首页 【海外留学生找工作】英文简历写作细节有哪些?



【海外留学生找工作】英文简历写作细节有哪些? 海归求职网(www.haiguiqiuzhi.com)-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务【海外留学生找工作】英文简历写作细节有哪些? 大家注意了,在写作英文简历时,要注意细节问题 (a) direct theme first, you must decide whether you want to convey what kind of information: is your various experience, academic achievement, skill expertise, work per...

海归求职网(www.haiguiqiuzhi.com)-专注留学生海归求职 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 辅导服务【海外留学生找工作】英文简历写作细节有哪些? 大家注意了,在写作英文简历时,要注意细节问题 (a) direct theme first, you must decide whether you want to convey what kind of information: is your various experience, academic achievement, skill expertise, work performance, or your career objective. Then speak up, concise and clear to express theme. Such as a company recruitment financial manager, so you can be in a cover letter to come straight to the point on request: I can competent for your company's financial manager post, reason has four - - - - - -, etc., can be directly list to your advantage, most leaders like clear concept, straightforward person. (2) outstanding resume is not listed on your history, it is for you to find work to make simple, accurate, targeted personal business CARDS. Therefore, in the resume, will your qualifications, expertise, achievement and job will be emphasized. Don't shake of your past, thought is profound knowledge, experience, on the contrary, lengthy narrative will not only the important information flooded, and very easy to give a person with work in vain section, well their own bad impression. (3) wording and phrasing economy, strong, easy to understand to do: 1, simple and clear. Don't appear to understand, perplexing language and sentence. 2, straightforward. Use short sentences express each of your meaning, to apply for a job person should introduce ourselves in key outstanding, the completeness of the contents of the premise, as far as possible brief and to the point. Because to be responsible for the recruitment of personnel may not spend their time lengthy resume. 3, explain the specific. Do not use fuzzy, general words, how to use case, digital, etc to illustrate. (4) length moderate, resume the gold content to high if you use a page can express your intention, you never want to use the second page. The most important thing is in control space at the same time, write down the most need to write, hiring the most like to see real content. 文档来源:专业留学生海归求职培训辅导机构海归求职网AceCareer
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