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写题26Most of business people are only motivated by the desire of money. In modern society, money is of great importance for every individual, especially for those who wants to live a better life, therefore, people go to business motivated by the desire of money....

6Most of business people are only motivated by the desire of money. In modern society, money is of great importance for every individual, especially for those who wants to live a better life, therefore, people go to business motivated by the desire of money. However, it is not that they are ONLY motivated by money, people would take many aspects into consideration,such as opportunities for promotion, interest, social responsibility, dreams, etc., when they are doing a business. Admittedly, a large quantity of people believe that money plays the most significant role in doing businesses while there are also a great deal of people who hold the contrary belief. From my personal perspective, I am convinced that money is not the only motive for most of business people. Admittedly, under no circumstances should we deny the fact that money is of great magnitude for a business man because his business cannot continue without money and that making money is one of his main purposes, especially for those people who are only motivated by money, at least temporarily. To illustrate this viewpoint vividly, I would like to take my uncle as an example. My uncle is running a coating material business, but his motive is nothing but money, because, firstly, he has to feed his family, and secondly, it’s his dream to make big money. Fortunately, he succeeded in making a big fortune last year. Actually, there are so many people on this planet who are just money-motivated, at least, at the early stage of his business, because they can only have other motivations when they have already made enough money. However, it will be prejudiced to overstate the importance of money for businessmen, because different businessmen have different purposes by doing business. For example, the boss of a coal mine definitely has different purposes through doing business from the CEO of Apple, Inc. The former would just want to make money rather than save the world through selling coals; while Steve Jobs, as the former CEO of Apple, Inc., was aimed to change the world with the iPhone the company sells, and towards him, making money was just secondary. Therefore, under no circumstances should we neglect the other motivations of a businessman, such as fulfilling his dream, helping the society and so on. China has a well-known mobile phone company called Xiaomi Technology, its CEO, Lei Jun, started this company with the wish of fulfilling his dream of building the top-class company in the world, and he used to declare that his company wouldn’t make much m oney in short years, however, he never stops pursuing his dream, consequently new generations of Xiaomi are produced one after another. Additionally, there is still another vivid example. An entrepreneur named Chen Guangbiao always takes charity as his top priority, he spends 40% of his time on doing business while 60% on conducting charity activities. In 2008, he donated money to Wenchuan, the earthquake-stricken area in the first time and in 2010, he declared that all his fortune will be donated after his death. Based on the examples above, it is arbitrary to state that most of business people are only motivated by the desire of money. In a word, different businessmen are motivated by different purposes, we should not overestimate the role money plays as a motive and neglect the magnitude of other motives. Hence, I cannot totally agree with the above statement. 7. We should never be impolite to others in the modern society. When it comes to the issue whether we should always be polite to others in the modern society, different individuals may have a variety of opinions. Some people hold positive attitude towards this statement while others object to it. However, from my perspective, I disagree with it for the reason that it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. For instance, when we are insulted by someone who behaves rather rude to us, we couldn’t keep being polite to them, or we would get more oral attacks from this kind of people. Nevertheless,what I have to admit is that under no circumstances should we overlook the fact that being polite to other people plays a positive role in our daily lives or working places. Firstly, being polite can help decrease interpersonal conflicts; secondly, politeness can improve the efficiency in working places, thirdly, good manners can help build your public image which makes you have more friends and others like you more. A large number of convincing examples can be easily found in our lives, and I would like to take myself as an example to illustrate this perspective. I used to work as a kid English teacher in a training center. Sometimes, parents would come to our school and argue with us because their kids didn't make a great performance at school. Their attitudes were always so rude that it was very easy for us to lose temper, but, we, as teachers, had to keep calm and be polite so that we could get these kind of issues resolved. Not only in working places but also in daily lives should we keep a polite attitude to avoid conflict or even a fight to happen. As known to all, the traffic in rush hour in Beijing is so heavy that buses and subways are extremely crowded with a great deal of people, under this circumstance, it is unavoidable for someone to push or nudge another person, if we lose temper and impolitely push back, a quarrel or even a fight would possibly happen, which is not necessary. Therefore, it is significant to keep polite in our society. However, there is still no reason for us to overstate the significance of keeping a good manner and overlook the disadvantages ofit due to the truth that there are some other specific circumstances under which this statement is not reasonable. For example, when we are not well treated, we cannot keep a courteous manner, or our benefits will be endangered, under this condition, we must do something to protect our interests even if we take some impolite actions. My friend, Jeremy, used to part-time as a promotion staff in a super market for a month, but it turned out that his leader had been keeping his wages for more than two months, which really offended him. Until one day, he couldn't endure it anymore and had a furious argument with the leader. Fortunately, he got his money back. As this example shown, sometimes rudeness is necessary when dealing with people who don't have any good manners at all. In brief, based on the previous discussion, the issue whether we should always be polite requires comprehensive analysis. We are not supposed to overlook the disadvantages of being polite in some circumstances. As a result, I cannot totally agree with this statement. 8. Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. Hardly can we underestimate the fact that …., however,what we have to admit is that it is unreasonable to put too much emphasis on one aspect and overlook the others of this issue for the reason that the statement is arbitrary in some specific circumstances especially for adults. 范文: Over the past few decades, as known to all, movies and television programs have become indispensable parts of our daily life, for they not only entertain the viewers but enlighten them. Different individuals may have a variety of opinions when it comes to the issue whether films and television dramas should present stories in which the evil are punished and good men have a happy ending. Some people claim that it is good for movies and televisions to do like this. However, from my perspective, Iregardthisassertionasarbitraryandunilateral,I justpartly agree with itfor the reason that it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. On all accounts, under no circumstances should we deny the fact that there are many advantages for movies and television programs topresent stories in which thegoodare rewarded and the evil are penalized.First, youngstersaccount for a large proportion of the viewers of movies or television programs, and the stories these programs present are imposing a considerable influence on them. In fact, children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to the negative effect from the media such as gratuitous violence and distorted values. Furthermore, kids frequently consider main characters as their role models, mimicking them either consciously or unconsciously. For instance, a gangster film was really popular with the young people decades ago. The character, wearing smart clothes, driving a sports car, and living in a villa, was envied by teenagers. Moreover, with such a powerful and rich background, the gangsters were capable to "do away with" anyone they hated, good or evil, on a whim, without being punished by the law enforcements. All these“cool”behaviors seemed to be really a temptation to young people. Worse still, very often they regarded these gang leaders in the movie as "role models”, trying very hard to imitate the way those gangsters acted in the movie. Soon they became ill-tempered and vented the rages against innocent people. Thus, what I have discussed above obviously illustrated negative impacts of movies and televisions toward the young people if the media fail to present healthy values in their works. Secondly, watching films and television dramas is generally considered to be a wonderful way for people to obtain some relaxation. If the evil, in the stories, prevails and good men end up badly, audiences are unlikely to feel good after watching these works. In fact, happy endings are always expected by most of people who intend to watch the films or programs at the very beginning. Media, thus, should fulfill people’s expectations, making them feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness. The US Today, a prestigious newspaper in America, also acknowledged the point last year, with a poll showing that nearly 83% of respondents tended to be more delighted when watching the films or television dramas in which heroes succeeded. Screenwriters, therefore, should present more positive values that the good are rewarded while the bad punished in their work, aiming at satisfying most of the audiences. Even though the fact is undeniable that movies and television programs will have some positive influences if they present stories in which thegoodare rewarded and the evil are penalized, there is still no reason for us to overlook the disadvantages of doing this due to the truth that there are some other specific circumstancesneed to be taken into consideration. It goes without saying that teenagers are easily influenced by the media and that they always tend to follow the role models in the stories presented by movies or television programs. While, the problem is that it is sometimes not a good thing to always follow the good people who are rewarded. In the real society, things might be the totally different; their kindhearted intentions might put themselves in dangerous situation or be employed by the bad people who want to make some immoral income. For example,in some movies, the good people, especially when they are weak but brave enough, who tried to save a girl from being robbed or insulted would get praised or even rewarded, but in real life, sometimes it is dangerous to do like this because you yourself might get beaten up by the evil people. When you don’t have enough capability to fight against the bad people, what you should properly do is call the police or ask other people for help. There is still another case that needs to be taken into account. People who help the poor often get a good reputation in television programs, while in the real life, beggars might not be poor at all, they are just making money with your kindness. Consequently, the media should also present some programs that can reflect the real life so that either youngsters or adults would be positively influenced and have a proper sense of value In brief, based on the previous discussion, what stories movies or television programs shouldpresent is a quite complicated issue and requires a comprehensive analysis. We are supposed to realize both the advantages and the disadvantages of the stories in whichthegoodget rewarded and the evilget punished. As a result, I justincompletely agree with this statement. 一边倒: Over the past few decades, as known to all, movies and television programs have become indispensable parts of our daily life, for they not only entertain the viewers but enlighten them. Different individuals may have a variety of opinions when it comes to the issue whether films and television dramas should present stories in which the evil are punished and good men have a happy ending. Some people claim that it is good for movies and televisions to do like this. However, from my perspective, Iregardthisassertionasarbitraryandunilateral,I justpartly agree with itfor the reason that it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. On all accounts, under no circumstances should we deny the fact that there are many advantages for movies and television programs topresent stories in which thegoodare rewarded and the evil are penalized.First, youngstersaccount for a large proportion of the viewers of movies or television programs, and the stories these programs present are imposing a considerable influence on them. In fact, children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to the negative effect from the media such as gratuitous violence and distorted values. Furthermore, kids frequently consider main characters as their role models, mimicking them either consciously or unconsciously. For instance, a gangster film was really popular with the young people decades ago. The character, wearing smart clothes, driving a sports car, and living in a villa, was envied by teenagers. Moreover, with such a powerful and rich background, the gangsters were capable to "do away with" anyone they hated, good or evil, on a whim, without being punished by the law enforcements. Allthese“cool”behaviors seemed to be really a temptation to young people. Worse still, very often they regarded these gang leaders in the movie as "role models”, trying v ery hard to imitate the way those gangsters acted in the movie. Soon they became ill-tempered and vented the rages against innocent people. Thus, what I have discussed above obviously illustrated negative impacts of movies and televisions toward the young people if the media fail to present healthy values in their works. Secondly, watching films and television dramas is generally considered to be a wonderful way for people to obtain some relaxation. If the evil, in the stories, prevails and good men end up badly, audiences are unlikely to feel good after watching these works. In fact, happy endings are always expected by most of people who intend to watch the films or programs at the very beginning. Media, thus, should fulfill people’s expectations, making them feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness. The US Today, a prestigious newspaper in America, also acknowledged the point last year, with a poll showing that nearly 83% of respondents tended to be more delighted when watching the films or television dramas in which heroes succeeded. Screenwriters, therefore, should present more positive values that the good are rewarded while the bad punished in their work, aiming at satisfying most of the audiences. To sum up, not only has the media exerted a profound impact on the teenagers, but also it is a wonderful way for people to relieve themselves. Consequently, screenwriters have the responsibilities to show more positive and healthy values on their works. 9. Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friendship. Competition has become omnipresent in modern society, even between friends. Friends compete with each other for a variety of reasons. It is a complicated issue that what effect this kind of competition will have on the friendship, some hold the perspective that this competition will have a positive effect on their friendship because they aim to improve each other by competing who are much better or stronger, contrarily, some claim that the competition will influence the friendship because they might have the hostile purposes for they are jealous of each other and want to defeat the other, which is vicious competition. From my perspective, I vote against it for the reason that it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. On any accounts, what I have to admit is that under no circumstances should we deny that competition between friends do has some negative influence on their friendship,especially the vicious competition. There are lots of vivid examples can be found to demonstrate this this aspect. Take my own experience as an example. When I was a senior student in college, we were provided with an opportunity to study abroad, funded by the government. My friend, Jack, and I were both candidates for this chance because we shared the same academic achievement, but only one of us could obtain this chance. As Jack’s friend, I didn’t want compete for the chance and just left the decision to our school. And it turned out that Jack successfully landed the chance for studying abroad instead of me. Later, I was told that Jack bribed the person in charge, which really disappointed me and our friendship also disappeared since then. From the example, it can be inferred that the immoral vicious competition is always motivated by jealousy or some interests, which will enable people disregard the importance of friendship and even hurt each other. In spite of the fact, under no circumstances should we ignore the fact that the competition between friends will pose a negative effect on their friendship, it is irrational for us to overlook the positive role the healthy competitionbetween friends plays. Healthy competition between friends plays an essential role in improving their capabilities in order that they could work or study more efficiently and achievably. In companies, with the productivity elevated, much more profits will be created; and in schools, with the learning efficiency improved, both of them can make a greater progress in academic achievement. I used to prepare GRE with my friend, we were voluntary to compete with each other so that we could make greater progress in memorizing new words owing to it that we have to be motivated by somebody else. Consequently, we made greater advancement in mastering the brain-racking vocabularies which contributed a lot to our high score in the examination. Based on my personal experience, we can conclude that the advantages of competitions between friends cannot be underestimated. In conclusion, the above statement is too arbitrary owing to the fact that it fails to take into account the positive effect of competition between friends. With the aim of arriving at a more comprehensive conclusion, we are supposed to consider all the relevant aspects, that is/namely, the advantages and disadvantages of the competition between friends. 批课时的笔记: There is no doubt that competition between friends has a negative effect on their friendship under some circumstance especially when we take vicious competition into consideration。Although the vicious competition brings negative effects to friendship,there is no reason for us to overlook positive effect because when we considering about healthy competition. No one can deny that it is the negative effects brought by competition between friends that we should not underestimate, essentially when it comes to vicious competition. Negative effects though competition may bring, when it comes to the issue of competition between friends, it is irrational to overstate its negative effects on account of the fact under some circumstances competition may be beneficial to deepen their friendship, especially when we take healthy competition into consideration. 10. In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising. When it comes to which aspect should a company invest in order to succeed, a variety of factors should be taken into account, such as research and development, high-quality products, marketing as well as advertising.There is no denying that the importance for a company to invest wisely can never be overly emphasized, but under no circumstances should we overstate that advertising is the most significant investment for a business to succeed, because I believe that there are plenty of other equally important aspects for a company to pour money in or other ways to become successful. Admittedly, it has been known to all that advertising plays an essential role in improving the sales volume, which would contribute greatly to the high profits of a company. Markets in all fields have become increasingly competitive, even the business moguls have to make large investment in advertising, for instance, Coco Cola, Apple, KFC and so on, an excellent advertising strategy can help the company get more profits in the fiercely competitive market. According to the statistics, a company that advertises can profit thirty percent more than the one that does not. That's why many companies would pay great attention on advertisements. In spite of the fact that the critical role advertising plays in facilitating the success of a company cannot be underestimated, when it comes to the factors deciding the success of a business, there is still no reason for us to exaggerate the applicability of this statement due to the truth that research and development as well as improving the products quality also account a large proportion in the elements helping a company succeed.Therefore, to only focus on the advertising is not a wise business decision. The consumers will not come back if the quality of a commodity doesn’t meet their satisfaction. From my point of view, more money should be paid to introduce advanced technology or facilities. Better equipment can ensure people to work more efficiently and quality of goods to become higher. Efficiency and quality are the guarantee for a successful company. Take the current situation of factories in South China for example. There are some factories in rural areas facing the problem of bankruptcy because both the production rate and the quality of products are low owing to the outmoded technical equipment. To make a pair of shoes, the company with state-of-the-art equipment needs only two hours with the latest assembling line, but the other needs four hours for its defects in technology. Meanwhile, the outdated machinery leads to high production costs and poor quality of products, which made the company uncompetitive. Under this circumstance, if the company put a proper amount of money in improving technology and facilities, the business might become more successful. In conclusion, the above statement is too unilateral due to the fact that it fails to take into account the investment in other factors. Aiming to arrive at a more thorough conclusion, the assertion is supposed to consider all the relevant factors that needs to be invested in for a company, for instance, introduction of new technology, improving prod ucts’ quality and so on. ———————————————— 上课笔记: In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising. Essential though the role of advertising plays in the success of a business is, especially when it comes to non-monopoly industry, never should we over emphasize the importance of advertising particularly when we It is irrational to exaggerate the statement, therefore, it is partially reasonable at best. Admittedly, advertising plays an essential role in the success of a business, especially when it comes to non-monopoly industry. Crucial though the role advertising plays in business success is, never should we over emphasize the importance of advertising particularly when we consider monopoly industry. 11. More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money. It has been universally/publically recognized/acknowledged that pets have increasingly became o ne of the most essential parts of modern people’s life, and with the living standard becoming better and better, increasing people tend to keep pets in purpose of making their lives colorful, especially the senior people and homemakers. However, others believe that people shouldn't consume too much money on their pets, as there exist better aspects to spend this money on. From my perspective, I doubt whether the aforementioned statement bears comprehensive analysis. Undeniably, never should we deny the fact that pets have always been helpful friends to human beings from the very beginning. Pets like dogs, from the Stone Age to the modern era, consistently take the roles as shepherds, watchers or guides. Furthermore, their roles become more distinct and significant in present times. For instance, Labradors play a critical role in guiding the way for blind people to a safer zone;moreover, they are good 伴侣, which are capable to accompany their hosts to increase theirlife quality, for instance, the handicapped, people without children as well as the lonely old people. Additionally, dogs play a significant part in boosting the intelligence of children and helping build the patience and accountability of them. According to statistics, it indicates that toddlers who spend much time with their dogs seem to solve and tackle more complicated problems than those who don't. Because when children are sharing a wonderful time with adorable creatures, they would pay more attention on communicating with dogs which can motivate and inspire them. Consequently, it's worthwhile for those people who are really in great need of pets to spend money on them. Notwithstanding, it is not that every person would spend more and more money on pets, instead, there exist something more impor tant for them to invest in. For those people who don’t have time and money for feeding pets and are busy in working, they will probably invest more money in studying or improving their skills, what’s more, they can’t leave the pets alone after buying them, which is not only a waste of money but also cruel to the pets because pets also need accompanying.Also, raising pets is a life-time responsibility to their hosts. People cannot dispose of the pets like a recycled can when they become tired of fostering them once they buy or adopt the pets. When they are sick, it's also important to take them to hospitals. Therefore, lovely the pets are, it is not suitable for those people who share little time with them to spend money on them. Their money would be much more meaningful if they impose them on studying, socializing, caring about their families or even helping the poor. In a nutshell, based on the above discussion, the statement is so arbitrary that it fails to take all possible kinds of people into consideration, in order to achieve a more comprehensive conclusion, the assertion should take into account those people who would not invest money on pets when there is a better way to spend the money. Hence, I can’t fully see eye to eye with this statement. 12. It is better to take a secure job with low pay than take a job with high pay but is easy to lose. When it comes to taking a job, no one would repudiate the truth that stability and salary are the two most considered factors for stability can guarantee the stable income and salary can decide the living standard. The statement goes that a job with great stability but inferior payment is better than an unstable but highly-paid vocation, which is obviously arbitrary because thiscomparisonfails to take into sufficient consideration and relevant factors. Actually, different people hold different perspectives on this statement. From my perspective, I generally disagree with it. Anyway, never are we supposed to neglect the validity of this statement under certain situations, especially when we take the middle-aged people into consideration. Because, firstly, the middle-aged people have already worked for many years, their desire for challenges has been worn out; secondly, they have families to feed, money is needed in every aspect of life, such as daily expenses, tuition fee for children and so on. Thirdly, they have become senior enough so that they have lost the interest or the motive in changing jobs frequently. Based on the above discussion, the middle-aged people tend to choose a stable job with low payment, especially when the payment of the unfixed jobis not much higher than that of thee stable one. In spite of the fact that the advantages of a secure job cannot be underestimated, when it comes to the fresh workers who haven’t worked for many years and are still struggling for promotion, there is still no reason for us to exaggerate the applicability of this statement owing to the truth that young workers have totally different opinions on jobs. Being energetic, well-educated and ambitious, young workers hold the tendency to take the unstable job only if this job can guarantee a high payments for the following reasons. Firstly, they are not sacred of changing or even losing a job, the high payments from last job will be enough for them to feed on before a new job is landed; secondly,they expect more challenges and experiences from his job which sometimes could not be obtained from a secure job because the secure jobs are generally boring and full of repeated tasks to complete, with no challenge at all. Thirdly, money are extremely important to them at current phase, because they need to consume money on improving themselves not only in working skills but also in education, moreover, the wedding ceremony to come and holidays also cost a great deal. Consequently, young people would choose a highly-paid job to meet their demand for a colorful life. In conclusion, thisargumentis too unilateralowing to the fact that it fails to take into account people of different ages. With the aim of arriving at a more comprehensive conclusion, we are supposed to consider all the relevant circumstances, under which different people would make different choices. Therefore, I partly vote against this statement. 13 In order to celebrate major event, it’s better to organize a big party with lots of people than to have a small party where only close friends and relatives are invited. Parties have become an effective way for people to communicate and foster relationships.Under no circumstances should we ignore the truth that organizing a party is a great way to celebrate the major events, be it big or small. Different major events should have different kinds of parties which could meet the expectations. The statement claims that a big party is better than the small one when it comes to celebrating major events, which is obviously arbitrary because this comparison fails to take into sufficient account and relevant factors. Actually, different people hold different perspectives on this statement. From my perspective, I generally disagree with it. Anyway, never are we supposed to neglect the validity of this statement under certain situations, especially when we take people who enjoy large parties into consideration. Because, firstly, the major events can be known in a wide range through big parties, the more people there are in the party, the further the news about this major event would go, we would choose to hold this kind of parties, like wedding ceremony, when we want to propaganda some major information. Secondly, big parties can provide a platform for more people to communicate, which is great place for business people to socialize; thirdly, the ability to hold big parties can reflect the reputation and financial power of the organizer. Based on the above discussion, it is better for some people to hold a big party in order to celebrate a major event. In spite of the fact that the advantages of a large party cannot be underestimated, when it refers to people who feel great hatred for noisy environment or strangers, it is irrational for us to exaggerate the applicability of this statement owing to the truth that they would choose to hold small parties. The introvert people tend to hold some parties for they just enjoy the comfortable feeling from staying in a familiar environment. They expect to share their time with their closest friends or relatives when they want to hold such small parties as birthday parties, Christmas parties. Besides, there are lots of advantages for small parties. Firstly, less money will be consumed because of the small size; secondly, it won’t take too much time to make preparation, especially for those who are busy working; thirdly, you won’t feel like a fish out of water because there would be lots of common topics to share with your intimate friends. Consequently, with the above discussion, when celebrating such major events as birthday parties, it is also great to hold a small party where you probably will feel much happier. In a nutshell, this argument is too arbitrary owing to the fact that it fails to take into account people who have an abhorrence ofbig parties. With the aim of arriving at a more comprehensive conclusion, we are supposed to consider all the relevant circumstances, under which different people would make different choices. Therefore, I partly vote against this statement. 14. Your job has greater happiness than your social life As known to all, both jobs an d the social life would have some impact on an individual’s happiness. There are so many factors that affect your happiness, moreover, different people hold different perspective on the definition of happiness, therefore, the statement is so arbitrary that more happiness could be obtained from your job than your social life. There are some other people who hold the contrary opinion. As for me, I argue that we should consider this statement comprehensively. Admittedly, never are we supposed to lose sight of the valid aspect of this statement undercertain circumstances, especially when we take into account those people who can get the most of their jobs. Because, firstly, jobs can provide them with money which would guarantee their living. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people can only pursue psychological satisfaction when they have already acquired the physiological fulfillment, therefore, a job can at least guarantee happiness, especially in the long run, because only with money can the material needs be fulfilled, such as comfortable houses and delicious food. Secondly, a job can improve a person’s abilities. When we are doing a job, we are not only working for money but also for the improvement of our abilities and future development. Our abilitiesin communicating, team working and dealing with difficult problems can be well exercised, especially those jobs with respect to marketing and sales. Lastly, when you are contributingto a company or even the society through jobs,you can acquire the sense of achievement, which is a good motivation for your future development. Consequently, as for people who are devoted to their jobs and are not good at socializing, they can obtain greater happiness from jobs than the social life, generally. In spite of the fact that the advantages of jobs cannot be underestimated, when it refers to people who prefer parties to jobs, it is irrational for us to exaggerate the applicability of this statement owing to the truth that they would obtain more happiness from the social life than jobs. Especially when their jobs are so boring and the salaries are low, they cannot find any joy in doing the job, therefore, their happiness can only be obtained from other aspects, such as socializing, doing things they are interested in or staying together with their families. Socializing is a good way to find joy and relax, particularly for people with outgoing characteristics. Through such social life as having dinner with friends, climbing mountains or even going to the bar, we can release us from the stressful jobs and increase our intimacy with our friends or relatives, which would increase our sense of happiness. People who works in large metropolises usually suffer from great pressure from jobs, when they are working, there is little chance for them to socialize, especially for jobs as programmers, engineers and translators, hence, in order to get relaxed and become happier, what they would do is hang out with friends for dinners, games or karaoke, which means social life would bring more happiness to them than jobs. To sum up, this argument is too arbitrary owing to the fact that it fails to take different kinds of people into account. In purpose of reaching a more comprehensive conclusion, we are supposed to consider this statement thoroughly from different aspects, therefore, I couldn’t agree with the statement. 15 People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder. No one can repudiate the fact that both public recognition and money are what people care most about. With the booming economy, people’s sense of values are also changing, and it has been a publically-acknowledged phenomenon that money has far overweighed public recognition in the mass’ eyes, especially in universities, some teachers or even professors won’t be respected because they have low salaries. Actually, peoplealways fall into controversial conflicts between money and public recognition. From my perspective, I claim that the above statement is arbitrary and that we should have a thorough consideration owing to the fact that there are other people who vindicate thatmoney is vitally significant to them. Admittedly, never are we supposed to lose sight of the valid aspect of this statement undercertain circumstances, especially when we take into account those people who attach more importance to public recognition than money. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people will pursue psychological satisfaction when they have already acquired the physiological fulfillment, therefore, people who have already owned enough money would pay more attention on their public recognition, particularly for people who needs public exposure, like celebrities, officers, politicians as well as professors. To some professors, they usually have more interest in education than money, therefore, they will still work hard even though they might not have a very high salary, for the sense of achievement they obtain from educating students cannot be replaced by money. Additionally, some people believe that public recognition can help them make more money in the long run. So they would exert themselves to improve their public recognition rather than worry about the low pay. Take Taylor Swift as an example, she, who owns more than 30 million dollars, is the most famous and popular singer all around world. However, she was obscure and poor before she came into vogue. In order to gain public recognition of her music, she took pains to create beautiful and flawless songs. When her first country music album received a high public recognition and achieved permanence in 2006, she got 3 million dollars in account. After that, with high public recognition and prestige, she could make a lot of money by making ads and holding concerts every year. Therefore, we should admit that the public recognition can motivate people to work harder. In spite of the fact that the advantages of public recognition cannot be underestimated, when it refers to people who are hard up for money, it is irrational for us to exaggerate the applicability of this statement owing to the truth that they are just ordinary people who don’t need public recognition for temporary moment. Most people are just ordinary people, not like big shots, they don’t want to be famous or popular, what concerns them are the salary they earn every month, for it decide his living standard. This phenomenon is very common for college graduates and even some civil servants. Take the low-income but stable job as a civil servant for example, in the long run, the civil servant might have a good development in his politic career and have a public recognition, but the fact is that his low pay cannot support his family at all at the present time, the pressure from expenses on houses, cars, families, and education on him will be so heavy that he probably will quit his job and find another one with a high salary. For them, the public recognition seems so far away that it becomes so powerless in motivating them to work harder. Therefore, under this circumstances, an individual definitely cares more about money than the public recognition. To sum up, this above argument is too arbitrary owing to the fact that it fails to take people with different current circumstances into account. In purpose of reaching a more comprehensive conclusion, we are supposed to consider all the relevant circumstances, therefore, I couldn’t wholly agree with the statement. 16. It is more important for the government to spend money improving Internet access than on public transportation. In aim of improving the national economy, many governments would consume large amount of money on the physical and social infrastructures, such as public transportation, Internet access as well as education. Under no circumstances should we disavow the fact that both public transportation and Internet access plays a critical role in boosting the economy of a country. Different governments should take different choices in dependence on their current social situation when they intend to invest money in some aspect. When we are not ensured of the economic background of a country, it is irrational to arbitrarily state that it is more significant for the government to pour money in improving Internet access than in public transportation.Consequently, I don’t agree with the above argument. We are supposed to take all the circumstances and factors into sufficient account in order that the statement would be much more comprehensive and objective. Admittedly, never should we underestimate the importance of developing Internet access, because rapid internet access will benefit the country greatly in various aspects. Firstly, fast internet access can improve the efficiency in offices. With the rapid development of internet, most businesses cannot be done in many companies, the dependency on internet is becoming greatly aggravated, therefore, the benefit of a company has a close relation to the speed of Internet access. For example, in a translation company, the staff need to communicate with customers or translators, send or receive emails and so on, all of which can’t be dealt with without the Internet access. If the speed for Internet access is low, they will work without any efficiency, which will consequently lead to the low profit of this company. The average Internet access speed in China is just 100.9 KB/s, which is far lower than 580KB/s, the average world speed, therefore, it is urgent for China to improve its Internet access speed, especially for such metropolis as Beijing and Shanghai, moreover, the public transportation in these big cities has already been much advanced. Notwithstanding, it is not that every government should spend more money on improving the Internet access, instead, there exist some other infrastructure more important for them to invest in. For those underdeveloped countries where internet access doesn’t exist at all, it would be much more important for the government to spend money on public transportation. A Chinese saying goes like this, “You have to build the road first if you want to get rich.” Public transportation plays an essential role in the development of a country’s economy.As an illustration, public transportation is underdeveloped in northwestern China. It is very difficult for factories there to gain raw materials and transport their products to markets to sell. Also, people there hardly have interest in going out for shopping because of the bad traffic in which they would get stuck in traffic jams for hours. Therefore, they prefer staying at home rather than going to the downtown for shopping at weekends. Since it is difficult to sell products and the consumption demand is low in areas that do not have good public transportation,the development of their economy is very low. Thus, it is more important for countries that are lack of advanced transportations to invest on developing public transportation than improving Internet access. In a nutshell, based on the above discussion, the statement is so arbitrary that it fails to take all possible kinds of countries with different development phases into consideration, in order to achieve a more comprehensive conclusion, the assertion should take into account those countries which are in urgent need of public transportation to make themselves have the access to the outside world. Hence, I can’t fully see eye to eye with this statement.
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