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我的 北大荒的秋天教学设计


我的 北大荒的秋天教学设计我的 北大荒的秋天教学设计 夕阳西下时,天空中出现了许多云霞。云霞的形状变化多端,尤其是云霞的颜色,变化极多。满天的云霞一会儿像百合色的团团棉花,一会儿像金色的波浪。最有趣的是那两朵云:一朵像一抹半灰半红的胭脂,一朵像紫檀色的鸡冠花,整个天空都显得色彩缤纷。变化无穷的云霞,使天空充满了瑰奇的神秘色彩。 4、晚霞的色彩是火艳的,气氛是热烈的,对我们的感染是强烈的。看看这里的天空,像正在燃烧的火焰,像一个美丽的仙女穿着火红的裙子向你走来。那颜色有大红,橙红,金黄,杏黄„„就是把全世界最好最鲜艳的水彩都洒上去了,也没...

我的 北大荒的秋天教学设计
我的 北大荒的秋天 教学设计 散步教学设计免费下载洗衣歌教学设计免费下载汽车材料教学设计下载爱护水资源教学设计下载一师一优课教学设计下载 夕阳西下时,天空中出现了许多云霞。云霞的形状变化多端,尤其是云霞的颜色,变化极多。满天的云霞一会儿像百合色的团团棉花,一会儿像金色的波浪。最有趣的是那两朵云:一朵像一抹半灰半红的胭脂,一朵像紫檀色的鸡冠花,整个天空都显得色彩缤纷。变化无穷的云霞,使天空充满了瑰奇的神秘色彩。 4、晚霞的色彩是火艳的,气氛是热烈的,对我们的感染是强烈的。看看这里的天空,像正在燃烧的火焰,像一个美丽的仙女穿着火红的裙子向你走来。那颜色有大红,橙红,金黄,杏黄„„就是把全世界最好最鲜艳的水彩都洒上去了,也没有晚霞这么绚丽。动人。明亮。色彩浓烈。夕阳越来越红了,红得几乎滴血,就像是一朵硕大的红牡丹在天边怒放, 天边的晚霞好似千变万化的魔术师,一会儿变成美若冰霜的仙女来向我招手,一会儿变成童里会说话的小白兔可惜刚要张口,就被凶悍的大灰狼吓跑了,紧接着大灰狼也跟随着小白兔跑了过去,一会儿又变成了会唱歌儿的夜莺„„ 如美丽的绸缎 《北大荒的秋天》教学设计 设计概说:《北大荒的秋天》是苏教版 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 语文第五册第二单元的一篇讲读课文。文章既描写了北大荒秋天的自然风光和丰收景象,又说明北大荒是个美丽富饶的地方, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达了作者对北大荒的热爱之情。是一篇文质兼美的写景文章。总分结构是本文构段的一大特点。在教学中主要通过感受景美来体验情美。通过语言文字感受客观景物所带来的物境之美,通过理解、想象感悟主观情感形成的情境,情景相融,引导学生披文入境,完成意境再创造的过程。 教学时间:一课时 教学过程: 一.揭示课题、导入新课。 1.在我国东北的黑龙江省有一个地方,人们把那儿称为“北大荒”。(板书:北大荒)看老师写“荒”这个字。长满了野草,没有人耕种,所以这里有个草字头,什么都没有,注意中间是个“亡”字。能给“荒”组个词吗,(荒凉 荒芜 荒无人烟„„) 为什么取这么个名字,想象一下原来的北大荒可能是什么样的, 2.过去的北大荒一片荒芜,人烟稀少。但是解放后,经过建设者们的开垦,荒地已变成了良田。现在的北大荒已经成为全国著名的粮食生产基地。是我国东北的大粮仓。(出示图片) 今天我们就来学习一篇和“北大荒”有关的课文,(板书:的秋天)一起走进北大荒的秋天。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 二.检查字词、初读课文。 出示词语:几缕 橘黄 绛紫 顿时 漾起 豆荚 脸庞 榛树 转眼间 自由读,指名读。 正音,释义后齐读。 北大荒的秋天是从什么时候开始的,你是从文中哪个地方知道的, 2.一叶知秋,九月,从第一片树叶落地开始,北大荒的秋天也就来了。北大荒的秋天究竟是怎样的呢,课文中用了一句话来概括的,请同学们放声读一读课文,到课文中去找一找。交流后出示句子:啊,北大荒的秋天真美呀~齐读 3.北大荒的秋天真美呀~快速浏览,课文主要写了哪些地方的美景, 指名交流,结合回答板书:天空、小河、原野 „„ 三.理解课文,感悟意境。 预设一:感受原野之美 1.课文哪一段写了原野的景色,指名读课文第二段。 2.这段话中哪个词能概括北大荒秋天原野的特点,(板书:热闹非凡) “热闹非凡”是什么意思,在生活中哪些地方是热闹非凡的呢, 原野热闹非凡,到底热闹在哪呢,你们听到声音了吗,请同学们再细细地读读这几句话,能从课文中“听”到声音吗, 3.交流:你读到声音了吗, (1)预设1:(我听到大豆在欢笑。)能找到书上的句子读一读吗,。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 大豆已经长出了豆荚,还发出声音,这说明——豆荚已经成熟了。难怪这里的人们喜欢用这样一句话来赞美秋天,(大豆摇铃千里金。) 这里的“铃”指的就是豆荚,大豆摇铃摇来什么,(丰收、喜悦、快乐、财富) 带着这样的感觉谁来读读这一句,“大豆摇铃千里金” 生:“大豆摇铃千里金”是什么意思, 师:同学们谁知道这句话的意思,台下众生面面相觑,无人举手。 师:对这句话大家可以联系课文中有关语句来理解。找一找上文中哪些语句与 “大豆摇铃”有关, 生找:成片的大豆摇着豆荚发出哗哗啦啦地笑声。 师:大豆已经长出豆荚了还发出声音,说明了什么, 生:豆荚已经成熟了。 师:成熟的豆荚是什么颜色大家看见过吗, 生:是黄色的。 师:再联系课文找找与“千里金”相关的词语。 生:遍地金黄的九月。 师:看见“金黄的九月”这个词你会联想到哪些景物, 生:金黄的稻谷成熟了,像铺着一地的金子。 生:黄澄澄的梨成熟了挂在枝头上。 :谁能说说“大豆摇铃千里金”的意思, 生:我明白了,大豆摇铃时,秋天就来了,农民们就丰收了。 师:是啊,秋天是收获的季节,是喜悦的日子,看见这些果实,想象着它装满一箩又一箩,一筐又一筐,一仓又仓的情景,人们能不赞美吗, (2)预设2:你还听到了什么声音,(我听到高粱在唱歌。) 我们书上的插图就画了挺拔的高粱,它们乐呵呵地在演唱,会唱些什么呢, 它们多快乐呀~谁能像它们一样乐呵呵地读读这句。 4.在作者的笔下大豆会欢笑,高粱会演唱,这是把它们当作人来写。这种修辞手法就叫——拟人,这样写多有意思呀,我们一起来读。 5.而这时山坡上、大路边、村子口,又是怎样的景色呢, 出示句子:山坡上,大路边,村子口,榛树叶子全都红了,红得像一团团火,把人们的心也给燃烧起来了。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 看到那么美的榛树,看到原来的荒原变成了良田,人们的心情怎样,(高兴、激动、兴奋)这种高兴快乐到了极点就说心也燃烧起来了。(点击变红:燃烧)让我们满怀激情的读读这一句。 5.这一段话先概括写了原野的热闹非凡,再从大豆、高粱、榛树具体展开写出了怎样热闹。有总有分,条理很清楚。师生合作按总分结构读。 6(真不愧是东北的大粮仓啊~难怪作者要感叹道——啊,北大荒的秋天真美呀~(齐读) 预设二:发现自然之美。 (一)北大荒的天空 1.一来到北大荒,首先映入眼帘的是那儿的“天空”,天空美在哪, 大家大声自由读课文第2自然段。 2.到了傍晚 天空的颜色不断发生着变化,读读这段,你能找到哪些表示颜色的词。 (1)“一碧如洗”这里的“碧”指碧蓝,天空一片碧蓝好像洗过一样。 (2)流云有哪些颜色,那么多的颜色,想象一下流云还会有哪些颜色,照着“银灰、橘黄、血红”这三个词的样子,前一个字代表什么东西,后一个字表示颜色,也来说说你想象中的流云。 3.这么多的颜色,书上用一个词语来说就是——五彩斑斓。这么美的流云就像是——(美丽的仙女在空中抖动着五彩斑斓的锦缎。) 我们要读好“转眼间”这个词~突出我们惊奇赞叹的心情。 这个句子挺长的,谁能读好,课件帮助断句出示,指导朗读。 4.我们一起来欣赏一下那似锦的流云,出示图片。师范读 指名读,指导读好这个句子,注意顿号的停顿和“转眼间”这个词语的指导。 (二)北大荒的小河 1.静之美 (1)北大荒秋天的天空是如此的美妙,而那儿的小河又别有一翻情趣。哪句话写出了小河的美,你能找到吗, cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 出示句子:小河清澈见底,如同一条透明的蓝绸子,静静地躺在大地的怀抱里。 (2)理解“如同”。这是一个比喻句把什么比作什么, (3)小河静静地流淌着,它默默见证着北大荒的变迁,这是一种静静的美,指名读、指导朗读。 2.动之乐 (1)活泼的小鱼游来了,它打破了这样的宁静,带来了另一种美。 出示句子:一群小鱼顶着水游过来,明镜一样的水面顿时漾起了一道道波纹。 小鱼多调皮,它顶着水游过来,水面顿时漾起了一道道波纹。(点击变红:顶 漾)漾在这里指什么, 看着欢快的小鱼,荡漾的河水,你的心情又如何, 此时随着水波荡漾的还有我们的心情,所有的烦恼都随着水波一圈一圈漾出去。 (2)小鱼的出现,使小河有了勃勃的生机。让我们一起来读。(指导读出欢快的语气。) 3.动静相宜 (1)如果说,小河躺在大地的怀抱中,那是一种静静的美~那自由活泼的小鱼则是一种灵动的美,这一静一动我们该怎么读好呢~先自己试一试。 (2)小鱼、小河,一动一静,构成了一幅生动的画面,他们在一起是那么和谐。(板书:动静相宜)我们一起来读。 (3)看似常见的天空、小河在作者的眼中有了别样的美丽,生活中并不缺少美,而是缺少去发现美。难怪作者要感叹道——啊,北大荒的秋天真美呀~(齐读) (设计意图:写景文的意境是内容与形式的完美统一,其情与景之美是通过准确形象生动的语言文字表达的。在教学中要引导学生通过对语言文字的阅读、感悟、推敲、比较进入文章的意境,从而来理解内容、陶冶情操,获得审美享受,让学生在过程中学习语言、品味语言,全面提高语文素养。) 五(拓展延伸 小结板书:北大荒的天空流云似锦、小河动静相宜、原野热闹非凡,其实美还不仅仅局限于此, cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 出示句子:这里的田野、山岭、江河,连同那茫茫的草甸子,都会在这个季节用双手捧出沉甸甸的宝物来。 理解“草甸子”读好“沉甸甸” 那么多的美景,你能不能用总分结构的方式,以“北大荒的秋天真美呀~”为总起句来写一写。(可以是书上提到的,也可以是你想到的。) 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf :处处皆风景,美景看不完,正是一代又一代的北大荒人,扎根荒原、辛勤劳作,用他们的双手创造了美,用他们的双眼发现了美。使得昔日的茫茫荒原变成了今日的塞北江南,也让北大荒的秋天深深地印在了我们的心中。 板书设计: 天空 流云似锦 北大荒的秋天 小河 动静相宜 美 原野 热闹非凡 物产丰富 大豆摇铃千里金 1、通过对课文的诵读感悟,知道北大荒是个美丽富饶的地方。 2、情感目标:了解北大荒秋天的自然风光和丰收景象,培养学生热爱祖国的思想感情。 3、能力目标:能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。学习第四自然段先概括、后具体的构段方式。感受语言美,培养欣赏及想象能力。 二、教学重点:品味词句,想象意境,训练朗读。 三、教学难点:引导学生在品味文章语言的过程中感受北大荒秋天的景色之美、 物产之丰。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment
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