首页 人民调解卷宗制作方法



人民调解卷宗制作方法人民调解卷宗制作方法 一份完整的人民调解协议书分七种表组成,卷宗、 调解申请书、民间纠纷受理调解登记表、调查笔录、调解笔录、 人民调解协议书、回访记录这七种表。简单纠纷只要一张调解登记表即可。 第一种表,卷宗。 卷宗是将一起纠纷的所有文书立卷归档时所加的封面,只填写《民间纠纷受理调解登记表》, 不使用其他文书的纠纷,可以不使用卷宗。卷宗分11项。 第1项,人民调解委员会的名称。填写县(市、区)域名+乡镇(街道)域名+调委会名称,如古田县新城镇文河社区人民调解委员会。 第2项,卷宗类别。纠纷统一划分为七大类。...

人民调解卷宗制作方法 一份完整的人民调解 协议书 婚内约定的财产协议书家庭养老协议书pdf意向性划转协议书商业银行关联方授信摔伤一次性补偿协议书 分七种 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 组成,卷宗、 调解 申请书 入党申请书下载入党申请书 下载入党申请书范文下载下载入党申请书民事再审申请书免费下载 、民间纠纷受理调解登记表、调查笔录、调解笔录、 人民调解协议书、回访记录这七种表。简单纠纷只要一张调解登记表即可。 第一种表,卷宗。 卷宗是将一起纠纷的所有文书立卷归档时所加的封面,只填写《民间纠纷受理调解登记表》, 不使用其他文书的纠纷,可以不使用卷宗。卷宗分11项。 第1项,人民调解委员会的名称。填写县(市、区)域名+乡镇(街道)域名+调委会名称,如古田县新城镇文河社区人民调解委员会。 第2项,卷宗类别。纠纷统一划分为七大类。一是婚姻家庭纠纷、二是邻里纠纷、三是房屋宅基地纠纷、四是债务纠纷、 五是生产经营纠纷、六是赔偿纠纷、七是其它纠纷。 第3项,卷名。填写双方当事人姓名+调解的具体纠纷, 如张三与李四因债务而引发的纠纷, 或张三与李四因邻里采光通风而引发的纠纷。 第4项,年度。以纠纷双方达成一致意见,并制作完成调解协议书的当年度为准。 第5项,卷号。填写调委会简称+年份+号数,如某某村(镇、厂)人调[某某]年某号,如:文河社区人调[2003]01号。 第6项,调解员。填写所有参加过调解纠纷的人民调解员的姓名。 第7项,调解日期。填写达成人民调解协议书的当天日期。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第8项,立卷人。由负责把卷宗、调解申请书、民间纠纷受理调解登记表、调查笔录、调解笔录、人民调解协议书、 回访记录这七种表装订成卷的调解人员签署姓名。 第9项,立卷日期。填写卷宗装订完成的当天日期。 第10项,保管期限。保管期限分两类,一类是三年, 另一类是长期。一般纠纷保管期限是三年,重大疑难复杂纠纷保管期限是长期。 第11项,备注。需要注明其他特殊情况的可以填写。 第二种表,调解申请书。调解申请书分5项。 第1项,当事人。填六项内容,一是当事人姓名;二是性别;三是年龄;四是民族;五是职业;六是单位或住址。 当事人是法人或社会组织的,填写四项内容,一是法人或社会组织的名称;二是地址; 三是法定代表人或负责人姓名;四是法定代表人或负责人职务。 第2项,纠纷事实及申请事项。要求当事人填写明确的纠纷对方当事人,具体的纠纷事实及调解请求。 第3项,调委会名称。应与卷宗上的调委会名称一致。 第4项,申请人签名。调解申请书既可以由申请人本人填写,也可以由他人代写,但是申请人这一项的签名, 必须由申请人亲自签名,不得由他人代替。 第5项,登记日期。填写受理调解申请书的当天日期。 第三种表,民间纠纷受理调解登记表。分10项组成。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第1项,纠纷类别。此项应与卷宗类别内容相一致。 第2项,编号。填写调委会简称+登(字)+年份+号数,某某村(镇、厂)人调登[某某]年某号。如:文河社区人调登[2003]01号。 第3项,当事人。与调解申请书当事人一项相同。 第4项,纠纷简要情况。填明双方发生纠纷的简要事实,争议事项以及双方责任。 第5项,达成协议。填明纠纷双方通过调解达成的具体协议内容。 第6项,协议履行情况。一种是完全履行协议;二种是不完全履行协议;三种是不履行协议。 第7项,调解不成。因调解不成,于某年某月某日告知当事人按照法律、法规 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 提请有关机关处理或者向人民法院起诉, 对随时可能激化的纠纷,应当在采取必要的缓解疏导 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 后, 及时提交有关机关处理。年月日应填写调委会主持的最后一次调解的日期。 第8项,不受理。填明因何种原因,决定不受理该纠纷,并告知当事人如何处理。人民调解委员会应当根据具体情况,分别选择第5项,达成协议;第7项,调解不成;第8项,不受理, 三项其中一项填写适当内容,而不能既填写达成协议的内容, 又填写调解不成的内容或不受理的内容。 第9项,登记人签名。由负责填写民间纠纷受理调解登记表的人民调解员签署的姓名。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第10项,登记日期。填写的日期应与上面第5项达成协议的日期或第7项调解不成或第8项不受理的当天日期相同。 第四种表,调查笔录。分9项组成。 第1项,时间。填写调查的当天日期,填至年月日。 第2项,地点。填写具体明确的调查地点。 第3项,事由。内容应与卷宗的卷名相同。 第4项,参加人。填写旁听、旁观的群众。 第5项,被调查人。填写被调查人姓名、性别、年龄、单位或住址。 第6项,笔录。填写被调查人针对调查的事项所做的真实陈述,应准确地将被调查人陈述的原意记录下来,力争将原话记录下来。 笔录形成后应给被调查人校阅或者向被调查人宣读。 如果被调查人要求对笔录进行补正的,要当场进行补正。 第7项,被调查人签名。必须由被调查人亲自签名,不得由他人代替。 第8项,调查人签名。由参加此次调查的所有人民调解员签署姓名。 第9项,记录人签名。由负责填写调查笔录的人民调解员签署的姓名。 第五种表,调解笔录。分10项组成。 第1项,时间。填写调解的当天日期,填至年月日。 第2项,地点。填写具体明确的调解地点。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第3项,事由。填写为哪一项具体纠纷而做的调解。内容应与卷宗的卷名、调查笔录的事由相同。 第4项,参加人。填写接受人民调解委员会邀请、协助开展调解工作的人员。 第5项,当事人。填明到场接受调解的全部当事人。 第6项,笔录。应对双方当事人的陈述以及就争议问题展开的辩论进行客观、全面、真实的记录, 要清楚地记录调解人员在调解过程中发表的调解意见以及双方当事人对调解意见的态度, 对双方当事人达成协议的内容以及达不成协议的原因要进行详细记录。 笔录形成后应给双方当事人校阅或者向双方当事人宣读。 如果被调解人要求对笔录进行补正的,要当场进行补正。 第7项,当事人签名。到场接受调解的所有当事人都应签名,并且必须由当事人亲自签名,不得由他人代替。 第8项,调解员签名。由参加调解的所有人民调解员签署姓名。 第9项,参加人签名。由接受调委会邀请、协助开展调解工作的人员签署姓名。 第10项,记录人签名。负责填写调查笔录的人民调解员签署姓名。 第六种表,人民调解协议书。分9项组成。 第1项,编号。填写调委会简称+书(字)+年份+号数,某某村to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an (镇、厂)人调书[某某]年某号,如:文河社区人调书[2003]01号。 第2项,当事人。填写与调解申请书当事人一项内容相同。 第3项,纠纷简要情况。填写与民间纠纷受理调解登记表中纠纷简要情况一项内容相同。 第4项,达成协议。填写双方当事人自愿达成协议的内容,特别是对双方当事人应当享有什么样的权利、承担什么样的义务应填写明确、具体、清楚,不能含糊其词、责权不明。 第5项,履行方式、地点、期限。填写履行协议的方式和地点要明确、无歧义,履行的期限应精确到天,避免因履行协议的方式、地点、期限不明导致协议无法得到实际履行。 第6项,协议份数。各当事人和人民调解委员会各持1份协议。 第7项,当事人签名、盖章。自愿接受调解协议的所有当事人都应签名并盖章,如无私人印章的,则应按手印, 并且必须由当事人亲自签名并盖章,不得由他人代替。 第8项,调解员签名。由参加调解的所有人民调解员签署姓名,并加盖主持该调解纠纷的人民调解委员会的印章。 第9项,日期。填写达成调解协议的当天日期。 第七种表,回访记录。分7项组成。 第1项,当事人。与调解申请书当事人一项内容相同。 第2项,调解协议编号。与人民调解协议书的编号应一致。 第3项,回访事由。填写为哪一项具体纠纷而做的回访。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 第4项,回访时间。填写回访当事人的当天日期。 第5项,回访情况。填写当事人对调解工作的意见、要求, 协议的履行情况, 协议履行发生争议向人民法院起诉及人民法 院判决结果,有无错误调解及激化迹象,采取的措施等。 第6项,回访人签名。参加回访的所有人民调解员签署姓名。 第7项,日期。填写的日期应与回访时间一致。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an
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