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学雷锋讲故事 比赛学雷锋讲故事 比赛 学习雷锋叔叔的“钉子”精神 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好~ 我是来自实验小学二年级(5)班的韩涵。今天我演讲的题目是《学习雷锋叔叔的“钉子”精神》。 雷锋从小就非常勤奋刻苦,长大后他参军入伍,成为了一名普通汽车兵。因为汽车兵整天要开着车到处走,没有整块的时间坐下来学习,但雷锋并没有就此放弃勤奋读书的习惯,他总是千方百计抓紧点滴时间来学习。为此,他把书放在挎包里,随车带在身边。只要车一停,没有别的事,他就打开书看一阵。每天晚上出车回来,总要挤出一点时间学习,有时候熄灯睡觉了,他...

学雷锋讲故事 比赛
学雷锋讲故事 比赛 学习雷锋叔叔的“钉子”精神 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好~ 我是来自实验小学二年级(5)班的韩涵。今天我演讲的题目是《学习雷锋叔叔的“钉子”精神》。 雷锋从小就非常勤奋刻苦,长大后他参军入伍,成为了一名普通汽车兵。因为汽车兵整天要开着车到处走,没有整块的时间坐下来学习,但雷锋并没有就此放弃勤奋读书的习惯,他总是千方百计抓紧点滴时间来学习。为此,他把书放在挎包里,随车带在身边。只要车一停,没有别的事,他就打开书看一阵。每天晚上出车回来,总要挤出一点时间学习,有时候熄灯睡觉了,他还找地方去看书学习。 尽管这么忙,为了帮助更多的孩子,雷锋还担任了抚顺市某学校的校外辅导员。 一天,在抚顺的一家电影院里,电影还没开演,电影院里到处都有嘈杂的声音。这时,一个姓贾的小学生突然发现,前排座位上有个解放军叔叔正在聚精会神地看书,小贾非常奇怪:电影马上就要开演了,这位叔叔怎么还在看书呀, 出于好奇,小贾就伸头一看,原来看书的那个解放军就是就是雷锋叔叔。因为雷锋是小贾学习的校外辅导员,所以小贾认识雷锋,看到雷锋在这里看书,小贾好奇地问雷锋:“雷锋叔叔,电影就快开始放映了,就这么一点时间,你还看书啊,” 雷锋扭过头看了小贾一眼,和蔼地说:“时间短吗,你看,就这么一点时间我已经看了三、四页了。时间短,可是看一页算一页,积少成多嘛~学习,不抓紧时间不行啊~” 接着,雷锋问小贾:“你对学习抓得紧吗,” 小贾不好意思地答道:“不紧~” 雷锋亲切地说:“不抓紧可不好。你们在学校里学习,太幸福了。一定要认真地学。” 雷锋叔叔还曾经说过:“一块好好的木板,上面一个眼也没有,但钉子为什么能钉进去呢,这就是靠压力硬挤进去的,硬钻进去的。 钉子有两个长处:一个是挤劲,一个是钻劲。我们在学习上,也要提倡这种“钉子”精神,善于挤和善于钻。”雷锋叔叔在电影院抽时间看书的这个故事,不正好反映了雷锋“挤”和“钻”的那种“钉子”精神嘛。 在我以前的学习生活中,因为有偷懒的坏习惯,有时也会抱怨作业太多,没时间做完。听了雷锋叔叔的这个故事后,我大受启发,其实时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的,雷锋叔叔不就在电影即将开演的时候挤出了看书时间嘛~ 一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。我们现在就如早晨初升的太阳一样,正是学习的好时光。在我们积极学习雷锋助人为乐精神的同时,我们更应该学习雷锋的这种“钉子”精神,既要善于“挤”出时间,好好学习,又要勇于“钻”研难题,不断进步。只要这样,我们才能学好文化本领,才能在将来更好地报效祖国,服务社会。 谢谢大家~ 禽流感的审判 初中初一作文 来源:作文网 已经有0人读过 [在线字典]我要投稿 than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution 时间:x年y月z日 地点:ABC法院 原告:所有被禽流感感染的人及家禽 被告:禽流感病毒 主审法官:人 审判纪实: 法官(在审判席上法官严肃而有力地敲到着手上的钉锤): 肃静!肃静!审判禽流感正式开庭。请法警带着被告上场! (法警带着被告到被告席,听席座的人们都朝这个罪犯吐唾 沫,大家议论纷纷,有的痛哭流涕,指责禽流感害死了他的亲 人)。 法官(再次敲了一下钉锤):肃静!请原告陈述告被告的理 由。 原告(慷慨激昂):禽流感罪大恶极,它们分为高致病性、低致病性和非致病性。它们 的历史至少可以追溯到1878年,意大利一个地方机群大量死亡,人们还不了解,称为“鸡 ”。 瘟 (愤怒地看了被告一眼)1955年被证实是流感。1999年,英国 因爆发了禽流感,1300万只鸡被宰杀;2000年美国326万多只家 禽又被宰杀;2001年,在荷兰,又爆发了大规模的禽流感,这 次,被感染的不只是家禽,还有人类,80多人被感染,并且出 现了死亡。2003年12月随候鸟迁徙来到亚洲,千万只家禽被宰 杀,数十人死亡! (原告说得头头是道,被告不得不承认它所犯下的滔天罪行, 听席座的人啧嘴叹息) 法官(生气地):被告,你还有什么要说的吗? 被告(大放厥词又得意洋洋):你们人类现在还没有 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 治 疗,我最短的潜伏期仅有几小时,最长21天,由于还没有发病 就开始传染,你们人类很难发现我。 听席座(愤怒的):真是够狠!难道就没有方法制止你吗? 被告(哭丧着脸交待):其实,我也有弱点,人们把我放在56 摄氏度的温度下,我只能存活30分钟;在60摄氏度只能存活10 分钟;在摄氏70度就只能存活2分钟了。 一个原告(一脸疑惑):我住在偏远的山村里,与世隔绝,又 没和外界的人接触,你是怎么传染到我们这里来的? 法官(也很疑惑):对啊,你是怎么传染的?从实招来。 被告(阴阳怪气):嘿嘿,你们人类对我可是防不胜防,束手 than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution 无策。纳西,一只候鸟向南迁徙的时候排了一点粪便,正好落 在你们的鸡圈里,那粪便上有我的兄弟姐妹,你们当然就被传 染了。 (法官和其他审理人员交头接耳了一阵) 法官(正义地宣布):因你犯下的罪行,经法院全体人员通 过,把你放在100摄氏度的高温下执行枪刑! (被告有气无力的坐在被告席上,全无了刚才的神气劲儿。) 情流感病毒被带出了法庭,等待枪决,法庭上的所有人都欢呼起 初中生写关于h7n9禽流感的作文汇总 2013-04-17 17:02 来源:作文网 作者:桔梗 [ 标签: 禽流感 禽流感的作文 h7n9禽流感 ] 小编导语:h7n9,不是一个简单的字母与数字组成的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ;h7n9,是威胁到人类生命的一种病菌;h7n9,是禽流感的一种类型;h7n9,是出现在禽类之间的一种病毒;而当今h7n9禽流感,是威胁到人类的一种病菌;而当今的h7n9禽流感,在人类的身上发现;面对h7n9禽流感,我们可以做到的,更加注意自己的生活环境卫生与合理的饮食习惯。小编特别为你整理了关于h7n9禽流感的作文,一起 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 h7n9禽流感带给我们的警醒。同时,巨人作文网4月关于春天的有奖征文,大家也一定记得参与,积极投稿,赢取大奖~ h7n9禽流感的考验 病毒是一个很讨厌的东西,威胁着我们的健康甚至是生命,我们曾经历过非典,也曾经历过乙肝,现在的我们,正经历禽流感,它肆虐着,不留情面。 这次的禽流感的传染力比以往的非典还要强,我从资料上看到, 早在以前,禽流感就出现过,当时的禽流感也只是一般的流行性感冒,传染力也没有那么大,然而现在,禽流感再次出现了。另外还有一个现象:在野外的深山野林里,有禽流感的动物很少,几乎归零,而在城市里却会有这么多的动物有禽流感,经专家评论,发生这种情况是因为树林里的禽流感密度较分散,而城市的密度较密,传染的可能性也就强了。而且传染的可能性也这么强,than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution 这个难题人类要怎样解决呢, 我想,有了上次的非典经验,中国人民是不会再惧怕这些可恶的病毒了,我们已经有过了一次考验,就算来了第二次我们也不怕,还记得上回的非典吗,就是在那激烈的非典战争中,我们国家的忠诚的战士:叶欣阿姨被病魔夺去了生命。但最后,我们还是战胜了非典。我想在这次的战争的考验中,我们学会了什么是团结一心,我们也知道了团结一心有多么的重要。这次同样又出现了一种病例,我想这可能就是上帝考验我们的第二关吧~加油呀,尽管我还是一位小学生,我还不能为国家做出什么贡献,不过我认为我们可以保护好自己,让自己不会传染上禽流感,也许就是这样,国家就能少服务一个人,就可以为减轻0.1,的负担不是吗,我就是这样认为的,尽管是那么一点点,但是至少是有啊,这样总比没有好呀,是吗, 禽流感,又我我们的另一个考验吧,我们可以的,那样艰难的非典时期我们都经历过了,我们又在怕什么呢~让我们一起迎战禽流感吧~ 学生如何预防禽流感的作文大全 2013-04-16 17:19 来源:作文网 作者:桔梗 [ 标签: 禽流感 禽流感的作文 预防禽流感 ] 小编导语:禽流感来了,让我们有些恐慌;禽流感来了,它可以直接带走人的生命;禽流感来了,我们如何预防禽流感;对于禽流感的知识,大家了解到的又是多少,它其实是一种危害人类生命的存在。预防禽流感是我们可以做些什么,禽流感与我们卫生有关,禽流感与我们的健康有关,禽流感与我们的饮食有关,预防禽流感我们应该讲卫生,注重饮食,珍惜健康,小编特别为你整理了关于预防禽流感的作文,我们也期待你关于预防禽流感的作文。还有不要忘记,巨人作文网4月关于春天的有奖作文,参与征文,你将有机会赢取大奖~小编等着你的投稿。 专家教你如何预防H7N9禽流感 双语 预防禽流感珍惜健康 小编导语:预防禽流感的作文,一些病菌的入侵直接危害着我们的身体,影响着我们的健康,如今的禽流感就是非常严重的,一个动物的病菌就会直接关系到人类的生命。预防禽than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution 流感珍惜健康也是我们非常关心的问题。 更多关于禽流感的作文尽在巨人作文网。 “身体是革命的本钱”。身体健康是人最基本的,也是很难达到的目标。一些病菌的入侵直接危害着我们的身体,影响着我们的健康,如今的禽流感就是非常严重的,一个动物的病菌就会直接关系到人类的生命。预防禽流感珍惜健康也是我们非常关心的问题。 今天,你能开口说话,能用眼睛、耳朵、鼻子去感知身边的一切事物,能正常地用双腿行走,无病无痛……这些看起来是很轻而易举的,但是你是否想过这些却是极度重要且来之不易的,如果某一天你失去了,怎么办, 看到街上那些失明失聪、断手少腿的残疾人,你是否在想:幸好我没有像他们那样,你错了,生命充满意外,谁能保证你明天不会成为他们中的一员呢,那你又是否因此更加懂得珍惜健康呢, 著名残疾人女作家海伦?凯勒写了本书《假如给我三天光明》,三天啊~只是三天,可对于那些长期生活在黑暗无形的世界里的人来说,三天的光明该是如何的令人振奋,该是如何的难得, 人总是在40岁之前以健康换金钱,在40岁之后以金钱买健康,健康是买不到的~健康是唤不回的~健康是求不来的~ 健康只在于人们的珍惜、锻炼和保持。健康是人们享受各种权利,参加各种活动的前提、基本。没有健康的话,对于一切事物,谈何容易,~ 人们总是为了某些目的,就肆意花费自己的健康:大人们为了多赚点钱,总是熬夜工作把身体摧垮;学生们为了考得好成绩,无休止地看书做题,所以会得近视,常常生病发烧……但是当你纵使达到了目的,却无健康去享受,是否值得,当父母年老生病时,父母和你是否都急切期望他们的身体健康,当你患了某种痛疾,你是否千方百计地让自己恢复健康, 那就赶快行动起来,锻炼身体,让身心健康吧~要清楚意识到自己目前的健康状况是稍纵即逝的,明确健康是我们做任何事情的本钱,要懂得珍惜健康~ than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution
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