首页 勇敢的心经典台词英语怎么说



勇敢的心经典台词英语怎么说勇敢的心经典台词英语怎么说 篇一:英文电影《勇敢的心》经典台词(By William Wallace) 电影《勇敢的心》经典英文台词荟萃(最全版) (注:中文翻译来源于网络) William Wallace: I give homage to Scotland. And if this is your army, why does it go? 华莱士: 如果这是你们的军队,他们为什么要走, Soldier 1:We didn't come here to fight for them! 士兵...

勇敢的心经典台词英语怎么说 篇一:英文电影《勇敢的心》经典台词(By William Wallace) 电影《勇敢的心》经典英文台词荟萃(最全版) (注:中文翻译来源于网络) William Wallace: I give homage to Scotland. And if this is your army, why does it go? 华莱士: 如果这是你们的军队,他们为什么要走, Soldier 1:We didn't come here to fight for them! 士兵1:我们不是来这儿为他们打仗的~ Soldier 2:Home! The English are too many! 士兵2:回家吧~英国人太多了。 William Wallace: Sons of Scotland. I am William Wallace. 华莱士: 英格兰的子民们。我是威廉姆华莱士。 Soldier 3:William Wallace is 7 feet tall. 士兵3:威廉姆华莱士有7英尺高。 William Wallace: Yes,I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds. And if he was here,he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his ass. I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my country men, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? 华莱士:是啊,我听说了。他杀的人 数以百计。如果他在这儿,他就能眼睛喷出火球,屁股放出 闪电,干掉英国人。我是威廉姆华莱士。我看见了一只由我 的同胞组成的反对暴政的大军。你们是以自由之身来参加战 斗的。你们是自由的人。没有自由你们会怎么做,你们还会 战斗吗, All The Soldiers:No! No! 众战士:不~不~ Soldier: Against that? No, we'll run, and we'll live. 战士:还会战斗吗,不~我们会逃命,我们要活命。 William Wallace: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while, and dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?! 华莱士:是呀,如果战斗,你们可能会死。如果逃跑,至 少还能……多活一会儿。年复一年,直到寿终正寝,你们愿 不愿意,用这么多苟活的日子,去换一个机会,就一个机会。 回到这里,告诉我们的敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命, 但他们永远夺不走我们的自由。 William Wallace: FREEDOM~~ 华莱士:自由~~~~~~ William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives. 华莱士:每个人都会死去,但不是每个人都曾经真正活过。 William Wallace: There's a difference between us. You think the people of this land exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it. 华莱士:我们间的区别就是,你们认为这片土地的人民生 存是为了供养你们阶级,我却认为你的阶级应该给你的人民 自由(我走了,确认他们是否得到了 Wallace: You tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I'm alive. 华莱士:告诉你的国王,我不会屈服于统治,在我活着时, 所有苏格兰人都是~ William Wallace's father: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. 华莱士的父亲:你的心灵是自由的,用尽 勇气去追随吧( William Wallace: Not nearly as beautiful as you 华莱士:那里很美,但是你更美。 William Wallace: Why do you help me? 华莱士:为什么帮我。 Princess Isabelle: Because of the way you are looking at me now. 伊莎贝尔:因为你看着我的方式。 篇二:勇敢的心经典台词中英对照 《勇敢的心》经典台词中英对照 角色:华莱士、爱尔兰猛男、汉密斯、士兵甲乙丙、贵族甲乙丙 英军大佐、英军副官 爱尔兰猛男:The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. 上天说这是场时髦的战争 It’s drawn the finest people. 吸引了最好的人 贵族甲:Where is thy salute? 你的礼仪呢? 华莱士:For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, 对你亲自现身此战场 I give you thanks. 我向你致谢 To join it, you give homage. 来加入效忠 贵族甲:This is our army. 这是我们的军队 华莱士:I give homage to Scotland, 我向苏格兰效忠 and if this is your army... 这若是你的军队 why does it go? 他们为何离开? 士兵甲:We didn’t come here to fight for them! 我们来此不是为他们出战 (众士兵骚动) 士兵乙:Home!The English are too many. 回家!英格兰军太多兵了 华莱士:Sons of Scotland... 苏格兰的子民们 I am William Wallace. 我是威廉华莱士 士兵乙:William Wallace is 7 feet tall. 威廉华莱士有七英尺高 华莱士:Yeah, I’ve heard. 哟西,我也听说了。 He kills men by the hundreds, 他杀人数以百计 and if he were here, he’d consume the English 他若在此 with fireballs from his eyes 他眼睛可以冒火球 and bolts of lightning from his arse. 屁股会放雷电消灭英格兰军的 I am William Wallace 我是威廉华莱士(自信ing) and I see a whole army of my countrymen 我看到我民族组成的军队 here in defiance of tyranny. 向暴政宣战 You’ve come to fight as free men. 你们作战是为解放人民 And free men you are. 你们自己也将自由 What will you do with that freedom? 若没有自由能怎么办? Will you fight? 你们愿意作战吗? 众士兵:- No! - No! - 不! 不! - No! - No! - 不! 不! 士兵丙:Against that?No! 对抗那?不! We will run, and we will live. 我们会逃开 我们会活 华莱士:Aye, 嗬 Fight, and you may die. 作战 可能会战死 Run, and you’ll live... 逃开 能活着 at least awhile. 至少一阵子 And dying in your beds many years from now, 几年后在床上老死 would you be willing to trade 你们是否愿意 all the days from this day to that 用这一切来换今天 for one chance just one chance 为一个机会 就这么一个机会 to come back here and tell our enemies 回到这 告诉我们的敌人 that they may take our lives, 他们或许会杀死我们 but they’ll never take our freedom! 但他们夺不去我们的自由! (众士兵欢呼) 华莱士:Albagu bra! 自由~(什么鸟语) 众士兵:Albagu bra! 英军大佐:They seem quite optimistic to me. 我认为他们相当乐观 Maybe they do want to fight. 也许他们真愿意出战 英军副官:Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, milord, 对峙也许是预料中的结果 but, nonetheless, 但虽然如此 I think we should deliver the king’s terms. 我们该传达国王的条件 英军大佐:The king’s terms? He’ll never live up to them. 国王条件?他决不给他们兑现的 英军副官:Milord, I think... 大人,我想 XXOO 英军大佐:All right. Offer them the terms. 好吧 将条件说给他们 贵族乙:Shall we go and meet them? 我们要去会见他们吗? 贵族甲:Let me do the talking. 我来跟他们谈 贵族乙:Agreed. 好 爱尔兰猛男:Fine speech. 讲的好 Now what do we do? 现在怎么做? 华莱士:Just be yourselves. 一如我们所计划的 汉密斯:Where are you going? 你去哪? 华莱士:I’m going to pick a fi ght. LZ去叫阵 Well, we didn’t get dressed up for nothing. 我们不是没理由穿成这样 英军副官:Mornay, Lochlan, Craig. 莫瑞 卢克兰 克瑞格 Here are the king’s terms 这是国王的条件 Lead this army off the field 将军队带离战场 and he will give you each estates in Yorkshire, 他会把约克郡的土地赐给你们 including hereditary title, 还包括世袭头衔 from which you will pay... 而你们所要付出的 from which you will pay him an annual duty 只是给他年税 华莱士:I have an offer foryou. 我有个提议 贵族乙:Cheltham, this is William Wallace. 他是威廉华莱士 英军副官:(怒)From which you will pay the king an annual duty... 你们要付给他年税 华莱士:I said I have an offer foryou. 我说我有个提议 贵族甲:You disrespect a banner oftruce? 你对休战不敬 华莱士:From his king(来自:WwW.cNbothwin.Com 博 威范 文网:勇敢的心经典台词英语怎么说)? Absolutely. 对他的国王?绝对 Here are Scotland’s terms... 苏格兰开的条件是 Lower your flags 降下你们的旗子 and march straight back to England, 回你们的英格兰 stopping at every home you pass by 每遇民舍就停下来 to beg forgiveness for 100 years oftheft rape and murder. 为百年来的杀人掳掠求恕 Do that, and your men shall live. 这样做 你们就能活 Do it not, and every one of you will die today. 不照做,你的人今天都得死。 英军副官:Hahahaha… 小样 You are outmatched. 你们势单力薄 You have no heavy cavalry. 你并没有重装骑兵 In two centuries, no army has won... 两世纪来 没有军队能打赢。。。 华莱士:I’m not finished! 我还没说完 Before we let you leave, 在让你们离开前 your commander must cross that field, 你们大佐必须穿过战场 present himself before this army, 站在这军队前 put his head between his legs, 将他的头夹在大腿里 and kiss his own arse. 亲屁股 篇三:勇敢的心经典语录中英 篇一:勇敢的心台词英汉对照完整版(优化) 看电 影学英语 brave heart 《勇敢的心》 -robert: i shall tell you of william wallace. tell of: 讲述 我将为你们讲述 william wallace的故事。 historians from england will say i am a liar,historian: 历史学家 liar: 说谎的人 英国的历史学家们 会说我在说谎, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes.history: 历史 hang: 绞死 hero: 英雄 但历史是由处死英 雄的人写的。 the king of scotland had died without a son,scotland: 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在 不列颠北部) 苏格兰国王死后无 嗣, and the king of england, a cruel pagan known as edward the longshanks, cruel: 残忍的 pagan: 异教徒 be known as: 被称为,被认为是 longshank: 长腿(合成词long: 长的 shank: 腿部) 人称长腿edward 的英格兰国王,一个残暴的异教徒, claimed the throne of scotland for himself. claim: 声称有 throne: 王位 宣布苏格兰王位归 他所有。 scotlands nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown. noble: 贵族 fought: 打仗 (fight的过去式) crown: 王位 苏格兰的贵族们为 了王位和他开战,同时也在自相残杀。 so longshanks invited them to talk of truce... invite: 邀请 truce: 休战 于是长腿邀请他们 共商休战。 no weapons, one page only. weapons: 武器 page: 随从 不能带武器,每人 只能带一名随从。 among the farmers of that shire was malcolm wallace, shire: 郡 当地有个名叫 malcolm wallace的农民, 是个拥有自己的土 地的平民。 he had two sons, john and william. 他有两个儿子, john和william。 -malcolm: i told you to stay.stay: 呆,停留 我叫你待在家里。 -william: well, i finished my work.finish: 完成,结束 我干完活了。 where are we going? 我们去哪里, -malcolm: macandrews. he was supposed to visit when the gathering was over. be supposed to: 被认为,应该 supposed: 假定,料想,应该 gathering: 集会 去macandrew家。 聚会一结束他们就应该来了。 我能去吗, -malcolm: no, go home, boy.不行,回家去,孩子。 -william:but i want to go.可我想去。 -malcolm: go home or youll feel the back of my hand.回家去,要不我就揍你了。 -john: go you home, william.回家去,william。 -malcolm: macandrews! macandrews! holy jesus! holy: 神圣的,圣洁的 macandrew~ macandrew~圣主啊~ -william: aah!啊~ -malcolm: its all right! william! 好了,没事了~william~ william! william, its all right. william~william,好了,没事了。 its all right. easy, lad.lad: 男孩,小伙子 没事了。镇静点, 孩子。 -dead page boy: william. william。 -william: uhh!啊~ -malcolm: and i say we hit back now!hit: 打击,袭击 我们应该以牙还牙~ -macclannough: we cannot fight them! its suicide! suicide: 自杀性的,自杀 我们不能这么做~ 这简直就是去自杀~ -campbell: wallace is right! we fight them! wallace说的对~ 打吧~ -macclannough: every nobleman who had a will to fight was at that meeting.nobleman: 贵族,君子 will: 意志,决心 所有主战的贵族都在这次会议上死了。 we cannot beat an army. not with 50 farmers. beat: 打败 army: 军队 farmer: 农民 我们无法对付一支 军队,在只有50个农民的情况下。 -malcolm: we do not have to beat them, just fight them. 我们不一定要打败 他们,只要和他们战斗。 now, whos with me? 现在,谁跟我去, -campbell (and others): i am, wallace.我去,wallace。 -macclannough: all right, all right.好吧,好吧。 -malcolm: ready. ready: 准备好的 好。 -malcolm: where do you think youre going?think: 想,认为 william,你想去哪 儿,. -william: im going with you.跟着你。 -malcolm: ah, youre going with me, are you? and what are you going to do? 你想和我在一起,是吗, 你想干什么, -william: im going to help.我要去帮你。 -malcolm: hey, and a good help youd be, too.嘿,你会成为好帮手的。 but stay here,and look after the place for me while im away. need: look after: 照顾 儿,在我不在的时候照看好这地方。 -william: fight.我能打仗。 -malcolm: i know you can fight.我知道。我知道你能打仗。 but its our wits that make us men. wit: 汉还要会用脑子。 see 我会回来看你的。 -john: ha! hiya! 哈~ -hamish: english! 英国人。 -william: down~低下头~ -hamish: your father and brother gone, theyll kill us kill: 杀死 burn: 焚烧,烧毁 了,他们会杀了我们,烧掉农场。 -william: its up to us, hamish.( 就得靠我们了,hamish。) -boys: 啊啊啊~ -william: nah. -hamish: uhh! -william: 爸爸,爸爸, i need you to 需要 但是我要你留在这i can i know. 才智 不过,真正的男子you tomorrow.get with and burn the farm. 你爸爸和哥哥都走ahhhh!啊哈~ 吼~ da? da? -priest: amen.阿 门。 -everyone: amen. 阿门。 -argyle: william. im your uncle argyle. (william,我是你叔叔argyle。) you have the look of your mother.你长得象你妈妈。 well stay here tonight.我们今晚就在这儿过夜。 -william: i dont want to leave.我不想走。 -argyle: you didnt want your father to die either, did you? die: 死去, 死亡 either: 也 你也不希望你父亲死,是不是, but it happened. happen: 发生 可这是事实。 did the priest give a poetic benediction? the lord bless thee and keep thee? priest: 神父 poetic: 理想化了的 benediction: 祝福 lord: 上帝 bless: 保佑,祝福thee: [古]你 神父不是祷告了吗, 上帝保佑你,卫护你, -william: it was in latin.是用拉丁语说的。 -argyle: you dont speak latin?speak: 说,讲话 你会说拉丁语, well, thats something we shall have to remedy, isnt it?remedy: 治疗, 补救 这是我们需要补习 的东西,对吗, -argyle&william: the lord blesses thee and keep thee. 主保佑你,卫护你。 the lord caused his light to shine on thee. cause: 使,引起 light: 光亮,光 shine: 照耀,显耀 主使你沐浴阳光。 the lord lift up
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