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大学英语四级考试作文指导2大学英语四级考试作文指导2 如何写好一个段落 英语段落的扩展、衔接与连贯 一 1) 内容上的连贯: 这里所说的连贯有两两层含义。一是指文章在内 容上是连贯、统一的,文章中所有的句子都是为 全文的中心服务的。就各段而言,其中的每一句 话都要紧紧围绕着该段的主题句进行,不能说与 主题句无关的东西。 Sports benefit us in many respects. (1) When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all ...

大学英语四级考试作文指导2 如何写好一个段落 英语段落的扩展、衔接与连贯 一 1) 内容上的连贯: 这里所说的连贯有两两层含义。一是指文章在内 容上是连贯、统一的,文章中所有的句子都是为 全文的中心服务的。就各段而言,其中的每一句 话都要紧紧围绕着该段的主题句进行,不能说与 主题句无关的东西。 Sports benefit us in many respects. (1) When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body. There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit. (2) Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. (3) Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playing field he not only competes for himself but also for his team. Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism, and how to cope with difficulties. 第一句是本段的主题句,接下来作者从体育运动对身 体的好处说了两句,第四句讲述体育运动对心理方面 的益处,第五句从团队的方面加以论述,最后一句既 是论据,同时也是对前面三点的概括。全段没有一句 话脱离主题句。 2. 连贯的第二层含义指的是表达上的连贯。文章的段 落之间、段落中各句子之间要有一定的衔接。 段落 结构和句与句之间的衔接应遵照一定的顺序; 段落之 间的连接也应符合逻辑。这样使文章连贯紧凑,自然 流畅,层次分明,脉络清晰。 The weather has been changeable. On Sunday we had a high wind that blew down some trees. Monday was so cold that we had to turn on the heat and wear winter coats. And it remained gloomy the next day. To our pleasure, by Wednesday the weather cleared and the sun came out. But Thursday tuned out to be as hot and humid as an it began to rain this morning, August day. Worse still, and it looks as if we’ll l have a cold, steady wind for a few days. 时间上的连接(时间顺序)为蓝色部分引导; 表达上和意义上的连贯为红色部分引导 表达上的连贯常用代词或有意地重复手段和是使用关联词语或一些修辞上的手法(如排比句或比喻等)。 代词和有意的重复可起到衔接的作用。例如在上面的例子中,在提到星期二时,没有用Tuesday,而是用了the next day,避免重复,并把这两天连在一起,让人感觉到了前后的承接。再如最后一句中原文用的是Friday morning,改为this morning后,意义并没有改变,但一下子把距离拉近了,既承接起前面的五天,又能与后一分句中的将来时有效的结合。 需要注意的是,关联词的使用是与段落(文章)的展开方法密切相关的,不要为了使用关联词而使用关联词。下面结合段落的展开方法具体加以说明。 段落的展开方法 1. 列举法和举例法 列举事实或举出实例来说明中心思想, 是简单易 行、具有说服力的写作方法。 Communicating with other people by telephone is very convenient, especially when you have something urgent. For example, if one of your family members is seriously ill at night, and you don’t know how to deal with it and where to find a doctor, what can you do? A telephone is the answer. Dial 120 and you will get services from the hospital very soon. 列举的模式通常是 主题句 ----example 1 ----example 2 ----example 3 … 举例时常用 for example, for instance, such as, like, as proof, thus, take„as a good example, a case in point is that …, to illustrate 列举: first(1y),second(1y),third(1y),then, next,last(1y),finally,for one thing…for another 表示添加:and,again,also,besides,moreover, furthermore, what’s more, in addition等词语. Nonverbal communication or “body language” can be just as important to understanding as words are. Because Misunderstandings often amusing but sometimes serious — can arise between people from different culture if they misinterpret nonverbal signals. Take for example, the differences in meaning of gesture very common in the United States: a circle made with the thumb and index finger食指. To an American, it means that everything is ok. To a Japanese, it means that you are talking about money. In France, it means that something is worthless, and in Greece, it is an obscene gesture. Therefore, an American could unknowingly offend a Greek by using that particular hand signal. Exercise: Directions: Use examples to develop the point below: (1) 主题句 When we study college, doing some part-time jobs can benefit us in many ways(example 1 …………….… example 2 …………….… example 3 …………….… When we study college, doing some part-time jobs can benefit us in many ways(On one hand, some part-time jobs can teach me something which I can not learn in college, for example, if work as a waitress in a restaurant, I can learn to be patient to customers, and I can also know that a waitress’s life in a restaurant is not easy. On the other hand, we can put our theoretical knowledge into practice and use what we learn in the company we work for. Finally we can also get some money from part time jobs, which can reduce my financial pressure in college. 2. 分类法 一般是在主题句之后,依次罗列段落指示词所表达的 几个部分或几个方面。然后,选用丰富的事例对所罗 列的各个部分或各个方面进行具体地说明或解释。 There are three basic kinds of materials that can be found in any good library. First, there are books on all subjects, both in English and in many other languages. These books are organized according to subject, title, and author in a central file in the card catalog. Books can generally be checked out of the library and taken home for a period of two to four weeks. Second, there are reference works. which include encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliography, atlases, etc., and which generally must be used in the library itself. Third, there are periodicals – magazines, newspapers, pamphlets – which are filed alphabetically in racks, or which have been filmed to conserve space. Like reference works, periodicals cannot usually be removed from the library. 分类时常用: to begin with,to start with,first of all,first,second,third,most of all,next, moreover,in addition,besides,furthermore „ 来表达。 常用句型: Generally/broadly speaking, there are three kinds/types of … Sth. can be classified according to/depending on … Sth. can be classified on the basis of … Sth. can be divided / further divided into … Exercise 16,1 Directions:Divide the books college students often read into three kinds and describe them one by one( Topic Sentence:___________________________ 1. _______________________________________ _____________2)________________________ _____________________________3)________ _____________________________________ 范文: Generally speaking, the books college students often read can be divided into three kinds. The first kind is the books we use in classrooms. These books are about our basic courses and our major courses. These books are most useful for our future work. We should spend most of our time in studying them. The second: the books we read for fun, for example, some interesting novels, cartoon books, sports magazines and so on. These books can relieve us from the pressure in college. The last kind of books is the reference books we use for our study. We use these books to help the study of our basic courses and our major courses. Exercise 16-2 Directions:Write a paragraph of division and category with the given topic sentence and details( Topic sentence:A language is made up of many elements Details:1(sounds 2(words 3(sentences 3. 因果关系 在段落一开头,就用主题句点明其因果关系,然后选用有关材料,客观的罗列某些原因或结果,以证阐述的中心思想。 因果关系的模式通常是: 原因分析型:在主题句中先介绍某一事件,然后对该事件发生的1个或多个原因进行分析。 1) 主题句(结果) ---- 原因 1 ---- 原因 2 ---- 原因 3 结果分析型:在主题句中先点明所要讨论的事件,然后分析已经或将要发生的结果。 2) ---- 原因 1 ---- 原因 2 ---- 原因 3 ? (结果)主题句 3) 原因(1)? (结果1 / 原因2)? (结果 2 / 原因3) ?(结果3) 4)原因 ? 结果1 ? 结果2 ? 结果3 Growing numbers of well-to-do Americans are making the decision to move abroad. 原因(1) They find it impossible in America to walk the streets at night without fear of being raped, mugged, or murdered, 原因(2)nor do they see a way to escape the poisonous air of the cities. 原因(3)They even American food has become maintain that increasingly dangerous to eat. 原因(4)Last but not least, they insist that they are sick of the pace of American life, a pace that leaves no time for relaxation or pleasure. 因果关系常用语汇: because of, so, owing to, thanks to, thus, as a result of, hence, for this reason, consequently, is caused by, lead to, result in 常用句型: B results from A. B is the result of A. A results in B. A causes B. The causes of / reasons for B is the … The reasons are as follows: 示范段落2 For some time now,medical scientists have noted an alarming increase in disease of the heart and circulation among people who smoke cigarettes(It has been found that the presence of nicotine in the blood stream causes blood vessels to contract,thus slowing circulation, which eventually leads to hardening of the arteries(As the arteries stiffen,less blood reaches the brain,and the end result of this slowdown is a“stroke”(In addition,nicotine in the bloodstream reduces the ability of the hemoglobin血色素to release oxygen,resulting in shortness of breath(The lack of oxygen forces the heart to beat faster—that is,the pulse rate increases—and in turn accelerates the risk of heart attack( 示范段落2分析 因-果-因模式(Cause-Effect-Cause Pattern): Smoking tobacco? nicotine in the blood streams ?the blood vessels contract „„ 练习: Many people are worried about what television has done to the generation of American children who have grown up watching it(For one thing,„ TV kills creative imagination(„„„„„„„„ Secondly,TV makes children lazy(„„„„„„„„ The third area for concern is „„„ children’s time in study. „„„„„ But perhaps the most serious result is the impact of television violence on children „„„„„„. 范文: Many people are worried about what television has done to the generation of American children who have grown up watching it(For one thing, recent studies tend to show that TV kills creative imagination(Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child's ability to form mental pictures in his own mind,resulting in children who cannot understand a simple story without visual illustrations( Secondly,TV makes children lazy. If children watch TV, they may sit in front of it doing nothing, no need to read or think(Thus,they grow up to be passive spectators(They have been conditioned to see all problems solved easily on TV,but they are quickly discouraged by any difficulties in their life(The third area for concern is that watching too much TV reduces children’s time in study. Very often the children will follow the cartoon series and forget about the texts they have to read and the exercises they had to do But perhaps the most serious result is the impact of television violence on children, who have come to regard it as an everyday thing(Some children may even imitate the violent behaviors or the anti-social acts on television( 4(比较法 主题句必须明确表明所要比较的对象和所要比较的 范围,实际上就是罗列两个或两个以上比较对象的相 同点。 两项相似事务逐一比较: The PC and MAC are similar in several ways, even though users of either computer would rather die than admit even a small resemblance. Both machines will run graphics in much the same way. Each employs a mouse and a graphical interface(面) or Windows-like environment in a similar fashion to run programs such as Page Maker or Microsoft Word. The final likeness is that both the PC and the MAC incorporate(合并) technology that allows them to "talk" to each other. In just a few more years, the PC and MAC will become even more alike, and users will be less adamant顽固的 about the unique qualities of their computers. 两项不同事务逐一比较: The public transportation system in Paris consists of subways and buses. Paris has one of the best subway systems in the world. The subway, or metro, spans the entire city of Paris, linking one end of the city with another. Most people in Paris travel by metro because it is fast, economical, and convenient. The bus system in Paris is also quite good. For Parisians, having a car is a luxury, not a necessity. On the other hand, public transportation in American cities leaves a lot to be desired. Subways, can be expensive and inconvenient — inconvenient because only very small portion of a city are served. The bus remains the only true means of public transport in most cities, but one finds poor connections, indirect routes, and high prices. So a car in the United States is not a luxury. 类比法 (Analogy) Example 1 Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. Like building a house, learning English takes some time. So don’t be impatient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Useful Sentence Patterns ~ Like A, B is/v … ~ In contrast to A, B is/v ... ~ By comparison .... ~ In spite of their similarities/differences... ~ To compare to/with... ~ A is not exactly/entirely/quite/the same as... ~ A is totally different from B. ~ A is like B in... 常用语汇: 表示相似或一样:similarly, similar to, the same as, accordingly, both show a degree of similarity, too, in the same way, in a like manner and„ 表示对比或转折:in contrast,by contrast, contrasted with,on one hand…on the other hand,on the contrary,but,yet,however, nevertheless,instead,meanwhile 练习: Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs((1)……life in the city ……… busy …..…… (But life in the suburbs ……………… quiet and casual …… …… (2) ………in the city…………trees and grass ………….., (On the other hand,in the suburbs……………………………… more( (3) ……………………. in the city………more convenient ……….. more entertainment,but people living in suburban areas …… ………… ………( 范文: Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs((1)People living in the city are constantly exposed to the hustle and bustle of urban life(Whereas the life in the suburbs is generally quiet and casual and generally more low,key than in the city((2) If city dwellers want to see trees and grass,they must go to one of the public parks(On the other hand,the streets of many suburban communities are lined with trees and shrubs,and each house has its own grassy yard((3) A person living in the city is close to many stores, department stores and it is more convenient for you to do shopping and there are also many sources of entertainment, so it is easy to find places to entertain yourself,but people living in suburban areas must go into the city for shopping and entertainment( 5(叙述和描述法 Description 有些段落需要叙述一个事件或描写一个事务;基 本上可以用按时间顺序、空间顺序和步骤顺序来进行 叙述或描述。 I jumped off the bus before it stopped and began walking down the street. As I had arrived early, I decided to look at the shop windows before going home. The idea made me quite happy, but at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling that I had forgotten something. I stopped in the middle of the pavement and began searching my pockets. All of a sudden I remembered that I was without my briefcase! I had it on the bus and it was full of important papers. left The thought was enough to make me start running down the street, though, by now, the bus was out of sight. 练习: To get the most out of his textbooks, a student should follow several steps very carefully. First, he should get a general idea of ……………………….. Second, …………… for deeper understanding and …………………… questions ……………………. Next, ……………make notes of the major points of ……………………. After that, ……………… …… test himself ……………………. Finally, …………………… review his notes and reread ……………………. 示范段落12-1 We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassan's house,perched high up on a hill(Walking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze door(A butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the house(Going in,we passed the oak,pannelled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being held(Under three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne,hors d'oeuvres and good conversation( 12(6示范段落分析 主题句:We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassan's house( 时间空间顺序:driveway?door?house?library?diningroom?ballroom Exercise 12,1 Directions:Arrange the sentences into a paragraph,using the time order and adding the necessary listing signals( —She never had a birthday party and she was twenty,one year sold( —The party was really a successful one( —We planned to serve fruit punch and coffee( —We planned entertainment( —We carefully made a guest list( —We planned a surprise party for Mary recently( We included many of her friends from school,— a few of her friends from her neighborhood, and all of her brothers and sisters( —A boy did magic tricks skillfully;another boy played the guitar well( —We also wanted chicken sandwiches,a birthday cake with twenty,one candles,and ice cream( —We especially enjoyed the group singing( 表示时间和顺序:earlier,later,afterwards, meanwhile,in the meantime,shortly, soon,presently,currently,recently,at present,in the future/past, at first,more/most important first of all,in the first place,to begin with,to start with,first,then,next,last,at last,finally 6(论证法 Argument 论证是通过摆事实、讲道理阐明观点,这是学术写作和大学英语写作中常用的方法。通常先研究关于某一论题已存在的各种观点,对不同的观点进行比较 和对照,然后予以评价分析,最后提出自己的观点。 赞成或反对主要取决于作者的认识和写作的目的,同 意或不同意可以是全部的,也可以是部分的。有时作 者也可以先提出自己的论点,以逻辑推理和事实作为 论据进一步对此观点进行论证,最后得出令人信服的 结论。在结论中作者要态度明确,避免主观臆断,在 文章中尽量不要使用“I think”和“In my opinion” 等词语,最好多用非人称词语。在议论文的推理过程 中常采用的论证方法有归纳法和演绎法。议论文有时 结合归纳和演绎两种方法会更具有说服力。 I,归纳法 induction 归纳法是一种逻辑推理方法。使用归纳法组织素 材是从具体到抽象或从特殊到一般,由特定的事实到 结论的思维过程。通常需借助具体事例得出结论,即 把具体的内容置于段落的前面,然后根据这些事实引 申出一个符合逻辑的结论。 There are four major ethnic groups in New York City:Whites,Blacks,Indians and Chicanos(In addition,some neighborhoods have large Japanese, Jewish, Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean populations. The city is a culturally diverse community. 这个段落的写作运用了归纳法逻辑推理。 2(演绎法 (Deduction) 演绎法是与归纳法相对的另外一种逻辑推理方 法,是从抽象到具体的思维过程,从一般到特殊。由 结论到特定的事实的思维过程。在使用演绎法组织文 章时,把带有普通性或概括性的句子置于段首,即段 首主题句。然后以此为依据,通过具体事实加以说明 和推理论证。 New York City is a culturally diverse community. There are four major ethnic groups: Whites, Blacks, Indians and Chicanos. In addition, some neighborhoods have large Japanese, Jewish, Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean populations. 此段落运用演绎法展开逻辑推理。 练习:采用演绎法来论证主题句: Different language learners have different purposes for learning a new language. Some people ………………………to learn about the culture of the people who speak that language ………………… Other language learners want to travel to other countries. …………………… . Many people learn languages for professional reasons …… ……… 范文: Different language learners have different purposes for learning a new language. Some people learn a second language in order to learn about the culture of the people who speak that language. For example, they may be interested in the history and customs of these people, or they want to study the literature of the language. Other language learners want to travel to other countries. They want to see different places and meet different people and they also want to make more friends with the people they meet. Many people learn languages for professional reasons. These people want to learn more about the fields by studying in other countries or reading books and journals in different languages. They often need to use other languages in their work. 常用句型: 1)问句: ~ Why do I believe this? ~ What are the reasons for this state of affairs? ~ How can we solve this problems? ~ Nowhere is the problem more serious than in France. 2)倒装句: ~ Only under certain circumstances can this solution be applied. ~ Never did he write more powerfully than his autobiography. 3) it 做形式主语的句子: ~ It is shocking that people should be allowed to live in such conditions. ~ It is disgraceful that nothing should have been done to solve this problem. ~ It is surprising that so many people should still be so afraid of computers. ~ Useful Sentence Patterns and Expressions ~ I intend to limit this composition/talk to the issue of the peace process in the Middle East. ~ On the whole I agree with the statement that "Travel broadens the mind", but I feel that it would be more accurate if modified slightly. ~ Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that travel broadens the minds of those whose minds are open. ~ There are two main reasons why I am opposed to/in favor of the compulsory course. ~ It cannot be denied that many people in remote areas still live in poverty. ~ It goes without saying that the shortage of grain has become a problem of the worldwide concern. ~ Several factors must be taken into account when trying to solve the problem. ~ It is high time that we carried out the family planning program. ~ There is an increasing tendency towards juvenile delinquency in our society. ~ This policy has a serious effect not only on the health services but also on education. ~ The main problem is that we need to lift the region from poverty to prosperity. ~ To sum up, the advantages of television far outweigh its disadvantages. It could be argued that … There are many other arguments for and against … But other people hold the opposite view: … 其它类别的关联词: 表示让步:after all, of course, certainly, naturally, no doubt, it is true 表示归纳和 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf :in conclusion,to conclude,to summarize,to sum up,in short,in brief,in a word,all in all,on the whole,generally speaking 5.2 四六级作文对策 5.2.1 审题和构思 审题有两个目的:1)确定写作要求,明确要表达的观点;2)确定用什么方式表达主题,是叙述文、描写文还是论说文,千里之行,始于足下,这是拿到作文题目后要走的第一步,第一步走不好,就好象一出门就走错了方向,终究达不到目的地,结果写出来的东西“离题万里”,即使文字再华丽,构思再精巧,也只能是徒劳无功。记得99年研究生英语入学考试作文是一个图表题,要求根据给出的两个曲线图说明美国人口增长和野生动物灭绝状况之间的关系。而有些考生不认真看题,把wildlife 这个词看成是“野性生活”或“放荡生活”,文章写成了美国人口过快增长的原因是美国人生活作风随便,要控制人口增长,就要遏制这种生活。这就是由于不认真看题,造成文不对题,令人啼笑皆非。这里我们还要注意,审提和构思必须要有健康的心态,千万别想“歪”了。因为四六级考试作为全国规模的考试,题目的立意毫无疑问是健康积极、给人以正面启迪的,而决不会有消极、腐朽的东西。 审好题后,就要开始构思,精心选材。选材要典型、具体、生动、有趣,要有利于阐发主题。下面我们以1999年1月四级写作为例,看看具体怎样去审题和构思的。 1991年1月大学英语四级统考写作题目是Bicycle—An Important Means of Transport in China,还有一个三段论的提纲: 1) 为什么自行车在中国这样普及; ,) 和汽车的比较; ,) 自行车在中国的前途。 拿到这个题目一分析,该题目的关键词当然是Bicycle, 关键词组是an important means of transport , 这说明整篇文章的观点是说自行车是好的、重要的,至少在中国暂时不可或缺。因此,在选材的时候,要 突出自行车作为交通工具的优点,少说或不说其缺点。若要把它同其他交通工具,如汽车作比较时,就要少说或不说汽车的优点,而突出其缺点。一句话,经过这么一番审题,我们确定本文要肯定自行车,为其“说好话”。而有的考生不联系题目和主题要求,写与汽车的速度、舒适等优点相比,自行车有不少缺点,如速度慢、费力多、停放难等。这样自然会使人得出自行车应该尽早淘汰的结论,这是与主题相违背的。 5.2.2 列提纲 审题和构思完后,就要根据其结果列出提纲,它好象为你写作路上插上路标,以免丢掉要点。由于四六级考试时间仅30分钟,又是写一篇150字的短文,所以提纲应尽可能简单些,片言只语都行,以自己看得懂为准。 5.2.3 选材 确定了文章的主题和轮廓之后,我们就开始考虑要选择哪些要点来阐明主题。选材一定要围绕主题句进行,同时要考虑到全面性。 5.2.4 动笔 列好提纲后,就可以开始动笔写作了。在组织一个段落句子时,要注意句子的多样性:在一个段落里,长短句结合,既有简单句又有并列句或主从复合句,这样的段落就不会显得单调乏味。就每段字数而言,一般来说,首段为立意段,只要写出三四个句子来即可(大约40个字),任务是亮出主题,不宜太过细,否则接下来的主体段再重复一次就多余了。接下来是全文的主体段,是这篇文章的精华段,一般写七八个句子为宜(大约70个字)。最后为总结段,也以三四个句子为好(大约40个字),总结重申一下主题思想或阐发自己的观点。在遣词造句方面,要尽可能 用你有把握的词语和你熟悉的句型来表达思想。如果碰见单词不会拼写,意思不会用英语表达,应设法绕开,不要生拼硬凑。 5.2.5 修改 修改的主要任务是检查一下有无拼写和语法方面的错误,同时注意是否用词有过多的重复。 总之,在写作时切忌一边想一边写。
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