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上汽乘用车公司潜在供应商评审表上汽乘用车公司潜在供应商评审表 Potential Supplier Assessment BB WB 潜在供应商评审表 SUPPLIER DATA 供应商资料 ASSESSMENT DATA 评审资料 Name 名称: Assessment Date评审日期: Address地址: Assessed by 评审人: Chem 化工类 Elec 电器类 Commodity: Met 金属类 PT 发动机 Assessor Phone No. 零件类别 评审员电话: Product 产品: Overa...

上汽乘用车公司潜在供应商评审表 Potential Supplier Assessment BB WB 潜在供应商评审表 SUPPLIER DATA 供应商资料 ASSESSMENT DATA 评审资料 Name 名称: Assessment Date评审日期: Address地址: Assessed by 评审人: Chem 化工类 Elec 电器类 Commodity: Met 金属类 PT 发动机 Assessor Phone No. 零件类别 评审员电话: Product 产品: Overall Rating Score 得分率: ______ Fax No.传真: Phone No.电话: Supplier Contacts : 联系人 Position : 职位: Result 评审结果: ____________ SQE Manger 批准: Approved by 批准: RESULTS评审结果 Questio Point Corrective Action O/L-Date ns N/A不适Score No. Element要素 问题 分数 评审建议&总分统计 用项 1 Management Responsibility 管理职责 4 评审建议: 2 Quality System 质量体系 10 3 Contract Review 合同评审 1 4 Design Control 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 控制 4 5 Purchasing 采购 6 6 Product Identification and Traceability 1 产品标识及可追溯性 7 Process Control 过程控制 14 8 Inspection and Testing 检验和试验 5 9 Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment 4 检验,测量和试验设备 10 Control of Nonconforming Product 2 不合格品的控制 11 Corrective and Preventive Action 3 预防和纠正措施 12 Handling, Storage, Packaging and Delivery 4 搬运,储存,包装及交付 13 Internal Quality Audits 内部质量审核 4 评审总分: 14 Product Quality and Delivery Performance产品质 5 量和供货业绩 应得总分: 15 Training 培训 4 16 Techanial Assessment(Black Box)技术评审(BB) 百分比: (7) Total总计 78 注:评审总分为实际得分;应得总分为除不适用项项数*5分满分的理想得分; 百分比为评审得分/应得总分的比率 SM-P-2801-3 第1 页 共15页 POTENTIAL SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT REPORT 潜 在 供 应 商 评 审 报 告 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 管 理 职 责 ELEMENT 1 要 素 1 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 1.1 供方是否使用正式的形成文件的全面的业务 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,包括短 期和长期目标和 计划,Does the supplier utilize a formal, documented, comprehensive business plan that includes short-term and longer-term goals and plan(s)? 1.2 对从事与质量有关的管理,执行及验证工作的人员是否规定了他们的职 责,权限和相互关系, 并形成了文件, Has the responsibility, authority, interrelationship of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality been defined and documented? 1.3 数据和资料的发展趋势是否与下列几个方面进行比较 , Are trends in data and information compared with: 业务目标的实现,并转化为可操作的信息以支持: Progress toward business objectives, to lead to appropriate action to support: , 优先解决与顾客相关的问题? development priorities for resolving customer problems? , 确定关键的与顾客相关的趋势determination of key customer related trends? , 竞争对手Competitors; , 适当的目标厂家Appropriate benchmarks. 1.4 Financial Stability. 财务状况 暂不评分 Credit Rating. 信用等级 TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 QUALITY SYSTEM 质 量 体 系 ELEMENT 2 要 素 2 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 1、是否已获得VDA6.1、QS9000、ISO/TS16949第三方的质量体系认2.1 证,Has the supplier acquired VDA6.1, QS9000, ISO/TS16949 or other third part quality system certifications? 质量手册的每个要素是否都有足够的程序文件(第二层次)支持? 2.2 Are there adequate supporting procedures (level 2) for each element of the quality manual? SM-P-2801-3 第2 页 共15页 质量策划过程是否与质量体系的所有其它要求相一致, 并以适当的形式形成 2.3 文件, 是否适当考虑了与下列活动有关的质量体系要素: Is the quality planning process consistent with all other requirements of the quality system, documented in a suitable format, and does it consider as appropriate the elements of the quality system that address: , Identification and acquisition of all inspection & production/service resources? 确定并配备所有检验和生产/ 服务所需的资源 , , Conducting design and process feasibility studies? 进行设计和过程可 行性的研究, , Updating and maintenance of all quality control and inspection methodology? 更新并保持所有质量控制和检测手段, , Identification of suitable verification at appropriate stages? 确定在适 当阶段进行合适的验证, , Production, installation and servicing processes which directly affect quality. 直接影响质量的生产,装配和服务过程 , , Preparation of control plans and FMEA’s? 制定控制计划和失效模式及 后果分析(FMEAs), , Review of standards and specifications? 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 评审, 在项目管理/先期质量策划方面是否具有足够的经验,并在项目实施过程中2.4 能有效的运用, Does the supplier have enough APQP experience and be capable of implementation? 在项目管理/先期质量策划方面是否具备足够的组织、人力资源和设施支持2.5 项目的实施, Does the supplier have sufficient organization, human resource and infrastructure for APQP to support the program? 项目管理/先期质量质量策划的要求是否同样运用于其二次供应商, 2.6 Does the supplier demand APQP for Tier II supplier? 是否采用了适当的防错技术,应包括但不限于在过程, 设施,设备和工装的 2.7 策划及在解决问题过程中使用 , Are mistake proofing techniques utilized where appropriate, which include but are not limited to planning of process, facilities, equipment and tooling, and in problem resolution? 控制计划是否按顾客要求包括了样件,试生产和生产三个阶段, 2.8 Do control plans cover three phases: prototype, pre-launch and production, as required by the customer? 当发生下列情况时, 控制计划是否进行适当的评审和更新, 2.9 Are control plans reviewed and updated as appropriate when any of the following occurs: , Product or process changes 产品或过程变更, , Processes are found to be unstable or non-capable发现过程不稳定或 能力不足 , , Inspection method, frequency, etc. is revised? 检验方法, 频次等发生 改变, 是否有证据证明在质量(延伸至产品特性),服务(时间安排和交付)和价格方2.10 面实施了持续改进以利于所有顾客? Is there evidence of continuous improvement in quality (extending to product characteristics), service (timing and delivery) and price, that benefit all customers? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 SM-P-2801-3 第3 页 共15页 CONTRACT REVIEW 合 同 评 审 ELEMENT 3 要 素 3 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 3.1 在签订生产某种新产品合同前, 是否分析并确定了制造该产品的可行性, 并形成文件(以小组可行性承诺形式), Is manufacturing feasibility investigated, confirmed, and documented, (team feasibility commitment form) prior to contracting proposed products. TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 DESIGN CONTROL 设计控制 ELEMENT 4 要素 4 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 4.1 如未经顾客声明放弃,是否具备下列条件: Do the following exist, if not waived by the customer: , Appropriate resources and facilities available to use computer aided design, engineering and analysis? 为开展计算机辅助设计,工程和 分析 工作提供适当的资源及设施, , If CAD/CAE is subcontracted, has the supplier provided technical leadership? 如果CAD/CAE被分包 ,供方是否提供技术支持, , Are CAD/CAE systems capable of two way interface with customer systems? CAD/CAE 是否有能力与顾客的系统双向接口, , Design FEMAs for Quality assurance in the product design & CAE (analysis) results, 是否针对产品设计及CAE分析结果进行 DFMEA, 4.2 是否有记录证明在设计的适当阶段,由适当部门的人员按设计计划进行正 式的文件化的设计评审, Are there records of formal documented design reviews by the appropriate functions conducted at appropriate stages of design per the design plan? 4.3 当顾客要求时,供方是否有全面的样件计划, When required by the customer, does the supplier have a comprehensive prototype program? 4.4 是否进行性能试验(适用时考虑并包括寿命,耐久性,可靠性)以跟踪预期 的 完成情况及符合性, Is the performance testing (that considers and includes as appropriate life, durability, reliability) tracked for timely completion and conformance? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 SM-P-2801-3 第4 页 共15页 PURCHASING 采 购 ELEMENT 5 要 素 5 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 5.1 对分承包方的评价和选择是否以他们满足质量体系和质量保证要求的能力 为依据, Are subcontractors evaluated and selected based on their ability to meet quality system and quality assurance requirements? 5.2 是否建立并保存认可的分供方质量记录 ,PPM和批次合格率表现如何, Are quality records (4.16) of acceptable subcontractors established and maintained? 5.3 是否对分承包方提出100%按时交付的要求 ,及时性表现如何, Is 100% on time delivery a requirement of the subcontractors? 5.4 是否仅允许已认可且具备质量能力的二次供应商供货,Does the supplier only permit approved and qualified Tier II supplier to deliver? 5.5 原材料/外购件的管理是否做到先进先出、防损伤、储存时间控制、有 序、清洁、标识完整, Does the supplier develop a management system of FIFO, anti- damnification, controlled storage time, order and clean, complete sign for raw material and purchased parts? 5.6 是否具备不合格品的隔离仓库, Does the supplier have isolated storage for rejected products? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY 产 品 标 识 和 可 追 溯 性 ELEMENT 6 要 素 6 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 6.1 当顾客要求时,可追溯性是否得到保持并加以记录, Is traceability maintained and recorded when required by the customer? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 4 要素总分 PROCESS CONTROL 过 程 控 制 ELEMENT 7 要 素 7 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 7.1 受控状态是否包括使用合适的生产,安装和服务设备并安排适的工作 环境, 适宜的环境包括但不限于承诺保持有序,清洁和完好状态, 是否有通过ISO14001环境管理认证证书,是否有通过环境管理“三同 时”验收报告, Do controlled conditions include use of suitable production, installation and servicing equipment, and suitable working environment including but not limited to maintaining premises in a state of order. Cleanliness and repair? SM-P-2801-3 第5 页 共15页 7.2 是否建立了有效的, 有计划的预防性维护系统以标识关键过程设备,提 供适当的 资源,这个系统是否至少包括 : Is there an effective planned preventive maintenance system that identifies key process equipment, provides appropriate resources, and includes at a minimum: - A procedure describing planned maintenance activities? 描述计 划性维护活动的程序 , - Scheduled maintenance activities?定期的维护活动 , - Predictive maintenance methods? 预见性的维护方法 , - A procedure providing for packaging and preservation of equipment, tooling and gauging? 为设备,工装和量具提供包装和 防护的程序 , - Availability of replacement parts for key manufacturing equipment? - 随时可得到关键生产设备的备件, - Documenting, evaluating and improving maintenance objectives? - 文件化,评估和改进维护目标, 7.3 是否为所有负责过程操作的人员提供了文件化的过程监视和作业指导 书, 这些指导书来源于产品质量先期策划和控制计划(APQP)参考手册 或其他等效文件, 在工作岗位是否易于得到作业指导书? Have documented process monitoring and operator instructions derived from the sources listed in the Advanced Product Quality Planning and control Plan reference manual, or equivalent sources, been prepared for all employees having responsibilities for operation of processes and are they accessible at the workstation? 7.4 必要时, 过程监视和作业指导书是否包括或参考了以下内 容, Do process monitoring and operator instructions include or reference, as appropriate: , Operation name and number keyed to process flow diagram? , 过程 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 图中重要的作业名称和编号, , Part name and part number? 零件名称和编号, , Current engineering level/date? 现行工程等级/日期, , Required tools, gauges and other equipment? 所需工具,量具和 其他设备, , Material identification and disposition instructions? 材料的标识和 处置指导 书, , Customer and supplier designated Special Characteristics? 顾客 和供方规 定的特殊特性, , SPC requirements? 统计过程控制(SPC)要求, , Relevant engineering and manufacturing standards? 相关的工程 和制造标准, , Inspection and test instructions? 检验和试验指导书, , Reaction plan? 反应计划, , Revision date and approvals? 修订日期和批准, , Visual aids? 目视辅助, , Tool change intervals and set-up instructions? 工具更换周期和作 业准备指导书, 7.5 供方是否通过实施且符合控制计划,过程流程图,测量技术,抽样计 划和当未满足接收准则时的反应计划来保持或超出PPAP时批准的过 程能力或性能, Does the suppler maintain or exceed the process capability or performance as approved by PPAP through the implementation and adherence to the control plan, process flow diagram, measurement technique, sampling plans and reaction plans when acceptance criteria is not met? 7.6 是否具有合适的生产机器和设备(机器能力、工艺参数保证), Does the supplier have appropriate machine and equipment? SM-P-2801-3 第6 页 共15页 7.7 批量生产中所使用的检验、测量、试验设备是否定期校准并能有效的 监控产品质量, Does the supplier calibrate inspection, test and measuring equipment used for mass production and monitor product quality effectively? 7.8 生产和检验环境是否明亮、清洁、有序并符合安全要求, Is the plant and test room clean, clear, in order and meet the requirement of safety? 7.9 是否按产品的“控制计划”在生产过程中严格执行, Does the supplier proceed strictly according to Control Plan in production? 7.10 生产开始时是否实施相应的认可程序(设备点检、首件检验), Does the supplier implement approval procedure( machine inspection, first part inspection) 7.11 生产现场是否使用SPC、缺陷收集卡、工艺参数记录卡或其他原始数 据卡,Does the supplier use SPC, Non-Conforming collection worksheet, process parameter record and other original statistics? 7.12 生产现场物流标识是否清楚表明产品的加工道序和加工状态,保证不 混批不混料, Are the process and status clearly marked to ensure no mix of materials and batchs? 7.13 生产现场的合格品、不合格品、返工返修件、剩余料是否分开存放和 标识? Are eligible products, rejected products, reworked parts and spare raw materials on site stored and marked separately? 7.14 生产现场零件搬运储存的器具/设备是否与产品/零件特性相适应, Does the moving and storing tool/equipment fit for product/part’s characteristic? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 INSPECTION AND TESTING 检 验 和 试 验 ELEMENT 8 要 素 8 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Notes Score 8.1 供方是否能够确保未按质量计划和/或形成文件的程序进行检验或验证合格 的产品不投入使用或加工(紧急放行除外), Does the supplier ensure that incoming product is not used or processed (except for urgent production purposes), until it has been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to specified requirements in accordance with the quality plan and/or documented procedures? 8.2 对未经验证投入生产的材料是否有明确标识并做好记录, Is positive identification provided and recorded for material used in production but not verified? 8.3 供方是否按质量计划(控制计划)和/或形成文件的程序对产品进行检验试验, Does the supplier inspect and test product as required by the quality plan (control plan) and/or the documented procedures? 8.4 供方是否能够在所要求的检验和试验完成或必需的报告收到和验证前, 不将 产品放行, 除非有可靠的追回程序?(见4.10.2.3)? Does the supplier hold product until the required inspections and tests have been completed or necessary reports have been received and verified, except for release under positive recall (see 8.5 当供方使用独立/商业性的实验室时,他们是否经过认可, When the supplier uses independent/commercial laboratories are they accredited? SM-P-2801-3 第7 页 共15页 TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 INSPECTION, MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT 检 验、测 量 和 试 验 设 备 ELEMENT 9 要 素 9 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 9.1 每一台设备是否都按规定的周期并对照与国际或国家承认的基准有已知有 效关系的设备进行校准,是否有适宜的环境, Is each piece of equipment calibrated at prescribed intervals, against certified equipment having a known valid relationship to internationally or nationally recognized standards, and in the correct environment? 9.2 检验,测量和试验设备的校准过程是否包括以下内容 : Does the process for calibration of inspection, measuring and test equipment include the following: , Type of equipment? 设备型号, , Unique identification? 唯一性标识, , Location? 地点 , , Frequency of checks? 校验周期 , , Check method? 校验方法 , , Acceptance criteria? 验收准则 , , Corrective action? 纠正措施 , (N/A) 9.3 供方能否确保检验,测量和试验设备在搬运,防护和储存期间, 其准确性 和适用性保持完好, Has the supplier ensured that the handling, preservation and storage of inspection, measuring and test equipment is such that the accuracy and fitness for use is maintained? 9.4 对于控制计划中提到的所有测量系统 ,是否有证据证明进行了适合的统计 研究工作, 以分析每种测量和试验设备测量结果的变差, For measurement systems referenced in the Control Plan is there evidence that appropriate statistical studies have been conducted to analyze the variation present in the results of each type of measuring and test equipment system? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCT 不 合 格 品 控 制 ELEMENT 10 要 素 10 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 10.1 对不合格品及可疑的材料或产品的标识、记录、评 价、隔离(可行时)和 处置是否进行了控制, 并通知有关的职能部门, Does the control of nonconforming product and suspect material or product provide for identification, documentation, evaluation, segregation (when practical), disposition and for notification of all appropriate functions? 10.2 对于返修和/或返工后的产品是否按照质量计划(控制 计划)和/或形成 文件的程序进行重新检验和/或试验,Are repaired and/or reworked products re-inspected and/or tested according to the quality plan (control plan) and/or documented procedures? SM-P-2801-3 第8 页 共15页 TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTION 纠 正 和 预 防 措 施 ELEMENT 11 要 素 11 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 11.1 当内部和外部出现不合格或顾客抱怨时, 供方是否采取了规范且有效 的解决问题的方法? Does the supplier use a disciplined problem solving method to address internal or external nonconformances? 11.2 是否定期实施针对产品的内部审核工作, Does the supplier develop internal audit periodically for process and product? 11.3 质量改进过程中,是否运用相应的质量方法和质量技术,如6 sigma, QFD。 Does the supplier use quality method and quality technique such as 6 sigma and QFD in quality improvement process? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 HANDLING, STORAGE, PACKAGING, PRESERVATION AND DELIVERY 搬运,储存,包装,防护和交付 ELEMENT 12 要 素 12 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 12.1 供方是否采用库存管理系统以不断优化库存周转期,确保货物周转并最 大限度地减少库存量 , Does the supplier use an inventory management system to optimize inventory turns, assure stock rotation and minimize inventory levels? 12.2 适用的顾客包装标准/指南(包括维修零件的包装标准)是否得遵守, Are applicable customer packaging standards/guidelines (including service part packaging standards) complied with? 12.3 是否建立了确保所有装运材料都按顾客的要求进行标识的系统, Has a system been developed to ensure that all materials shipped are labeled according to customer requirements? 12.4 如果未按照计划百分之百交付, 供方是否有采取纠正措施的证据并且与顾 客就交付问题的信息进行沟通, If the supplier’s delivery performance is not 100% to schedule, is there evidence of implemented corrective actions, and of communication regarding delivery problem information to the customer? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITS 内 部 质 量 控 制 ELEMENT 13 要 素 13 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes SM-P-2801-3 第9 页 共15页 13.1 供方是否按计划进行内部过程和质量体系的审核,Does the supplier carry out internal quality system audits as planned? 13.2 是否记录了审核结果并提请责任人员的注意,Are the audit results recorded and brought to the attention of the responsible personnel? 13.3 是否及时采取了纠正措施, Are corrective actions carried out on a timely basis? 13.4 是否进行跟踪审核, 以 记录和验证纠正措施的有效性?Are there follow-up audit activities for recording and verifying the effectiveness of the corrective actions taken? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 PRODUCT QUALITY AND DELIVERY PERFORMANCE 产 品 质 量 和 供 货 绩 效 ELEMENT 14 要 素 14 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 14.1 针对现有的顾客其批量供货产品的批次合格率表现如何, 记录暂不 What about the passing rate of mass production for current customer? 评分 14.2 针对现有的顾客其批量供货产品的PPM表现如何, 记录暂不 What is the PPM performance on supplier’s mass product parts for 评分 current customers? 14.3 针对现有的顾客其批量供货产品的售后市场索赔表现如何, 记录暂不 What is the supplier’s service parts claim of the mass production parts for 评分 current customers? 14.4 供应商内部生产过程中的产品一次合格率表现如何, 记录暂不 What is the supplier’s first time passing rate in its internal production 评分 process? 14.5 针对现有的顾客其批量供货产品的供货及时性表现如何, 记录暂不 What is the supplier’s delivery performance? 评分 TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 TRAINING 培 训 ELEMENT 15 要 素 15 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Notes Score 15.1 是否开展针对公司全体员工的技能素质调查工作(素质矩阵表), Does the supplier develop ability investigation for all the employees? (Ability Matrix) 15.2 是否根据员工的技能素质调查结果,确定员工的培训和技能需求,并落 实相应的员工培训计划, Does the supplier fully understand the employees’ training demand and carry out in employees’ training plan according to employee ability investigation? 15.3 员工的旷工和人员流动表现如何, What are the employee absence and turn over, SM-P-2801-3 第10 页 共15页 15.4 是否按照所要求的必要的教育、培训和/或经验进行资格考核, Are personnel qualified based upon appropriate education, training requirements and/or experience as required? TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT 技术评审 ELEMENT 16 要 素 16 评审员记录 得分 问 题Question Assessor Score Notes 16.1 研发计划 R&D Plan: 长期和短期的研发计划是否已经被制定, Have long-term and short-term R&D plans been established? , 长期和短期的研发计划的制定 , Establishment of long-term and short-term R&D plans 短期研发计划 Short-term R&D plan 中长期研发计划 Mid- to long R&D plan 在研发计划中的每个项目详细的进展计划(进度表/人员/设备/预算 等) Detail progress plan per project in R&D plan(Schedule / personnel / equipment / budget etc.) 基于研发计划上实际的进展控制结果 Control of actual progress result based on R&D plans , 标明显示出每年新技术和质量目标的怎样被完成 Roadmap showing how new technology and quality goals are to be achieved each year. , 包含目前产品的改进计划和结果(绩效,可靠性,成本,质量,重量) Inclusion of the current product improvement plan and results (performance, reliability, cost, quality, weight) , 每年的研发投资计划(人员水平,设备) R&D investment plan for each year(personnel level, equipment) 16.2 新技术的发展计划 New technology development program: 供应商有没有不断和竞争对手比较他的产品并尽力取得进步, Does the supplier constantly compare its products with those by competitors and try to make improvements? , 水平基准点(人员、质量、成本、重量、可靠性、形状、机制的比较) , Bench marking (comparison of performance, Quality, cost, weight, reliability, shape, and mechanism) ?计划和实际结果的水平基准点 Plan and actual results of Bench marking ?掌握和操作性能的水平基准点 Holding and operation capability of bench marking room ?文件和数据基础的水平基准点结果 Documentation and data base of benchmarking results , 制定计划来缩小与竞争对手产品之间的差距 , Establishment of a plan to close the gap with the competitor's products 有没有定期收集新技术的信息 Is information gathering in new technology done regularly? , 存在一个团队负责信息的收集和定期数据分析在技术趋势方面 , Existence of a group responsible for the information gathering & periodic gathering of analysis data on technology trends , 技术联盟,战略联盟 , Technical alliances, strategic alliances SM-P-2801-3 第11 页 共15页 16.3 智识产权的所有权 Ownership of intellectual properties: 什么样才是拥有智识产权,(专利权,设计注册,有用的设计) What are the intellectual properties (patent, design registration, utility design) currently owned? , 真实的知识所有权(在过去3年内的) , Actual intellectual property ownerships (during the last 3 years) , 知识产权 , Intellectual property ownerships (在过去5年内的100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 40%?) , (during the last 5 years-100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 40%?) , Σ(知识产权*权重的数字) Σ(Number of intellectual property * weight) 研发人员的数字 Number of R&D member ※ -权重: 实际应用-3,专利权-1,设计注册-0.5,有用设计-0.2 Weight : Actual application -3, patent -1, design registration-0.5, 0.2 utility design-0.2 - 应用:50%的权重 Application : 50% weight 16.4 研发的投资数据: R&D investment data: 什么是研发投资到销售率在过去的3年内, What is the R&D investment to sales ratio during the last 3 years? , 研发投资到销售率(超出4%, 3%,低于3%):基于在财政情况 , R&D investment to sales ratio (above 4%, 3%, below 3%): based on the financial statements , 在新技术和工艺的研究投资 , Research investment in new technology, new technique 一个可靠的研发机构是独立运行的吗, Have a responsible R&D organization that is independently run? (排除产品工程/工艺) (excluding production engineering/technology) 可信任的研发中心(超过3年,少于3年:3,2.5) , Accredited R&D center (over 3 years, less than 3 years: 3, 2.5) , 研发部门的组织机构 , Organization of a R&D department , 测试实验室类型研发机构 , Test laboratory type R&D organization , 外部研发机构的利用 , Use of outside R&D organizations SM-P-2801-3 第12 页 共15页 16.5 产品设计能力: Product design capability: 有没有已经安置了适当的基础组织为了独立产品设计工作, Have installed proper infrastructure for independent product design work? , 有效的3D/2D造型设备和人员(S/W, H/W ) , Availability of the 3D/2D modeling equipment & personnel (S/W, H/W ) , 有效的数学和物理分析专家和设备(模拟能力) , Availability of the mathematical and physical analysis specialist and equipment (simulation capability) , 3D优化设计实例(不包括数学和物理分析数据) , Actual examples of optimized 3D designs (ex. mathematical and physical analysis data) , 正规的CATIA or PRO-E分析工具的训练 , Regular training on CATIA or PRO-E analysis tools , 独立技术达到设计质量 , Technology independence to achieve design quality 自主技术的持有 Holding of self technology 外海先进公司或者共同投资的技术支持 Technology supporting from overseas advanced company or Joint venture 外海先进公司的技术支持 Technology supporting from overseas advanced company 总公司的技术支持 Technology supporting from mother company 16.6 设计和开发人员 Design & development personnel: 有没有适当为满足客户项目需求的设计能力和设计专家 Have the appropriate design capability and design specialists for the customer’s project? , 适当水平的设计专家:设计人员占整个雇佣人员的比率(超过 7%,超过5%, 低于 5%) , Appropriate level of design specialists: design personnel to total employee ratio (over 7%, over 5%, below 5%) , 设计/开发问题的响应(设计者意见的反映) , Response of design / development issue ( reflecting opinion of designer) , 设计人员的经验水平(设计经验):有着5年或更多经验的设计人员百分 比(超过 50%, 50%-30%, 低于30% ) , Experience level of design personnel (design experience): % of design personnel with 5 years or more experience(over 50%, 50%-30%, below 30% ) 16.7 样件制造能力 Prototype build capability: 有没有开发能力来制造样件, Have the development capability to build a prototype? , 制定样件制造计划(进度表,数量,耗费) , Establishment of a prototype build plan (schedule, quantity, use) , 可靠的人员,设备或者流水线只用来制造样件 , Responsible personnel, equipment or line to build only prototypes , 发出决议和行动计划的结果 , Issue resolution and Action Plan results TOTAL ELEMENT SCORE 要素总分 SM-P-2801-3 第13 页 共15页 , 评分准则Grading Criteria: 5 有足够的文件数据显示供货商对相关项目有效控制并持续改进. There is enough statistic shows that the supplier effectively controls the project and improves quality continuously. 4 程序比较完善, 项目的大部分方面都有一些的实例证实切实执行, 控制有效.Mostly procedure. There are some examples to verify that project is under well control. 3 程序基本地阐明了对相关项目的控制,有一些实例能证明对相关项目的控制The procedure general the control method of relative project and some examples can verify that project is under well control. 2 程序基本地阐明了对相关项目的控制, 但实例很少证明对相关项目的控制The procedure general the control method of relative project and a little examples can verify that project is under well control. 1 需要改进Need Improvement,有相关程序, 但没有实例, 不足以证明相关项目的有效控 制There is procedure and no prove that project is under well control. 0 明显不足,无相关程序,相关项目未受控制Obviously insufficient. There is no procedure and project is out of control. 注Note:对1.1提问For 1.1,如果没有相关第三方认证,得0分Without third part proof, mark 0;只有ISO9000系列认证,得3分With only ISO9000 mark 3;有VDA6.1、 QS9000ISO/TS169494With VDA6.1, 、(或类似的如日本丰田)计划正在实施中,得分 QS9000,(or similar Toyota )is in practice mark 4;已获得ISO/TS16949的第三认证, 5分。With third part certification of ISO/TS16949, mark 5. 得 , 如果提问不适应,用N/A表示。Inappropriate, note N/A , 符合率计算公式:Formula 每个单项提问实际得分总和Sum of each item score 符合率Rate = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X 100% 可能获得的最大得分总和Sum of possible score , 评价等级/潜在供应商批准条件 Approval Criteria WB BB 状态Status 70-100% 80-100% 绿色Green 60-69% 70-79% 黄色Yellow 0-59% 0-69% 红色Red , 备注: BB:Black Box; WB:White Box. SM-P-2801-3 第14 页 共15页 Potential Supplier Assessment 评 审 总 结 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Supplier供应商: . Strengths 优 势: Opportunities for Improvement 改 进 的 可 能: Comments/Recommendations 评 语/推 荐 结 论: SM-P-2801-3 第15 页 共15页
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