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二审答辩状终稿二审答辩状终稿 答 辩 状 答辩人:成都新成石化有限公司 所在地: 成都市金牛区沙河源街道陆家社区七组 法定代表人:张永 职务:董事长 答辩人与被答辩人廖贤兵劳动争议一案~针对被答辩人的诉讼请求及事实依据~答辩人提出答辩意见如下: 一、被答辩人要求支付解除劳动合同的经济补偿金没有法律依据。 众所周知~油料生产、运输行业是一个高度危险的特殊行业~它要求员工在操作上必须具有高度的责任心和安全意识~完完全全的按照操作规程进行操作~因为大家都知道:“隐患险于明火、防范胜于救灾、责任重于泰山”:这种行业一旦发生...

二审答辩状终稿 答 辩 状 答辩人:成都新成石化有限公司 所在地: 成都市金牛区沙河源街道陆家社区七组 法定代表人:张永 职务:董事长 答辩人与被答辩人廖贤兵劳动争议一案~针对被答辩人的诉讼请求及事实依据~答辩人提出答辩意见如下: 一、被答辩人要求支付解除劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的经济补偿金没有法律依据。 众所周知~油料生产、运输行业是一个高度危险的特殊行业~它要求员工在操作上必须具有高度的责任心和安全意识~完完全全的按照操作规程进行操作~因为大家都知道:“隐患险于明火、防范胜于救灾、责任重于泰山”:这种行业一旦发生安全事故~后果是不堪设想的。 正是基到上述原因~答辩人做为这样一个特殊的企业~为达到安全生产目标~每年均要安排安全生产教育~向员工灌输安全意识~培养员工的实际安全操作技能。被答辩人廖贤兵跟其他员工一样~自他2003年3月15日在答辩人处从事油料装卸工作开始~也接受了数次类似的教育和培训。但遗憾的是~就是这样一个在答辩人处工作了五年有余的老员工~在答辩人处发生了“5.27”、“6.5”重大安全隐患事件不久~即在答辩人三令五申按规操作的同时~廖贤兵仍顶风违规操作~在2008年7月19日凌晨0时20分~为赶进度~在未请示班长的情况下~擅自增开装车工艺1#鹤位~且在作业完毕后~没有按照to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 规程要求及时关闭1#鹤位装车工艺~导致装油罐帽口向外溢油~损失大量O#柴油~后经油库领导组织各方人力物力~采取各种措施回收落地柴油~仍有大量柴油无法回收而流入下水井~给单位造成数万元经济损失~这给安全生产带来了重大隐患~如此次事故不是被及时发现并制止~将会给答辩人及周围群众造成不可估量的安全事故:另外~由于被答辩人的严重违规行为~还严重污染了装卸处周围环境~答辩人为回收柴油~恢复环境原状~支出了大量的费用。 作为一名在此岗位上工作了五年多的老职工~廖贤兵应该具有牢固的安全意识和熟练的操作技能。应该懂得出现安全事故的具大危害~并应尽量防止事故的发生。但纵观此案~正是由于其的主观故意~才酿成了溢油事件的发生:其行为已严重违返答辩人处的规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。 《劳动合同法》第三十九条规定:“严重违返用人单位的规章制度的~用人单位可以解除劳动合同”。 公司与廖贤兵双方签订的《劳动合同》第九条也明确约定:“乙方,廖贤兵,严重违反劳动动或规章制度的~甲方,公司,可以即行解除劳动合同”。基于上述法律规定及合同约定~答辩人于2008年10月30日解除了与廖贤兵的劳动关系。此为答辩人正当行使解除权的行为~不符合《劳动合同法》第四十六条给付经济补偿的条件~故被答辩人要求支付解除劳动合同的经济补偿金的诉求不应得到支持。 二、被答辩人要求支付加班工资没有事实依据 1、被答辩人的诉讼请求超出了劳动争议诉讼时效。 《劳动争议调解仲裁法》第二十七条明确规定:劳动争议申请仲裁的时效为一年。仲裁时效期间从当事人知道或者应当知道其权利被 stallation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) cdistribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline in ) theneutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10 ality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase andeld quing to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of wage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after weldleak line may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipelinecarried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipe test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure2cumentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction projecter technical docorrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and oth-he device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), antito t (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected uction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) supportonstr 被侵害之日起计算。那么纵观本案~被答辩人自2003年便在新城石化工作~从其在新城石化工作开始~就知道其从事的装油工作的劳动时间~如其认为他加了班~单位应当支付加班工资~其应按照诉讼时效的规定~在一年内提出~但其提出仲裁申请是在今年9月4日~其诉讼请求是支付2003年始至今的加班工资~此表明~其诉讼请求已超出了时效~不受法律强制保护。 2、关于被答辩人的工作时间 实际上~被答辩执行的工作制度则是根据班组意愿及工作实际调整的二十四小时轮流负责制。即这二十四小时可能来的装卸工作由A班组负责~下二十四小时可能来的装卸工作由B班组负责~如来车~则调度室根据装车 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 负责的班组前来工作~如不来车或没有装车计划~则负责的班组成员也都在家休息。由于被答辩人在成都没有固定居所~一直住在答辩人处的集体宿舍~所以~在他所在的班组轮岗但没有装车时~他便在集体宿舍休息。 劳部发[1995]128号《关于陆上石油企业部分专业队伍实行不定时工作制和综合计算工时节作制的批复》明确规定了中国石油天然气总公司输油,汽,等生产队伍可以采取适当的工作轮班制度~而答辩人实行的正是根据此批复和实际情况制定的二十四小时轮流负责制~这实际上仅是一种各班组简单包干时间划分~其本质就是一种综合计时工作制。这二十四小时的负责时间~并不等同于工作时间~实际上在其二十四小时负责时间内~除开正式工作时间之外的时间~每名职工都不是在岗位待命~而是各回各家~自主支配时间。如果在负责时间内没有工作时~回家睡大觉也算为加班~给付加班工资的话~不知 distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline in ) theneutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10 ality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase andeld quing to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of wage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after weldleak line may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipelinecarried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipe test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure3cumentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction projecter technical docorrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and oth-he device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), antito t (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected uction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) supportonstrstallation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) c 道依据是哪部法律法规的规定 廖贤兵在提请仲裁要求支付加班工资后~答辩人也就班组另外~ 运行方式逐一征求员工意见~广大员工一致认为目前这种方式更能保证他们的休息时间和完成工作任务~不愿做出作息方式的改变。而且~新成公司有装油、化验、调度等各个班组各种倒班运行方式~到目前为止~也没有任何一名装油人员提出更换岗位以避免加班的要求。 三、被答辩人所称的罚款处罚明显属诉讼主体错误 由于对被答辩人的罚款处罚并非答辩人做出~且实际上并未履行~所以对被答辩人的此项诉求~答辩人不进行答辩。但是为了整案 的解决~答辩人做如下解释: 新成公司与廖贤兵双方签订的《劳动合同》第六条规定:新成公司制定的劳动纪律、规章制度作为合同附件~廖贤兵应当遵守~公司,包括公司的上级部门,有权依规章制度给予违规处罚。基于上述约定的处罚权力~结合上述违章事实及造成的损失程度~按《事件、事故管理程序》4.2.4.C条款及4.7.11条款规定~中国石油天然气股份公司西北销售分公司对廖贤兵做出处罚6000元、待岗3个月的处理决定~这是西北销售分公司人本着治病救人、惩前毖后的原则~依管理规章对其做出的处罚~处罚是合法合理、客观公正的~并无半点违法或处罚过重之嫌。在被答辩人给答辩人造成了如此严重损失的前提下~作为一名公司老职工~应勇敢承担应承担的责任~正确看待公司本着严格管理、惩前毖后的原则做出的处理决定~吸取教训~杜绝类似事故再次发生。但是~被答辩人并没有认识到这一点~而是多次纠缠领导~拒不执行对其的处罚。答辩人为正常运营~曾与被答辩人 ) theneutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10 ality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase andeld quing to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of wage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after weldleak line may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipelinecarried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipe test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure4cumentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction projecter technical docorrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and oth-he device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), antito t (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected uction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) supportonstrstallation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) cdistribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline in 协商并达成初步一至意见~即让其复工或发放至本年十一月份工资~处罚不再执行~双方解除劳动关系。就在双方即将签约之时~被答辩人突然转变态度~向仲裁委提出“天价赔偿争议诉讼”~不论这是否其自身本意~单就其诉求来说~可谓是“天真且有失水准的”~这不利于问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的解决~只会激化矛盾。 做为管理严格且承担着社会责任的国有企业~答辩人有诚意且愿意用务实的态度解决此纠纷。虽然被答辩人严重违返了单位规章制度~答辩人还是愿意给其重新上岗的机会。但是~我们绝不会接受没有事实依据及法律根据的“天价”索赔~因为~这是有悖法律和常理的。 在此~答辩人对审判员辛勤工作表示感谢~请求审判员驳回被答辩人的诉求。 以上意见~敬请参考: 此致 成都金牛区人民法院 四川新成石化公司 二OO九年元月十二日 5cumentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction projecter technical docorrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and oth-he device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), antito t (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected uction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) supportonstrstallation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) cdistribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline in ) theneutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10 ality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase andeld quing to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of wage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after weldleak line may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipelinecarried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipe test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure
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