首页 看图猜成语第二版第1波到第15波答案大全



看图猜成语第二版第1波到第15波答案大全看图猜成语第二版第1波到第15波答案大全 1-1 1-16 1-31 异曲同工 东张西望 水滴石穿 1-2 1-17 1-32 口是心非 人仰马翻 拔苗助长 111 -3 -18 -33 无与伦比 开膛破肚 五音不全 1 1-4 1-19 -34 多此一举 五光十色 两面三刀 1-5 1-20 1-35 天方夜谭 身怀六甲 一塌糊涂 1-6 1-21 1-36 羊入虎口 待字闺中 左右开弓 1-7 1-22 1-37 白纸黑字 身首异处 马失前蹄 -8 -23 -38 111 石破天惊 虎头蛇...

看图猜成语第二版第1波到第15波 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 大全 1-1 1-16 1-31 异曲同工 东张西望 水滴石穿 1-2 1-17 1-32 口是心非 人仰马翻 拔苗助长 111 -3 -18 -33 无与伦比 开膛破肚 五音不全 1 1-4 1-19 -34 多此一举 五光十色 两面三刀 1-5 1-20 1-35 天方夜谭 身怀六甲 一塌糊涂 1-6 1-21 1-36 羊入虎口 待字闺中 左右开弓 1-7 1-22 1-37 白纸黑字 身首异处 马失前蹄 -8 -23 -38 111 石破天惊 虎头蛇尾 万里挑一 1-9 1-24 1-39 德高望重 笑里藏刀 难辨雌雄 1-10 1-25 1-40 四脚朝天 破口大骂 僧多粥少 1-11 1-26 三言两语 金屋藏娇 1-12 1-27 扬眉吐气 明争暗斗 1-13 1-28 比翼双飞 三五成群 1-14 1-29 正中下怀 乌合之众 1-15 1-30 大材小用 梁上君子 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 2-1 2-16 2-31 一五一十 灯红酒绿 点到为止 2-2 2-17 2-32 里应外合 高高在上 开门见山 222 -3 -18 -33 四大皆空 甘拜下风 三长两短 2 2-4 2-19 -34 排山倒海 前仆后继 将心比心 2-5 2-20 2-35 一手遮天 楚河汉界 平分秋色 2-6 2-21 2-36 一石二鸟 半夜三更 雪上加霜 2-7 2-22 2-37 无中生有 本末倒置 一叶知秋 -8 -23 -38 222 官官相护 闭门思过 小鸟依人 2-9 2-24 2-39 病从口入 不堪入目 拨乱反正 2-10 2-25 2-40 环肥燕瘦 才高八斗 请君入瓮 2-11 2-26 事半功倍 姹紫嫣红 2-12 2-27 粗茶淡饭 茅塞顿开 2-13 2-28 声东击西 心直口快 2-14 2-29 黑白颠倒 能屈能伸 2-15 2-30 四平八稳 入木三分 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 3-1 3-16 3-31 一举两得 如雷贯耳 胆大包天 3-2 3-17 3-32 飞蛾扑火 箭在弦上 胆小如鼠 333 -3 -18 -33 自圆其说 如虎添翼 独当一面 3 3-4 3-19 -34 一目十行 是非不分 断子绝孙 3-5 3-20 3-35 丢三落四 藕断丝连 唉声叹气 3-6 3-21 3-36 门当户对 若隐若现 爱憎分明 3-7 3-22 3-37 话中有话 支离破碎 八面来风 -8 -23 -38 333 青红皂白 脱口而出 半壁江山 3-9 3-24 3-39 一刀两断 血肉模糊 兵临城下 3-10 3-25 3-40 可圈可点 立竿见影 重蹈覆辙 3-11 3-26 隔岸观火 泰山压顶 3-12 3-27 颠三倒四 弱不禁风 3-13 3-28 想入非非 绿林好汉 3-14 3-29 貌合神离 唇亡齿寒 3-15 3-30 网开一面 满园春色 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 4-1 4-16 4-31 大步流星 七零八落 美中不足 4-2 4-17 4-32 大跌眼镜 无独有偶 旁门左道 4-3 44 -18 -33 呆若木鸡 不可思议 妻离子散 4-4 4-19 4-34 地广人稀 偷天换日 巧舌如簧 4-5 4-20 4-35 洞房花烛 天下为公 蠢蠢欲动 4-6 4-21 4-36 斗折蛇行 接二连三 别出心裁 4-7 4-22 4-37 面黄肌瘦 水落石出 度日如年 4-8 -23 -38 44 九牛一毛 出口成章 恩重如山 4-9 4-24 4-39 来历不明 顺手牵羊 风雨交加 4-10 4-25 4-40 劳燕分飞 文不加点 百年树人 4-11 4-26 柳暗花明 言外之意 4-12 4-27 三姑六婆 画地为牢 4-13 4-28 三从四德 门庭若市 4-14 4-29 风花雪月 百步穿杨 4-15 4-30 缺衣少食 渐入佳境 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 5-1 5-16 5-31 鱼目混珠 画龙点睛 天衣无缝 5-2 5-17 5-32 苟活人世 深不可测 半推半就 555 -3 -18 -33 草木皆兵 气吞山河 皮开肉绽 5-4 5-19 5-34 画蛇添足 先礼后兵 三缄其口 5-5 5-20 5-35 朝三暮四 长吁短叹 屈指可数 5-6 5-21 5-36 开门见山 昂首挺胸 物以类聚 5-7 5-22 5-37 鸦雀无声 弥天大谎 日行千里 -8 -23 -38 555 衣食父母 穷困潦倒 风花雪月 5-9 5-24 5-39 风和日丽 肝肠寸断 莫名其妙 5-10 5-25 5-40 风月无边 左右为难 一清二白 5-11 5-26 雕虫小技 酸甜苦辣 5-12 5-27 弹尽粮绝 鬼话连篇 5-13 5-28 青红皂白 左思右想 5-14 5-29 岂有此理 万念俱灰 5-15 5-30 一心一意 金蝉脱壳 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 6-1 6-16 6-31 外圆内方 金鸡独立 愿者上钩 6-2 6-17 6-32 胆大心细 心花怒放 势如破竹 666-3 -18 -33 小心翼翼 苦尽甘来 死不瞑目 6-4 6-19 6-34 纸上谈兵 绝处逢生 绕梁三日 6-5 6-20 6-35 家破人亡 两败俱伤 如坐针毡 6-6 6-21 6-36 惊弓之鸟 难以置信 青面獠牙 6-7 6-22 6-37 腾云驾雾 一心一意 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 里如一 -8 -23 66 6-38 破镜重圆 阴差阳错 滥竽充数 6-9 6-24 -39 6 狗尾续貂 厚此薄彼 无穷无尽 6-10 6-25 6-40 隔靴搔痒 倾国倾城 天下无双 6-11 6-26 狐假虎威 居高临下 6-12 6-27 一叶障目 家徒四壁 6-13 6-28 苦中作乐 开天辟地 6-14 6-29 狗急跳墙 门可罗雀 6-15 6-30 明枪暗箭 模棱两可 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 7-1 7-13 7-25 7-37 功德圆满 命悬一线 上行下效 陆续不断 7-2 7-14 7-26. 7-38 改朝换代 塞翁失马 啼笑皆非 有眼无珠 7-3 7-15 7-27 7-39. 参差不齐 外强中干 心中有数 破门而入 7-4 7-16 7-28 7-40 天水一色 是非曲直 三心二意 分崩离析 7-5 7-17 7-29 世代相传 不可一世 迫在眉睫 7-6 7-18 7-30 无中生有 无的放矢 一鸣惊人。一 名金人 7-7 7-19 生死存亡 7-31 乘人不备 一箭双雕 7-8 7-20 才子佳人 7-32 不痛不痒 出生入死 7-9 7-21 大显身手 7-33. 觥筹交错 万无一失 7-10 7-22 无时无刻 7-34 水乳交融 不三不四 7-11 7-23 坐吃山空 千娇百媚 7-35 无稽之谈 7-12 7-24 回眸一笑 雪中送炭 7-36 山外有山 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 8-13 8-1 8-26 8-38 独具匠心 一成不变 晕头转向 天下第一 8-14 8-2 8-27 8-39 有声有色 北面称臣 木已成舟 蒸蒸日上 8-15 8-3 8-28 8-40 首当其冲 抛砖引玉 转危为安 周而复始 8-16 8-4 8-29 置之脑后 真相大白 舍己为人 8-17 无与伦比 8-5 8-30 8-18 唇齿相依 千变万化 不在话下 8-6 8-31 8-19 气吞山河 古往今来 大是大非 8-7 8-32 8-20 胜友如云 解甲归田 喜怒哀乐。 8-8 8-33 8-21 百里挑一 水到渠成 心花怒放 8-9 8-34 8-22 一刻千金 目瞪口呆 十全十美 8-10 8-35 8-23 千方百计 鸡飞狗叫 头重脚轻 8-11 8-36 8-24 三位一体 蛇鼠一窝 三番两次 8-12 8-37 8-25 文武双全 珠光宝气 前功尽弃 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 9-1 9-13 9-25 9-37 节外生枝 半斤八两 哭笑不得 臭味相投 9-2 9-14 9-26 9-38 一波三折 万众一心 美中不足 等闲视之 9-3 9-15 9-27 9-39 长话短说 半新半旧 一字千金 狗仗人势 9-4 9-16 9-28 9-40 吃里扒外 推三阻四 一日三秋 有的放矢 9-5 9-17 9-29 胸有成竹 日复一日 九死一生 9-6 9-18 9-30 按兵不动 眼高手低 三令五申 9-7 9-19 9-31 望梅止渴 见钱眼开 欺上瞒下 9-8 9-20 9-32 一见如故 一衣带水 一年半载 9-9 9-21 9-33 不可造次 以一当十 虎虎生风 9-10 9-22 9-34 落草为寇 有勇无谋 后生可畏 9-11 9-23 9-35 新仇旧恨 走马观花 自食其果 9-12 9-24 9-36 歪门邪道 杯水车薪 无微不至 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 10-1 10-13 10-25 10-37 四分五裂 趁火打劫 积少成多 卖国求荣 10-2 10-14 10-26 10-38 乐在其中 行将就木 人山人海 浪子回头 10-3 10-15 10-27 10-39 遮风挡雨 妙笔生花 心腹大患 小菜一碟 10-4 10-16 10-28 10-40 七嘴八舌 童叟无欺 当局者迷 有备而来 10-5 10-17 10-29 一了百了 斤斤计较 其貌不扬 10-6 10-18 10-30 一本正经 血口喷人 开卷有益 10-7 10-19 10-31 锦上添花 五花八门 黑白分明 10-8 10-20 10-32 早出晚归 日理万机 不卑不亢 10-9 10-21 10-33 自始至终 一言不发 思如泉涌 10-10 10-22 10-34 短兵相接 巧用天时 不堪回首 10-11 10-23 10-35 背水一战 无法无天 覆水难收 10-12 10-24 10-36 断章取义 一干二净 针锋相对 11-1 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 贻笑大方 独树一帜 猴子捞月 八仙过海 11-2 11-14 11-26 11-38 悬崖勒马 夸父追日 老牛舐犊 石沉大海 11-3 11-15 11-27 11-39 愁眉苦脸 火烧眉毛 牛鬼蛇神 拍案叫绝 11-4 11-16 11-28 11-40 两厢情愿 大惊失色 投笔从戎 行尸走肉 11-5 11-17 11-29 哭笑不得 轰轰烈烈 山盟海誓 11-6 11-18 11-30 狭路相逢 苦口婆心 危在旦夕 11-7 11-19 11-31 披星戴月 横冲直撞 卧薪尝胆 11-8 11-20 11-32 善男信女 力争上游 飞黄腾达 11-9 11-21 11-33 爱屋及乌 沧海一粟 指鹿为马 11-10 11-22 11-34 怒火中烧 双管齐下 嗤之以鼻 11-11 11-23 11-35 窃窃私语 七窍流血 半截入土 11-12 11-24 11-36 普天同庆 鸡毛蒜皮 昂首阔步 11-13 11-25 11-37 12-1 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 面红耳赤 名利双收 小题大做 并驾齐驱 12-2 12-14 12-26 12-38 步步为营 顶天立地 一言九鼎 遁入空门 12-3 12-15 12-27 12-39 旗开得胜 对牛弹琴 千军万马 紫气东来 12-4 12-16 12-28 12-40 人面兽心 鼻青脸肿 目中无人 自始至终 12-5 12-17 12-29 眉飞色舞 面目全非 上天入地 12-6 12-18 12-30 嫦娥奔月 小惩大诫 成王败寇 12-7 12-19 12-31 三人成虎 大呼小叫 大腹便便 12-8 12-20 12-32 拨云见日 闭门造车 穷山恶水 12-9 12-21 12-33 盲人摸象 胆大心细 远走高飞 12-10 12-22 12-34 马放南山 翻江倒海 天各一方 12-11 12-23 12-35 打草惊蛇 粉白黛绿 引人入胜 12-12 12-24 12-36 一帆风顺 浑身是胆 贼喊捉贼 12-13 12-25 12-37 13-1 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 崇山峻岭 浑水摸鱼 天下太平 杯弓蛇影 13-2 13-14 13-26 13-38 此起彼伏 偷鸡摸狗 一败涂地 张口结舌 13-3 13-15 13-27 13-39 名震一时 鸡飞狗跳 七步成诗 怒火中烧 13-4 13-16 13-28 13-40 风卷残云 归心似箭 东拼西凑 群龙无首 13-5 13-17 13-29 束之高阁 俯首称臣 串通一气 13-6 13-18 13-30 理屈词穷 人满为患 人中之龙 13-7 13-19 13-31 背井离乡 三六九等 今非昔比 13-8 13-20 13-32 鸟语花香 凤毛麟角 以卵击石 13-9 13-21 13-33 山高水长 七窍生烟 作茧自缚 13-10 13-22 13-34 满载而归 破镜重圆 宽宏大量 13-11 13-23 13-35 花前月下 借酒浇愁 螳臂当车 13-12 13-24 13-36 月下老人 堆积如山 逆来顺受 13-13 13-25 13-37 14-1 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 不翼而飞 欲擒故纵 坐井观天 张牙舞爪 14-2 14-14 14-26 14-38 利欲熏心 一日千里 高枕无忧 饭来张口 14-3 14-15 14-27 14-39 见风使舵 正大光明 铁杵成针 一针见血 14-4 14-16 14-28 14-40 独具慧眼 平易近人 过河拆桥 金盆洗手 14-5 14-17 14-29 千钧一发 五颜六色 竹篮打水 14-6 14-18 14-30 苦尽甘来 车水马龙 狂风骤雨 14-7 14-19 14-31 历历在目 七情六欲 鼠目寸光 14-8 14-20 14-32 一心两用 上下其手 齐心协力 14-9 14-21 14-33 天下无双 点石成金 鸡飞蛋打 14-10 14-22 14-34 因小失大 水平如镜 冰天雪地 14-11 14-23 14-35 拖泥带水 枪林弹雨 心心相印 14-12 14-24 14-36 日上三竿 天马行空 酩酊大醉 14-13 14-25 14-37 15-1 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 百发百中 狼烟四起 立锥之地 三阳开泰 15-2 15-14 15-26 15-38 名噪一时 竭泽而渔 玉树临风 曲径通幽 15-3 15-15 15-27 15-39 旁门左道 万剑穿心 来日方长 坚贞不屈 15-4 15-16 15-28 15-40 高枕无忧 文过饰非 横行霸道 望洋兴叹 15-5 15-17 15-29 猪朋狗友 身无分文 秦晋之好 15-6 15-18 15-30 一毛不拔 福星高照 卑躬屈膝 15-7 15-19 15-31 大同小异 笨鸟先飞 认贼作父 15-8 15-20 15-32 薪火相传 扪心自问 谋财害命 15-9 15-21 15-33 魂不附体 回头是岸 龙生九子 15-10 15-22 15-34 成千上万 寒窗苦读 喜上眉梢 15-11 15-23 15-35 守口如瓶 负荆请罪 屈打成招 15-12 15-24 15-36 以卵击石 三头六臂 旁若无人 15-13 15-25 15-37 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the
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