首页 1基层中医药适宜技术卷试卷



1基层中医药适宜技术卷试卷1基层中医药适宜技术卷试卷 仪陇县银山卫生院 基层中医药适宜技术培训考试 时间: 年 月 日 单位: 姓名: 得分: 一 单项选择题,下面有四个答案,在括号内填入正确答案。总分45分,每题3分。 1、青黛散外用主治:( C) A,积滞 B.痛经. C.痄腮. D.泄泻. 2、针刺中脘可治:( A) A,胁痛. B.感冒. C.咳嗽. D.中风. 3、风寒咳嗽选用中成药:( D) A,羚羊清肺丸. B.川贝枇杷膏. stator. Rotor installed in the...

1基层中医药适宜技术卷试卷 仪陇县银山卫生院 基层中医药适宜技术培训考试 时间: 年 月 日 单位: 姓名: 得分: 一 单项选择题,下面有四个答案,在括号内填入正确答案。总分45分,每题3分。 1、青黛散外用主治:( C) A,积滞 B.痛经. C.痄腮. D.泄泻. 2、针刺中脘可治:( A) A,胁痛. B.感冒. C.咳嗽. D.中风. 3、风寒咳嗽选用中成药:( D) A,羚羊清肺丸. B.川贝枇杷膏. stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put C.二陈丸. D.通宣理肺丸. 4、风寒感冒主证:( B) A,发热、咽喉疼痛、痰黄粘稠. B.鼻塞、时流清涕、痰清稀色白. C.年老或体虚、恶风寒、或发热、倦怠无力 D.发执恶风、头身困重、胸脘痞闷.A,发热、咽喉疼痛、痰黄 粘稠. 5、痰湿阻肺选用中成药:(C ) A,羚羊清肺丸. B.川贝枇杷膏. C.二陈丸. D.通宣理肺丸. 6、风热感冒主证:(A) A,发热、咽喉疼痛、痰黄粘稠. B.鼻塞、时流清涕、痰清稀色白. C.年老或体虚、恶风寒、或发热、倦怠无力 D.发执恶风、头身困重、胸脘痞闷. 7、视物眩转,头重如裹,胸闷恶心食少多寐,属那种证型眩晕。 (D ) A,肝阳上亢. B.心脾两虚. stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put C.肝肾不足 D 、痰浊中阻 8、饮食停滞胃痛证型选用中成药(C ) A,三九胃泰颗粒. B.四君子汤. C.保和丸. D.附子理中丸. 9、脾胃虚寒胃痛证型选用中成药( D) A,三九胃泰颗粒. B.四君子汤. C.保和丸. D.附子理中丸. 10、八纲辨证中,哪一种是总纲:( C) A, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,里. B.寒,热. C.阴,.阳 D.虚,实. 11、中医病脉有多少种:( C) A,20. B.15. C.28. D..27. stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 12、寒凝血瘀型痛经使用中成药:( A) A,艾附暖宫丸. B.益母草膏. C.元胡止痛片. D.宁坤养血丸. 13、浮脉的特点:( A) A,轻取即得. B.. 浮大满指 C.浮散无力. D.浮大中空 14、固摄作用是哪一和物质的功能(B ) A,血. B气. C.津液. D.痰液 15、痰饮的形成与哪三脏密切相关(C ) A,心,肝,肾. B.心,肺,脾. C肺,脾,肾. D.肺,肝,肾 二、填空题。总分30分,每空1分。 1、中医区别于西医的主要特点(辨证论治、整体观念。) stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 2、五行是(金木水火土)五种物质的运动。 3、瘀血致病特点:(疼痛,肿块,出血,其他方面) 4、中医六腑是指:(胆,胃、大肠、小肠、膀胱、三焦)。 5、中医奇恒之府指:(脑、髓、骨、脉,胆、女子胞)。 6、中医六淫是指(风、寒、暑、湿,燥、火)? 三、简答题,总分25分。 1什么是扶正、祛邪,(5) 2、简述拔罐的四种方法,(10) 3、简述中医的望诊包括那些内容,(10) stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put
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