首页 特种设备模拟试题



特种设备模拟试题特种设备模拟试题 一、填空题 1(根据《特种设备安全监察条例》的规定,特种设备包括()、()、()、()、()、()|和()七类。 2(锅炉的最重要的三种安全附件是 、 和 ,称为锅炉的三宝。 3(压力容器安全阀的防爆原理是:当容器内压力超限时安全阀自动 并且 ,当容器内压力降低时安全阀又 。 4(用于压力容器防爆的爆破片是非重闭式泄压装置,非重闭的含意是 。 5(电梯的安全钳是一种可使电梯轿厢或对重停止 的机械装置。 6(起重机防风防爬装置主要有三类,即 、 和 。 minor...

特种设备模拟 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 一、填空题 1(根据《特种设备安全监察条例》的规定,特种设备包括()、()、()、()、()、()|和()七类。 2(锅炉的最重要的三种安全附件是 、 和 ,称为锅炉的三宝。 3(压力容器安全阀的防爆原理是:当容器内压力超限时安全阀自动 并且 ,当容器内压力降低时安全阀又 。 4(用于压力容器防爆的爆破片是非重闭式泄压装置,非重闭的含意是 。 5(电梯的安全钳是一种可使电梯轿厢或对重停止 的机械装置。 6(起重机防风防爬装置主要有三类,即 、 和 。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 7(在特种设备检验中使用的无损检测技术主要有 、 、 、 、 、 和 七种。 8(在用电梯的定期检验周期是 年,在用起重机的定期检验周期是 年。 9(锅炉的启动步骤为:? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? 。 10(起重伤害事故形式有:? ,? minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living ,? ,? ,? ,? 。 11(锅炉爆炸事故包括 爆炸、 爆炸、 爆炸和 爆炸。 12(压力容器爆炸的危害有:? ,? ,? ,? 。 13(按用途分,可将锅炉分成 、 、 和 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 、 、 等。 14(按载热介质分,可将锅炉分成 、 、 等。 15(锅炉排污阀或放水装置的作用是排放 。 16(在任何情况下,压力容器的金属元件的表面温度都不得超过 。 17(压力容器的减压阀的作用是 。 18(压力容器的紧急切断阀的作用是 。 19(在起重机上,凡是高度不低于 的一切合理作业点,都应予以防护。 20(露天作业的起重机,当风力大于 级时,应停止作业。 21(压力管道运行前的现场检查包括:? ,? minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living ,? 。 22(气瓶的安全装置有:? ,? ,? 。 二、选择题(单选) 1(根据国务院发布的《特种设备安全监察条例》,下列设备中属于特种设备的是 。A.冲床;B.挖掘机;C.液化气罐;D.汽车。 2(根据国务院发布的《特种设备安全监察条例》,下列设备中不属于特种设备的是 。A.锅炉;B.电焊机;C.电梯;D.起重机械。 3.《特种设备安全监察条例》规定的特种设备共包括 类设备。( ) A.四类;B.七类;C.五类;D.八类。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 4.下列锅炉压力容器缺陷中最危险的是 。( ) A. 内部沉积污垢;B.变形;C.均匀腐蚀;D. 裂纹。 5.蒸气锅炉安全技术监察 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 适用于 的固定式蒸气锅炉。( ) A.以油为介质;B.以水或油为介质;C.以水为介质;D.各种介质。 6.普通钢材 代替锅炉压力容器钢材。( ) A.可以;B.不能;C.增加厚度就可以;D.有时可以。 7.焊接冷裂纹是 产生的裂纹。( ) A.焊接过程中;B.焊缝冷却后;C.使用过程中;D.运输过种中。 8.锅炉点火前应按下列哪个工序进行准备,( ) minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living A.烘护-上水-煮炉-蒸气试验; B.上水-烘炉-煮炉-蒸气试验; C.上水-煮炉-烘炉-蒸气试验; D.煮炉-烘炉-上水-蒸气试验。 9.锅炉水位是保证供汽和安全运行的重要指标,操作人员应不断地通过 监视锅内的水位。( ) A.压力表;B.安全阀;C.水位表;D.温度表。 10. 锅炉水位应经常保持在正常水位线处,并允许在正常水位线上下 毫米之内波动。( )A.30;B.50;C.200;D.100。 11.在锅炉运行中要定期冲洗水位表,每班应至少冲洗 次。( ) A.1;B.2;C.3;D.5。 12.下列关于锅炉吹灰的说法中,哪一个是正确的,( ) A(吹灰是用一定压力的蒸气或压缩空气,定期吹扫受热面; minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living B(吹灰应在满负荷时进行; C(吹灰应按与烟气流动垂直方向进行; D(可用3个吹灰器同时吹灰。 13.运行中压力容器的检查主要包括哪三个方面,( ) A.操作压力、操作温度、液位;B.化学成分、物料配比、投料数量; C.工艺条件、设备状况、安全装置;D.压力表、安全阀、液位表 14.液化石油气瓶、使用未超过20年的,应每 年检验一次。( ) A.2; B.3; C.5。 15.只有经过 合格的气瓶才可以继续使用。( ) minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living A.外观检查; B.音响检查; C.内部检查; D.水压试验。 16.气瓶阀在使用时常见故障是 或轴空转。( ) A.结霜; B.冻结; C.磨损; D.漏气。 17.充装气瓶时,以下哪项是不正确的,( ) A.检查瓶内气体是否有剩余压力; B.注意气瓶的漆色和字样; C.两种气体混装一瓶; D.充装前应对所用气瓶充分检查。 18.下列哪种措施是处理气瓶受热或者着火时应首先采用的,( ) A.设法把气瓶拉出扔掉; B.用水喷洒该气瓶; minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living C.接近气瓶,试图把瓶上的气门关掉。 19.为使压力容器能正常安全地运行,下列对其安全阀的要求,哪项是不正确的,( ) A.结构紧凑,调节方使; B.动作灵敏可靠,当压力达到一定程度时,能自动跳开,排出气体; C.排气后能及时关闭,但不保持密封。 20.仓库内的气瓶放置应整齐,戴好瓶帽;立放时,就妥善固定;横放时,头部朝同一方向,垛高不得超过 层( )A.5; B.4; C.3。 21.安全阀是一种 装置。( ) A.计量; B.连锁; minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living C.报警; D.泄压。 22.下列哪个器件的作用是将锅筒中引出的饱和蒸气在压力不变的条件下,再加热到规定的过热温度,以满足生产工艺的需要,( ) A.过热器; B.省煤器; C.空气预热器。 23.锅炉的三大安全附件分别是 、压力表、水位表。( ) A.电表; B.温度计; C.安全阀。 24.导致锅炉爆炸的主要原因之一是 。( ) A.24小时不停地使用锅炉; B.炉水长期处理不当; C.炉渣过多。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 25.在锅炉房中长时间工作时要重点预防 。( ) A.高噪声的危害; B.高温中暑; C.食物中毒。 26.选用安全阀时,其排放量必须 设备的安全泄放量。( ) A.大于; B.等于; C.小于。 27.锅炉正常运行时,水位表应_____。( ) A.静止不动; B.有轻微波动; C.波动较大。 28.压力容器的耐压试验期限为每几年至少一次,( ) A.1; minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living B(3; C(6; D(10。 29.锅炉的内外部检验每几年进行一次,( ) A.1; B(2; C(4; D(5。 30.锤击检查是_____。( ) A、量具检查;B(直观检查;C(无损检验;D(测厚检验。 31.锅炉压力容器定期检验时,以_____为主,必要时才增加____方法。 ( ) A.无损探伤、宏观检查; B(直观检查、无损探伤; C.宏观检查、无损探伤; D(量具检查、无损探伤。 32.表面探伤包括____和____。( minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living ) A.渗透探伤、射线探伤; B(渗透探伤、磁粉探伤; C.射线探伤、磁粉探伤; D(超声波探伤、渗透探伤。 33.下列现象中哪一个不是锅炉缺水事故的现象,( ) A( 水位报警器发出低水位警报; B( 水位表内看不到水位,表内发白发亮; C( 过热蒸气温度下降;D(锅炉排烟温度上升。 34.如果判明锅炉严重缺水,则应_____。( ) A. 立即加大给水量; B(紧急停炉; C(停止向负载供汽。 35.下列现象中哪一个不是满水事故的现象,( ) A.水位表内看不到水位,但表内发暗; B.水位报警器发出高水位警报;C.给水流量不正常地大于蒸气流量; minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living D.过热蒸气温度升高。 36.如果锅炉发生严重满水事故时应采取 的措施。( ) A.将自动给水改为手动; B(关闭给水阀门; C(减少燃料和送风; D(紧急停炉。 37.锅炉运行中,炉管突然破裂,水汽大量喷出的事故叫____。( ) A.汽水供腾; B(水击; C(爆管; D(炉膛爆炸。 38.锅炉水循环指水在_____中的循环流动。( ) A.省煤器; B(过热器; C(水冷壁; D(炉筒内。 39.锅炉运行时锅炉内的水应为——。( ) minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living A.中性水; B(咸性水; C(酸性水; D.饱和中性水。 40.锅炉排污的目的是____。( ) A.降压;B.降低水位;C.降低锅水杂质含量;D.改变锅水的饱和度。 41.起重机接近终点时,应该_____。( ) A.及时断电,尽可能不动用行程限位器;B(等待行程限位器动作; C(加快起重机动作速度。 模拟试题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 一、 填空题 1.锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶)、压力管道、起重机械、电梯、大型游乐设施、客运索道 2.安全阀、压力表、水位计 3.开启、泄放出部分流体、自动闭合 4.爆破后即损坏,不能重新闭合,必须更换 5.向下运动 5.夹轨器、锚定装置、铁鞋 7.射线检测、超声检测、磁粉检测、渗透检测、涡流检测、声发射检minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 测、磁记忆检测 8.1、2 9.启动前检查、上水、烘炉、煮炉、点火升压、暖管和并汽 10.重物坠落、起重机失稳倾翻、挤压、高处坠落、触电、其他伤害 11.水蒸汽、超压、缺陷导致、严重缺水导致 12.冲击波的破坏作用、爆破碎片的破坏作用、介质伤害(有毒、腐蚀或温度异常)、二次爆炸及燃烧(可燃物大量泄露引起) 13.电站锅炉、工业锅炉、生活锅炉、机车锅炉、船舶锅炉 14.蒸汽、热水、有机载热介质 15.水垢、泥渣和其他有害物质 16.钢材的允许使用温度 17.降低高压容器流出的气体的压力,使之安全进入低压管道 18.在管路破损泄露时紧急关闭,防止容器内物质大量泄露 19.2m 20.6级 21.设计与 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 漏项、未完 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 、施工质量 22.安全泄压装置(安全阀、易熔塞等)、瓶帽、防震圈等 二、 选择题 答案如下表: minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 答案 C B B D C B B B C B A A C C 题号 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 答案 D D C B C A D A C B B A B D 题号 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 答案 B B C B C B D D C C B minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living
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