过程很感兴趣。 Foreign language teachers are interested in how children learn to speak their native language for a very important reason.外语教师对儿童如何学说母语感兴趣,有其很重要的原因。If they knew how children learn their native language,他们如果知道儿童如何学习母语,perhaps they would have an easy way to teach adults,as well as children, a second language.就可能找到一种简便的方法教儿童和成年人学习第二语言。This is a very interesting idea.这是一种非常有意思的想法。Some foreign language teachers believe that adults learn a second language the same way children learn their native language . 有些外语教师认为成年人学习第二语言的过程和儿童学习母语的过程是相同的。These teachers try to make their students' learning similar to that of children.这部分外语教师模仿儿童学习语言的过程组织教学:These teachers speak only the foreign language in the classroom.课堂上只讲外语,They will not talk to students in the native language.不与学生讲母语。They try to expose them to as much of the spoken foreign language as possible.They do not teach them any rules for using the language.他们使学生尽可能多地接触所学外语的口语形式,不教学生语言使用的规则。Most parents don't teach their children rules for language usage,either. They simply tell them how to say something correctly.Foreign language teachers using this spoken language method do the same thing. 外语教师采用这种口语教法是因为大多数父母在教孩子说话的时候也不教孩子语言使用规则,而只是告诉孩子怎样讲话是正确的。For some students,对一些学生来说,this method is successful.这种方法是成功的,They learn to speak quickly and easily.他们能够轻而易举地、很快地学会所学的语言。They seem to enjoy using the language,他们似乎很喜欢去用所学的语言,and they do not pay much attention to whether they use exactly the right rules for what they say.并不很在意是否使用了正确的语言规则。Some students, however,cannot learn a language this way.Linguists are trying to find another way to teach them a language.另外一些学生则不适合这种方法,语言学家着手寻找一种适合他们的教学方法。 A second method,the rule-learning method,sometimes works better with these students.另外一种方法--语言规则学习法--更适合这部分学生。Some linguists believe that learning a foreign language is different from learning to speak one's native language.一些语言学家认为学习外语不同于学习母语。They feel that students must learn the rules for using the language by memorizing them and must practice saying things in the language and using the rules correctly.学生必须通过记忆来学习语言使用规则,必须练习使用这种语言,练习正确地使用这些规则。These linguists try to teach students the rules of the language they want to learn.语言教师首先教学生要学的语法规则,Then they give them many sentences in the language to say over and over again.再给学生一些例句让他们反复练习,The students are encouraged to make up new sentences,using the rules that they have learned and the words that they know.同时鼓励学生使用所学过的语法规则和他们所掌握的词造句。 Some students are very successful with this second, rule-learning method.一些学生使用这种语法规则学习法效果非常好,They learn the language quite quickly and can use it well.他们学得很快,用得也好。They know the rules for using the language and can speak the language and understand it,too.他们掌握了语言使用规则,能够使用所学的语言,也能够理解别人的话。For many students, this is the best way to learn a foreign language.对一些学生来说,这是学外语最好的方法。For some students, both of these methods may work.对另外一些学生来说,两种方法都行之有效。Sometimes teachers use a combination of these methods in class,有时候,老师在课堂上将两种方法结合起来用,hoping that everyone will be able to learn the language with one method or the other.目的是让每个学生都能受益。Some people can go to a country and "pick up" the language simply from hearing it and trying to communicate in it.有些人能够到国外通过倾听,与人交流等手段自然而然的学会那个国家的语言。 These people are rare.但这毕竟是少数人。 Most people try to learn a language by taking classes and studying it in some way.大多数人还是通过课堂或者其他方式来学语言的。Most teachers will try different ways to help students learn a language quickly and easily.大多数老师也通过不同的教法来帮助学生轻松快速的学会一门语言。Linguists and psychologists are trying to understand how people learn and use a language.语言学家和心理学家正致力于弄清楚人是如何学会并使用语言的。Perhaps language learning will be easier when they have a clear understanding of how people learn and use a language.也许在解决了这个问题之后,语言学习会变得容易一些。 Unit2 Text A  Caught Between Two Cultures 夹在两种文化之间 I was born and raised in Hong Kong. 我是土生土长的香港人。 For the past six years I’ve been living in the United States.六年来一直生活在美国,I work as a  salesgirl in a large department store. 是一家大百货商店的女售货员。Right now I’m  going through a difficult period of my life which is hard for me to talk about.目前我正经历人生中一段痛苦,自己也很难讲述。 A few months ago I went to Hong Kong for a visit.几个月前,我回香港探亲,It was the first time I’d gone back there since coming to the United States.这也是我到美国后第一次回家探亲。I was eager to see my parents,my brothers and sisters,and my friends.我期待着见到我的父母、兄弟姐妹和我的朋友。 I really got a shock when I arrived.到达时,我确实大吃一惊。Hong Kong was not the same city that I left six years ago.香港已经不是六年前我离开时的那座城市了。Things had changed so much that I didn’t recognize parts of it.这儿发生了巨大的变化,一些地方都认不出来了。My elementary school was gone.我读书的那所小学已经不复存在。The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down and replaced by office buildings.曾经住过的那条街上的房子已被拆掉,代之而起的是办公大楼。 The shock from the physical changes in the city,however,was nothing compared to the confusion and hurt I soon began to feel in my parents’ home.但是,我到了父母亲家里不久,就发现了一些令我想不通的问题,情感上也受到了挫伤。与之相比,香港外观上的变化给我的震惊算不得什么。My family greeted me warmly when I arrived.我的家人热情地迎接我回家。While my mother was busy preparing a special dinner in my honor,我母亲特意忙着准备了一顿饭为我接风,the rest of the family eagerly asked me questions about my life in the United States.家里其余的人迫不及待地问我在美国的生活。I felt happy that day and for a couple of days after,那天和之后的几天我都非常高兴。but then I began to feel that something was wrong.但是不久我就开始感觉到事情有些不对劲儿。I noticed that my family,especially my mother, would sometimes glance at me in a strange way when I was speaking.我注意到,在我讲话的时候,我的家人,尤其是我母亲,会以一种奇怪的目光看我。They gradually became less warm and friendly toward me,渐渐地,大家对我疏远起来,不像开始时那么热情、友好了。and I became uncomfortable and confused as to(至于) why they were behaving that way.我感到不舒服,弄不明白他们为什么这样对待我。 I decided to talk to my mother.我决定和母亲谈一谈。She asked me,“Have you forgotten your Chinese way ?” 她问我:“你忘了中国的规矩了吗?”I asked her what she meant.我问她指的是什么。She said.“You’ve forgotten the place of women in a Chinese home.她回答说:“你忘了中国家庭里女人的地位了。You talk when you should remain silent.应该保持沉默的时候,你却在讲话。You speak on matters that are of concern only to men.你就那些只与男人有关的事情发表见解。You speak openly of your inner feelings and desires.你直言不讳你的内心感受和愿望,That’s not the way of a Chinese woman.这不是中国女人的做法。We keep our thoughts and feelings to ourselves.”我们的想法和感情都不说出来。” As my mother spoke,听着母亲这样讲,I realized what had happened to me.我意识到了是怎么回事。American including American women,美国人,包括美国女性,are much freer in expressing their thoughts and feelings.都非常自由地表达自己的思想和感情。Also American women feel as free as men to speak or give an opinion about any subject.美国男女一样,对任何问题都自由地发表见解。They don’t take a silent back seat during a discussion.在讨论中,她们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。I guessed that through my association with Americans during the past six years,我想,过去六年和美国人的交往中,I had gradually adopted some of their ways.我渐渐学了他们的一些做法。 During the next few days I tried to be a Chinese woman.接下来的几天,我尽力作一名中国女性,But it didn’t work.可是没用。My family remained distant from  me.家人和我疏远。They could no longer accept me fully as on e of them.他们无法完全把我当作自己人。I became more uncomfortable and hurt as things were said and done that made me feel that I was an outsider,a stranger in my own country.身在家乡却被视为外人,这使我更加不自在,感觉受到了深深的伤害。 I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States.我提前三周结束了这次探亲,回到美国。But coming back here didn’t lessen the confusion and pain.但是回来之后并没有减轻我的困惑和苦恼。In fact,事实上,I feel more confused than before.我比以前更加困惑,I now feel homeless.感到无家可归。I don’t feel like an American.我感觉自己不是美国人,Americans haven’t accepted me.美国人也不接受我。The women I work with at the  store are polite enough,商店里一起工作的女同事们都对我非常礼貌,but they don’t try to get close to me  or let me get close to them.但是她们不接近我,我也无法接近她们。During the morning coffee break they make plans to have lunch together and go shopping.上午工作休息喝咖啡时她们 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 一起吃午饭,一起购物;On Fridays they talk about the disco place they’re going to that night.星期五她们谈论晚上要去哪家迪厅,They never include me in their plans 。但是从未将我列入她们的计划。My accent,我的口音、my name,and my oriental features mark me as a foreigner.名字和东方人的长相显示我是个外国人。I’ve felt for a long time that I wasn’t being accepted by Americans,but I’d felt that I was Chinese and that my home was Hong Kong.长期以来,我感到自己是中国人,我的故乡是香港,自己不被美国人接受。Now I no longer consider Hong Kong my home.现在我不再将香港视为我的故乡,And so I feel homeless.因此感到无家可归。I’m caught between the old world where I no 1onger belong and the new world which has not yet accepted me.我被夹在两个世界当中——不再属于原来的世界,还未被新世界接纳。 Text B Culture Shock —  The Initial Stresses 文化冲击—最初的压力 My friend Dr.Dong had a wonderful chance to go to Seattle to present a paper at a professional meeting.我的朋友董医生有幸获得了一次去西雅图在一个专业会议上做学术报告的好机会。Having attended my course in Intercultural Communications,已经上过我的跨文化交际课程,he consulted me to review some of the cultural differences he might experience.他请我帮他温习一下他可能遇到的一些文化差异。I also gave him the phone number of a friend of mine who lived in the area.我也把在当地居住的一个朋友的电话号码给了他。When he got back,we met to review his experience.他回来后,我们又聚到一起回顾了他的经历。 Dr.Dong told me that the course information had helped him.董医生告诉我,跨文化交际课上学的东西派上了用场。He experienced the typical stages of culture shock.他经历了文化冲击的典型阶段。He arrived expectant and happy and enjoyed his first days very much.他满怀期待高高兴兴地到了美国,非常愉快地度过了最初几天。At the medical conference,在医学会议上,he felt quite confident of his area of research and was able to perform well in his presentation.他对自己的研究领域颇为自信,而且他所做的发言也相当成功。 But after a few days, 但几天后,he began to feel uncomfortable.他开始感到有些不适应了。 His medical English was fine,他的医学英语不错,but the social interaction skills were different,可是社会交往技能却是另一码事,and he was unsure of the cues and the communication styles.他拿不准那些暗示及交际风格。 He worried more and more that he was misunderstanding simple English greetings and table talk conventions.他焦躁不安,连简单的英文问候语以及餐桌交谈习俗也弄不懂了。When people greeted him with,“Hi,how’s it going ?” 有人用“嗨,一切都好吗?”和他打招呼,he thought they had asked him “where are you going ?” 他以为是问他“你要去哪儿?”,and answered with the name of the conference hall,答之以会议厅的名字,only to get a confused stare from them.结果招来了疑惑的目光。At a western style dinner,在一次西式的晚宴上,a colleague asked,“So how’re you enjoy in ’ the States?” 一位同事问他:“你在美国过得好吗?”he thought he heard,“So how are you enjoying your steak?” 他听成了“你觉得牛排味道如何?”, and answered that he was having chicken,not beef.回答他在吃鸡肉,不是牛肉。That time,his colleague smiled,那次,那位同事笑了,and patiently repeated the question.并耐心重复了他的问题,At last,they both laughed at the error.之后俩人对这个错误大笑一通。 Such failures in understandings and communications were minor.这类误解和交流不畅还是次要的。But for Dr.Dong,但对董医生来说,they were the beginning of a sense of“ cultural confusion”. 它们是“文化困惑”感的开始。By the end of the meetings,在会议快要结束时,he felt a deep sense of“ cultural stress ”and was worn out from having to pay attention to so many new expressions and ways of dealing ([di:l] n.待遇 ) with things.他深深地感到了“文化压力”,为待人接物时那么多的新表达方法和方式而感到精疲力竭。He felt his handshake was not as firm as Americans’,他感到自己握手不如美国人那么有力;found that people reacted反应(常与to连用)unusually when he modestly insisted his English was not good after they complimented him,人们称赞他时,他谦虚地坚持说自己的英语不好,他发现别人的反应异乎寻常;didn’t know how to accept dinner invitations properly and therefor missed out on going to several lunches,and so on.由于搞不清如何适当地接受宴会邀请而错过了几次午餐,如此等等,不一而足。Eventually,he was so bewildered  that he felt the full impact of“ culture shock”. 最终他被搞得不知所措,彻底感受了“文化冲击”。  What is culture shock and why does it occur ? 什么是文化冲击,为什么会存在文化冲击?The term was coined about 50 years ago by a Swedish scholar. 这一术语是大约50年前一位瑞典学者最先创造使用的。 His seminal article ,“Culture Shock; Adjustment to New Cultural Environments ”has been reprinted and revised for many textbooks and magazines.其拓荒之作《文化冲击:适应新的文化环境》为许多教科书及杂志所再版和修订。He called it “the occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad”.他将“文化冲击”定义为“突然移居海外的人所患的职业病”。His use of the word“disease ”is a pun,他用的“disease”这个词是个双关语,because it implies that it is like an“ illness” with its own “symptoms and cure”. 因为它暗示这如同一种“病,有其自身的症状和疗法”,but also that the root cause is also a feeling of “dis-”ease or unsettled uneasiness.而且其根源也是一种(dis)不(ease)适或心神不宁的感觉。 Think back on your own experience.回想一下你自己的经历。Have you ever moved from one context to another  ? 你曾从一个环境迁到另一个吗?  Many students feel this adjustment shock when they change from one school to another,or move from a small town to a big city.很多学生,从一所学校转到另一所,或从一个小镇到一座大城市时,都会感到这种顺应冲击。 The sensations one feels in new surroundings often include:在新的环境下人们的感受经常包括: Feeling like an outsider,feeling unsure of oneself or even feeling stupid;感到像个局外人,对自己没有信心,甚至感到愚蠢;Sensing that one’s language skills aren’t good enough,missing jokes,colloquial phrases,  references to TV shows or pop songs or other cultural“insider”information;感到自己的语言能力不足,领会不了笑话、口语化用语的含义,也搞不懂电视节目及流行歌曲或其他文化“内涵”的信息;Feeling uneasy and unsettled,irritable and increasingly short-tem-pered;感到不适和不安,易激怒并且脾气越来越暴躁;Feeling lonely and wanting to go“home”,feeling more and more like a stranger or outcast;感到孤独并且想要回”家”,感觉愈来愈像个陌生人和被抛弃的人;Feeling overwhelmed,overloaded,daydreaming,staring blankly at things or even staring at nothing;感到不能自持.负担过重,想人非非,失神发呆; Becoming more and more afraid of communicating and of making mistakes,worried anxious.越来越害怕交流和犯错误,担心、焦虑。 These are all symptoms of initial culture shock.这些都是文化冲击的最初症状。With a new context come new ways of doing things.新的环境伴随着新的行事方法。Being uninitiated and unsure of what to do ,people usually have a strong sense of displacement in the beginning.最初若没有积极性并且不知道该做什么,这种移位感通常都很强烈。But the good news is that we humans are very good at adapting.但是好在我们人类很善于调整适应。Though almost all of us undergo some degree of mental stress in this period.尽管在转变过程中都经历了某种程度的心理压力,after a few weeks or months,数周至数月后,we learn how to“read” our new context.我们就学会如何“解读”新环境, We become aware of the new cues,the new expectations,and the new ways of communicating. 逐渐懂得了新的暗示、新的期望、新的交际方法。With some trials (n. 考验,磨难,困难,患难)  and errors(错误),and with a 1ot of patience n.  忍耐with ourselves , 几经磨练,加上自己的耐心,most of us succeed in overcoming culture shock and learn to enjoy our new context.大多数人成功地克服了文化冲击,学会享受新环境。 Dr.Dong’s visit to the US was only three weeks long,董医生的美国之行仅仅3周的时间,but by the end of the five-day medical conference,但未等5天的医学会议结束,he was already starting to feel more confident. 他已经开始感到比较自信了。 Sure he felt a little foolish about some of the mistakes he had made,当然他感到自己所犯的一些错误有点儿愚蠢,but he quickly learned to laugh at his errors and found that his colleagues smiled with him.但他很快就学会调侃自己的过错,并发现他的同事也在向他微笑。This broke down the barriers to communication and helped him build some good professional 专业的relationships.这些消除了交流的障碍,帮助他建立了一些良好的业务关系。And after the conference, he contacted 联系the family I had referred him to and had a very nice time visiting them.会议结束后,他同我提到的那一家人取得联系,并愉快地拜访了他们。There were some new cultural surprises, 在此过程中他又经历了一些新的文化惊奇,but he discovered he could better understand and adapt to them.但他发现他能够更好地了解并适应他们。 By the time he returned to China,回到中国,he was feeling quite positive about this American trip,他感到此次美国之行很有意义,and was glad for the new experiences and new skills it had given him.对此行的新经历和获得的新技能感到高兴。He had become successful in the initial period in a new culture.接触一种新文化的最初阶段,他取得了成功,Though he had gone through some embarrassing culture stresses,尽管经历了一些尴尬的文化压力,each had proven to be a valuable learning experience,但每一次都证明是颇有价值的学习经历,and in the end had helped him overcome his culture shock.并且,最终帮助他战胜了文化冲击。 Unit3 Text A Books   书 Knowledge may be acquired through conversation,watching television or traveling,知识可以通过交谈、看电视或旅游来获得,but the deepest and most consistent way is through reading.但最深入、最经常的途径是读书。If we consider the literate population of the world,如果我们考虑一下世界上受过教育的居民,we may conclude that a few spend their whole lives on academic reading;便可得出这样一个结论:把整个一生用来阅读学术书籍是少数;many read something light for pleasure,多数人只是看些闲书消遣;a few dip into something more serious now and then;时常浏览一些比较严肃读物的人也是少数;while very many men,women and children never advance beyond the sports page of a newspaper,a fashion article or a comic.而更多的男人、妇女和儿童只看报纸上的体育新闻、时装介绍或连环漫画。 If you have learnt to love books as a child,如果从小就学会爱读书,the reading habit will never desert you.那么你会永远保持读书的习惯,But if this has not been your good fortune,但如果你没有这种好运气养成爱读书的习惯,you tend to think of reading as a bore.你就会认为读书是件讨厌的事。A few,but very few,come to the habit late in life.有一些人,为数不多,直到晚年才养成爱读书的习惯。The circumstances which help to set a child on the path to the literary adventure are:有助于使儿童走上读书道路的环境是:a life even barely above real poverty,有一个略高于赤贫生活水平的家庭,so that there is scope in the family for thoughts and activities not wholly devoted to the struggle for making a living;这样的家庭才有机会想些别的而不至于全盘心思为谋生而奋斗;the availability of free books either at home or in a public library;或者家中有书,或者可在公共图书馆借书,做到看书不花钱;and the possession (n.拥有)of a character(n.性格) both curious好奇的 and independent.本人具有求知欲和独立性。 In order to desire to read one must be curious.一个人想读书,必须有求知欲。A few children are able to keep this curiosity and their mental independence alive despite the educational system of their country.少数儿童不论他们国家的教育制度如何,始终能够保持这种求知欲和思想上独立性。But many fail to do so either because of an overstrict system where what is most important is memory work;or because of a careless and lazy one where even the basic disciplines of literacy are ignored in the sacred name of free expression.但多数儿童却做不到这一点,这要么是由于教育制度过于严格,把死记硬背看做天下第一号大事;要么是由于教育制度松散、使人怠惰,在“自由表达”的神圣旗帜下,甚至连读书写字这样的基本要求也被忽视。It is a wonder that at least a few children survive their schooling and emerge as people who can think,people who are open-minded and knowledgeable.堪称奇迹的是,至少有少数儿童竟然没有被这种学校教育所糟蹋,而是脱颖而出,成为善于思考、思路开阔、博学多闻的人。 Thus,various circumstances are not favorable for the reading habit.因此,不利于培养阅读习惯的环境是各种各样的,And we may add to this the worldwide atmosphere of violence(n.暴力) and anarchy(n.无政府状态) ,我们对此还可加一条,那就是遍及全世界的暴力行为和无政府状态——the New Dark Age in which we live today.我们现在就生活在其中的新黑暗时代。Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book.我们很多人再也没有静下来读上一小时书所必需的那种心情了。But it is precisely(adv.精确地)  because of our present现在的  troubles that we should read.然而正是由于当前存在的各种问题,我们更应该读书。How,否则,otherwise,are we to understand the nature of hatred,我们怎能理解什么是仇恨、of cruelty,什么是残酷、of power polities ?什么是强权政治呢? How,otherwise,are we to take a stand on the serious question of individual freedom and authority ?我们怎能在个人自由和权威这类严肃的问题上表明我们的立场呢? How,otherwise,are we to comprehend and perhaps solve these urgent紧急的 problems that face us?我们怎能理解而且可能解决我们所面临的迫在眉睫的许多问题呢? Ideally then,因此,a school system should be one in which the love of learning,理想的教育制度应该培养学生酷爱学习,rather than the acquisition of facts,is cultivated;而不是只是为了获取事实one in which the spirit 精神of enquiry (n.询问) is encouraged.:应该鼓励探索精神。Ideally,family and governmental policy should be to see that we have a great number of books而理想的家庭和政府方针应该保证我们有大量的书籍—any books.——什么书籍都有。 A person with a book is a real person alive on the earth;手不释卷是活在世上真正的人;without a book he is a fool.不然,就是一个傻瓜。 Text B The History of Books  书籍的历史 The first known inventor of printing in Europe was Johannes Gutenberg of Germany.欧洲第一个著名的印刷术发明家,是德国的约翰·内斯·古腾堡。The first book printed in his workshop was a Latin Bible.他在车间里印的第一本书,是拉丁文圣经。A few copies of this first book still exist.第一本书的一些复本现在还保存着,They are now over five hundred years old.已有500多年的历史了。The Gutenberg Bible was printed on a hand press with type made of lead.古腾堡圣经是用手控印刷机在铅字版上印成的。Most of the copies were printed on paper,这些书大多数印在纸上,but a few were printed on vellum 但有几本印在羊皮上。The books are about 12 inches wide and 16.5 inches long.这种书宽约12英寸,长约16.5英寸。 Men who had been trained in Gutenberg’s workshop soon established (vt.成立,建立)  themselves as independent printers.在古腾堡印刷所受过训练的人们,很快就独立开业。By 1 500,到了1500年,about fifty years after the first Bible was printed,大约在第一本圣经印成后50年,more than 30,000 books had been printed.已经印成书30 000册以上,The Bible was still the most popular book.圣经依旧是最流行的书。Other church books were also printed,as were Greek and Latin classics,history books,and astronomy books.此外,还印刷了一些教堂用书、希腊和拉丁的古典名著、历史书及天文学书。 The tools工具 of the first printers were simple and could be moved about easily.最初的印刷工人所使用的工具很简单,搬动起来也很容易。At the end of the fifteenth century there were more than a thousand printers in Europe.15世纪末,欧洲印刷工人有一千多人。Since many people could not read Latin and Greek,由于很多人不懂希腊文和拉丁文, books were soon printed in various languages.不久印刷书籍就包括了各种语言。The printers also began to make the books smaller,印书者开始把书印得小些, So that they could be handled more easily.以便携带起来更容易。Furthermore此外,the printers began to make their books more elaborate 精致的,精巧的),而且他们开始把书印得更精致了, adding pictures and ornamental letters at the beginning of chapters.在每一章之前增添插图和装饰性字母, Gradually the letters of the type were made smaller,finer and more delicate.印刷字母逐渐做得更小、更细、更精致。The letters began to look less like manuscript letters,印刷字母开始看起来和手写字母不同了。and eventually adv.最终,the form of the letters was simplified to the point where they were well—adapted to the metal of the type.字母的形式终于大为简化,完全适合铅字的要求。 Sometimes books were illustrated with用...说明 woodcuts.书籍的插图有时是木刻的。Blocks of wood were carved so that the white parts of the picture were below the surface of the wood.在雕刻标志木头时,图画的白色部分是凹陷的,When the surface was inked and stamped onto paper,在木头的凸出表面涂上墨水,并印在纸上,the dark part of the picture was reproduced.图画的黑色部分就复印出来,The first attempts,of course, were rather crude,当然,起初的试作是相当粗糙的,but eventually the block printers were making meticulous  and artistic illustrations但渐渐地木刻印刷工人刻的插图,就变得既细腻又有艺术性了。Florence,in Italy and Lyons,in France, became famous for their illustrated books.意大利的佛罗伦斯,法国的里昂,都以出版插图书籍而驰名。 In the seventeenth century,great numbers of religious pamphlets were printed.17世纪印刷出版了大量的宗教宣传小册子。These pamphlets were not always neat or artistic because the writers were only interested in spreading their ideas quickly,这些小册子并不总是美观或富于艺术性,因为作者仅仅是为了迅速传播他们的思想,and the readers did not consider the appearance of the book important.读者也觉得书籍的外观并不重要。The art of metal engraving was developed about this time and enabled printers to illustrate their books with pictures of very fine,delicate lines.大约在这个时期,金属雕刻术发展起来,这样一来,印刷者能把他们书中的插图画得非常细腻、精致。The use of an engraving on the first page of a book became popular.在书中的第一页上使用雕刻图饰,成了流行的做法。The quality of the paper improved too.纸张的质量也提高了。 By 1800,到1800年,hand printers could not supply enough books to satisfy 使满意the demand.手工印刷者出版的书已满足不了人们的需要。Books were not printed fast enough when hand-made paper and wooden hand presses were used.用手工纸和木制的手工印书的速度不够快。Fortunately幸运地,幸好,about this time,many machines were invented that aided辅助的 in the mass production of such products as cotton and woolen cloth 这个时期发明了许多机器,促使大量生产诸如棉布和毛料这样的产品。The invention of new types of printing machines and paper machines followed on the heels后跟 of these inventions and helped to speed up the production of books.随着这些发明而来的,是新型印刷机和造纸机的相继发明,这就加速了书籍的印刷和发行。The paper machine produced paper in rolls instead of sheets;造纸机生产的纸,不再以张数计,而是以卷数计了。and the iron hand press enabled激活的 the printer to use larger pieces of paper on which more text could be printed in less time.使用铁制手印机,印刷者能用更大的纸张印书,这样在较短的时间里就能印出大量的书。Finally,the linotype was invented,后来铸字机也发明了,a machine which could cast all entire全部的 line of type at one time.这种机器一次就可以铸造出整整一行铅字。 In the twentieth century,many books have been produced in paperback editions. (版;版本)20世纪,许多书籍都以平装印刷发行。Although these books do not last持续 as long as those with cloth  or leather   bindings ,这些书虽然不如那些用布面或皮面精装的书籍那么经久耐用,they are much cheaper.却便宜得多。Thus,因此,many poor people who could not afford books before,can now buy them.许多过去买不起书籍的穷人,现在也能购买。Today books are available to everyone because they are no longer expensive,今天,书籍人人都可以得到,因为书籍不再昂贵了。they do not take long to produce,书不需要很长的时间就能印刷出来,and,consequently因此,they are no longer rare.因此也不再稀罕了。 Because of this progress进展 in book production,由于书籍的印行发展很快,more and more people are learning to read.愈来愈多的人都在读书。More and more people are now writing books,as well as reading them,愈来愈多的人不仅仅在读书,也在写书。so that the literature of the world is being constantly ad. 经常地,不断地enriched.因此,世界上的著作也日益丰富起来。 Unit4 Text A Don’t  Let  Anger Get the Best of You  别让怒火击溃你 You’re late for a job interview when traffic slows to a crawl.交通阻塞,车辆缓慢地爬行,你因此而面试迟到;In the supermarket,a customer wheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you in the express checkout line.超市里你排在快速结账口,有个推着满满一车货物的顾客正好插在你前头;You spend months on a project,and your lazy colleague gets the promotion.为一个项目,你耗费了几个月的心血,而结果你那懒惰的同事得到了提升。 Do you feel angry ? 很恼火是吧?Before you lose your temper,take a deep breath and remember this:在你怒火爆发之前,深吸一口气,记住:Anger hurts.怒气伤身。Studies have found that high levels of anger and hostility are related to greater risks of heart disease,poor immune responses,and even a tendency to get fat.一个又一个研究表明,怒火冲天及产生敌对情绪会增加患心脏病几率、免疫系统衰竭,甚至还有发胖的危险。Men with high levels of anger were three times more likely to develop heart disease than the calmer,a Harvard School of Public Health study found.哈佛大众健康研究院的一项研究表明:怒气冲冲的男性得心脏疾病的可能性要比脾气温和的同龄人高出3倍以上!And in women, arguments with spouses raise hormone levels and lower immunity至于女性,与配偶争吵会增加荷尔蒙分泌而降低免疫力,—a real problem,这是个严重的问题,since  lower  immunity may raise women’s risk of cancer.因为免疫能力降低会加剧女性患癌症的可能性。 It doesn’t seem to matter whether you  release [ri'li:s] the anger or hold it in,experts say.专家指出,发泄或抑制怒气,其后果没什么两样, The effects on your health are the same.两者对健康造成的影响是一样的。“Anger is anger, ”says Redford Williams,M.D.,director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Duke University Medical Center and coauthor of the book Life Skills.“Both are harmful to health.” “生气就是生气,两者都对健康构成危害。”杜克大学医学院行为药物研究中心主任、《生命的技巧》的合著者医学博士莱德福·威廉姆斯这样说。 The good news is that it is possible to control your anger.乐观的消息是,愤怒可以控制。“By evaluating (评估)it and using different techniques,you can calm down(平静下来),”Williams says.“对整件事做出评价,然后,通过使用各种方法,你可以让自己不再生气,”威廉姆斯说,“That’s what’s nice about us humans.“这也是人类的奇妙之处:We can always do something or not do something to change our behavior.”我们总能做些什么或不做什么来改变行为。” Take Stock对自己进行一次预测或评估 Many people who are angry don’t recognize themselves as angry, according to Knoxville Psychologist Richard Driscoll.诺克斯维尔的心理学家理查德·杰斯科尔认为,许多发火的人都不承认他们在生气。He suggests that you ask yourself these questions to measure your anger quotient:他建议你可以问自己如下几个问题来判断发怒的程度:Do you feel that you are frequently时常 mistreated (被虐待)by others ? 你是否觉得别人经常待你不好? Do you often consider考虑 minor inconveniences to be personal attacks against you ? 是否经常把一些小的不方便看做对你个人的攻击?Do you complain often ? 你时常抱怨吗?Do you exaggerate (夸大,vt.)the actions of others or take their insults personally ? 你有没有从主观出发夸大了别人的行为或对你的冒犯? On the road,在路上驾车时,do you  frequently  curse( [k[:S] 诅咒)other drivers,是否频频咒骂别的司机to the point that driving has become unpleasant?以至于驾车成了一件很不愉快的事? Keep a Record保留 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 To get a better sense感觉  of what makes you mad,如果要更好地了解是什么触怒了你,keep a journal of situations that make you angry.就准备一本日记,记下你是在那些情况下生气的。 Reflect(反省,回顾)on why they set you off and make you feel mistreated.再回想一下为什么当时那些事情会激怒你或让你觉得别人待你不公正,Ask yourself honestly whether your anger is justified.诚实地问问自己发火是否有正当理由。By writing down feelings and situations,当把这些感受和情形写下时,you’ll  become more aware  of (知道)the events (事件,复数形式)that make you angry and maybe even avoid them.你会对让你生气的事情了解得更透彻,或许能避免这种事情再度发生。 Change or Accept改变或者接受 When you feel anger welling up,当你开始觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,take a change-it or accept-it approach.采取“改变它”或是“接受它“的策略。If,for example。your neighbor’s garbage is fluttering into your yard yet again,比如,你邻居家的垃圾又一次落到了你的院子里,it’s time to put your problem—solving skills into motion.是时候把你解决问题的技巧变为实际行动了Calmly discuss [di'skQs]the situation,and look for ways to change it.——和邻居平静地谈一下情况并寻找改变这种情形的办法。 If you can’t do anything about the situation如果你对有些事无能为力—the rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene (现场) ——一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去work to put your anger on hold right then and there.一要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。Accept that you can’t do anything about it,接受你对此毫无办法的事实。take some deep breaths,做几次深呼吸,and move on to  something else.将注意力转移到别的地方去。 Don’t Take It Personally不要片面主观 How many times have you said to yourself.“That shouldn’t have happened to me” or “I don’t deserve(vt.应受,值得) that”? 有多少次你对自己说类似“这不应该发生在我身上”或者“我太委屈了”之类的话? Such thinking can easily set off angry feelings.这种想法很容易引爆内心的不快情绪。But smart people realize that,sometimes,the water-on-the-back-of-a-duck approach is the best way to deal with many of life’s unfair treatments.不过聪明人知道,生活中总有太多不公平,有时候逆来顺受是最好的处理办法。 “Many of us have a God-like or little-kid-like thought that we shouldn’t be imposed on,defeated, or have things happen to us,”Deffenbacher says.“我们中有不少人有着神一般的,或者说是像小孩子一样不现实的想法,认为别人不能强加于我们什么,我们不该有挫败感,不能让某些事在我们身上发生,”丹芬班齐博士说。“That’s a high-level demand.“那样要求太高了。The fact is that you cannot avoid the unpleasant things that happen to you.” 事实上,总是会有不愉快的事情发生的,躲也躲不掉。”The better able you are to accept that,the less angry you’ll be.你越能接受它们,也就越不会动不动发脾气。 Stop Dwelling on the Past别再沉湎于过去 If you still remember a minor infraction n.违犯long after it happened,如果你对一次已经过去很久的小挫折依然耿耿于怀,it’s time to forget it.是时候释怀了。Life has moved on,and so should you.生活还在继续,你也该向前看。Practice understanding people who have done you minor wrongs.尝试着去理解那些曾对你不公正的人,Think of the problems as having been caused by the situations,not the people.试想这些问题是由环境造成的,而非人为因素。If it’s a more serious matter,如果情节比较严重,such as childhood abuse or an unfaithful spouse,例如儿童时期受到虐待或配偶对你不忠诚,consider seeing a doctor to help you work through and release the pain,says a psychologist.可以考虑去看几次心理医生,让他帮助你解脱痛苦,走出阴影。 Adjust Your Routine调整你的习惯 If you’ve been keeping track痕迹,轨迹  of  your anger,如果你留意自己发火的过程,you know what sets you off.你便会知道怒气的源头在哪里,Use that information信息 to avoid upsetting压平 situations情况,情形.掌握了这点就可以避免碰上这种会让你生气的情形。For instance,  例如,if you know that the grocery store is crowded on weekends,你知道食品杂货店到周末往往挤满了人,shop after work.那就索性平时下班后去购物。By avoiding frustrating挫折的 situations,you avoid anger.躲过了这种让人烦恼的场面,你也就可以少恼怒一回。 Finally,最后,the ways you react to upsetting(心烦意乱的)situations and express your anger come from a combination of several factors(因素),你对令人心烦的事物的反应及表达怒气的方式都要来自于一些综合因素,including genetics,up— bringing(教养),and culture.如遗传、所受过的教育及文化环境等。Your response also varies according to your mood and even how tired you are.当然,你的反应也会因心情或疲劳程度的变化而变化。 Fortunately,令人庆幸的是,angry people can learn to become happy people.易怒的人可以学着成为快乐的人。“We just have this personality type that sometimes gets us into trouble,” “很多人生来就是这种脾气,有时会让自己陷入麻烦,”williams says. 威廉姆斯说, “You’ll  always have that tendency to get angry.这种人就是容易动怒。But you can probably control it to keep it from damaging your health.” “但或许可以将这种秉性加以控制,以致它不会危害健康。” Text B The Art of Listening        倾听的艺术 There is no point in talking,however assertively,if no one is listening and,conversely,no point in listening if we are not truly attentive to others,if we are not analyzing the content of their communication and if we are not assessing how their tone of voice,manners,facial expressions and so on,add meaning to the words they use. 如果没有入倾听,无论您如何满怀信心地交谈都没有意义,反之亦然。如果我们根本没有真正关注对方,没有分析对方所传递信息的内容,没有评估对方的语调、风格、表情等因素怎样添加言辞含义,那么倾听也就没有什么实际意义了。 Think about everyone's basic rights.How can you show respect for others if you do not give them your full attention-actively listen to them--hearing them out rather than impatiently waiting for your turn to talk.Don't you expect the same of others-to be listened to and taken seriously ? Yet I'm sure you'll agree that few people have good listening skills.It's quite easy to become distracted by our own thoughts about what we're going to do or say next. 请考虑一下每个人拥有的基本权利。如果根本没有全神贯注地倾听对方讲话,而是极不耐心地等待时机发表自己的见解,您如何能够表明对他人的尊重呢?难道您就没有与他人同样的期望吗?希望他们能认真地倾听自己讲话。我相信您一定也认为很少有人具备良好的倾听技能。由于一直思考自己下一步行动或者该说什么,这十分容易使人分心。 0ne reason for discussing listening here is because of concerns expressed by people attending assertiveness courses, many of whom are helped by improving their listening skills.For example,non-assertive。 people who are shy often find it difficult to begin conversations with others,especially on social occasions when they feel they have no aptitude for small talks. 我们在这里讨论"倾听",因为许多参加过自信力培训的人都对"倾听"较感兴趣,非常关心。其中许多人通过提高倾听技能而获益匪浅。例如:缺乏自信的人往往比较害羞,他们常常觉得难以同他人沟通,尤其是在那些他们认为不适宜闲谈的社交场合。 Many people find it relatively easy to communicate on a professional level,on which the content of conversation is technical,technological or business oriented,but have difficulty in stepping from behind their desks and chatting with superiors,co-workers,clients and customers on a more personal level.On training courses participants previously unknown to each other will soon talk together about work-related issues-common obiectives --but some keep silent during refreshment breaks where social chitchat is required. 许多人发现专业知识交流往往相对容易,因为大家谈论的是技术、科技或商业问题。但是,他们却难以走出工作环境,与上司、同及客户进行更加个人化的沟通。培训中,原本彼此不相识的受训者迅速开始交流与工作相关的问题,即共同目标,但在课间休息应进行一般社交性的闲谈时,他们却保持沉默。 Concentrating on others--finding out their experiences,beliefs and attitudes-is the way forward.Active listening can really help you know more about them and establish a basis for solid communication . 密切地关注他人,了解他们的经历、信念与态度,这是一种推进交流的方式。积极倾听确实有助于您深入了解他人,并为有效的沟通奠定基础。 At the other end of the pole are the "hort fuse brigade",who find that differences of opinion too often escalate into aggressive outbursts。It this is your tendency,you too will benefit from paying more attention to others.Here too,listening is of paramount importance . 另一个极端是"脾气暴躁族",他们发现观点的不同经常渐渐演变成带有攻击性的勃然大怒。如果您性格中具有这种倾向,也会通过更加关注他人而受益无穷。同时注意一点,倾听依然至关重要。 Then there are the non-assertive individuals whose self-confidence plummets when others don't listen to them.Well,admit it,haven't you ever been made to feel inadequate or bored when others interrupt you in order to express their own views,or change the subject before you've finished speaking ? How do you cope with people who continually interrupt, or whose topic-hopping makes it virtually impossible for you to maintain a dialogue ? How do you stop your boss when he is in full flow,to explain that you are unsure of something he has said ? 某些缺乏自信力的人往往会因为他人没有倾听自己的讲话而失去信心。不妨承认这一点,当某些人打断您的讲话、表达他们的观点或在您没有讲完之前就转移了话题时,您是否感到对方比较失礼或讨厌?如何应对那些频繁打断您讲话或不断转变话题,以至让您几乎无法继续讲活的人呢?您如何在经理滔滔不绝地讲话时打断他,讲明自己对他所说的某些内容还不太清楚呢? First,let's examine the situation of those who have a communication block because of a lack of social assertiveness. 首先,我们来看看那些因缺乏社交自信力而存在沟通障碍者的困惑所在。 Rule Number One:far better to be a good listener than a person who talks a lot but has nothing to say! Second rule:by watching carefully,listening attentively and questioning skillfully,your attention will be drawn away from your self-consciousness. 规则之一:做一名优秀的倾听者远远胜过口若悬河、漫无边际地;交谈规则之二:仔细观察、认真倾听和有效地提问,您的专注力将脱离自我意识。 If the person with whom you wish to start a conversation is un- known to you,you could always begin with a non-threatening statement to "test the water"—something like.''There are more people here than I expected."The other's response and general attitude will show whether he wishes to open communication with you.If you are given the green light,continue by asking questions to establish common ground. Let me give an example: 如果并不认识那位您想与之交流的人,您随时可以通过一种不带有任何威胁性的语气来"投石问路",例如"想不到来了这么多人!"对方的回答及总体的态度将说明他是否希望与您交谈。如果对方发出了愿意交谈的信号,您就可以通过继续提出其他问题来确定基本氛围。请看下面的例子: Anxious party-goer:I work with Mike.Are you a friend of his? Stranger:Yes,we play badminton together. Still anxious party-goer:That's interesting;I used to play a lot. Which courts do you use? Now casual acquaintance:The ones at the Pickstaff Leisure Center at Bratford. More relaxed party-goer:What do you think of the Leisure Center? Acquaintance:I think it's gone downhill since the latest takeover. We used to book courts a week in advance。have a drink afterwards-a good evening out. Relaxed party-goer:What's it like now then? Possible new friend:Well,take what happened last week.We had our game as usual and then. Generally,people like to talk about themselves and their experiences.Listen attentively and you will realize that they also offer free information on which you can build. 急切的社交聚会常客:我是迈克的同事,您一定是他的朋友吧? 陌生人:对,我们经常在一起打羽毛球。 依然急切的社交聚会常客:太有趣了,我以前也经常打,你们在哪个场地打球? 一般性的熟人:布拉德福德的匹克斯达夫休闲中心。 相对放松的社交聚会常客:您觉得那个休闲中心如何? 熟人:我认为那里自从被接管之后已经每况愈下了。以前,我们可以提前一周预定球场,然后去酒吧,这样就可以很轻松地度过一个晚上。 轻松的社交聚会常客:现在那里怎么样了? 潜在的新朋友:嗯,就拿上周来说吧,我们像往常一样去打球,之后…… 通常,人们喜欢谈论自己和自己的经历。通过积极倾听,您一定会意识到他们还会提供其他一些您感兴趣的信息。 In the above example,at first the stranger reveals that he plays badminton.Now a person Who talks rather than listens could go on to bore the new acquaintance with his new experiences of playing the game.Instead he chooses to offer some free information of his own -"I used to play a lot"- which provides the acquaintance with an opening later if he chooses to follow it up.He then goes on to ask,"Which courts do you use",which shows an interest and invites the acquaintance to give more detail.His next question."What do you think of the Leisure Center?" further opens up the communication process.Note that he asks" What do you think..."rather than "What's the Leisure Center like?" The latter would tell him about the Leisure Center;the former gives information about the acquaintance's views,opinions,feelings,etc.Thus,relation-ships are built,not by lengthy self-disclosure,but by listening attentively and showing a genuine interest in the other person. 在上述例子中,陌生者首先表示自己喜欢打羽毛球。这时,急切的社交聚会常客本可以积极地向这位刚刚结识的朋友述说自己打羽毛球的经历,而不倾听。但他选择了提供某些随意性的信息:"我以前经常打!"这样就为对方奠定了继续这个话题的基础。然后,他继续提问:"你们在哪个场地打球?"这就等于告诉对方自己比较感兴趣并要求对方继续提供一些详细信息。下一个问题:"您觉得那个休闲中心如何?"进一步启动了沟通程序。注意其提问方式,"您觉得那个休闲中心如何?"而非"那个休闲中心如何?"后面的一句将介绍该休闲中心的有关情况,前面的一句则将介绍这位朋友的观点、看法与情感等信息。这样一来,没有通过长时间的自我介绍,而是通过积极倾听和表明对对方的关注。双方就建立起了一定的关系基础。 Unit5 Text A The Most Important Day in My Life    我一生中最重要的那一天 Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in,and the great ship,tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore? 你曾经在浓雾茫茫的时候到过海上吗?那时会有这样的感觉,周围是白茫茫的一片,什么也看不见。轮船焦急万分又小心翼翼地摸索着靠近海岸。I was like that ship before my education began,only I had no way of  knowing how near the harbor was.开始接受教育之前,我就好像是那条船,只是不知道海岸还有多远。 The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher,Anne Mansfield Sullivan,came to me.我的老师--安妮·曼斯菲尔德·萨莉文小姐来到我家的那一天,是我一生中最重要的日子。I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects.每当我回想起正是那一天连接了我生活的两个完全不同的阶段时,心中就感慨万端。It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old.那是1887年3月3日,再过三个月,我就满七周岁了。 On the afternoon of that exciting day,在那个激动人心的下午, I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen,我从妈妈的活动和家里人们的忙乱中猜到要有什么不平常的事情发生。so I went to the door and waited on the steps.我走到门口,在台阶上等着。 I felt approaching footsteps.我感到有人朝我走来,I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand.以为是妈妈,就伸出了手,Someone took it,有个人握住它,and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things to me,and,more important than that ,to love me.把我拉了过去,紧紧地抱在怀里。这个抱我的人,就是那个将为我揭开生活的帷幕,也将把她满腔的爱倾注给我的人。 The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll.第二天上午,老师把我领进她的小屋里,给我一个洋娃娃。When I had played with it a little while,玩了一会儿后,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word"d-o-l-l".萨莉文小姐在我的手掌上慢慢地拼写着''洋娃娃"这个单词。I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it.我对这个手指游戏非常感兴趣,尽力照着去做。When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was filled with childish pleasure and pride.最后终于成功地把这个单词拼对了,自己非常高兴和骄傲。Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll.我下楼向妈妈跑去,伸出手指,拼出了"洋娃娃"这个单词。I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed;当时我并不知道我在拼写单词,甚至也不知道单词的存在,I simply made my fingers go in monkey-like imitation.我只不过用手指像小猴子般地模仿老师。In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many words.among them,后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的方法,我学会了拼写很多单词,"pin","hat","cup",and a few verbs like "sit","stand'' and "walk".其中有"别针"、"帽子"、"杯子"和几个动词,比如"坐"、"站"、"走"等。but my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。 One day while I was playing with my new doll,那天,我正在玩一个新洋娃娃,Miss Sullivan gave me my old doll,too.萨莉文小姐把以前那个旧的也给了我,She then spelled"d-o-1-1"and tried to make me understand that"d-o-1-1"applied to both.然后她拼写出"洋娃娃",想让我明白"洋娃娃"这个词对两个东西都适用。Earlier in the day,那天早些时候,we had a struggle(n.斗争;争斗)  over the two words "m-u-g" and "w-a-t-e-r".我俩就一直在做"杯子"和"水"两个词的文章,Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it on me that "m-u-g'' is ''mug'' and "W-a-t-e-r'' is "water",她想让我明白"杯子"就是"杯子","水"就是"水"。but I persisted in mixing up the two.但我总是弄混,I became impatient and, seizing the new doll,I dashed it on the floor,我烦了,抓起那个新洋娃娃,摔到地上, breaking it into pieces.成了碎片。I was not sorry after my fit of temper.我发脾气之后,一点也不后悔。In the dark,still world,I had no strong sentiment for anything.在这个黑暗、寂静的世界中,我对任何东西都没有太深的感情。 My teacher brought me my hat,老师给我拿来帽子,and I knew we were going out into the warm sunshine.我知道要出去沐浴和煦的阳光了。We walked down the path to the well house.我们顺着小路向井房走去,Someone was drawing water,有人正在打水,and my teacher placed my hand under the spout.老师把我的手放到出水口上. As the cool stream gushed over one hand,当清凉的水流过我的一只手时,she spelled into the other word water,她在另一只手上写出了"水"这个单词,first slowly,then rapidly.先是慢慢的,然后逐渐加快。I stood still:我一动不动地站着,my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger.全神贯注地感觉她手指的动作。Suddenly I seemed to remember something I had forgotten——a thrill of returning thought ——and the mystery of language was revealed to me.突然,我好像记起了某些我已经忘掉的东西,觉得一种过去的印象又回到了头脑中。从此,语言对我不再神秘,I knew then that the "w-a-t-e-r"  meant that wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand.我明白了"水"就是那股清凉的、奇妙的、从我手上流过的东西。 That living word awakened my soul and set it free.这个活生生的词唤醒了我的灵魂,打开了我智慧的窗户。 I left the well-house eager to learn.我离开井房,急切地想学更多的东西,Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought.任何事物都有自己的名称,每个名称都给我带来了一个新的概念。  As we returned to the house,  every object which I touched seemed to be full of life.回家的路上,我触摸到的一切都充满了生命的活力,That was because I saw everything with a strange, new sight that had come to me.这是因为我以一种陌生的新眼光来看待一切。0n entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.走进家门,我想起了摔碎的洋娃娃, I felt my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together.摸索着向那堆碎片走去,想把它们弄在一起,没有成功。Then my eyes were filled with tears , 这时,我跟里噙满了泪水,for I realized what I had done,and for the first time I felt sorry.因为我意识到我做错了事情,而且,第一次觉得后悔。 I learned a lot of new words that day.那天,我学会了很多生词。It would have been difficult to find a happier child than me when I lay in my small bed that night and thought of the joys that day had brought to me,夜里躺在床上,想起了白天的欢乐,我觉得世界上几乎没有比我更幸福的孩子了。and for the first time I longed for a new day to come.有生以来,我第一次向往新的黎明的到来。 Text B    He Led a Useful Life     有价值的一生 Benjamin Franklin would seem right at home among us if he were alive today. 如果本杰明.富兰克林还活着,我们会对他很熟悉。In fact,he did a lot to shape our way of life.事实上,他做了许多对我们的生活方式发生重大影响的事情。Right now you are probably nodding your head and thinking,"Oh,yes-we learned all about old B.F.in the fifth grade".你可能会立刻点头说:"对,是的,我们在五年级的时候就知道富兰克林的故事了。But let's see whether you really know "all about him"."但是-让我们来看一下,你是否真正"完全了解他"。 You probably know that he was a stout old fellow with a bald head who flew a kite with a key fastened to it and signed the Declaration of Independence.你或许知道他是位健壮的秃顶老人,曾经把钥匙系在风筝线上,还签署了《独立宣言》。All that is true,这都是真的,but there is a lot more to know about this man who had so many useful ideas and served his country in so many different ways.但是关于他还有许多事情有待我们了解,他还有许多有价值的想法,并为自己的国家在许多方面做出了贡献。 Franklin had a practical mind.富兰克林擅长实践, When he saw a problem,he tried to do something about it.一旦发现问题就立即着手解决。The houses of Philadelphia were built of wood and easily caught fire.费城的房子都是木制的结构,很容易着火。Neighbors tried to help each other,but they could do little to save a burning house.一发生火灾,即使邻里之间都来帮忙救火,也作用不大。So Franklin organized a fire-fighting company.因此,富兰克林就组建了一个消防公司。Philadelphia's fire loss became so low that the first fire-insurance company in the United Sates was soon set up there.这大大降低了费城的火灾损失,这使美国第一家火灾保险公司得以很快成立了。Ben Franklin was one of its directors.富兰克林担任了其中一个部门的经理。He also persuaded the city to pave and light its streets.他还说服市政府为城市铺设道路并安装路灯。Again,the fact that people had trouble keeping their houses warm in winter set Franklin's active mind to work.此外,富兰克林活跃的思想甚至使他还考虑如何解决人们冬天房间取暖困难这一问题。He decided that the big fireplaces were to blame.他判断出问题出在大壁炉这儿,Because they were set deep into the wall.因为壁炉深深地砌在墙里, they did not let enough heat reach the middle of the room.热量不能充分散发到房间里。So he drew  some plans and hired an ironworker to make the potbellied Franklin stove.于是他就画了一张设计图,并雇铁匠按图纸铸造了一个大肚子的炉子--被称为富兰克林炉子。It stood in the middle of a room and threw off heat in every direction.把炉子放到房间中央,这样热量就能向各个方向散发了。 He did not patent the invention.富兰克林没有申请发明专利,He was too busy with his discoveries to bother with making money.因为他总是忙于发现新问题,根本无暇顾及挣钱。Although he was a wealthy man by the time he was forty-two,虽然四十二岁时,他已经是位富翁了,money by itself did not interest him.但并不是金钱本身使他感兴趣。He valued it because it enabled him to retire from business.他在乎钱是因为有了钱他就不至于为了谋生而忙碌不止,Then he had time to spend on other things that seemed more worthwhile.他就能摆脱繁琐事务的羁绊把精力投入到他认为更有意义的事情上。What he really cared for most of all was science.他真正喜欢的是科学本身。 Franklin was always trying to answer the question:富兰克林一直在试图回答这么一个问题:What makes things act the way they do? 是什么使物体按照各自的规律运行?At that time learned men  were puzzled被动,过去式 about electricity.当时知识界都对电的现象迷惑不解。They wondered whether it was in some way like the lightning in a thunderstorm.人们猜测这是不是像雷雨时闪电一样。It might be,可能如此,but how could you prove it--by coaxing (v.哄,耐心使……) some electricity down his kite string.但怎样证实呢?富兰克林证实了这一问题--他通过风筝线把闪电从天空导下来。That act made him famous in America and Europe.这使他一下子名声响誉欧美。But,of course,Franklin did not stop here.但是,富兰克林当然不会就此止步。He found a way to  make the knowledge useful:he invented the lighting rod.他发现了利用这一知识的方法:那就是避雷针。 Franklin would gladly have spent the rest of his days in quiet study and research.富兰克林很高兴把余生的时间投入到安静的学习和研究中。But he was a very important person now,and the country needed him for public service.但是,他当时已经是位重要人物了,国家需要他为公众事业服务。 Disagreement between the colonies and the British was becoming quite serious.Pennsylvania needed a representative in England.随着殖民地与英国本土之间矛盾的加剧,费城需要一位驻英国的代表。Would Dr.Franklin accept the  post ? He would.富兰克林会接受这个位置吗?他接受了。He went to London and stayed there for more than ten years.他来到英国并且一呆就是十多年。He did his best and might have helped to delay the war.他竭力避免战争的爆发。But both sides were too angry to reach agreement.但是双方都怒不可遏,难以达成协议。 Franklin returned home just as the Revolutionary War began,就在独立战争爆发前,富兰克林回到了美国,arriving in time to sign the Declaration of independence.及时地赶回来签署了《独立宣言》。 He was now seventy years old and his health was not good.当时他已经七十多岁了,而且身体情况很不好。He would gladly have settled down at home.他很高兴能回家安享晚年。But America needed help from France to carry on the war,但是,美国要继续这场战争必须取得法国的支持,and she asked Dr.Franklin to win this help.这需要富兰克林博士去赢得支持。 He answered."I am like a worn-out piece of carpet.If there is one corner left which can be useful to my country.I will be honored."他答复到:"我就像一条破旧的地毯,哪怕有一个残留的角能有益于我的祖国,我也感到万分荣兴。" His first step was to "turn over" all his money as a loan to the Congress.他采取的第一步措施就是把自己所有的积蓄都作为贷款交给了国会。He wanted to prove his faith in the new American government and encourage others to support it.他想以此来表明他对国会的信任,并鼓励他人支持国会.Then he set sail for France.然后他启程来到法国。 In Paris,Franklin was warmly welcomed.在巴黎,富兰克林受到了热烈的欢迎。Although he was a simple man,he was a shrewd diplomat.他虽然单纯直爽,但同时又是位精明的外交官。He spoke very poor French,but he always chose the right words for the occasion.他法语讲得并不好,但总是能针对不同的场合选择最恰当的语言。He finally persuaded King Louis of France to declare war on England.最后,他终于说服路易国王对英国宣战,That was an important achievement.这是一项重大的成就。It was only with the aid of  the French fleet that Washington was able to win the war and American independence.只有在法国舰队的援助下,华盛顿才能率领美国人民赢得这场战争并取得美国独立。 Benjamin Franklin returned to America.本杰明富兰克林回到了美国。He was very old now,and in poor health.他已步入垂暮之年,身体状况很差。But still he did not settle down and retire to his comfortable home.但他并没有就此停下来,引退回到舒适的家中。He sat through the long arguments on the terms of the Constitution.他坐着听完了关于宪法条款的长时间的争论。Twice,the meetings would have failed if he had not helped the delegates to agree.如果不是他帮助代表们达成一致,有两次会议都要以失败而告终。 Ben Franklin died in 1790 at the age of eighty-four.本杰明富兰克林于1790年逝世,享年84岁。He had spent all his adult life helping people.他倾尽毕生的力量来帮助他人。Years before,he had told his mother that that was his aim.早在多年前他就曾对母亲表达了自己的愿望。When he died he did not want people to say,"He died a rich man."All he hoped was that people would remember him and say,"He led a useful life."他不希望人们在他死后评价说:"他死的时候非常富有。"他所希望的是人们会记着他并说:"他的一生是有价值的。" Unit6 Text A The British Educational System     英国的教育体系 All over the world,the mention of English education suggests a picture of“public schools”, 一提起英国教育呈现在人们面前的往往是一幅“公学”的画面,and it suggests in particular the names of certain very famous instructions—Eton,Oxford and Cambridge;特别是一些著名的教育机构——伊顿、牛津、剑桥等;but People do not  always  realize what place these institutions occupy in the who1e educational system.但是人们往往不了解这些机构在英国整个教育体系中所占的位置。Oxford and Cambridge are universities each haying about 12,000 students out of a total of over 250,000 students at all British universities.牛津和剑桥两所大学分别拥有大约12 000在校生,而全英在校大学生的总数超过250 000。Eton is a public school,and the best known of the public schools.伊顿是所公学,也是最著名的公学。which,in spite of their name,are not really public at all,尽管名字叫公学,其实并不是真正意义上的公立学校, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age thirteen to eighteen years.而是所独立的私立中学。它只招收13-18岁的男孩。The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education;实际上,公学仅仅是英国整个中学教育体系中的一小部分;only about one out of forty English boys goes to a public school,and one out of 1,500 goes to Eton.在英国仅有1/40的男孩能进入公学读书,而1 500个中只有1个能上伊顿公学。Apart from the so-called public schools there is a complete system of state primary and secondary education.除了所谓的公学之外,英国还有一套完整的国立小学、中学教育体系,which resembles in general the state education in most other countries.这同大部分国家的国立教育大体相似。A11 children must, by law , receive fulltime education between the ages of five and sixteen.法律规定所有5~16岁的孩子必须接受全日制教育,Any child may attend,without paying fees, a school provided by the public authorities, and the great majority attend such schools.任何孩子都可免费到由政府当局开办的学校读书。They may continue,still without paying fees,until they are eighteen.大部分孩子都上这类学校,并且可以一直读到18岁。In presenting an overall picture of English education it would be reasonable to concentrate on the state system alone and refer briefly to the public schools.要全面介绍英国的教育,应单独集中介绍其国立教育体系,同时简要介绍其公学教育。However,a1though the public schools are not important numerically,然而,尽管从数量上讲公学所占的地位不算重要,they have been England’s most peculiar and characteristic contribution to educational methods and they have an immense influence on the whole educational practice and on the English social structure.但它对英国的教育方法做出了最特殊、最具特色的贡献,对整个英国的教育实践和社会结构产生了重大的影响。For a hundred years most men in leading positions in banking ,insurance ,high finance,some industries ,the army,the church and conservative politics have been educated at public schools.近百年来在银行、保险、高级金融、工业、军队、宗教、保守政见等领域的顶尖人才大都曾在公学接受过教育。Things are beginning to change but it will take time.尽管近来情况开始有所变化,但短时间内变化还不明显。Among the universities Oxford and Cambridge hold a dominant position.牛津大学和剑桥大学在大学教育领域处于领先地位。Of cabinet ministers who went to universities,nearly all went to one or the other of these two,and to Oxford in particular.读过大学的内阁大臣中几乎都上过这两所大学中的某一所,特别是牛津大学。 A student who receives further full—time education after the age of eighteen, either at a university or at a teacher’s training college or at some other college giving training of a special type,can usually receive a grant from the public authorities to cover his expenses,or most of them,unless his parents have a large income.学生满18岁后,若要进一步接受全日制教育,可以选择读综合性大学、教师训练学院或者其他提供专门培训的学院。政府当局通常可以提供给学生助学金以支付其全部或大部分学费,除非学生的父母收人很高不需要资助。But the number of young people who can enter universities is limited by the capacity of universities, which is less than enough to take all the young people who have the basic qualifications for university admission.但是由于受到大学容量的限制,上大学的青年人的数量是有限的,这些大学的数量不能容纳下所有具备基本入学资格的学生。In practice,therefore,entry to universities is competitive.因此实事上,上大学是有竞争性的。But university degree courses are also available at polytechnics,and entry to the Open University is less restricted.但是学生还可能选择上工科学院的学位课程,而且上函授大学所受限制则小得多。 The academic year begins after the summer holidays and is divided into three“terms”. 每学年的开始从暑假后的学期算,并且分为三个“学期”, with the intervals between them formed by the Christmas and Easter holidays.由圣诞节、复活节两个假期间隔开来。The exact dates of the holidays vary from area to area.各学校的具体放假时间因地区差异而不同,being in general about two weeks at Christmas and Easter,大致上圣诞节、复活节各两周的假,plus often a week or more at Whitsun,and six weeks in the summer,beginning rather late.加上通常一周或更长一点的圣灵降临节假期和六周的暑假,暑假开始得相当晚。Schools outside the state system decide on their own holiday dates,不受国家教育体制限制的学校自行决定放假时间,generally taking a month off at Christmas and Easter and eight weeks in the summer .通常是圣诞节、复活节各放一个月,暑假放八周。The three terms are not everywhere called by the same names;这三个学期在不同的地区叫法不完全一样。indeed some schools call the January—March period“the Spring Term”, 实际上一些学校称一至三月学期为“春季学期”,others use“Spring Term”for the period  April—July.另外一个称呼是称四至七月学期为“春季期”。Some call the January term“Winter term”(which is logica1).others call it“Easter Term”.  一些地方称一月学期为“冬季学期”(这是逻辑上的叫法),而有另外一个称呼则是“复活节学期”。 Day-schools mostly work Monday to Friday only.from about 9  a.m.to between 3 and 4 p.m.大部分日校周一至周五上课,大约从早晨九点上到下午三点或四点。Lunch is provided and parents pay for it unless they prove to the authorities that they cannot well afford to.学校通常提供午饭,但学生父母要付钱,除非他们向官方证明自己负担不起。All primary school children,including those in independent schools,were given milk free of charge until 1970 when the Government abolished this benefit.所有的小学包括私立学校都向学生提供免费的牛奶,直到1970年政府取消了这一福利。 Text B       Higher Education in the United States 美国的高等教育 In the United States,a student who has finished high school may want to continue in higher education.在美国,一名中学生高中毕业后,如果想继续接受高等教育,There are several ways to continue in higher education in the United States.他可以有以下几种选择方式:There are universities,  colleges,community colleges,and technical or vocational schools.综合大学、四年制学院、社区学院、职业或技术学院。Each of these kinds of higher education will be described below.对这几种高等教育方式,下文将分别加以介绍。 A university is much larger than a college. It is larger for two reason.综合大学比四年制学院规模大,表现在两个方面。First,a university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it. 首先,美国综合大学通常设有若干个学院。 Each college within a university  has a special subject area.每个学院都有专门的学科领域。 There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities, social science ,natural science, and mathematics are taught.一般设有文学院,开设的课程有人文学科、社会科学、自然科学和数学等。There may be a college of education where students learn to be teachers.也可能设有教育学院,学生可以在这里通过学习成为教师。There may be a college of business where business subjects are taught.也可能设有商学院开设商业课程。All of these colleges may be part of one university. 所有这些学院可能仅占一所综合性大学的一部分。Sometimes,in a university,each college is called a“school”:“The School of Liberal Arts”,“The school of Business”or“The School of Education".有时,综合大学内的每一个学院都可被称为学院:文学院、商学院、教育学院。Second,a university always has programs for advanced or graduate study in a variety of subjects.其次,综合大学总是设有多种学科的高级专业学院或研究院,There may be a medical school,a law school,and other advanced programs.比如医学院、法学院或其他高级专业学院等等。 Students in the United States must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, to enter one of the colleges in a university.在美国,学生要入综合性大学的学院学习,必须有高中毕业证或者具有同等学力。Most students have completed  regular high school programs.大部分学生都完成了正规的高中教育课程,Some older students may have the same amount of education even though they have not completed high schoo1.一些年龄大的学生尽管没有完成正规的高中学习,但也接受了同等程度的教育。These students have the equivalent of a  high school degree.这些学生具有高中同等学力。 University students may study for an undergraduate degree in the arts or sciences.大学学生可以通过学习获得理学或文学的本科学位。If they complete a course of study in the arts,they receive Bachelor of Arts degrees.In the sciences,they receive B.S.degree.如果完成了文科的课程学习将获得文学学士学位,理科的学生将获得理学学士学位。Students may leave university at this time,or they may choose to go on for a graduate or professional degree.大学毕业后,学生可以离开学校或选择继续攻读研究生学位或专业学位。 A university may get money for its expenses from several different sources.综合大学经费的资金来源可有以下几个方面。It may get some money from the state government.If so, it is a publicly funded university.若是依靠政府提供资金,就是公办大学。It may get money only from private sources:也有的学校资金依靠私人来源:contributions ,tuition(fee for teaching),investments,and other sources.捐献、学费、投资及其他来源等等,If this is the case.it is a privately funded university.这种类型的学校是私立大学。Finally,a university may be funded by a religious group.另外一种类型的就是靠教会支持的大学。 A university program for undergraduates usually takes four years.综合性大学本科教育计划通常是四年。In this way,a university and a college are alike.这一点和四年制学院相似。College students usually spend four years in school also.学院的学生通常也要在学校渡过四年的时间。A college,however,usually has only one or two kinds of programs.但是四年制学院通常仅有一到两种类型的课程计划。A college does not have graduate or professional programs in a variety of areas.学院在各种领域不设研究生或专业课程教育。 A college is also like a university in the kinds of students it has.在学生类型上,四年制学院的和综合性大学的差不多。College students,like university students,usually have a high school diploma when they enter college.同综合性大学的学生一样,四年制学院的学生在入学时通常都有高中毕业证。If a college student completes a course of study in the arts,he or she receives a Bachelor of Arts degree.如果四年制学院的学生完成了文科的课程学习,也获得文学学士学位。In the sciences,the students receive A Bachelor of Science degree.理科的学生获得理学学士学位。If college students want to continue for a graduate or professional degree,they must go to a university.如果四年学院的学生想继续攻读研究生学位或专业学位,必须到综合性大学去。 The college is usually funded in one of the three ways.四年制学院经费来源通常也不外乎上文所列的三种方式。It may be publicly or privately funded.Or,it may be funded by a religious group.可能是公立的也可能是私立的,或者可能是教会资助的。 Compared to universities and colleges,community colleges in the United States are quite different.在美国,社区学院同综合性大学和四年制学院相当不一样。The programs of study in the community college usually last only two years.Many different subjects are taught in the community college. but not all subjects.社区学院一般是两年制,并开设许多不同的课程。Not all of the subjects are taught in the community college. Not all of the subjects are the usual school subjects.有些课程是平常学校所不开设的。The community college may give courses in dental(of the teeth)technology,auto mechanics,sewing。and many other nonacademic subjects.社区学院可能会开设牙科技术、汽车机械、缝纫及其他一些非学术性课程等,The community college may also have courses in the regular academic subjects like science,math,languages,literature, and other courses in the humanities.也开设一些常规的文化课程,比如像自然科学、数学、语言课、文学及其他一些人文学科等。 Many different types of students study at community colleges.社区学院内有各种类型的学生。Not all students have a high school diploma.有些学生没有高中毕业。Many students  are adults with children,and sometimes with grandchildren,of their own.许多学生都是有孩子的成年人,有时候有些学生都有孙子了。The community college serves the community,社区学院为社区服务,and anyone who lives nearby may go.住在社区附近的任何人都可以入社区学院上学。 When community college students complete a two-year program,they receive an associate of arts or associate of science degree.社区学院的学生完成两年制学业后可以获得准文学学士学位或准理学学士学位。They may then go to a college or university for two more years to get the bachelor’s degree.然后他们可以到综合大学或学院继续上两年以获得学士学位。However,the student may get a job instead,or just stop going to schoo1.也可能就停止上学,开始工作了。 Community colleges are nearly always publicly funded,by the state, country,or city government.社区学院几乎都是由州、县、或市政府出资成立的。They are not usually funded by religious groups.一般不由教会资助。 The community college gives training for a variety of jobs,and also has all academic program.社区学院为各种类型的工作提供培训,同时也开设文化课程。The technical or vocational school,however, has only job training.但是职业技术学校只进行工作培训,Its programs may last a short time or a long time.时间可能短也可能长。Some programs take six months.有些培训期要要半年,while other programs may take two years or more to complete.有些可能要两年甚至更长。 Students in the technical or vocational school may have a high school diploma. 有些职业技术学校的学生已经高中毕业Many,however,do not have the diploma.,但是大部分没有高中毕业证。Many people go to a technical or vocational school instead of going to high schoo1.When they complete their training,they may be able to get a good job right away.许多人选择读职业技术学校而不是高中,结束培训后可能会立即找到一份好工作。 The technical or vocational school provides training for work in areas such as electronics,carpentry,plumbing,and others.职业技术学校为一些工作领域提供培训,比如电子、木工、水管装修等等。 The technical or vocational school may be funded in any of the ways already described.职业技术学校经费来源可能是上述资助方式中的任何一种。It may be publicly or privately funded,or it may be funded by a religious group.它可能是公办的也可能是私立的,或者可能是由教会资助建立的。Other sources of money for this kind of school are trade unions or charity organizations.这类学校的其他资金来源还有工会或慈善组织。 Students who have finished high school,and even some who do not go to high school may choose from these four kinds of higher education in the United States.在美国,高中毕业的学生甚至一些不想上高中的学生可以从这四类高等教育方式中选择一种。High school students who want further academic or professional training may go to a college or university.想进一步接受学术或专业教育的高中学生可以上综合性大学或四年制学院。Students who want both academic and nonacademic training may go to the community college.学术和非学术性的培养都想接受的学生可以上社区大学。Students who want to get job may go to a technical or vocational schoo1.想早工作的学生可以上职业技术学校。Students may choose the kind of higher education that they like best.学生可以从中选择他们最喜欢的高等教育方式。 Unit7 Text A Christmas  圣诞节 Christmas is a  religious holiday.圣诞节是个宗教节日,It is celebrated on December 25 as the birthday of Christ.每年12月25日基督生日,人们欢庆圣诞。Most churches  have Christmas Eve services.大多数教堂都举办圣诞夜宗教仪式,The services usually begin just before midnight on Christmas Eve and end early Christmas morning.这些仪式一般从圣诞夜开始,一直持续到圣诞节大清早。 It was not until the 4th century that the church in Rome began to celebrate Christmas.直到公元4世纪,罗马教堂才开始庆祝圣诞。Midwinter festivals had always been celebrated by many peoples.各族人一直都在冬天欢庆节日。The approach of the winter time,as the days grew shorter and colder and the sun seemed to threaten to disappear entirely, was a time of fear.冬天是个让人害怕的时节,天变短了,变冷了,太阳好像有全部消失的危险。But the shortest day also meant that winter was leaving and that ahead were spring,但白天最短也意味着冬天即将离去,春天就要来了,the warmth of the sun and the return of vegetation to the fields.温暖的阳光,田野里植物返青也不远了。 Christmas is a family holiday.圣诞节是个家庭节日。Stores,post offices,banks,and businesses close for the day.店铺、邮局、银行、商行都要关门。Schools and colleges close between Christmas and New Year’s Day.中小学和大学在圣诞和新年间放假一周。People stay at home and spend the time with their families.人们在家里和家人团聚,Everybody tries to come home for Christmas.每个人都努力赶回家过圣诞。 People send cards or Christmas greetings to their families and friends.人们给家人和朋友寄上贺卡,表达圣诞的祝福。Some families send and get dozens of Christmas cards through the mail.有些家庭要通过邮局寄送和接收成打的贺卡,They wish their friends“ A Merry Christmas’’and“A Happy New Year”.祝愿朋友“圣诞快乐”、“新年快乐”。 The day before the vacation begins,放假的前一天,schools have Christmas parties and programs.学校要举行圣诞聚会,表演节目。The children sing Christmas songs and recite Christmas poems.孩子们唱圣诞歌曲,朗诵圣诞诗篇,They trim their Christmas trees with strings of colored lights. 用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。They put glass ornaments on the trees.They throw little pieces of white paper over the trees and put white paper or a white sheet around the feet of the trees,so that they seem to be covered with snow.他们把玻璃装饰品挂在树上,把白纸片撒在树上和周围,用白纸包住圣诞树的底部,仿佛白雪皑皑。Sometimes they hang Christmas cookies and little candies around them.有时,他们也挂上圣诞点心和糖块。 The use of mistletoe as part of Christmas decorations in private houses is common in the United States.美国家庭普遍用榭寄生作为圣诞节装饰的一部分。A spring is fastened to a chandelier in the living room and the youths regard it as their privilege to kiss any pretty young girl who wittingly or unwittingly stands under it.把一个弹簧系在起居室的枝形吊灯上,小伙子们把亲吻有意无意地站在树下的漂亮姑娘看做他们的特权。Kissing under the mistletoe originated in Britain in the early 17th century.这一风俗源于17世纪的英国,The custom was for a berry to be removed from the bough every time a girl was kissed under it.最初是这样的:每当树下一个姑娘被亲吻时,人们就会从圣诞树枝上拿走一个浆果,When all the berries had been removed the kissing came to an end.浆果拿没了,亲吻活动也就结束了。 Little children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve near their beds,小孩在圣诞夜把长筒袜挂在床边,and they believe that when they are asleep,他们相信睡着的时候,Santa Claus will come to visit them.圣诞老人就会来看他们。He comes down from the North Pole and drives a big sled.圣诞老人驾着大雪橇从北极来, In the sled are toys for all the good children.雪橇上放着给好孩子准备的礼物。Eight little reindeer pull the sled there through the air.八头小驯鹿在空中拉着雪橇,Santa gets out when he comes to the roof of the children’s house.到孩子家房顶时,圣诞老人走下雪橇,He comes down the chimney with a bag of toys.背着大口袋,顺着烟囱到屋里。If the children have been good。要是孩子表现好的话;he will fill their stockings with candies。他就会用点心、水果、玩具塞满长筒袜。fruits and toys,and he also puts some toys under the tree.树下,圣诞老人也放些玩具。 On Christmas morning,圣诞节清早,children look into their stockings.孩子们看各自的长筒袜内有什么,They open their Christmas packages and examine their gifts.他们打开圣诞包,.看收到了什么礼物。Usually the whole family has a big Christmas dinner in the afternoon or evening.一般来说,在下午或晚上,整个家庭要好好地吃顿圣诞家宴。The Christmas dinner,which is similar to the Thanksgiving feast,这顿家宴和感恩节的宴席差不多,is traditionally  distinguished  by a plum—Pudding  dessert.传统的特色是要有葡萄干、布丁甜食。 Sometimes American families trim trees outside their homes.有些美国家庭也要修剪装饰户外周围的树,They put electric lights in a tree growing near the door and at night,they turn on the lights. 在门口的树上挂起电灯,晚上打开电灯。 Many towns have very large Christmas trees set up outdoors in the parks.许多城镇在公园内的露天场地上都竖起很大的圣诞树。 In many rural sections of the country and in sections of some cities,在一些乡间和城市的地方,candles,placed near the windows,人们把蜡烛放在窗口,light the paths of singers who go from house to house singing.为挨家挨户唱圣诞歌曲的歌手照明道路。
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