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棋类运动协会章程 - 1


棋类运动协会章程 - 1棋类运动协会章程 - 1 棋类运动协会章程 第一章 总则 第一条 本协会名称:棋类运动协会。 第二条 本协会性质:在 行政区域内~由象棋、围棋等棋类爱好者和工作者自愿组成~属非营利性社会团体法人。 第三条 本协会宗旨:遵守中华人民共和国宪法~法律、法规和国家有关政策,推动我区棋类运动的发展~积极实施全民健身计划~使象棋、围棋等棋类项目更好地为人民大众服务。 第四条 本协会接受业务主管单位的业务指导和监督管理。 第五条 本协会办公地点设在。 第二章 业务范围 第六条 协会业务范围 1、贯彻执行国家...

棋类运动协会章程 - 1
棋类运动协会章程 - 1 棋类运动协会章程 第一章 总则 第一条 本协会名称:棋类运动协会。 第二条 本协会性质:在 行政区域内~由象棋、围棋等棋类爱好者和工作者自愿组成~属非营利性社会团体法人。 第三条 本协会宗旨:遵守中华人民共和国宪法~法律、法规和国家有关政策,推动我区棋类运动的发展~积极实施全民健身计划~使象棋、围棋等棋类项目更好地为人民大众服务。 第四条 本协会接受业务主管单位的业务指导和监督管理。 第五条 本协会办公地点设在。 第二章 业务范围 第六条 协会业务范围 1、贯彻执行国家和体育主管部门关于棋类发展的方针、政策和法规~并根据我区实际情况制订适合的具体办法。 2、宣传开展棋类活动的意义~定期组织各类活动~扩大棋类活动在社会上的影响~让更多的人参与棋类活动。 3、参加各种棋类赛事~举办我区的棋类比赛~在全区范围内开教学和普及活动。 4、举办教练员、裁判员 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班~提高教练员的教学水平和教学能力~提高裁判员组织比赛和裁判执法水平。 第三章 组织 第七条 本协会设单位会员和个人会员。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 第八条 申请加入本协会的会员~必须具备下列条件: 1、拥护本协会章程, 2、自愿加入本协会~愿意为协会作出自己的贡献。 第九条 会员入会的程序: 1、提交入会申请书, 2、经本协会理事会讨论通过~发给会员证书。 第十条 会员享有下列权利: 1、享有本协会的选举权、被选举权和 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 决权, 2、参加本协会的活动~获得协会服务优先权。 3、入会自愿,退会自由。 第十一条 会员履行下列义务: 1、执行本协会的决议, 2、维护本协会合法权益, 3、完成本协会交办的工作, 4、按规定交纳会费, 5、向本协会反映情况~提供有关信息和资料。 第十二条 会员退会应书面通知本协会~并交回会员证。会员如果超过一年不缴纳会费或不参加本协会活动的~视为自动退会。 第十三条 会员如有严重违反本章程的行为~经理事会或常务理事会表决通过~予以除名。 第四章 组织机构和负责人产生、罢免 第十四条 本协会的最高组织机构是会员代表大会~其职责是: guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 1、制定和修改章程, 2、选举和罢免理事, 3、审议理事会 工作报告 骨伤科个人专业技术工作报告ppt工作报告模板政府工作报告ppt个人极端案事件排查工作报告公司安全生产工作报告 和财务报告, 4、决定终止事宜及决定其他重大事宜等。 第十五条 会员代表大会须有2/3以上的会员代表出席方能召开~其决议须经到会半数以上会员代表表决通过方能生效。 第十六条 会员代表大会每届四年~因特殊情况需要提前或推迟换届的~须由理事会表决通过~报区体育局审查并区民政局批准同意~但延期最长不超过1年。 第十七条 参加会员代表大会的代表由各俱乐部召开成员会议协商推荐或协会筹备组直接推荐产生。代表大会选举产生协会理事~组成理事会。理事会是会员代表大会的执行机构~在会员代表大会闭会期间领导本协会开展日常工作~对会员代表大会负责。 第十八条 理事会的职责: 1、执行会员代表大会的决议, 2、选举和罢免主席、常务副主席、副主席、秘书长, 3、筹备召开会员代表大会, 4、向会员代表大会报告工作和财务状况, 5、决定会员的吸收和除名, 6、决定设立办事机构、分支机构、代表机构和实体机构, 7、决定副秘书长、各机构主要负责人的聘任, 8、领导本协会各机构开展工作, guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 9、制定内部 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和决定其他重大事项。 第十九条 理事会须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开~其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。 第二十条 理事会每年召开一次会议~情况特殊时~也可以采用网络形式召开。 第二十一条 本协会领导机构由荣誉主席、名誉主席、顾问、主席、常务副主席、副主席、秘书长和副秘书长若干人组成。其中荣誉主席、主席和秘书长各一人~名誉主席、顾问、常务副主席、副主席、副秘书长若干人。由理事会协商推选常务理事会理事,常务理事人数原则上不超过理事人数的1/3,~常务理事会在理事会闭会期间行使本章程第十八条中1、3、5、6、7、8、9项的职权~对理事会负责。 第二十二条 常务理事会须有2/3以上的常务理事出席方能召开~其决议须到会2/3以上常务理事表决通过方能生效。 第二十三条 常务理事会半年召开一次会议~必要时也可随时召开。 第二十四条 本协会的主席、常务副主席、副主席、秘书长必须具备下列条件: 1、坚持党的路线、方针、政策~政治素质好, 2、在本协会业务领域内有较大影响, 3、最高任职年龄不超过60岁, 4、身体健康~能够坚持正常工作, 5、未受过剥夺政治权利的刑事处分, guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 6、具备完全民事能力。 第二十五条 本协会主席、常务副主席、副主席、秘书长任期四年。原则上不超过两届~因特殊情况需延长任期的~须经会员代表大会2/3以上会员代表表决通过~报区体育局审查并经区民政局批准同意后方可任职。 第二十六条 本协会秘书长为本协会法定代表人~不得再担任其他社会团体法定代表人。 第二十七条 本协会主席行使下列职权: 1、召集和主持理事会、常务理事会会议, 2、检查会员代表大会、理事会、常务理事会决议落实情况, 3、代表本协会签署有关重要文件。 第二十八条 本协会秘书长行使下列职权: 1、主持办事机构日常工作~组织实施年度计划, 2、协调各分支机构开展工作, 3、提名副秘书长以及办事机构主要负责人人选~提交理事会或常务理事会决定, 4、决定办事机构工作人员的聘用, 5、处理其他日常事务工作。 第五章 资产管理、使用原则 第二十九条 本协会经费来源: 1、会费, 2、捐赠, 3、政府拨款, guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 4、在核准业务范围内开展活动或服务的收入, 5、利息及其他合法收入。 第三十条本协会按照国家有关规定收取会员会费~个人会员100元/年、单位会员1500元/年。 第三十一条本协会经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业发展~不得在会员中分配。 第三十二条本协会建立严格的财务管理制度~保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。 第三十三条 本协会的资产管理严格执行国家规定的财务管理制度~接受会员代表大会和财务部门的监督。资产来源属政府拔款或社会捐赠的~必须接受审计机关的监督~并将有关情况以适当方式向社会公布。 第三十四条 本协会换届或更换法定代表人之前必须接受区体育局和区民政局的财务审计。 第三十五条 本协会的资产~任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。 第六章 章程的修改程序 第三十六条 本协会章程的修改~须经理事会表决通过后报会员代表大会审议。 第三十七条 本协会修改章程~须在会员代表大会通过15日内~经区体育局审查同意~并报区民政局核准后生效。 第七章 终止程序及终止后财产处理 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 第三十八条 本协会完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的~由理事会或常务理事会提出终止动议。 第三十九条 本协会终止动议须经会员代表大会表决通过~并报区体育局审查同意。 第四十条 本协会终止前~须在区体育局及有关机关指导下成立清算组织~清理债权债务、处理善后事宜。清算期间~不得开展清算以外的活动。 第四十一条 本协会经区民政局办理注销登记手续后即为终止。 第四十二条 本协会终止后的剩余财产~在区体育局和区民政局监督下~按照国家有关规定用于发展与本协会相关的事业。 第八章 附 则 第四十三条 本协会章程2012年 月 日经会员代表大会 表决 通过。 第四十四条 本章程解释权属本协会理事会。 第四十五条 本章程自区民政局核准之日起生效。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other
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