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社团成立策划书2社团成立策划书2 2012年学生社团成立申请书 尊敬的院团委: 您们好~首先非常感谢你们抽出宝贵的时间来审阅这份申请书。我们是一群热衷于个人网站建设的计算机专业的学生,我们有着自己的兴趣爱好,但是我们学校却没有一个给众多个人网站建设爱好者共同学习、互相探讨以提高社会实践能力的平台,因此我们恳请申请成立计算机互联网专业学生社团——《网云社》,一个旨在提高技能,计算机方面的知识学以致用,为个人网站爱好者搭建一个展示自己的平台,让学生在学校便有进入实战的机会的专业学生社团。 本社团是一个有组织、有纪律、有章程、有计...

社团成立策划书2 2012年学生社团成立 申请书 入党申请书下载入党申请书 下载入党申请书范文下载下载入党申请书民事再审申请书免费下载 尊敬的院团委: 您们好~首先非常感谢你们抽出宝贵的时间来审阅这份申请书。我们是一群热衷于个人网站建设的计算机专业的学生,我们有着自己的兴趣爱好,但是我们学校却没有一个给众多个人网站建设爱好者共同学习、互相探讨以提高社会实践能力的平台,因此我们恳请申请成立计算机互联网专业学生社团——《网云社》,一个旨在提高技能,计算机方面的知识学以致用,为个人网站爱好者搭建一个展示自己的平台,让学生在学校便有进入实战的机会的专业学生社团。 本社团是一个有组织、有纪律、有章程、有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有目标、有落实,以“强技增能,为大众服务,完善自我”为宗旨,是具有较强团队意识的专业学生社团。通过了解中国互联网的现状,各类网站的经营管理模式,学习互联网企业的文化,竞争力。通过全方位的考察中国互联网的现状,达到各科互相交流,相互学习的目的。通过开展有关网站建设的各方面的讲座,给同学一个学习有实用东西的平台。内容将涉及网站主题的选定,受众人群的考虑,互联网网站创建的关键技术(数据库的知识,网络平台的构建,动静态网页设计,新闻网站的更新,网络营销等)。给我院计算机专业,以及软件工程专业同学展示自己专业知识的平台,同时通过他们带动全校文明上网,智慧上网,而不是沉浸于网络游戏。 社团成立后,在社团的建设上将主要分为三个方面:策划、强化社团管理委员会的职能,努力建设出一个具有相当领导、策划、组织能力的团队,更好地为广大师生服务;学术上,加快社团学术和会风的建设并扩大社团的影响力,营造良好的学习气氛,实现整个社团理论水平,实践能力的提升;实践上,努力拓宽途径,为会员提供更多的实践机会,使会员学到的理论知识能够学以致用,并强化知识与技能,我们将继续致力与此,全方位的将社团建设成为一个重学术、重实践的专业社团,最主要的是我们要超越梦想、超越未来、超越自我;成为全院学生积极参与的代表电院主流文化的学生社团。 我们恳请团委领导,批准我们社团的申请,我们坚信在团委领导的支持和关怀下、在我院同学的拥护下,在院系老师的大力帮助下,《网云社》一定可以办得红红火火,倡导响应学院的校园文化主流,使社团活动体现大学生活泼向上的积极风貌,使本社团活动成为我院的一大亮点,一道美丽的风景线。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 网站建设爱好者的强烈愿望,也是专业学生社团全体社员的共同期待,我们坚信在院系老师的大力支持下和帮助下,我们有能力、有决心、有智慧办好这个社团。 望院领导批准~ 此致 敬礼 附件一: 湖北汽车工业学院学生社团注册 申请表 食品经营许可证新办申请表下载调动申请表下载出差申请表下载就业申请表下载数据下载申请表 湖北汽车工业学院网云社 申请社团名称 (另附《个人简介》) 申请人姓名 T1123-4 宿 舍 李园二栋211 院系班级 申请时间 2012.6 联系方式 张吴波 联系方式 指导老师 申请社团宗旨 (另附《社团章程》) 培训网站设计和网络编程人员,参加各种竞赛。在学校举办网页 设计,网站模拟经营大赛。主要活动有讲座,承接网站建设小项目。活动内容及主要方式 在学生中宣传科学上网,如何正确利用网络资源,将网络与学习结合。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 社团指导部门(指导老师)复核意见 (签字并盖章) 2012年 月 日 学生社团联合会意见 学院团委复核意见 (签字并盖章) (签字并盖章) 2012年 月 日 2011年 月 日 附件2: 社团的基本事项 社团名称:《网云社》 社团类别:学习类 社员宗旨:传播互联网知识,学以致用,培养有竞赛能力的社员。 发起人:王瑞 袁航 黄伟强 钱周 指导老师:阎菲 张吴波 王文燕 拟定负责人:王瑞 附件3: 网云社章程 第一章 总则 第一条:本协会全称:湖北汽车工业学院网云社 简称:网云社 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 第二条:网云社由我校计算机专业同学发起,由全校热爱互联网,个人网站建设爱好者组成,接受校团委、校社联的监督,并在其指导下开展工作。 第三条:本协会以“培养汽院定向人才,推广、普及互联网知识”为宗旨。 第二章 主要任务 第五条:本协会以推广、普及知识、提高我校学生互联网知识,服务会员兴趣爱好为主要任务。 与学校的各个专业相结合,为大家提供一个综合各专业办实事的平台。在学到知识的同时代表学校参加网页设计,网络编程等竞赛。并力争在成为校内有实力,有影响的模范学生社团。 第三章 会员 第六条:凡本校注册的学生,愿遵守本章程,满足下列条件,均可加入本协会: 1、 遵守中华人民共和国宪法、法律和法规,遵守校纪校规; 2、思想健康、积极向上; 3、热衷个人网站建设。 注:被正式录用后,会员交纳会费(20元)以及一寸黑白或彩色照片两张,填写有关表格,协会发会员证;会员在自动退会或被协会除名后,须交还会员证。 第七条:会员的义务 1、热爱祖国,热爱人民,拥护中国共产党,坚持党的路线、方针、政策。 2、热爱湖北汽车工业学院,遵守校纪校规。 3、积极参加本协会组织的各项活动。 4、注意自我形象,遵守协会内部的各项纪律,维护协会的荣誉。 第八条:会员的权利 1、 会员有选举权和被选举权。 2、 有向本协会活动及理事会提出建议和批评的权利。 3、 有参加本协会组织的各种集体活动的权利。 4、 有参加本协组织的各种培训活动的权利。 5、 有优先参加组队参加的各种定向赛的权利。 6、 有在各种活动中表现出色、得好成绩获得奖励的权利。 第九条:凡有违反校纪,不遵守本章程的行为,作自动退会处理。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 第四章 组织机构 第十条:社团实行部长管理制,由社长指定副社长,并且提名各部长,然后由会员选举。 第十一条:主事部门由各个部部长组成,负责本协会日常事务,组织本社各种活动,并负责每年选举新一届社长长。社长定期组织各部长召开会议决定社团活动和发展。 第十二条:本协会以下设共处五部,即:技术部、宣传部、外联部、财务部、秘书处。 第十四条:开展培训活动,使会员的理论水平和实践能力得到提高。邀请在此方面有专长的老师和学长作为协会的指导老师。 第十五条:职能设置: 1. 社长: 代表本社团的形象,代表本社团参加重要活动及会议,全面负责本社团的各项工作,把握社团的发展方向,处理社团遇到的问题,起到龙头作用,向本社团负责。 2. 副社长: 协助社长处理本社团的各项工作,向社长负责,下对各部门具体工作做到帮助与指导,做好社长与部长之间的沟通工作,使得社团的各项工作能顺利有效进行。 3. 技术部:负责向新会员教授各方面的专业知识。社团网站的维护更新。培养竞赛人才,为 学校取得荣誉,扩大社团的声誉。 4. 财务部:负责管理协会财务,并定期向会员公布财务支出情况。并定期组织社员进行聚餐等集体的活动增进社员之间的感情。 5..外联部:负责挖掘校外资源、负责与其他协会进行交流和学习,负责与他校的辩论组织保持联系。 负责本社对外联系和对外形象工作,拓展我社团的阵地,并作好与建立合作关系的社团之间的联系和沟通工作。 作好与我市各大学校相关社团的联系,联系各种联谊活动;为社团活动的开展寻求资金等多种形式的赞助。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 6..宣传部:负责对协会和每次活动的各期宣传。负责本社团形象宣传工作,以展牌,海报等形式作好对外宣传,为社团各项活动的开展打响第一炮,从而扩大社团的影响力。 部长——负责社团形象宣传,统筹安排各项宣传工作。 干事——利用自身的特长,制定展牌,海报等宣传物品。 7.团支部:负责接收各类校级文件,做好社团与校团委及社联的联系工作。管理会员档案及协会资料、策划社团日常活动。 8.秘书处: (1)管理社员登记,负责接受新成员,组织“优秀社员”的评比,协助各部门工作 (2)管理社团内部档案和帐目 (3)制定和修改本组织的章程 (4)负责监督和检查本社日常工作和工作人员的纪律 (5)负责注册社团的考核记录和档案的管理 (6)负责社团的各会常务工作 第五章:协会内部管理 第十六条:为使本正常社团、高效运作,特制定如下内部 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 : 1、社团每周开一次例会,所有理事都应做到不迟到、不缺席,如有特殊情况需经会长或副会长批准,对于未经批准迟到两次、缺席三次以上者作免除协会职务处理。 3、所有理事有义务高质、高效完成所交予的任务。各部门之间要相互沟通,保证信息的一致性和完整性。 4、各部门与社联相关部门保持联系,以保证活动的正常快速进行。 第十七条:认真负责,扎实肯干的干部,将在年终给予奖励。 第十八条:工作不尽责,丧失工作热情的干部,经常务理事会讨论决定后给予降职或免职处分。 第十九条:干部的选拔本着重点培养和会员、理事推荐的原则,择优选取任用。 第六章:财务管理 第二十条:本协会经费来源会员所交会费及赞助,由本社团财务部负责保管。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 第二十一条:财务账目由财务部部长专人负责登记,会长及其他任何人不得在财务不部长不在时接触账簿或直接掌管财务。 第二十二条:各项活动所需资金必须做到真实性与透明性。 第二十三条:所有开支必须有发票或者收据。 第七章:工作程序 第一条:由组织部、宣传部和秘书处及相关部门负责活动提前筹备活动。 第二条:筹备工作做好后,报赊帐审批,由社长报院团委备案。 第三条:工作由各部门及干事具体负责并实施。 第八章:特色活动 举办电院IT文化节,打造成为我院每年都举办的大型活动,得到领导和老师的支持。充分的展示我院的风采,将我们的专业知识做成成果展示出来,让更多的同学了解IT文化。IT文化节不仅为同学提供展示自己才能的机会,更重要的是为大家提供了一个技术交流的技术平台,为自己技术的提升提供了良好的机会。丰富大家的课外学习生活。主要的比赛,和活动包括网页设计大赛,网站推广大赛,Flash制作大赛,IT文化讲座,电子商务模拟经营大赛等。 为了推广社团,扩大社团的影响丰富和活跃校园网络文化,激发广大学生的生活热情,提高同学们的科学文化素质,通过合作互助增强同学之间彼此的交流,团结互助精神、协作意识。开展全院学生网页设计大赛,使他们认识互联网络在学习、工作和交流中的重要作用,为他们提供一个艺术想象的空间、情操陶冶的园地和学习互助的场所,并通过本次比赛发现和培养网页设计人才,同时提供展示自我的舞台。更重要的是能达到真正与社会接轨,为学生走出社会 做好铺垫。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 附件四: 社长个人简历 姓 名 王瑞 性 别 男 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 团员 出生年月 1991.12 所在班级 T1123-4 籍 贯 湖北随州 李园二栋所在宿舍 现任职务 现班级心理委员 211 邮箱 www.hary654321.126.com 手机号 联系方式 校园小号 617022 1.热爱班级事务,乐于为同学服务,现任所在班级心理委员。 个2.热爱学习,课余时间都泡在图书馆,爱好钻研自己学习各中网络建站知识,荣获人 经2011-2012学年三等人民奖学金。 历 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 成立社团后,从事学生工作,为同学服务,对自己既是一种挑战,又是对学校的 一种感恩,和对社员的一种 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 。同时可以加强对于专业知识的学习和运用,为以后 个的工作积累经验我将从以下三方面做: 人 说1、对自己,用党员的标准来严格要求自己争取早日加入党组织; 明 2、对会员,多沟通交流,加强对他们的思想交流,博采众长; 3、对他人,加强合作有团队意识和大局观,虚心纳谏。 1、代表本社团的形象,代表本社团参加重要活动及会议,全面负责本社团的各 项工作,把握社团的发展方向,处理社团遇到的问题,起到龙头作用,对本社团负责。 2、将社团的各个部门工作分配协调好,将社团内部人员各尽其能。将会员的才 工能充分的发挥出来。 作 构 3、决定社团的重大活动,组织学习,竞赛活动。将各个活动办得有声有色。配想 合和好学校的各项工作,将社团做强做好。 副社长个人简历 姓 名 袁航 性 别 男 民 族 汉 政治面貌 团员 出生年月 1994年9月 所在班级 T1123-7 籍 贯 鄂州 相片 所在宿舍 李园2栋209 现任职务 志联部长 邮箱 765862975@qq.com 联系方式 手机号 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 校园小号 68994 一:入学当任班级副班长一职,参加院系举办的辩论赛获“优秀辩手”称号 二:加入志联策划部积极参加志联组织的各项活动并表现突出上学年获“优秀志愿者”工称号。 作 经三:下学年由于学习成绩突出获得调专业资格申请换了专业同时立志竞选志联部长并历 在工作中不懈努力最终获“优秀团员”称号。 第一 参加院系举办的辩论赛获“优秀辩手”称号。 第二 上学年获“优秀志愿者”称号。 获 奖第三 获“优秀团员”称号。 情 况 作为网云社社的副社长和外联部部长我会从以下几个方面来开展自己的工作: 第一:在纳新的时向有意者介绍网云社的工作核心以及网络的文化。 第二:在新部员确定之后召开第一次部门例会的时候要让新部员明确参加网云社的意 义所在,让每个人树立坚定的目标。 工 作 第三:作为部长要积极主动的和其他部门的部长交流都了解一些其他部门的活动给自构 想 己的部员提供更多锻炼自己的机会,同时还要都和部员沟通多了解部员的想法。 第四:定期给部员做一些关于写编程和网站设计能力上的培训。让每个部员都有所获。 第五:根据部员的能力特点提早培养下一届部长的接班人。 团支部部长个人简历 姓 名 梁爽 性 别 男 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 预备党员 出生年月 1992.2 所在班级 T1123-4 籍 贯 重庆 李园二栋所在宿舍 现任职务 班级团支书、分团委副主席 211 联系方式 邮箱 2291875767@qq.com or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 手机号 校园小号 63118 1热爱班级事务,乐于为同学服务,现任所在班级团支书。 个2在班级工作中积极负责,被评为优秀团支书 人 经3在学生会工作积极负责,工作优秀竞选为分团委副主席 历 自从到学校报道注册上学开始,积极参加学校班级社团组织的各类活动,并从中收 获了不少宝贵的经验和人脉资源。现任班级团支书,电院学生会分团委副书记。 个 人 个人比较热衷于学生工作,有能力帮助社团社长管理好社团内部的工作,本人性格说 明 外向活泼善于和人沟通交流,一定能做到和社员之间的沟通工作积极向社长传达部员 的思想和想法,做到整个社团一条心,所有力气往一处使。 自己一直以来热衷于学生工作,希望为广大的学生服务。以一个党员的标准要求自 己。加入管理社团后我将从以下三个方面为社团做出贡献。 1积极地配合社长管理好本社团,为社团的长远的发展出谋划策。 工2积极地配合分团委工作,将学校与院里的工作指示及时的向社团反应,做好上传下作 构达的工作。 想 3管理好社团内部的成员,进行好思想工作的教育, 附件五: or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 网云社组织结构设定 社长 社长 团支部 秘书处 团支部 秘书处 技术部 财务部 外联部 宣传部 通讯员队伍 技术部 财务部 外联部 宣传部 通讯员队伍 各部负责人及职能简介: 社长: 社长:王瑞 代表本社团的形象,代表本社团参加重要活动及会议,全面负责本社团的各项工作,把握社团的发展方向,处理社团遇到的问题,起到龙头作用,对本社团负责。 副社长: 副社长:袁航 协助社长处理本社团的各项工作,向社长负责,下对各部门具体工作做到帮助与指导,做好社长与部长之间的沟通工作,使得社团的各项工作能顺利有效进行。 技术部 部长:李治、杨鹏飞 负责向新会员教授各方面的专业知识。社团网站的维护更新。培养竞赛人才,为学校取得荣誉,扩大社团的声誉。并且和各相关的专业老师联系共同的向学员教授知识。 外联部: 部长:袁航、李坦 负责挖掘校外资源、负责与其他协会进行交流和学习,负责与他校的辩论组织保持联系。 负责本社对外联系和对外形象工作,拓展我社团的阵地,并作好与建立合作关系的社团之间的联系和沟通工作; or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 作好与我市各大学校相关社团的联系,联系各种联谊活动;为社团活动的开展寻求资金等 多种形式的赞助。 秘书处: 秘书长:孟子丰、周俊 (1)管理社员登记,负责接受新成员,组织“优秀社员”的评比,协助各部门工作 (2)管理社团内部档案和帐目 (3)制定和修改本组织的章程 (4)负责监督和检查本社日常工作和工作人员的纪律 (5)负责注册社团的考核记录和档案的管理 (6)负责社团的各会务工作 宣传部: 部长:江玉娇 负责对协会和每次活动的各期宣传。负责本社团形象宣传工作,以展牌,海报等形式作好对外 宣传,为社团各项活 动的开展打响第一炮,从而扩大社团的影响力。 部长——负责社团形象宣传,统筹安排各项宣传工作。 干事——利用自身的特长,制定展牌,海报等宣传物品。 财务部: 部长: 陈恢妹 负责管理协会财务,并定期向会员公布财务支出情况。 团支部: 部长:梁爽 负责接收各类校级文件,做好协会与校团委及社联的联系工作。管理会员档案及协会资料、策 划协会日常活动。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 新学期的活动计划 1、在团委申请通过后,我们计算机专业学生作为核心成员,在新学期进行会员的纳新。当然在纳新之前会有到位的宣传。接着召开成立大会,详细的介绍我社的建设宗旨,向会员介绍社团章程以及本学期的活动计划。 2、紧接着根据会员的个人爱好选择加入各个部门,递交简单的个人介绍。让会员在适当的岗位发挥自己的才能。本社团所需人才涉及,写作(编辑),工业设计,宣传营销,管理财务,各部门协调发展,相互学习。 3、以后的活动中,由技术部的人员进行专业技术的培训,主要涉及网站的建设,网络营销,电子商务,社区网站等方面的知识。通过让会员自己负责管理网站的版块,推广网站,维护网站,在实战中学习知识。社团成员集思广益,想象互联网创业的创新想法,会员提供零风险创业的机会,在校学习经验,有利于学生能力的培养,为以后创业之路积累经验。同时熟悉互联网的各种特点。就算是以后参加工作也是不可多得的经验。 4、构建一个学生交流论坛,吸收在校师生注册会员,扩大社团在学校的影响力。将学校名声扩大。通过各项活动增进会员感情,为大学生在大学找到心灵的归属感,少一些无聊,无所事事,让大家动起来,过充实的大学生活。 5、为专业学习在课下帮老师排忧解难,社团在一定程度上配合老师讲授内容,以各个专业的培养计划相协调的进行活动安排。与同学们所学习的必修内容和选修内容相结合,相得益彰。例如我们所学习的PS,办公软件,网页设计,选修的,,,,,,电子商务,我们活动内容配合学习,并运用与个人网站的设计,维护和更新,努力做到学以致用。用小项目带动社团成员学习,培养团队精神,小项目成就大能力。 6、在九月大一新生结束军训后时候帮助新会员适应大学生活。开始组织讲授网站建设所涉及相关的知识,系统的了解软件工程,网络编程工程师的工作。知道一个网站要运作起来的各方面的知识。然后学习静态网页设计。和电脑办公软件的基本操作。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 7、与院学生会、电子商务协会合作开展IT文化月,网页设计大赛,Flash 设计大赛,PPT设计大赛,电子商务创新大赛。 8、聘请学长或专业指导老师对学员进行校外各种设计比赛培训,准备代表 学校进行比赛。 9、学期后期总结社团一学期的工作,进行分析,对有特殊贡献的社员进行 表彰。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil
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