首页 JSDB双速绞车司机培训内容



JSDB双速绞车司机培训内容JSDB双速绞车司机培训内容 JSDB双速绞车司机培训内容 一、双速绞车型号的含义 J S D B - ? ? 产品改进序号 钢丝绳外层最大静张力,单位:10KN 隔爆,非隔爆不注 第二特征代号(有自锁能力为H,无自锁能力为D) 第一特征代号(双速多用) 绞车类(卷扬机类) 二、绞车的结构特征 绞车外型图 绞车外形图见图1,绞车主要由以下七部分组成:(1)电动机(2)联轴器(3)制动闸(4)变速手把(5)减速箱(6)卷筒装置(7)底座。 绞车的操作简单,只要配合制动手把、调速手把、启闭控制...

JSDB双速绞车司机培训 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 JSDB双速绞车司机培训内容 一、双速绞车型号的含义 J S D B - ? ? 产品改进序号 钢丝绳外层最大静张力,单位:10KN 隔爆,非隔爆不注 第二特征代号(有自锁能力为H,无自锁能力为D) 第一特征代号(双速多用) 绞车类(卷扬机类) 二、绞车的结构特征 绞车外型图 绞车外形图见图1,绞车主要由以下七部分组成:(1)电动机(2)联轴器(3)制动闸(4)变速手把(5)减速箱(6)卷筒装置(7)底座。 绞车的操作简单,只要配合制动手把、调速手把、启闭控制按钮开关即可方便使用。 三.主要技术参数 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 参 数 项 目 JSDB-16 外层最大静张力(kN) 160 内层最大静张力(kN) 280 慢 平均静张力(KN) 220 速 平均绳速(m/s) 0.168 传动比 205.92 外层最大静张力(kN) 20 平均绳速(m/s) 1.35 快 外层绳速(m/s) 1.75 速 and tie into a bundle. With card Board, leads and introduction of the wire should be left appropriate margins, for inspection. (3) metal pipe line projects, lamp boxes, junction boxes, and so on, the wall thickness should be greater than 1.2mm. (4) buried into the ground floor of concrete pipe and metal trunking, asphalt paint brush, buried into the brick wall of iron pipe, brush you want oil Zhang Dan, laid pipe outside wall and fixing brackets, accessories, such as brush paint or zinc galvanized steel products. (5) the use of pipes should have been examined, no obvious scars, such as cracks, foreign body blockage, particularly the longitudinal weld seam of the pipe, there should be no obvious phenomena such as depression, lack of weld, bend wire and tube there should be no creases, dents, cracks, and so on. (6) application of thick-walled steel pipe connection than G40 are threaded; greater than or equal to G40 casing, casing length is 1.5~3 times the tube diameter, the inner diameter of the sleeve should be consistent with the outer diameter of the tube, the gap should not be too large, interfaces should be over welding; ming distribution pipe diameter below the G50 and all screwed connections should be used. (7) the iron wires, metal trunking wiring closed bus wire and cable wiring all non-conductive parts of iron casting, the span should be connected, allow it to become a place of conductor and the grounding. (8) metal pipe line projects, should be completed with metal attachments, 传动比 25.69 钢 直径(mm) φ18.5 丝 绳 结构 绳6×19 1670 公称抗拉强度(MPa) 容绳量(m) 300 电 型号 YBK2-250M-6 动 功率(KW) 37 机 转速(rpm) 970 外形 长(mm) 3289 尺寸 高(mm) 1076 宽(mm) 1010 卷筒尺寸(mm)(直径×宽度)(见图2) φ500×520 整机重量(KG)(包括电机) 5500 四、绞车的固定方法 五、绞车刹车系统 绞车刹车装置部件见图 er below the G50 and all screwed connections should be used. (7) the iron wires, metal trunking wiring closed bus wire and caouter diameter of the tube, the gap should not be too large, interfaces should be over welding; ming distribution pipe diamete diameter, the inner diameter of the sleeve should be consistent with the walled steel pipe connection than G40 are threaded; greater than or equal to G40 casing, casing length is 1.5~3 times the tub-ses, dents, cracks, and so on. (6) application of thicko creaseam of the pipe, there should be no obvious phenomena such as depression, lack of weld, bend wire and tube there should be npipes should have been examined, no obvious scars, such as cracks, foreign body blockage, particularly the longitudinal weld se of an, laid pipe outside wall and fixing brackets, accessories, such as brush paint or zinc galvanized steel products. (5) the uof concrete pipe and metal trunking, asphalt paint brush, buried into the brick wall of iron pipe, brush you want oil Zhang Dloor rojects, lamp boxes, junction boxes, and so on, the wall thickness should be greater than 1.2mm. (4) buried into the ground fWith card Board, leads and introduction of the wire should be left appropriate margins, for inspection. (3) metal pipe line p and tie into a bundle.2) metal pipe line projects, should be completed with metal attachments,conductive parts of iron casting, the span should be connected, allow it to become a place of conductor and the grounding. (8-ring all nonble wi 刹车装置部件图 (1)刹车钢带(2)石棉刹车带(3)半圆头铆钉(4)半圆头铆钉 (5)拉杆轴架焊接(6)连接耳焊接(7)活结螺栓(8)塑料套(9)刹车把(10)销子(11)开口销(12) 丁字板 六、绞车操作规程 绞车的操作规程比较简单,按动按钮、启动电动机、操纵制动手 把及扳动调速手把即可实现绞车的整个动作过程。 1.工作前的注意事项 检查钢丝绳,钢丝绳应符合《煤矿安全规程》的有关规定; 检查钢丝绳固定的是否可靠,各连接联结螺栓是否紧固,绞车安 装是否牢固等; 检查减速器润滑油是否充足,发现不足应马上补充,但不得随意 更改润滑油的油质; 检查制动闸,将制动闸手把放置在松开的位置上; 检查所用电源、电缆和电器设备的接线是否正确,接地是否安全, 是否有漏电现象,确定安全可靠后再使用本机器。 2.工作时应遵守下列规定: (1)绞车司机应集中精力,注意倾听信号; (2)绞车工作时,注意整理钢丝绳,使其缠绕整齐,工作时 钢丝绳不能全部放完,在滚筒上至少保留三圈; (3)变换速度时,必须在绞车停稳且空载的情况下,方可搬 动调速手把换档,切勿在绞车运转情况下换档,以避免打齿。若调速手把扳不动,可点动电机,再扳动调 速手把,切勿硬扳、硬砸; (4)快、慢速的使用应遵循如下原则:空载或轻载时可使用快 3) metal pipe line projects, should be completed with metal attachments,conductive parts of iron casting, the span should be connected, allow it to become a place of conductor and the grounding. (8-l nonG50 and all screwed connections should be used. (7) the iron wires, metal trunking wiring closed bus wire and cable wiring alr of the tube, the gap should not be too large, interfaces should be over welding; ming distribution pipe diameter below the e diameter, the inner diameter of the sleeve should be consistent with the outer diametewalled steel pipe connection than G40 are threaded; greater than or equal to G40 casing, casing length is 1.5~3 times the tub-racks, and so on. (6) application of thicknts, cipe, there should be no obvious phenomena such as depression, lack of weld, bend wire and tube there should be no creases, dehave been examined, no obvious scars, such as cracks, foreign body blockage, particularly the longitudinal weld seam of the pould outside wall and fixing brackets, accessories, such as brush paint or zinc galvanized steel products. (5) the use of pipes sh ipe and metal trunking, asphalt paint brush, buried into the brick wall of iron pipe, brush you want oil Zhang Dan, laid piperete pp boxes, junction boxes, and so on, the wall thickness should be greater than 1.2mm. (4) buried into the ground floor of concard, leads and introduction of the wire should be left appropriate margins, for inspection. (3) metal pipe line projects, lamand tie into a bundle. With card Bo 速挡,重载时则必须使用慢速挡,否则将会损坏机器; (5)绞车工作时可能发生的故障及消除方法如下表: 序号 故障现象 故障可能发生原因 故障消除方法 1 开机时电机不转或发出载荷过大或接触不良 停止运转使电机反转卸载或 叫声 检查接线 2 机器跳动 安装不牢或地基不平 整理地坪或重新安装 3 机器声音不正常 零件装配不正常,零件磨损过停车检查、修理 多或连接松动 3.工作后应注意的事项: (1)工作结束后应将钢丝绳整齐地缠绕在卷筒上,切断电源,关 闭开关; (2)消除机器上的灰尘,杂物; (3)交接班时必须把本班发现的不正常情况下向下一班交待清楚,以便及时消除不正常情况。 七、绞车的维护与保养 ?1.绞车的润滑与密封 机器的润滑不仅关系着机器的正常工作,而且直接影响机器的寿命,因此必须及时地更换和补充润滑油。润滑油的油质必须符合要求,不得混入灰尘、污物、铁屑及水等杂质。闭式齿轮传动润滑采用工业齿轮油250号。减速箱内最高油面不超过大锥齿轮直径的三分之一,最低不低于大锥齿轮宽方向的三分之一。 开式齿轮传动及支承其的滚动轴承均采用钙钠基脂润滑脂,各滚动轴承内加入的润滑脂加入量不得 -6个月应加油或更换一次。 超过容量的三分之二,每隔3 对于新的或大修后的绞车,在运行半个月后必须更换减速箱内的 润滑油并进行清洗,以除去传动零件磨损的金属细屑。 减速箱剖分面及各密封面,密封后均不允许漏油。拆卸后,重新 安装时应在各密封面涂密封胶或水玻璃。 ?2.绞车的维护、拆卸与修理 1.绞车的维护 (1)绞车的操作人员必须严格遵守操作规程; (2)绞车必须按本章第一节的规定及时加注润滑油; (3)绞车如长时间搁置不用,必须选择干燥的地方存放,防止电 器受潮,绞车的裸露部分应涂保护油,各摩擦部分涂上润滑油; 2.绞车的拆卸 (1)绞车的拆卸次序和装配相反,应先拆成部件,然后再将各部 件进行拆卸,拆卸时应先拆卸密封罩上罩后,再将卷筒装置、电机与底座的连接螺栓松开、并将该两部分拆掉,然后再将减速箱从底座上拆掉; (2)减速箱的拆卸是先将上箱体上的调速装置部分的零件拆下, 再将上箱体拆下,然后把齿轮轴、二轴、三轴、过桥轮轴各组件拆下,最后将所有零件拆下; (3)拆卸绞车各部时,应注意各部位的调整垫片的数量和厚度, 以便在重新装配时保证绞车原有的装配精度,特别注意锥齿轮副的调整垫片不得任意增减; (4)绞车在拆卸过程中,严禁硬打硬砸,必须小心进行,不得损 坏零件成碰伤零件表面。 3.绞车的修理 绞车应按实际情况,有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 安排小修、中修、大修计划,绞车 的机修理周期、修理内容、修理场所根据煤炭部制定的《煤炭工业设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》一文中的有关章节作如下规定: (1)小修:小修周期为3个月,一般在现场进行,主要调整更换 conductive parts of iron casting, the span should be connected, allow it to become a place of conductor and the grounding. (8-ring all nonble wier below the G50 and all screwed connections should be used. (7) the iron wires, metal trunking wiring closed bus wire and caouter diameter of the tube, the gap should not be too large, interfaces should be over welding; ming distribution pipe diamete diameter, the inner diameter of the sleeve should be consistent with the walled steel pipe connection than G40 are threaded; greater than or equal to G40 casing, casing length is 1.5~3 times the tub-ses, dents, cracks, and so on. (6) application of thicko creaseam of the pipe, there should be no obvious phenomena such as depression, lack of weld, bend wire and tube there should be npipes should have been examined, no obvious scars, such as cracks, foreign body blockage, particularly the longitudinal weld se of an, laid pipe outside wall and fixing brackets, accessories, such as brush paint or zinc galvanized steel products. (5) the uof concrete pipe and metal trunking, asphalt paint brush, buried into the brick wall of iron pipe, brush you want oil Zhang Dloor rojects, lamp boxes, junction boxes, and so on, the wall thickness should be greater than 1.2mm. (4) buried into the ground fWith card Board, leads and introduction of the wire should be left appropriate margins, for inspection. (3) metal pipe line p and tie into a bundle.4) metal pipe line projects, should be completed with metal attachments, 钢丝绳和筋骨紧固连接件,并消除故障,补充或更换润滑油,清理绞车外表灰尘等; (2)中修:中修周期一般为9个月,中修一般在矿机修厂进行,主要是全部拆开绞车各部分清洗后检查磨损程度,更换已磨损的零件,消除小修时不能消除的故障,更换机器各部润滑油,恢复绞车工作能力和正常状况,中修后应进行试运行; (3)大修:大修周期一般为18个月,大修一般在矿机修厂进行,其主要内容是拆开绞车全部零件清洗和检查所有零件,修复或用新零件替换已磨损的零件,完全恢复绞车的工作能力和正常状况。大修后应进行试运行,并重新油漆。 八、 绞车传动系统示意图 图10 绞车传动示意图 (1)电动机(2)联轴器(3)液力推杆制动器(4)手制动器(5)减速器(6)过桥齿轮(7)滚筒 G50 and all screwed connections should be used. (7) the iron wires, metal trunking wiring closed bus wire and cable wiring alr of the tube, the gap should not be too large, interfaces should be over welding; ming distribution pipe diameter below the e diameter, the inner diameter of the sleeve should be consistent with the outer diametewalled steel pipe connection than G40 are threaded; greater than or equal to G40 casing, casing length is 1.5~3 times the tub-racks, and so on. (6) application of thicknts, cipe, there should be no obvious phenomena such as depression, lack of weld, bend wire and tube there should be no creases, dehave been examined, no obvious scars, such as cracks, foreign body blockage, particularly the longitudinal weld seam of the pould outside wall and fixing brackets, accessories, such as brush paint or zinc galvanized steel products. (5) the use of pipes sh ipe and metal trunking, asphalt paint brush, buried into the brick wall of iron pipe, brush you want oil Zhang Dan, laid piperete pp boxes, junction boxes, and so on, the wall thickness should be greater than 1.2mm. (4) buried into the ground floor of concard, leads and introduction of the wire should be left appropriate margins, for inspection. (3) metal pipe line projects, lamand tie into a bundle. With card Bo5) metal pipe line projects, should be completed with metal attachments,conductive parts of iron casting, the span should be connected, allow it to become a place of conductor and the grounding. (8-l non
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